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Aspects for the week beginning 13 March 2016

Nancy Reagan

Nancy Reagan, who died this week of congestive heart failure, has an interesting place in astrological history.  As wife of President Ronald Reagan, she apparently used the services of an Astrologer, Joan Quigley, after the attempted assassination of her husband, to keep him safe according to astrological timing.  Joan Quigley wrote in her autobiography: “Not since the days of the Roman emperors – and never in the history of the United States Presidencey – has an astrologer played such a significant role in the nation’s affairs of State.”

As a Cancerian, with no planets in Air signs, Nancy Reagan would have tended to operate from instinct.  Her Sun was conjunct Mars, so her protective instincts were helped by a strong Inner Warrior.  Uranus, the planet for Astrology, was well starred in her chart, forming a sextile to her Sun, and an exact trine with Pluto.  She was a forceful character, having a triple conjunction of Pluto, the Sun, and Mars.

Early Life and Marriage

Her parents are graphically shown in her chart.  Her mother was an actress (Nancy had Moon at 0 degrees Leo) and her father was a car dealer (Nancy’s Sun conjunct Mars).  Her childhood was very disrupted, her father leaving early in her life.  Her mother struggled as an actress, and Nancy was placed with relatives.

Nancy herself pursued an acting career (Moon in Leo in 10th House of Career) and through that met Ronald Reagan, himself an actor at that time.  They married on 4th March 1952, and it was to prove a long and strong marriage.  With late Sagittarius rising in his chart, all her Cancerian planets fall  into Reagan’s 7th House of Marriage, and the synastry is dominated by Jupiterian aspects.  Ronald Reagan’s Jupiter, his ability to be upbeat, was exactly trine Nancy’s Sun.  She returned the favour with her Jupiter exactly trine his Moon.  His North Node (karmic link) was exactly sextile her Sun.  Their Jupiters were exactly trine, so they brought out the best in each other.  Nancy’s Jupiter was exactly trine Ronald’s North Node (karmic rewards).  At their wedding, Jupiter was exactly sextile Ronald’s Sun, and Uranus was exactly trine Nancy’s natal Uranus (favourable change).  She commented: “My life began when I married Ronnie.”

In the White House

Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States on 4th November 1980, taking up office in January 1981.  Pluto by transit was exactly conjunct Nancy’s North Node, as she took up the greatest karmic challenge of her life.

She has been most hailed for her war on drugs campaign. Neptune (drugs) was exactly trine Chiron (healing) in her natal chart – her slogan “Just Say No!” still resonates powerfully.

Attempted Assassination

On 30th March 1981, John Hinckley Jr. shot Ronald Reagan, in an attempted assassination.  Mars was exactly conjunct the Sun on that day, a favourite aspect for would be assassins!  Reagan issued a humorous one-liner “Honey, I forgot to duck” (his natal Moon exactly opposite Jupiter cheerfulness).  Reagan of course survived, but this was to prove a defining event in more ways than one.  Nancy became fiercely protective, and sought to control his schedules.  At the time, Uranus (Change, and Astrology) was exactly trine her natal Moon (Daily Schedules, and Women) and Astrologer Joan Quigley was brought in to help her manage this aspect of her husband’s life.

Joan Quigley

At the time of the assassination which led to Joan Quigley being appointed as Astrologer by Nancy Reagan, transiting Uranus (Change) was exactly trine Quigley’s natal Uranus (Astrology), and transiting Neptune (her spiritual work) was exactly trine her natal Neptune.  Her time had come.  She had an astute brain (Mercury conjunct Jupiter) opposite a Virgo Ascendant (keen attention to detail), and her destiny might be seen in her Uranus square the Nodal Axis (a wide influence in terms of Astrology).  Her synastry with Nancy shows a strong bond:  her Uranus (Astrology) exactly trine Nancy’s Moon, her Pluto (power) exactly conjunct Nancy’s Sun and sextile exactly Nancy’s Jupiter, Nancy Saturn (discipline) exactly conjunct Joan’s Ascendant, and an empathy borne of an exact conjunction between Nancy’s Neptune and Joan’s Moon.   These two had worked together in past lives, I am sure, and their connected path was contracted pre-birth.  Reagan himself had a stormy relationship with Quigley: her Mars was exactly on his Pluto.  As her influence extended to diplomatic issues, I imagine he must have had a difficult time squaring her advice with his political staff, so as well as tension with Quigley, he may also have experienced internal conflict.

Ronald’s Alzheimer’s

Ronald Reagan’s condition of Alzheimer’s began to show around the time of his Uranus Return in 1994.  Neptune was squaring Nancy’s karmic Nodal Axis, and she began a 10 year stint of nursing him.  Alzheimer’s is perhaps too common a condition to ascribe a single natal aspect to, but his natal Mercury conjunct Uranus may have contributed to disrupted mental patterns, and this would make sense in terms of the condition starting around his Uranus Return.  As well as being a devoted carer to Ronald (4 planets and the Midheaven in Cancer), she was also mother of two.  With Uranus in 5th House of Children, she may have been more of a detached mother, however.  Having outlived her husband by 11 years, her physical body finally surrendered, under the stress of Pluto exactly opposite her Mercury and Neptune transiting her natal Uranus.  Both lived to a ripe old age: he was 93 when he died, and she was 94.


Tomorrow (14th) it is a fractious beginning to the working week, with two squares, but the week does get better!  Perhaps you are trying hard to complete some work and clear your desk for upcoming deadlines, but are faced by new issues cropping up.

We start with a square between Mercury and Saturn – if you are trying to get to grips with travel or paperwork, you’ll be held back by frustrating delays.

In addition, Venus squares Mars, so relationships won’t be easy, either.  Don’t try and sweet talk the business partner on the phone playing for time.  It’s not likely to work, as he or she will be facing the same glitches.

The next pair of aspects, on Tuesday (15th) continue the theme of communication and involve Mercury (so are very apt for Geminis and Virgoans).  First Mercury sextiles Pluto, and you may be able to make important headway in paperwork and communication where you had been stuck on Monday.  You can really get your point across to the business partner, who is really listening, or vice versa, especially if you make an early start.

A little later, the communication or work demands may get a little overbalanced, mushroomed or expanded, as Mercury opposes Jupiter.  Someone may take a joke too far.  The profound communication will still stand, but a small detail may rankle or have hit a nerve; the business may have become a little personal.  But overall, on the balance of the day, no real harm done.

Wednesday (16th) finds the big skittle in the middle of the week, and hopefully hits the mark.  Jupiter trines Pluto, which is a major aspect, and one under which much can be achieved.  The work you have done with the previous aspects should reap rewards, and the machinery starts to move.  It is a good day for big projects, especially involving ecology (Jupiter in Virgo) and power institutions (Pluto in Capricorn), and harnessing the power of society, not just for our private progress.

Thursday (17th) finds our third trio of paired aspects, again both involving Mercury (it is a busy week for Geminis and Virgos).  First, Mercury conjuncts Chiron, emphasizing health and healing, conventional and unconventional medicine combined.  A healing crisis may highlight this, but help may be close at hand if you focus.

Then Mercury conjuncts the North Node, and important karmic information may come to light, or surface through insight.  A messenger may appear in the form of a person, or an animal.

Next Week: Aries Animal Totems and Archetypes

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – delays and inappropriate overtures
  • Tuesday – communication satisfied and inappropriate laughter
  • Wednesday – a power day
  • Thursday – health and karma

Aspects for the week beginning 6 March 2016

Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch

Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch, who married on Friday and were blessed in a Church ceremony yesterday (at St. Brides, known as the “journalists’ Church”), would seem a bizarre pairing.  It might be intriguing to have a look at their synastry (astrological compatibility).  Is it a match made in heaven?

Jerry Hall

Birth Chart (No birthtime)

Statuesque blonde Jerry has  the Sun in Cancer and Moon in Aries.  She has 0 Earth Planets in her chart.  She has a very powerful Pluto, positioned exactly trine the Galactic Centre.  Jupiter conjuncts this Pluto, and Venus sextiles the conjunction, drawing her to powerful men, but she also has her own power.  Her Venus sextiles Jupiter, which brings up the Socialite Archetype.  In addition, she has Venus trine Neptune, associated with beauty and modelling (a Supermodel, no less).  She has Jupiter sextile closely her Neptune, so would be confident of her own spirituality and connection with the Universe.

Relationship History

She was associated with Roxy Music’s Bryan Ferry before she became involved with Mick Jagger.  Bryan Ferry had a karmic link with Jerry, having his natal Moon exactly conjunct her South Node in Gemini.  Bryan has a charismatic Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune conjunction in Libra.

Jerry was partnered with Mick Jagger for 22 years: the unofficial status of their wedding in Bali was used by Mick in the divorce wrangle – the ceremony does not make an impression on Jerry’s chart, but does have significance in Mick’s transits, though that is all water under the bridge now.  They had four children together, but his infidelity was the cited cause of the break up.

Mick Jagger is the Archetypal Performer with 5 of his 10 planets in Leo.  He has Jupiter conjunct closely Pluto, like Jerry: they were a power couple.  He was destined for success, with Uranus exactly trine his natal Midheaven (Careerpoint).   In their Synastry, with his Saturn on her Mercury, he may have undermined her mentally. Her Mars opposed his Venus (an attraction). Her Jupiter was conjunct his Chiron – she would have helped  him in his healing. Her Uranus was conjunct his Sun, a sparky and telepathic connection.

Rupert Murdoch

Birth Chart (has birthtime)

Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch has  the Sun in Pisces in 3rd House of Newspapers, with Mercury and I.C. also in that House.  His Sun is trine closely with Pluto, one marker of power.  He has a strong focus of Capricorn (Ambition and administrative ability) in his chart, with his Ascendant in that sign, Saturn in that sign in his 1st House, and the Sun closely sextile Saturn: a great deal of control in his make up.

His Moon is in Sagittarius unaspected, and in the 12th House, so there are some locked away emotions.

His North Node is conjunct Uranus in Aries in 4th House – suggesting that the empire of the mogul is part of his karmic mission.  He is quoted as saying he is a libertarian:  “What does libertarian mean? As much individual responsibility as possible, as little government as possible, as few rules as possible. But I’m not saying it should be taken to the absolute limit.”  This correlates with his Uranus/North Node karmic mission, but conflicts with his Saturnian need for control.

With his Part of Fortune in the 10th House of Career and Social Status, Murdoch is one of the richest and most powerful men in the world.  Tony Abbott, former prime minister of Australia is quoted as saying that Murdoch “arguably has had more impact on the wider world than any other living Australian.”

His Relationship History

With Jupiter, Pluto and Mars in his 7th House of Marriage, Rupert Murdoch has had 4 marriages, and 6 children.

His third wife, Wendi Deng, made her impression on the news when she threw a punch at an intruder at the phone hacking enquiry.  The intruder was attempting to throw a pie in Rupert’s face.  Mars was squaring Rupert’s Sun at the time (the danger of having a pie thrown in his face) and Wendi had Pluto squaring her Nodal Axis at the time, bringing about the drama.

Wendi has the entrepreneurial conjunct of Jupiter and Uranus exact in her chart.  She also has the Warrior Archetype (Sun closely sextile Mars).  She has a mixed set of interaspects with Rupert: on the plus side, her Sun trined exactly Rupert’s North Node, which is karmic, and they did have two children together.  However, her Pluto squared his Moon, which would have made emotional security difficult to attain within the relationship, for him.

The relationship between Wendi and Rupert unravelled partly due to his mistrust of her relationship with Tony Blair.  Certainly Wendi and Tony had an enthusiastic spark, with her Jupiter exactly trine Tony Blair’s Mars, but it is not known how much basis there was for Rupert’s anxiety.

Synastry of Jerry and Rupert

Is it Rupert’s Wealth, Status, Intelligence or Power that has drawn Jerry to him?  They are both water signs (Cancer and Pisces) which indicates an emotional connection.  Their Moons are trine in Fire Signs, furthering their emotional connection. Hall’s Sun sextiles Rupert’s Midheaven closely, so she can support him in the maintenance of his Empire.  His Venus sextiles exactly her North Node, giving them that karmic connection, old flames from a past life most likely. His Jupiter conjuncts exactly her natal Sun, so he will be good for her, too – it has been remarked that Jerry is very joyful in these early days of the relationship.  Their synastry is harmonious, and therefore transits would connect with them both harmoniously in life.

At the time they started dating on 25th October 2015 (it has all happened so fast) Venus was exactly conjunct Jupiter – an aspect I often cite as being conducive to romance.  Neptune was squaring her North Node exactly, bringing the allure of glamour as a Piscean fatefully entered her life.  Mars squared Rupert’s natal Pluto, so the connection would have hit him forcibly. With some significant squares in his transit, he could have been going through a difficult time.  But Chiron trine his Pluto was bringing in some psychological healing.

At the time of their wedding, Neptune is trine her Sun, a sense of peace for her.  Jupiter is sextile his natal Pluto – all power to his elbow: she will probably be good for him.  There is still some mental stress, with Saturn square his Mercury, but Saturn also trines his North Node giving him some karmic stability.  Neptune also trines his natal Jupiter, which is a religious or spiritual experience for him.

Is there a Higher Purpose to the Relationship? Will she have a good influence on him?  His reputation is not of the best.  As a Cancerian, she would have strong family values and bring the essence of the feminine to his life.  The feminine qualities may not have been easily absorbed in his life, with an unaspected Moon and unaspected Venus, and she may be able to provide this chemistry. Although Jerry is not known for altruism or humanitarianism, she may have both.  They will be good for each other, but it would be good to think their influence on the world may be more beneficial as a result of their new found happiness.  They both have Chiron in 5th House which now that their childrearing days are over, has the potential of creativity with a healing purpose.  The relationship may raise their game.


Happy Mother’s Day!

All the aspects occur in the morning this week (in the U.K.), and so they can define the day.  Some are in the early hours, and may influence your dream life.

Mars entered Sagittarius in the early hours of this morning, and its energy and aggression can become positive, constructive and off beat in this sign.  We may feel we have a cause, a purpose, and something to work towards.

We also have the Sun square Saturn today, which may be a heavier influence, and even the sound of defeatism, battling the go ahead influence of Mars entering Sagittarius.  You get to choose!  Those on the upside of the battle may be able to inspire the defeated.

Tomorrow (Monday 7th) the Sun sextiles Pluto, and we have much more steel to perform our tasks.  We have a deep conviction about what we do, which helps further our path this week.

The Sun opposes Jupiter on Tuesday (8th) which gives way to a lighter mood, almost frivolous.  Maybe we need a break from our serious purposes, but Jupiter in opposition to the Sun may go too much the other way, and make light of  something sacred.  Try to keep a balance.

On Wednesday (9th), in the early hours, there is a New Moon and Eclipse at 18 degrees Pisces.  You need to honour your emotions on that day, and give them voice.  Emotional clarity is the aim.  As it is an eclipse, there may be some fear in the collective unconscious.  Try to erase the fear, but also entertain the possibility that a surrender may be required.  The effects of eclipses can take up to six months to manifest.  The oceans of the world are a good meditational focus for the New Moon in Pisces, and supporting any compassionate or charitable movements and efforts.

Friday (11th) brings a conjunction between Mercury and Neptune at 9 degrees Pisces, ensuring that the element of water is still on our minds.  There is the potential for inspiration, but also the potential for self-deception.  Some of the same issues which were current on Wednesday may still be part of your working curriculum, so if you are making headway on Wednesday you could still be on a roll on Friday.  And if you are staying the pace, it is a good day for listening…the messages you hear with your inner ear will take you even further.

Venus enters Pisces on Saturday (12th), which can be an expression of the highest love and Oneness. It is a time conducive to practising unconditional love. It stays in this sign until 5th April.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Early oomph, but some working against the grain
  • Tomorrow – deep work
  • Tuesday – levity
  • Wednesday – turning point
  • Friday – mental sensitivity
  • Saturday – unconditional love

Aspects for the week beginning 28 February 2016

“The Tory benches roared their approval and proceedings were halted while Dave lapped up the applause; it isn’t often he scores an outright winner.  He ran the length of the chamber with his arms outstretched, before kicking over the corner flag and sliding to his knees in front of the main entrance to the commons.”

~ John Crace, The Guardian

European Union Deal and Referendum

First Week

A week is a long time in politics.  And four months is a long time to contemplate and debate whether we should be in or out of the European Union, but the gloves are off in the Conservative Party, and the starting gun has been fired for the In-Out battle.  I will attempt to portray all sides of the issue, but have to nail my colours to the mast at the outset: I have always been pro-Europe (though not pro-Euro), for the same reasons that I wanted to keep the Union of Scotland and England together.  As a spiritual principle (and astrologically as a Venusian) I see it as a higher evolutionary way to strive to achieve union, cohesion, inclusiveness, and global peace.  But some of my best friends, and even my mother and mother-in-law want to be out of Europe, and give good reasons for their views.  So the next four months will be filled with interesting conversations.  Project Fear, or Scaremongering, seems to be the main tool of argument on both sides at the moment.  In the country it looks as though the referendum will be close, though polls nearer the time may reveal or conceal more.  Currently the Conservative Party are as much at odds about this issue, as the Labour Party are at odds over Trident.  And there’s a curious mix-and-match quality to politics at the moment, with David Cameron’s hope for Europe being in line with the majority of Labour MPs.  But it is our vote that counts…In my account of the last week, I hope you will find voices from all sides of the argument.

Friday 19th February

Dave’s Deal

Libran David Cameron in his negotiating role finalized his deal with the other EU members on Friday evening, 19th February, and immediately hailed it as a great achievement.  From the view of his birthchart, it was a positive event: Jupiter from Virgo in his natal 12th House of Unconscious was exactly sextile his natal Neptune in Scorpio in his natal 2nd House of Finance, and Saturn from Sagittarius in his natal 3rd House of Communication was exactly sextile his natal Sun in Libra in his 1st House of Personal Achievement.  He had done his best, and he had done what he set out to do.  The deal looks safe but superficial, harmless enough, and face-saving all round.

The impact of the event on the U.K. natal chart is mixed: Saturn sits on the natal Sun/Mercury, so it is about laying down boundaries.  Mars trines the Moon, so there is much heat of emotion around the event.  Neptune is trine the U.K. Jupiter, so some spiritual freedom is gained.  But then it gets complicated: Uranus opposes its natal Saturn, so there is a tearing apart (of opinion).  Neptune conjuncts its Uranus, causing great complication.  Uranus trines its natal Neptune, concentrating the spirit of the nation on the focus of what changes need to be made. And lastly, Neptune squares the U.K. natal Ascendant: confusion reigns.

The impact of the event on the Conservative Party seems more upbeat astrologically than the political picture looks: Jupiter sextiles its Sun, and Chiron trines its Sun.  The chart is set for noon, and if the foundation of the Party took place at noon, the Ascendant would have been rocked by a square from Uranus.

Saturn sextiles the Venus of the European Union chart at this time, so a testing time but constructive in relationships.

Saturday 20th February

The Opposition Within

Michael Gove, Iain Duncan Smith, and Chris Grayling were waiting in the wings almost immediately to declare their commitment to a Brexit.  Are there, I wonder, any Sun sign patterns which make European membership more appealing to some people than others?  I will endeavour to find out.  The results of my survey have been posted in an earlier blog this morning.

For Virgoan Gove, this event will have been anticipated with relish: Jupiter was sextile his natal Mars, Chiron was trine his natal Mars, Mars was sextile his natal Uranus and the North Node was crossing his natal Uranus (time for change, his karmic barometer told him). He declares Britain would be “freer, fairer and better off outside the EU“.  His wife Sarah Vine, writing in the Daily Mail, revealed it was an agonizing decision for him to go against his friend David Cameron, but his transits at the moment are quite ebullient.

Aries Iain Duncan Smith was up for a fight, with Mars trine his Mercury.  His immediate statements were directly out of the textbook of Project Fear.  He thinks that staying in the EU exposes Britain to more terrorism. David Cameron in contrast claims that EU membership is necessary to fight terrorism.

Aries Chris Grayling, however, is feeling blocked and frustrated, with Saturn squaring his natal Mars.  He says that the EU is disastrous for Britain.  Grayling urged a “careful, considered and mature  approach in the debate” and expressed concern about the state of friendships after the referendum.  He may have been expressing the fear and anxiety around his transit.

Sunday 21st February

Referendum Date, and Boris enters the fray

David Cameron declared the date of the referendum to be 23rd June 2016.  How does the picture look for that day?  Very late the night before Mercury squares Jupiter, so excitement will be high!  So will information overload.  On the following day, there is a fortuitous conjunction between the Mean North Node and Jupiter in Virgo, which may mean the right decision will be made karmically (whatever that is).

Mars will be trine David Cameron’s Chiron: his desire to heal the nation will be fired up!  Do his opponents’ transits reveal what the fates have in store?

Michael Gove will have Saturn trine his Saturn (stability) and Mars sextile his Uranus (excitement), so he will take the result well.

Iain Duncan Smith will have Mars squaring his Pluto, and may feel crushed to the point of being ready for a career change.

Grayling will be philosophical, with Jupiter opposite his Mars, and Saturn trine his Sun.

On the day of the referendum, the U.K. chart receives a trine from Saturn to its natal Chiron (Cameron fixing broken Britain?) and Jupiter squaring its natal Mercury (again, information overload).

Saturn trines the European Union chart Uranus on the day of the referendum, which implies to me that “plus ca change, plus la meme chose”!  Seriously, it implies that a proposed change may be averted.


Boris Johnson, or Bojo as he is now known, decided to tantalize his fans by leaving some time for the matter to simmer before making his theatrical declaration of being for a Brexit, and chose Sunday (when people might be more receptive?).  At the time of the deal, Geminian Boris declared he was confused and undecided.  But Uranus was sextile his natal Mercury, indicating more that he was excited by an opportunity, I would have thought, and waiting for the right moment to spring it on the public.  He lends colour to the tired trio of Gove, Duncan Smith and Grayling, and with a new haircut to make him look less like Donald Trump, he heads the group.  The media speculate whether his move is designed to put him on a better footing for leading the country, but he must know it is a gamble either way.  Sarah Helm in the Guardian yesterday was adamant that his decision was “ruthless calculation”.

So fast forward to 23rd June, and what do his prospects look like?  Astrologically, quite good, actually: Jupiter/North Node trine his Jupiter, and Pluto trines his Jupiter, forming a Grand Trine.  Moreover, Jupiter/North Node sextile his natal Neptune.  His personal standing looks good, but Saturn squares his natal Pluto and Neptune opposes his natal Pluto, so something is bothering him, at the same time.

Is it all in the timing?

Boris texted Dave at 4.40 pm with his decision, minutes before declaring to the media.  Was Dave even looking at his phone at the time, I wonder?  Was there possibly an astrological reason for this exact timing?  At the time of his text, perhaps not quite so important to him, the Ascendant was 25 degrees Leo, which does not especially impact his chart, but by the time he was facing the cameras for the showbiz opportunity (Leo rising) the Ascendant was 27 degrees Leo, exactly sextile his natal Moon in Libra.

Dave’s response was: “I have no other agenda than what is best for our country”.

Monday 22nd February

They have their say in Parliament

The M.Ps had their chance to stand up and declare their views in Parliament.  One of those was Geminian Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, whose words resonated with my own views:

“In the 21st century we as a country, as a continent and as a human race face huge challenges:

How to tackle climate change. How to address the overweening power of global corporations and ensure they pay fair taxes. About how to tackle cyber-crime and terrorism. About how we trade fairly and protect jobs and pay in an era of globalisation. How we address the causes of the huge refugee movements across the world. How we adapt to a world where people of all countries move more frequently to live, work and retire..

All of these issues are serious and pressing, and self-evidently require international co-operation. The European Union will be a vital part of how we, as a country, meet these challenges.”

Since he was elected Leader last September, the media have focussed on the divisions within the Labour Party.  Curiously, the Labour Party is not so divided on the issue of the European Union.

His personal transits on 23rd June are not memorable; but he is on the same side of the issue as David Cameron.  The Nodal Axis squares Jeremy’s natal Mercury, Jupiter squares his natal Venus, and Saturn sextiles his natal Neptune (he may feel both tension and relief).

214 of Labour’s 231 MPs want to stay in the EU.  The Labour Party is experiencing positive changes at the moment, according to the Astrology, with Uranus sextile its Sun and trine its North Node.  At the time of the referendum, transits to the Labour Party chart are mixed and confused, though.

Tuesday 23rd February

The Opposition Within

Nadine Dorries MP (an Outer) called for David Cameron to resign if the referendum result is for Britain to leave the EU.  David Cameron’s transits for 23rd June would make this resignation  unlikely.

Wednesday 24th February

Legal Query and A Diversion

Michael Gove tried to imply the European deal was not legally watertight, and could be overturned by a European Court.  That day he was feeling brave, with the Chiron trine to his natal Mars exact.  I think he has underlying emotional issues with Dave who removed him from the prestigious top Education job as he was so unpopular.  These two best buddies have a close relationship, but a wild exaggerated karma with Michael Gove’s Nodal Axis exactly square Dave’s Jupiter: Michael Gove was essential to David’s success, but only up to a point, beyond which the friendship became an embarrassment.

A diversion from Europe at Prime Minister’s Questions in Parliament.  The Junior Doctors’ association had arranged more strikes, and Jeremy Corbyn brought up the subject.  David Cameron made a jibe about Jeremy Corbyn’s dress sense (including an instruction to do up his tie), and Jeremy Corbyn responded by reminding him that what mattered was the NHS.  Description of the week goes to John Crace of the Guardian, whose tongue in cheek word picture (heading this blog) captured David Cameron’s inelegant cock-a-hoop reaction to his own vicious attack.  A digression, I know, but this week has been all about Dave, and this image is indelibly etched on my sensibilities.

Thursday 25th February

More Scaremongering

On Thursday, both sides seized upon migrant numbers.  It is true that the issue of migrants and refugees is concerning to many of our population, and there is much divergence of opinion about policy and its relation to the consequences of staying or leaving Europe.

Keeping up the fear pressure, Dave warned workers that Brexit would put their jobs in danger.

Friday 26th February

Spotlight on Howard and Osborne; Dave’s fury

Michael Howard declared he was for Brexit, in a Daily Telegraph article.  He it was who was described as having “something of the night” about him, by Ann Widdecombe, many years ago, when he was Home Secretary.  That “something of the night” was his Sun in Cancer, Moon rulership, because Cancerians are often Night Owls…

“I have not reached this conclusion without much heart searching” he revealed. Neptune was square his Jupiter, therefore he was indeed more genuinely confused than Boris (astrologically speaking).  The confusion is spiritual.

But his words in the Daily Telegraph are not confused:

Referring to Dave’s deal he stated “It is not his fault that those efforts met with failure. It is the fault of those EU leaders so mesmerised by their outdated ambition to create a country called Europe that they cannot contemplate any loosening of the ties which bind member states.” He said the U.K. should have self belief and national self confidence.

George Osborne warned this was not the time economically to risk coming out of Europe, and Laura Kuenssberg interviewing him in Shanghai asked him why then they had advocated a referendum.


It was also revealed that David Cameron railed at Boris Johnson even before the deal had been done, and this morning’s news (Sunday) actually revealed that a swear word was used.  It is worth looking at the relationship between Dave and Boris which goes right back to Etonian schooldays.  They may well be part of the same Soul group (members of which are often here to test each other).  They have strong ties in their charts, with positive links between their Air planets, but the most contentious is Dave’s Pluto exactly square Boris’ Mercury: Boris’ arguments bring out Dave’s deepest emotions.

Saturday 27th February

More Counterarguments

Michael Howard’s contention that an OUT vote by Britons would force EU leaders to renegotiate was sharply rebutted by David Cameron.

George Osborne came under criticism for linking our economic future to the issue of the possible break from the EU (as if it could be irrelevant?).  He is reported to have said that leaving would bring about “a profound economic shock.”

Natalie Noguayrede writing in the Guardian yesterday reminded us of the need to keep working for consensus:  Talking about the refugee crisis, she explained “This is what happens when Europeans start giving up on working towards consensus: what you get is chaos, and nobody gets closer to finding solutions.”

Sunday 28th February

Iain Duncan Smith was interviewed by Andrew Marr this morning, and tried to redress the negative emphasis of this week’s campaigning, promoting himself as an optimist about Britain’s chances of making it alone after leaving Europe. “Britain is a great country”, he asserted. Angela Eagle (for Labour) on the same couch argued that she too was optimistic about Britain’s strength within the EU.

Alan Johnston, representing the In Campaign for Labour, appeared on Andrew Neil’s Sunday Politics television show this morning.  He made some good points: That currently we pay no tariffs to export into Europe; that within Europe we have established protection for workers, consumers and the environment; that we would lose a lot of the good will from Europe “if we wrench ourselves away”, and that we have the best of both worlds if we stay.

Alan Johnston is a Taurean, with his Sun closely allied to the Pleiades.  He came across as committed, well-informed and confident.  The Labour/In Campaign is safe in his hands.  He was also interviewed, without a tie, in yesterday’s Guardian: “I’m as much on the frontline as I want to be, and it’s an issue I really care about.  I was asked to do it, but I thought it would be difficult to stay out of the fight on this.”

Nigel Farage

I should of course have started this blog with Aries Nigel Farage, for it was fear of Farage and UKIP which originally drove David Cameron to set himself the task of renegotiation and referendum.  So Dave’s Deal was the starting gun which Nigel has been dreaming of, the chance to get out of Europe.  At the time of the deal, Pluto was exactly sextile Nigel’s Neptune, a really Big Deal in his life.  Nigel says our membership of the EU is “seriously imperilling our security”.  When the dust has settled on the referendum, Nigel may no longer have such a compelling role in U.K. politics.  So this is an important occasion for him.

On 23rd June, like Boris, Saturn squares his natal Pluto and Neptune opposes his natal Pluto and there may be some sadness involved.  But Pluto will still be sextile his natal Neptune and the North Node will be sextile his Neptune too, so he will be at peace with his own mission, win or lose.  He won’t have any regrets.

The Guardian warns that if we vote to stay in: “UKIP may well die and be replaced by a new more populist right wing party under a different leadership”.  What started out as BNP and National Front could morph again…

I promise not to write again about this subject next week.  In the meantime, do share your views under comments, so that those of us who are trying to make up our minds can fairly hear both sides of the argument.


 The Sun is conjunct Neptune today.  Confused?  You will be…lost among the various arguments, loyalties and disloyalties of the current European debate.  Depending on where this conjunction falls in  your chart (9 degrees Pisces) you may feel a sense of overwhelm, your mind beset by a cloud of vague impressions.  The fog may start to clear after 15.47 Hrs in the U.K., which is the time of the conjunction.

In the early hours of Tuesday (1st March) Venus sextiles Saturn, so you may be clear and have a sense of reality at least about where you stand with your relationship(s), and how you actually feel.  Those of you girls who took the opportunity to propose the day before, on the extra day of the leap year, will certainly know where you stand!  If the answer was no, you might feel a sense of relief, if you had been pressured into the gesture by the leap day.

In the early hours of Thursday (3rd) you may have a change of heart, with Venus sextile Uranus.  Those of you who were turned down may suddenly have a brainwave, or heartwave, and decide to give it another try, and not to take no or yes for an answer!  The rest of us may feel a sense of liberation in relationships, e.g. partners may be more allowing of departure from existing patterns.  You might change your regular coffee bar for a more exciting venue, for instance.  If romance is not your priority, you may come upon new money-making schemes or new artistic pathways.

In the early hours of Saturday (5th) morning – we may all be Night Owls this week – we could be a little irritable or ratty (possibly from having stayed up a few nights to catch the aspects) with a square between Mars and Mercury.  Communications are not likely to be smooth (sorry for the scaremongering), words may be hastily said over the breakfast table (visualize marmalade on toast, croissants, or porridge here), and your cycling trip may be marred by a puncture.  Don’t expect a smooth ride.

By mid-morning there is a definite change of vibe, as Mercury enters Pisces.  You might have been zipping along, on your bike, providing the tyre didn’t puncture, and suddenly you see an engaging picturesque vista, such as a clear mountain lake, and dismount.  You could be lost in a rapturous gaze timelessly…

Well, what a weekend that may turn out to be!  You start the week, as you finish it, all warm and fuzzy, or at least fuzzy.  There may be some warmth over the issue of the bicycle puncture, or words uttered in haste at the beginning of the day.  But the dreamer in you will be coming out to play on Saturday, and who knows where that might lead…?

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – dreams and illusions
  • Tuesday – commitment and loyalty
  • Thursday – new relationships or feelings
  • Saturday – minor incidents, then a blurring of focus


If you would like to take a look at my interesting analysis of the voting inclinations of the Sun signs, please read my blog below


Europe – In or Out by Zodiac Sign

Europe – MPs analysis

In this, the first of two blogs on the subject of the European Referendum today, I surveyed a random sample of the Sun Signs of 88 MPs, 44 of whom were for Brexit, and 44 were for staying in, to see what the Sun Sign leanings were.  I found the results very interesting from more than one angle.  Does your opinion match your sign?


Aries MPs tended to be for Brexit.  This may be because Aries is the main sign of warriorship, and they like to have a cause.  Other warrior or activist signs also tended to favour Brexit.  8 out of the total sample of MPs were Aries, slightly above average; and 6 out of this sample favoured leaving Europe.  Capricorn is the sign most usually associated with politics, but Aries people like to put themselves out there!

Examples: Chris Grayling, Priti Patel, Iain Duncan Smith – Conservatives OUT

Heidi Alexander – Labour IN

Nigel Farage – UKIP OUT


The Taurean sample was split equally among the INs and OUTs, perhaps what you might expect from the sample by the law of averages.  A sample of 6 Taurean MPs were taken, slightly under average.  You would expect a sample of Taurean politicians to be less than average, as Taureans tend to take a supportive role.  This may be unconsciously why the leader of the IN campaign for Labour, Alan Johnston, did not want the top job.  But, he says, he is happy to lead the campaign, as he feels passionately about the issue.

Examples: Justine Greening – Conservatives IN

Alan Johnston – Labour IN


The sample of Gemini MPs was 8, slightly above average.  6 were on the Brexit side, and 2 for staying in, i.e. even more in favour of getting out than the Aries sample.  Geminis are an intelligent bunch, and will be interested in the debate of the issue, the ins and outs of the argument.  Debate would be one facet of politics which would draw Geminis to this world.

Examples: Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg, John Redwood, Nadine Dorries OUT

Jeremy Corbyn – Labour IN

Kate Hoey – Labour OUT


There were 7 in the sample of Cancerian MPs, virtually an average sample size.  Cancerians tended to favour Brexit, to the tune of 5 to 2.  It is easy to see why they might, for Cancerians are very patriotic, protective and cosily island-loving!  What is fascinating about this sample is that all 3 Labour MPs were pro-Brexit.  When you consider that only 7 MPs are down for the OUT count, that is nearly half their number – way, way over average.

Examples: Kenneth Clarke – Conservative IN

Michael Howard – Conservative OUT

Frank Field, Khalid Mahmood and Rodger Godsiff – Labour OUT

Nicola Sturgeon – SNP IN


The sample for Leo was 10, way above average.  Leo is a sign of Leadership, and that may be what draws them to politics.  5 out of the 10 polled to exit Europe, exactly half, so I could not say they are particularly inclined one way or the other.  Leos may feel secure in their own sovreignty, and it may not be such an issue for them.

Examples: Liz Truss and Amber Rudd – Conservative IN

George Galloway – Respect OUT


A high proportion of my sample, 14, were Virgoans.  This is surprising, as Virgos are usually more retiring, though they are conscientious and analytical.  You associate Virgo more with the profession of Civil Servant, or health worker.  Only 4 of this sample favoured Brexit, which is much less than average.  Virgos tend to be cautious and favour the status quo, and this may be the reason.

Examples: Michael Gove – Conservative OUT

 Nicky Morgan – Conservative IN

Kezia Dugdale, Jess Phillips and Ben Bradshaw – Labour IN


Libra, the polar opposite of Aries, tended to favour the status quo in my sample, i.e. staying in.  Librans are negotiators, and prefer not to rock the boat.  This sample was 9 in number, just over average, and only two of this number were for exiting.

Example: David Cameron and Theresa May – Conservative IN

Sadiq Khan, Diane Abbott and Chuka Umunna – Labour IN


This sample was 6, just under average.  But the consensus among this group was for Brexit, which may reflect the warriorship reputation of this sign (second only to Aries).  Two thirds (i.e. four) would like to leave the EU.

Example: Jeremy Hunt – Conservative IN


Again, this was a small sample of 6, but the majority wanted to stay in: 5 out of the 6.  This may be because Sagittarians tend to think globally and expansively, and don’t like to feel confined.

Examples: Philip Hammond and Sajid Javid – Conservative IN

Hilary Benn – Labour IN

Gisela Stuart – OUT

Caroline Lucas – Green Party IN


The Capricorn sample was again 6, and like Sagittarius, overwhelmingly for staying in (5).  Capricorns tend to like to uphold the status quo, and also take the safe option.  In this sample there was only one Conservative (Zac Goldsmith) to 5 Labour MPs (who all lean towards staying in).  Goldsmith goes against the “grain” of this sign, and part of that reason may be that wanting to get out of Europe is in his DNA (his father James Goldsmith having been a foremost exponent of leaving), so some of his motive may be family loyalty.  Caroline Lucas has been on record as saying that his stance runs counter to his ecological activism, as staying in Europe benefits working for climate change.

Example: Zac Goldsmith – Conservative OUT

Margaret Beckett and Andy Burnham – Labour IN


The Aquarian sample is small (5), but they are unanimously for going out!  Reminds me of the old sitcom union saying “Everybody Out!” (very Aquarian).  Aquarians of course are activists for change, and may have the best vision of what it might be like to be out.  No quibbling here: they are black and white in their views, and they are the only sign, in my sample, to be all of one mind.


Stewart Jackson – Conservative OUT

Graham Stringer – Labour OUT


Pisces was the smallest sample of them all (2), way, way below average.  You could expect that if you see the stereotype of Pisces as being the shy, retiring, and unworldly type.  Maybe they have other fish to fry than politicking.  Pisces were split exactly equal 1:1.

Examples: Theresa Villiers – Conservative OUT    

Rushanara Ali – Labour IN

Aspects for the week beginning 21 February 2016

Piscean Animal Totems and Archetypes

The Sun entered Pisces on Friday morning, 19th February 2016 at 5.34 a.m. in the U.K.  This is the tenth in the series where I look at some of the animal totems and Archetypes for the various signs. Do you, or someone close to you, have Sun, Ascendant or Moon in Pisces?

You’ll find a preponderance of sea creatures here, with which to immerse yourself.  If,  like me, you have one planet or less in the water element, you may need to take regular breaks as you read it!  I once met someone who had so many planets in water that I felt I was drowning, and could not hold a conversation with them until another two years had passed.  This blog promises to be as convoluted as the Piscean psyche and the currents of the ocean…


The traditional symbol for Pisces is that of two fish swimming in opposite directions, connected by a cord.  This symbol has, over the centuries, given rise to an overwhelming number of interpretations.  Without wishing to sound overly sentimental or romantic, I see the fish as eternally searching for each other.  But there are so many spiritual meanings, layers and levels of meaning available.  A sensible option is that of Alice Bailey, as expounded in “Esoteric Astrology”: “One fish stands for the soul and the other for the personality or form nature, and between them is to be found the ‘thread or sutratma,’ the silver cord which keeps them bound to each other throughout the cycle of manifested life.” ~ a good, solid, dependable definition!

The fish of course is a symbol for Christ, who is associated with this sign, through for instance fostering the fishers of men, the miracle of the loaves and fishes.


Chris Griscom in her book makes much of the human potential to evolve along the lines of the Whale: “Whales have exactly the same brain as we, except seven times larger.  They have made the catapultic leap into holographic thought.  Whereas we are caught in our linearity, they use sound as the medium of holographic consciousness and are thus able to digest immense quantities of information simultaneously.”  Her book “Ecstasy is a New Frequency” implies that we have the potential to use our whole brain.

Nicky Scully refers to the Whale in the context of a journey to “Sonic Initiation”, while Jamie Sams and David Carson inform us that: “Whale medicine people are coded in their DNA to understand that sound frequencies can bring up records in the memories of  ancient knowledge.”


Olivia de Bergerac

Without apology, I would like to draw heavily on a book by Olivia de Bergerac, a lady who has worked intensively with dolphins.  She was brought up in France, but has made her home in Australia, where she runs dolphin workshops.  Her book “The Dolphin Within” describes “a new psychology of human potential based on a dolphin model”.  Her birth chart shows the South Node (past life patterns) in Pisces trine exactly Neptune (god of the Sea).

Together with her partner William and colleague Constant Behrens, Olivia developed a model or matrix of human potential.  This is based on four personality types: the Turtle, the Shark, the Seahorse and the Dolphin.


 In aborigine legend and other ancient cultures, Turtle holds a fundamental role basically as Mother Earth.  In the very first regression I carried out with my friend Sandy Colyer in Watford in 1990, the Turtle came up for our Piscean client.  The turtle is a sea creature, but lays its eggs on the sand, so Turtle can be a totem for someone who is predominantly Piscean but has the polarity with Virgo, or has features such as the Ascendant or Moon in Taurus.

Ted Andrews writes of the turtle: “Turtles have amazing survival skills and strategies.  They hear well.  Actually, they sense vibrations in the water through their skin and shell.  Turtles are also able to distinguish some colours, and they do have a sense of smell.”

In Olivia de Bergerac’s system what she calls Human Turtles: “look for stability and security.  Physical and emotional comfort is important to them.  In return for security and comfort, they give application, obedience, conformity, adherence and compliance.  They follow with approval rather than pursue with passion.  They also have the capacity for knowing how to truly serve, in the devotional sense.”


You may not feel Shark belongs here in Pisces, at least not without a touch of Scorpio or Capricorn, or even Leo.  But Shark is nevertheless a sea creature, and according to Olivia de Bergerac, much maligned, e.g. from the film “Jaws”.  According to Nicholas J. Saunders “Traditional societies living near shark-infested waters show less hysterical, better informed attitudes than inlanders, but still call on supernatural powers for protection.”

Olivia de Bergerac paints a competitive picture of the Human Shark: “A permanent hunger haunts human sharks, and drives their behaviour. Their self-interest, based on the fundamental mechanisms of survival, leads them to a drive for consumption, materialism and competitiveness.  Human sharks want to be number one. They bed to succeed, and they believe they can succeed. They like to be in control, to conquer. They have a ‘just do it’ philosophy’. They want action, and they want it now.”  I recommend reading her book for a fuller and more intricate picture of Shark.


The Seahorse makes especial sense for Pisces, if you regard it as linked with Jupiter, the old ruler of Pisces, which is associated with the sign of Sagittarius the Centaur.

Olivia de Bergerac explains the nature of the Human Seahorse thus:

 “Human seahorses have a deep need to express themselves, to preserve their individuality, to stand out, to differentiate themselves from the norm to the extent of appearing eccentric.  They have the capacity to receive higher inspiration.  Thus they are often creative, and they like to play with myths and legends.  They create their own world in order to live their own fantasies.  They have a strong sense of show.  They like to surprise, to amaze, to inspire awe and wonder.”


The dolphin is always seen as a positive sign, whether as an animal totem, a spiritual symbol, or a dream feature.  It is usually associated with the quality of Joy.  Nicky Scully ascribes the dolphin to Communication and Atlantis.  She writes: “because of the growing problems of pollution, many forms of marine life are endangered.  For your gift or exchange with Dolphin, you might find a personal way of contributing in the ongoing struggle to sustain life in our oceans.”

De Bergerac elucidates the various brain functions: “Human dolphins can self-regulate their brains.  They can have full access to their left (logical) brains and their right (intuitive) brains, and they can integrate the two.  They know how to produce at will beta (for action), alpha (for  relaxation) or theta (for creativity) and delta (for healing) brainwaves.  They do consciously what most people do unconsciously and automatically.  They therefore have more choices in life.”

For more information about how these four sea creatures interlock, read her book.



Last but not least, the Swan is a symbol I have always associated with Pisces, because of the potential for serenely gliding across a clear lake, as in profound meditation.  The vastness of Piscean emotion does not always allow for this state, and swans are not always calm, but when it is attained, the image is perfect.

Ted Andrews writes: “For those with this totem, the emotions will become more sensitive, and you will find yourself becoming more sensitive to the emotions of others as well…The swan is the totem of the child, the poet, the mystic, and the dreamer.”

Nicky Scully emphasizes the concept of the “Inner Mate” with Swan, which echoes the romantic element of the two fishes searching for each other, and the inner union: “The true alchemical marriage is the merging of the masculine and feminine inside ourselves, and this journey instigates the courtship within which that marriage can occur.”

Ann Napier, founder of Cygnus [Swan] Books, providing spiritual nourishment, had Sun, Mercury and Venus in Pisces.

Bird Totems


Seabirds, such as seagulls, would naturally be associated with Pisces.

Andrea Wansbury refers to Gulls as representing the search: “A gull  is asking what are you searching for in life? Is it happiness, success, wealth, love? What fears and negative beliefs have stopped you from finding what you’re searching for?”

Echoes of the searching fishes we started out with, but the essence of the search for her is information.


Gannet is a rather random bird to pick out of the vast array of sea birds.  It probably combines Pisces with another sign, such as Taurus, to emerge as a totem.  But for one Piscean who died recently, it was his specialism and passion.

Bryan Nelson, who was a “biographer” of the gannet species, died last August (I scan the obituaries, you know).  His karmic mission was clear, from Sun conjunct North Node in Pisces. The Guardian obituary informed us “His passion for such birds found its outlet in several books, which ranged from a detailed and authoritative monograph on the gannet (The Gannet, 1978) to a concise introduction to the same species in the popular Shire Natural History series (1979).”  His birthday was 14th March: that may be a special birthday for Gannet lovers, though he was also an expert on seabirds generally.



This beautifully delicate insect has endured since the dawn of time, and I associate it with Pisces.  Sandy Colyer, with whom I originally developed my animal totem work in the 1990s, had dragonfly as a totem, together with a Pisces Ascendant.

Ted Andrews explains: “Just as light can bend and shift and be adapted in a variety of ways, so can the archetypal forces associated with the dragonfly.  It is one of the most adaptable of insects.  It is why it has been able to survive for so long.”  Pisces is a Mutable sign, which makes it adaptable, as well as fluid from the water element.

Mythological Creatures

 Creatures of the deep include the Leviathan (mentioned in the bible, and immortalized as a book title by Hobbes) and the more modern day phenomenon of the Loch Ness Monster.  There is a power and a mystery, and a link with the unconscious, with these animals.  Nicholas J. Saunders covers both, noting that Leviathan was the Hebrew version of the Mesopotamian monster Tiamat, and he dates the Loch Ness monster to an account of the 6th Century Saint Columbus.  So these forms have been occupying our minds for many incarnations!



Famous Example: Albert Einstein

Other signs can lay claim to science, but Pisces lays claim to talent and genius by virtue of employing the whole brain.  The theory of relativity came to Albert Einstein in a dream.

I wonder what Einstein was thinking about when he said  What does a fish know about the water in which he swims all his life?”  He too was born on 14th March.


The genius, due to the receptivity of the brain and imagination, is able to access information.  The Mystic unites more specifically with the divine, in the spiritual or religious sense, and can unite religions from that level, sensing the underlying truths they have in common at source.  Caroline Myss describes the Mystic Archetype thus:

“Follows selfless path of practice to achieve union with the divine or a state of enlightenment that manifests as service to others”.  Those with strongly Piscean charts have often had significant lives as monks, priests or nuns, in cloistered conditions.


Pisces, and its ruling planet Neptune, often show according to their condition in the birthchart, how strongly addicted we are.  It is related psychologically, to their capacity for surrender.  The seed of addiction is of course present in all of us, but more so with Pisces and Neptune.

There is a star of the far southern sky named Fomalhaut (Alpha Pisces Austrini) which according to “Star Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld can help with addiction: “The awareness of past-life connections that create the necessity for such addictions also comes to one’s consciousness with repeated use of this star.” As synchronicity would have it, our Sun aligns with the star this week, on Tuesday 23rd, so that is your chance to tune in to or meditate with this concept if it appeals to you or if you need to.

Caroline Myss says of the Addict Archetype:  “Helps you recognise when any external force has more authority over your willpower than your inner spirit does”.


“The Dolphin Within” by Olivia de Bergerac

“Ecstasy is a New Frequency” by Chris Griscom

“Esoteric Astrology” by Alice Bailey

“The Golden Cauldron” by Nicky Scully

“Medicine Cards” by Jamie Sams and David

 “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews

 “Archetype Cards” by Caroline Myss

“Animal Spirits” by Nicholas J. Saunders

“Birds Divine Messengers” by Andrea Wansbury

“Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld

This blog is dedicated to the pod of  Sperm Whales who recently tragically perished in the North Sea area, among them those who were beached in Norfolk and Lincolnshire, a mystery and message we still ponder.  Climate change is one of the theories.


We have a Full Moon in Virgo tomorrow at tea time [pause…while you contemplate tea and scones…]

The effects may be with you already, in a sense of anticipation or accumulating tension.  Perhaps there is a work project which deadlines at the beginning of the week, or some kind of calling to account.  One of our cats is going to the local weigh in club at the vet’s, as we have been trying to tackle his obesity (despite the fact that he hardly eats).  Perhaps you have a similar appointment for a reckoning!

Fixed Star Fomalhaut looks after us on Tuesday (23rd), and may help with addiction, to food or other substances.  Take a cue from “Starlight Elixirs”: “There is an enhancement of inner quiet as the addiction to the thinking state is reduced.” ~ a suitable seed thought for meditation.

Thursday (25th) brings the first of two sextiles this week (mildly harmonious in force): Mercury sextile Saturn.  The end of the week favours Geminis and Virgos, who are Mercury-ruled, because both sextiles involve Saturn.  This first one involves looking at the benefits of the status quo (such as staying in Europe), and what it is good to preserve.  It is good for theoretical planning, sketching out a matrix of thought.

By contrast, Friday (26th) is good for looking at new mental schemes and ideas, and ways of liberation (such as shall we leave Europe?)  It looks to the future, and connects your mind to future vision.  So, over the two days, you may gain a perfectly balanced perspective on whether to stay or go, whether applied to Europe or any other dilemma.  It looks as though I may have to blog on the subject next week, unless something more pressing intervenes.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – tension regarding work, health or climate issues
  • Tuesday – calming and getting to the roots of addiction
  • Thursday – balanced and constructive thought
  • Friday – new ideas and mental vistas

Aspect for the week beginning 14 February 2016 – Mars sextile North Node


Happy Valentine’s Day


Unending Love

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms numberless times,

In life after life, in age after age forever.

My spell-bound heart has made and re-made the necklace of songs

That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms

In life after life, in age after age forever.


Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, its age-old pain,

Its ancient tale of being apart or together,

As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you emerge

Clad in the light of a pole-star piercing the darkness of time:

You become an image of what is remembered forever.


You and I have floated here on the stream that brings from the fount

At the heart of time love of one for another.

We have played alongside millions of lovers, shared in the same

Shy sweetness of meeting, the same distressful tears of farewell –

Old love, but in shapes that renew and renew forever.


Today it is heaped at your feet, it has found its end in you,

The love of all man’s days both past and forever:

Universal joy, universal sorrow, universal life,

The memories of all loves merging with this one love of ours –

And the songs of every poet past and forever.

~ by Rabindranath Tagore


Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941)

Tagore was a Bengali poet and polymath born in the 19th Century.  Biographer Krishna Kripalani writes of him:

“Among individuals who made these forces creative in shaping the destiny of India, two stand out as pre-eminent, Gandhi and Tagore. The contribution of Gandhi is too obvious to need telling: that of Tagore was subtler and deeper, for it released and fed the hidden fountains of creativity in fields which the politician is powerless to exploit.”

In this, he had an opposite and complementary emphasis to Gandhi’s chart: Aries/Taurus to Gandhi’s Libra/Scorpio.  Gandhi (1869 – 1948) had Sun and Ascendant in the peace sign of Libra, and Mercury and Venus/Mars in the warrior sign of Scorpio.  Rabindranath Tagore had Moon/Ascendant and Neptune in Aries, and Mercury, Neptune/Venus/Sun in Taurus.  Between them, they shaped the history of India in that period.

Rabindranath had O water planets, which is surprising as his poetry is very emotional, or evokes emotion.  There is plenty of Aries passion and Taurus feeling in evidence.  His Venus conjunct Pluto also drips with emotion and feeling.

The Asteroid Chiron (the Wounded Healer) is however in water sign Pisces, together with the Part of Fortune (Joy), so these are wonderfully expressed in his poetry.  As Kripalani says: “He lived as he wrote, not for pleasure or profit but out of joy, not as a brilliant egoist but as a dedicated spirit, conscious that his genius was a gift from the divine, to be used in the service of man.”

What I find fascinating about Rabindranath’s chart is his North Node conjunct Midheaven (the capacity to shape history) in the 9th House of Philosophy.  The Sun/Venus conjunction in his chart also trines the Midheaven/North Node, raising his profile even further in society, and also highlighting the karmic themes in his life and work.

He also has a very fortuitous and positive trine between his Ascendant and Jupiter, bisected by exact sextiles from Mars.  The trine of the Sun to his Midheaven/North Node is also bisected by exact sextiles from the Part of Fortune.  Some beautiful symmetry and rhythm then, in his chart, as well as in his poetry.



There is only one aspect, in effect, during this week, and that occurs right at the beginning, on Monday (15th).  After that, there are two changes of sign for planets.  So my account will be short and sweet!

On Monday (15th), Mars sextiles the North Node.  This aspect is about fighting the good fight, if you believe in fighting at all.  It is about standing up for what you believing, and doing it fairly and ethically.  You could take your role model as Mahatma Gandhi, or Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela.  As it is the only aspect, you can make it your theme for the week and allow it to fire your enthusiasm for getting things done.  Even if you are a passive type, there must be something you want to get done!

Of the three of these icons of non-violent resistance only one had Mars sextile North Node natally – that was Nelson Mandela, who started out as a freedom fighter.  The sextile is quite wide (7 degrees) but does illustrate his life purpose quite well.

In a natal chart, it confers a destiny which often involves leadership or physical fitness.  The late incisive interviewer and broadcaster David Frost had Mars (his ruling planet) exactly sextile his North Node, and was quite a warrior on the chat show sofa.  Passionate songstress Joan Armatrading has this sextile within two degrees.  Sensuous poet John Keats had this sextile within 4 degrees.  Trailblazing Astrologer Linda Goodman had it exact.  Feisty actress Natalie Portman has it within 1 degree.  All these sound like a variety of qualities, but the vein of authenticity runs through them all, a quality of both Mars and the North Node.

On Wednesday (17th) Venus enters Aquarius.  Perhaps love and loyalty have been the theme while Venus has been in Capricorn, and now you are ready for a new paradigm in relationships.  Venus goes into Pisces on 12th March, so until then relationships can be more freedom-loving and progressive, and in some ways idealistic.  It is time to explore new possibilities within relationships.

The Sun enters Pisces on Friday (19th), so while we are Venus in our feelings and relationships, in our general way of being we may become more introverted, more sensitive, and in need of peace and quiet.  It is a good month to become aware of mental health issues, both in our personal lives and relationships, and in society and politics (such as in NHS services).  Hubby and I made a promise to a certain young man a year and a half ago that we would join the charity MIND, and we still haven’t done it, so we should take action this week!  Mindfulness, in its most delicate sense, is a good watchword for the Sun in Pisces.

Next Week: Piscean Animal Totems and Archetypes

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – karma in action
  • Wednesday – new approaches to relationships
  • Friday – sensitivity rules

Aspects for the week beginning 7 February 2016

Fixed Stars of the Week

The twelve zodiac signs, which we work with in traditional astrology as the backdrop to our constantly moving planets, are just twelve out of a vast number of fixed constellations, and within those constellations are myriads of stars, known as the fixed stars.  So as the Sun moves through Aquarius this week, it aligns with some of those fixed stars.  Ancient sources saw many of these stars in a negative light, associating them with fearful events, with a few exceptions.  I like to think that modern Astrologers see them in a more positive light, though with challenges in our modern world such as the Syrian war and the Zika virus, there is still much to engender fear.

There are three Fixed Stars to take into account this week: Nashira, Sadalsud and Deneb Algedi.  Two are in the constellation of Capricorn, and one in the constellation of Aquarius. All three are third magnitude stars. You may feel a connection with them at any part of the week, though I have tried to narrow the timing down to a particular day.


Nashira and Deneb Algedi are both found in the tail of the Capricorn goat.

“Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld writes about this star:

“At the present time this star is good to utilize when you wish to have the ability to see the whole picture of what is happening on Earth: politically, economically, and geophysically”.

This might be useful when you are contemplating the state of the world this week.


Sadalsud is the Beta star in the constellation of Aquarius, and prominent in that constellation.

Vivian Robson states that traditionally the star is associated with trouble and disgrace.  However the Arabic name “Sadalsud” means “Luckiest of the Lucky”.  Take your pick.

There are a few interesting considerations presented by Smulkis and Rubenfeld:

“This star can create peacefulness in the interaction amongst all women and men by increasing the female part of their understanding….  This star may eventually be able to work with these energies in large groups”.

This chimes with the androgynous theme of Aquarius, and its group consciousness.

For those working with the chakras it is notable that:

“There is some strengthening of the root chakra…A conduit of energy can open between the root chakra and the throat chakra.”

Deneb Algedi

According to Bernadette Brady, Ebertin links the star with “wisdom and integrity, and adds that the person influenced by it will be a legal advisor or counsellor”.

The emphasis put forward by Smulkis and Rubenfeld is about making predictions based on cycles and the law of possibilities:

“The individuals who work with this are Astrologers, Economists, and Historians… Individuals working with the stock market for attempting to predict trends might do well by utilization of this star or elixir.”

So if any element of your work involves these processes, your inspiration may be enhanced.

“The spirit, the understanding of life, and the understanding of these cycles as applied to all of humanity with themselves perhaps as an example are much more important than the monies involved.”

For those who like their info a little more far out (as I do):

“Entities from this star system were able to project some ideas of practical form and wisdom into the Atlantean culture.  Much of these ideas were rejected by the Atlantean culture but still remained as possibilities for people to work with later.”


Today there may be more friction lingering after the possible spats of yesterday, with Sun square Mars.  However, there is scope for resolution and the balance of the sexes later with a sextile between Venus and Mars.  Whether you are from Venus or from Mars, you should find such balance by the end of the day.

Tomorrow, the mellow mood continues, with a New Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius.  Idealistic attitudes and projects on behalf of the betterment of society can thrive, so it is a good day to initiate something which promotes the greatest good of the greatest number.  You can start by getting together with a like minded friend.

Tuesday (9th) provides a chance to consolidate the balance of Sunday afternoon, and the new initiatives of Monday, as Mars trines Chiron.  You can channel healing energy smoothly and effectively.

Wednesday (10th) is a positive day astrologically.  Venus trines Jupiter, so socially that is as good as you can get.  Good will and humour will get you everywhere.

Venus then goes on to trine the North Node, so love and karma go hand in hand very sweetly.  Karmic doors will open hearts, and open hearts will open karmic doors.

This is the day when Fixed Star Nashira may have maximum impact.  If you are worrying about the state of the world, or fixated on one issue, stand back and look at the bigger picture and try to find another perspective.

It is also the day of the proposed Junior Doctors’ strike.  Ironically, my mother has a scheduled operation that very day, that apparently is to go ahead because it will be performed by a Consultant.  So I am grateful that at least the general aspects of the day are well disposed.  Also ironically, one of my daughters will be acting as Consultant (not in the same field!) and therefore will be working.  Jeremy Hunt appeared on the Andrew Marr show this morning, but did not explain how he is going to produce the extra workforce for his plans, nor why he has allowed the National Health Service to fall apart to this distressing level.

Friday (12th) is the day when Sadalsud and Deneb Algedi come into focus.

This will give you a chance to evaluate whether Sadalsud brings “trouble and disgrace” or “the luckiest of the lucky” circumstances.

As with Sunday’s Venus sextile Mars, balancing male and female energies will be strengthened.  You may be able to build on those bridges.

If any aspect of your work touches on predicting outcomes based on cycles, then you will enjoy the benefits of the star Deneb Algedi.  One for me, I feel.

More positive vibes on Saturday (13th) when Mercury enters Aquarius: also good for predicting outcomes based on cycles, or any other type of forward thinking and vision.  You may have put in the hard work with Mercury in Capricorn, and can pull it all together with Mercury in Aquarius.  Mercury stays in Aquarius until 5th March, so it is a good period to tune into future life progression, telepathy and other star systems.

This aspect does not occur until 22.43 Hrs on Saturday evening, and so you may still feel in Mercury-Capricorn mode most of the day.  Sixteen minutes later, at nearly midnight (22.59 Hrs in the U.K.) Mars sextiles Jupiter, and ideas really take flight.  Even if you are an early morning bird, you might consider becoming a Night Owl just for the night, in order to make the most of this influx of mental energy and the ability to channel it productively.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – sparks, then harmony and passion
  • Tomorrow – new initiatives with friends and groups
  • Tuesday – healing energy
  • Wednesday – love and social success, some karmic grace; (w)holism
  • Friday – lucky for some; second guessing
  • Saturday – forward vision; ideas take flight if you stay up late

Aspects for the week beginning 31 January 2016

Terry Wogan (1938 – 2016)

“A lot depends on luck, and being in the right place at the right time; which was certainly true in my case.”

~ Sir Terry Wogan

His Birthchart

We have no birth time for Terry Wogan, or Tel as he was nicknamed.  He had half his planets (5 out of 10) in Fixed signs, and certainly was a solid and enduring figure on our national broadcasting scene for 50 years or so.

He had only one Air planet (Jupiter in Aquarius), but was known for his joviality.  Jupiter is not prominent in the noon based chart, so I would think it had to be prominently linked with his Ascendant.  His Jupiter made loose aspects: it opposed Mercury,  squared the Nodal Axis, and trined Chiron.  If the quote at the top of the page reflects his philosophy of life, then Jupiter features strongly in his total chart.

He was a Leo by Sun sign, comfortable with performing, and bringing sunshine into people’s lives.  The noon chart shows Moon opposite Uranus (by 2 degrees) – he loved the capacity to surprise.

His Mercury was sextile exactly Chiron (an acute talent for problem solving, and the ability to think on his feet for live broadcasting).  However, in relation to his mental abilities at school he was quoted as saying: “I only ever did enough to pass exams”.

Venus is key in his chart.  His Virgoan Venus was trine Uranus (social brilliance) and conjunct Neptune (showing discriminating and refined tastes, and association with charity, principally Children in Need).  Venus was also sextile exactly the North Node (life purpose connected with music, to be loved as a national treasure and to present the Eurovision Song Contest!)  This prominence and strength of Venus in his character and life and laid back personality may point to a Venusian Ascendant, such as Taurus.  Venus was also prominent in the transits at important times of his life.


Wogan was born in Limerick, the son of a grocery store manager, in 1938.  “Limerick never left me, whatever it is, my identity is Limerick” he was quoted as saying.

He went to a Jesuit school and was given a religious education (“We were brainwashed into believing”) but lost his faith at the age of 17, and declared himself an atheist but had respect for those with “the gift of faith”.  There is no evidence of religiosity in his chart, though his birth time could reveal more.


He was a well-known D.J. in the 1960s, when I was a teenager, and first broadcast on the Light Programme on 27 September 1966, during the decade of the explosion of pop music. Jupiter was transiting his natal Pluto at 0 deg Leo, ushering in a new age of entertainment, and the position of his natal Pluto symbolically points to his pivotal role.


1980 was an important year in Terry’s career.  His progressed Sun reached his natal Venus and sextiled his natal North Node, showing the importance of this exact sextile in his chart and life.  From 1980 – 2008 he presented the Eurovision Song Contest continuously, and from 1980 – 2014 he presented Children in Need continuously.


Where I have special affection for Terry Wogan is in his broadcasting of the Eurovision Song Contest.  Regular readers of this blog may remember my jaunt to Dusseldorf  to see the event in 2010, although Graham Norton had taken over by then.  Terry had presented the contest on radio and television occasionally since 1971, but 19th April 1980 marked the beginning of the long continuous association with this annual event.  Jupiter was exactly opposite his natal Jupiter at the time, bringing out the quirkiness of his humour, and also reinforcing the importance Jupiter would have in his exact chart.  Neptune from Sagittarius (a global event) was exactly square his natal Venus in Virgo: it was his irritation with the flaws of the contest that brought out his acerbic wit.  Chris Tarrant once said: “Terry Wogan’s commentary is why any sane person would choose to watch the Eurovision.” His off the cuff witticisms were legendary, and even Graham Norton acknowledged he would not be able to match him.

In its later years, especially with the break up of the soviet empire and the addition of the Balkan states, the voting became more political than ever. You could see him becoming increasingly frustrated about this, and it took the edge off his enjoyment and perhaps ability to create new humour from the situation.

On 11th August 2008, he prepared the ground for leaving.  Neptune was squaring his Nodal Axis – time for a spiritual shift.  Pluto was sextile his natal Jupiter – time for a liberation.  He officially retired on 5th December 2008, by which time Jupiter was trine his natal Venus, a personal liberation.  Jupiter was sextile his North Node, a karmic liberation.  Pluto was sextile his natal Jupiter – an important stage in his life psychologically, freeing up energy.

This association had a 28 year run, which is a Saturn cycle.  At the time he stepped down exactly, Saturn was in the same position as when he started.

Children in Need

His work with Children in Need was an enormous force for good.  Natally he had Chiron in Cancer, which is about healing the Inner Child, and compassion for childhood wounds.  He first broadcast this programme on 21st November 1980, with Mars exactly sextile his natal Jupiter (again highlighting the possible role of Jupiter). Saturn sextiled his natal Mars, linking practicality with his Inner Warrior (he had Sun conjunct Mars in his chart).


Terry was a family man, who loved his grandchildren.  On 25th April 1965 he married Helen Joyce, the beginning of an enduring marriage.  Transiting Jupiter was exactly sextile his natal Pluto (a huge psychological uplift, and a relationship which sustained him throughout his life).  Apparently, he did not work on a Sunday, and gave the day over to being with his family.  Sun-day is Leo’s day!


We missed him as presenter of Children in Need on 12th November 2015.  He was needing to recover from surgery on his back, the back being one of the health areas associated with Leo.  At that time, Mars was sextile natal Pluto, but more tellingly (no pun intended) Uranus was conjunct his natal Saturn, a transit which would be associated with having to pull out of a longstanding association.  Neptune was opposite his natal Mercury, bringing about a possible health mystery or debilitation, so he may also have been suffering other symptoms at that time.


At the time of his passing, Jupiter was transiting his natal Venus in Virgo (reinforcing the importance of Venus in his chart), and sextile exactly his natal North Node in Scorpio (a karmic completion).  Uranus was transiting his natal Saturn in Aries (signifying a possible departure).  The North Node in Scorpio in his natal chart implies that his death is a significant event in the wider context, and ensures he will be as strongly remembered as he will be sorely missed.



Tomorrow (1st February) Mercury squares Uranus, giving rise to cranky conversations and general awkwardness, including technical difficulties.

If Monday sets you back in any direction, Wednesday (3rd) is a day of fighting back, with Mars sextile Pluto.  Physical strength and exercise are favoured.  Go back to the gym if you have the membership, or lift the hoover if housework is your exercise.  If you lack the will to exercise entirely, then you may be shifting mental weights.

Wednesday is also stabilizing from the point of view of healing, as Mercury sextiles Chiron.  This represents a good balance between conventional and alternative medicine, or the balance between body, mind and soul.

A further stabilizing aspect occurs that same evening, with the Sun sextile Saturn.  This is good for laying the foundations of something, be it practical or theoretical, after the energetic input of Mars sextile Pluto, and the health benefits of Mercury sextile Chiron.  An idea may occur to you as the day progresses, which can take you forward significantly.

Venus conjuncts Pluto on Saturday (6th) bringing home what your loved ones mean to you, and in some cases necessitating the need for letting go.  Vulnerability needs to be acknowledged, psychological needs aired, and tenderness given and received.

This could be a heavy day altogether, with four aspects to be processed.  The second one occurs late afternoon, when the Sun sextiles Uranus.  Despite the possible heartache of the earlier aspect,  there is some uplift, possibly involving telepathy or invention.

Then at tea time Mercury trines Jupiter, and you may hear uplifting words or take part in a successful transaction, which may or may not be linked with earlier events.  Open your mind, and you may hear something positive.

Lastly, Venus squares Uranus, in the late evening, and this is an aspect of separation and possible disagreement.  Social cohesion may prove very difficult to achieve, if say you have organized a party.  A quiet Saturday night in is the optimum choice, to digest the day’s experience, for meditative types.

For social animals, keep your nose clean, keep a respectful distance, avoid confrontation, don’t be clingy, don’t make demands, or just become a meditative type!

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – cranky
  • Wednesday – positivity, fighting back, healing, laying foundations
  • Saturday – complexity, letting go, some brilliance, some uplift, estrangement

Aspects for the week beginning 24 January 2016

Aquarian Animal Totems and Archetypes

The Sun entered Aquarius last Wednesday 20th January 2016 at 15.27 Hrs. in the U.K.  This is the ninth in the series where I look at some of the animal totems and Archetypes for the various signs (sad to think the series is almost completed!  I have enjoyed writing it, but it will be there for reference). Do you, or someone close to you, have Sun, Ascendant or Moon in Aquarius?

The traditional symbols for the Air signs are all non-animal (Twins for Gemini, Scales for Libra, and Water Carrier for Aquarius).  I am almost tempted to include the Camel for Aquarius as it carries water in its one hump or two.  But it doesn’t have an Aquarian feel…

But, like the other Air signs, there is an emphasis on bird totems, of which I have found many.  I have had to limit these to a sample of just a few, but birds are undoubtedly important for Aquarius.


The Giraffe is the perfect animal for Aquarius.  It has the unusualness of Aquarius – it really is like no other animal.  It is long-limbed in the Aquarian way.  People with Aquarian Ascendants usually have unusually long arms and legs, but not of course the long necks.  The neck is ruled by Taurus, but Taureans tend to have thicker necks rather than unusually long necks.

Ted Andrews has the perfect keyword for Giraffe as Aquarius: Farsightedness.  Aquarians are known for future vision and telepathy.

He writes: “The long neck, in combination with the giraffe’s exceptionally keen eyesight, makes it a powerful totem for farsightedness and for seeing what lies on the horizon for you!”

He also highlights the sociable side of the Giraffe, which reflects the Aquarian association with friendships and groups:

“Giraffes like each other’s company…Giraffe people usually have strong family relationships and friendships as well.”

Aquarius is also associated, through its ruling planet Uranus, with the higher mind and the intuition.  In this, Ted Andrews also enlightens us:

“On the head of the giraffe are horns that are unlike any other animals.  These blunt, long stubs are never shed, and they are covered with skin…horns and antlers are symbols of antennae for higher mental faculties and perceptions.  With the giraffe, there are actually three horns.  The third actually looks more like a lump under the skin, but it is located just above the eyes.  This placement is very significant as this is the area of the body associated with the third or inner eye.”

I have known couples with significant Aquarian placings who took as their joint symbol two giraffes with intertwined necks.

Hedgehogs and Porcupines

Hedgehog is shared with the sign of Cancer.  Cancerians and Virgoans protect their privacy, but Aquarians are sociable and friendly.  However, unless they have a strong Scorpio streak, they don’t like people to get too close as they need plenty of air to breathe.  Here, the prickles, quills or spines of the hedgehog and porcupine come in handy!  Spiky forms and patterns are Aquarian too, because they symbolize the Aquarian quality of processing electricity and information, and may also symbolize an extra form of sensing.

The hedgehog and the porcupine are entirely different creatures, although both spiky and punk looking!  Drawing again from Ted Andrews, he sees the following qualities for Porcupines:

“It has a strong sense of curiosity, and seems amazed and filled with wonder at most things it encounters…Porcupines can show you how to resist the barbs of others.  They can teach you how to enjoy life and maintain a sense of wonder about it, in spite of negative conditions.”


Coyote, as the Trickster of North American Indian medicine, correlates with the planet Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, the Spanner in the Works, the element of the unexpected.

Nicky Scully says of Coyote: “He shows us aspects of ourselves that are often surprising.  His numerous feats and outrageous behaviour as creator, teacher, shape-shifter, and prankster are recorded in myths and legends of many tribes and cultures all over the world.” Sound like any Aquarians you know?

Jamie Sams and David Carson provide the helpful thought: “Contained within trickster medicine is the humour of the ages.  The cosmic joke is not just on ourselves but on everyone else.”.

Bird Totems


 Hummingbirds in the rapid vibration of their wings give that sensation of hovering into another dimension, rather like the Aquarian ability to travel to the future, and communicate telepathically with other dimensions.  There is something otherworldly about the Hummingbird.

According to Sams and Carson “Hummer sings a vibration of pure joy”  In my mind, this is the joy of spiritual freedom, another province of Aquarius.

They continue “…Hummingbird will no doubt give you a flash of ths spirit, darting here, there and everywhere.  Get ready for a strange new burst of energy which may send your senses reeling.”

Aquarius is associated with lightning speed, and Ted Andrews writes: “The hummingbird can reach high speed at its take off.  It can also stop immediately in flight from a high speed.  It is such a skilful flyer and it is not afraid of any predator.”

They also share some of the social characteristics of the Aquarian, according to him: “Hummingbirds are fiercely independent.  Except when mating, they like to be alone and free, seeming to revel in that freedom.”


Geese are more than most seen as group creatures, think of the gaggle of chattering geese, and the inspiring sight of a formation of snow geese high in the sky.

Andrea Wansbury sees them as messengers of Truth.  If Goose is your totem animal or comes into your orbit, she comments:

Where in your life are you holding onto a perception instead of seeing what is the actual truth?  Human beings love jumping to conclusions, looking at something based on assumptions rather than at the real truth of the matter.  A goose is asking, where have you recently jumped to a conclusion without knowing all the facts.”

Ted Andrews contributes the angle of communication, an attribute of air signs: “The goose can also be a totem to aid you in communication especially through the use of stories…Individuals wishing to write – be it stories or anything – can facilitate the process by working with the goose as a totem. It will stimulate the imagination and help move you through creative blocks.”

He also highlights the co-operative flight patterns of geese: “They constantly shift formation, creating wind drafts and easier flights for those behind them in the formation.”  Aquarians are team workers.


This may seem an odd choice, given the role of the Albatross in the rhyme of the Ancient Mariner in Coleridge’s poem, but according to Andrea Wansbury the Albatross represents Intuition, which is the province of Aquarian ruler Uranus:

“An albatross is saying you must start listening to your intuition and trust your instincts…Are you listening to those intuitive hunches?  What is stopping you from acting on your intuition?”

I like the idea of redeeming the reputation of this bird, and countering the superstitious element.


Andrea Wansbury’s book is a mine of information about birds, and her interpretation of the Jay as bringing the message of Opportunity, and representing the Archetype of the Trickster (which we have already seen in the Coyote, and will re-meet under Archetypes) seems very fitting for Aquarius.

Nicky Scully on the other hand equates the Jay (specifically the Blue Jay) with Masks.  She takes you on a journey:

“As you look into the eye of the blue jay, you see yourself reflected, wearing the mask you display to the wrold.  Blue Jay mimics your character…You may be shown several of the masks that are your most common disguises…If you are ready and willing, Blue Jay may give you a glimpse of your true face, the one under all the masks.”


For Waxwing too, Andrea Wansbury highlights a quality of Aquarius, that of the Observer Archetype, and the message of Objectivity:

“A waxwing is saying that in some area of your life you need to look at things more objectively…step out of the frame and view the situation from the outside to help clarify things.”

Strangely enough, and you may do a double take here, Ted Andrews equates the Waxwing with Masks:

“The mask-like appearance gives it an association with the art of mask making and ritual garb…The waxwing has knowledge of how to use masks for fun and for healing, especially when combined with colour healing.”  I do not especially associate Aquarius with masks, however.


Stick Insect

Although insects generally come under Virgo, what could be more light and airy than a stick insect, for this airiest of air signs?  According to Wikipedia “the genus Phobaeticus includes the world’s longest insects.”

Many species of this insect are parthenogenic, which means the females can lay eggs without the males – reflecting the Aquarian androgyny.

It’s the perfect unusual pet for the Aquarian child!  Though in this enlightened age, keeping anything in a cage seems cruel.

Mythological Figures


Here fittingly to end the animal section is a mythological creature for the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces.  Pisces rules swans, and Aquarius geese.

Nicholas Saunders writes about the Hamsa: “The goose and the swan are mythically interchangeable in Hinduism, as in many cultures.  The Hamsa is one bird made of two, Ham and Sa, and it can appear as either a goose or a swan.  It represents the perfect union, the ‘balance of life’.”



The Networker Archetype is one of the most prominent of Aquarian Archetypes.  It is often found in a chart when the Sun and Mercury, which travel round the zodiac together, are in the 11th House of Friendships and Groups.

Caroline Myss describes it as expanding “sphere of influence by forging alliances and making connections among vastly different groups of people”.


The Liberator (from Myss again) “helps to liberate us from the self-inflicted tyranny of negative thought patterns and beliefs, spiritual sluggishness, poor nutrition, destructive relationships, or addictive behaviour”.  We all need that one.


This is an aspect of the Scientist.  In Gemini, the Scientist as an Archetype is related to teaching, academia, writing and research.  In Aquarius the Scientist is more dynamic, and with an association with Electricity.  The conjunction of Mars and Uranus in a chart often denotes a talent for mechanical or electrical engineering.


Can the Trickster Archetype add to our understanding of the Coyote animal totem, or the Jay?

Caroline Myss has as its Light attribute “Transcending conventiion, stuffiness, and predictable behaviour” – all eminently Aquarian!  It “can be a great ally in presenting alternatives to the straight and narrow path, to people and institutions who seek to hem you in through peer pressure and conformism”.


With Mars, in some capacity, Aquarius and Uranus produces the Activist.  For example, Mars in Aquarius often produces someone who champions the underdog, or uses networking and pressure groups to engineer social justice.

New Archetypes

Caroline Myss introduces new Archetypes in her book of 2013.  She originally wrote about Archetypes (which she sees in her inner vision) in “Sacred Contracts” in 2001.  She produced her Archetype Cards two years later.  She goes into more depth, and gives more guidance, about these newer archetypes.

Famous Example: David Bowie had both of these two Archetypes which follow, with his Aquarian Ascendant.


Caroline identifies four types of Rebel, where the personality has grown into a more mature and cohesive expression of this Archetype: the Noble Rebel, the Anarchist Rebel, the Social/Civil Rebel, and the Feminist Rebel.

Famous Example: The groundbreaking feminist writer Germaine Greer is of course an Aquarian.


In her Archetypes book Myss advises: “The lesson for the Visionary is to experience the power of your creative vision, however large or small, and to realize its potential in the larger scope of your life.”

Famous Example: quoting from Caroline Myss: “Oprah Winfrey [Aquarius] built a media empire around her vision to transform people’s lives.” – my brackets.


 “Archetype Cards” by Caroline Myss

“Archetypes” (book) by Caroline Myss

 “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews

“Animal Spirits” by Nicholas J. Saunders

“Birds Divine Messengers” by Andrea Wansbury

“The Golden Cauldron” by Nicky Scully

“Medicine Cards” by Jamie Sams and David Carson



Today is the Full Moon in Leo at 3 degrees.  It occurred at 1.46 a.m., so that was Saturday in the snow hit U.S.  I must admit it did wake me this morning, from a heavy sleep.

Whatever were the issues for you last night, they will be starting to ebb away now.  The Leo Moon opposed by the Aquarian Sun, is usually an issue of the individual balancing its needs within the group (which can be a family).  If it fell in your Health Houses (6th and 12th) a health issue may have come to a peak.  Now is the time for releasing, until the New Moon.

Good news for Retrophobes tomorrow evening, as Mercury is stationary prior to turning direct again.  If you have been struggling with your paperwork, appointments, travel and so forth, the path will become easier.  If you make a breakthrough in these matters tomorrow, you will be able to thank Mercury.

The middle of the week is quiet, aspect-wise.  Thus it may literally be uneventful, humdrum, bread and butter…some like it that way.  If you are bored, you can catch up on paperwork and filing from the newly turned Mercury boost, or contemplate the next aspect, which occurs on Friday.

The True North Node can have an oscillating action, in that it can move slowly or even go slightly backwards.  Thus it is that we have another conjunction between Jupiter and the True North Node in Virgo on Friday (29th), so soon after the last one (Saturday 23rd).  It brings a karmic reward, so you may need to think back to see what it brought you, and what further yield that may bring.  Where might you need to adjust your karma in Virgoan areas such as care of the planet (e.g. buying foods with less packaging) and health measures (e.g. cutting down on sugar)?  Your next similar karmic reckoning will come towards the end of June.

Another re-play from recent times occurs on Saturday (30th) when Mercury conjuncts Pluto again.  This was last seen on Friday (22nd) and is recurring because of Mercury turning direct.  This brings profound thought and reflection, and incisive speech.  What people say will be coming from a deep place within them.  Consider whether they are bringing through the wisdom of the ancients, or their own negative emotions.  This aspect occurs early in the morning, around 6 a.m.  If you are just getting up, you may have a strong idea or theme emerging from your dreams, guidance for the day ahead.

Later, just before tea time, a more coherent aspect forms: Venus sextile Neptune.  This can bring inspiration in the Arts, and spirituality in relating.  If you are still working with the energy of the Mercury-Pluto aspect, what you do now can have a lasting value.  There is a sweetness to Venus-Neptune, which can be surface, but can also be sublime.  If you begin the day with the depth of the Pluto aspect, you can make more of the Neptune experience.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – emotional wipe-out
  • Tomorrow – communications full steam ahead
  • Friday – karmic reward
  • Saturday – earnest communication and graceful dance

Aspects for the week beginning 17 January 2016

David Bowie (1947 – 2016)

from my teenage diary:

8/1/66 [David Bowie’s birthday]: “Went to the Marquee Club [in Wardour Street, London] and collected autographs from David Bowie and David Essex.”

How I wish that I had written more on his 19th birthday, and written in a less superficial vein.  I hope to remedy that with my look into his life and times.  David Bowie’s chart is very revealing and reflective of his genius.

 “The source of all my frustrations is hammering away at the same questions I’ve had since I was 19, this daunting spiritual search. They’re continual questions and they seem to be the essence of what I’ve written over time. And I’m not going to stop.”

~ interview with The Word magazine

Needless to say, I always followed his career with interest, but his first album was not released until the following year, in 1967.

Life on Mars

The man who fell to earth from Mars had his Sun in Capricorn exactly conjunct Mars.  He may well have known something about his astrological chart, and may have been inspired by that fact.  The Mars/Sun Inner Warrior and Activist was placed in the 12th House, which is why he needed so much personal space in order to thrive.  The Mars/Sun exact conjunction is also responsible for the red head of the iconic Ziggy Stardust Persona.

Rebel Rebel

Bowie’s Ascendant was in whacky, individualistic, rebellious, innovative, revolutionary and androgynous Aquarius – just perfect for what he wanted to do with his life!

So with his Sun and Ascendant, he was a mixture of calculating Capricorn and spontaneous Aquarius.  With the energy and drive of Sun/Mars, he got things done.  His urge for creativity was strong until the end.


He had a lot going on in the Golden sign of Leo – the Moon, Saturn, Descendant, Pluto and Part of Fortune were all in Leo, the sign of the Performer and Creator Archetypes.  His creativity was greatly boosted by the North Node exactly trine his Ascendant on the cusp of his 5th House, forming a Grand Trine with Neptune in the 9th House (the Dreamer Archetype).

Teenage Years

Mars/Sun in 12th House of chronic conditions depicts very clearly the fact that, due to an altercation in the school playground when he was 15, he damaged one of his eyes permanently.

According to his biographer, Paul Tryke:

“The damage was serious.  David was taken to hospital and his schoolmates were told he was in danger of losing the sight in his left eye …The injury to David’s eye resulted in paralysis of the muscles that contract the iris, leaving the pupil permanently dilated and giving it the appearance of being a different colour from his other eye.  His depth perception was also damaged. ‘It left me with a wonky sense of perspective,’ David explained later. ‘When I’m driving for instance, cars don’t come towards me, they just get bigger.’ ”

This incident was undoubtedly karmic; it involved a long term friend, a dispute over a girlfriend, and mutual forgiveness.

The resulting changes to the eye may have affected his inner vision, or conversely the incident and resulting distortion may have been symbolic of his unique vision.  I think David Bowie acknowledged that the unusually dilated pupil added to his mystique.

He was ambitious to make his mark as a musician throughout his teenage years, and the early years were a struggle; although he wrote his own material, the songs from this era are largely undistinguished.  It was during this era that he made many regular appearances at the Marquee Club.

A friend named Dek Fearnley observed in 1966:

“He was on a higher plane. really.  He wouldn’t be talking about the weather or the latest Who single, he was simply off in his own world.”

Even at a young age, his late teens, he took a serious interest in Tibetan Buddhism.  He was always interested to explore other cultures, and spiritual systems such as Kabbalism.

Friends and musicians shifted in this period of time, and it could be said throughout his life.  In some periods he was very keen to keep his bands cohesive, and in others he would cut off working relationships suddenly, partly out of a need to take his creativity in the direction he wanted.

Space Oddity

Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills
and put your helmet on

He released the album Space Oddity in 1969, introducing this strand of his personal connection with the Cosmos, and the character of Major Tom.  This was released close in time to the Apollo 11 Moon landing, very much in the spirit of this high point of space exploration.

According to Simon Hayes of Mercury records, when it was first played in Chicago they said “This is a sad story about a guy lost in space.  And we’re gonna release it when there’s a space shot happening – and there’s a real possibility we could lose a man in space?”.

His Progressed Sun had reached his Aquarian Ascendant, and was entering his 1st House.  This says a lot about its expression of who David Bowie was.

Ziggy Stardust

Oh man! Wonder if he’ll ever know
He’s in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

Ziggy Stardust was a creation of late 1971, though not unleashed on the world until 1972. Uranus was forcing the issue and squaring his natal Sun: the Universe was saying to him “be as outlandish as you dare!”.  He was able to truly express his Aquarian side.  His progressed Sun in Aquarius in 1st House was also opposing natal Pluto in Leo in 7th.

Peter Doggett described Ziggy Stardust as “the perfect rock’n’roll star…male and female, king and queen, alien and human, transcendental and sublime.”  With Ziggy Stardust, David Bowie ushered in the bi-sexual revolution of the 1970s.

On 3/7/73 he “killed off”  Ziggy Stardust, and discovered a relish for reinvention.  Killing off his alter egos is identifiable in his chart by his Pluto in 7th House close to his Descendant.  At the point he “killed off” Ziggy Stardust Uranus was exactly trine his natal Uranus, enabling him to take great pleasure in the reinvention process.

 There’s a starman waiting in the sky
He’d like to come and meet us
But he thinks he’d blow our minds

 Aladdin Sane

Aladdin Sane was a 1973 album, which featured the iconic image on its cover of the lightning bolt make up, representing a high point in his artistic creativity.  He loved to play with words, and the title was a play on “A Lad Insane”, Mercury in his chart being square to Neptune and sextile Chiron.  This album featured the song “The Jean Genie” which was also a play on the name of the writer Jean Genet:

“The Jean Genie lives on his back
The Jean Genie loves chimney stacks
He’s outrageous, he screams and he bawls
Jean Genie let yourself go!”


Bowie had a long career, and never stopped creating.  It would make a long blog to follow all these astrologically, but it is fascinating to look at his evolution in this way.

I watched three long interviews on You Tube this week.  The first was from 1976, with Russell Harty.  His style was clipped and severe, in a Capricorn way.  Russell was asking silly questions, and David was trying to focus and be entertaining but with clarity.  It was a time when he had just finished acting in the film The Man who Fell to Earth, and he was talking about being a very disciplined person and how he applied that in his acting.  So, again, he was talking about a Capricorn quality.  There was still a very strong reinvention theme going on planetarywise, as Uranus was now squaring his natal Moon, and Pluto was trine his Ascendant.  It would also have been the year of his formative Saturn Return.

That year he exiled himself to Switzerland for tax reasons, then to Berlin in 1977 to detox and rediscover his joie de vivre.  That was the period when “Heroes” was written… We can be Heroes, just for one day…

Next I watched an interview with Mavis Nicholson in 1979, in which Bowie talked about the recurring themes of isolation and alienation in his work and life, and its capacity for creating a microcosm within that experience. He said he was not good at being too much in contact with people,  liking the geographical conditions which reflected that such as the plains of America, and New Mexico.  This theme of isolation (Sun in 12th House) and alienation (Ascendant in Aquarius) are very central to his birth chart.  He also had Moon conjunct Saturn (an emotional “Ivory Tower”).  He told us in this interview that he thrived on the various forms of friction within life (expressing his Mars exactly conjunct the Sun).  He seemed softer than in the 1976 interview, and slightly more at ease with himself.  In that year Jupiter sextiled his Neptune bringing some spiritual peace, but Pluto squared his Mars ratcheting up the friction of life at that time as well.

My own personal favourite of all his songs was the 1983 “Let’s Dance”, a swan song to Pluto in Libra. It is more mellow than his usual edgy style, and Jupiter was again sextile his natal Neptune.  The album of that name was also his best-selling album.

Let’s dance put on your red shoes and dance the blues…

If you say run, I’ll run with you
If you say hide, we’ll hide

The third interview I watched was with American host Conan O’Brien.  The year was 2002, and he had a two year old daughter.  He was much more mellow in his mood and style, with a soft and natural hairstyle.  Again he was humorous, but in a much more relaxed way.  It seemed as though he had grown into himself, and could entertain as himself rather than as a studied persona.  He had just celebrated 10 years of marriage to Iman, and I wondered how much her influence had shaped his direction.  This new sense of peace is highlighted by his transits that year: Neptune trine his natal Neptune, Neptune trine his natal North Node, and Pluto trine his natal Pluto.  The current album was Heathen, the lyrics of which contain a great deal of angst in connection with New York and pre-dating the events of 9/11 which had happened the year before.  He seemed to have been through intense changes over the preceding few years, and had a reborn joie de vivre through his daughter’s birth.


He married two very different women.  Angie (born in Cyprus) helped him establish and publicize his more outlandish personae.  Iman (of Somali origin) seemed quieter and more dignified, and brought him more personal satisfaction in a relationship.


Angie is currently in the Big Brother house, and in a strangely public way she heard the news of his death on camera, her seeking the limelight at this time contrasting surreally with Bowie’s withdrawal.  Angie portrayed herself as a style icon (Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Libra), and saw herself as bisexual before she met David Bowie (Venus square Mars in her chart hints at that).  Her impression is stamped on the young Bowie’s life and art.  Astrologically, they fostered each other’s success, with a mutual sextile between their Jupiters.


Iman’s Sun trines exactly Bowie’s Venus, a step more compatible than Angie’s Sun sextile to his Venus. Her Sun is conjunct his Moon, a romantic pairing. Iman’s Jupiter is conjunct exactly with his Descendant (Marriage Point) and sextile exactly his North Node (happy karma).

They were introduced by their hairdresser in 1990.  The aspects for Bowie on their first date (4th October 1990) were powerful: Pluto sextile his Mars, and Mars sextile his natal Pluto.  He proclaimed it was love at first sight.  She had a Jupiter Return and Jupiter also transited her Mars.

Around this year, his Progressed Sun moved into Pisces, when he met Iman.  This marked a shift to a quieter, softer sense of self and lifestyle, and more a more compassionate influence and pathway.

Medical Astrology

A lifelong chain smoker (judging by film footage), his health problems escalated when he started taking cocaine in early 1974.  By April of that year, when he visited America, friends noticed cocaine had entrenched itself in his lifestyle.  At that point, Neptune (drugs) was exactly conjunct the South Node point of self-undoing.

On 25/6/2004 while on tour in Germany, David Bowie experienced pains in his arms and shoulder, which turned out to require emergency heart surgery.  Again we refer to his Sun/Mars exact conjunction in 12th House, a hidden strain on the heart.

Uranus (Ascendant ruler) from Pisces in his 2nd House squared his natal Midheaven in Sagittarius in his 10th House, signalling a complete change in life direction. He stopped touring from that moment on.

The Next Day album

Although disposed to withdrawal (12th House) as well as fame (Leo planets), health was the reason for his disappearance from public view.

In 2013, he issue his back to Berlin album, on his 66th birthday, and a haunting video.  The grey and lifeless still image of a cut out of his face, I felt to be slightly ominous.  The accompanying song Where are We Now? was a strong one, and indicated that his creativity was intact, but I felt something was missing.  I did not pick up a sense of decline when he originally retired from view, but at the time of The Next Day, I did feel unease and therefore was not surprised when his death was announced.

At the time, Saturn was square his Ascendant from 10th House cusp, conveying a bleakness of outlook.  Uranus was trine his Moon in Leo in 6th House – he sprang this album on the public, quite literally.  Neptune square his Venus, depicting a sense of nostalgia.


Blackstar was issued on the Friday before he died on Sunday 10th January this year.  In those 3 days, the album was critically acclaimed.  Saturn trined exactly his natal Pluto, symbolic of taking control of his death.  Uranus squared exactly his natal Sun in Capricorn in 12th House, adding to the drama.  Neptune was sextile exactly his natal Mercury, and trine his natal Chiron – he was presenting another riddle.  Neptune squared exactly his natal Midheaven: his journey would take him beyond the veil.


The image of his “Lazarus” on the Blackstar video was literally a depiction of his dying.  He had prepared for it, and depicted it on his own terms, creating his life as ever.

Uranus from 3rd House squared his Mars/Uranus.  It will have been a shock but he had time to prepare and fashion more of his creativity.  In reading about his life, the period of 18 months seems to crop up a great deal (the lifespan of Ziggy Stardust, the courtship before marriage with Iman, and his final illness), and that is a Nodal cycle.  With North Node on the cusp of the 5th House trine his Ascendant, that indicated a positive co-operation between his karma and the self-creation of his life.


He died on Sunday 10th January 2016, though we did not hear about it until Monday.  There is to my mind a sense of completion about his life, and the liberation of his spirit.  He left behind a large, varied and generous back catalogue of work, something for everyone.  I feel he will continue to inspire people through his work, and from his new expanded dimension, the source of his own being.

Recommended reading: “Starman” by Paul Trynka



Tomorrow Venus squares Jupiter, with the possibility of wild socializing, if that is how you want to start your week!

At 11.01 a.m. (all the ones) Mars trines Neptune, and you can fall into some sensitive applications of your energy.  Tai Chi or Quigong would be perfect.

Venus also squares the Nodal Axis that day, and life may force a re-evaluation of relationships, especially within groups of people (3 or more).

Tuesday (19th) brings a sextile between Mercury and Chiron, which is a perfect co-operation between conventional and alternative medicine, and also good for problem-solving.

On Wednesday (20th) the Sun enters Aquarius, so permission to be as whacky, individualistic, rebellious, innovative, revolutionary and androgynous as David Bowie.

Until tea-time, that is, because Mercury squares Uranus and you may have gone too far, but if you are like Alan Rickman who had Mercury square Uranus, you may not regret a bit of controversy.

There is mental tension until Friday (22nd), when Mercury conjuncts Pluto, and ruminations are deep and serious in tone.

Saturday (23rd) seems more upbeat, with Jupiter conjunct the True North Node at 22 degrees Virgo, bringing some karmic reward, especially if you have been diligently recycling or looking after your health.  If you enjoy that aspect, you’ll enjoy its recurrence in late June – something to look forward to.

Finally, on Saturday evening, Venus enters Capricorn.  That may be chillier than Venus in Sagittarius, but it is warmer for Capricorns, and they can look forward to a three week surge of love and affection in their lives.

The Week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – extravagant gestures; physical attunement; relationship karma
  • Tuesday – balance between body and mind
  • Wednesday – whacky, positive and negative
  • Friday – concentrate and try and get things right
  • Saturday – karmic reward, and loyalty in love


Read my tribute to Alan Rickman below