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Aspects for the week beginning 8 July 2007

Someone asked me yesterday what was coming up in the week ahead…I had to confess that I wouldn’t know until this morning. Apart from the broad sweeping aspects like the Saturn-Neptune opposition we have just negotiated, I don’t get involved in the aspects until they are upon us. As I write this on Sunday morning, Mars is exactly sextile with the North Node, bringing a day when you can go for your karmic mission, both individually and collectively. What’s your role in the divine plan? Are you a wannabe Madonna or an Al Gore? Weigh up realistically what you can and can’t do. This evening’s events are a good opportunity to resolve long-term relationships, to put goodbye or hello in a positive frame. This is because Venus trines Pluto in the early hours of tomorrow morning. If the main event is tonight, then be as honest as you can be for your own sake as much as for others, and set the record straight. If tomorrow is a time of stock-taking in relationships, this can take the form of a dialogue or an internal process, sifting through the past. Many of us have been impatient for Mercury to stop vacillating and for our communications and tele-communications to go back to their normal working functions. So wait only until Tuesday (10th) when Mercury goes stationary. If your phone or your commuter route hasn’t returned to normal by then, just give it a little more time for the re-orientation. You shouldn’t need to call on Uri Geller to mend your watch, Mercury can and will do it. By Wednesday (11th), you’ll be canceling the appointment with Uri, and be able to bend your own spoons or whatever phenomena you would like to achieve under the smiling trine of Uranus to the Sun. Telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation…just do it yourself. Dispense with the expert. The New Moon in Cancer on Saturday 14th at Noon helps us to re-formulate our relationship to our family life, and also look beyond that to our global tribe. One week on from Live Earth, are you still calculating your carbon footprint? Is your recycling going to plan, or like me are you still rubbish at it? Venus leaves behind its glitzy side in Leo later that day, and enters the more demure sign of Virgo. Some of us can see both sides in our make-up, but it will be easier to express the Mother Teresa within under this influence. My last word is a call to start working with the potential of the Saturn-Pluto trine in about a month’s time. I’ll write more later, but as it connects Leo and Sagittarius it also connects two areas of your life and you can enhance the effect of the mutual support of these two planets. Maybe I should be organizing the Concert….

The Sirius Connection

Here’s wishing you all a happy 07/07/07 tomorrow! I’m no Numerologist, but isn’t 7 everyone’s favourite number? Astrologically, Neptune vibrates to the number 7, so it’s a good day to practise your Spirituality. The Sun is aligned with the fixed star Sirius, which makes it a good day to put your efforts towards earth healing. There’s a lot happening: Al Gore has been inspired to create the Live Earth Concerts, Felicity Cook (see link on Contacts page) is leading a workshop of Developing your Soul Sound in Bury St. Edmunds, and the Moon will also be celebrating by making a link with Jupiter. So have a good day, while sparing a thought for those involved in the London events of 2 years ago.

Aspects for the week beginning 1 July 2007

Hope you’ve had the sense to look at this blog early on Sunday this week, as there is a panoply of aspects queuing up for you to deal with, even if you are not the new Prime Minister. Today Venus is conjunct Saturn, which is a bittersweet conjunction like a chocolate with two sides. If your focus is more on the Saturnian side of rules and commitment, Venus can soften your stance. If you are an open-hearted Venusian, Saturn can firm you up and even make you think about your boundaries, if not act. For some it could mean sadness in relationship, but for others it could mean a new relationship or commitment. It’s a complex combination, and made all the more complex by yesterday’s opposition to Venus from Neptune, which may have left some of you scratching your heads. Next in line is Mars sextile Mercury which requires or assists quickness of thought and action. Presence of mind could bring about some useful work. And the Sun is trine with the North Node, so early in the week there could be some Karmic Justice for some. Now if you blink you could miss these aspects, for extraordinarily there are no more aspects for the week, so you’ll have to make that box of chocolates last. There will be plenty to think about and digest and act on arising from the start of the week, and if you’ve dealt with the issues, you can lie back and think of England. And the fact that there are signs that the Rufus Wainwright movement seems to be taking off…

Smoking Ban – a Karmic Perspective

Tomorrow’s smoking ban in enclosed public places in the UK is an opportunity to look at these issues karmically. I find in regression work that many spiritually evolved people still have an attachment to smoking when they also have a strong soul lineage in the North American Indian tradition, where smoke is sacred. So here’s a cue to look at whether you or someone you know may have this karmic pattern. It may be time to release it or shake some of it loose. Why not try Hopi Ear Candling? It comes from the Native American Indian tradition, is non-addictive, and as my friend June Chase says has “all the smoke and fire”. You can find her website link on my Contacts page.

Aspects for the week beginning 24 June 2007

This evening brings the arrival of Mars in the sign of Taurus. For those with a strong emphasis of Taurus in their charts, its presence will stimulate their creativity over the next six weeks. If new ideas for creative projects present themselves to you this week, you may be an honorary Taurean or responding to this effect on a universal level. Therefore get cracking while the enthusiasm is still fresh, and know that you have about six weeks before completion. Tomorrow brings a more serious and reflective mood with the return of the opposition between Saturn and Neptune. This could be the time when you will need to resolve once and for all the tug between two areas of your chart and life which have been plaguing you over the last few months, for Saturn will soon be pulling away from this relationship on its journey to the new pastures of Virgo in late Summer. There’s a feeling of this can’t or won’t go on, and you may need to cut your losses on one side if you can’t resolve the polarity on a higher level which benefits all. Thursday (28th) gives us a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury in Cancer. Time to experience mental clarity about emotional minefields, or really see how the land lies after the major aspect on Monday. Visualize where you go from here, and keep a record of this crystal moment. Saturday afternoon (30th) delivers a double punch-line in the form of two oppositions: The Full Moon in Capricorn opposing the Sun in Cancer and Venus opposite Neptune. The first aspect will be about emotional balancing, and if you have been recording the effects of the Moon’s phases in your life, you may have an idea what to expect, or not. The second aspect speaks of emotional confusion, or even deception, and you will need to unearth that record of crystal clarity from earlier in the week to help your perspective on the issues which could be complex. I feel I need to end on my usual note about Rufus Wainwright or aubergines, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome on location at Predator Design HQ. So please excuse this hastily cobbled-together blog and hope it helps you through…

Aspects for the week beginning 17 June 2007

We’re embarking on a week of contrasting light and shade as we cruise towards the first major aspect of the week which comes on Tuesday. Consolidate the projects and wishes from last Friday’s Gemini New Moon in this period. The poet Walt Whitman said: “There was a child went forth every day, and the first object he look’d upon, that object he became, and that object became part of him for the day or a certain part of the day…” Well on my way to work on Friday I saw a duck and a drake, a symbol of the Gemini twins, balancing of the inner male and female. So if you haven’t got a feminine side, ye lads and ladettes, it might be the time to get one. Tuesday morning brings the drama of the Sun opposing Pluto. If you are a Drama Queen or King, just ask yourself – “Why?” There’s enough natural drama without creating the man-made variety. If you’re worried about someone, remember to send out healing instead of the poison worry-dart. Providing you get through Tuesday (is there a choice?) the evening promises a much more convivial atmosphere with a trine between Venus and Jupiter, which either provides a happy ending or a welcome distraction from the earlier trauma. If you’re hosting, that’ll be music and dancing, spit-roasted aubergine and sparkling mineral water all round. There’s work to do on Thursday afternoon and evening, for the Summer Solstice coincides with a trine between Mars and Pluto. It’s a constructive aspect, but not for the faint-hearted. If you doubt your ability to be constructive or supportive in a fraught situation, don’t forget there are various cosmic forces available to help if you just ask. Know that you have the strength and qualities within you for the task. Non-violent resistance in the style of Gandhi and Martin Luther King is the order of the day. And, don’t panic Mr. Mainwaring! That done, Saturday finds Uranus stationary, so someone is not budging, someone is standing up for their principles, even if it’s just your pet cat or dog.

Quotation from “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz

“You will know you have forgiven someone when you see them and you no longer have an emotional reaction. You will hear the name of the person and you will have no emotional reaction. When someone can touch what used to be a wound and it no longer hurts you, then you know you have truly forgiven.”

Aspects for the week beginning 10 June 2007

The rhythm of this week’s aspects resembles the quick-step: slow, slow, quick-quick slow, or to be more accurate slow, quick, slow etc. Today you might be grateful for a slow start, in order to absorb the surprises of yesterday’s aspect. Perhaps someone got in touch from the past out of the blue, taking you back decades (if you are old enough to have decades behind you). So tomorrow (Monday 11th) is the first “quick” day, with no fewer than 3 major aspects, all in synch with each other. First off is Sun sextile Mars: the day therefore starts briskly, with a sporting chance for your chosen activity, or your daily grind. Next up is the Sun sextile Saturn: a chance to realistically assess what you have achieved. And at the very end of the day (in UK time) a beautiful summation of the other two aspects in the triangular shape of Mars trine Saturn, bringing a balance between headlong activity and careful planning which spells a job well done. Tuesday (12th) is the next “slow”, so keep checking and balancing, in the afterglow of that trine. If you’re getting into the groove you’ll guess that Wednesday (13th) is action packed (no, not Action Pact, the punk group of the early 80s). Actually eventful may be more true to say than action packed on reflection…Like Monday’s aspects they are both positive and harmoniously linked, but unlike Monday’s there’s more gentleness to the rhythm. If Monday was jazz, today’s a waltz. The Sun trines Neptune in the morning, allowing magic and dreams to come to the fore. In the evening, Mars sextiles Neptune, encouraging that sashay across the dance floor, that movement towards your dreams, the beginning of the beguine. Have a rest Thursday (14th), you might need to soak your feet. Friday (15th) brings the next New Moon, in the sign of Gemini, fostering new projects in the realms of communication. There may be a false start though as Mercury is stationary, all dressed up and nowhere to go before turning retrograde on Saturday (16th), when it might be as well to nurse those blisters at home and avoid the frustration of yet another weekend of engineering works on the rail network. You’ve probably had enough excitement for one week, anyway.

Aspects for the week beginning 3 June 2007

Tomorrow (4th) kicks off with a trine between Mars and Jupiter in fire signs. If you’ve had a lazy weekend, this may jump-start your enthusiasm for the task in hand, be it a work project or a leisure project. It favours both sporting activities and philosophical explaorations. So if you are planning something special this week and it’s a moveable feast then move it to Monday. Tuesday (5th) sees the arrival of Venus in Leo (more fire to your elbow). Feelings will transform from the sentimental approach of Venus in Cancer to the heart of the lion: courage and magnanimity ruling the day. Later that day you may begin to sense the challenge involved in the task you set for yourself at the beginning of this week (or at the Full Moon late last week). The tussle is between Sun in Gemini (seeing the minutiae of a project) and Jupiter in Sagittarius (seeing the whole picture or beyond). You need to see your next step as well as the end product in order to maintain the motivation. Geminis may get irritable with Sagittarians, whose character traits are just so magnified this year…it may take a Libran, Arien or Leo to help solve the situation. Many heads are better than one or two. That search for group consensus is likely to simmer for a few days until Saturday evening (9th) when the Sun squares Uranus, and something has to give. The nearest Aquarian could make the definitive or prophetic annoncements which goes unchallenged…stand back in amazement and re-group for a renewal of effort next week. If you haven’t got a project on the go or don’t have a group situation going on, take the planets as archetypes in your own interior drama/kitchen sink play/magical mystery tour – you decide.

Aspects for the week beginning 27 May 2007

Mercury opposite Pluto today may start for some the build up of tension towards the Full Moon on Friday, especially if you are by habit susceptible. Our valiant Moon Researchers (Moonpod for short) are still beavering away trying to make sense of why some people are and some people aren’t sometimes or always. Back to the Now, emotion versus reason may be tearing you apart, so you may need to expand your vision to see the whole picture today. Mercury enters Cancer on Tuesday (29th) and you may then be able to see how reason and emotion fit together to create that bigger picture. There’s an unusual dearth of major aspects during the week itself, but if you are preoccupied with the reason/emotion dichotomy that may be enough to keep you busy. You can apply it to anything, if you get bored. Work yourself up to a lather by Friday’s Full Moon, or find ways to chill out (attend the Singers Inspired Concert perhaps), go into deep spiritual retreat, watch the Apprentice and its re-run, listen to your new Rufus Wainwright CD (“Reach for the Stars”), and you will be ready for what (in the absence of any competition) is the astrological event of the week. So come Friday (1st June) you’ll be ready to understand the significance of the Full Moon, particularly as it applies in the signs affected (Moon in Sagittarius opposing Sun in Gemini) and the houses affected if you know your birthchart. You may want to use the Alice Bailey keynote for Moon in Sagittarius: “I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.” On a more global scale, there may be a media frenzy that day (maybe peaking the night before), or a denouement of understanding about a situation. And someone, somewhere, will announce the book deal. That’s all Folks!