Aspects for the week beginning 5 August 2007
You have all day to practise your Saturn trine Pluto exercises for tomorrow, as there are no other aspects to distract you. If you haven’t even made a start, please read Steps 1 and 2 to get into the groove. Tomorrow’s event may produce a moment of truth, and put the last couple of years into perspective. Don’t miss it! Tuesday (7th) morning brings an opposition between Chiron and the Sun. Group healing is called for, so find the solution to the crisis, then demand a group hug, saying “Well done, everybody!” Jupiter is stationary on Tuesday, so the crisis may centre around the Sagittarian who may be superglued to the office chair, or hopefully something less dramatic. These Sagittarians can become victims of their own pranks, you know. Tuesday could also be tricky later on, when you are back home from the office even, with a late night square between Venus and Mars. At best this could be a romantic misunderstanding in the manner of the French farce. At worst…? Well, do resist the temptation to gossip, as gossip can be fatal. Venus re-enters Leo on Thursday (9th) retrograding from Virgo. Another chance to glam-up as a break from the Cinderella rags you’ve been wearing lately. In fact, you’ve got until October before the panto rehearsals re-start in earnest. Seriously though, if you’ve been having issues with ex-partners, it’s the retrograde motion of Venus which will require heart-searching for several more weeks. Also on the menu for Thursday is Mercury trine Jupiter, which is pure gold for communication: with your ex, with your holiday tour operator, or even on your mobile on the train (just ignore the tut-tuts from the other commuters). And the rest of the week? There’s a New Moon coming, so start your wish list early.