Entries Tagged as 'Astrology'
Aspects for the week beginning 7 December 2008
Early in the hours of this morning, while you were sleeping, Mercury was sextile Neptune. Hopefully you were given dream guidance, but even if you were not, your higher mind would have been communing with other planes of reality and gathering information for you to bring into consciousness to help you today or throughout this […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 30 November 2008
Of course the dust has not begun to settle on Pluto’s entry into Capricorn, but the aspects of ordinary life must go on…Venus trines Saturn today, which gives us a chance to re-establish relations, take stock of loyalties and also to look at our material values. The love that underlies our soul connections (we are […]
Categories: Astrology
Pluto in Capricorn – The Ascendants
You’ll need your Ascendant for this! To recap: Pluto goes into Capricorn tomorrow, for a 15-year stint. It’s a new phase of life for many of us, and a deeper focus in the house which Pluto has been occupying in your chart, and may occupy for a few years yet. Ascendant in ARIES: To the […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 23 November 2008
Mercury emters Sagittarius today, and if you have felt stuck recently, this move may help to shift your mental patterns. Wider horizons may beckon: you may fancy a weekend in Paris, or may be thinking of booking a winter ski-ing holiday. New philosophical territories too may open up: the chance of an online Zen cafe […]
Categories: Astrology
Pluto in Capricorn – Sun Signs
Pluto the long-stay planet is parking itself in Capricorn from Thursday 27 November. Here’s a guide to the psychological slant for each sign: Aries – The pace of Pluto in Capricorn won’t suit the energies of Aries, which likes a quick fix. Try to keep your creative fire flowing in ideas and new projects, and […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 16 November 2008
It’s a dynamic day for Mercurial types, Geminis and Virgoans. The day started with Mercury trine Uranus, information flying fast and furiously across the globe, the internet alight with information. Make sure you get the full story, the full truth: there is a window today for truth to emerge before the webs of illusion start […]
Categories: Astrology
Pluto in Capricorn – Prep
Pluto re-enters Capricorn and takes residence there on Thursday 27 November for 15 years. For historical background and perspective please revisit my January blog (I shall say this only once). But for now, it is time to look at how it is affecting us. The transit of Pluto affects us globally, but collectively is made […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 9 November 2008
You may have a day of rest today, to ponder over what you achieved last week during the reconstructional opposition between Saturn and Uranus. Maybe you made headway on home improvements, or maybe your vote counted in an election. Whatever it was, it could have major implications for the future. You don’t need any preparation […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 2 November 2008
Citizen Smith, and the Tooting Popular Front, your time has come! Actor Robert Lindsay, who played Wolfie Smith in the TV sitcom back in the 1970s, has (like me) his second Saturn Return this week, and his past role may come back to haunt him (pleasantly I hope). For the Saturn-Uranus opposition which has had […]
Categories: Astrology · Celebrities
Saturn opposite Uranus 2
(“Saturn opposite Uranus – Intro” appeared in September) I don’t have the facilities for sound on this website, but if I was playing a song to accompany this update on Saturn’s opposition to Uranus and its dismantling of structures, it would be “Something’s gotta Give” sung by Frank Sinatra, which starts: “When an irresistable force […]
Categories: Astrology