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Entries Tagged as 'Astrology'

Aspects for the week beginning 24 February 2008

There are two contrasting aspects today, and you may need skill to get them working together. Not sure which to give top billing to, but we’ll go for the conventional one first: Sun opposite Saturn. You may be hard-pressed to find inspiration for your creativity, especially if you are reading the newspapers and watching the […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 17 February 2008

The biggest event of the day, around tea-time in the U.K., is Venus entering Aquarius. You may have had a sense of tying up loose ends in relationships this last week, because relationships are making a new start today. Venus is set for a short stay (just over 3 weeks) so we will be trying […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 10 February 2008

There are three major aspects this week, all of them involving the Sun, which is still in Aquarius. So the theme of the developing individuality and its relationship to the group is continuing on from last week. The first aspect evolving and reaching its peak on Monday (11th) is Sun conjunct Neptune: mystery building up […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 3 February 2008

On Sunday morning Mercury is conjunct Neptune and journeys will still be complicated, communications fuzzy and weather unhelpful, so be prepared with your Sat Nav (or on second thoughts maybe not), flasks of hot tea, credit on your mobile phone and an extra jumper. Over the next couple of days, conversations could be cloudy and […]

Categories: Astrology

Last week – how did you score? 2

I don’t intend to make this a regular feature, but just check your score against last week’s to see if you are consistent…Did you experience excruciating disruption on the trains on Monday, re-affirm a relationship on Wednesday, make some great social contacts on Friday, and get down to those nitty-gritty chores at the end of […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 27 January 2008

Did you have a defining Pluto-entering-Capricorn event over the last few days? Today’s a good day to turn the symbolism over in your mind. Maybe your dreams are trying to bring through a special message related to this event. This week the meaning of the event will start to play out, perhaps in more practical […]

Categories: Astrology

Last week – how did you score?

Did you feel balanced on Monday (despite the economic slump), emotional on Tuesday (missing a loved one), spiritual on Wednesday (in a holy communion), profound on Thursday (insight into deep issues) and different on Saturday (feeling a change in perception about the world)? Score 2 points for every yes, and 1 point for every no. […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 20 January 2008

Much has been promised for this week, but will it deliver its brief? Sunday morning (20th) kicks off with an opposition between Venus and Mars. We all go back to the drawing board on the battle between the sexes. Are you polarized on one side or the other, or are you a balanced blend? The […]

Categories: Astrology

Pluto enters Capricorn

At 2.37 a.m. (UK time) on Saturday 26 January we will be entering the era of Pluto in Capricorn. This era will last 15 years, a little longer than the era of Pluto in Sagittarius which began in 1995, so it’s almost a generational thing. Pluto in Sagittarius saw extremism and excess in religion, society […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 13 January 2008

Bit of a hair-raising week last week, and I’m glad to have my usual font back. Today’s a good day to extract all the possibilities from the healing vibes of Venus sextile Chiron which are still available to us. If you are a practitioner, then it’s time to heal thyself. Tomorrow (Monday 14th) Pluto sextiles […]

Categories: Astrology