Aspects for the week beginning 30 September 2012
Ed Milliband
Just a short preamble this morning on this week’s leader of the political party Conference (I have used up some of my blogging juice on the challenge of writing about Saturn’s entry into Scorpio). Having watched Ed Milliband (whose position in the polls is on the rise) this morning on the Andrew Marr show, he scrubbed up very well morale-wise in comparison to poor Nick Clegg last week on the Andrew Marr show prior to his Lib Dem conference. Last week on the couch Nick Clegg’s forehead worry lines were in themselves very worrying. The political pundits viewed his conference speeches as lack lustre. In contrast, Ed Milliband suddenly seems to know who he is (we’ll find out more this week at the Labour Party Conference). As someone (one of my blog commenters) texted me this morning “He’s got Andrew over a barrel in the debate”. Ed Milliband’s closest transit at this time is Neptune (spirituality) trine his Jupiter (philosophy), so he is coming into his stride in terms of being sure of his ground philosophically. I think when he first took over as leader of the Labour Party he had some successful but heavy duty and demanding transits (Pluto transiting his Sun, and transiting Uranus trine his Neptune). He was wondering how he got from promising politician and beloved brother to the post of leader of the Opposition and flailing Labour Party. Now he feels ready to lead the Labour Party, and I would watch the Conference with interest, but I will be travelling. So I will look out for some interesting soundbites on my i Phone app. Interestingly, a statement of intent he has made this weekend, a threat to break up and reform the banks if they do not mend their ways, is right in the spirit of the era of Saturn in Pluto, so that could be a visionary aim (stemming from the inspiration of transiting Neptune trine his Jupiter).
Mars dominates the beginning and the end of this week. On Tuesday (2nd) Mars conjuncts the North Node – re-introducing the Inner Warrior who is in no mood for messin’, with this conjunction now taking place in Scorpio (remember we are now karmically evolving more courageously with the North Node newly placed in this sign).
Caroline Myss says of this Archetype:
“The spiritual Warrior pioneered by Dan Millman, Chogyam Trungpa, and others directs you to use the classic Warrior virtues of heroism, stoicism, and self-sacrifice for conquering the ego and gaining control of the inner realm.”
Wednesday (3rd) may be a notable but perplexing day for Venusians (Taureans, Librans and those with Venus rising). It begins with Venus sextile Saturn. They are both in the 29th degree of their signs (Leo and Libra respectively) and as Libra’s ruler Venus may assist Saturn in leave a parting gift with you from his time in Libra: the gift may be in the realm of relationships, art or music, if you have been consciously working on such a related issue over the last two and a half years. See my October 2009 blog Saturn in Libra – Karmic Dilemmas
which may help you to a clearer idea of what it might be. Globally there may be a diplomatic breakthrough, mid-week, for instance. You may have resolution or closure in a relationship, on the personal front.
Venus then enters Virgo and changes her tune from magnanimous (Leo) to choosy (Virgo). This will happen literally overnight. Make sure you register for and claim the free gift before she does so, even if it in the form of a dream. If you work in the Arts sector it’s now time to get to work on the design or planning stage for the next season.
Venus linking with exacting Saturn and then changing signs may be all too much for some, and by the evening there may be confusion or meltdown. What may have seemed set earlier on will feel like an overwhelming state of flux by the evening, e.g. Opening your creative channels may have unleashed a torrent of ideas from which you can’t make sense or order . Welcome to the phantasmagorical world of Venus opposite Neptune.
Jupiter goes Stationary on Thursday (4th) prior to turning retrograde at 16 degrees Gemini. Sagittarians especially may be forced into U-turns. Whilst Margaret Thatcher wasn’t for turning, David Cameron has undertaken more U-turns than he has eaten West Cornish pasties. Educational changes are a feature of Jupiter’s current passage through Gemini, and Education Minister Michael Gove seems determined to make his mark by recreating the schooling of his childhood. The retrograde Jupiter in Gemini may help him achieve this retrograde step. I have been amazed the policy has got this far. That is not to say sense may not prevail when Jupiter next goes forwards next year – there is still a chance that it can.
On Friday (5th) Mercury conjuncts Saturn and there may be further depressing news, e.g. about education plans. If Education is not an interest or concern of yours, then it is a day to try to focus on work or studies, though that may not be easy. Try to lighten up occasionally by taking coffee breaks in unusual ways or locations, e.g. If you work near a zoo, go and watch the monkeys. Otherwise, under leaden skies and the new yet-to-be named cloud formation (let us hope for no more floods this week), you may find it harder to locate yourself at the end of the working day.
Friday is as much Mercury’s day as Wednesday was Venusian. Therefore, Geminis and Virgos may go through as many quick changes as Venusians did then. The next change up is Mercury leaving calm and collected Libra and entering incisive and smouldering Scorpio. No longer content with surface niceties we will be impatient to get to the deeper truths. You may register the moment of this switch around 10.35 a.m. in the U.K…
Saturn in Scorpio
…But this will be nothing in comparison to the shift you might feel later in the day when Saturn himself moves into Scorpio (20.34 Hrs in the U.K.). Pause to consider the gliding of Saturn through Libra since October 2009…then deepen that, for Saturn now enters more challenging waters. If you managed to produce balance in your relationships or art, you will now be challenged to bring in deeper truth, honesty and integrity. What was good enough for Libra won’t reach the benchmark for Scorpio.
As I say in this morning’s “Saturn in Scorpio” blog,
be ready for life to hand you a challenge (or project), perhaps as early as the time of Saturn’s ingress (entrance) into Scorpio.
Onwards and Upwards
At 22.06 hrs Mercury trines Neptune. This is a helpful aspect for us to balance the entry of Saturn into Scorpio. The lower mind will be able to accept, receive and process inspiration from higher realms. Problems of sensory overload from Wednesday may now be more easily digested and organized mentally.
Mars ends the week on Saturday (6th) in the last degree of Scorpio, preparing to leave that battleground and to put its energy into higher aspiration, or sports such as Quidditch. On its last days in Scorpio review the state of your inner warrior and its evolution over the last 6 weeks or so while Mars has been in that sign. Has it evolved into the peaceful warrior of idealism? Have you taken the opportunities to stand up for yourself or state your boundaries? Is your Inner Warrior fit for purpose for its next stage…?
The week in bullet points:
- Tuesday – the Karmic Inner Warrior re-engages
- Wednesday – A Parting but sensible Gift, a sign of progress, and a new work focus.
Later, confusion and overwhelmed feelings
- Thursday – A U-Turn
- Friday – a battle for the mind; issues shift into deeper psychological waters;
A new Challenge or Project; resolution of mental challenges incorporating the Spiritual perspective
- Saturday – review the Inner Warrior and its imminent shift or new evolvement