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Aspects for the week beginning 3 November 2013

Uranus-Pluto Square – Phase 4 – Aftermath

Here in South West Norfolk we did not have the storm (whch other areas did have) on Monday, nor on Friday, but last night’s late night windstorm blew away local attempts at celebrating bonfire night with accompanying fireworks. Huge gusts of winds and showers of rain produced damp quibs.

Friday’s  Uranus-Pluto square seemed, from feedback I received, to result in people having to do difficult things but feeling supported by the Universe (being accompanied by some supportive lesser aspects).

Internationally, there was an assassination on Friday.  Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in a CIA drone attack, which may prove to have significant repercussions.  Years of sacrifice and casualties in Afghanistan from Britain and the U.S. among other UN  peacekeeping forces from other nationalities, are in danger of counting for nothing.  Pakistan claims that peace talks were on track, and have now been derailed.


We do not have  Hakimullah Mehsud’s birth date, but the Pakistan Republic chart’s transits on 1st November shows Neptune squaring its Saturn – everything thrown into confusion again.  For the original Pakistan chart formed a few years earlier, Saturn squares its natal Saturn/Pluto conjunction – perennial problems made worse.  It all depends on the willingness of the two sides to make peace: if they really want it, this event will not get in the way.

Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson

Meanwhile earlier in the week it was revealed at their trial that former News of the World Editors Rebekah Brooks (nee Wade) and Andy Coulson were said to have had a six-year affair.  This evidence was produced in court  to show they trusted each other with hacking secrets.

Their Editorial karma is shown in their Synastry (astrological compatibility) by Andy Coulson’s Mercury (newspapers) sextile exactly Rebekah Brooks North Node (karma).  It’s a story of attraction (his Uranus trines her Venus) love (her Venus trines exactly his Sun), sex (her Mars sextiles his Moon) and estrangement (his Uranus squares her Mercury):  all the ingredients for good Sunday reading…


The first half of the week emphasizes the need to do what must be done, and the second half letting your hair down.

There’s a New Moon which is a Solar Eclipse today at 11 degrees Scorpio.  A New Moon is a new beginning, and an eclipse can be a turning point, sometimes dramatic in its execution.  If you are able to think back to the 18th October eclipsed Full Moon, you may see the issues which were brewing then which necessitate a new start now.  There may be no connection between the two in your life, but often eclipses come as stages of the same issue when they occur in close proximity, and the ramifications can last up to 6 months. To give a personal example, the eclipse occurring this time last year was conjunct the Sun of a close family member, and a health issue was subsequently revealed which took 6 months to resolve.

Supporting aspects today are Mercury conjunct the North Node (karmic information which may prove useful) and the Sun sextile Mars (new invigoration and energy).

On Tuesday (5th) Venus enters Capricorn and we go from  a happy-go-lucky attitude to relationships (Venus in Sagittarius), maybe thinking they can take care of themselves, to a more  dutiful, responsible, committed and loyal attitude, if a tad unsentimental.  We realize their importance, and strive to honour that.

Wednesday (6th) ratchets up the theme of loyalty and responsibility, with the Sun conjunct Saturn in the intense sign of Scorpio.  Seriousness and weighty pronouncements prevail, perhaps in the knowledge of the impermanence of relationships, life and experience.  So far it’s a sombre start to the week, but the second half of the week is more lively and upbeat.

Jupiter turns stationary prior to going retrograde on Thursday (7th).  Though this may scupper your plans, it does at least focus on the planet Jupiter, dreams and merry making.  You may have been on a roll with a project, unless severely held back by Uranus Pluto squaring and the Eclipses.  You might have to roll back the red carpet for a while during Jupiter’s retrograde motion.

Let’s recap:  Archetypes and Personas for the first half of the week are the Martyr, Victim, Slave and Servant.  On Thursday, you may need to bring on the Clowns, and give them air time.

Early on Friday (8th) Venus sextiles Neptune, a chance to relax and produce something inspirational, and satisfy the Soul.  Put your feet up and admire your new slippers, or better still put on your dancing shoes, and dance.

At lunchtime, Mercury sextiles Venus, so a spell at your desk could produce some work on your ongoing novel, diplomatic letters, or if outdoors you could be telling tales on a riverbank.

Saturday (9th) is a fairly powerful ending to the week, with Mars sextile Saturn: controlled action producing satisfying construction outcomes.  Doc Marten boots would be more suitable footware, and the venue would be a building site.

And in the evening Mercury trines Neptune, so attending a soiree would be the perfect scenario: canapés, sparkling conversation and the spirit of Oscar Wilde (intellect combined with wit and inspiration).  A charity fundraiser would do well, for instance.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – new beginnings, turning points, karmic information and energy
  • Tuesday – duty calls
  • Wednesday – honourable observance
  • Thursday – a touch of humour
  • Friday – serenity or joining the dance; creative communication
  • Saturday – construction early; later sparkle


Aspects for the week beginning 27 October 2013

Uranus square Pluto – Phase 4

“Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout”

~ King Lear

We are warned that a storm is coming…at the moment it is sunny here in Norfolk, but windy.  Prepare for a storm of the magnitude of 1987, they are saying.  At the same time we are in the eye (exactly half way through) the Uranus-Pluto squares, the fourth of seven which last till 2015.  If you have been following this blog you will have a flavour of the planetary storms, and if you have not been following the blog, you are probably aware that times are tough one way or another.


How do you prepare for a storm?  Do you take the Virgoan approach, and batten down every hatch systematically, hoping the Universe won’t find a way through any loophole you might have overlooked?  Or do you take the Piscean approach and just lay down and surrender to it all, hoping for divine mercy, or self-forgiveness, or just luck.  During the 1987 storms, most of which took place overnight, I lay awake and had one of those rare moments of transcendence, at one with the wind, feeling part of the storm itself.

There are people who don’t fear storms, or who enjoy them.  Khalil Gibran said in one of his letters:

“Mary, what is there in a storm that moves me so ? Why am I so much better and stronger and more certain of life when a storm is passing ? I do not know, and yet I love a storm more, far more, than anything in nature.”

I know two people preparing an imminent passing.  I do not know their thoughts, but I imagine their thoughts on life are concentrated and distilled.  I imagine they know what is important and what is not important.  And so, this morning, I feel that the way to prepare for storms (both the meteorological variety, and the vicissitudes of life which may or may not arrive on Friday with the Uranus-Pluto square) is to determine what is important in your life – what you can let go of and what you would strain to keep.  Maybe that is the middle way, between the Piscean and Virgoan methods of storm preparation.


Hope you have revelled in the extra hour from the clocks going back today.. There’s a stabilising and healing sextile between Pluto and Chiron tomorrow, which you can tap into in advance. It combines psychological perception with healing. If you are getting together with friends, conversations can be deeply satisfying.  If you are observing a storm, there may be parts of the storm you can embrace on a psycho-spiritual level.

On Tuesday (29th) Mercury conjuncts Saturn, so it may be back to the grindstone, working on paperwork, documentation and filing in a concentrated, focussed way. Perhaps you are usefully incorporating the psychological insight from Monday.

On Wednesday (30th) the Sun conjuncts the North Node, so the sun shines a light on karma, and karma informs soul affairs. This may be exacting, but rewarding.

Happy Halloween for Thursday (31st) which could be in character. An opposition between Mars and Chiron could be strong meat, especially if you are hoping to trick or scare someone with your costume.

However it is followed by a trine between Mars and Pluto, invigorating in a more constructive way , such as giving you the courage to face reality.  It is highly energetic , but sometimes leaves an opening for the criminal elements of society, if the energy is not controlled.

Friday is the Big Day

Not only do we start with the Uranus-Pluto square on Friday morning, but we have an unprecedented number of aspects falling the same day, like falling leaves swept by the Autumn winds.


10.30 a.m. – Uranus square Pluto  at 9 degrees Aries and Capricorn– Phase 4 – Friday is the most important day, kicking off with the most important aspect.  A series of crises occurring over the last year and a half reaches its latest stage and stretches your understanding.  Last week’s US  economic  precipice encapsulates the type of personal or public tightrope we all face in some way.  Complex solutions are required for our complex times.  The other aspects today are just supporting acts.  But curiously enough, all the supporting acts are actually supportive!

12.03 pm – Mercury sextile Mars – at lunchtime in the UK, Mercury sextile Mars makes it possible to articulate the dilemmas in a direct manner.

Mid-Afternoon – Sun trines Chiron – The Sun then trines Chiron, bringing some much needed healing balm, healing through creativity.

17.05 Hrs – The Sun also sextiles Pluto, ensuring that solutions are meaningful and  not superficial.  And there’s more!

20.19 Hrs – Sun conjunct Mercury at 10 degrees Scorpio – This aspect crystallizes thought and creative expression, and in Scorpio enables us to see right into the nature of things.

22.24 Hrs –Mercury sextile Pluto – Articulating the serious, deep and meaningful.  Intensifying the ability to see into the real nature of things.

Before Midnight – Mercury trine Chiron – healing avenues coming together

So although we are in the eye of the storm, especially on Friday, we have an army of planetary resources on the day to meet the challenges.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – deep healing
  • Tuesday – concentration
  • Wednesday – karmic
  • Thursday – trick or treat
  • Friday – (see timetable) – storm and then settlements

Aspects for the week beginning 20 October 2013

On the Brink

U.S.A. Chart

This week’s U.S. crisis and deadline was averted in the nick of time.  Of course the crisis did not only belong to the U.S., it had implications for the world economy.  On Thursday, the day of the deadline and the day a temporary resolution was made Neptune from Pisces in 3rd House of the U.S. chart (communicated uncertainty) was trine the US chart Venus  (finance) in Cancer in 7th House, indicative of a place of rest in the situation.  It was the day before an eclipsed Full Moon in Aries (itself a threshold) positioned in the U.S. 5th House, squaring its natal Pluto (high finance) in the 2nd House and creating a T-square with its natal Mercury/Part of Fortune in 8th House. in Cancer (financial House connected with other parties).

Obama Chart

How the crisis showed up in President Obama’s chart was a transit of the North Node (karmic coercion) on his Neptune in Scorpio in 9th House (sensitivity to global awareness).  Neptune has been active this year in Obama’s chart, so he has had many complex and subtle issues to deal with both personally and politically.

Boehner willing to gamble

Who is John Boehner, whose willingness to gamble the welfare of his party (Republicans), his State and the world in this way?  Boehner is the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and he is quite complex emotionally, with Moon/Neptune at the South Node, so he may be harbouring and acting out emotions stemming from past lives, not necessarily appropriate to this one.  His Jupiter is exactly conjunct the U.S. Pluto, so he would be zealous in his feeling that he was doing his best for the nation, touching both the vulnerability and the power of the nation and its finance.

Are there signs of a stand off in his synastry with Obama?  His Sun squares Obama’s Uranus (his ruling planet) so Barack Obama would feel the strength of his conviction in a stand off.  John Boehner’s Pluto exactly opposes Barack’s Obama, which is devastating in its challenge.

At the  deadline,  Saturn is bisecting his natal Mars-Venus trine forming two sextiles.  Therefore he would feel confident in his challenge to the end.

[Please note this section has been revised due to a change in birth date – my apologies]

World Economy

How significant was this precipice to the world economy?  I couldn’t look at all the possibilities this morning, so chose three countries:

U.K. Chart

We have other issues going on close to home, but our Chancellor George Osborne was visiting China close to this time for economic favours.  The ongoing Uranus-Pluto square is currently active in our chart:  Uranus squares the U.K. Pluto (the economy is not as buoyant as George Osborne would like to think it is), Uranus sextiles the U.K. Ascendant (time to look at other options, such as China), transiting Pluto sextile sthe UK Jupiter (this is a good solid indication of some growth taking place, and the probable cause of his optimism!).  In addition, Pluto sextiles the UK Uranus (also very helpful, especially for new avenues of exploration) and the North Node conjuncts UK Jupiter (karmic connections can reap rewards).

Germany Chart

At the deadline Uranus opposed  exactly the  Germany Sun, a potential shock.  Pluto squares exactly the  Germany Sun (another country directly affected by the Uranus-Pluto square, whose 4th phase comes up in early November).  The Nodal Axis squares its Jupiter (possibly forcing it to share wealth) and Saturn sextiles its natal Neptune, again helping to stave off the crisis, at least as it applies to Germany.

China Chart

Unsurprisingly, China looks to be in a buoyant phase at the moment, and during its visit from George Osborne.  Jupiter opposes the China Sun, growth being visible.  Even more helpfully, Saturn sextiles its Jupiter, stabilizing its growth.

The Kicked Can

Raymond Merriman, the Financial Astrologer, uses the phrase “the kicked can”  (down the road) a lot when describing the ongoing financial crises of the Obama administration and the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square which he considers in the middle of its influence.  This time he feels the crisis is being held over until January/February 2014.  Here are the transits for the above parties at that time:

 Saturn will be sextile the US Neptune (some stability and settlement).

Saturn will sextile Obama’s Mars (personal stability); Neptune  will be square Obama’s Moon (a confusing aspect which has beleaguered him this year).

Boehner will have mixed aspects, some quite powerful (if he is still in the picture)..  Difficult aspects include Pluto on his Venus and Saturn on his Mercury.  But Pluto will trine his Mars so he may again try to assert his authority.

Mars will be square the U.K. Moon (perhaps some civil unrest, unrelated to the economy); Saturn will be trine U.K Moon (indicating the government may be able to handle this crisis satisfactorily).  Uranus will be sextile exactly the UK Ascendant,  as at the current deadline.

Jupiter will be opposite Germany’s  Neptune, perhaps a crisis of faith, and not necessarily connected to the economy.  Pluto will be conjunct Germany’s Neptune, so that will constitute a major crisis, perhaps in connection with the nation’s psychology.  Uranus will be opposite Germany’s Sun, as now.  There will be huge pressure on Germany.  Finally, Uranus will be trine Germany’s Jupiter, bringing some help and surprising solutions in these conditions.

Jupiter will oppose  China’s Jupiter, so more buoyancy, and some overconfidence.  At the same time,  Pluto will conjunct China’s Jupiter, so events will be on a grand scale.

Hopefully, I will be able to look at this scenario again in the New Year, and in relation to the shifting of the aspects.


Insomnia may have been the name of the game in the early hours of today (in the UK).  You may have been trying to work out some tortuous situation in your mind, trying to make it straight but it is just too complicated.  The male of the species may be hard to fathom, for instance.  In the end you may have surrendered to sleep in the hope that your subconscious mind would work it out or provide some symbolic insight.

The solution may come in stages, through the week, arriving by Friday night.  It is not likely to be revealed in one go, today, so if you woke with one step forward in your thinking, all is well, and you can work on that at least for today, and maybe test out a theory.  For instance, if your theory is that the male of the species does the opposite of what you suggest, then test that out accordingly, in safe experiments.

By tomorrow morning, you may be engaged in other experiments, those involving communication, for Mercury is stationary prior to turning retrograde, and you know what that means….You may again need to be strategic in your thinking, but in more direct and rational ways than on Sunday which was more of an emotional challenge.  Be explicit in what you say, say what you mean and mean what you say.  Leave others in no doubt as to your thoughts and intentions.  There may be postal, rail or computer glitches.

On Wednesday (23rd)  the Sun enters Scorpio.  Stop expecting people to be reasonable and rational, and expect them to be coming from deep intense emotional drives, and you will be ahead of the game.  The pleasant Libran collective demeanor will give way to a more meaningful, if not more challenging set of behaviours.  For example, teachers will be greeted with “Why should I?” rather than “OK teacher knows best about the subject”.  If your pupils were already saying “Why should I?” then the response to your teaching will be one step further in its challenge, such as stony silence or an entrenched statement that black is white. Scorpio is not the easiest of months in the classroom, sandwiched between the initial energy or enthusiasm of conscientious Virgo and co-operative Libra, and the restlessness and fatigue that accompanies the end of term in Sagittarius and the run up to Christmas.

Friday (25th) brings some resolutions, relief and calm after the wrangles of the week.  In the evening there is a trine between the Sun and Neptune.  Illumination may flood through the issues of early week.  They may be wisdoms you knew all along but couldn’t articulate.  They may have come through in your dreams but you forgot the dreams or didn’t write them down, but now they seem as if déjà vu.  Anyway they seem aligned with present reality and spiritual truth and may settle your mind, at least temporarily.  They day is good for poetry and inspiration, and dance if you are interested in such pursuits.  The Strictly Come Dancing performers should put on a good show on Saturday (even better than usual).

Savour this trine and the serenity of the atmosphere at the end of this week.  For the next week we will need our spiritual muscles for the fourth Uranus-Pluto square in the sequence, and the following week we have another eclipse.

Tread lightly on your own dreams.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – difficult to get clear
  • Tomorrow – communications topsy turvy again
  • Wednesday – new challenges, some self-imposed
  • Friday – sublime

N.B. My Customer Service desk will be closed on Friday

Aspects for the week beginning 13 October 2013

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks – everybody’s favourite actor?  – is certainly most versatile and has a film to suit everybody in his listings.  From Forrest Gump to Apollo 13 he has shown the range of his talent.  He is now being peddled around the breakfast TV / chat show circuit for his latest film Captain Phillips about the Captain of a mariner taken hostage by Somali pirates.  He has also been talking about his type 2 diabetes.  I like the “Sleepless in Seattle” and “You’ve got Mail” genre myself, but I have shallow tastes in film.  He is a paternal Cancerian father of four.

I often find that the Midheaven in an actor’s  chart points to the types of roles they play and their screen persona.  Tom has Midheaven indicating his versatility, with Venus on the Midheaven showing his likeability and popularity.  His Venus/Midheaven conjunction trines his Neptune, which gives him screen legend charisma.

He has Sun illuminating his 10th House of Career, exactly trine Mars, so he would enjoy working on action films, and in fact this latest one is ideal because he is a ship’s captain and his exact trine is in water signs!

Moon trine North Node is his closest aspect to the North Node, which for me signifies that one of his consummate roles is the guy next door.  The Moon is also opposite Chiron, so he can play gut wrenching emotion too.  The Moon represents the mother and Chiron shows there was some wounding in respect to her: his parents divorced when he was four, and he and two siblings went with his father and only the youngest  child stayed with his mother.  His flamboyant and theatrical side also comes from an aspect of his Moon, which is in the sign of Leo in the sociable  11th House.  His Sun and Ascendant are in the more introvert signs of Cancer and Virgo respectively.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto gives him great personal power, to ensure that he would not ultimately be pushed around by a Film Director who may have a power complex.  However Saturn squares his Pluto exactly, so there may have been some personal angst during some power play in his life, both personal and professional.  The Saturn from this square falls in his 3rd House of Education, and it appears that he was not popular at school, labelling himself as geeky.

There’s more to Tom than meets the eye, as with many a Gemini, but it is difficult to capture in one blog.


We may display a final flash of feistiness while Mars is in the closing degree of Leo.  Then on Tuesday (15th) Mars enters Virgo and it is time to economize in the use of our energy, to conserve rather than display.  Environmental projects are favoured at this time, and hopefully there may be progress for the Greenpeace activists who have been imprisoned in Russia.

Some discomfort or mild healing crisis may arise on Wednesday (16th), and there may be minor ops or medical pre-ops for some.

Late in the evening it may all feel worthwhile, with Venus trine Uranus – a sense of relief and renewed creativity, with  the possibility of an exciting meeting.

Friday (18th) brings a Full Moon eclipse in Aries, dilemmas around war and peace, or honouring yourself versus pleasing others.  A fundamental climax to end the week.  It may be a turning point for some.


Apologies to all who were unable to read the blog last week.  We are up and running again now, and hope you enjoy this week’s short but sweet blog.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – conscientious
  • Wednesday – some discomfort, then social excitement
  • Friday – turning point

Aspects for the week beginning 6 October 2013

Ed Milliband, Paul Dacre and the Daily Mail

One of the contentious battles of last week’s Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square was the battle over the reputation of Ralph Miliband, the father of the Leader of the Opposition Ed Miliband.  Ed decided in an interview to stand up for his father, against the Daily Mail who had published an article claiming that he was anti-Britain, and challenged the authority of the press to publish anything they like.  The timing of the piece was just prior to the Conservative Party Conference, presumably in order to boost David Cameron by smearing his main opponent. I have written about both Ralph and Ed Miliband, but I haven’t before looked at Paul Dacre and the Daily Mail.  In March I wrote:

Ralph Miliband

“The story begins with their father, Ralph Miliband, whose chart we have (without a birth time); we do not have a chart for their mother Marion Kozak.  The family of Ralph Miliband originally came from the Jewish quarter of Warsaw, but moved to Belgium, where Ralph was born in 1924.  He came to England with his father in 1940 to avoid persecution by the Nazis.

He studied at the London School of Economics, and became a devotee of the philosophy of Karl Marx, and visited his grave in Highgate Cemetery.  At his death in 1994 he was buried there, close to Karl Marx.  In the 1960s he was involved with the movement of the New Left, and published the book Parliamentary Socialism in 1961.

Ralph Miliband had Sun in Capricorn, and Moon conjunct Mercury in Capricorn, the sign associated with politics, and indeed both his sons followed those interests and became politicians, possibly fulfilling some of his aspirations.”

Ed Miliband

“Ed Miliband was born in 1969, and in his relationship comparison with David includes a combustible Uranus-Mars conjunction (Ed’s Uranus conjunct David’s Mars).

When Ed pulled a surprise win in the Labour leadership contest in September 2010, Pluto was conjunct Ed’s natal Sun, and Mars was square to David’s Sun.  It may therefore have been as much of a shock to Ed as it was to David.  It was one of those moments that their mother “couldn’t look”.  Many saw it as a betrayal, that Ed had snatched David’s birthright (not even for a mess of potage), and those who thought New Labour would go forward were disappointed in the direction of the party.

But there is an interesting legacy from father Ralph.  Both Ed Miliband and his father have Sun in Capricorn (politics) square exactly Chiron (their wound) in Aries, so Ed Miliband is carrying an exact astrological gene from his father.

There is a small possibility that Ed could fulfil the true socialist ideals of his father, but with his charisma only marginally appealing to the British population and only incrementally increasing, it remains largely improbable.  Those who hanker after Old Labour know that you cannot bring it back now, any more than you can rehabilitate the beloved NHS in the current political and economic climate, but with Ed’s karmic mission (North Node) conjunct his father’s Uranus (Vision) a glimmer of his father’s light remains in the political domain.”

Paul Dacre

Paul Dacre is Editor of the Daily Mail, and was born exactly the same day in the same year as Prince Charles (yes and near the subject of last week’s blog Hassan Rouhani of Iran).  Does it make him automatically a pillar of  Conservatism?  His Sun is in Scorpio, so he would be likely to be very determined in action, and black and white in his views.  As with Rouhani, we do not know his Ascendant sign.  Dacre’s Moon is likely to be in Aries, which may make him aggressive.  Prince Charles is born late enough in the day to have a Taurus Moon.  Michael Dobbs, ex-Conservative Chief of Staff and author of House of Cards, was also born that day.  I once wrote to him and he kindly supplied his birth time – putting him also in the Moon in Aries bracket.  The hero of his book and the excellent TV series Francis Urquhart does have a decidedly ruthless persona.  I am not suggesting that Michael Dobbs is ruthless or that any of the others born that day are, but he has provided a unique insight and understanding into the ruthless persona, maybe drawn from somewhere in his psyche.  The Venus/Neptune conjunction in the chart of that day can show a love of intrigue.

Daily Mail

It is ironic that in the 1930s  the owner of the Daily Mail, Lord Rothermere, historically allied himself  with Hitler and Mussolini. The chart of the Daily Mail shows a divisive Sun-Moon-Saturn T-square, plus an aggressive square between Mars and Pluto, and a conjunction between Neptune and Pluto (a propensity to dig and delve).  Mars also squares Neptune, which can sensationalize.

Assault  on Ralph Miliband

The timing of the article shows up for Paul Dacre’s chart as Mars trine his own Mars: the use of his Inner Warriorship. The chart of the Daily Mail itself has a couple of favourable sextiles from Uranus, the planet of surprise, enabling the shock factor.  Uranus squares Ed Milliband’s Moon ((emotional shock relating to a parent) and Pluto squares his Uranus (more shock – where is one’s brother when you need him…?). I have not looked into the author of the article itself (Geoffrey Levy) nor the author , Michael Newman, of the book on which the article was based (there are limits for a Sunday morning! – perhaps another time).

Standing up for his Father

Ed’s planet of Self-Assertion (Mars) is in Pisces, which is not a warlike placing.  On a personal level, I think it cost him dear to have to make this stand, but clearly he needed to.  As a stand it is not merely personal: it is about the vilification that can be perpetrated by the free press, a vilification which Neil Kinnock said this week went far beyond his own at the time of his Leadership of the Opposition.  Neptune is currently bisecting Ed Miliband’s natal exact Sun/Saturn square, so he is able to articulate his personal story with sensitivity at this time and to stand up with sincerity and genuineness for what he believes in.  This may or may not benefit him politically, at a time when he is battling on several fronts, such as the Unions and the Energy providers.


Tomorrow from the crack of dawn you will be able to address profound issues such as the meaning of life, through a sextile between Mercury and Pluto.  You’ll be asking searching questions, and discussing serious matters, rewardingly so.

In the late afternoon or early evening (UK time) Venus enters Sagittarius and though the focus has been intense, socially you’ll be more relaxed.  You might feel more playful and adventurous.

Tuesday (8th) brings an early evening conjunction of Mercury and Saturn, so again we have a serious focus.  Concentration is needed, perhaps for form filling.  It’s my tax form deadline looming again…

On the morning of Thursday (10th) Venus squares Neptune and the gay abandon of Monday evening is challenged and questioned about its authenticity.  Having pondered the meaning of life, shrugged it off and then on again, you then need to examine illusions in relationship, or any intrigues which have come up.  That’s quite a journey already, and the weekend holds further loops and hurdles to negotiate…

…Fortunately they are of the Sagittarian variety.  Saturday (12th) brings a square between jumping Jupiter and the Sun.  Around tea-time fabulously exaggerated creations maybe served at the Great British Bake Off marquee (figuratively speaking) or at Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory (also figuratively).  Depending on where these two planets fall in your chart (Cancer and Libra respectively) you may create something spectacular, or overstretch yourself.  For Jupiter, life is a gamble to be played, and not to be held back.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – profundity then relaxation
  • Tuesday – focus
  • Thursday – intrigue
  • Saturday – playing or gambling to win.

Aspects for the week beginning 29 September 2013

“No nation should possess nuclear weapons, since there are no right hands for these wrong weapons,”

~ Hassan Rouhani


These words are music to the ears of peace lovers.  Can Hassan Rouhani, the new President of Iran, in an effort to remove sanctions against Iran, bring about change in the Middle East, and in the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world?  Rouhani has some harmonious personal interaspects with his country’s chart, plus his Sun transits the Iranian Uranus, possibly illuminating a capacity to bring about change.

Middle East and Syria

The new initiative to ban chemical weapons in Syria, mooted just before the Seatun/Pluto sextile, seems to have borne fruit in an agreement.  The corresponding olive branch from Iran’s new president seems to have followed soon after, and is part of the same astrological package.  The US President Barack Obama is hesitant but is embracing this opportunity.  Israel is worried that these new initiatives are a trap and that Iran will continue to develop nuclear weapons to be used against them.

Hassan Rouhani

Is President Rouhani sincere or just extra clever?  A focal point of his chart is an exact conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Libra, the sign of diplomacy and sweet words.  He certainly knows the truth of what he is saying, and has many years of experience in Iranian politics making him a shrewd realist. In another life, with that conjunction, he could have been an inspirting musician.

He has Mercury exactly on the South Node, indicating that in former lives he built a reputation as a teacher, and that may be his soul lineage.  Above all, as a Scorpio Sun, he is a realist who has looked at the edge of danger for humanity, and may have decided to throw a lifeline.  He has a forceful chart, with Mars also trine Pluto.

Saturn closely trines his North Node, so although it has taken him a while to rise to this position he has a sense of responsibility, and leadership.  He does not have a sinister chart, though an innocent chart may be used to sinister ends.  It may also interest readers to know that  he was born two days after Prince Charles in the same year.  We do not know his birth time  Rouhani’s Moon is in Aries or Pisces, depending on his birth time, while Prince Charles’ Moon has just entered Taurus, and conjuncts his North Node.


Rouhani seems more cuddly than his predecessor Mahmood Ahmadinejad, who always gave me the impression of being a loose cannon.  At least Rouhani is saying the right things.  Ahmadinejad used to say he would wipe Israel off the map using nuclear weapons, while Rouhani is acknowledging that the Holocaust was a crime against humanity.  Like Rouhani, Ahmadinejad was a Scorpio Sun sign.  He had an amiable (!) and enthusiastic conjunction of Venus and Jupiter (the more manic side of his pronouncements), but  a confused conjunction between his Sun and Neptune, an overdramatic conjunction of his Moon and Pluto, and a serious conjunction of the North Node to Saturn (which may have indicated a depressive side).

Speech at the UN

At the time of his speech this week to the UN, Neptune (planet of inspiration) was exactly trine Rouhani’s Mercury (speech).  Can he now, put his money where his mouth is, so to speak.

Telephone call with President Obama

In the historic recent telephone conversation between Rouhani and President Obama, Mars was trine Rouhani’s own natal Mars (a significant interface) but transiting Mars was also square Rouhani’s natal Sun, so it will not have been an easy action for him.

Neptune is still squaring Obama’s Moon, so he is still treading a careful line in trying to distinguish reality from illusion, and discovering where imagination may take him.  The telephone conversation does not look to have been easy for either of them, but they are both reaching out in trust and recognizing that there needs to be a new way forward.


Today the collective mind (Mercury) moves into Scorpio.  We may have been coasting while Mercury was in Libra, but now it is time to concentrate the mind in more intense scrutinizes and perceptions

On Tuesday (1st October) Mercury trines Neptune, so as well as gazing intently we can also fathom the mysteries of life and the true nature of reality (along with President Obama).  Mercury trine Neptune is good for making inspiring speeches, and water based activities, such as the efforts of the fishing industry to achieve balance.

On Wednesday (2nd) the Sun squares Pluto,  beginning to trigger a T-square with the Uranus-Pluto square, so we shall again be confronting the big issues of the day, both personally and globally.  With the Sun in Libra, the focus may be on delicate diplomacy tottering on brinkmanship.  Try to see the view from the other side of the fence, for example in dealing with neighbours.  Then expand your view to the whole picture, which includes your own dilemma, before putting forward your own non-proliferation plan.

On the same day, Saturn trines Chiron, which is a useful leveller for any situations needing  healing.  It provides strength and fortitude for this T-square.  There is some access to healing at hand.

Thursday (3rd) brings the other leg of the T-square, in an opposition between the Sun and Uranus.  There are no slick solutions, but perhaps the other party are listening to your plans and considering them.  However, be aware that either party could be employing the factor of the unexpected.  The best options for today are telepathic interchanges, where each party knows exactly where the other is coming from – it could happen.

There’s a happy ending to this contentious week in the form of a New Moon in Libra on Saturday (5th).  Just when you were beginning to think the two parties could never agree, there is a new diplomatic initiative, which may work.  A New Moon in itself cannot solve the problems of the world, but it can make for  a fresh start and new heart.  If you have been struggling the last few days, you may be able to breathe a sigh, put your feet up, and let someone else bring you a cuppa.  The more sprightly can initiate artistic or musical projects, or collaborations with partners.  Solutions may be found, whatever your age and condition.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – think deeper
  • Tuesday – mental inspiration
  • Wednesday – into the fray, but there is help at hand
  • Thursday – the element of the surprise
  • Saturday – feelings of peace

Aspects for the week beginning 22 September 2013

Angela Merkel

With an election in Germany today, Angela Merkel is set to break records in possibly winning a third term at the helm of a country which is indisputedly leading Europe, especially in industry and finance.  She is also an incredible role model for women aspiring for strong and successful leadership roles.

Strong Woman of Europe

If she succeeds in today’s election, she will break Margaret Thatcher’s record as Europe’s longest-serving female leader, worthy of the title “Iron Lady”.  So, although I have written about her before, I am reviewing her chart today.  First of all, with Sun conjunct Uranus she is a one-off.  Secondly, with four planets plus the Part of Fortune and the South Node in Cancer, she is a role model for women.  Thirdly, with North Node in Capricorn on the cusp of her 2nd House of Money, her Karmic Mission is as a fiscal authority, setting the rules and regulations for a continent, with debt-ridden countries in the palm of  her hand.  She has the brilliance of Jupiter and Sun/Uranus in the 8th House which represents dealings with other people’s money.  There is a sense of mystery about her, columns of newspaper devoted to analyzing who she is exactly and what makes her tick – this is shown by Neptune at her Midheaven, and like Obama she has Sun square Neptune.  The questions range from whether she is ruthless or or a super diplomat.   She certainly makes use of her Cancerian senses and resourcefulness, and perhaps an element of luck from her Sagittarian Ascendant.  She also has great physical and psychological power, with Mars trine Pluto.

Her Chancellorship

On 22 November 2005 Angela Merkel was appointed as Germany’s first female Chancellor, when transiting Pluto was exactly trine her natal Pluto (coming into her power).  As I pointed out in earlier blogs:

“…natally she has Mars at the Galactic Centre, so she has leadership of Europe but also access to a more cosmic wisdom than maybe even she realizes.  …”


“Angela is personally in tune with the European Union chart, having Mars conjunct its Mercury (able to act on its behalf) and Moon conjunct its Venus (she has her heart in it).”

Today’s Election

She has a mixed set of aspects for this election (the most difficult being Pluto opposing her Mercury), but with the transitting Sun exactly sextile the Sun in the chart of her initial coming to power, that is likely to signal a continuity.  There is talk that she may have to share leadership in a coalition, and that too may be a feature of the coming year.  Saturn and Pluto are sextile this weekend, favouring stability and diplomacy.  However, Saturrn exerts more pressure on her at the end of October when it crosses into her 12th House of Unconscious, and in January/February 2015 Pluto will be transiting her 2nd House cusp and North Node,  which will be a very challenging time for holding on to power.


Happy Autumn Equinox to all my readers today!  The timing in the U.K. for this event (the Sun entering Libra) is 8.44 pm if you want to rustle leaves under foot in the smoky Autumn evening air, to the sound of urban foxes.  I don’t suffer from winter depression, and I like the Autumn colours, but I always have a sense of mourning at the passing of the Spring and Summer at the Autumn Equinox, so it is probably as much the nadir of my lyricism as it was the zenith of Keats’ lyricism.  The Sun entering Libra is a pleasant enough prospect, bringing as it does a mellow, harmonious vibe conducive to artistic and musical design, and an air of romance and people making an effort to get along with each other.

And really we have a quiet and smooth looking week, with  a bright aspect on Thursday (26th), which is Venus trine Jupiter.  This is a celebratory aspect, good for celebrating the harvest, but also for weddings, engagements or proposals.

I have written a whole blog on this aspect:


And here is an excerpt:

“This aspect therefore provides  a suitable time and opportunity to augment and sharpen your philosophy of life counter to the current trend of cynicism. You may be able to put together a workshop or gathering at short notice of like minded people or Lightworkers.

Above all, it is a day of hope.”

On Saturday (28th) the week’s jewel of an aspect (Venus trine Jupiter)  is only slightly tarnished by a square between Venus and Mars.  There may be a slight dent in your post-Thursday euphoria, but don’t let it spoil your week.  An aggressive type might make an unwelcome comment such as “your wedding veil was not the height of fashion” or “I see that you have a new wrinkle”, but in the scheme of things it may only be a minor skirmish.  Watch for inappropriate advances, and nip them in the bud is my advice to you.

Otherwise, a serene week…

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – an appreciation of Autumn
  • Thursday – gather ye rosebuds
  • Saturday – stay centred in your best energy

Aspects for the week beginning 15 September 2013

Obama and Putin

It is easy to be cynical about the current engagement of the U.S. and Russia over the Syrian dilemma, but I welcome it as a change of energy in the situation, a diplomatic effort rather than a military one.  So I thought I would just look at the current situation with regard to Obama, Putin and Syria to see if there is even the slightest hint that the current proposal to deal with Syria’s chemical weapons could be a helpful way through.  The deal, brokered in Geneva, is to give Syria one week to comply with conditions which would enable the accounting of its chemical weapons.  Bashar Al-Assad, allied to Russia,  has agreed to this plan.  This period coincides with this week’s aspects (below) which are fairly up and down, but end well and significantly.

Obama and U.S.

Current prevailing transits for President Obama are Neptune squaring his Moon (apparent indecision caused by confused emotions), Saturn transiting his Neptune (the Universe attempting to pin down his spirituality and idealism) and Pluto sextile his Neptune (a complex and deep awareness of the wider issues and ramifications of current personal, political and global issues).  That is a lot on his plate, and note that all three aspects involve Neptune, so he is taking a crash course in compassion and the complexities of carrying out his spirituality in this material world.  Neptune is a lifelong theme for him, as he has the Sun square Neptune in his chart natally.

Looking at the transits to the U.S. chart at the moment, there is Neptune trine the U.S. Venus (a possible indication of acting as the compassionate parent in the world or towards Syria).

Putin and Russia

In suggesting this course of action, it is the first time in the two years of the conflict that Russia has acknowledged that there is sufficiently a problem which needs to be acted on, and that its friendship with Syria can be used to start some bargaining.

In the synastry (natal comparison) between Putin and Obama, there is a double whammy (an exact aspect which occurs mutually).  Putin’s Saturn trines exactly Obama’s Ascendant, and Ohama’s Saturn trines  exactly Putin’s Ascendant.  Thus, on a higher level at least, there is a recognition of needing to act responsibly in relation to each other – a recognition that in their political roles there is a need to act as a check and balance towards each other, according to their international roles.

Mars is currently squaring Putin’s Venus – he might see this diplomatic role as an interesting diversion, like a romantic role in a film.  It is not a heavyweight transit, so he may not be taking it all that seriously at the moment.  But Uranus quincunx his natal Venus  at the same time may be prompting him to try something new, again perhaps in a detached manner and not necessarily in an involved way.  As his Libra Sun ruler, Venus is an important part of his psychological anatomy – vanity and image are important to him in many ways.

Neptune currently sextiles the Russia Chart Sun, suggesting that it does the right thing on a spiritual or idealistic level.  Mars trines its natal Mercury, which is the taking of an initiative, though a relatively minor transit.  Uranus also trining the natal Mercury lends weight to this initiative, and may have some humanitarian motive.  Jupiter opposes its natal Neptune, suggesting there may be some possibility of deception, or inflation of its secret motives, but there may be some genuine motives in there.

Assad and Syria

No one is pretending that even if Assad carries out his part of the bargain, the consequences and his subsequent actions (e.g. probable continued killing of his populace) are going to be peacable, but this may be a step in the right direction.

The relationship between Putin and Assad has a sextile from Putin’s Uranus to Assad’s Sun, suggesting that Putin may be in some respects a guru or an older brother in their interaction.  There would be some personal warmth, in another sextile, that of Putin’s Mars (warmth) to Assad’s Venus (personal feelings).  There are more heavyweight aspects between them, notably Putin’s Uranus trine Assad’s Neptune, a complex interaction which favours large scale work together.  Bashar’s Neptune also squares Putin’s Nodal Axis, which makes one wonder that there is also an element of who is fooling who in their relationship, and an awareness that they are each playing karmic roles in a dicey game.  This relationship was forged in past life schemes it seems.

Jupiter is currently sextile Assad’s Uranus, so here is an opportunity for him, to be sure, whether or not he has untrustworthy motives: it is a chance for him to do something good.  More chance to redeem himself (slightly) is shown by Jupiter also currently forming a sextile with his Pluto.  God is trying to speak to him.

Meanwhile, Pluto continues its long term transit of Syria’s own Sun, a time of turmoil for its people and unbelievable suffering.  Saturn also squares its Pluto, crushing more suffering upon its people.


I am not offering a conclusion as such, but this week’s observation of this interlude and possible change in direction will be interesting.  Our week ends with a heavyweight sextile between Saturn and Pluto, which is important for international efforts (and indeed our own personal efforts) to solve difficult problems.


A Sunday lie-in is definitely allowed after the exertions of yesterday’s 3 aspects. The next challenge which awaits is tomorrow’s Mercury opposite Uranus, an aspect of controversy. Maybe you or someone you are dealing with makes a slip of the tongue or sends an email to the wrong person! It happens, and often there’s a Freudian reason lurking in the background. Computer glitches are also on the cards.

Tuesday (17th) has a conjunction between Saturn and the North Node. There’s a sense of duty or  almost compulsion about this one, being a collision of karma (north node) and its lord, Saturn.

“Free will is the ability to do gladly that which I must do”  ~ Carl Jung.

This operates early Tuesday a.m. So it may almost be your waking thought. But another early aspect is easier to negotiate, Mercury sextile Mars. Though Saturn conjunct the North Node gives you a steady firmness of purpose, Mercury sextile Mars can see you zipping through tasks at a rapid rate, in a productive day’s work. Here’s a sample:

Have breakfast
Load the dishwasher
Answer emails
Attend to business appointments
Close a sales deal
Write a short blog
Go for a bike ride
Watch Holby City

Mercury sextile Mars is good for those activities which come in bite sized short sharp bursts, and involve physical and mental activity.

On Wednesday (18th) Venus conjuncts the North Node, and the karmic considerations involve relationships. There will be an element of  love (Venus) and karma (North Node) in the day’s proceedings. Perhaps you have a past life or future life vision of a loved one. In the evening Venus conjuncts Saturn so you may realize that this relationship involves commitment, or conversely resolution may have to wait until later in this incarnation or future lives.

Your understanding may be further refined on Thursday (19th) when Venus sextiles Pluto. The feelings deepen to soul level and you may see that shared resources (such as finances) are part of the entanglement. You can’t take it with you as “it” will dissolve at the end of this life, but issues about what lies between you will continue to be worked on in the next life.

It’s an emotional day, as we also have a Full Moon in Pisces at 26 degrees that day, the most emotional of emotional full moons that day. You are likely to have an experience of pure emotion, without necessarily knowing what it is all about.  Give yourself plenty of emotional space to process.

The next morning (Friday 20th) Mercury squares Jupiter and your mind may be racing – insomnia beckons in the early hours. Find a soothing mandala to get you through (Barry Stevens’ mandala tours could help)  http://www.mandalas.co.uk/Mandala_Gallery/Mandala_Tour.html

Or a Camomile tea pig could be another route. Your mind may be bursting with ideas, you may even be on a high if you’ve managed to clear yesterday’s emotional overload. It feels like a roller coaster, this week, though Mercury squaring Jupiter of itself is not difficult, just over-active.

There’s a good chance of stabilization the same day, as Venus trines Chiron, and you can heal and balance your feelings. Art and music may help.

In the afternoon Pluto goes stationary prior to moving direct, and you may have a sense of your psychology starting to move forward again – your subterranean mythical rivers flowing as they should.

On Saturday (21st) after a full week of aspect-work, Saturn sextiles Pluto, which is the most important aspect of the week. I hope you have the oomph left to honour its gravitas, seriousness, stability and depth. Two areas of your life are working in harmony and new structures may begin to be put into place. The roller coaster week ends the right way up.

The  week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – controversial communications
  • Tuesday – recognizing what you need to do, then doing (busy busy)
  • Wednesday – recognizing what love has to do with it
  • Thursday – money, love and supportiveness, then tears as a release of emotion
  • Friday – busy busy again, but some healing today and a psychological shift
  • Saturday – major diplomatic efforts at problem solving, both personally and globally

Aspects for the week beginning 8 September 2013

Future Lives

It is nearly two years since I wrote my introduction to this subject, “Future Lives – A Literary Trail” (link below).  Time now to update my journey, in which I share a few personal stories and look at some of life’s themes, which I hope you will find thought-provoking, may resonate with some, and realize may be commonplace for others.  I have been a Future Life Therapist for two years, and the work has been a true joy.  On one occasion, the future life energy was the most positive space I have ever experienced, and I sat and basked and marvelled at its vibration as long as I could allow myself to linger!

Future Vision

 I am not a clairvoyant, and my dominant senses are clairaudience and clairsentience.  In my astrological work, I deduce from the astrological facts allied with intuition.  Although I have had many past life flashbacks over the years, originating tentatively from the early 1980s, in 2010 I did begin to receive some much clearer visual messages (astrological note: coinciding with my progressed Sun being trine my natal Moon).

The Stresses of Life

One of the top 10 or at least 20 stressful life events (depending on what lists you read) is pregnancy, bringing as it does anxieties about the health and safety of the mother, and the prospect of childbirth, and the concern over the  well being of the baby. It is one of those rites of passage, which especially the first time round, seem laced with uncertainty.

Visions related to Pregnancy

One of my daughters went through a stressful pregnancy in 2010, and after ascertaining that she was carrying a boy, I began to receive a series of visions.  These would come at the end  of a meditation, or sometimes on waking in the morning.  They carried on until my grandson was born, and in his early months.  When my daughter was undergoing a crisis during the  pregnancy therefore, I was able to make reassuring noises.

One particular vision stands out: I saw him at 6 months sitting on the floor playing with a chemical model.  I had never seen such a toy, and  as some of the visions were symbolic, I assumed that either my  Chemist husband had given him an actual chemical model in the future, or it meant he was scientifically inclined (which he most certainly is).

When he was a few months old, a family member actually sent him a toy resembling a chemical model.  So when he was 6 months old I was able to take a snapshot of the vision, while he was sitting on the floor playing.

I have no idea where these visions came from: whether from my guides, or from the incoming Soul who was to be my grandson, or from the Akashic Records (it is possible to receive information from the future through that source). I knew  Light beings from the future have been known to send messages, as evinced by the books of Bruce Goldberg.  John Lilly, the pioneer of work with dolphins was guided by light beings from far into his future.  I do know that the visions were sent for my reassurance and information.  And when he was born, his personality and features and energy were exactly as they appeared in the visions.  Over the years I had heard stories of an incoming soul making contact with parents or grandparents, but I had not experienced it before.

Future Life Progression

At the end of May 2011 I went to a workshop led by Anne Jirsch at the Festival of Mind-Body-Spirit in London.  I have long been interested in the subject of Future Life Progression (having  years before attended workshops of Chet Snow), and was not disappointed.  Anne took us through a series of journeys to the future, including 1000 years hence

Vision of a House

One of our journeys took us 5 years hence (to 2016) and I saw myself standing in a house in Leicester.  The daughter I mentioned earlier lived in Leicester, and my husband and I journeyed there frequently.  I would look for this house when we drove through – but it was not to be located on our regular route.

Future Life Progression Training

So impressed was I by Anne’s workshop, that I wanted to sign up there and then for the Practitioner Training.  But the training was scheduled for my mother’s birthday, and at that time there were no more planned.  So I wrote and asked to be informed should there be another workshop, and in October 2011 Anne did hold another one, and I went to Maidenhead Kent for a weekend of training.  One of the early exercises was again the look at 5 years ahead.  Again I saw myself in this house, and subsequently continued to look out for the house on our travels.

The Practitioner Training was excellent, and enabled me to add this work in my practice.  As I said at the time, I felt my life had been divided up into 20-year segments: Astrology had been given to me at 20, Past-life Regression at 40, and now Future Life Progression at 60.  Anne is one of the most positive people I have ever met, and I felt strongly at the time that she has been given the gift of this work to present to the world, and further it, because she is so positive.  She is also an extremely generous teacher, in the way that she shares her work.

Fast Forward Two Years

Earlier this year, my (aforementioned) daughter decided to put her house up for sale.  House moving is also on the top 20 list of most stressful life events, often fraught with uncertainty and twists and turns.  Early on, she sent me a list of properties she was viewing and I immediately recognized the house.  “That one!” I pointed out excitedly.  When she hit the first problem with the purchase, and was despairing, I decided to tell her I had seen the house in a future vision.  “What, that house?”  she replied (she is a sceptic).  “The very one” I replied, with almost 100% certainty. “That’s the one we are most interested in” she commented. The house sale  and purchase was not a completely straightforward process and again, the Universe was helping me to be a reassuring mother.

Houses are often easy to work with intuitively.  I remember first hearing of someone having a vision of a future home in the early 1970s from a workmate.  And Anne Jirsch reports that buying property does lend itself successfully to future life work.

So this story has been simmering, but yesterday I was standing in the front room of the house in my future life progression.  The karmic grace of this vision had helped me negotiate the uncertainly of this rite of passage.  The grandson was a little disorientated, but hopefully he will get used to it!

Mothering and Grandmothering

As a mother and a grandmother, therefore, you can be helped by future reassurances.  Mothers are often prone to worry, that is what they tend to do.   I asked a friend who has 5 grandchildren who she worries about most, the grandchildren or her children.  She replied: “My children.  If the children are all right, I don’t need to worry about the grandchildren.

Felicity Cook and her daughter Kimberley Shaver

Felicity, or Flick, is well known to this blog, as a commenter and supporter.  She also has a huge following on Facebook, which as an Aquarian is a medium that comes easily to her.  Though we tend to worry about offspring, we are not all in Felicity’s position in having a daughter across the pond, in the U.S.   Mothering is hard to do across the pond, and now her daughter is facing brain surgery because of a condition called “Arnold Chiari Malformation”, which requires urgent surgery.  Chronic Illness is another condition in the top 20 Stresses.  Well this is truly stress overload, as in addition Flick’s daughter has two very young children.  This has to be one of the most stressful situations anyone can face.  Medicine is advancing all the time, and you can look at possible indications and try to address the issues that come up through Future Life Progression, but  in the face of non-surgical options running out Flick’s mother love has led her to set up a fund for the family in crisis. Please read her story via this link, and help if you feel you can:


Fear, Worry and Superstition.

I am as much a prey to fear as the next person, and haven’t yet found a cure for worry!  But I believe that when you decide to undertake Future Life Progression, you suspend fear and  take the signpost to hope.  One of the session types is three possible future lifetimes (a good book about this is “Same Soul, Many Bodies” by Brian Weiss.)  In the first lifetime, you carry on as you are and see what the likely outcome would be.  In the second path, you make a few tweaks which can be suggested by your Future Life Self, and see an enhanced lifetime.  The third possible lifetime is your optimal lifetime based on the best choices.

Thus it is that you can co-create your future life.  It is a more malleable process than past life work, which is still a valuable resource.  Where there is an intractable problem, or where you really would not welcome the outcome, Anne Jirsch urges you to go to optimal lifetime possibilities until you are happy with the outcome.  As we work with the future, we help to evolve it.  Thus if you have had Future Life Progression, and it was a while ago, I would say have another session now to see how it has evolved.  Apparently working with the future brings it closer, as the process accelerates and also helps you evolve.  Certainly I stepped into the house of my vision three years before the due date, though  I may still have a “moment” in three years time, of feeling more exactly aligned with it.

Going back to fear, I feel I should mention that in this lifetime I have made major strides in clearing one area: Superstition.  I have always tried to challenge superstitions.  When I studied History at University, I realized that many fears and blocks resided in ancient and even more so Medieval  times, or from the Dark Ages.  I am not a great risk taker, neither do I believe in tempting fate, but I have cleared superstitions largely from my psychological baggage, which is very freeing.

In conclusion, why not explore the benefits of Future Life Therapy. There is nothing like trying something for yourself.

Find your nearest therapist:


Related Reading – “Future Lives – A Literary Trail”


Past Lives

I was asked last week if I had written any books on Past Lives.  I replied that the reason I had not was because I never wanted to break client confidentiality.  It then occurred to me that a few people might actually want their stories to be told.  Therefore if you have had regression with me over the last 23 years, and you feel you don’t mind sharing your stories, either in your own name or under an assumed name, or even would positively like to do so, please email me from my Contact page.  You have to agree, it is a positive turn-around in my thinking!


You could start the week with a fresh mental outlook tomorrow, with the entry of Mercury into Libra.  While Mercury was in Virgo you may have established your Autumn work routines – now you can relax a little more, make quality time with your nearest and dearest, and begin mental projects which focus around art or music, e.g. composition and design.  Begin first thing tomorrow, when you spring out of bed full of  the joys of the week ahead.  For later in the morning Mars squares Saturn and you may hit a block, or something needs urgent attention which disrupts that lovely flow, or early qijong session.

More urgent attention is called for on Tuesday (10th) when Mars squares the Nodal Axis.  This may centre around warriorship, groups, and tribalism or rivalry, related to ancestry or past lives.  Maybe you are rehearsing an amateur dramatic production of West Side Story or Romeo and Juliet, or a stage version of Band of Brothers.

On Wednesday (11th) Venus enters Scorpio, so there is another change of focus.  A harmonious thread which has been developed recently weaves into a deeper sense of connection and intimacy.  Transiting Venus represents the prevailing feeling tone, or if you like the background ring tone.  The tune might change from “All you need is Love” to “How deep is your Love?”.

Three aspects come up on Saturday (14th) lending the day some import.  The first is a trine between Venus and Neptune  Artistic, musical and relationship projects, especially if begun earlier in the week, will benefit from new inspiration.  This may occur mystically during a meditative state, or in the act of painting or making music.  This aspect takes place early in the day, so seize the day.  In a lively evening two more aspects arrive, the next being Mercury square Pluto.  Don’t party too hard, it could be stressful, and keep an eye out for Health and Safety issues, such as the timetable for the exact time of the last train home.

Shortly afterwards, at 20.57 Hrs Mars trine Uranus, which is testosterone or adrenaline-fuelled.  It’s good for the Band of  Brothers and their interests, but not so good for Juliet, or allowing in feminine energies which might find it hard to get a look in.  It favours deals made at the Rugby or Golf Club, concerning business interests.  Girls, you might need to bring out your inner Deborah Meaden!

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – fresh mental outlook, then interruption to the flow
  • Tuesday – urgent attention needed
  • Wednesday – another change of focus, a deeper experience
  • Saturday – important day; Inspiration, mental stress, then electric energy

Aspects for the week beginning 1 September 2013

I envision a world of peace and plenty.  I feel harmony and unity between nations, and ccontribute to that harmony.”

Louise L. Hay “Affirmations”


The chart for Syria’s inception in 1944 has two exact conjunctions which make for difficulties: Mars exactly conjunct Uranus in Gemini, which can promote violence (in this case inflicted from within), and Pluto exactly conjunct the North Node in Leo (a leadership which has a negative view of fate).

We are currently in the middle of a crucial process in relation to Syria!  Until Thursday night, it all seemed like History repeating itself, U.S. and U.K. preparing to interviene, UN Inspectors looking for weapons of mass destruction… Then the U.K. Parliament refused to endorse Prime Minister Cameron’s plans.

It is true that the use of chemical weapons in Syria is utterly sickening on the scale of man’s inhumanity to man.  But the long term massacre of its citizens by its own rulership has been unacceptable and sickening from the beginning, and progressively more so.

To find a clean and effective way of intervening is everyone’s prayer, but a short sharp strike would not achieve anything, just more loss of life.  Would Al-Assad be cowed by such an act of aggressive force?  It is not likely.  There has to be another way, even if you are not a pacifist.  We need the psycho-spiritual key to his heart.

We do not know what the possible strike in the mind of President Obama would entail.  Would he be attempting to strike at Assad himself, as was the mission in the Iraq war (in relation to Saddam Hussain).  If successful that would remove the source of the conflict, but is even that morally acceptable?  And Syria itself and its people are in such a mess now, that it would take decades of peace, stabliity and wise rulership to heal the country.  It is 10 years since the Iraq war, and bombing is still frequent there.  They have taken a few steps towards stability, but still have far to go.

The story so far:

Syrian Spring

The Syrian Spring began with the entry of Uranus into Aries, a symbol of the Inner Rebel made manifest.  The Syrian Spring itself, which  occurred after the Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan dramas had been well under way, occurred with Uranus at 0 degrees Aries.  This degree of 0 Aries was such a crucial one for the Arab Spring in general (in the inception of the Egyptian Spring Jupiter was at 0 degrees Aries, and hope sprung eternal).  The chart of the Syrian Spring would also be the chart of the Syrian Rebels or Opposition.

Chemical Attack

On Wednesday 21st a chemical attack in Ghouta, close to Damascus, crossed the red line of unacceptability which had been laid down by President Obama.  There was a major aspect that week, that very day: Jupiter exactly square Uranus, which can make a chaotic situation shockingly worse.  But chemicals are ruled by Neptune, so what was Neptune doing that day?  It was conjunct the Moon in its own sign of Pisces, so chemicals were accentuated in the chart of that day.

This was not good news for anyone: not the Syrian people (Pluto was on the Syrian Sun), it didn’t help Assad’s cause (Neptune was opposite his Mercury and it is most likely that the attack originated in his mind), not for the rebels (with Mars on their natal Moon, a red line had been crossed, but is there any truth in the rumours that they were the perpetrators?), not for Obama (for whom with Neptune squaring his Moon it is a moral headache) and not for the world watching horrified (I don’t have the chart for the world – Alice Bailey alludes to it in her work, but doesn’t explain how to get to it).

Raymond Merriman, the astrological financial guru, makes a great point in his blog this week about Neptune, which rules oil, as well as chemicals:

Once again, everyone knows that the real reason for becoming involved in Syria is the same real reason for involvement in Iraq 10 years ago, oil.  Why else is Russia there?  Why else is the USA there? Yes, human rights, of course.  It is the two sides of Neptune in Pisces.  Pisces and Neptune both rule crude oil, as well as compassion for those who suffer.  However, as Mundane Astrologers clearly understand, it is furthermore the battle of the world powers for control of natural resources, which is symbolized by Uranus in Aries, square Pluto in Capricorn.”

David Cameron

David Cameron suffered a major defeat on Thursday night (Saturn squaring his Moon) in Parliament over trying to obtain permission to go to war (Mars was transiting his Jupiter signifying overzealousness in a warlike context).

Ed Milliband had his moment, in challenging this action, but Mars was squaring his Jupiter so he was probably in some inner conflict himself, other than making the point that we should not go to war without finding out the results of the weapons inspections first, but fate handed him a little lifeline with the North Node trine his Moon.  It is a minor triumph at the moment, as he is struggling with Pluto squaring his Uranus, not really knowing where to turn with his leadership of the Opposition (I think he should just go back to plain Old Labour).

Special Relationship

On 18th March 2012, I wrote about the special relationship between the U.K. and the U.S:

Is there a Special Relationship between the U.S. and the U.K.?  The historical link is undeniably unique, and the Astrological link between their charts is quite compellingly in favour of its existence.  The U.S. Uranus is exactly conjunct the U.K. Ascendant, which is symbolic of the breakaway nature of their original relationship history, as is the exact square between their Uranuses.  There are a couple of good sextiles in their synastry (astrological comparison), plus the U.K. Mars is conjunct exactly the U.S. Moon, so there is an emotional connection.”

I think it is to the credit of both Cameron and Obama that they decided to go to Parliament/Congress for their view, after the mistakes of the 2003 fiasco in Iraq.

Current Dilemma

The Observer leader comments today:

Practically, then, the continuing debate lacks reality, and therefore substance.  It won’t stop the killing.  It is gesture politics.”

It is understandable that we want to do something, but the right thing to do would have to be right, certain of success, and above all humane.


The Sun trines Pluto today, and it’s a good day to acknowledge and exercise your power and creativity, and combine them in harmony. With Sun in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn the natural arenas for this co-operation would be work and career , but other areas may be highlighted in your personal birthchart.

On Tuesday (3rd) the Sun opposes Chiron and the creativity may be subject to a healing crisis, or generally there may be a crisis of identity/identities, particularly for Leos (such as Barack Obama) and Virgos (such as Assad). Capricorns and Scorpios may be pushing your (or their) buttons.  It may be a critical day in the search to find right action.

Wednesday to Friday you can process this dilemma or look forward to Saturday’s uplifting aspect of Sun sextile Jupiter, in which some may strike it lucky. Last weekend’s Mercury sextile Jupiter brought a pause to war.  At the very least at the coming weekend, there will be a lot more flow in your affairs. You might perceive a bright new order emerging, even if your life is still fraught with complexity.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – weighty issues, sensibly approached
  • Tuesday – crisis exposed, solutions may be found
  • Saturday – uplift