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Aspects for the week beginning 11 December 2011

The position in which Britain finds itself this Sunday morning, after Uranus turned direct and the Moon was eclipsed at the end of last week, is a matter of glee for Eurosceptics and the worst-case scenario for Pro-Europeans.  I am referring of course to David Cameron’s “stand” on Europe, leaving us potentially isolated from the rest of Europe and other major trading blocs.  I try hard to be impartial in my blog (some might say not hard enough) but at the risk of alienating half my readers, on this issue I have to show my true Pro-European colours.  I am with Paddy Ashdown, who says in the Observer today: “We have tipped 38 years of foreign policy down the drain”.  We now know where David Cameron is coming from: not from the world view of the statesman which would do the best for the world economy, not from the European view which would do the best for the Euro thus helping to do the best for the world economy, but from the insular world of the rich elite of this country and his immediate political allies whose interests mean most to him.  The Observer leader points out: “Cameron has allowed his relationships with Sarkozy and Merkel to deteriorate to such an extent that he could not read the signals hinting that they would give him nothing…There are alarming signs that he lacks the emotional intelligence that a first-order statesman needs if they are to take a seat at the table of political history – forming alliances, building up support, accruing political capital, nudging, cajoling.”  How can this be?  He is, after all, a Libran, supposedly an expert on relationships!  The problem is the narrowness of his experience and vision of life, which is still relatively egocentric.  It is the level of Libranness that is to be questioned – he is at a more primitive level in comparison to fellow Libran Mahatma Gandhi.  What was the astrological trigger for his “standing up for Britain?”  It was indeed an issue of self-assertion, being transiting Neptune (confusion) opposing his Mars (self-assertion).  The principle of Unity which would see us contributing our U.K. talents to the world and to Europe, power in cohesiveness, was ditched in favour of pleasing (Libra) the circle he grew up with.  In truth, we have no power unless we are in relationship with the world.  That was the “illusion” (Neptune) which influenced his “stand” (Mars).

On Tuesday (13th) Jupiter from 0 degrees Taurus is semi-sextile Uranus at 0 degrees Aries, very fundamental positions being tested against each other.  Some Gandhi-like negotiations might be needed, in order to avoid the collapse of the whole.  In your own life one area may look to be holding up, but faces a challenge from another area of your life which somehow you know could go either way.  Expand your consciousness and see things from a larger perspective, where things are already unified and whole.  Mars also squares the Nodal Axis on Tuesday, so issues of self-assertion versus karma and integrity arise to be dealt with.  Ask yourself what power you have and why you need it, and whether you are willing to join your own power with others for a higher path.  You cannot lose your own Soul, that’s the bottom line – it will always be there, however buried!  Wrestling with the bigger issues in your life is important these few days, and getting them right according to your own conscience, because when Mercury turns direct again on Wednesday (14th) you’ll be in a position to act and implement again on the detail and the documentation.  Those who find Mercury Retrograde difficult can do a dance or hold a celebration.  In theory, this will be good for the Christmas post and rail networks (I have to declare that I have suffered, this last week, at the hands of Mercury Retrograde as applied to the rail network, in rain, frost and wind).  It is possible that I might be in a position to start writing my Christmas cards.

Now none of this human posturing (in politics) or angst (in conscience) or communication difficulties (inwardly and outwardly) may be of any importance relative to the issue of global warming which was shown graphically on the last episode of “Frozen Planet” by David Attenborough tele-visually this week (a programme which I happened to catch).  On the Andrew Marr show this morning, David Attenborough reminded him that the melting of the ice was not in dispute, but it was the contribution of mankind which was in dispute.

The week in bullet point:

  • Tuesday – seismic shifts and tectonic plates in the human experience;

Plus karmic patterns in connection with warriorship

  • Wednesday – full steam ahead academically, intellectually, workwise and in matters of communication


Aspects for the week beginning 4 December 2011

For those of you who have been following this blog since the summer, you will understand when I say that “Bullet Man” (responsible for the bullet point innovation on the blog) has again expressed an opinion.

This time he has asked for the blog to appear in paragraphs, to make it easier to read.  Bullet Man, if you’re reading, I forgot to ask if you needed subject headings for the paragraph, so please contact me through the comment box or privately to indicate what is required.

So if you (dear readers) want to skip the politics then go straight to paragraph 2.

The Eurozone crisis is still threatening the stability of the world economy.  This week the crisis has been held squarely in the hands of Angela Merkel, so she’s got the whole world in her hands.  I think that makes her woman of the week, though hubby disagrees…In May 2010 I wrote that “Her natal chart shows an interest in personal finance (North Node and Chiron in the 2nd House) and public finance (Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun in 8th House).”  Looking now at her chart in more detail, she has the Sun tightly conjunct Uranus in Cancer, so she is always going to provide leadership which benefits her own country.  This conjunction is square to her natal Neptune and she might be torn between divide and rule or unite and rule.  At the moment her policy is fiscal union, and a tight leadership of Europe with Sarkozy of France.  Also natally she has Mars at the Galactic Centre, so she has leadership of Europe but also access to a more cosmic wisdom than maybe even she realizes.  We are fortunate to have her birth time, which reveals a Sagittarian Ascendant which will be transited this month by the North Node (a karmic balancing or reckoning, a chance to ask the Cosmos how she is doing).  Angela is personally in tune with the European Union chart, having Mars conjunct its Mercury (able to act on its behalf) and Moon conjunct its Venus (she has her heart in it).  She has some oppositions between her chart and the Euro(zone) chart, but her Pluto is trine its Sun, so she would do her best by it from a very fundamental place within.  Nicolas Sarkozy’s Jupiter conjuncts Angela Merkel’s Uranus so together they make a sparky Entrepreneur, and this would give them the oomph to try and make a fist of the Eurozone problem. However, their composite chart (“Merkozy”, as they are now being dubbed) shows Venus conjunct Neptune (financial idealism) in the 12th House which makes their idealism hard to manifest.  Saturn is currently sextile Angela Merkel’s Mars which shows the constraints she is under in acting, but also the steady and deliberate way in which she is dealing with things and responding to the needs of the times.

Read on if you are specifically interested in the week ahead:

Today the Sun conjuncts Mercury but Mercury is retrograde and squares Mars.  If you are able to keep Mercury on the straight and narrow, you could achieve a great deal in terms of research or philosophical thought.  If you are several years into a long-running thesis, you may be able to revive it significantly today, and it may be something that makes you angry which gives you the fuel to do it, e.g. the thought that if only you had completed it earlier your life or society may have changed for the better.  If you found Friday’s Sun square Mars incident-prone, that theme may continue with today’s Mercury square Mars.  Heated words may erupt if your language faculty is not harnessed in a constructive direction.  Mechanics may play up, and dogs may be irritable.  Tomorrow Venus trines Mars and that is helpful if you are trying to kindle or re-kindle a romance, or a failing economy (but not major enough to provide a long term solution).  A good day for Merkel to cozy up to a Sarkozy and create a Merkozy, perhaps.  But it’s only One Day, and that could turn out to be Groundhog Day (oh stop!!!).  On Tuesday (6th) the Sun conjuncts the North Node in Sagittarius (close to Angela Merkel’s Ascendant) and the Force could be with you if you are operating under not just European Law but spiritual law as well.  Make sure your karma is properly aligned, and you could shift on your way to a positive and optimistic future life.  You might know if you have achieved this straight away because on the same day Jupiter trines Chiron and you may achieve some miraculous healing or the means to it, such as a flash of great insight or a Eureka moment.  On Thursday (8th) Mercury semi-sextiles Pluto so there could be a slight counteraction of the healings of Tuesday, but these may be in the form of your doubts, or some difficult travel.  You are being tested, so don’t let a tiny flaw or awkward detail de-rail the overall path or vision.  If you can do something about it though, then that’s one more step towards perfection.  On Saturday (10th) Uranus turns stationary prior to direct and the spanner in the works reveals its mysterious ways and begins to pull some slightly more pleasant surprises.  I have to be careful here that I am not being too Sagittarian.  Balance can be provided by Capricornian fiscal genius (we have too few of them in the world) Raymond Merriman.  On his blog for this week he writes: “…the master of the unexpected and surprise – Uranus – turns stationary direct. This is not only wild and volatile, it can also be highly disruptive and unstable”.  For the full context, please find his link on my Contact page.  What could skew the energies on Saturday is another eclipse, a Full Moon in Gemini, which will make it hard to agree on policies between two people.  A third opinion may have to be sought – do you think Merkozy will let Cameron in?

If you would like an insight into the way of the Sagittarian we have the third in the Zodiac Masterclass series here:


For those even too busy to read the second paragraph…

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Tricky, but could be very productive
  • Tomorrow – Cozy/Kozy
  • Tuesday – Alignment and Healing
  • Thursday – Notice the detail
  • Saturday – Stress and possible breakthrough

Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Sagittarian Guide to Optimism

Sagittarius New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry
Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens
available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html

This is the third of an occasional series written about the expertise of each Sun Sign. I am still looking for the Capricorn who can write a guide to Ambition. The articles will be found under the category “Zodiac Masterclass” so that eventually there will be 12 such articles, e.g. “The Piscean Guide to Compassion”, “The Gemini Guide to Communication”,”The Aries Guide to Authenticity” etc. Each article will be written by someone who has the Sun Sign in question.

Here guest blogger Marion Kobylinksi writes about Optimism and trusting the wisdom of the Universe. I had to scout around for another Sagittarius to write it – I couldn’t write it myself, could I?

Marion is a well-loved Alexander Teacher who practises in Salisbury, and has been an enormous help to my family. Her piece is short and sweet!

As a Sagittarian myself, I would not be able to add anything. However cynical a sign you may be, there are times you just need to look at life in the Panglossian way of a Sagittarian.

A word about the mandala: I think you’ll agree it is stunning and beautiful. It reminds me of a Sagittarian poem or song (whose authorship I have never been able to establish):

Three rings has the circus, the color of hullabaloos, jumping Jupiter things, yellow and red turquoise bands, plus, Sagittarius! Ah, Sagittarius! Bringing laughter to the clowns, tumbling with the acrobats, telling fortunes to the gypsies. Walking with the wire-walkers, Sagittarius looks down and applauds the crowd for being brave.

The Sagittarian Guide to Optimism by Marion Kobylinski

The word optimism comes directly from the Latin optimus: best.

That quintessential optimist the Dalai Lama was speaking in the Albert Hall some twenty years ago, and his wonderful advice has never left me “Always prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best”.

Optimism is ‘looking on the bright side’ – knowing there always is a bright side. It doesn’t mean not seeing the dark side, the possible unpleasant outcomes, it just seems more practical not to focus on them. It means appreciating that there is always more than meets the eye and knowing that everything works out for the best in the end, however bad it may seem at the time.

At least that has always been my experience all through my life. Certainly the worst things have taught me the most – and after all we are here to learn. Somewhere I have come to acknowledge that the many mistakes I have made (and annoyingly seem to continue to make) really have been, and are, blessings in disguise. Granted, the disguises can often be fairly heavy and convincing! Yet without the inconvenience, pain and suffering, I being on the somewhat obtuse side, would not have had the spur to wake me up a bit.

Isn’t it best to be as awake as possible – and perhaps not miss “the many splendoured thing”?

The Sun is always shining whether we can see it or not – when it is cloudy it is easy to forget that fact: the clouds don’t prove that the sun isn’t shining. The clouds have a vital function – they are part of this amazing creation – they hold the rivers and seas and will fall as rain to water the earth so that it brings forth food to nourish and sustain all of the living creatures on it.

The light of the Sun and the compassion of the clouds are but a reflection of the unity of things. When the optimist in us remembers the whole picture we know that all is well – or if it doesn’t seems to be at the moment it will be; that everything works out for the best in the end!

Aspects for the week beginning 27 November 2011

Saturday evenings lately have been a marathon roller-coaster of television viewing: Strictly Come Dancing, through X-Factor, through I’m a Celebrity (get me out of here).  I am even completely indoctrinated by the adverts, to the extent that I truly believe that you need to go to Iceland for your party food: Stacey Solomon’s ecstatic bopping has won me over.  This is the shadow side of my lifestyle.  The light side, during the week, is travelling up and down the country constantly on the train between Norfolk (home), Leicester (grandson), Cambridge (post-retirement day job), Salisbury (family) and London (leisure), while trying to fit in astrological work, meditation and Christmas shopping.  My astrological musings yesterday were about the X-Factor panel/judges/mentors.  Louis Walsh, still standing from the original institution, is a Leo but has North Node (karmic mission) in Aquarius, the sign of boy bands.  Since he lost his last remaining act, it has been good to see him champion other acts, including the last girl band standing, “Little Mix”.  He may have been traumatized in his past lives (e.g. in the Irish potato famine) with Pluto on his South Node.  But show business is in his blood, with 4 planets in Leo.  He loves a power struggle though, with Jupiter square his Pluto and Nodal Axis.  Next in order of seating, is Tulisa Contostavlos, whose musical genre is hip hop.  She has not had an easy life, with her mother suffering bi-polar disorder.  She has a lot of stress and conflict in her chart, which has forged her strong personality, resulting in an edgy persona, willing to fight for her little muffins (“Little Mix”) in her maternal 4-planets in Cancer type of way.  Mentally, she is used to stress (Mercury conjunct Chiron, square Mars).   Kelly Rowland, who sits next to Tulisa, is an Aquarian, but her warmth comes from a strong Piscean empathy: Venus conjunct Mars in Pisces, and Sun sextile Neptune.  She has a psychologically strong Sun trine Pluto, but may have some indecisiveness with a conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn – witness her letting Amelia Lily go in the first round (not without tears) then welcoming her back with open arms as a possible potential winner a few weeks later.  However, this indecisiveness is a two-sided coin, the other side of which is measured judgement, assisted by a sextile of Jupiter/Saturn with the North Node.  Karma is often on her side, and she has 3 acts left in the contest.  I remember thinking in the boot camp phase that the girls were a really strong category this year, and she was fortunate to land this category.  Gary Barlow, the replacement for Simon Cowell, has come in for a lot of criticism in this competition, but I like him in the role.  His original and prolific song talent is shown in his chart by Venus in Sagittarius (prolific) sextile Uranus in Libra (original songwriting).  That same aspect is responsible for his successful involvement in the legendary boy band “Take That”.  The only contestant I have a chart for is Scorpio Janet Devlin (with the characteristic red mane).  She has been ill this weekend, and recently had poor song choices, but with 5 planets in Scorpio plus the North Node and Sun exactly square Mars, as one of the judges put it yesterday she is a fighter, and will have courage and strength even if she goes out in tonight’s results show.  Today’s Venus square Uranus could produce strange results and quirky art forms and unusual meetings.  Venus also sextiles Chiron, so there is an underlying healing thread in physical terms, and in art and music, even though Uranus is causing disruptions (the disruptions have a reason).  Later tonight Venus trines Jupiter, so party like a celeb.  Put those nibbles out as you watch the telly.  Actually, to be serious, you may have reason to celebrate – don’t miss the opportunity by being a couch potato.   On Thursday (1st December) Venus conjuncts Pluto and it’s time to get serious about your relationship(s).  Focus, perhaps, on its higher purpose.  Or on any lingering psychological issues which are blocking its potential and commitment.  There may be endings to outworn ways of relating which are not working, but hopefully your relationship(s) can emerge more strongly.  The Sun squares Mars on Friday (2nd) so you will be feeling the heat, in some way.  You may be hot-headed, or incident-prone, for instance.  Watch other motorists on the road: men and cars could clash, and dogs could also be hot-headed.  The last aspect to work with this week is Friday’s conjunction between Mercury and the North Node.  This involves Mercury Retrograde so the karmic reward flavour of the aspect which potentially could bring brisk business, sales, and significant communication and information, could be skewed by the retrograde aspect.  Keep on your toes if making a deal, keep ahead of the game, and keep your integrity.  You could even outwit the notorious Mercury Retrograde, that way!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – emphasis on art, music and relationships and improving through the day
  • Thursday – deep relationships
  • Friday – high energy difficult to manage.  Karmically, watch the detail

Aspects for the week beginning 20 November 2011

Uranus has returned to 0 degrees Aries, where it initiated the Arab Spring.  The Arab Spring has the energy of Uranus in Aries, as does the Occupy movement.  We are in the throes of inner and outer revolution.  As a human race we now demand freedom from slavery, and also in our personal relationships.  This is supported by the current placement of Saturn in Libra, because we cannot find refuge in relationships or clinging to others: we have to find everything we need within ourselves.  We are thrown back on our own resources, and from a possibly new bargaining position we are renegotiating our close relationships (Saturn in Libra).  In the Eurozone, Papademos has now replaced Papandreou in Greece, and Monti has replaced Berlusconi.  Both replacements have strong Chirons in their chart and certainly have been drafted in as healers for the economy and the morale of their respective nations.  Papademos has Chiron conjunct his Mercury, so has the ability to think outside the box, and Monti has Chiron conjunct his North Node in Leo, so it is his mission to lead in a new way with a healing intent.  Interesting that they have both appointed non-politicians to serve with them.  Sunday is a reflective, charitable day, not without illusion or paranoia, with Sun square Neptune.  For karmic reasons, you may be drawn to involvement with Neptunian places and institutions such as churches, hospitals and charities. There is a sense of surrendering, with a compassionate view of the world, and fundraising may be involved.  On Tuesday (22nd) first Venus from the Galactic Centre sextiles Saturn, so there is some quiet re-evaluation of a long and loyal friendship.  You can meet quietly to take stock of your lives. With the emphasis on the Galactic Centre, the love at the heart of the Universe can be received and transmitted, the cosmic love that connects everything together.   Also on Tuesday, we leave behind the emotional wrangling we have been occupied with in the last month as the Sun leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius.  Instead, we will be turning our emotional experiences into philosophical understanding about life over the next month.  Sample conversation over coffee in the corner of a library:

Friend A: (sporting a poppy, and a plastic red nose)  “You know, it’s difficult being a spirit having a human experience.”

Friend B:  (sounding weary) “Oooh, I know what you mean.  I have trouble giving up my addictions.  Take smoking – it was O.K. in my Native American lifetime…I am really truly searching for the answer.  Do you think it’s easier to deal with addictions after you have retired?”

[We’ll meet them again later]

In fact, over the next week there will be a lot of that sort of discussion.  Even doers will become thinkers this week.  The thinking (a la Sagittarius) will be laced with humour, and if your Inner Clown has been in a closet for the last 11 months, now’s the time to dust him or her down, and take him or her out into the party season.  If Ricky Gervais can be asked to host the Golden Globes again for the third time your own Inner Clown can be welcome anywhere anytime, even if you are a shy Sun sign. Ricky is a Cancerian, and famous for his crab dance.  He has the controversial planet Uranus square natally to his ruling Moon, but is currently empowered by a transit of Pluto trine his natal Pluto, linking his life in with the Grand Trine described last week (which is currently still active).    But the Sun squares Chiron on Wednesday (23rd) and the poignant side of the clown comes out (you might have tried the positive-thinking-only line, and the shadow comes up as a backlash).  Just adjust your philosophy accordingly, realizing that your Inner Clown is a work in progress and needs some healing and some bringing into the present.  Once the tears are out of the way that day, there are two trines to bring out the smiles.  The first is a trine between the Sun and Uranus, bringing out original creativity and inventiveness, and then Mars trine Pluto.  Mars trine Pluto affords the chance to heal past hurts, victimhood and self-harm.  It is a powerful energy, and can be mis-used, but can also be used to move on.  On Thursday (24th) – uh oh!  It’s the bane of astrological life – Mercury Retrograde, again.  If you have been keeping that Mercury Retrograde workbook, you may have evolved your own strategies and patterns with it, but if not just keep in mind the mantra “clear communication” and keep  writing and referring to your insights.  Friday (25th) brings us a smooth sextile between Venus and Neptune.  Love is on the agenda again, and this time it’s ideal love, and inspired expression of the Arts.

Cut to the supermarket,  next to the veggie food cabinet:

Friend C:  “Hiya!  How are you?  If you don’t mind me saying so, that red nose is a bit out of season…Oh I’m so busy these days.  Trying to choose which brand of veggie sausage is best – they’ve stopped doing my favourite.  (Sigh) Would love to find the time to do something more creative.”

Friend A:  “Funny you should say that!  It’s a point I was making to B on Tuesday.  Would our lives flow better if we were doing that, instead of being a the beck and call of errands, demands, events and duties?”.

Friday also brings us a New Moon at 2 degrees Sagittarius, more discussion of life, philosophy, freedom, and global affairs.  And finally, Saturday (26th) Venus enters Capricorn, and we feel that we have to ground some of our ideas into reality, e.g. by becoming more politically active on behalf of society.  Start an Occupy movement, anyone?  Work your way through the charity Christmas catalogues?  Put your name down for the marathon?  Stand for your local council?  Or clear your clutter first.

Last sample discussion:

[In a railway carriage]

Friend A:  “Well if it isn’t B!  That’s twice in one year I have seen you, what a surprise! Guess who I bumped into in the supermarket the other day – C, another member of our Soul Group!”

Friend B:  [moving her luggage] “Here take a seat.  I was hoping to continue our conversation.  I was thinking over what you said, and I have decided to turn myself in at the local gym.  By the way, that purple skirt doesn’t really go -”

(to be continued…)

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – Tread softly
  • Tuesday –  Quiet catch-up; mind-broadening and heart-broadening
  • Wednesday –  Healing crisis, and healing resolutions
  • Friday –  Love and inspiration; new ideas
  • Saturday – Getting real

Aspects for the week beginning 13 November 2011

If you felt supported and buoyed up by the Universe on 11:11:11 it may be as much to do with the Kite forming in the sky (more of which later) as the numerology, which is not to detract from the beauty of the number.  It is just that the meaning of the number is still a mystery to me.  People gathered for all sorts of reasons on Friday, for the past, the present and the future.  Even the birds gathered, at the beach, where we meditated and linked with other groups around the globe.  It was a special day.  This morning, the Sun has come out for the first time since our Solar Panels were fitted, and the dial shows that we are not using electricity – we have lift off!  Inner and outer bliss…Seemingly, everything feels right in the Universe, and on the planet… Meanwhile, nuclear threats are gathering in the Middle East in remembrance week – the U.S. and Israel are in a quandary about what to do, or whether to do anything, about Iran’s gathering nuclear capability. Let’s hope they choose the way of the Tao, rather than the way of Blair-Bush  (Pluto is approaching a trine to Iran’s Saturn next year, which will support its nuclear plans).  And the Eurozone…oh dear, two leaders have toppled within the space of a week (Papandreou and Berlusconi) and coalitions are on the increase (Saturn in Libra).  It seems fitting to give Berlusconi as much space this week as Papandreou last week, so here goes.  Firstly, his reputation as a womanizer is linked with his natal Venus square Pluto, though it must be said that not everyone with that square behaves as he did.  That Berlusconi is going now, after such a lengthy reign (though not as long as Mubarak’s or Gaddafi’s) is due to Pluto currently exactly squaring his Sun, definitely the end of an era in his life.  In the chart of Italy change is indicated with three significant squares: Saturn square its natal Saturn, Uranus square its natal Mercury, and Pluto square its natal Neptune.  Though Italians are rejoicing at the exit of Berlusconi, these squares indicate that they will be going through a period of discomfort in the immediate future, and that the situation will not be solved overnight by a magic wand.  But the country itself, as one who hasn’t much experience of international travel, is one of my favourite countries in the world (based on brief sojourns in Florence and Venice) and I heartily wish them well (as I do for Greece, and the next country).  I will leave the commentary for Strictly Come Dancing as a dessert for the end of the blog, and now plough through the upcoming week’s aspects.  Today, Venus is conjunct the South Node.  It is a good day to take stock of your karmic interrelations, and to radiate love to your friends and non-friends alike!  Tomorrow, it is Mercury’s turn to conjoin the North Node, and for the mind to contemplate what the heart contemplated today.  You can do both days together, combining the heart and mind, LOL :-}  On Wednesday (16th) Mars trines Jupiter (high energy!) and you will feel the full force of the Kite shape, which has been formed in the sky by a Grand Trine between Jupiter in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Mars in Virgo, skewered to earth (and water) by the opposition between Mars in Virgo and Chiron/Neptune on the cusp of Aquarius/Pisces.  It is a day when you (and your colleagues) can really get your act together, and bring your highest ideals down into practical reality, if you have been working on  something of that nature.  If you are highly intuitive, then it can all come together in your consciousness quite quickly, and be implemented, if you are feeling on good form and are used to working instantly.  A note about this pivotal position of Mars in early Virgo: those with Ascendant in Virgo will be intensely activated by the sojourn of Mars in Virgo until next July (only then will it move on to Libra).  If you have Sun in Virgo, you will be especially activated when Mars transits your Sun at some point or points during this period.  Alternatively, you may be someone who has several planets (a satellitium) in Virgo, in which case you’ll be on the go almost constantly (and Virgos like to be on the go).  Now to the Strictly Come Dancing report (you can switch off if you are not a viewer) – there has been drama, since I last reported!  Artem Chigvintsev injured his spine – Pluto squaring his Mars in Libra (back injury).  Holly Valance was left without a partner but managed to acquire a fellow Antipodean substitute in Brendan Cole, with Artem as choreographer (Mars was sextile her North Node in Gemini – lots of karmic male attention). For Brendan?  The Sun was transiting his North Node – a karmic opportunity (but at the same time he had been knocked out of the contest with Lulu).  What of Lulu?  If she hadn’t been knocked out Brendan’s substitution wouldn’t have happened.  Their body language on the couch on our breakfast TV screens early last week was quite frosty.  Pluto is trine her Saturn, which may be why she has been so serious over the whole contest (note this is the same aspect currently responsible for Iran’s nuclear frown).  The North Node is trine her Pluto – karmic lessons here!  Her shock exit was down to Uranus squaring her Uranus.  The results show is tonight, and I sincerely hope that my beloved astrological clown Russell Grant will stay in to entertain us further.  Actually, I wish I had been able to draft in Bruno Tonioli to write this Strictly section – he is a Sagittarian and a half!  Quoting his colourful language after Harry’s Judd’s Argentine Tango: “It was moodier than a thunderstorm in the pampas!”  I wish I’d said that.  Lastly, retaining the lighthearted tone, take my fun quiz “What Astrological Level are You?” if you have reached an impasse on the Sunday cryptic crossword…


The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Oneness
  • Tomorrow – analyzing the Oneness
  • Wednesday – bringing it all together (make it last till next week)

What Astrological Level are You?

This blog was inspired by a friend, to whom on first meeting I asked the question: “On a scale of 1 – 10, what level of Astrology would you say you’re at?”

She replied confidently “A Six”.

Since then she has gradually lowered her level to a Three.

So here, at current understanding, are the 10 Levels.

  1.  You don’t take interest in Astrology, except to occasionally read your newspaper horoscope for fun.
  2. You know your Sun signs, and sometimes ask people theirs.  You can come up with some startling psychological insights on this basis.
  3. You have had your chart done, and know the rudiments of how a birth chart works.  From listening to and reading Astrological articles, you can make theories of your own and you feel connected with what is out there in the Cosmos.  You play it safe by using only the Equal House System, otherwise you would get confused.
  4. You have jumped in on Astrology through the psychic route, perhaps from tarot or palmistry or mediumship, and can almost read a chart just by placing the palms of your hands on the chart while looking at someone’s face (or without even looking at them).  You may feel like ignoring some of the unnecessary details and new-fangled theories, as they interfere with your mental images and the messages from your guides.  Sometimes you just look at the aspect patterns in the middle of the chart and see the interpretations visually.  A type 4 can rise through the ranks very rapidly, but often finds a new primary path.
  5. You see Astrology as part of your philosophical research, and may be a Psychiatric professional, a Philosopher or even a Scientist, and it becomes part of your tool kit in a wider practice.  You sense the potential of Astrology, but see it as an adjunct to your main Profession.  Nevertheless, you have a very proficient grasp of the subject, and at the back of your mind you sense that you may give it a higher profile in your work some day.  You see yourself as an intellectual liberal.
  6. You are a serious student of Astrology, perhaps reluctant to see yourself as an Astrologer, but soaking up information and learning and theory at a prodigious rate.  The study of the subject fills you with confidence that the Science/Art can potentially solve any question.  You take on a few clients in order to help you with what you see as an eternal research.
  7. You maintain a private Astrological practice, but do not feel yourself to be very adventurous.  You are quietly contented with your level, and happy to carry on as you are.  You have, however, gone beyond the classical textbooks in examining the role of Chiron since it was discovered in 1977.  You are a bit wary about Ophiuchus theories, though.
  8. From starting on the basics years ago, and possibly taking a qualification in Astrology, you have learned through experience and a computer-like memory which can compile statistics mentally, plus a steady private practice, to apply Astrology all the time to everything in your life.  You might even have a blog, too.  You may be a bit daunted by all the advanced Astrological software, and therefore are unable to fulfil its potential.
  9. You work with all the asteroids, mid-points, harmonics, Solar Arc, and embrace all the latest theories, with a flexible bendy astrological mind, and can evaluate, co-ordinate and contrast all of these approaches confidently and communicate them articulately.  In addition, you are a whiz with all the computer software available to the Astrologer in the 21st Century , regularly skype your clients and publish your latest research in e-books.  You earn a living wage through Astrology.
  10. You are the teachers’ teacher in Astrology, and regularly contribute to Astrology magazines, lecture at meetings, and are a published author of several books.  Your books are regularly referred to in articles and lectures by others.


Feel free to quarrel with these descriptions, and the order in which I have placed them and to let me know if you come outside these categories.

Please note, I may alter this blog from time to time; indeed, we may create this together, reaching towards an accurate representation of the picture.  You might want to print out this article as a starting point.

Aspects for the week beginning 6 November 2011

Interesting synchronicity that Joanna Lumley was finishing her Greek Odyssey on our screens as a Greek drama unfolded on the Eurozone scene,  in the crescendo of the week.  In the final programme of the series, Joanna was told that the series would be successful by an elderly Greek lady who was reading her coffee grounds.  Unfortunately, she did not pronounce on the future of the Euro.  The same evening Nicolas Sarkozy was telling the G20 summit “We cannot accept the explosion of the euro, which would mean the explosion of Europe” at the same time as George Papandreou of Greece had threatened a referendum, which he later described as a shock tactic, saying he didn’t mean it really… George Papandreou the Prime Minister of Greece has Mercury (his mental equipment) at 4 degrees Cancer, which squares the Pluto of the natal chart of Greece (bringing mental strain to his natal equipment).  The current square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn form a T-square with his natal Mercury, increasing that mental strain to the hilt.  Some questioned his mental state in engineering the brinkmanship brought about by his announcement of a referendum, and political positions are still being worked out in Greece now.  Meanwhile, almost at the heart and helm of the Euro crisis (Angela Merkel being the heart and helm) according to the Astrology, Nicolas Sarkozy has an instinctive understanding of the European Union (and therefore has easily built up an image of how his role should be within it).  His Mercury is sextile the European Union Mercury (giving him a facility with ideas related to it, business and economic issues within it, and communication channels).  His Neptune is also conjunct the European Union Jupiter, so there is almost a sense of religiosity in the way he feels about the European Union and its potential.  His Jupiter squares the Euro (as distinct from the European Union) Nodal Axis, so he has a karmic role to play at this time, and one of keeping up its profile in some way.  His Pluto trines its Jupiter, so he is totally involved in trying to make it work.  His Neptune squares its Uranus however, so his own illusions may complicate its destiny further.  But there is no doubting his commitment, in saying: “The euro is at the heart of Europe”.  I took a break from all this yesterday, and had a great time at the Brian Weiss workshop in London yesterday. Brian Weiss is the most popular of past-life therapists and author of such classics as “Many Lives, Many Masters” and “Same Soul, Many Bodies”, and I booked my place months ago. Apparently the event was an almost instant sell-out.  People came from all over the world (except for the U.S.) to see this psychiatrist from Florida.  They came from places as far flung as Trinidad and Portugal, bringing translated editions from exotic locations such as Iran and Malta.  Dr. Weiss has the slowest speaking voice I have ever heard, as befits someone who has been doing past life therapy for 30 years.  He has a GSOH, in fact an acutely and unusually teasing sense of humour that doesn’t come across in his books!  I wonder how that persona comes out from his birthchart…We do not have a birthtime and so cannot divine his Ascendant and Midheaven, which often contribute to the persona.  He is a Scorpio, which is the sign of Psychiatry, and in fact it’s his birthday today.  The humour may be linked with his Jupiter being exactly sextile his North Node, which has given him a karmic grace in his work and mission.  I spent most of the day pleasantly semi-comatose (he gave 4 meditations – tremendous value!), surfacing occasionally to make notes.  I don’t know how it was for the rest of the 900-strong audience.  That might just have been my pattern because, not comparing the two in any intrinsic sense, I admit to always falling asleep whenever I have been in the presence of the Dalai Lama.  A few years ago, my hubby complained that I was meditating too much, but I have got it down to once a day now.  Enough about me, let’s look at the aspects for the week ahead.  Today is a good day for tying up small but important loose ends, with the minor aspects of Mercury/Venus semi-sextile Pluto.  It is another week with a dominant theme by Neptune, as tomorrow we face an opposition between Mars and Neptune.  Whereas last week’s Neptune issues were emotional and mental confusion, tomorrow’s opposition could bring instinctual confusion.  Well if your instincts are currently wading on shifting sands, what can you trust?  You can go to a higher level, to your intuition (via meditation, but don’t overdo it like me).  The work you do on this will pay off by Wednesday (9th) because Neptune is stationary prior to turning direct (what a relief) and you will be able to see that a spade will look like a spade.  It always was a spade, but you had your doubts, lately.  A Full Moon in Taurus on Thursday (10th) adds some more earthiness and practicality to your outlook, but not everyone finds the Full Moon energy easy, and it has to be balanced with the intensely searching Sun in Scorpio.  So if you are immersed in gardening, some part of you still has to engage with the angst going on in the world or in your personal affairs.  The same day Chiron (which has been travelling with Neptune in recent years) also turns stationary prior to direct, which benefits healing efforts, healing projects, and uncovering the associated mental causations, which may or may not be derived from the past.  And on Friday (11:11:11) Mars means business, leaving its performance-based urges in Leo, for the quieter conscientious working mode of Virgo.  We’ll be knuckling down to some real work schedules, and health and safety projects.  Many of us will be earth healing, or marking the impressive numerology of the day in some way.  The week ends on Saturday (12th) with an opposition between Mars and Chiron: energies could be awkward that day, and there may be minor healing crises or opportunities to put into practice what we have learned this week or recently.  What were your learnings, and how can you apply them? I have learned about synchronicity, and moderation in meditation, and deepened my interest in the scope of the human mind.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – housekeeping
  • Tomorrow – examining your own Achilles heel
  • Wednesday – spiritual reorientation
  • Thursday – balancing; healing initiatives
  • Friday – interesting numerology; getting down to things
  • Saturday – the square peg in the round hole

Aspects for the week beginning 30 October 2011

(Apologies for the slightly altered blog format this week – you can put it down to Neptune)


This week could turn your head around.  All week Mercury will be chasing Venus but never quite catches her.  Why is Mercury trying to catch Venus?  He wants to have a dialogue with her.  Why does he want to have a dialogue with her?  The mind wants to swap notes with the heart, to co-ordinate the new-found wisdom. Many of us have experienced evolutionary shifts recently, and need to upgrade our everyday practices to match this incoming energy.  You may be finding that the new energy doesn’t sit well with your old circumstances.  Uranus this week from your sign harmonizes with the near conjunction, so you may find your words sprinkled with stardust.


Mercury and Venus are like brother and sister in the family of planets around the Sun, and when they do meet they can catch up with family news, and you can take stock of issues in your personality development, such as the role of your ego.  How is your ego looking?  What is the state of your self-esteem?   Taureans have a tendency towards modesty and playing the supporting act, but you need now to find balance along your ego/self-esteem spectrum.  With Mercury sticking close to your natal planet all week, you will be buzzing with ideas.


You may literally need a conflab with a sibling, or with someone who acts as a sibling for you this week.  A neighbour may pop their head over the fence at just the right moment, for instance, to lend an ear.  What happens when your ruler Mercury and Venus meet is that writing and articulation of the arts can take place.  Although Mercury spends several days trying to catch up with Venus he doesn’t actually make it.  The journey is the goal, and the thrill is in the chase.  You may need to accept that.


This week snatches of poetry can be written,  a chapter or two of a novel,  a few brushstrokes on a canvas, and short tete a tetes snatched in cafes overlooking riverbanks;  contributions towards the major oeuvre – remember that Cancer is a literary sign.  Not a week to achieve earth shattering stuff, but stuff that makes ordinary life pleasant and harmonious, and cosy in the way Cancerians like it.  Your ruler the Moon runs the gamut of Sagittarius to Pisces this week, via Capricorn and Aquarius.  So you will start out adventurous, then draw in your claws conservatively.  In the second half of the week you’ll be networking, and then end towards the end of the week retreat into shyness and sensitivity.  Try to plan events accordingly.


Your sign is creative, and your natural art form is drama.  So you may question, in this week where writing is emphasized, whether we still have a use for poetry as an artform in this modern world?  It may yet be the best expression for the soul, I wager, and some of the best dramatists have been poets too.  Of course not everyone is even inclined to the Arts – you may have an Ascendant which contrasts with your Sunsign,  and which inclines you to have a different lifestyle and work as an Accountant say, a Scientist or an Engineer.  If so, it could be a week when the Arts could impinge on your lifestyle, and reclaim you.  Or you may have ideas that benefit the planet, and combine scientific expertise with ecological devices.   Untypically for you, you may stay out of the limelight this week and play a supportive role, like a benevolent uncle.


Tomorrow it’s Happy Halloween, and many will favour or even seek out the scary vibe.  Any poetry written early in the week could appear uncharacteristically fanciful.  You could just let it out uncritically, in the manner of Julia Cameron (whose books include “The Artist’s Way”, “The Right to Write”),  writing for writing’s sake.  Let go of the perfectionism you are known for, and see what happens.  Writing for you tends to be a studious affair, but your sign has undeniable ability in this craft.  With Venus close to your natal planet all week, you will be involved in some warm exchanges.


A full blooded Halloween would ideally have a square from Pluto, but tomorrow’s square between Venus and Neptune can do paranoid at least.  So a paranoid Halloween to those who would like a bit of scaremongering.  For on Tuesday (1st November) Monday’s emotional paranoia gives way to mental paranoia resulting from Mercury’s square to Neptune, or mental evaluation of the previous day’s emotional paranoia.  You know you love it.  Sometimes we just have to go through and examine the paranoia, before we can progress.  Paranoia and scaremongering are out of the natural comfort zone of Libran pleasantness, but Neptune’s square to your ruler can bring a little edge to your normal way of being.  Let out some tension.


The Sun is still in your sign, and you may have the other zodiac signs riveted with fascination.  They may be trying to work out how you function.  What they may not be able to connect with is that deep underground watery well of emotion, unless they have a strong Plutonian streak or another way of resonating with your nature.  You may prefer to be silent this week, not to write or perform, but just to observe life, and keep on collecting your reservoir of wisdom.


Any poetry written on Tuesday (1st November) could be incomprehensible to your fellow man or woman, very Joycian (James Joyce had Sun/Venus square Neptune).  You know that book they say is residing in each of us?  This may be the week that it almost surfaces.  Keep your pen poised, and notebook handy.  Hold off actual writing ideally until Wednesday (2nd), when it is safe to write and the muse could come out of the closet, with Venus entering your adventurous sign.  The Sun’s opposition with your ruler Jupiter may have recently brought a power struggle and you may have lost a battle, but Pluto’s recent trine to Jupiter supports an enduring victory.


Are you a soft centre with a hard shell, or the reverse?  You can start to pursue a romantic ideal this week, or a love of the outdoors.  Fashion note: deerstalker hat, country brogues and Burberry jacket (unless, like me, you never wear them).  The morning activity of Wednesday 2nd will maintain a profound quality, with Mercury still in Scorpio, and those born at the end of Capricorn will be especially mentally acute.  You put judgementalism on the back burner this week.


In the afternoon of Wednesday 2nd, Mercury enters Sagittarius, spicing up your taste for adventure – both for inner journeying and outward bound travel.  At close of play on Wednesday, Venus squares Chiron, so someone may criticize your fashion sense as being just too out there.  A brief healing crisis could result, but remember who you are – the original rebel!  On Thursday (3rd) you may actualize some poetry, novel  writing or painting and surprise even yourself in the process with a fever pitch of ingenuity , for Venus and Mercury trine your natal ruler Uranus.  These aspects are also good for relationships and inventions, and higher orders of thought, while also taking in scientific invention and design.  It could be your week.


Mercury squares Chiron on Thursday (3rd November), so there could be some nervous tension and self-questioning, or nail-biting.  Some meditation would be advised in order to tap into the universal consciousness, and your connection with it.  If plaudits are what you seek, the Booker prize is spoken for this year, having gone to Julian Barnes…He does not have Mercury conjunct Venus, but J.K. Rowling does have.  She started writing in cafes, and so may you this week.  You may start the week confused, with your ruler Neptune playing up, but feel yourself becoming clearer as the week goes on.  Spookily, as I finished writing this blog, highlighting this week’s connection with poetry, I learned that a Poet had just become the new President of Ireland…

(Back to normal next week, including the bullet points)

Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Scorpio Guide to Accentuating the Positive

Scorpio New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry
Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens
available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html

This is the second of an occasional series written about the expertise of each Sun Sign. I am still looking for the Libran who can write a guide to Relationships. The articles will be found under the category “Zodiac Masterclass” so that eventually there will be 12 such articles, e.g. “The Sagittarian Guide to Trusting the Universe”, “The Cancerian Guide to Parenting”, the Taurean Guide to the Inner Artist” etc. Each article will be written by someone who has the Sun Sign in question.

Here guest blogger Jeanne Essex writes about accentuating the positive, which I think is a rebranding of Scorpio, my favourite Sun sign by the way. A word about the mandala: Sarah painted it on the last Scorpio New Moon, and it seems quite gentle and soothing in waves of green. Maybe it’s an antidote to lull those who find Scorpio energy difficult.

I have known Jeanne since University days, when she was reading English at Nottingham University, and she is an experienced writer. Her Scorpio credentials take in a square from Pluto to her Sun in her natal chart. In my life, I have always learned from Jeanne, who has taken life’s rites of passage before me and dealt with them so well.

The Scorpio Guide to: Accentuating the Positive

by Jeanne Essex

You want me to talk about being a Scorpio?

Hang on. Let me just put down my riding crop, come up from the dungeon and slip out of this black leather corset and these high-heeled thigh boots.

Relax, everybody! Just teasing. I simply cannot cope with the high heels any more at my time of life and with my arthritis. In addition that plus-size corset absolutely kills me nowadays.

Seriously though, it often seems to Scorpios that astrology unfairly concentrates on our dark side. How we envy those lucky Librans, of whom the worst that is ever said is that they tend to sit on the fence about issues. I mean would you rather be thought of as merely wishy-washy and indecisive or a potential sadistic serial killer, likely to have a torture chamber in the cellar?

We poor Scorpios often feel misunderstood and that does bring out our undeniable dark side, because, it is true that we can be jealous, obsessive, suspicious and resentful, but we are like that because we feel so passionately and deeply about everything. We just don’t do ‘casual’ in relationships or life in general. We are really, really deep. Okay?

The intensity of our feelings may frighten people of a nervous disposition; hell, it even scares us at times. However, because of this intensity, we are extremely loyal friends and lovers, but never, ever betray our trust, because we will never forgive or forget. Once lost, our trust is impossible to regain and we have such long memories that elephants come to us to check on what they were doing twenty years ago. This is the way that disputes tend to go in our house:

Me : “You said, in the summer of 1973 – it was a Sunday afternoon and raining at the time, I had on that pale blue dress and we were having strawberries and cream for tea – ….”.

My poor, bemused husband: “Er…Well if you say so.”

After over 40 years of this stuff, he can only ever concede the point, because he can’t even remember what I said half an hour ago. Hah! (Did I mention that another of our faults is that we need to win?)

In addition to a prodigious memory and the inability to forget a slight or betrayal, we are armed with the ability to flay with the tongue and wound with cutting sarcasm. This form of attacking defence is known in our family as ‘Scorping’ somebody and I plead guilty to having used it in the past and would like several hundred cases to be taken into consideration, although I try hard to curb it nowadays.

Some of us bear grudges to the extent that we will go so far as to try actively to get revenge, which is a very scary prospect for anybody in the path of an avenging Scorpio. This is an aspect of the Scorpio in which I have never allowed myself to indulge, but I shamefully admit to the love of a bit of poetic justice and schadenfreude about my enemies’ mishaps, when they occur in the rough and tumble of life.


I firmly believe that the key to being an ‘evolved’ Scorpio is working hard to control the negative aspects of our character. (Ah, control! That’s another trait dear to the Scorpio heart.) For every negative there is a related positive, which Scorpios need to develop. When channelled, that famous passion can be a formidable force for good. We can get involved in causes and contribute to making real changes in society. There is never an issue that we don’t care about and we can love very deeply and faithfully.

Those negative qualities of never forgetting a supposed betrayal also have a positive side, because we also never forget a little act of kindness or thoughtful gesture and we will continue to repay for ever. Once you have our love, trust and respect, we will never let you down.

We are said to be manipulative and to set about seducing people, but those talents can be utilized positively in aid of good causes and are handy in recruiting helpers and fund raising. Because we like to win and secretly fear failure, we tend to set realistic and achievable goals and we are very flexible in our approach and willing to change direction, to adapt and overcome. Add to these qualities our resourcefulness and dynamism and we are very useful people to have on your team.

That secrecy we are famous for means that you can also trust us with your own secrets and you can tell us pretty much anything, secure in the knowledge that you cannot shock us. One good thing about being aware of one’s dark side is that a Scorpio can accept the less palatable side of human behaviour in others. Nobody knows as well as a Scorpio that given the right circumstances we are all capable of anything.

We have an ability to face up to the hard things in life and because we are in tune with the cycles of birth and death, those transitional times hold little fear for us. These qualities can be helpful in supporting other people, through bereavement counselling, for example.

To sum up, I have come to learn that I cannot stop myself from feeling twinges of jealously and suspicion, of resentment and bitterness, but I can own them and refuse to let them dominate my life or affect my behaviour. I have spent my adult life learning to let go of things, ‘accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative’, as the song goes.

In my own case, it is probable that all that intense Scorpio energy is tempered by my fluffy Cancer ascendant, but having the Cancer influence sure as hell doesn’t curb any of the emotionalism and reinforces the ability to care deeply and love unconditionally.

It does mean that after a tough session in the dungeon you are likely to get a nice cup of tea and a cuddle, though.

Sadly, Jeanne passed away on 6th November 2013