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Aspects for the week beginning 20 May 2012

The Aspects

On Sunday 20th May the Sun enters Gemini at 15.15 Hrs in the U.K.  You may have been communing with the Pleiades on Saturday 19th, but a new mental focus will come about on the Sunday.  I am planning for the latest in the Zodiac Masterclass series “Revolving Doors, or the Gemini Guide to Communication and Teaching” to magically appear at that time, written by a special Geminian and accompanied by a mandala painted by another special Geminian: a double act.  The New Moon in Gemini follows in the evening, and is an eclipse.  The New Moon in Gemini last year was also an eclipse, and the mandala was painted on that day, so there is something of a resonance.  Eclipses are especially important for people who have planets near that degree (0 degrees Gemini), and can be turning points, or can just be tricky to negotiate.  The trick that you, if you are affected, may need to negotiate, may be a turnaround in your thinking.  For example, you may start out irritable about something, until you understand the cosmic significance of what is being asked of you.  Geminis particularly, could find themselves having to make an important decision.  If all goes to plan for me, the Geminian Masterclass article could eclipse this Aspectarian.

Tuesday (22nd) is good for business and sales, travel and learning.  Your mind will be elastic and safely stretched today, even if it is not normally…(see my section on Phone Apps to test out how stretchy it is at the moment).

Wednesday (23rd) however, is a different kettle of fish, with the Sun squaring Neptune.  If you have been travelling the day before, try and make it to dry land by Wednesday, for you could feel at sea with this aspect.  You may feel foggy or confused, and need special x-ray specs to see through the illusions of the day.  Not a day to tackle a task which needs precision and attention to detail – best save that job for tomorrow.

Mercury goes into Gemini on Thursday (24th) and the spiritual fog and mental dullness may subside and give way to clearer thinking, and better communications and travel, but this may only be a brief interlude, unless you have achieved enduring clarity on the Gemini New Moon.

For on Friday (25th) Mercury squares Neptune, so you will need to use your mind to negotiate another swathe of fogginess.  The spiritual lessons of Wednesday may enable the mental lessons of Friday, again if painstaking attention has been paid.  The mind needs to be a tool honed to perceive whether or not something is an illusion, even though the “mind is the slayer of the real” (Helena Blavastsky) and some spiritual teachers advocate “having no head” etc.  We need all our faculties: if some truth resonates with your heart, your mind, your soul and your body, then trust it.

Smart Phone Apps

Some people are obsessed with their Apps, and those I do have I enjoy.  But my i Phone is too antiquated to receive some of the new Apps. Here’s a wish list:

The Mandala Meditation App


I have had a glimpse of this App, and would have one if I could…It is a moving mandala meditation, named Luminescence and produced by Meditation Oasis featuring Barry Stevens’ mandalas.  Click on the link above to find out more.

If you have an i Pad you can obtain the following version:


The Spiritual i Phone Apps

  1.  Past Life Pets
  2.  Future Life Pets
  3.  Past Life Lovers

These Apps have been created by Anne Jirsch, pioneer of Future Life Progression, to enable you to discover your past and future life links with pets, and past links with lovers.  Irresistible!

For more information, have a look at Anne’s website:


Book Recommendations

The winning of Britain’s Got Talent by Ashleigh and mongrel Pudsey last weekend just proved how deep a bond can be between a pet and his or her owner.  If you recognize this phenomenon you may want to read a book by healer Madeleine Walker entitled “Your Pets’ Past Lives and How they can Heal You” It is profound and heartwarming.  As a result of reading it, and training with Anne Jirsch, I am now intending to offer Past and Future Life sessions in relation to pets, in addition to my existing services.  I mentioned this casually to a friend, who thought I was going to regress the pets themselves, which caused a bit of mirth.  So just to clarify: if you have a deep bond with a pet which you would like to trace in the past, or look forward to in the future, you would have a chance to experience that in regression or progression.

The second book, which I read this week, and highly recommend, is “Dying to be Me” by Anita Moorjani.  It is about one woman’s near death experience.  If you wonder what is different about Anita’s experience which you might not have read about in other books on the subject, it is that after all her bodily organs shutting down after 4 years of decline from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, she had a near death experience and realized what the psychological causes of her illness had been.  She then decided to come back, and she brought back the healed consciousness patterns. Within days her body had healed itself, and the surgeons were confounded that all the tests showed there was no trace of the cancer.  This is a book of universal significance, for the central issue was that in her life she had not been able to be herself.  Her story is amazing, and her subsequent philosophies expounded after the event ring so true.  The moral of the tale is that we all need to live that level of authenticity, now.

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – Communication, Communication, Communication!
  • Tuesday  – Mind-broadening
  • Wednesday – Spiritual fog or confusion
  • Thursday – Mental recuperation
  • Friday – Mental fog or confusion

Aspects for the week beginning 13 May 2012

Leveson Inquiry

Who is Lord Leveson, astrologically?  Brian Leveson was asked by David Cameron on 13 July 2011 to conduct the Inquiry into the actions of the British Press, as a result of the phone-hacking scandal.  Natally he has the Sun exactly conjunct Uranus (insightful) at the beginning of Cancer.  He also has the critic’s inquiring mind in the shape of Mars closely conjunct Mercury in Gemini.  At the time of the choice, Neptune by transit was exactly trine Leveson’s Sun/Uranus conjunction, requiring his expertise in a sensitive large scale project.  The Nodal Axis (karmic accountability) was squaring David Cameron’s Uranus (need for a sudden decision).

Andy Coulson Update

It emerged in his appearance this week at the Leveson Inquiry, that Coulson was introduced to David Cameron by George Osborne.  At the time Andy Coulson was brought into the Government as Director of Communications, it was his Uranus Opposition, a mid-life crisis point.  He may not have realized it at the time.  Uranus is currently shaking up his natal Saturn at the moment, but one of the questions dominating the minds of the media at the moment, is: “How good is his memory?”  Those questioned at the Inquiry, especially this week, seem to have fading memory syndrome.  I associate the Moon (emotional memory) and Mercury (concentration) with memory in the birth chart, and he has these two planets in trine.  Usually for poor memory I prescribe a combination of ginseng (for concentration) and gingko biloba (for memory), but astrologically he would not seem to need them.

Rebekah Brooks Update

Second up for the Leveson Inquiry this week was Rebekah Brooks, former newspaper Editor and CEO of News International.  You would think that the high-powered positions, and the requirement of quick-thinking and being on top of the news would require a good memory (how could you do the job without it?), but she too appeared to be suffering from the same condition (FM syndrome) as Andy Coulson.  Rebekah Brooks was born on a New Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini, the sign of newspapers.  Uranus currently sextiles her Sun/Moon, keeping her smiling during the Leveson Inquiry, though she was under pressure from Mars at the same time squaring her Sun/Moon.  The position of her natal Mars gives her Aries traits, including the trademark red hair, and with the Moon and Mercury in the sign of Gemini there is a superficial “here today and gone tomorrow” attitude towards information and memory.  This is coupled with the Mars quality of living for the moment.  Her chart would lend itself to letting go of information in her mind, but nevertheless she would have known what was important and held on to that.  Her imagination (Moon conjunct Mars) is the type that would retain sensational highlights – a recipe for selectivity, perhaps? LOL ;-}

The Aspects

Chiron is sextile Pluto now, which is very helpful in getting at those stubborn, deep-seated healing and psychological issues from early on in the day. Root out and inspect those fears first thing.  At lunchtime, a lucky Sun-Jupiter conjunction may grant you your wishes e.g. A spell of sunshine if you are hosting a barbecue. It may also be materially lucky, being placed as it is in Taurus, the sign of money. Take heed Jessie J (kerching!) or anyone inclined to mixed or half-hearted messages on the subject. It’s a clarion call, in whatever house it falls in within your birthchart, and that may not be about the money. But wait! There’s more that this day has to offer. For in the evening Mercury trines Mars, so you may act mentally or physically in the wake of the day’s good news or fortune. If you have won the lottery, you will know what to spend it on. If not, you need to see your life in a more positive and expansive context now. If you have a healing breakthrough, you may want to write about it. If it’s a great love that you have found, you may want to radiate that out to others.

Tomorrow Mercury trines Pluto in the morning, and you can take the action and thought from the previous day and turn it into a deeper awareness, and sense deeper possibilities.  Later tomorrow Mercury is sextile with Chiron, so you have a complete set of healing tools that day: both physical and psychological. It’s a good day for Homeopaths, dear reader.  If you succeeded in healing missions on Sunday, you can take these a step further.  It is a particularly good day for Geminis and Virgoans to co-ordinate their nervous systems and take the helm of new initiatives.

On Tuesday (15th) Venus turns retrograde, and that is a signal to examine the past history of relationships.  Perhaps someone is acting oddly around you, and you need that extra insight!

Mars trines Pluto on Wednesday (16th) and this may provide the extra oomph you need to complete or continue a project.  Certainly this completes a Grand Earth Trine of Mercury-Mars-Pluto, and may provide some with the excuse to strut their stuff a little too exuberantly, but Mind-Body-Spirit need to be balanced for the best results.

The next day (Thursday, 17th) provides possibly the most challenging aspect, with Mars opposing Chiron.  Chiron the Healer may be able to handle it, but Mars (the warrior, youngster or teen) may go off the rails a little, and need to be shown the woundedness in their interaction, so that they can make more conscious choices.  Show the warrior, youngster or teen a peaceful space in the heart.   If you are undergoing a medical procedure that day, hold in your mind the highest healing outcome.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Healing, then Luck, then Action
  • Tomorrow – Deep thinking, and healing theories
  • Tuesday – Examining relationships
  • Wednesday – Energy and Action.  Good results with care.
  • Thursday – Healing required

Aspects for the week beginning 6 May 2012

Winners and Losers

It has been a week of winners and losers, starting in football with Monday’s match between Manchester United and Manchester City in the Premiership. On Wednesday evening on The Apprentice teams Sterling and Phoenix went head to head  selling fake tan in Essex, and in the losing team one of them had to be fired (Azhar, Aged 33, no birth date available).  On Thursday evening Labour beat the Conservatives in the Council elections, while very late on the evening of Friday Boris Johnson won the Mayorship of London, over Ken Livingston. Yesterday Chelsea beat Liverpool in the F.A. Cup Final, and on The Voice U.K. the contestants on team Danny O’Donoghue and team Jessie J sang their hearts out. Danny’s team had a stronger showing, but they are competing against themselves, and the results show is tonight.  And last but not least, today is the second round of the French Presidential election. What astrological features accompanied the wins, and are there any patterns we can draw information from?

I always say that I haven’t got a competitive bone in my body (I have Saturn in 5th house amongst other detractions from sport), but over the last 3 years have followed the ranking of this blogsite on PostRank. PostRank as far as I can tell was taken over by Google a year ago, but this week Google pulled the
plug on the astrological bloggers’ ranking site. At close of play, this blog was number 7, having been number 4 for several days. I didn’t  originally enrol for PostRank, and there are other ranking sites which require signing up, but for now I am going back to being  a non- competitor.

Roberto Mancini vs Alex Ferguson, Managers of Manchester City and Manchester United Football Clubs respectively

Neptune is currently trine Roberto’s Venus in 9th House (bliss), and Jupiter is trine his Moon (euphoria), plus Uranus is trine his Midheaven (Career success).  Saturn is currently opposite Alex’ Mars (frustration) and Pluto is currently conjunct his Sun (chickens coming home to roost).

Ed Milliband vs David Cameron, leaders of the Labour and Conservative party, respectively

Saturn currently sextiles Ed’s natal Venus (a steady triumph) and Neptune sextiles his Sun and Saturn (giving him a spiritual lift).  Jupiter opposes Dave’s  Neptune (illusions shattered).

Boris Johnson vs Ken Livingston, Conservative and Labour contenders for London Mayorship respectively

Both are Geminis, but Boris is more popular with the added allure of Venus conjunct his Sun.  Mars is currently conjunct Boris’ Uranus – he is obviously a man who can handle that excitement! Pluto is trine Ken’s Venus – The ending of an attachment, for him.

Roberto Di Matteo vs Kenny Dalglish, Managers of Chelsea and Liverpool  Football Clubs respectively

Uranus currently sextiles Di Matteo’s Sun (victory), and Pluto currently squares Kenny’s natal Venus (defeat).

Francois Hollande vs Nicolas Sarkozy, Socialist candidate and Right-Wing candidate for Presidency of France respectively.

Both have Saturn currently squaring their natal Uranus, as they are born within a year of each other.  But in addition Hollande has Saturn sextile his Pluto (a difficult but steady state), whereas Sarkozy has Pluto squaring his Mars (danger).

As you can see, there is no conformity about the winning aspects.  More research needed.

The Aspects

In the early hours of this morning Mercury opposed Saturn.  The first four astrological features take place during sleep time this week, so happy dreaming!  Perhaps you had two memorable dreams this morning, for the Full Moon in Scorpio occurred a couple of hours later. The first aspect may have induced a dream of frustration: perhaps trying to get to a place, and never quite managing it.  The second dream may have been combative in nature, such as trying to overcome a dragon. The night may have been restless, for many people sleep very lightly on a Full Moon, let alone the Supermoon it was.  If you feel that you have got out of the wrong side of bed, it might be worth a try to go back to bed for a lie in.  Or have a strong cup of ginger tea, write the dreams in your dream book, and mull over the dreams with a companion.  If you are one of those people that never remember your dreams, then examine your mood, write the mood in your mood book, and mull it over with a companion.  What do you feel you processed during dreamtime?  You might find this a bit of a bore, but it is the sort of week where this reflection could pay dividends.  Particularly if you are living in the U.K. you can programme your dreams this week, and receive inspiration from your superconscious mind.

Alternatively, if you live in the States, you will be having lively evenings the night before, with much happening and florid emotions.

And if you live in Australia or New Zealand, you may live through interesting lunches.

On Tuesday (8th), dreamtime (U.K.), evening (U.S.) or lunchtime (Australia) you might suddenly see the other side of the fence, with Jupiter semi-sextile Uranus.  A glimpse may appear to you of the light at the other end of the tunnel, or the Sun bursting through cloud (U.S. and Australia), a shooting star (U.K.)  So the dream might be about flying through the sky on a Unicorn or Spaceship, and the reality may be about perceiving an issue from a completely different perspective.

Mercury enters Taurus on Wednesday (9th) and this will help the new vision to find a practical manifestation.  Vision and ideas give way to methodical application.  In your dream life (another early aspect in the U.K.) a more earthly activity may present itself, and inspire you to some early morning gardening if you are retired, or to pick up a plant or flowers on the way to work to brighten up the Office.  In the U.S. the evening may turn out to be more tranquil than of late, and in Australia healthy lunch options (such as an alkaline meal followed by fashionable coconut water) may be thought through.

On Thursday (10th) evening we have our first daytime aspect in the U.K. this week.  It is at the other end of the day, in the evening in fact.  Mercury sextile Neptune, rather than being about concrete activity, is about taking our dreams from earlier in the week and integrating them mentally.  Meditation may be a good way of doing this, but if you have been dreaming your way through the week you may prefer to be more active.  In that case, dance is a way of expressing this aspect, or communing with the sea.  If the dreamwork has been particularly successful however, you can channel this aspect into some powerful creative visualization.

In the States this aspect will provide inspiration for an afternoon activity.  If you are at work, you may pluck solutions out of the ethers.

In Australia you might be dreaming your last dreams of the night (early on Friday 11th), often those we remember most vividly, and they may contain inspiration or guidance.

It is interesting, to me, how the time of day we experience the aspect will affect our experiences, and vary around the globe.  However, you can often choose whether to experience an aspect more inwardly, or base an external event upon it.  Happy aspecting!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – effort needed to overcome inertia or inner fears
  • Tuesday – surprise solutions or seeing problems differently
  • Wednesday – a more practical mindset
  • Thursday – mental inspiration

Aspects for the week beginning 29 April 2012

I don’t think I shall be asking David Cameron to write the Libran Guide to Relationships now.  His choice of nearest and dearest (apart from Sam Cam, of course) seems to have been a little misguided over the last two years.  The main development of the week has been the focus on the Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s relationship with News Corp, and what may or may not be revealed once he is called to the Leveson enquiry, whenever.  This is a sub-plot of the main news story which has been running for decades, the Murdoch Empire, which has been unravelling over the last year or so.  Another intriguing subplot was the undoing of Vince Cable’s role in preventing News Corp from taking over BSkyB.  All these interwoven stories have been playing out, as the wide ramifications of each interconnect and spread outwards.   In no particular order, here is an astrological update on the major players:

Rupert Murdoch

He has natally, a hard-nosed Capricorn Ascendant trine all-pervading and often subversive Neptune.  Emphasizing the Neptunian flavour of his birthchart, his Sun conjuncts Mercury in Pisces.  Then showing the strength of his karmic mission, and the fact that so often he has been ahead of the game throughout the last few decades, his North Node conjuncts Uranus in Aries (the sign of Self).

What astrological factor is now changing his fortunes? Rupert Murdoch is fighting back at the moment, assisted by a few well-placed transits, but he is currently facing a long-term opposition of Neptune to his natal Neptune, which demands the unraveling of the threads of truth from untruth.  His natal Neptune is at 3 degrees Virgo, and transiting Neptune will be undertaking this task intensively over the next couple of years.

Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt has Sun conjunct Venus in Scorpio: he likes to get close in relationships, and some might say that he was a bit too close to various people (Adam Smith and Rupert Murdoch for starters).  Scorpios also like to be in integrity and he may well see himself as such, although before we hear his story we may be judging him for not being in integrity.  Within the field of politics, Scorpio does conjure up a scene of the intrigue in the corridors of power.  But the Scorpio path is sometimes a difficult tightrope, especially when wearing moccasins… Scorpio does not choose the easy path in life.  We the jury are still out and shall see hopefully the eventual truth of the matter.  He does not have an easy chart, with Chiron conjunct Saturn creating a whirlpool of pressure in Pisces as well.  The Guardian leader points out: “Were he an ordinary politician ruling on an ordinary business, he would immediately have stepped back from the fray. ..Instead of seizing this chance, however, Mr. Hunt clutched intently on to the problem inviting News Corp to provide undertakings in lieu of a reference to the commission.”  He acted like a true Scorpio in that respect.

David Cameron

I have touched on David Cameron’s birth chart from time to time, but the interesting feature highlighted in this time period is his love of inappropriate party going, and his relationship with Rupert Murdoch.  Librans do like to socialize, but his relationship with Rupert Murdoch shows up karmically as David Cameron’s Sun conjunct Rupert Murdoch’s South Node, a definite past life relationship, as with Rebekah Brooks who is linked with Rupert Murdoch through her Nodes – a power network originating before this lifetime.  Rebekah Brooks’ horse could also have been involved (read healer Madeleine Walker’s book “Your Pets’ Past Lives”).  I mentioned the close connection between Rebekah Brooks and Rupert Murdoch last July (“There is an exact conjunction between Rebekah Brooks’ North Node [karmic mission], which is in Aries [16 degrees] exactly conjunct Rupert Murdoch’s North Node [15 deg 56]”) but David Cameron is also well connected.

Vince Cable

Polly Toynbee has made much this week, both in the Guardian, and on Question Time (by the way, what a great multi-coloured jacket she was wearing!) about the turn of events around the sixpence of Vince Cable’s sacking for the BSkyB negotiations and the Guardian’s role in preventing this crucial expansion of the Murdoch Empire at the eleventh hour.  Vince Cable, like Barack Obama (though maybe not quite in the same league) is a politician of principle and insight who struggles to fulfil his potential within the existing political systems.  Cable was forced to take part in the coalition and try to serve within its impossible framework.  He was caught out, some think framed, by unguarded comments about the negotiations for News Corp’s bid to take over BSkyB.  He was then replaced by Jeremy Hunt.  Polly Toynbee writes about the events: “Jeremy Hunt was within days of giving Murdoch everything, because the government wished it…If Nick Davies had not exposed the hacking of Milly Dowler’s phone in the nick of time, all would have been lost.”  I wrote about Vince Cable’s birth chart in April 2009 (“He has a breadth of mental vision which is down to his Mercury sandwiched between Saturn (the old style of thought) and Uranus (the new style of thought)”).  Vince Cable is not a prominent player in the current twist of events, but his slip up had a role in Jeremy Hunt’s emergence and current role.  I think it highlights the catalytic role of his natal karmic mission (North Node conjunct Chiron natally), and that he has an unusual path in political life.

The Aspects

It’s a good start to the day and the week, for consolidating psychological gains, for the Sun trines Pluto. You can go that extra mile to test your mettle!  You’ll find, if you’re climbing a mountain, that the rope, crampons and other equipment will hold, you’ll be relieved to know ( not sure of the mobile phone reception up there though).  Efforts you have made in recent days may have cemented group relations, such as your mountain-climbing team, but there may also be some psychological issues to pick over.  Tomorrow there may be some minor discomforts, such as pulled muscles from the mountain climbing. In fact the whole of the middle of the week may be characterized by a series minor irritations. The first aspect tomorrow is a square between Mars and the Nodal Axis, bringing about some past-life war re-enactments, such as medieval jousting, or Civil War parties. Not everyone likes their re-enactments to be graphic. So they may be wars of words, or psychological battles. And not everybody likes conflict. So some may be desperately seeking peace.  Later in the day Venus semi-sextiles Jupiter and there may be a spot of socializing, such as fraternizing with the enemy, or perhaps Avon calling at your door.

On Tuesday (1st May) Mercury semi-squares Neptune. There may be a little confusion to process from the previous day’s proceedings e.g. which side were you on in the Civil War or the Napoleonic War, and can you be a conscientious objector? Did you really need the Avon products, especially the preventative over-70s anti-wrinkle cream… or were you just trying to please a friend?

Thursday (3rd) will bring another minor wrangle: Mercury semi-sextile Jupiter. A recent purchase may need to be returned, or the negotiation of a sale may be touch and go, but it’s a good day for recycling.

If the sandwich fillings of the week were not completely to your liking Friday (4th) provides a delicious end crust in the shape of Venus sextile Mercury. Communication can flow congenially and you can proceed with writing or illustrating your novel – yes that pipe dream, don’t give up on it, pick up those threads, keep it alive! This sextile is good, too, for meeting friends, such as old workmates, and for starting new dietary regimes.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – firming up psychological foundations
  • Tuesday – sorting truth from untruth
  • Thursday – be cautious in your judgement(s)
  • Friday – love and harmony in communication

Aspects for the week beginning 22 April 2012

The French Presidential Election

The French Presidential Election gets under way today, and though it is also the London Marathon today that’s not so easy to analyze astrologically.  Here is an overview of the four main contenders:

Sarkozy – Right-Wing President

With Moon conjunct Mars in Aries, he is emotionally flamboyant and showy (Mr “Bling”).  His Ascendant is in late Virgo (and incidentally both those signs tend to give shortness of stature, but he has a tall Sun Sign representing his inner self, Aquarius).  Natally he has the entrepreneurial Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Cancer at the end of his Career House.  He is idealistic about finance, with Neptune in 2nd House and Saturn conjunct Part of Fortune in the same House.

On 1st/2nd June Uranus transits his Moon in 7th House which represents his relationship with the public, so that is set to change, but there may also be changes in his relationship with his elegant wife Carla Bruno at that time, and/or home changes.  In a year’s time Uranus transits his natal Mars in the 7th House which could be a challenging time for him.

But the main transit today for him is a square from transiting Pluto to his natal Mars, which he could experience as a shock result.  He also needs to look after his physical vehicle, as it could be pelted with eggs or tomatoes.  The unprecedented sprees of violence recently in France have shaken him more than he would like to say.

Hollande – Socialist Candidate

With Capricorn Moon sandwiched between the North Node and Chiron, plus a section of his chart completely blank, he is aware at some level of how his destiny is shaped by forces such as karma and the need for healing, and I would imagine that there have been times which it has been very much circumscribed with lines drawn out of his control, which he has accepted and worked with.  Interestingly, like Sarkozy, he also has Saturn conjunct the Part of Fortune in Scorpio, but in his 5th House of creativity and children, rather than the financial House as in the case of Sarkozy.  This would give him a sardonic sense of humour and attitude to life. He also has the entrepreneurial Jupiter-Uranus conjunction but much more loosely than Sarkozy, and that is in the financial sector of his chart so he is able to generate an upbeat and individual approach to finance which may translate to his public work.

At this time, he has a square from transiting Jupiter to his Sun, which is much more upbeat than Sarkozy’s transiting picture, but can bring over-confidence, e.g. he can win, but the job may be more difficult than he has imagined.  However, he has the sort of chart of someone who would grimly set about such a thankless task conscientiously.

There is a fear abroad, especially in Germany, about the effect his premiership might have on the Eurozone, and the upset to Angela Merkel’s established path with Sarkosy (Merkozy).

Melenchon – Left Party

Like Hollande, he is a Sunsign Leo with a wide conjunction of Pluto to his Sun.  That gives them enough gravitas, without it swamping their Leo exuberance.  He has had a strong showing in the campaign.  Luckily, we have birth times for these French politicians, unlike for most of our English counterparts.  In England unlike in many other coutnries, we do not have our birth times printed on the birth certificate, which can cause all sorts of problems for Astrologers.  Like Sarkozy, he has 26 degrees Virgo rising, Virgo being a sign I associate with France and its expression.  But he has Saturn rising, representing a more extreme political stance.  He has Mercury/Venus conjunct in his 12th House in Virgo, so he is very much a thinker, and at some point in his life would express that conjunction by hiding away in seclusion writing an intense work, a classic even.  With Mars, Pluto and the Sun in his 11th House of Groups, he would be passionate about what can be achieved by social unions, but the European Union is something which brings out the combative side of these planetary placings.  Transiting Saturn sextiles his Sun at this time, bringing him a dignified and satisfying result, but not likely the main prize.

Marine Le Pen – National Front

Astonishingly, we have another Leo in this competition!  The National Front is a relatively spent force in Britain (though its relation UKIP isn’t), but in France Marine Le Pen who was handed the baton by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, is still going strong.  Certainly, she has had to tone down her politics a little, as in the recent race-linked violence at a French synagogue.  Her father created and founded the party out of a hard-line but deeply patriotic mindset of Mercury-Pluto conjunction in Cancer.  There are congenial personal astrological bonds between father and daughter, but the baton was passed on through some tight karma: her Mars conjunct his Moon,  her Saturn conjunct his Mars, and her Nodal Axis square his Mercury.  The Guardian wrote last year that she has inherited his bigotry and intolerance, but she still has a great following in France.  She has a wide anarchic conjunction between Uranus and Pluto, and in her own way wants to overturn the existing order.  With South Node conjunct the Ascendant in Libra it is likely that at certain times in her life she will have to give way to others, for karmic reasons.  The Guardian also commented “Some political analysts have noted that her real aim is to bring the party into coalition with the mainstream right and close to the centre of power”.  Pluto is currently trine her Jupiter, so it is a strong time for her.

The Aspects

This morning you can bask in the spiritual ambience of Sun sextile Neptune.  Reminds me of a Frazier re-run I watched this week, where Frazier and Niles joined a health spa and enjoyed it until they saw there was a Gold door for more exclusive patrons, and they enjoyed that until they saw there was a Platinum door…But really it is a day for sensing mystical realities and letting your imagination roam free, or spiritual climbing in meditation.  Just don’t go through the Platinum door…!

The Sun sextile Neptune also brings dreams, and I dreamt last night of the Consultant Psychiatrist who headed the Psychiatric Unit I worked at in the 1970s.  The reason I mention it is that I realized on waking, that he was uncannily like Frazier Crane…!

At tea-time the Moon conjuncts Jupiter, giving you an extra fillip of good humour, prior to the evening which brings surprise communication via Mercury conjunct Uranus. Taken together with the morning’s aspect this could bring some exciting telepathy or innovative ideas, and may follow on from the morning meditation or mystical attunement.  There may be surprise information resulting from the Marathon, or the French Presidential Election.

However, in your personal affairs you need to be grounded because not all communication may be kindly.  When Frazier and Niles went through the Platinum door they were so excited and at first were blinded by the light, and praising the glory of their vision.  Then they realized it was just the back yard of the health spa…(I wasn’t intending to give away the ending in case you were watching it, but it seems relevant).  So consider all possibilities before weighing up any whacky ideas.  You may have struck gold, or even platinum, but you do need to think ideas through thoroughly.

One reason you need to proceed with caution even if you have brilliant ideas today, is that the Mercury contact with Uranus is linked with the square of Uranus with Pluto in the summer, so all ideas will be tested, and will need to incorporate all angles of vision and sensitivity to be workable.  For instance if a government is thinking of taxing the rich, or taxing the poor, they need to see that one impinges on the other and the whole structure needs to be served, taking into account divine law and karmic law, and justice.

There is all the more reason to keep your feet on the ground because then the excitement builds on through the early part of the week, until Tuesday (24th) with a Sun trine Mars.  For most people this will be a chance to get things done (e.g decluttering), act on their enthusiasms, pursue active projects, and express their male energy.  However some people who are already suffused with anger or anti-social sentiments, may express this positive aspect in a negative or anti-social way.  The exuberance may spill over into petty crime or violence, and possibly even spiral out of control, as for instance in the summer riots.  So make sure that you are one with your own energy, and that your energy is aligned with your own constructive sense of purpose.  And be aware of others, especially in groups.  If you are experienced in working with energy or groups, you can help realign others or the group if needed.  If not, then just centre and align yourself, and make life a meditation in movement, for this is an aspect of movement, and stagnation may not be an option but lack of control a possibility.

On Wednesday (25th) lack of control could result in a problem, as we are faced with a square between Mercury and Pluto.  Perhaps there was too much action yesterday, and not enough thought, because it is thought and communication which are in trouble on this day.  Perhaps in action, much was assumed about the intent and thoughts of others, and this could cause friction.  Or in action, you might have carried on without sensing the incoming impact of the Mercury-Pluto square which needs more caution, particularly in health and safety.  Somewhere between Tuesday and Wednesday, you need to stop and think.  Look at possible loopholes and safety angles, simmer down from the Mars/Sun high, and also be in touch with your own depth psychology, e.g. what your Inner Saboteur might be up to.  Proceed with caution on Wednesday, don’t overstretch yourself, especially if you are over 60 (remember that you might not be able to do everything you used to!).  The link between Mercury and Pluto may bring up a fuller picture for you about the summer square.

Thursday (26th) may still be a little dodgy, but it may also swing your way with the minor aspect of Sun semi-sextile Uranus, which holds little surprises, and could make a difference to the overall tone of a week, which will be anything but boring.

Saturday (28th) brings some form of healing, with the Sun sextile Chiron.  This may be a long-standing matter of bringing to a whole disparate areas of your life, such as through a family gathering.

The Past and Future Life Society

I attended a gathering yesterday of the Past and Future Life Society.  The atmosphere was buzzing with ideas and future possibilities.  It was good to re-connect with the whole Future Life movement, and realize the infinite possibilities of application of this wonderful work.  I would like to dedicate more time to exploring this. Sinhagupta’s recent article “Towards a Scientific Meaning of Past and Future Life Work” is available for pondering the mechanism of this, and I have posted it under the categories “Karma”, “Future Life” and “Guest Post”, in case you want to read, re-read or add to the debate.

The Taurean Guide to the Inner Artist

And it is Spring, season of clarity and budding fruitfulness.  Take out your easel to the meadow or riverbank, or click on the latest in the Zodiac Masterclass Series and discover your Inner Artist:


The week in bullet points:

Today – a day of dreams and surprises

Tuesday – dynamism

Wednesday – thoughtlessness could prevail, so make sure you are on the ball

Thursday – a hint and a twist of ingenuity

Saturday – for healing

Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Taurean Guide to the Inner Artist

Taurus Mandala

Taurus New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry
Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens
available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html

This is the sixth piece in an occasional series written about the expertise of each Sun Sign. I am still looking for the Capricorn who can write a guide to Ambition, and a Libran who can write a guide to Relationships. The articles will be found under the category “Zodiac Masterclass” so that eventually there will be 12 such articles, e.g. “The Cancerian Guide to Parenting”, “The Gemini Guide to Communication”,”The Leo Guide to Leadership” etc. Each article will be written by someone who has the Sun Sign in question.

Here guest blogger Georgie Cowan writes about unearthing the Inner Artist. I have known Georgie since ante-natal classes in the late 1970s and we explored past, present and future lives together until I left Watford in 1992.  Georgie holds an M.A. in Fine Art, and has taught art in schools and tutored individuals in the subject.

A word about the mandala: The line drawing in Barry’s colouring book which Sarah has interpreted in colour was originally painted as a mandala on Mull of Kintyre, around the time that Paul McCartney recorded the song of the same name. Here is a link to some of Barry’s early mandalas – see if you can spot which one Sarah has painted!


The Taurus Guide to the Inner Artist

by Georgie Cowan

The Bull is often perceived as a loner. It is left in a field isolated from others. It is a creature throughout history that has been venerated, feared, tormented and to this day treated as dangerous and unpredictable. But is also very much grounded to the land.

What makes an Artist

Due to an illness at a very early stage in my life I was separated from my family for over a year. A separation at this critical point leaves the individual a vacuum in which experiences are often transmuted. At what point did my imagination take root sprouting into creative thought. I only know that it seemed to have always there. I was given time on my own to escape into my invented world. With each book I read, each story of classical history, each piece of artwork that I was attracted to, with each colour that spoke to me my inner life grew. I remember dreaming and being discontented that the dream wasn’t doing what I wanted and began to change things, heighten colours, change backgrounds. As each fragment informed the next and the next the artist in me began to flourish.

Silences and War

But one needs silence also to have the space to speak to oneself. As a Taurean artist I am in touch with the ability to develop ideas, imagery and form abstract concepts. Like the Bull I can buck and leap to salient points of a developing theme and still have the space in my head to ruminate until the theme is fixed. The artist in me has no trouble relating to this world.

When I am painting I am in this world. I have dialogues with myself. I am at war with my work, struggling against the odds, overdoing certain colours, or the thickness of paint, losing the original theme – finding it again. Within this unpredictability I am looking for the moment of acceptance. Sometimes like the Bull I can be energetic or clumsy but sometimes I can catch glimpses of that ethereal magical world that is called art. And then my inner artist is at rest.

I caught up with Georgie at the British Library to ask her further questions on the subject:

Lana: How aware are you of having the Soul Lineage as an Artist honing your skills through several lifetimes? (my standard question to Artists!):

Georgie: It depends what you call a lineage, but I am aware of a line right through which is the love of nature. Certain lives relate to that in a larger form.

  • My Native American lifetime connected to nature to a great extent
  • The Orkney lifetime (in covered darkness) was blinding to the extent that I couldn’t relate to life on a visual level – I felt that loss very keenly. Eyesight, heart and nature are always there and connected with Vision.
  • My life as Greek ship designer too, connected with the sea and nature

Art has a lot to do with how you relate to a subject matter, and how you approach or manage something.

Lana: How much do you think that Permission comes into being an Artist?

Georgie: Absolutely, it does!

I can think of 2 episodes from my own life which illustrate this.

  • As a child, a teacher was putting me down, because other children imbued me with importance on account of being seen as the best artist in the class. No one should be thought of as superior. Some people feel they need to give you permission – I didn’t need it. I accepted it as a natural thing. There should be no ego involved.
  • At one of my exhibitions an ex-Police Inspector in his early 60s told me that he had always wanted to draw and paint. I asked: “What’s stopping you? I give you permission to go to the nearest Art College and enrol!” You could not believe the expression on his face!

So there are examples of a negative and a positive expression of the Law of Permission regarding the Inner Artist.

Lana: What advice would you give to someone wanting to develop their Inner Artist?

Georgie: The first thing I would ask is “What do you enjoy doing?” And the second thing I would say is that Everyone is an Artist.

To develop the Inner Artist immerse yourself in other artists’ work. Not to copy, but to dip yourself in the essence of what it is to be an artist, or what it means to be an artist.

Everyone is, and you have to decide to be an artist.

The last lesson is to leave ego at the door. It is not about who is best at what, or better than someone else.

If someone tells me “I am not an artist” I start by saying “Can you draw a line? Then draw 2, then 3. Trace over that, then trace over the tracing…” and so the Inner Artist is born, or recognized.

Lana: Going back to your original introduction about Taurus the Bull: how important is the symbolism of the bull in understanding your inner artist?

Georgie: There are times when it has been nearly impossible for the Self to do something, but my stubbornness and need to explore something forces me through a kind of wall, and I think that’s true of a lot of artists. Art is hard work, hard graft. You need a lot of inner strength to survive as an artist. There can be a need to detach, too. I have read a lot of artists’ lives, and often they have to detach from their family or background. That is sometimes very necessary to build up “artistic muscles” and for the imagination to flow independently.

Lana: That I feel leads on to the question of what do you feel about the Archetype of the Artist starving in the Garret. Is it outmoded?

Georgie: Totally outmoded. Art is so universal now – so many millions of people have access to it. Of course the artist in the garret cannot afford the paint…but you can use any materials: objects, newspapers, anything to make Art. How you place the objects in your room is also Art. Bedsits can be Studios.

Lana: Lastly, could you imagine yourself doing anything else in this lifetime? Being anything other than an Artist?

Georgie: No.

I have done other things, but I could never resist picking up that pencil. The eyes are the extension of the Self. The Inner Artist cannot help it!

Lana: As a second part of this question, what is the earliest memory in this lifetime that your Inner Artist surfaced?

Georgie: At the age of two-and-a-half, in the back garden…I came from a large family, and spent hours in the sandpit or building yard making sandcastles. My sisters would jump all over them, but I would be driven to start again with my hands, creating shapes. I was in a romper suit with a teddy design on it, a hood with fake fur…I would be there for hours. They say you can leave artistic babies on their own to play a lot longer.

Lana: Well there you have it, the Inner Artist Child, to coin an Archetype

Note:  Georgie does not currently have her work available to view online, but if at some future date it becomes available, I will post the link

Aspects for the week beginning 15 April 2012

Aung San Suu Kyi

David Cameron’s memorable encounter this last week was with Aung San Suu Kyi.  Fresh from cementing his special relationship with Barack Obama recently, he has been basking in Burma in the reflected light of the iconic Suu Kyi.

What is it in her chart which points to the strength of character she has come to be known for?  Her North Node (karmic mission) is conjunct Saturn in Cancer, giving her resilience, forbearance and patience and a deep commitment and sense of responsibility towards her native land.  This conjunction is sextile Venus which adds love and grace to the way she has conducted herself in a personal history which mirrors to some extent Nelson Mandela’s.  Another important feature of her chart is an excruciating exact square of Chiron from Virgo to her Sun in Gemini, entailing a formidable mental battle in her life.

Her relationship with the chart of Burma is very telling, with significant symbolism of her incarceration under house arrest:  Burma’s Sun opposes her Saturn, and Burma’s Neptune squares her Saturn.

At the beginning of April, she was successful in parliamentary elections with Pluto transiting her South Node, a karmic transformation.  David Cameron’s Pluto is conjunct Suu Kyi’s Jupiter, a dynamic connection, and her Mercury is conjunct Cameron’s Midheaven which certainly means they could do business together.  Neptune is currently trine this conjunction point of David Cameron’s Midheaven/Suu Kyi’s Mercury, so the meeting may prove of mutual benefit: Inspiration and kudos for Cameron, and the lessening of sanctions for Aung San Suu Kyi.


It was all systems go yesterday with Mars going forwards (several people I knew found a new impetus), but you may meet an obstacle today with Sun opposite Saturn.  There is a sense of having to knuckle down to something you would rather avoid, for instance.  You may be O.K. until teatime, but somewhere over the goat’s cheese tartlets with a rocket garnish you may realize that you cannot push forward in your plans without sorting out respite care for Great Aunt Ethel (or nearest equivalent issue for you). The issue, symbolized by Saturn in Libra, may be one of relationship, such as your own interests (Sun in Aries) being at a stand-off with another’s. This may be the focus of today.

Late tomorrow (16th) Mercury enters Aries and another step forward may be taken, and restrictions may be lifted. Suddenly, the mental fog clears and logical solutions present themselves. It’s a good day for teaching, accounting and practical ideas.

If you benefit from this surge of mental energy, you may want to tackle the subject of time travel as in Bronwen Rees’ guest blog entitled “Towards a Scientific Meaning of Past and Future Life Work”.  Here is the link:


On Thursday (19th) the Sun enters Taurus, having spent the last month in Aries. By now, you should have a foothold in the new season, feeling the benefit of some accumulated vitamin D. With that new springlike energy, you can start ploughing into creative, artistic and musical projects. You feel more secure, mellow and relaxed (positively Caribbean) and such things should start to flow. This again occurs at teatime, so you may get inventive with your garnish.  Getting your creative juices to flow may crystallize in a new project later in the week.

The week continues to warm up, towards a New Moon on Saturday (21st) occurring at 1 degree Taurus . First thing in the morning,  get out of the right side of bed and seize the day! If you have been working on a creative or financial project, the New Moon will add its blessing. Whatever you choose to do will absorb and reward you throughout the day, and may provide an inspirational story to dine out on throughout the coming month!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Knuckle down
  • Monday – Renewed mental energy
  • Thursday – Renew creative interests
  • Saturday – New creative avenues

Towards a Scientific Meaning of Past and Future Life Work

Our guest blogger Dr Bronwen Rees is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order, a UKCP-accredited core process psychotherapist, and Director of the Centre for Tranformational Management Practice at Anglia Ruskin University. She has led retreats in UK and internationally, and also has written several books and articles. She is the founder of the East West Sanctuary, and is exploring connections between ancient wisdom and contemporary evolutionary science including physics, molecular biology and depth psychotherapy.


Towards a Scientific Meaning of Past and Future Life work

by Bronwen Rees (Sinhagupta)

Working with field energies: past and future regressions

For many people, the idea of past, let alone, future, regressions is absurd, or completely whacky. Certainly to any scientist who requires evidence of his or her senses from the empirical world for validation, anything that goes beyond the material would, by definition, not exist. Therefore those who participate in such activities must be, by definition, out of this world, mad.

I am in the fortunate position of being both a scientist, and also have undergone both past and future regression. I do not see this as communing with ghosts, past incarnations, necessarily, but in my experience this is what it can feel like. Whatever I do know is that what happens provides me with more information and guidance on how I live my life more fully and purposefully in the present.

It did take me some time, as a management scientist, used to employing the scientific method, to release my rational judgement of the exercise as it being something that I had completely made up, or fantasised. Firstly, from an experiential point of view, when an experience became real, there was always an embodied emotional counterpart. Working with this emotion in my everyday life and relationships, I would come to understand how I might repeat dynamics and experiences that were often left unresolved. Whether this was a past life incarnation speaking to me or no – the effects were palpable and transformational. The danger with such experiences is to cling to them, and fail to understand them in the present. The many people who have reincarnated from Cleopatra  or Joan of Arc, lay testimony to this tendency not to want to address problems in the current life! The Buddha himself on the night of his enlightenment, saw a series of visions of his past lives, and understood the nature of interconnectedness more deeply, but there is a constant warning in the scriptures not to ‘believe’ in these. The apparent paradox here is precisely this: these experiences can feel very strong and real, but by identifying with them, it is more likely to continue with the karmic cycles in this lifetime, rather than learning and moving on.

However, as humans, we understand stories, and we need these to make meaning of our lives, and work out future actions. And there are many people who cannot understand some of the patterns in the current life from the conditioning that they remember in this lifetime. So the value of going back to past lives can heal these woundings, and burn out the old karma.

Having always struggled with my own rationality taking over from and dismissing my ‘unusual’ experiences, I have since found a way of understanding these that could persuade any open-minded scientist of the value of past life regression and the possibilities in future regressions. There are several strands to this, and these have been discoveries and interconnections made in new physics, evolutionary biology and depth psychotherapy, in particular the works of David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake and Carl Jung – to name in a way the sources of these continuing exciting connections.

Just for now, I am interested in the discoveries of new physics, and the differing behaviours of particles and waves, and their implications for aspects of the ‘field’, and how this may provide some useful interpretations of what happens in past and future life regressions for the benefit of those of you who think this may be wacky (mind you, if you did you would probably not be reading this page!)

It was the famous double-slit experiment that first showed physicists that the behaviour of electrons was not as anticipated, and brought into question the whole thorny question of: what is matter?

At the level of matter, if small pieces of matter, such as , say marbles, are fired randomly through a single slit, on a screen the other side, they hit as a single stream. When fired through a double slit, two lines appear as they have gone through each of the slits. If a wave was sent through, however, they hit the screen as an interference pattern, with a series of parallel lines. In going through the slit, the wave has separated out and cancelled each other out – the interference pattern showing as a line where they meet at the top, and nothing is seen where they meet at the bottom. So the behaviour of the wave is different from that of the particle when going through two slits.

What happens if we take this at a quantum level? An electron is a tiny particle. If a stream of electrons are fired through a single slit, and hit an opposing wall, a single line of electrons appear. So far, so good. When they are fired through a double slit however something strange happens, and the pattern transforms into an interference pattern as though it were a wave. Thinking that perhaps the electrons were bouncing off each other, the experimenters shot the electrons through one at a time so that they could not possibly interfere with each other. The same interference pattern arose.  So the only thing that could have happened is that as it approaches the slit, each electron separates out, and acts as a wave of potential, and appears to go through both slits. Mathematically, it appeared to go through, one, through both, through neither, so they decided to observe what was happening. They put up a measuring instrument at one of the slits to see which it was going through. As soon as a measuring instrument was set up at one of the slits the electron went through just one, thereby turning itself back into a particle. So, the conclusion was clear: as soon as it was observed the electron decided to act differently, as though it was aware it was being watched. So this raised the questions, what is matter, and what is the observer doing? It seems that the observer collapsed the wave potential simply by observing.

Metaphysically, this has huge implications for the way in which we view the world. It is not divisible into tiny pieces of matter – for at this quantum level, the particles appear to act like waves of potential – and it takes an observer for this to appear as matter. Waves turn into particles, and particles into waves! The world is not what we experience it as!

So what has this to do with past and future life regression? At the very least, it suggests that the materialist argument which has dominated thought for over 400 years is incorrect. And there are other strange happenings at the quantum level. Here, beyond measurement, we cannot predict what will happen with matter, but we do have probability equations, which suggests that at one point in time and space, matter, determined by time (which measures it) will act in a probablistic fashion – there is always predictability in the world. Things go on as normal, and we all repeat our usual patterns of behaviour.   However, we all know of those times when the unpredictable arises – our partner does not act as expected. We jump out of our comfort zone. Often this can result in positive transformation.  Jung called manifestations of this phenomenon, synchronicity – and they were always accompanied by increased emotional intensity.

All his life, Jung struggled to find some positive evidence for his quest after the so-called ‘paranormal’, which was part of his own inner experience – especially in the salons of Vienna, with table turning, book cases moving ( in one of his encounters with Freud)  and his own inner journey which was rich in visions. Towards the end of his life, and after a long dialogue with the physicist Pauli, Jung finally wrote his ‘Theory of Synchronicity’ in which he argued that causality, and non-causality stood in a mutual relationship and represented two orders of manifestation. Synchronicity is when two events take place outside of place and time yet which correlate with one another – as when a patient recounted a dream of a scarab beetle, just at the moment as a scarab beetle appeared at his window. For Jung the psychologist, the difference between a causal and acausal manifestation is that the latter is felt with great emotional intensity, and holds great meaning for the person involved. As it is outside time and space, it is acausal, cannot be measured or predicted.

So back to this quantum universe which only comes into manifestation when observed ( measured). The physicist David Bohm described this as a holographic universe, represented by infinite movement between one pole of and another (holomovement)  – just as the wave comes back and interferes with itself when going through the slits. The implicate (potential) universe is enfolded within the explicate (manifest) universe, and only when consciousness comes into contact with the implicate does it collapse into form or manifestation. In the explicate universe things seemingly act in a predictable way, but at times these change, and everything around changes. So, there are physics laws which work at the Newtonian level – that of matter, measurable by time and space, and there is a quantum universe below and within this which interweaves in and out. This may be described as the enfolding of the implicate and the explicate. They are in a constant co-creation – one brings the other into being.

Now, this implicate universe only comes into being when it is observed, or measured. So (now we’ve got there) when undergoing past or future regression what we are looking at is karma and potentiality. Back to the waves/particles again – when electrons have gone through the slit, they remain forever correlated with one another across time and space. When one is affected, the other will feel it – at a non-local space. This is similar to what is called telepathy. When, for example in a relationship, one party is thinking about something, it is possible that the other will also experience it – we will all have had experiences of this – synchronicity. It only happens when the parties are correlated in some fashion or another. This correlation can be compared at a human level to karma – people are correlated, and thus there will be a lingering memory that will come into potential at the right time ( Buddhists would call this the alaya vinahayan – the storehouse consciousness). Amit Goswami suggests that this very process can be compared with the progress of the soul across lifetimes. The soul is not a monolithic entity but is what he calls a ‘quantum monad’. In the enfolded and enfolding universe, however, all these events exist as transcendent potentia – it will manifest when consciousness collapses it. The individualised quantum monad has various human themes that need to unfold and become conscious before enlightenment, and the monad is correlated across different incarnations. At times of great stress, trauma, or strong concentration, these themes and lifetimes can be called back into conscious – thus acting as a non-local quantum, and can therefore inform the current lifetime.

So, following this, when we undergo past life regression we are calling back into our ‘quantum monads’ and seeking out that which remains to be healed or resolved, so connections can be released. When we are doing a future regression, we are looking at the future potential from the quantum monad, and so we can speed up our conscious spiritual journey at this moment in time.

I see these as unfolded waves within which lay nodes of experience, bodies of knowledge, old woundings, that surface unexpectedly. If we can contact these, then that can clarify and therefore transform our current behaviour, which takes us further along the road to freedom. If we can contact our future potentia, then by collapsing it through consciousness in the present, we can make more informed choices, thus relieving ourselves of unnecessary suffering in the present lifetime.

Such a process is what seems to happen in past and future life regressions, and I call it in my practice ‘field’ energies. In both cases, the process is somewhat the same. Lana may work with Western archetypal figures such as Archangels, or I may experience these as Buddhist symbols which I have been meditating on for years. However it is done, there is a lowering of the consciousness at a rational, fixed level, and an evocation of these deeper energies – deeper penetration into the implicate order. In this way the conditions are created for non-local phenomena to arise, which when held in conscious compassion can be related to and released. In my experience leading groups and therapy I would often have occasion to feel the presence of an ancestor, or spiritual support in the therapy room. This may manifest as a vibration, or a light, or simply a felt sense. That would depend on the person, and their individual qualities. The great thinker and scientific spiritualist Steiner would say the same – this is the manifestation of the implicate within the explicate, an interweaving of evanescent subtle form available only with those who have the eyes to see, and ears to hear. And above all, an intention for this to be an opportunity for movement and release.

I’ve attempted here to articulate past and future life regression in this way to try and convince doubters, or those immersed in more rational themes, that it is not just a feat of the imagination. The universe is a vast and complicated mechanism – anything that can shed light on, and thereby bring compassion to, will help each of us on our individual and collective journeys towards enlightenment.

Copyright Bronwen Rees 2012


For further details on the retreat please visit the webpage:


If you liked this article, there is more on the sister publishing page:


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Aspect for the week beginning 8 April 2012 – Venus sextile Uranus

Venus sextile Uranus is the only aspect this week, and it occurs tomorrow.  After the shenanigans of last night’s Venus-Mars square, you may find that tomorrow afternoon, love, relationships and the arts will take an unexpectedly better turn.

Tomorrow (9th), Easter Monday, you may bump into someone and have a great encounter.  I have long been interested in how people’s lives intersect and what brings them to meeting.  Venus sextile Uranus is not the only aspect under which such a meeting can take place however, and something of that nature can also take place a few days either side of the aspect, so be aware of such a possibility throughout the week.

I have noted over the years that some of my best friends (you don’t know who you are) have been first encountered under the aspect of Venus sextile Uranus.  Often the transiting Venus or the Uranus have significantly linked in with my chart or that of my friend.  It is an aspect which can occur approximately twice a year, and it may be your turn to link with this extraordinary aspect.  Venus will be at 5 degrees Gemini, and Mars at 5 degrees Aries, so if you have a planet which links in with either of those, it may be your lucky day in this respect.  The engineering behind these encounters is often assisted by a Jupiter or North Node aspect here and there.  The aspect occurs at 16.51 Hrs (UK time).

The meeting between Henry Morton Stanley and David Livingstone is one of the most memorable historical encounters of all time, and took place under a Venus-Uranus sextile.  It has all the hallmarks of this astrological event:  good will, fortuitousness and an element of the unexpected.  It took place in an exotic location – reportedly in a tropical forest near Lake Tanganyika, and produced a famous saying: “Dr. Livingstone, I presume”.  Stanley actually has Venus conjunct Uranus in his natal chart, which symbolizes the meeting for which he has gained fame.  The Sun/Mercury of the encounter chart were trine his Venus/Uranus conjunction and activating it.  Like Stanley, David Livingstone also had Venus in Pisces (a placing I associate with missionaries), but conjunct Chiron not Uranus.  This indicated a psychological wounding of sorts (being lost to society) to which Stanley’s Inner Rescuer responded.  The fact that Livingstone was an explorer is indicated in his chart by the wide-ranging energy of Jupiter trine Uranus.  Jupiter was trine his Sun when they met, and he also experienced a Mars Return (a significant meeting with another male).  He was also experiencing a Jupiter Return, and Uranus was close to his natal Jupiter.

Any such meeting may be a reunion from someone in the past, or actually getting to know someone who has been an acquaintance.

As it is a Bank Holiday, Easter Monday, there may be fewer opportunities for such encounters.  So perhaps knowing they may take place, will give them a helping hand.  If you have such a meeting, make note of the time, place and any potential famous sayings for my records.  The sad thing (for an Astrologer) is that often these gems go unrecorded…

Here are some possible meeting places:

A family barbecue – meeting a long lost relative

A D.I.Y. store – meeting a fellow enthusiast

Church – meeting your fellow parishioners

Meditation – meeting yourself

Cyberspace – meeting a real or virtual person

A Meadow – close encounter of an Andromedan

Planets Turning

On Tuesday (10th) Pluto turns retrograde towards a meeting with Uranus in their forthcoming clash in the summer, making it a prime time to look at your psychological issues.  Such issues are traditionally thought of as being part of the past, but many people work in the Now, or on the eternal plane, or even with Future Life energy (which can have a very positive vibe).  Decide on your focus now (if you have a choice) and your modus operandi.  If you know what house in your chart Pluto is currently operating in, this will help your work.

As a famous example, take Tom Jones, who is a current panellist on the new talent show The Voice.  Pluto is currently in his 12th House of the Unconscious, and he has been making headway choosing 8 female singers for his team.  He will now need to examine exactly why he did that.

Unlocking some of your psychological issues may release more energy, which contributes to a new momentum.  For on Saturday (14th) Mars is stationary prior to turning direct, in the early hours of the morning.  Mars isn’t such a big player as Pluto, but also represents drive and energy, so in the space of a few days you may find yourself switching the main focus of your energies, activities and passions, in a definite reorientation.  Mars will be going direct, so your personal energies could be flowing better.  Again, if you know what house in your chart is operating in, this will help to make the most of the aspect.

Continuing with the example of Tom Jones, Mars is currently in his 8th House of Sexuality.  Mars turning direct in this House is likely to raise the testosterone level to the hilt, which may impinge on his health.  I am hoping that he does not overdo it this week, and will be looking to see how glazed his eyes look next week.

And if you do have your own When Harry Met Sally moment, let us know!

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – Special meetings
  • Tuesday – Pull back psychologically, and examine your record
  • Saturday – Full steam ahead again

Aspects for the week beginning 1 April 2012


Bradford Spring

George Galloway is back on the political map, currently starring in a Bradford by-election victory at the helm of his political party Respect.  He hails his victory as momentous and sensational.  According to the Guardian:  ‘…But he never held back on the religious imagery. Reflecting on his victory in the early hours of Friday morning, he said we had witnessed something “miraculous” – in the biblical sense of the word. “And as a religious man, I have to believe that there is some divine intervention in this – the retribution of the main parties for the treason against the country and against their supporters that they have visited is something sacred. Justice has been done.” ‘

Here is how George himself sees the victory, writing in the Guardian yesterday:

“This peaceful, democratic uprising comes from the same wellspring of discontent and alienation that fuelled riots in British cities last summer.  But it is a positive counterpoint – bringing forth a new generation of political leaders, not another cohort trapped in the criminal justice system. Every politician should take notice, as they did not last summer.”

But Andrew Rawnsley writing in the Observer today observes:

“…ungorgeous George proclaims himself to be the herald of a “Bradford Spring”.  It is a very advanced form of narcissicim to view a byelection upset in a parliamentary democracy as the equivalent of the moral courage displayed by those who have risked their lives in uprisings against entrenched tyrannies.”

In the book “Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class” by Owen Jones, published in 2011 (Quick book review: this book and its author talks a lot of sense) the background of the niche George Galloway has found for himself is analyzed:

“The left continues to champion the most marginalized groups in society – as indeed it should – but all too often this has been in search of something ‘to replace’ the working class with.   A classic example is  the Respect Party founded by George Galloway as a left-wing, anti-war alternative to Labour.  Respect rightly took a stand against the rampant Islamophobia that has gripped Britain in the era of the ‘war or terror’.  But Respect’s electoral base was overwhelmingly in Muslim areas, such as East London and parts of Birmingham.  It did not pitch to working-class people as a whole; instead, it substituted them for a Muslim community that was understandably particularly angered by the brutal invasion of Iraq.  Class politics was abandoned for communalist politics. ‘The left has accepted that it’s still class based, but it’s gone off on single-issue campaigns and not related them back to the class issue,’ says left-wing Labour MP John McDonnell.”

George Galloway is a showbizzy Sun in Leo (purrrh!), with Sun conjunct Pluto on his Ascendant, so he comes with a serious message.  He has the Jupiter-Uranus entrepreneurial conjunction, which tends to take political opportunities (e.g. against Oona King in East London in 2005…and in Bradford this year) if not financially-focussed opportunities.  He has an uncanny ability to read the sensitivities of society, with Moon conjunct Part of Fortune in Pisces trine Jupiter in his 11th House.The win in Bradford comes as transiting Jupiter trines his natal North Node in Capricorn (a political karmic mission), so surprisingly it is a karmic reward of sorts!  Maybe it is that the Lords of Karma find him to be a lovable rogue…But as with Jeffrey Archer who also has Pluto on the Ascendant, his life is full of ups and downs, and he should make the most of this opportunity, and learn the lessons of his failure to deliver to the people of East London.

The Aspects

As it is April Fool’s Day look out for the deliberate mistake… The week starts with a semi-sextile between the Sun and Jupiter on Tuesday (3rd) morning (UK time). You could receive a modicum of success in an ongoing venture so start the day with a swing, whether you are on the golf course, at the park, or working in your chosen profession. It may not be entirely smooth-sailing, as it may entail a movement off-piste to mix my sporting metaphors…later on, in the afternoon, Venus will enter Gemini and this will add even more lightheartedness. Venus in Taurus has been heart-centred but more serious. You might be starting to trust the Spring sun, let down your hair a little and share your heart. Some stargazing may also be a welcome activity on 3rd.  According to the Guardian, at 15.00 Hrs Venus will be 0.5 degrees South of the Pleiades (“Binoculars give the best view as it brushes past the Pleiades early in the month, lying only 0.4 degrees below-left of Alcyone, the cluster’s brightest star, on the 3rd“), and at 18.00 Hrs the Moon will be 6 degrees South of Regulus.

On Wednesday (4th) –  oh the relief! – communications start to unblock as Mercury is stationary prior to turning direct. Remember to write in your Mercury direct journal what you learned from this recent retrograde period. Has the phrase “Mercury retrograde” reached the Oxford English dictionary yet, I wonder?

Bask in the free air of Mercury direct for another day, before tackling Friday’s (6th) square between Venus and Neptune which takes place in the early hours, and which may occur in your dreams. It is an aspect which finds difficulty distinguishing between reality and illusion in relationships and may be something you need to examine in your personal life. If it occurs in your dreams, you may have such a vivid dream that on waking you may wonder if it was a dream or reality. On some level the event may have taken place. The tension and wonder may carry through for the rest of the day, working towards the early evening Full Moon in Libra, for which the theme is still relationship dilemmas. If you are not focussed on relationships the relationship dilemma may be lie within the self. A recent book has highlighted the hidden strengths of introversion (“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World which Can’t stop Talking” by Susan Cain) and we all need to work on our inner journey, which always enhances the outer journey. A little goes a long way on such journeys, and this Full Moon also highlights the difference in the East and West pathways of consciousness, and how they might be brought
closer together, a marriage of the Right and Left Brain. For more information and inspiration, take a look at the website of the East West Sanctuary, linking different philosophies in holonomic enquiry, http://www.eastwestsanctuary.com/

Results of Poetry Competition

Last week’s Venus sextile Mercury Poetry Competition yielded a winner!

The result is a debut poem by Sarah Berry, entitled “Healing Process”.  Be inspired by her poem, which now graces the Poetry page of this website, especially if you are on a healing journey.

Stop Press!

Oops!  Missed a bit!  Very late on Saturday (7th) Venus squares Mars – Socially that means inappropriate behaviour: in other words, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do”.  But it’s up to you…As it is very late on the Saturday night, this will also apply on Sunday morning.  It’s a good job Friday night is binge-drinking night in the U.K.

The Week in Bullet Points:

  • Tuesday – a modicum of success; more lightheartedness; suggested stargazing
  • Wednesday – breathing and communicating more freely
  • Friday – be circumspect and discerning in relationships; connect your left and right brain
  • Saturday – be circumspect and discerning in social behaviours