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Aspects for the week beginning 1 March 2009

Mercury is still holding the cards from the beginning of the week, aspecting in turn Mars, Chiron and Neptune.  There is information you need to listen to, and detail you need to attend to.  Some of this may concern plans for the summer, as these aspects may well be occurring in the same segment of your chart and involve psychological issues relevant to the Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction at 26 degrees Aquarius at the end of May.  Keep your eyes and ears open, catch snatches of conversation, as you don’t want to miss something vital which could make a difference and provide that special nuance.  Dreams and plans which are not shaped thoughtfully now, can mushroom out of hand, or dissolve and dissipate in the summer.  Therefore if you are planning to build a recycled home as on Grand Designs last night, or direct a film, pay attention to the detail now.  If your aims are more modest like paying off your student loan, the same rules apply and you still need to do the maths.  You are consciously or unconsciously shaping events in the future, and the impact of the summer’s triple conjunction could be greater than you imagine.  At best its potential can be an event which encapsulates goodwill (Jupiter), healing (Chiron) and inspiration (Neptune).  It is an opportunity too good to miss.  Back to the week in hand: Monday (2nd) brings a brisk opening to the week with Mercury conjunct Mars at 20 degrees Aquarius.  Focus and determination come in one package.  If your aim is to get to the gym and quicken your metabolism, you stand a good chance.  On Wednesday (4th) Mercury conjuncts Chiron at 22 degrees Aquarius, emphasizing alternative health and healing.  Listen to your inner messages, especially if there is some health crisis going on.  If you are involved in a personal or community project planned for the summer, the health and safety element is being shown to you now.  Thursday (5th) Mercury conjoins Neptune at 24 degrees Aquarius.  This is a spiritual aspect, bringing inspiration and conscious channelling.  As Keats said: “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter”.  Your impressions now may link with the collective consciousness, e.g. there may be a wave of worldwide sympathy or aspiration, and a sense of kinship wider than your locale.  Again Mercury may also provide information regarding summer activities, on a subtle level.   Mars is next to conjunct Chiron (and will conjoin Neptune next week) on Friday 6th, and while  Mercury provided the info earlier in the week, Mars carries through, transiting the same planets but providing energy, will and drive.  Mars conjunct Chiron focusses on healing, but more specifically on the healing energy.  It’s an aspect which could demonstrate your own strength, or highlight the wounds which brought you to your own ways of healing, either in this life or in past lives.  Finding your own strength now, this week, can show you what you could achieve in the future.  Finally on the same day, Venus is stationary prior to turning retrograde, at 15 degrees Aries, so you’re looking at unfinished business in relationships, and in the Arts unfinished symphonies and paintings.  It’s not yet time to put the icing on that special surprise cake you are planning, but it is time to seek out some of the delicious ingredients which will find their way into the mix.

Aspects for the week beginning 22 February 2009

Mercury is conjunct the North Node today, time to use your mind intelligently to ascertain your life purpose and also see how it fits into the bigger picture.  One of the themes to ponder this year is the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius in the summer months.  If you were following the process of last year’s conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and the North Node then it may well fall in the same house of your natal chart, and may also be a progression on those events.  It is a good time now to start tuning into what this new theme will mean for you, and shaping your dreams.  Astrologers will be writing more about this in the coming weeks, but if you work with both your mind and imagination together the potential nebulousness of Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron is less likely to get out of hand.  To give a simple example at this planning stage, if you are creating a grand design of any sort, think ahead about loopholes so that you don’t go over budget.  And work with your higher vision to see the clarity of the whole design.  Tuesday (24th) is a good day for honing your thought on a wide variety of issues: philosophy, communication and international relations.  There may be some positive upbeat news, though not necessarily of a profound or long-lasting nature.  But it is enough to keep up the spirits and keep us focussed on what people are positively trying to achieve.  In the early hours of Wednesday (25th) in the U.K. it’s the Piscean New Moon, a Moon of dreams and wishes, but try to cut down on the attachment and illusion and that will make for a more effective day with more realistic outcomes over the coming month.  While you are at it you could cut down on the cals and carbs for the day…a pure diet of raw fruit smoothies and raw cold soup such as gazpacho cold help: well, that’s my aim.  Take inspiration from Karen Knowler (raw food coach) or the Fresh Network websites.  Or if you can’t be bothered to prepare the items yourself you could visit Chad Sarno’s raw food restaurant in London’s East End or Quintessence in East Village if you are in New York.   Peace is another possible virtue of the Piscean New Moon, another vibe which needs nurturing.  The ipeace website is dedicated to dreams of peace and is bursting with people who have ideas of how to achieve it, many of them working in active and practical ways on behalf of peace.  If you are visiting my own website after a long break, be prepared to be underwhelmed by the tweaking it has recently undergone, and try to spot the difference.  On Thursday (26th), just past midnight in the U.K., Mercury sextiles Venus.  This is wonderful for communication, especially as Mercury has now come out of its shadow and caught up with its position when it originally went retrograde.  An unfettered Mercury is now able to express itself fully in art, love, music and diplomacy.  Venus in her turn welcomes a bit of honest communication, and may even be able to take a little constructive criticism.  By the end of February therefore, and to sum up, there’s a little more harmony and understanding (can’t get that Aquarius tune out of my head…).  As you can see, Mercury fares well this week, and I add my heartfelt good wishes to Mercury-ruled and brave (natal Mars trine Jupiter) Jade Goody on the occasion of her wedding today.

Aspects for the week beginning 15 February 2009

If Valentine’s day came and went without a declaration from the object of your affections, without wishing to raise your hopes unduly the card may still be in the post.  This is not due to any retrograde motion from Mercury, but the fact that Mars is still chasing Venus for a sextile and will get there in a few days, Jupiter also sextiles Venus this week, and the much-hailed conjunction of Mars and Jupiter is still to come this week.  As for the Moon in the 7th House, this happens once a day throughout the year, and this week is no exception.  And if like me, the card arrived but you are still waiting for the flowers, there is still hope that they will arrive.  You have another 3 days or so before you give up.  Today Mars is conjunct the North Node, and you could be feeling decisive today, and all fired up with enthusiasm for your karmic mission.  Others may have other plans though based on their own life purposes, so you may have to go boldy alone.  Venus sextiles Jupiter on Tuesday 17th in the U.K. and Australia (16th in the U.S.) which would be a great day to throw a party with Aquarius as its theme.  Mercury, Mars, North Node, Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune and the Sun are all in Aquarius, which means that we will all be feeling Aquarian, no matter what our Sun sign.  We will all be social idealists, passing the canapes of our homespun solutions for the problems of the world, bearing and dispensing jugs of our own brand of spiritual holy water.  But the atmosphere will be convivial, wherever you are, be it on the train, in the office or stuck on the line in-between due to the wrong kind of snow.  It is a day when universal or unconditional love and compassion can manifest, but you may need to wait a little longer for more personal connections.  Venus is surveying the field before choosing a suitor.  Meanwhile the two gentlemen (Mars and Jupiter) are vying for her attention or having a lad’s night out.  Yes, we have arrived at the famous line of the song: “and Jupiter aligns with Mars”, around mid-afternoon in the U.K.  What do we do with this special moment?  Sing, laugh, cry, observe, or raise a sceptical eyebrow?  Jupiter and Mars together can raise the roof energetically and (seriously now) we need to be conscious of how we express the high spirits.  After all, we don’t want to waste the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, do we? We want no more falsehoods or derisions, we want the energy to push the Aquarian Age into birth: an era of equality, freedom and enlightened politicians.  That Mars/Jupiter/Aquarius energy is certainly helpful for pushing social justice, and righting wrongs, especially with the North Node still close by.  For those still waiting for the romantic declaration or the bunch of flowers, your moment finally arrives on the morning of Wednesday 18th, with Venus finally engaging in the sextile with Mars (just a peck on the cheek, mind), and the Sun entering Pisces at around Noon in the UK adding a little more sentimentality to the occasion.  Hopefully, everyone will be kept happy this week, with every line of the song fulfilled.  Then what?  A good few days of reflection and integration: are you living the dream, did it live up to its promise, is it all an illusion…?  All these thoughts and more can occupy us and incubate a new sense of realism but with a more profound level of understanding which reaches us on Saturday (21st) with the Sun sextile Pluto.  The events of earlier in the week will be weighed up and seen in truth, conclusions will be drawn up, and life will proceed on a new basis which will take into account the more serious concerns of the world and personal responsibilities,  in a new balance between the light of what has been fulfilled and the darkness of what still needs to be done.

Aspects for the week beginning 8 February 2009

Mars is chasing Venus for a sextile all this week…fittingly in the run-up to St. Valentine’s Day: “What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?” to quote Keats.  That’s the sub-plot for this week.  There are two main plots: One is the penumbral lunar eclipse, and the other is the conjunction of the Sun and Neptune.  Are you reflecting today on the impact of last week’s opposition between Saturn and Uranus?  Some will have experienced a window of opportunity for change, and others will have had the way cleared for a breakthrough.  Some will have been shown the way to go, and others will have been shown clearly what was not the way forward.  Meanwhile, as you recover from any tensions of last week, you may be meeting the upcoming currents of the Full Moon tomorrow (Monday 9th) which is an eclipse of sorts and therefore slightly more potent than the usual Full Moon in Leo.  It’s the kind of day you could meet your destiny full-on.  The chart for this event is fascinating by virtue of the Sun conjoining Chiron and Neptune, and the North Node making an alliance with Jupiter.  These events around the eclipse add a flavour of mystery and wonder, magic and healing, and karmic prizes.  They are the sort of aspects which leave some wondering at what they might have noticed, and others insisting that nothing has happened at all.  That might be a good summary of the week, actually, because on Thursday 12th the Sun is exactly conjunct Neptune and there will be a good deal going on behind the scenes (such as Mars chasing Venus) and on the brink of being revealed, or divined by those who have see-through glasses.  The world of politics may throw up lack of integrity, but may also reveal spiritual leadership (a conjunction could have positive or negative effects).  Environmentally and weatherwise, there may be flooding or clearing up needed resulting from the excesses of the weather last week: snow in the U.K. and bushfires in Australia.  Saturday 14th (St. Valentine’s Day) is characterized by the entry of Mercury into Aquarius, not a traditionally romantic gesture from the heavens.  If there is a balcony scene, then the words which would have been uttered by Mercury leaving Capricorn would not be so original and inventive as the poem of Mercury in Aquarius will be.  Meanwhile, does the fair youth catch up with the maiden loth, as on John Keats’ Grecian Urn?  Not by St. Valentine’s Day…You’ll have to tune in next week to find out what happens in the mad pursuit.

Aspects for the week beginning 1 February 2009

Good news for those who haven’t enjoyed Mercury retrograde the last few weeks…It was such a short period of retrograde motion…surely it hasn’t caused that many problems, has it? – Sunday morning the week begins with Mercury stationary, prior to turning direct.   You should get out of the right side of bed.  Then you can do all your paperwork and form-filling, if you have been avoiding it.  Tuesday (3rd) morning in the U.K. finds Venus changing signs, from Pisces to Aries.  Relationships which have been treading softly, could burst into blossom.  Relationships this week could generally be quite changeable or capricious, because on Wednesday (4th) Mars too changes signs: from Capricorn to Aquarius.  This favours co-operation over personal ambition, friendliness over reserve.  If you have meetings on these consecutive days with the same people, they could seem like different people.  So all that seems quite mundane stuff, but it is no ordinary week because on Thursday (5th) Uranus makes its second opposition to Saturn.  If you have been following the process, you will know that the first time was on the U.S. Presidential Election day (November 4th).  If you haven’t, then try to get the gist.  So just remember where you were and what you were doing on that day, and what issues were in your life (other than the Presidential Election).  The same principles apply: “groundbreaking change” being a good summary.  Whatever was going on at that time, will come up again for consideration and the next phase of change.  For instance, if you were selling your house around then, you may be actually moving house now.  This will be the first test for the changes which took place then, or the new ideology replacing the old.  It may be a test point for Barack Obama, for instance.  There may appear to be a step back in some way, but the general movement will be forward.  So in my postbag today, I have the query: “There are a couple of things currently blocked in the pipeline we are hoping to find out about next week…?”.  My answer is that if the enterprise is generally in line with the new order and is not operating with old energies, then it is likely to take a step forward (or two steps forward, and one step back).  There will be a sign that you are on the right path.  Don’t let things slide this week, either businesswise or relationshipwise.  Try to clear issues either before Thursday’s opposition, or face them squarely on that day.  On the morning of Friday (6th) Venus squares Pluto, and old alliances may be bruised at this time.  It will not be easy to deal with your own feelings, let alone someone else’s, so go gently if you are trying to negotiate a new deal in relationships.  It is a week for clearing both emotional and material debris, so keep focussed on the reasons for that: a better future – haven’t got a timing on that…

Aspects for the week beginning 25 January 2009

We are all having to build a more flexible and expansive emotional range to grow into the extreme climate of Pluto in Capricorn combined with Jupiter in Aquarius (unless we spend our time permanently in meditation).  It is proving to be quite a bi-polar existence for many, with high highs and low lows.  I am still collecting stories of Jupiter-in-Aquarius successes, but that file is now neck-and-neck with the file of Pluto-in-Capricorn reality checks. Tomorrow’s Solar eclipse/New Moon at 6 degrees Aquarius will have a decisive air about it.  In emotional as well as political matters, there will be a sense of resolve, a feeling of “no going back, because we can’t afford to waste emotional energy on past grievances”.  Learn from the past, be in the now, look to the future.  If work is your scenario, Oval office or any other kind of office, make a new start, and perhaps find a different way of doing things.  Maybe you have been trying to let go of something, not quite daring to.  Your perceptions may change to allow you to do this.  The evening (in the U.K.) brings the chance to effect a rapprochement, a tete-a-tete in which to speak and hear soothing words.  It is a chance to lighten the atmosphere where needed.  However, if there are deeper issues involved, there may be a tendency to gloss over things.  Tuesday (27th) morning brings another interactive aspect, but with more of an edge: Mars conjunct Mercury.  Any words you have put extra glaze on the night before may be analyzed and expressed back to you in a more black-and-white way.  Words on Tuesday morning will be spoken more hastily, and may reveal deeper feelings or passions.  Just for fun, try writing a poem on Monday night entitled say “Unity”, and then try writing it on Tuesday morning.  Bet it’ll come out completely different (don’t send them to me).  On Thursday (29th) in the morning, the Sun conjuncts the North Node at 9 degrees Aquarius, which should provide a karmic focus and rewards for some.  It is a good day to ask “What am I doing here?” and hopefully to have the question answered in some way.  Karmic signals can come through people you meet, and often in odd situations which alert you to issues which might have otherwise gone unnoticed.  A stranger may ask for a favour, a journey may take an unexpected route, and instead of taking things at face value, you may see more of the things that are on heaven and earth.  Just as well, because next week, we are about to have the second pass of that Saturn-Uranus opposition.  Check your diary or blogs for early November if you need to jog your memory, so that you are ready for phase two of Change.

Barack Obama and Gordon Brown – An Astrological Hope

The approach that Barack Obama outlined to the world’s problems could be adopted by our own Gordon Brown, here in the U.K.  That could come about if Gordon were to raise his game in alignment with the principles expressed by the new U.S. President in his inauguration speech: “On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”

This inauguration and new era seems like the answer to prayers that a new breed of politicians could emerge who are responding to energies from the spiritual realms, and to the needs of humanity and the planet.

If other politicians were to align themselves and support Obama, it would not only be a new America, but a new world.

Can Gordon surrender to a higher way of working?  He is Piscean (a sign capable of surrender to spiritual influence), and his Moon (subconscious tendency) is exactly conjunct with Obama’s Sun (conscious use of power).  It is a conjunction that successful marriages are made of.  They have Mars exactly opposed to each other, which on a personality level would mean a clash of wills, but on a higher evolutionary path can transform to a blending of will to a higher purpose.

Will Gordon take this opportunity?  There are signs that he may be thinking along those lines.  The inauguration chart shows Sun and Mercury trine with his natal Saturn, which may be highlighting an opportunity to re-think some of his resistance to the new.  But more significantly, Uranus (architect of change, and Obama’s Ascendant ruler) was exactly conjunct Gordon Brown’s North Node (karmic mission, soul contract), making him ripe for change, and for the recognition that a new way of giving service is open to him.  Its position in his 12th House reinforces the karmic nature of this choice.

Let us hope that Gordon, and other world leaders, can help raise the level of political consciousness and practice.

Aspects for the week beginning 18 January 2009

Several aspects vie for attention this week, so I won’t dwell on the spectacular stories which are coming to me of breakthroughs currently happening to people with planets in early Aquarius, nor the dissatisfied Aquarians beating a path to my Customer Service Desk asking why they haven’t had their breakthrough yet.  Even non-Aquarians have been claiming a share of the cake, regardless of whether they have any planets in Aquarius at all, never mind the early degrees.  And they may well get a share, but I have noticed that those who have succeeded, have given up and released something which may not have been in their best interests, in order to create space and free up resources and psychic energy for something new to come in.  Jupiter in Aquarius is a lot about liberation.  Tonight’s conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter at 3 degrees Aquarius is a shining light of consciousness being beamed in one area of your life.  Take note that some helpful information may come to you today, either from an exterior or interior source.  Moving swiftly on, the Sun enters Aquarius tomorrow (Monday 19th): More light on Aquarius and Aquarians.  If you notice any Aquarians having spectacular breakthroughs at the moment, particularly those born between 20th and 24th January, try to work out the secrets of their success, or better still ask them outright what they did.  They are very quick at picking up messages from the Universe and acting on them.  But seize the moment, because they move at lightning speed and don’t hang around.  Listen intently too, for they may speak quickly, in alien tongues, or even expect you to decode their message telepathically.  On Tuesday (20th) the Sun conjoins Mercury, meeting up at 0 degrees Aquarius from opposite directions.   This is a good influence for clearing the mind of clutter, and streamlining your thinking.  Almost forgot to mention that Obama is getting inaugurated that day – Sun conjunct Mercury at the beginning of Aquarius favours a new focus, and fine words to match!  Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn on Wednesday (21st) and unfinished business comes under the microscope and can be researched.  This Mercury retrograde period encourages us to look at where our communication or thinking is foggy, and sometimes offers us another chance to revise earlier work and re-work old ground.  Thursday (22nd) brings a sextile between Mars and Uranus, a dynamic new broom sweeping clean, or rather a state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner.  Excitement and anticipation are in the air, and If you are re-vamping areas of your life hoping to cash in on the bounty of Jupiter in Aquarius, now is the time to do so.  Clear your clutter, as much as it takes to clear toxins and debris, but also be aware of where you are putting those toxins and debris in the environment – recycling rules as much as ever.  Remember, the underlying reality that Pluto is in Capricorn… By the early hours of Friday morning (23rd) in UK time Venus conjuncts Uranus at 20 degrees Pisces, so you will feel a sense of aesthetic satisfaction about your efforts the night before, and socially there could be some interesting interaction (partying through the night, or bleary-eyed over the breakfast table).  The bonanza day in terms of aspects is Saturday (24th), with no less than 4 aspects occurring early morning (or during the night in the U.S.).  First a conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter at 4 degrees Aquarius ~ everyone gets to taste a slice of the Jupiter in Aquarius cake, as promised.  Then Mars trines Saturn, offering the opportunity to put practical plans into action.  Venus then opposes Saturn, bringing nostalgia and even a hint of regret into the mix, and the finishing touch is a sparkly bubbly champagne of Venus sextile Mars.  A twinkle in the eye, bravely blinking back the tears of the Venus opposite Saturn aspect, but gratefully scooping up the awards of the other three aspects.  Question is: Are you going to rehearse your acceptance speech, or will you be spontaneous?

Aspects for the week beginning 11 January 2009

This week all the action is almost over before it begins, which will suit those who favour stillness…The Full Moon in Cancer happened in the early hours of this morning.  The Cancerian Full Moon is one of the most emotional and fullest of emotional experiences throughout the year, and the last few days have seen emotional tension on the rise.  Today you may be wondering “what was it all about?” but feeling relieved and released.  Much of the emotion may have been about family dynamics, or centred around the plight of children around the world, who are caught up in family rivalries or international tensions.  Re-winding the aspects to the beginning of last week, how was the start of Jupiter in Aquarius for you?  I noticed a pattern of focus on relationships which needed freeing, and children (perhaps Crystal children?) who were displaying astonishing powers of telepathy.  Back to today: Mercury goes retrograde this afternoon (in the UK) and it can spell communication mayhem between now and the beginning of February.  There is nothing you can do about large communication networks (except to send them light and healing) but you can get clear on your own personal communications, providing your mobile phone and email are working.  If you can’t see your own communication miasms clearly, then have a dispassionate look at the dynamics between other people which will show you what goes on.  You may then be able to apply the wisdom to your own dilemmas.  Mercury retrograde can cause havoc yes, but it can also give us a chance to look honestly and clearly at what we bring to our communications (e.g. assumptions, and jumping to conclusions).  Don’t abdicate responsibility for your communications under the mantra of “Mercury retrograde”.  At tea-time the winter Sun trines Saturn, which is a wry smile peeking through the clouds.  It is the Light saying “my rays are still here if you care to look”.  There is strength and support to be found in this aspect, but also realism.  It is a chance to take stock, and look at the balance and stability in your affairs.  And with these three astrological features today, you have the basis for the week: emotional release, communication awareness and reality check.  In the absence of other major aspects, there are a couple of semi-sextiles knocking around this week which otherwise might not have got a mention: Jupiter semi-sextiles Pluto, so power-struggles can be going on in one corner, and Chiron semi-sextiles Uranus in another corner bringing quirky health crises.  The first semi-sextile highlights the establishing of the tone for the New Order as Jupiter and Pluto have both recently changed signs and link up to co-ordinate their purposes and stake out their contrasts.  The second highlights the re-wiring of the nervous system for the changes which need to come in (especially under the Saturn-Uranus opposition which links in), adding to the complications of retrograde Mercury.  Toddlers may babble as they re-tune their language, and the elderly may also find it a strain to concentrate.  Calm spaces are needed for their re-adjustments, so meditators of the world unite!

Aspects for the week beginning 4 January 2009

In a week which sees the ingress of Jupiter to Aquarius (see accompanying blog), you may not necessarily see results straight away, but you may feel the wind beneath your wings.  Jupiter and Sagittarians (such as myself) have a tendency to promise more than they deliver, but hope is not to be sniffed at these days.  Today holds a profound opportunity to sense what is important and needed in your life, and what has value.  This comes from a sextile between Venus and Pluto.  If you are a practictioner of the Arts, you can approach this understanding though art, music, nature or even through the study of the relation between materiality and spirituality.  By whatever route, your conclusions should be meaningful and worthwhile.  It’s the time of year where your new diary can hold the promise of the new year, and you can get excited about your new diary.  If you’re like me though, you’ll have several different new diaries, one for each aspect of your aspirations for the year: a psychologies diary and a philosophy diary, a vision diary and a sound diary, a diary for the earth and another diary for the sky.  And if the new crop of New Age books emerging are to go by, I will need one for Orbs and one for Unicorns…then there is the need to transcribe your diaries on to computer files, so you need more than 24 hours a day and possibly a Life Coach to help you manage.  But tomorrow (Monday 5th) is a good day for a new start, re-affirming your new year’s resolutions in your new diary.  For Jupiter enters Aquarius and brings a new sense of hope, and indeed magic.  As I say, don’t expect immediate results, but re-affirm your hopes, wishes, resolutions and affirmations daily (in your new diary/diaries) until they build into new certainties and confidence that you can negotiate the rigours of 2009 as presented in the media.    Certainly keep up your daily practice until Friday, establishing the foundations of your new Jupiter in Aquarius reality and experience.  Then Friday (9th) brings another opportunity for helpful Aquarian uplift.  Uranus, ruling planet of Aquarius, sextiles the Sun, as if reinforcing the message that the positive qualities of Aquarius (humanitarianism, group effort, the cultivation of the individuality of Soul qualities, futuristic thought and vision, the greater good of all) are in the process of emerging and able to transform society.  There has been much agonizing recently about the breaking down of society, and how it can be restored to civilized levels, and Friday is a good day to discuss how enlightened society can be acheived and to begin humane projects.  In your own personal life, it is a good day to look at your life purpose and its relation to the grand scheme of things.  So now I will end the look at the coming week, and risk being a caricature, by unapologetically grabbing an air microphone and singing (again): “When the Moon is in the 7th House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars – this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…” bearing in mind that Jupiter will conjunct Mars this year (next month).  Spooky…