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Aspects for the week beginning 27 May 2007

Mercury opposite Pluto today may start for some the build up of tension towards the Full Moon on Friday, especially if you are by habit susceptible. Our valiant Moon Researchers (Moonpod for short) are still beavering away trying to make sense of why some people are and some people aren’t sometimes or always. Back to the Now, emotion versus reason may be tearing you apart, so you may need to expand your vision to see the whole picture today. Mercury enters Cancer on Tuesday (29th) and you may then be able to see how reason and emotion fit together to create that bigger picture. There’s an unusual dearth of major aspects during the week itself, but if you are preoccupied with the reason/emotion dichotomy that may be enough to keep you busy. You can apply it to anything, if you get bored. Work yourself up to a lather by Friday’s Full Moon, or find ways to chill out (attend the Singers Inspired Concert perhaps), go into deep spiritual retreat, watch the Apprentice and its re-run, listen to your new Rufus Wainwright CD (“Reach for the Stars”), and you will be ready for what (in the absence of any competition) is the astrological event of the week. So come Friday (1st June) you’ll be ready to understand the significance of the Full Moon, particularly as it applies in the signs affected (Moon in Sagittarius opposing Sun in Gemini) and the houses affected if you know your birthchart. You may want to use the Alice Bailey keynote for Moon in Sagittarius: “I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.” On a more global scale, there may be a media frenzy that day (maybe peaking the night before), or a denouement of understanding about a situation. And someone, somewhere, will announce the book deal. That’s all Folks!

Singers Inspired play Downham Market Festival

For those of you who missed the Eurovision Song Contest, our local choir “Singers Inspired” will be recreating their own version which includes Serbian and Bulgarian hits such as “Oj Livado” and “Shto Mi e Milo” which are not to be missed. Hurry along to the Town Hall in Downham Market, Norfolk (U.K.) on Tuesday 29 May 2007 at 7.30 p.m. for your ticket at the door, which will include a buffet. £7 full price, with concessionary rates also available.

Aspects for the week beginning 20 May 2007

According to at least one ephemeris Mercury makes 3 aspects today, so it’s a complex but rewarding day for Geminis and Virgos. Mercury is trine with Chiron, opposite Jupiter and square with Uranus. That’s good for finding mental solutions to problems and getting to the psychological root of health issues. Mentally there may be a tendency to be too wide-ranging and multi-tasking: take it to the limit by zooming in on your location on Google Earth and then zooming out of the planet again for a sense of perspective. Then the square with Uranus late in the day could find your head buzzing with a storm of ideas. Additionally to start the week we have a sextile between Chiron and Jupiter. Hope and trust for healing could contribute to a miracle, both personally and on a wider scale. That’s not all: today our Sun is aligned with the Pleiades, so if you are into communing with the Fixed Stars (wasn’t that Deneb celebration something else?) the Pleiades is the current venue. All that and we haven’t got past Sunday: so if you are having a lie-in or tuning in tomorrow, you’ve missed yer chance. Or those particular chances, for tomorrow (Monday 21st) the Sun enters Gemini, bringing more focus on the mind and intellect, the sensual emphasis of Taurus being left behind. Mercury also sextiles Saturn in the morning, which makes for an applied start to the working week. Head down, nose to the grindstone and all of that. Wednesday (23rd)…is anyone doing anything special that day? It takes a refined spirituality to make a success of the day with Mercury trine Neptune, but it can be done, and in such a satisfying way that brings the intellect and the spirit together. Consolidate that feeling or perception on Thursday (24th), because Neptune is Stationary on Friday (25th) prior to retrograde motion, and you may wonder at that point if it was all an illusion. It wasn’t : only you need to understand more, so Neptune is on its way to another run-in with the daddy of reality Saturn which is one of the main events for this year and is scheduled for late June. And finally, and also on Friday, a lovely trine between Venus and Uranus. That’s good for impromptu parties and synchronous meetings which make you wonder about life.

Aspects for the week beginning 13 May 2007

One correspondent has already reported a casualty of this morning’s Sun square Neptune under the guise of missing e-mails…and can we also attribute the bizarre results of the Eurovision Song Contest to that? I think we need to keep our feet squarely on the ground today, with Mars squaring Pluto this afternoon. That is a combustible combination so lots of health and safety checks, meditation and rescue remedy are required. Energy is heightened at the moment, not just because of the aftermath of the Deneb celebrations, but because Mars is preparing to return to its home battleground Aries on Tuesday (15th). It will give us a chance to align with our authentic energy before the focus of the New Moon on Wednesday (16th), which takes place in the sign of Taurus. If you are working on manifestation and creativity it’s a good New Moon to take that crucial step forward, and then build on that for the rest of the week. Mars energy rules this week, not least because Rufus Wainwright has just made an impact on our screens with his captivating triple conjunction of Mars/Chiron/Moon in Aries singing it like it is, and the soul expression of his Venus in Leo…is it just me or can you actually fall for a triple conjunction?

Join the Party

Just a reminder that the party is on Deneb today. A few partygoers have been spotted wandering towards the other Deneb (Kaitos). So remember, it’s Deneb Adige in Cygnus. Wear your Cygnus Review T-shirt if you have one!

Celebration on Deneb for 11 May 2007

My old friend Sam Jones woke me from a stupor this week. After years of waiting for the celebration on Deneb I had fallen asleep on the job, but she has not! It says in “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld that every 11,000 years there is a celebration on the star Deneb which is the alpha star in the constellation of Cygnus. The celebration is “an energy of connection in which a singular thought form is presented to the star to allow a more powerful transference from multiple civilizations simultaneously through the star…Such a celebration is scheduled for May 11, 2007. On such a date the adding of your own loving thoughts to Deneb would be valuable.” It ties in quite nicely with Jupiter’s square to Uranus on that day – a few people in Norfolk will be tuning in, and I hope you will too.

Aspects for the week beginning 6 May 2007

We have another early Sunday morning aspect going on today: Jupiter trine Saturn, the balancing aspect we had on 16 March if you can remember back that far. It’s a good launchpad for (again) setting the trend, for a week which hosts three squares and an opposition. It’s also good for a co-operative venture, so you could say start a jogging regime with a friend. Monday morning (7th) brings a tussle between Venus and Pluto in opposition (it’ll be hard to say goodbye) and a square between Mercury square Neptune (you face a long and complicated journey ahead). Venus is also saying goodbye, to Gemini, for on Tuesday (8th) it moves into the sign of Cancer, and there’ll be sentimentality and nostalgia (for those you left behind?). But never mind eh, for later in the day those pastures new look really enticing and exciting in the shape of the Sun sextile Uranus and it will be off with the old and on with the new, temporarily at least. Wednesday morning (9th) starts with capitalizing on that dynamic new vibe with Mercury sextile Mars, but soon (by lunchtime) descends into a reminder of those responsibilities you left behind (Sun square Saturn). Oh, well, it’s often a case of two steps forward and one step back. The early hours of Friday (11th) revisits another important aspect, that of Jupiter square Uranus, which we last saw on 22 January. That brought changes, and in some cases disruptions, in telecommunications. It’s also a chance to assess the changes which were brought about in your life around that time. As if to reinforce the communication theme, Mercury also moves into its own sign of Gemini that day. So if it’s the end of a working week office-wise there could be a rush of frenetic activity, even in the Quiet Office.

Aspects for the week beginning 29 April 2007

Unless you were up before the crack of dawn or live outside the UK perhaps, you would have missed the early morning conjunction of Mars and Uranus today. But if sparks fly during the course of the day, you’ll know why. Tomorrow sparks could turn into a conflagration of enthusiasm, going over the top for some, as Mars squares Jupiter. Tuesday 1st May is altogether gentler, graced by a trine between Venus and Neptune which is ideal for dancing with the stars, and dreams of genius. You might be touched. Wednesday (2nd) is a Full Moon and I will let the Full Moon Survey speak for that: as Project Manager I feel that I’ve been living and breathing the subject for the last month. Suffice it to say that surrender may be the key. Thursday (3rd) brings a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury in Taurus which will assist any focus on practical and mental projects, and clarity of consciousness. Saturday (5th) twists two Mercury aspects together at the same time, and you may find it difficult to untangle them: first up is Mercury sextile Uranus which is great for innovative ideas, but then later in the day Mercury squares Saturn so that the jobsworth beurocrat tries to keep the old conventional structures in place, putting a dampener on things. You will need the ingenuity of Uranus to get round that, but you’ll also have to convince the regulators that you have kept to health and safety standards. That’s if they have stretched the rules enough to work on a Bank Holiday weekend.

Full Moon Survey

With another Full Moon nearly upon us, as promised here are the results of the Full Moon survey based on the last two Full Moons. Of 10 people polled half were strongly affected by them. Of those 5, three had a long-term pattern of being affected. Most cited issues were boundaries, finance and self-esteem. One reported being in a state of transition, and another reported paranoia and betrayal. Lessons learned were self-esteem, recognition of own artistry, awareness, consciousness, harmony, letting go, taking own spiritual work seriously, need for boundaries, need for independence and last but not least clarity. Timing of shifts after the Full Moons ranged from 2 days to 2 weeks after the Full Moon. Of the 5 affected, four reported surprisingly that the April non-eclipsed Moon was more difficult than the March eclipsed Full Moon and the other felt they were equal. Also suprisingly, the prominence of the Moon in the birthchart was not indicative of how affected they were. One of the affected had very testing current transits, which would have added to or overridden the effects. Another commented that their work of breaking up the existing static energies at the April Full Moon will make the energies flow in more smoothly for them at the May (Wesak) Full Moon. We are now looking at the differences in wishing on New Moons and Full Moons, and will let you know if we have any findings. Thanks to all those who have taken part and who are still hanging on in the project! In the meantime, if anyone is skilled in producing pie charts, be my guest…

Excerpt from “The Quiet Office” No. 6

Sharon was grateful to Janine for driving her to Betsy’s for a Transformation Game to take her mind off the demise of the postman. Betsy was experienced in the Transformation Game, having played it at Findhorn. Each of the four was instructed to bring lunch to share, which turned out to be three quinoa salads and an onion tart. Verity arrived late due to having had four changes of outfit before she came out because of a chance remark by Sharon about colour healing. Halfway through the game Verity stopped to check: “Is this all going into ‘The Quiet Office’?” Sharon meditated for a bit and replied: “Well I think the bit about Verity declaring she would go on the Lighterlife sachet diet should go in”. Verity put on her best Brian accent to say: “You’ll never do it Verity.” Someone asked if Brian had a beard. Sharon said: “You have to wait till the end to find that out”. Verity now doubled as the narrator, with gravitas: “…Brian shaved his beard.” “So – he has a beard?” mused Sharon, grateful for the revelation.