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Florence Cameron – AstroAnalysis – Part 1

I have been working on a number of baby charts recently – there seems to have been a crop of births.  Since the crescendo of the Cardinal Climax T-square in early August, there has been a flurry of new babies.  In intensively comparing and contrasting the nuances of these late summer births, I have been able to look at the fine differences and the striking similarities between them, which has been an interesting study for me.  I therefore post an abridged chart of Florence Rose Endellion Cameron, daughter of our new Prime Minister, under my Archive category, so that you can observe her character emerging as it is reported.  I am posting it in three parts:

1.  Planets in Signs

2.  Planetary Aspects

3.  House Positions

If you have had a baby around now, you may recognize some characteristics.  At the same time it is a sample chart for those considering having a baby chart individually made.  A chart would include a guide to the year ahead (which is not included in this sample).  Prices appear on my Astrology page.  Remember to put your expected delivery on my waiting list about 3 months before birth!

The birth time given out was midday.  If a slightly adjusted time is given later, I will amend this reading accordingly.

Florence Rose Endellion Cameron b. 24/8/10 midday Truro


Once upon a time, there was a Harvest Mouse born close to a Full Moon at the end of the summer, living with her parents and siblings in a swish part of London.  She was born on their holiday in Cornwall (a deliberate intent on her part as she has karmic links with Cornwall) and this gave them a chance to assess the local National Health Service which proved to be up to scratch.  Virgoans are intensely interested in all health matters, and indeed Florence wanted to make a plea for our treasured national institution and to keep it in her father’s mind.  She was born at a crucial stage of his government as he was about to make some hard changes… The rest of the family soon found out that they had to mind their ps and qs, as she had perfect standards for parenting: everything had to be just so.  Every piece of corn had to bend at exactly the same angle, ripened at precisely the same moment, not a whisker out of place.  As she grew, they found her to be an industrious helper in their labours and in their conservative endeavours, and indeed brought added skills and tiny details of genius to their enterprises. 


The Ascendant represents Florence’s outward personality and physical body, and to have Ascendant in Scorpio may be to have an outwardly deep and brooding personality, very much the strong, silent type.  There is a power and magnetism which is challenging but rewarding, and can bring considerable physical presence and even charisma.  Emotions are intense, and psychological perceptions acute.  There is an interest in the mysteries of life and death, more in a psychological than in a philosophical sense.  There is a great deal of instinct and intuition and understanding of the shadow side of human nature, e.g. this is a good sign for a Psychologist or Psychotherapist! The animal totems of this sign are dragons, scorpions, bats and such creatures, not popular with everyone but full of meaning.  She won’t do anything without a sense of meaning, and will take up challenges – rarely would she take the easy way.  The colours of this sign are maroon (for depth of emotion), indigo (for healing) and black (which can be negative in certain contexts, but Scorpio females usually like their “little black dress” – a possibility for the dressing up chest?).  Astrologers say that where there is a Sun or Ascendant in Scorpio there may be a passing in the family close to the birth, and sadly David Cameron lost his father on 8 September.


Florence has a very sensitive Moon which conjuncts Chiron and Neptune in her chart, and more of that later.  The Moon represents the emotions, and this placement makes for a friendly disposition but also an ability to be detached when necessary, e.g. in a therapeutic situation.  It’s a light and friendly moon.  Like Virgo, Aquarius doesn’t like to make people too intimate and would find that draining, but also like Virgo there is a tremendous desire to help and be of service.


Mercury represents the mind, and placed in Virgo it gives application to detail.  It also increases the concentration and interest in study.


Venus in Libra is the ultimate in charming sociable designer babies.  Perfect for that political photo opportunity, with proud Libra dad David giving her a peck on the nose…


Mars represents the energies, and with this placing there is a capacity for diplomacy and negotiation because Mars (the god of war) is in Libra (the sign of peace).  So she would understand the emotions behind war but have the desire for peace (rather like John Lennon, who had Sun in Libra and Ascendant in Mars-ruled Aries).  Mars also represents the men (and boys) in her life, of which Sunsign Libra dad David is one, and his father her grandfather Ian Cameron is another.


Chiron in Aquarius is about healing through the collective, and through group consciousness.  It is common to all babies born in this year, so they like to check out to see what their peer group is doing and thinking and feeling!


Florence has been born towards the beginning of the Pluto in Capricorn generation!  Pluto in Capricorn children mean business, they are here for a serious purpose, to heal the world at a deeper level than hitherto.  Do you think she can make our Prime Minister, David, see sense?

Aspects for the week beginning 5 September 2010

I became a grandmother for the first time this week, and so I now have an interest outside blogging. You may catch me being distracted and accidentally and randomly inserting the word grandchild, so besotted am I.  Today is a good day for looking at and assessing what needs healing, and what doesn’t, with Venus trine Chiron.  You may conclude that overall things don’t need as much fixing as you originally thought, that wholesome organic processes are taking place.  The motto for the day might be “Leave well alone” and although mindfulness and awareness are always needed to monitor when to intervene, at this moment the issues pass inspection.  In looking back over the last week, where there were few aspects, one non-event strikes me as worth mentioning, and that is the U.S. pulling out of Iraq.  The war which was started in 2003 now comes to an “end” 7 years later.  Tony Blair even felt it was safe enough to come out of the woodwork with his book, and re-assert his justifications for entering the war.  Where you see a 7-year cycle at work, it is normally the work of Uranus entering a sign cusp or house cusp.  In this case, Uranus was exactly at 0 degrees Pisces when Iraq was invaded on 20 March 2003, and now it stands at 29 degrees Pisces, having hovered recently at the 0 degree Aries point.  What could be more precise than that?  The nature of the fact that Uranus was in Pisces indicates that on some level it was a spiritual or religious war, and certainly the zealousness of Messrs. Bush and Blair had that moralizing and righteous quality about it.  When Uranus returns to 0 degrees Aries, we humans might start something new, something which may already be in motion.  On Wednesday (8th) there is a New Moon right in the middle of Virgo at 15 degrees.  Until Wednesday we shall still be operating in a quiet manner, before we take an emotional outbreath which traditionally is connected with the gratitude of the bounty of the world, and nature’s harvest.  With it will inevitably come more observations about climate change and ecological imbalance. The focus for this New Moon will therefore be initiatives along these lines, and in your personal life new health and fitness ideals and regimes.  By the way, the new Alkaline Diet is going great…Later the same day, Venus enters Scorpio.  So she is done with the pleasant social dalliances of her stay in Libra and now she is looking for a deeper more meaningful quality of relationship and intimacy.  Apart from a brief return to Libra, she will remain a hostage of Scorpio until the end of the first week of January.  So this is an opportunity to really get to grips with the meaning of relationships, take off the gloves and gauntlets and really be involved in what it means to be human and interact with other humans.  This may take you down the byways of wondering why we are here, and whether we have had past lives and if so what were they.  Judy Hall’s latest book “The Book of Why” investigates these subjects, and if you have not read any of her books it is a good beginning place.  My regression room has lacked proper curtaining for a year and a half (we are not good at curtains in our house) so hats off to the brave souls who have been regressed with half open curtains and in some cases no curtains at all.  The good news is that we are having experts round to fit new curtains at the end of next week.  On Thursday (9th) Jupiter retrograding re-enters Pisces, rejoining Uranus at the end of that sign.  The burst of fire which was Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Aries at the beginning of June will be temporarily felt to be missing, as old issues are re-visited, such as old religious ideologies and re-establishing spiritual practices.  Aries represents faith in man and Pisces represents faith in God, so it was interesting last Thursday to find Stephen Hawking making a stand on the subject.  In the Guardian, Paul Davies wrote: “In his new book, Stephen Hawking reiterates that there is no big gap in the scientific account of the big bang. The laws of physics can explain, he says, how a universe of space, time and matter could emerge spontaneously, without the need for God.”  As we have this dynamic conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus around the cusp of these two signs, the debate is very much in our consciousness.  When the two planets re-enter Aries, the Arien side of the debate will come back into force again (with the Ariens Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens raring to go).  This issue is very much a personal one for everybody, being a question of their individual and innermost relationship to the Divine (or not, as the case may be).  Finally on Friday (10th) we have a beautiful trine between Mars (ruler of Aries) and Neptune (ruler of Pisces) so that is a superb coming together on the subject, and one where in a “don’t know world” you may have an “Aha!” moment where you see where you truly stand.

Aspects for the week beginning 29 August 2010

Shh! Shh!  It’s oh so quiet.  Shh! Shh!  It’s oh so still…*

In contrast to some weeks lately, it is a very quiet week, almost like you are awaiting a birth and the space needs to be hush hush.  Of course if the Camerons’ baby had not arrived early, they would still be awaiting a birth.  As it happened, I was holidaying in Cornwall when Endellion arrived early.  She has other names (Florence and Rose), but Endellion is the name getting all the attention, being the name of the village of their holiday break.  Mine was Tywardreath, incidentally.  The name is interesting to me because I had already noticed that the baby girls whose charts I had analyzed this year all had unusual names beginning with “E”, Elodie, Elena and Eden.  I have no idea why this is – maybe there is a numerological reason, something to do with the year of birth.  I also saw my young nephews this week after a long break (my how they had grown!).  The youngest had a gadget which could put me out of business as a past-life therapist: an App on his iPod which tells you what your future life will be.  Ingenious!  The results were spectacular (though not entirely convincing).  I think I will plod on with my work as it is…there are no short cuts to enlightenment.  So as you can guess, I am gently stealing time as there are no aspects at all until Friday (3rd).  It is a protected space, so therefore it is a good week to have a silent retreat or a restful holiday lying on a beach, just processing the results of the Cardinal T-square or whatever other preoccupations have filled the last few intense weeks.  It could also be a time of research for future projects; a time of preparation and quiet anticipation…the end of the school holidays and the accompanying ubiquitous banners of “Back to School” hovering at the edge of our visual field.  Mercury is still retrograde, so it is not yet time to act, but perhaps to read between the lines of political autobiographies, and gather new mental tools (brain Apps), because the old ways are no longer as useful.  We are also under the cover of the sign of Virgo, one of whose number, Greta Garbo, coined the phrase “I vant to be alone” (strictly speaking – and Virgos are – she said “I want to be let alone”).  Virgos and Pisceans especially will resonate to this theme this week, and reflection may lead to self-awareness.  Friday’s Sun conjunct Mercury at 10 degrees Virgo will concentrate the mind.  Whatever has been ruminating and incubating earlier in the week will crystallize and if not actually be harvesting the game will certainly be on.  It could be

You’re all alone And so peaceful until…You fall in love*

It may even be a birth of sorts, but it is just as likely to be getting to some place of fruition with a filing project, or a health project (such as going with an alkaline food diet).  Whatever it is, it will be something you have worked towards, and you could be excited by the green light of action.  I will be away that day, but I am collecting charts and cuttings and biographical snippets for the forthcoming Labour Leadership Election and something could crystallize creatively…but maybe you have something more interesting and worthwhile in mind.  There could be a dryness about the Virgoan aspect on Friday, but Saturday’s aspect of Venus trine Neptune has something to offer those hearts yearning for love and inspiration and the gamut in between.  If you didn’t fall in love on Friday, you will on Saturday.

Wow bam You’ve never been so nuts about a guy You wanna laugh you wanna cry…*

Of course it doesn’t have to be a guy, it could be a child or a political project or a new diet (“Oh how I love my new Alkaline Diet!” You could exclaim).  It’s not quite the Wow bam shrieked by Bjork, but more of a quiet celebration.  Venus trine Neptune has the air of a Chopin Nocturne, or an old fashioned waltz.

*Song by Betty Hutton then Bjork

Aspects for the week beginning 22 August 2010

From beginning (Saturn square Pluto on Saturday 21st) to end, it’s Pluto’s week, so it’s time to get friendly with Pluto…But first on Monday 23rd the Sun enters Virgo, and you may feel a switch of seasons from sunshine, sea and sand to autumn mists and mellow fruitfulness – a nip in the UK air perhaps.  Our collective animal totem will go overnight from the Lion (or Lioness) of the jungle, to the quiet harvest mouse…The Full Moon in Pisces opposes this Sun in Virgo on Tuesday 24th, taking us past the jungle and the harvest field on to the ocean (emotionally we could be all over the place…but we could just be releasing past emotions we don’t need to hold on to).  Scientists have just announced that the Moon is shrinking, but it might be too early to conjecture about astrological ramifications.  The final aspect of the week takes place on Thursday 26th, and is a trine between the Sun and Pluto – not to be sniffed at.  It struck me this week what a beautiful symmetry the Cardinal T-Square is: Pluto at the base, with Saturn on one end opposed by Jupiter and Uranus (which are either side of Saturn in the rank of planets) – that could be a perfect balance.  On waking the other morning, I was given, as a symbol for Pluto in this position, of all things a pogo stick!  Wikipedia defines this as “A device consisting of a T-shaped pole with a handle at one end, footpads to place your feet on the other end and a spring which support the stick and the user when on the ground.”  The pogo stick represents Pluto urging and pushing the other planets in an act of self-transformation, the transformative element in our lives and psyches seeking to push its way up.  It relies on our experiencing it in a true way, unencumbered by the feelings of others or social expectations, and represents the work we do on our own psyche.  This analogy can of course be extended to society, but we need to do the work on ourselves, now.  All other planets of the Cardinal T-Square have to meet Pluto’s standards as it squares them.  Pluto is autonomous and contains everything, perhaps even the nature of all the other planets put together.  This is why Scorpios (ruled by Pluto) often wear the colours black and white together.  It is the most powerful planet, pulling rank on the others in any interchange. Its position on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is Daat, the invisible sephira.  I am no Kabbalist, but in 1974 I bought a book by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi entitled “Tree of Life” in which he writes in language easy to grasp:

Moving back up the Tree along the Lightning Flash we pass through the invisible Sephira known as Daat – Knowledge – before we reach Binah, or Saturn in the planetary scheme.  Some modern Cabalists not only describe this transition point as the entry into what is known as the supernal triad of Kether, Hochma and Binah, but ascribe this position to the recently discovered planet Pluto…

Pluto is the furthest and outermost planet in our Solar System.  Once that has been mastered as a principle, it can be a psychological gateway to other parts of the Cosmos.

Halevi goes on to say: “Pluto orbits at the very edge of the solar system.  Beyond lies the realm of the local star cluster and containing this the vast galactic arm of the Milky Way.  Pluto’s strange eccentric orbit is the margin and frontier of the planetary world, and who knows what barrier or bridge this dark unseen planet describes?…

Daat is a point of profound transformation whether you are travelling up or down the Tree of Life.”

The Sun in Thursday’s trine is helpful in revealing the positive side of Pluto to work with (the negative pull being Saturday 21st’s square of Saturn to Pluto).  There is nothing to fear from knowing your own psyche, and Pluto is about working through your fears until you have reached the bottom of the barrel.

The planets involved in the Cardinal T-square have to  act as a counterpoise to each other, in their conjunctions, oppositions and  squares.  In the trine with the Sun, Pluto is in a friendly counterpoise, enabling us to reach some sort of a completion on this round of Plutonian activity, and find a freedom and a purpose beyond that, until you can draw new lines for yourself for this time, when you are satisfied that you have completed work on this monumental round.  The more you are in touch with your Soul, the more you can do this. And remember that Angels can be intermediaries until we fully merge with our Soul.

So, in summary, this friendly counterpoise between the Sun and Pluto can enable you to balance your deepest awareness of the Cosmos (Pluto) with your own conscious Individuality (Sun), and thus make sense not only of this trine, but potentially the whole Cardinal T-Square, too.

Aspects for the week beginning 15 August 2010

Another week of delicate balancing ahead, as we tackle two other components of the Cardinal T-square, one at the beginning of the week, and one at the end.  Last week flame (Scorpio) haired Julia Roberts  announced her conversion to Hinduism as a result of filming “Eat Pray Love”.  This has coincided with Jupiter (planet of religion) coming into her 9th House of Religion, under the pressure of Pluto’s square. The writer of the book “Eat Pray Love” Elizabeth Gilbert has the entrepreneurial Jupiter-Uranus conjunction natally, which is doing well in a year when that conjunction is taking place.  Jupiter-Uranus people take note: if you haven’t yet made your coup this year, there is still time.  Meanwhile one of our own UK actresses Emma Thompson made two gaffes this week.  The first was declaring Audrey Hepburn “fantastically twee”.  It’s unsurprising that Arien Thompson, concerned with authenticity, would not “get” the mystique and elegance of Audrey Hepburn, who had Neptune opposite her Ascendant.  Emma has several planets early in the signs, and is therefore triggered by the complexity of the Cardinal T-square at the moment.  Her straight-talking Sun and Mercury in Aries came out twice this week (the second gaffe was ridiculing residents of the Isle of Wight) when her ruling planet Mars was squared by Jupiter and opposed by Pluto.  So those are Jupiter square Pluto related stories.  On to the first of our T-square components this week: Jupiter opposite Saturn tomorrow (Monday 16th).  This has to be carefully measured to satisfy both sides of an argument or two or more sets of needs.  Saturn represents realism, Jupiter represents optimism, and Pluto is engaging both in a T-square, pushing the equation the side of despair.  What we must not lose therefore is the Jupiter side of the equation, the hopes and dreams.  Some people have totally lost it by now, and can’t even summon the energy to wish.  But  I have come across people this week, who despite long-standing problems, and many times giving in to despair, have started to work with a long-term vision of how their lives could improve – they are starting to see a light, way off in the distance of the tunnel.  The UK government has already upset many, promising savage cuts to the vulnerable, cuts which have been chosen to target those least likely to cope, where they could have made choices to make cuts in the fortunes of those well able to cope.  This is a mishandling of the T-square, and an illustration of how response to it can be unbalanced.  What you have control over is your own psychology, and the re-building of your own sense of hope for the future, from envisaging the next small step, to a future vision that will work for you, to work towards.  We may (or may not) be disappointed with those we have elected, but must not forget the power and resources within our own psyche to steer our lives in a better direction.  The next series of aspects occur at the end of the week, as the middle of the week can be used to practice your trapeze work.  On Friday 20th there’s another, more minor, opposition between the Sun and Neptune.  You may then be working on another nuance of the theme of Realism vs Hopefulness.  The illusion of fantasy needs to be measured against the truth of the heart.  Suppose that in working with creative visualization for the future at the beginning of the week, in trying to balance Jupiter opposite Saturn, we may have veered to the opposite extreme and embellished impossible outcomes.  Friday will be the time to take those inner films and edit them to something of more realistic proportions.  Perhaps clues in the week might have helped you see what might be possible, as in when you told a best friend what you were thinking and he or she pointed out the loopholes.  In your editing, you still need to arrive at a scenario where both parties can win, and there is enough hope in the pot for emotional survival.  There are two more astrological features having their say on Friday after this has been achieved.  Venus conjuncts Mars at the beginning of Libra, which intensifies the feeling nature of Venus and balances the male-female energies in some ways.  This is a more internal type of balancing, not so dependent say on world resources, authorities and institutions.  It is about enjoying life, and whereas Jupiter square Pluto is about Pray, Venus conjunct Mars is the Eat and Love component of this three-word mantra.  The other feature of Friday is that Mercury will be stationary, prior to turning retrograde.  Get your ideas on paper, e.g. in a diary, as you may not immediately be able to implement your ideas or creativity until Mercury turns direct again on 13 September.  Plus you will have your hands full on Saturday 21st with the next component of the Cardinal T-square: Saturn square Pluto.  This is the despairing end of the equation, so you need to rely on the resources built earlier in the week on the balancing of the Jupiter-Saturn opposition.  Keep afloat, and cherish the dream.  The Sun also opposes Chiron that day, which throws down a healing challenge to focus your mind.  There are solutions, keep believing that.  All you might be looking at are the big bills and the climate disasters of Saturn square Pluto, but don’t doubt there is a life beyond.  The Obamas swimming in the Gulf of Mexico is a great symbol of that.

Aspects for the week beginning 8 August 2010

The T-square between Pluto, Jupiter and Mars last week seemed to generate many tales in the news of man’s inhumanity to man, and my phone and Customer Service Desk were buzzing, with the T-square forming a Grand Cross to my natal Uranus in my 3rd House of Phonecalls. The Cardinal Climax has pushed the weather to further extremes, and specifically Jupiter square Pluto has coincided with fire and smog in Russia.  Again it seemed that Pakistan was at the hub of world news.  The four instances mentioned at the end of last week’s blog [“Criticized by Cameron, widespread flooding, its worst ever air crash, and not doing so well in cricket.”] seem to have moved on further.  Now the picture is a rapprochement with Cameron (on Thursday David Cameron hailed the “unbreakable” friendship between Britain and Pakistan), flooding affecting millions, the aftermath of the air crash no doubt causing havoc in many lives, and (according to hubby) even worse fortunes in the cricket.  The President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari is the widower of Benazir Bhutto, who had close connections with Britain, and their son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has studied at Oxford University.  I thought I would take a closer look at these connections and in relation to this time.  David Cameron has Saturn exactly square Zardari’s nodal axis, pointing to uneasy karma between them.  The countries are more friendly, in that Pakistan’s Venus is trine the U.K. Mercury.  Transiting Neptune is on the U.K. Mars at this time, which may be connected with Cameron’s gaffe last week (doesn’t have the same ring to it as Gordon’s gaffe, but never mind, we will have to get used to it.  Impersonators are still trying to get a handle on their Cameron impressions, too).  This echoes Cameron’s own natal Mars opposite Neptune, which finds him socially naïve at times.  With his own Mars exactly opposite the U.K. Mars he can sometimes be out of tune with its energies. Saturn is currently on his Ascendant, which represents the huge responsibility he is taking on, and squaring his Midheaven, so he has a tough mountain to climb now.  Uranus is still squaring Pakistan’s Mars, and there is no doubt the repercussions of the last two weeks will take a long time to deal with.  Zardari, in stepping out of his local problems last week was taking advantage of the holiday atmosphere of Jupiter trining his Sun, and its call to foster international links.  Whatever your religious or political persuasion, I am sure your heart will go out to the Pakistan people in the problems they are facing right now.  Venus conjuncts Saturn today, so there is a sad reflectiveness.  If you have been struggling lately with a relationship problem, you will be looking at it in a realistic way.  You may have done what you could to bring life to a situation which may seem flat for the time being.  The dining experience at tea-time today is important. Make sure nutrition is nurturing by quality rather than quantity.  Create a calm atmosphere and you may find that conditions bring forth some surprising serenity of thought, particularly on your current concerns.  A sprightlier outlook awaits tomorrow (Monday 9th) with Venus opposite Jupiter.  In the evening, Jupiter tries to lift the mood – your long-lost Uncle Vanya might pop in with his latest joke, for instance.  With the conjunction still operative, you might still be hovering between laughter and tears, but certainly there may be a releasing of tension.  The other three astrological events of this week occur in the early hours of the morning in the U.K., and may either wake you (if you are very sensitive to aspects) or colour your dreams.  So these will be evening events the previous day in the U.S. and morning events the same day in Australia.  The New Moon in Leo is on Tuesday 10th: the dream will be about Lions, obviously, no question.  Evening event, a gala.  Morning event, a creative splurge.  An hour later Venus squares Pluto: you’ll be woken by a nightmare about someone stealing the Mona Lisa.  Evening event, a disappointing text from the object of your affections.  Morning event, you wake in thunderous mood and need to give your inner warrior a talking to rather than take it through the day and impose it on everyone else.  Uranus goes into Pisces in the early hours of Saturday 14th August U.K. time, in retrograde motion from Aries.  I have found that this placement has been strengthening people’s capacity for self-sufficiency, in its conjunction with Jupiter in early Aries, but also exploring our links with groups in a more dynamic way.  Group work has taken interesting new turns as individuals have felt emboldened to express themselves more clearly and easily in that context.  The re-entry of Uranus into Pisces temporarily may bring the need for more attention to oil and water problems on the planet, more will need to be done and more thought will need to go into longer-term solutions.  Uranus entered Aries from Pisces on 28 May, so it may revisit issues for you personally that were prominent around then (a look at my diary reveals that I was having another sleepless night on the Rialto Bridge in Venice…).  The first point of Aries certainly is a bridge between the old and the new, old ways of being and new ones which we are being encouraged to adopt.  So we will temporarily revisit old issues…how old, is the question.  Solutions and answers can be found in the Now, in the 7 year transit of Uranus in Pisces, or in past life glimpses of  lives in monasteries and nunneries in the Age of Pisces.  You choose.

Chiron in Capricorn (1951-1955) – Archive

When I undertook my interview series earlier this year, it was put together intensely and over a short period of time.  I immediately realized that more than half the interviewees had asteroid Chiron (the wounded healer, the inner healer) in Capricorn. Chiron was in Capricorn for the years 1951 to 1954 plus the first month of 1955, and I felt that to ask each of them the Chiron question  would constitute a resource for contemplation of the subject.

Your Chiron sign represents the type of wounding you had earlier in this lifetime and in past lifetimes.   How you resolve it or have resolved it shows you how you can help to heal others who may have the same wounding.  Chiron is the key to your inner healer, and I have found it very relevant in past-life work.  A Chiron transit can announce itself through a healing crisis.

The effects of Chiron have some similarities with Pluto: they are both psychologically profound and both concerned with healing.  However, they have different energies, and two approaches to Chiron I have found helpful are:-

  1. The problem contains the solution, and healing and solutions can be instantaneous and miraculous.  The healing can also take place on the level of consciousness.
  2. Chiron asks you to dig deeper into your Soul, for the shift which will resolve and enhance the situation.

Chiron in Capricorn has an authoritative, teaching-style of healing.  The wound and healing can be connected with responsibility.

Children born between 2002-5 also have this placing, and come under the banner of the crystal children according to some new age thinkers.  Crystal comes under the rulership of Capricorn, and crystals are a powerful tool for healers.

The first question and answer occurs in the interview with Felicity Cook. Felicity is a voice healer, teacher and analyst among the other areas of her life’s work.  She describes her Chiron in Capricorn placing in combination with her Sun in Aquarius:

Interview Series No. 2 – Felicity Cook

Lana:  Thank you!  And last but not least for Question 5, other facets of your work are Healing and Psychotherapy (I am not sure which year of training you are in).  You have Chiron (the wounded healer) in Capricorn, and I wonder if you can describe to me your Inner Healer?

Flick:  Hmmm…You do like to throw the cat into the pigeon’s nest, don’t you?!  I am actually in my 3rd year of Psychotherapy training and really enjoying the journey.  As a healer I trained at the Snowlion School in the South of France and this was in Psycho-Spiritual Energy Therapy.  I use it now in my world in an indirect way as it has informed my wholistic approach to life and my work.  As you say, I have Chiron in Capricorn.  I feel this is a difficult placing for me along with one or two other significant astro placings to do with my mother.  It has been a challenge for me to let go of the workaholic and see where this has come from.  If I am answering the question from the *healed* place I see it is connected with my Aquarius Sun very strongly…to do with groups, humanitarian quests etc.  I feel my work is on the cutting edge and quite difficult to give birth to, as there is nothing like it that I know of, apart from voice recognition where the results are generated by hi tech equipment.  My inner healer is holding group consciousness, group and individual wounding and offering space for this to be transformed.


Next is Laura Dane, a deep-thinking Theosophist and Telepath, who presents a very thoughtful research of this question in the exploration of her spiritual world.  She adds the input of her guides when looking at this topic:

Interview Series No. 3 – Laura Dane

Lana:  You were born in a year when Chiron was in Capricorn, in common with other teachers such as Caroline Myss who has a definite style of teaching. I wonder if you can describe the particular healing needed for this placement, and if possible also how you see your Inner Healer.

Laura: I have not found it at all easy to understand role of Chiron in my life because I have not been able to understand the common astrological description of the Chiron, the wounded healer, who had to give up his immortality to heal himself.  I have had to seek information from my guides on this subject.  So far, I have been given three ideas:

1.  In relation to the theme of “immortality. The “immortality” as it applies to humanity, is the belief in the immortality of the personality and therefore its God-like status, to which everything else must be subservient.  We eventually learn, however, that the power of the personality is limited and that in order to progress and gain the power to which we aspire, we must give up our sense of personality immortality and allow our soul nature to control and guide the personality.  It is akin to an adolescent child recognising and accepting that adults have greater wisdom and power than he and that aligning with it is to his benefit.

2.  In relation to the “wound”. There is a part of us which is highly sensitive and therefore more vulnerable to being wounded.  Because we are not aware of it, we cover it up with a psychological shield, scarring or some other form of protection which acts as a barrier between it and the world.  We have effectively walled it up and separated it off from the rest of our personality. That is the first wound. That highly sensitive part of us – indicated by the house position and sign of our natal Chiron – is a gift designed to act as a compass to keep us to our true selves.  The barrier we erect is, symbolically, the “immortality” of Chiron which has to be released in order to recognise and heal the wound.  The resources we draw upon to heal the wound (and to continue to heal the wound as we re-create it by going off-course) becomes a healing power in ourselves which we are able to share with others.

3.  The healer within us is often the most powerful aspect of our Chironic nature because it is that aspect which enables us to recognise the wound and to evoke the correct healing.

My natal Chiron, being in my first house, indicates the nature of wounds which occur when the sense of self and self expression is not able to flourish because the personality finds itself in an unsupporting environment.  The healing comes from the soul and being able to understand the soul’s perspective of the personality, which it loves unconditionally.  In the end, I think it just comes down to loving oneself as the divine loves its creation. So, the continuous development of self love, self esteem, self regard etc is extremely important and essential to healing the wound.

According to Barbara Hand Clow’s excellent book on Chiron, a Chiron in Capricorn requires the personality to recognise the importance of joy and laughter and not to take life so seriously as it is wont to do due to the influence of Saturn!  I agree with her analysis.

The next answer is a double turn, two for the price of one, portrayed by Gemini Sarah Berry who is a Homeopath. A channelling by her guide Hendry follows her own view:

Interview Series No. 5 – Sarah Berry

Lana:  Thank you!  Like some of the other interviewees, you have Chiron (the wounded healer) in Capricorn.  What (if anything) does that mean to you, and I wonder if you can describe to me your Inner Healer (not necessarily in astrological terms)?

Sarah: The Wounded Healer makes me think of Archetypes, which I am rather vague about. I’m not disputing them, but perhaps am challenged, so hope I am dealing with it as I progress.  I think I have had to deal with sorting mine and family karma and this has occupied me. Rather like channelling, healing is something I don’t consciously set out to do.  I know myself as an enabler, and to achieve this I guess healing takes place.  My struggle has been to find my real self, and this has felt life-threatening, personality and emotionally-wise. So I have needed to heal my inner self. Along the way it has been possible for me to support others.

Hendry: Best Beloveds, of vital importance is the influence of Chiron in life as the inner healer and in Sarah’s work and the path she is undertaking.  This significance comes slowly to her, and she is currently not too aware of it.  However there will be rebirthing later in the year, including processing and progress and functionality.

[Postscript: The rebirthing did take place, close to her birthday, and a revised birth time was obtained during this session.  Subsequently, it has illuminated the focus of certain areas of her birth chart]


And last but by no means least cj wright aka auntie moon, who draws on the disciplines of Astrology, Numerology and the Tarot in her thought. I think this gives her a wise overview on life:

Interview Series No. 6 – cj wright, Auntie Moon

Lana: Astrologers vary in how much they use Chiron, and I wonder to what extent you do use it and how you experience your Chiron in Capricorn if this is something you have a sense of.  Also, taking the astrology aside, how would you describe your Inner Healer (which may, or may not, be the same thing)?

Cj: I have minimal experience with the asteroids, so I don’t have a good sense of it in my chart. I know Chiron indicates a wound, and that it’s a healing point. It’s also in my 12th house. An astrologer once told me that it was a beautiful placement so I didn’t pursue it. I’m a firm believer that sometimes we just need to let the mystery be.

I don’t really know how I would describe my inner healer because I’m not sure I’ve actually gotten a grip on it yet. I think I heal most when I stop talking and thinking and start listening. That opens a lot of doors to understanding. I’ve found that help has always arrived when I’ve needed it most. There are messengers who come when answers are needed. They’re real people—bank tellers, random phone calls at the office from a stranger who needed to tell a story, poets, and grocery baggers. They’re all around. I just have to be receptive and hear the message. They’ve always been there and they make the path smoother. Solitude is a great healer. Listening within.


As you can see this is a handful of perspectives, and all are still reaching for understanding of the placement.

If you would like to know more about Chiron in general, I would refer you to the site of Joyce Mason (the Radical Virgo) who presents information on the subject in a very readable way.  She has written books on the subject, including a book of poems depicting the Chiron signs.


If you have Chiron in Capricorn please add your experience if you would like to contribute to understanding.

Thanks, Lana

Aspects for the week beginning 1 August 2010

The dramatic event of last week fell between the aspect of  Jupiter in Aries (the individual, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks) square (versus) Pluto ( the Institution: United States, Defence) with Pluto also representing the uncovering of information, and  the aspect of Saturn opposite Uranus  5 (The dismantling of institutions), and partook of the nature of both.  Saturn opposite Uranus 1 physically removed the administration of George W. Bush in the vote to install President  Obama, while its 5th and final pass destroyed further the reputation of the Bush administration. The parallel regime of Blair was also suffering damage to its reputation with the appearance at the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq war of Hans Blix and John Prescott, neither of whom was complimentary about Tony Blair’s involvement.  Saturn opposite Uranus 3 saw healthcare as its theme and our N.H.S. is now seriously at risk, in a way that was unexpected.  Contender for the Labour leadership Andy Burnham has said that the Coalition are taking a reckless gamble [Jupiter conjunct Uranus – my words] which could spell the end of the N.H.S. as we know it.  Saturn opposite Uranus 4 saw the Greek finances on the brink, and that particular cycle has seen some restoration  (Guardian last Monday: “In an interview at the weekend, the Greek finance minister, George Papaconstantinou, said that the nation had begun to turn the corner”).  So some Institutions were dismantled, some reconstructed, some destroyed.   I am archiving the story of Saturn opposite Uranus.  The customer service bell rang loudly in my hallway this week  with a punter demanding to know why their week had not been transformational (so far – there was one day to go). The truth is, there are many meanings to the word transformational, and many transformations take place on the psychological level, and I do know some people who have experienced that this week.  And you can’t have your money back on this occasion!  We are still in the Pluto-Jupiter square, for with both planets retrograding (at different rates) they square again on Tuesday (3rd).  There is an ongoing war of words now between Julian Assange of WikiLeaks and the U.S. government, and the consequences are starting to unravel (Observer, today: “WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange [no birthdata, my words] has hit out at the U.S. military, saying that they bear the ultimate responsibility for any deaths of Afghan informers in the wake of the publication by his organization of 75,000 leaked files of American army secrets”).  In your life, did you pit yourself against an Institution this week?  Was deeply hidden information uncovered?  Did you have to let go of a structure in your life?  Whatever was begun at the beginning of last week (and I know of many cases of deep psychological healing) re-intensifies on Tuesday, along the lines of the Jupiter-Pluto square (as distinct from the Saturn-Uranus opposition material which is now completing).  On Wednesday (4th) Mars first opposes Jupiter and then squares Pluto.  Ariens and Warriors could feel beleaguered by this.  They may start out with high hopes of defeating the enemy, and then realize they are fighting themselves.  If two Ariens or Warriors are both having this experience, then there could be real confrontations, inside and out.  Venusians stand back…!  Maybe the era of the Way of the Peaceful Warrior is at hand.  Let those who wish to fight, fight amongst themselves, on this day at least.  It is not a day for the Negotiators and Peacemakers.   The most commonly heard phrase of the day will be “Aargh!” as people are hoisted by their own petards.  Let all the fighting die down centre stage, and enter the Peacemakers and Negotiators and Diplomats  stage right (or left, it doesn’t matter) on Saturday 7th.  For Venus enters Libra that day, having done her homework and taken notes at the end of Virgo while all the aggro was taking place.  If you are a sincere seeker of Peace and promoter of Peace, do your work now.  The warmongerers had their turn in the middle of the week.  Show them that your way is the best way…Hoist your Mahatma Gandhi banner, but get your pitch in early and set the tone, because later that day there will be a twist, as Venus opposes Uranus, e.g. the Warriors may not have completely left the building.  But it will be a good chance to use your Intuition for Peace (that would make a good website) and invent something new for the cause.  Activism may join with Peacemaking that day.  And I don’t want to leave this blog without mentioning Pakistan.  It was hit four ways this week:  Criticized by Cameron, widespread flooding, its worst ever air crash, and not doing so well in cricket.  The chart for transits to the Republic (1956) does not show up any dramas, but the chart for the original founding in 1947 (perhaps its soul) shows Saturn and Uranus both squaring the natal Mars (danger) by transit.  This T-square would be putting a great strain on the vitality and fighting spirit of the country and also its resources (Mars in 2nd House) while Pluto also still opposes the Mars.  Benazir Bhutto was assassinated 3 years ago, and her Sun was conjunct  Pakistan’s Mars, which is why she had such a magnetic bond with the country.  At her assassination, Pluto was exactly opposite the Pakistan Mars and her Sun.  War and Peace, Violence and Non-Violence…the struggle goes on.  The networking website iPeace is still struggling to survive, despite its passionate hope 2 years ago when it began to be a voice for those who wish for peace and are committed to peace.  If that flame is alive in you, I suggest a visit there to see what you can do.


Saturn opposite Uranus (2008-2010) – Archive

The Saturn-Uranus opposition of 2008 – 2010 as observed by blog:

14 September 2008: It is less than 2 months until the Saturn-Uranus opposition, on the day of the US Elections.  This is being seen by Astrologers as a close contest between the New (as represented by Obama and Uranus) versus the Old (as represented by McCain and Saturn).  I feel inadequate to see past the posturing, and do not feel qualified to comment about this unprecedented line-up and crew of candidates…

1st November 2008: I don’t have the facilities for sound on this website but if I was playing a song to accompany this update on Saturn’s opposition to Uranus and its dismantling of structures, it would be “Something’s gotta Give?” sung by Frank Sinatra, which starts: “When an irresistible force such as you…”  Please hum along as you read.  The Saturn-Uranus opposition arrives on Tuesday 4th November, and the next two or three days we have left is a space for plea-bargaining with the Universe…

2nd November 2008: Citizen Smith, and the Tooting Popular Front, your time has come!  Actor Robert Lindsay, who played Wolfie Smith in the TV sitcom back in the 1970s, has (like me) his second Saturn Return this week, and his past role may come back to haunt him (pleasantly I hope).  For the Saturn-Uranus opposition which has had us all in a nutcracker grip for some time finally reveals on Tuesday the nut or fruit within, the truth behind the form.  We can see this squeeze at work in our lives, in the lives of those around us, and of course in the fascinatingly-staged US Presidential Election…

1st Saturn opposite Uranus: Wednesday 4th November 2008

8th November 2008: A new US President necessitates a new blog.  I haven’t written any analyses of his chart yet, because I have been hedging my bets.  So please forgive and excuse anything you may have read ad nauseam in other astrological blogs about the man.  Sun in Leo in his chart represents his power and charisma and the influence of the dreams of his father…

…Future aspects of his work will require different dimensions of his character to be brought into being – words will not be enough – and he needs worldwide good will to achieve the next stage.  His election was the manifestation of Saturn opposing Uranus.  The rest will be his and humanity’s initiation of Pluto into Capricorn.

29th January 2009: It is no ordinary week because on Thursday (5th) Uranus makes its second opposition to Saturn.  If you have been following the process, you will know that the first time was on the U.S. Presidential Election Day (November 4th).  If you haven’t, then try to get the gist.  So just remember when and where you were and what you were doing on that day, and what issues were in your life (other than the Presidential Election.)  The same principles apply: “groundbreaking change” being a good summary.  Whatever was going on at that time, will come up again for consideration and the next phase of change…

2nd Saturn opposite Uranus: Thursday 5th February 2009

8th February 2009: Are you reflecting today on the impact of last week’s opposition between Saturn and Uranus?  Some will have experienced a window of opportunity for change and others will have had the way cleared for a breakthrough.  Some will have been shown the way to go, and others will have been shown clearly what was not the way forward…

13th September 2009: A new world order was ushered in on November 4thth House)…. last year when President Obama was elected by the American people desiring real change, on the very day of the first Saturn-Uranus opposition.  If there is such a thing as a world horoscope, this was a defining moment in relation to it.  There are 5 passes altogether for this stand-off between two planetary giants: a duel between Saturn which holds the structure until the time is right for Uranian liberation.  The second pass of the opposition took place in early February, during the honeymoon period when the freshly-twice-sworn-in President of the United States was establishing his new position.  Saturn-Uranus tussles were happening all over the globe, but what of our own politics in the U.K. in relation to this opposition?  Our Prime Minister Gordon Brown was trying to take the lead (his Ascendant in Aries) on the world economy (a Pluto in Capricorn issue) and climate change (one of the issues of Saturn in Virgo), and convening world leaders to this end (the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron in his 11th House)…

…American Astrologers are agreed, and rightly so, for it is as plain as day, that the current pass of the Uranus-Saturn opposition represents Obama’s thrust to bring in a new health care system.  It represents the human right to health without which quality of life cannot be lived, and protection for those in poverty.  For Saturn is in Virgo (the sign of basic physical health and healing, general practice in community health) and Uranus in Pisces (the sign of compassion, mental health, chronic health conditions and palliative care).  There does not need to be a comparison with the National Health Service in the U.K. for that is a national treasure on which we have relied, and often taken for granted, a real responsible and committed Saturn Institution…

13th September 2009: The major aspect this week occurs on Tuesday (15) with the third pass of the Saturn-Uranus opposition.  This is the aspect responsible for the dismantling of Institutions which first occurred on 4 November last year, then returned on 5 February.  I have blogged on the bigger picture separately, but in your own life what issues were current around those times and how did you deal with them?  The issue now may be a continuation, or it may be a fresh strand to work on.  The good news is that you will have been feeling the changes for some time, and will have some idea of what is going on for you, and aware of the need to access your intuition.  Know what you need to keep in your life, and why, and what you need to change, and why, and how that can constructively be achieved….

3rd Saturn opposite Uranus: Thursday 15th September 2009

18th October 2009: There is also the delicate balancing going on with Uranus and Pluto demanding their share in a T-square with Saturn.

14th March 2009: It would seem that the symbolism of the T-square is encapsulated in the current political situation in the U.K. coming up to the election with the Conservatives (Saturn) opposite the Labour Party (Uranus, Old Labour in its close-to-Socialism purity, and New Labour dislocated from its moorings) squared by the Lib Dems (Pluto, now holding the balance, and the balance of power).

25th April 2009: The New York Times said this week: “When he took office last year, President Obama told his foreign policy advisers that he had two baskets of issues to deal with.  The first would be the legacy issues left from his predecessor, like Iraq, Afghanistan and America’s image in the world.  The second would be his own agenda for the future.  After 15 months addressing the vexing matters he inherited, Mr. Obama is now aggressively advancing his own vision of foreign policy and defining himself more clearly on the world stage.”

The Saturn-Uranus opposition of this week is now coming more into focus with the square to Pluto (the “Cardinal Climax” or “Cardinal T-square”).  This implies a new force which has to provide co-operation between two or more components.  Voters would have to vote for Nick Clegg in their droves in order for him to be Prime Minister, but a sizeable vote could promote a hung parliament.  And a coalition of the three parties may be the new force of balance which is required.

On the last Saturn-Uranus opposition a friend of mine launched a knitting circle, which is flourishing and benefitting the community, so if things are done in accordance with the principles of the opposition and nature of the planets concerned, you can meet with success.

4th Saturn opposite Uranus: Monday 26th April 2009

2nd May 2010: Greece is the word…In European affairs this week it has been Greece as the Plutonian influence which has upset the delicate balance of the Saturn-Uranus applecart.  We are told that the whole European economy is threatened by this, and are pinning our hopes on the responsible Saturn structure of the German economy…

When I was a University student in the late ‘60s, early 70s, we used to go around wearing “Free Greece” badges, without necessarily understanding the issues…And what is it with the national karma between us that we are hanging on to their Elgin Marbles…?  One of the most beautiful products of their finest Age, and we can’t let go of them.  Maybe Germany could buy them.

21st July 2010: Now we are at the final pass of this opposition, we have a new scheme for the National Health Service presented by the new Coalition government.  With Jupiter having joined Uranus in the opposition, the government are taking a huge gamble with our national treasure, in trying to get rid of bureaucracy and save money.  Seamus Milne wrote recently in the Guardian “We cannot allow the end of the NHS in all but name”.  He wrote: “Under the banner of Liberating the NHS, the health secretary Andrew Lansley this week unveiled a programme of dramatic change, promising to free the English health service from bureaucracy, put family doctors in the driving seat and hand power to patients.”

25th July 2010: The new feature of this final pass is that whereas the other oppositions occurred over Virgo/Pisces (Saturn/Uranus) this one occurs across Libra/Aries.  What was about health and healing, has now become about individuality and relationship.  With Saturn now in Libra, cooperation and negotiation are now vital, and with Uranus in Aries, we must express our individuality and authenticity within that.  We all have to evolve together, as we are challenging each other every step of the way, in this process.

5th Saturn opposite Uranus: Monday 26th July 2009

1st August 2010: Saturn opposite Uranus 3 saw healthcare as its theme and our N.H.S. is now seriously at risk, in a way that was unexpected.  Contender for the Labour leadership Andy Burnham has said that the Coalition are taking a reckless gamble [Jupiter conjunct Uranus – my words] which could spell the end of the N.H.S. as we know it.  Saturn opposite Uranus 4 saw the Greek finances on the brink, and that particular cycle has seen some restoration  (Guardian last Monday: “In an interview at the weekend, the Greek finance minister, George Papaconstantinou, said that the nation had begun to turn the corner”). So some Institutions were dismantled, some reconstructed, some destroyed.   I am archiving the story of Saturn opposite Uranus.

Aspects for the week beginning 25 July 2010

Well, here we are…We’ve arrived at one of the most important and transformative astrological weeks this year…if you haven’t already filled in your diary, I would try and keep it as free as possible, as there will be a lot going on, especially on Monday.  This morning Jupiter squared Pluto, and sadly we hear of the demise of Alex “Hurricane” Higgins, Piscean genius snooker champion.  He died of throat cancer, and is quoted as saying: “I read the bible my mother gave me when I was 15 and told myself ,You can fight.’  I have been a fighter all my life.  That’s what stopped me going through with it [suicide]”.  He was a fighter all right, with Sun exactly conjunct Mars at 27 degrees Pisces.  Mark that degree.  I prepared a Jupiter square Pluto blog earlier, but will add that we shall see and understand the results of this aspect intensively and clearly over the next 10 days, for the second pass is as soon as Tuesday 3rd August, with both planets travelling retrograde.  Financial Astrologer Raymond Merriman emphasizes that this could mean a financial explosion.  He writes, deliciously: “We also hoped it would be wild, for we wanted to see Astrology live – in real time – correlating with market movements reflecting these hugely diverse geocosmic dynamics”.  So that you can easily find this quote in context, I have just added his link on my contact page.  Could it be that we will find out if we are in for a double dip recession?  Another aspect I would like to deliver for today is a double quincunx.  Sounds like a double rainbow, as it looks slightly bent, but quincunxes are not easy aspects.  For Neptune is conjunct Chiron (a healing cauldron) at 27 degrees Aquarius and 0 degrees Pisces respectively, and quincunx Mars conjunct Saturn (disciplined action) at 27 degrees Virgo and 0 degrees Libra respectively.   Notice that 27 degree mark, again.  Mars was exactly opposite Alex Higgins’ Sun/Mars yesterday.  What this picture means is that we are all struggling with drama (Jupiter square Pluto) and complexity (the double quincunx) against a backdrop of changing structures (the ongoing T-square formation in the early Cardinal signs.  As if this is not enough, tomorrow (Monday 26th) has 5 aspects to report, including a Full Moon in Aquarius.  The Full Moon in Aquarius will highlight those areas in which we need to come together in communities and brother/sisterhood in order to produce healing outcomes for these complicated astrological configurations and what they bring to our attention.  Mercury opposes Neptune, so clarity of thought will be at a premium, though mystical attunement may win through.  Mystical attunement itself can sometimes compound the cloudiness of vision and the illusion, especially if accompanied by substances such as caffeine.  So drink plenty of water tomorrow, as purity can be crucial to outcomes.   Oh dear…Inner Astrologer…you seem so serious these days, let me tickle your chin…next the Sun trines Jupiter.  Gee thanks!  You could see the funny side of life amidst all the complexity and furrowed-brow truth seeking.  The Mars/Neptune quincunx also becomes exact tomorrow, which adds energetic confusion to the mental confusion of Mercury opposite Neptune.  All that mayhem is just the warm-up act for the main event of Saturn opposite Uranus later in the day, which I have blogged to the hilt.  It is the 5th and final pass of this transit, which has been about dismantling the old and constructing the new on the world stage, in society, and in our personal lives.  The new feature of this final pass is that whereas the other oppositions occurred over Virgo/Pisces (Saturn/Uranus) this one occurs across Libra/Aries.  What was about health and healing, has now become about individuality and relationship.  With Saturn now in Libra, cooperation and negotiation are now vital, and with Uranus in Aries, we must express our individuality and authenticity within that.  We all have to evolve together, as we are challenging each other every step of the way, in this process.  The rest of the week you will be dealing with issues raised by these first two days.  Tuesday (27th) Mercury opposes Chiron, and the confusions of thought give way to pressure to find healing solutions.  These may be creative as Mercury is at the end of Leo, and later Mercury enters Virgo analytically inspecting health options.  It may be an important day, and week, for the National Health Service.  On Thursday (29th) Mars changes signs, to Libra from Virgo.  The focus changes from demanding health solutions to negotiating and warriorship.  We will all need to find our Inner Warriors, our Inner Negotiators, and merge them into Peaceful Warriors.  At least if we can do so that would be a good day for it.  Friday (30th) is a mixed bag: Mercury trine Pluto and Mars opposite Uranus.  The first aspect promotes profound thought and mental solutions, and the second aspect is incident prone especially around electrical activity.  Fitting in a morning meditation may ensure that you stay on a constructive vibe, in the same way that taking your bio yoghurt early on may ensure good digestion.  You will then be able to deal with any other excitements that occur, or any breaches of health and safety conditions, in the optimum way.  We end the week (Saturday 30th) on the conjunction of Mars and Saturn.  With all the wealth of wisdom we’ll have gained, we will be in a position to act with deliberation and intent and focus, and hopefully constructively.  Read this blog today, and read it next Saturday, and look back at yourself.  You could find a different person.