Aspects for the week beginning 9 November 2008
You may have a day of rest today, to ponder over what you achieved last week during the reconstructional opposition between Saturn and Uranus. Maybe you made headway on home improvements, or maybe your vote counted in an election. Whatever it was, it could have major implications for the future. You don’t need any preparation for tomorrow’s aspects (Monday 10th) for you will sail through Sun sextile Jupiter and Sun trine Uranus. These aspects in turn help to set up the Jupiter-Uranus sextile later in the week. So make hay while the Sun shines. Sun sextile Jupiter helps you to count your blessings and stay positive, and Sun trine Uranus stimulates and initiates original, inventive creative projects. You could plan their inauguration for Thursday, if that’s not too soon for you. Just get onto the Uranian wave, which can produce instant results. So to sum up, Monday is a day of possibilities. On Tuesday (11th) the Sun sextiles Saturn, consolidating your plans and grounding them. You’ll begin to think “Yes, they might work”. From dawn in the UK on Wednesday (12th) things begin to get a little more complicated and unfathomable. It’s not that your aims are not achievable, it’s just that you need to take into account the subtleties involved and the sensitivities of others. The energies from Wednesday morning increase in power and intensity with Venus forming a conjunction with Pluto. A relationship may challenge your existing awareness of your own psychology, just when you thought you had a workable model. At the same time, if the challenges are met there can be a sense of renewal for both parties and both psyches. The eternal motto “Keep your heart open” always works, even though the mind may doubt! Later, in the afternoon (UK time) Venus leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn and the Sagittarian openness of heart will be more difficult to sustain. You have to get real on relationships, but compassion all round is still the only way through. The biggest day astrologically is Thursday (13th) and the biggest aspect of the week Jupiter sextile Uranus. This is the third and final pass of the sextile which occurred in March and May this year. Now searching my own blogsite in vanity, I am shocked to find that I didn’t do a separate blog on this aspect at the time, being very preoccupied with conjunctions in Aquarius at the time. What an omission! It’s a beautifully dynamic aspect, favouring exploration of the higher mind and positive philosophies, expansion of I.T. services and networking, and refreshing friendships and groups. This and the Full Moon occur at dawn in the UK, so dreamtime would be a useful time to work with their possibilities: perhaps meditate on Wednesday evening before you retire, so that you can work on maximizing potential overnight. It might be counterproductive though and keep you awake (especially with the Full Moon), so it’s a fine balance to tread especially if you are a light sleeper trying to avoid the cats on the way to the fridge. The Full Moon is in Taurus, opposing the Sun in Scorpio, and that in itself is an intense polarity but will help steady your will and determination in the aims you have set for yourself. Lunchtime on Thursday is not so easy, as it brings a square between the Sun and Neptune. The dynamism of Jupiter-Uranus still prevails, but you need to look at flaws, loopholes, slip-ups and illusions within the overall plan. On Friday (14th) Mercury squares Chiron, more headaches in the fine detail and fine print and not a good day to sign on the dotted line. Health too may be below par, so try not to do too much. Bide your time until Sunday, if you and your business partners can accommodate celestial rhythms. If on religious or other grounds you have to wait until first thing on Monday morning so be it, but no later or the moment will pass and you will be in another scenario. And another blog…