Aspects for the week beginning 16 November 2008
It’s a dynamic day for Mercurial types, Geminis and Virgoans. The day started with Mercury trine Uranus, information flying fast and furiously across the globe, the internet alight with information. Make sure you get the full story, the full truth: there is a window today for truth to emerge before the webs of illusion start to re-group. Mars also entered Sagittarius this morning, galvanizing Sagittarians in particular into action, and just pressing the refresh button generally. Intensity and secrecy are no longer the focus of our energies, and getting things out into the open takes priority. The change may bring a sense of relief. If all this has passed you by because of a Sunday lie-in, then there are more Mercury goodies to come, so you don’t need to feel you have missed out on the day’s possibilities. Mid-afternoon (UK time) brings Mercury sextile Jupiter, which is very good for doing business as I said last week, or expanding your geographical horizons, perhaps visiting a jungle on the other side of the world…Any sort of communication is favoured, and channelling (a fast-growing New Age leisure activity) may bring uplift and optimism. In a similar pattern to last week, you may be setting up important projects for later in the week, but past the ideas stage and into the finer detail stage. Confidence in your plans and consolidation come at midnight or in the early hours of tomorrow (Monday 17th) morning, when you can realize that your belief in your product or business plan was not unfounded and indeed is progressing safely, with Mercury sextile Saturn. Recognize this pattern from last week? If so, you might know what is coming: on Monday evening Mercury squares Neptune, and the flaws and loopholes come into view, the illusions and cover-ups are exposed. But hopefully, as last week, all is not lost, because the main dish of the week (Jupiter trine Saturn) is a wholesome fare (see my September blog “Jupiter trine Saturn – finding balance”). In fact, you may be able to laugh about it, as I did about my loophole last week…Friday’s Jupiter trine Saturn is the last of 5 passes of this aspect, and may be the fruition of months of preparation. It is about finding balance, balancing opposites, finalizing plans, maybe making the best compromises and finding the optimal paths. The aspect occurs at lunchtime in the UK on Friday (21st), and early evening in the US, so plan accordingly, and adjust for other parts of the globe. Before you sit back in your armchair, perhaps catch sight of the Celebs in the Jungle, and breathe a sigh of relief at a job well done this week, there’s just one more thing: before you retire on Friday night the Sun goes into Sagittarius brightening the mood and allowing some optimism to steal into even the most cynical of minds. Pluto enters Capricorn soon, and hope needs to be nurtured. Maybe you’ll see a result for a candle that you lit while the Sun was in Scorpio.