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Entries Tagged as 'Astrology'

Aspects for the week beginning 8 February 2009

Mars is chasing Venus for a sextile all this week…fittingly in the run-up to St. Valentine’s Day: “What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?” to quote Keats.  That’s the sub-plot for this week.  There are two main plots: One is the penumbral lunar eclipse, and the other is the conjunction of the Sun and Neptune.  […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 1 February 2009

Good news for those who haven’t enjoyed Mercury retrograde the last few weeks…It was such a short period of retrograde motion…surely it hasn’t caused that many problems, has it? – Sunday morning the week begins with Mercury stationary, prior to turning direct.   You should get out of the right side of bed.  Then you can […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 25 January 2009

We are all having to build a more flexible and expansive emotional range to grow into the extreme climate of Pluto in Capricorn combined with Jupiter in Aquarius (unless we spend our time permanently in meditation).  It is proving to be quite a bi-polar existence for many, with high highs and low lows.  I am […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 18 January 2009

Several aspects vie for attention this week, so I won’t dwell on the spectacular stories which are coming to me of breakthroughs currently happening to people with planets in early Aquarius, nor the dissatisfied Aquarians beating a path to my Customer Service Desk asking why they haven’t had their breakthrough yet.  Even non-Aquarians have been […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 11 January 2009

This week all the action is almost over before it begins, which will suit those who favour stillness…The Full Moon in Cancer happened in the early hours of this morning.  The Cancerian Full Moon is one of the most emotional and fullest of emotional experiences throughout the year, and the last few days have seen […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 4 January 2009

In a week which sees the ingress of Jupiter to Aquarius (see accompanying blog), you may not necessarily see results straight away, but you may feel the wind beneath your wings.  Jupiter and Sagittarians (such as myself) have a tendency to promise more than they deliver, but hope is not to be sniffed at these […]

Categories: Astrology

Jupiter in Aquarius – The Lighter Side of 2009

The heavy economic and social outlook predicted for the coming year is in line with the ongoing Saturn-Uranus opposition and Pluto’s recent entry and long-term stay in Capricorn.  We can all see where things are going on a material level.  But life is about the interplay of the material and the spiritual, and Jupiter’s entry […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 28 December 2008

Pow!  Today’s aspect of Mars conjunct Pluto starts the week with impact.  You won’t forget this day, or this week in a hurry.  It’s a week of change, seeing migrations of planets, and the limelight leaving Capricorn and re-focussing on Aquarius, as a prelude to Jupiter’s entry into that sign next week and next year.  […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 21 December 2008

Happy Winter Solstice!  And good luck to those rehearsing Christmas Pantomimes.  The event of today is the Sun’s entry into Capricorn, which happens lunchtime in the UK, early morning in the US.  Many of us are feeling drained (I have lost count of how many people complained of tiredness this week at the Customer Service […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 14 December 2008

I came out of a 3-day spiritual retreat last night to watch the final of X-Factor (UK) and listen to Alexandra Burke’s heartfelt and triumphant rendition of  “Hallelujah”…One of the extraordinary things about her story is that she was written off 3 years ago and embodies the “never give up” frame of mind, so I […]

Categories: Astrology · Celebrities