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Aspects for the week beginning 25 August 2013

“I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

…I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character.”

Martin Luther King

Yesterday Americans celebrated 50 years since the “I Have a Dream Speech” by Martin Luther King, which was actually spoken on 28th August 1963.

Oratory is shown in Martin Luther King’s natal chart by Ascendant in Gemini, Mercury its ruler on the Midheaven, and Mars (warriorship) in Gemini (through oratory).

North Node close to the Ascendant often indicates one who is a leader, bringing a group of people into incarnation for a specific work.  His karmic leadership role is also emphasized by a trine of the Sun to his North Node.

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks may have been one of his Soul group, as she played a crucial role in the history of the civil rights movement.  In 1955 she helped spark the movement which would become his cause, by refusing to give up her bus seat to a white person.  Rosa’s act is symbolized in her chart by Mercury (bus) exactly conjunct Uranus (unusual action) in Aquarius (the sign of the Rebel).  On the day she changed history, Pluto was exactly sextile her natal Pluto, encouraging her to exercise her personal power.

I Had a Dream Chart

In the chart of the speech, Mercury is exactly trine Pluto, showing a speech which is fundamentally deep in its expression and impact.  This trine is bisected by the North Node, also lending karmic impact.  The Sun conjuncts Mercury in Virgo, indicating clarity of thought. There is also a grand trine in this chart between North Node, Jupiter and Chiron, showing the potential for karmic healing in this speech  Venus square Pluto contains the pain of acknowledging what is not right, having the power to move hearts.

It is tempting to think that the foundation of his vision on a dream is symbolized in Martin Luther King’s own chart by Neptune at the foot of his chart, on the cusp of the 3rd and 4th House. The truth and absolute faith of his vision (as well as his deeply religious conviction) is shown in his natal chart by an exact trine between Jupiter and Neptune: astrologically there is no denying he was a man of truth.

Transits to Martin Luther King’s Chart

That the power and genius of his oratory on the day is unleashed is shown by transitting Uranus exactly sextile his natal Mercury.  There is a tide in men’s affairs, and that too is shown by the Nodal Axis (karma) squaring his natal Mercury (his verbal skill).  At the same time, his ability to move and win over hearts is given a helping hand by the transitting North Node exactly trine his natal Venus.

Nobel Peace Prize

On 14th October 1964 Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize, for upholding non-violent means in his struggle on behalf of racial equality.  At that time, Jupiter was exactly trine his Sun (plaudits), and Neptune was exactly trine his Pluto (profound psycho-spiritual achievement).


Natally, Martin Luther King had the Sun in 8th House, which in traditional astrology textbooks indicates honour in death.  He had at that time classic assassination transits: Pluto square his Mars and opposing his Sun exactly, highlighting the inflammatory natal Moon-Mars square.

Yesterday’s Rally

The Rally yesterday to commemorate 50 years since Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, prompted a review of “how far we have come”.  It was observed that the U.S. now has a black president, but the Observer reports this morning that “Marian Williams, 75, brought up in Georgia, said the lack of white participants was disappointing. ‘There were a lot of white folks who were standing in solidarity with us in the 60s.  You don’t have that now.’ “


There’s an aspect for every day this week, so you will have a lot to work with and won’t be twiddling your thumbs.

Mercury is opposing Neptune today, so you might be asking “what is going on?”.  An aura of mystery may surround the day.  All may be revealed by the middle of the week.

Tomorrow there are twists in relationships, and strange feelings may be stirred up, with Venus opposing Uranus.

A third opposition occurs on Tuesday (27th), in the shape of Sun opposite Neptune, so the early part of the week may have a theme of balancing opposing viewpoints, and possibly having to agree to differ.  Sun opposite Neptune compounds the mystery and strangeness, so the plot thickens rather than thins.

The murkiness is slightly relieved later in the day by a no-nonsense sextile between Mercury and Saturn, when some facts can be established, and some initiatory groundwork achieved…

Then the moral compass goes wonky again with Venus square Jupiter.  If you are recruiting staff and wondering exactly who you might be taking on, why not hire an Astrologer to check out the potential recruits?  This could be very useful to you, and the Astrologers could do with the work.

This aspect was operating on the day Martin Luther King made his speech, so it carries the idea that something is not quite right in society.

On Wednesday (28th) Mars enters Leo, and the show must begin.  The curtain will go up and reveal who is claiming the limelight and wearing the sequins.

Around lunchtime (in the U.K.) Mercury trines Pluto, and the truth is revealed and expressed.  This aspect was also exact in the “I Have a Dream” speech and promotes the utter unveiling of the truth.  Not all may be ready to hear it, and some may hear portions of it.

On Thursday (29th) Mercury then goes on to oppose Chiron, so in mulling over the truth some may react to the truth with a healing crisis, but ultimately the truth heals and sets free.

Friday (30th) brings a stabilizing sextile between the Sun and Saturn, and you may be able to make a creative endeavour out of the week’s complex lessons.

We are on the up, because on Saturday (31st) we finish the week with another sextile, an upbeat interaction between Mercury and Jupiter.  Good news may be forthcoming, at last, reward for your efforts, and brisk sales if you are trying to get a business off the ground.  Travel is also well-starred for the weekend.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – foggy thinking
  • Tomorrow – strange interactions
  • Tuesday – more confusion, leading to some clarity, then  social issues highlighted
  • Wednesday – someone shows their hand, and truth is revealed
  • Thursday – trying to get your head round the facts
  • Friday – stability
  • Saturday – the green light

Aspects for the week beginning 18 August 2013


Egypt natal chart

I have to use the traditional chart which dates from 1953, because the new regime was not established.  Idealistic and unworldly Pisces on the Ascendant opposed by Moon in Virgo (the possibility of civil war perhaps) and Sun conjunct Mars in 4th House (local unrest), though under dictatorships for most of these years some of these traits were underground and have only surfaced since the 2011 uprising.  Saturn conjuncts Neptune in 8th House, giving a mixture of the spiritual and practical, ancient and modern ideas sitting awkwardly.  With Chiron and the North Node in the 11th House, its strength is in its band of brothers, i.e. the Arab League.  There’s also an innate joyful/exuberant note in the national character with Jupiter exactly conjunct the Part of Fortune in Gemini in the 3rd House, which may display itself in cultural expression.

Astrologer Marjorie Orr uses a 1922 chart which she said revealed a while ago: “the explosive and insecure Solar Arc Mars conjunct Uranus in effect now clearly and coming to exact in a few weeks time and hanging around for another few months”

Egypt Uprising Chart

Egypt followed Tunisia into the new wave of the Arab Spring in 2011.  At that time, Uranus in Aries (Revolution and the overthrow of tyranny) exactly squared Egypt’s Sun, the stirrings of its Soul .  At the same time Saturn squared its Uranus, showing the counter resistance put up at the time by Mubarak, the reigning dictator.  Events were held together by a spiritual exact trine from Neptune to the nation’s Sun.

Morsi Chart

Mohammed Morsi came to the fore during that maelstrom, and led the country for a year.   He has Sun, Pluto  and Mars  in Leo and Moon in Aries, so keen to take on power and leadership. His link with the Egypt chart had warm support of its cause of revolution (his Venus sextile exactly Egypt’s Uranus) and the capacity to effect deep change (his Pluto exactly trine the Egypt Saturn) but his Neptune squared the Egypt Uranus, so some misunderstanding of what was truly required.  When Morsi was desposed on 3 July 2013, transiting Uranus was squaring his natal Uranus, constituting a kind of counter coup, which would have been a shock to him.

Egypt Head of Army

General Abdel Al-Sisi head of the Egyptian army has strong personal links with the Egypt chart, Moon conjunct its Moon, Neptune exactly trine its Sun, Pluto exactly sextile its Sun – he knows the country intimately, he knows the territory.  He is very strong minded (4 planets in Scorpio) and emotional (Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Cancer), with a fortunate (for him) sense of enterprise (Jupiter/Uranus trine Sun in Scorpio.  Plus he has Mars in Aquarius (good for mobilizing the troops!). It is easy to see the challenges between him and Morsi, with their Suns exactly square, Al-Sisi’s Pluto exactly conjunct Morsi’s Sun, and Al-Sisi’s Mars and Venus adversely aspected by Morsi’s Pluto.  At the time of the original uprising Al-Sisi had Uranus exactly trine his Uranus, Jupiter exactly trine his Jupiter, and Neptune trine his Neptune, so would have felt in charge to a great extent.  In his mind, he may have been biding his time, because when Morsi was deposed the North Node (karma) was exactly transiting his Saturn, and he was able to take a calculated step towards power.

Egypt’s  worst violence on Wednesday

Nancy Sommers of Nancy’s Blog predicted in early July that “In addition, transiting Mars will cross the interim government’s Sun/Uranus square on August 12 to August 13.”

On Wednesday the worst violence was seen in Cairo, with over 500 people killed by the armed forces, and a state of emergency declared.  The country seemed to be tearing itself apart in a civil war, composed of anti-Morsi  and pro-Morsi factions.  Mars (inflammation) was exactly transiting the Egyptian Mercury and squaring its Neptune.  The timing of the violence may be directly related to Al-Sisi’s own personal triggering, with Mars (aggression) sextile his Moon (emotion).

This is the story so far, although I am going to wordpress two days early this week, and by Sunday there may have been further developments, so I may include an update next week.


We’re working our way up to a Full Moon in the early hours of Wednesday (21st). This Full Moon is in Aquarius which is a group energy, and may challenge the expression of your individuality. Make an effort to encompass both ends of the spectrum. It would be good to master that before you wake (U.K. time) perhaps asking for a clarifying dream. The waking hour is dominated by a forceful square between Jupiter and Uranus –  a major aspect and one which might be out of control for some, yet dynamic for others: it’s rebellious, exuberant, forward thinking, adventurous and above all enthusiastic.  It does not work well where a situation is already chaotic however, such as in the context of the political situation in Egypt, which could worsen at that time.

Jupiter also trines Chiron so healing ventures could receive a boost. It would be a good aspect under which to have a spontaneous mind-body-spirit exhibition; gather, gather.

Thursday (22nd) sees the Sun enter Virgo. That’s it, folks! Gone are the hedonistic days of summer, if you remembered to grab them. It’s knuckle-down time. Serious planning for Autumn schedules, such as investigation of health and safety matters. Advance filing, as opposed to ad hoc or panic filing.

Mercury enters Virgo on Friday (23rd), continues to emphasize work mode, and adds concentration to the task. Plans are inspected at the level of the minutiae.

You really need to do the math, for different challenges beckon on Saturday (24th) with Venus square Pluto (emotional depth level challenges). What can you tolerate in a close relationship and where must you set your boundaries?

At the same time, you still have all that serious mental work to deliver, with Sun conjunct Mercury (0 degrees) in Virgo, so you may feel split between the emotional demands of the heart and the excitement of mental achievement.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday –bringing emotions to consciousness
  • Wednesday – group challenges; exuberance; flamboyant healing
  • Thursday – knuckle down
  • Friday – continued work mode
  • Saturday – emotional challenges; intense mental focus

Aspects for the week beginning 11 August 2013

Fixed Stars of the Week

The ancient interpretations of the Fixed Stars are mostly negative, based on fear and superstition (admittedly built up from observations of the timings of earthquakes and other disasters).  The stars deserve a certain respect and awe, but there is enough negativity in astrological interpretation (my own included) without adding to it from ancient sources of angst.  So I choose to work with the “Starlight Elixirs” book by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld, seeing that body of interpretations as a refreshing and uplifting source of inspiration. I feel that their work takes the contribution of the Fixed Stars to the next level, and they catalogue many more stars (and indeed deep space objects) than the traditional sources.  Bernadette Brady’s “Book of Fixed Stars” is very comprehensive and scholarly, but does not contain any detail about the two stars of this week, so I cannot cross reference her work on this occasion.

This week our Sun is aligned with the following Fixed Stars:

Today – Mirak, or Merak from Ursa Major

Tomorrow – Algenubi or Epsilon Leonis from Leo

I will weave their themes into this week’s portrayal of the aspects in order to provide a vision of the backdrop that the Fixed Stars provide in our lives.  Try working with this extra dimension, and see if it enhances your experience.  Quotations are from “Starlight Elixirs”.

Mirak picks up the theme of last week (Power) and focuses on its transformation into social and personally useful forms:

“…You have a society where there must be domination in order for there to be forward progress.  This has been accepted as a natural tenet in your civilization for many thousands of years, and yet it is completely unimportant in the grander scheme of things.  Motivation from fear is not the only way to create the energy to get things done in the world.  Where there is an awareness of the necessity for shared awakening, this can actually be a more powerful motivator for forward progress.”

Algenubi also picks up themes of empowerment and leadership, so these two stars assist the contemplation of some of the lessons which may have provoked thought last week on the nature of these themes and how they are played out in the world.

“At a higher spiritual level, this star can attune individuals to a sense of empowerment that can be shared amongst all people using the energy of the heart.  This is not so much an energy of unconditional love as it is an energy of communication that recognizes the common bond that all people share.  This bond is an energy of contact, telepathic communication, and emotional awareness which can allow individuals to lead others in effortless ways, do this in a way in which such leadership is easily accepted, and in which other people are empowered by the work itself.  This star is therefore recommended for individuals who seek such higher capacity in leadership and assisting others.”


Geminis and Virgos be aware, it’s all about you this week! Your ruling planet Mercury makes three aspects this week, starting at tea time this evening ( U.K. time) with a square to Saturn. We may feel blocked in our communications and may need to convey something of a difficult nature in conversation. You may need to prepare well and make notes and bullet points to make your case.  Geminis and Virgos may find they don’t have their usual flow or stream of consciousness and may get caught up on a detail.

Today’s Fixed Star Mirak holds the possibility of transforming power:

“This star can encourage the transformation of the context of power within an individual.  If the context is shifted from one of power to dominate into power to create, power to invite, and power to free, then this deeper awareness in a person of who they are and their connection to God and other people is enhanced.  Such contextual shifts can be very powerful and can shift tremendous things within a person and liberate all kinds of energies.”

It is a day to communicate your truth, though you may be unwilling or feel unable to do so.  You need to come from a deeper place in you, which recognizes that you have every right to do this.

Tomorrow’s Fixed Star Algenubi is about leadership.  There are also themes of how we connect with others, but also non-attachment:

“…This business of non-attachment can be enhanced somewhat by the use of this star.  Non-attachment is an interesting term, it belies what is really going on, which is the empowerment of processes within the physical being that go far beyond that individual’s usual capacities.  This star will enhance the sense of such empowerment, deeper communication with higher self energies, the awareness of the true self, and the interaction with others, all of which are usually required for the development of true non-attachment.”

In perhaps having communicated your truth on Sunday, you may find a new part of yourself comes to life, where the Inner Tyrant no longer rules.  The Inner Tyrant may have been a figment of your imagination or a temporary construct to enable you to stand free psychologically.  Allow this healing to emerge tomorrow.

On Wednesday (14th) Mercury runs into more challenges (don’t worry, it does get better!) with a square to the Nodal Axis. Both Saturn and the Nodes represent aspects of karma and this period may find you thoughtful about your blocks and their origins, whether lack of self confidence in this life, or group interactions from past lives.  More reclaiming of parts of yourself needed today, therefore.  Education and teaching roles may be strong themes today.

The breakthrough comes on Thursday (15th) with Mercury trine Uranus in the early hours of the morning. Perhaps a vivid and numinous dream wakes you with its import. Your mind may be alive with insights, thoughts from outside the box and future possibilities. If you are of a scientific bent, then there may be new discoveries along those lines. What sort of life would you like to be living in the future?  Perhaps the Now seems more appealing than any of the conjectures, but if so it is a Now pregnant with possibilities and the empowerment of choice.

On Friday (16th) Venus enters Libra and art, beauty and grace return to your life, if they ever left. You may tempoarily leave behind  a prosaic world of work and worry for a cultural holiday  break. Librans and Taureans will be able to charm the birds from the trees.  The star Mirak, whose energy is still available to you, can assist working in the artistic endeavour:

“…Expressing tendencies from music, art, writing, or awareness of movement, or even through scientific breakthroughs and discoveries, touch deep places within yourself.  These are connected to the collective unconscious, to your reason for being here in the first place, to your awareness of God, and many other innately human capacities.  Merak can encourage this potential to motivate society based on spiritual unfoldment, deeper communion, the awareness of God as a rallying force, and the willingness of people to make love an important part of their lives and of their Earth.”

The closing stages of the week offer the opportunity to get in touch with both sides of the brain, the scientific rational left brain, and the artistic imaginative right brain.  If you can do both and then connect them, you will be living holographically.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – careful steps in communication; lessons in power
  • Tomorrow – connectivity and non-attachment
  • Wednesday – balancing mental karma
  • Thursday – breakthrough and science
  • Friday – rediscovering your artistic vein

Aspects for the week beginning 4 August 2013


Robert Mugabe declared himself the winner in last week’s election in Zimbabwe, in a turn of events which seems to have slid back from the more even-handed result of 2008 rather than progressed.  His opponent Morgan Tsvangirai has pointed to corruption and vote-rigging on a huge scale.  Astrologically, it is not surprising, for the theme of the week is Power, and the aspect of the week is Jupiter opposite Pluto, which can make power fall into undesirable hands

Zimbabwe Chart

The Zimbabwe nation chart has a striking exact conjunction between the North Node and Mars squaring Uranus, violence and instability being part of its karmic make-up and path.  The North Node/Mars conjunction is also trine the nation’s Sun, increasing the fieriness but heightening its self-expression and the will of its leadership.

Robert Mugabe

Robert Mugabe, in power since 1980 in Zimbabwe, unsurprisingly has power issues brought in from past lives, with his natal Sun conjunct the South Node (past lives), though maybe in other scenarios, such as Egypt.  His Sun exactly trines Saturn, making politics and ambition major themes of his personality and life. What makes a man of 89 years cling on to power, I wonder?

Another interesting feature of his chart is his Mars conjunct Jupiter (indefatigable energy and enthusiasm combined) squaring his Uranus (changeable, unpredictable and incident-prone).  Note that he and Zimbabwe share the Mars square Uranus instability.

Look away now, all decent and compassionate Pisceans:

There are different kinds of Pisceans, of which Robert Mugabe is one.  One is the mushy type, another is the hard as nails type which is a clamping up response to the sensitivity, and another is the combined Saint and Sinner, and there is the World Saviour (to name but four).  Robert Mugabe at the outset of his political career was not seen as a villain, the reputation for violence came later.  Therefore he may be in the hard-as-nails category

He also has Venus exactly square his Pluto, which Judy Hall describes as an emotional black hole.

The chart of Zimbabwe is also the chart of Mugabe’s coming to power in 1980.  This is clearly shown by Pluto (Power) exactly sextile his natal Mars (Self-Will) signifying that it has been a vehicle for his drives and ambitions.

In 2008 it looked like his power might be on the wane, with Morgan Tsvangirai the opposition leader having a better share in the election vote, and the compromise of his power being shown by Uranus squaring his own Mars (enforced compromise) in the chart of the power share.

This week, on the Mars-Uranus square (note the recurring theme), and with Jupiter’s looming opposition with Pluto, he seems to have seized power again, and this week’s and last week’s themes of power falling into the “wrong” hands (to many eyes) having become manifest.

Morgan Tsvangirai

The life battle between the two men is shown by Tsvangirai’s Sun in Pisces (which type is he?) conjunct Mugabe’s Uranus and thus squaring Mugabe’s Mars (again the importance of Mars squaring Uranus).  Tsvangirai’s Sun trines his Mars, so he is a warrior, and he has fought hard and long for the right to lead Zimbabwe, with much adversity and heartache in his life (such as the death of his wife in a car accident in 2009 when Saturn was exactly opposite his Sun).  One suspects the two of them have been battling it out for several incarnations.  He is a much younger man than Mugabe, so is it possible that he might inherit the kingdom when Mugabe departs this incarnation?  He has come out with fighting talk, but will he be able to last out the whole match?

He has Venus trine Neptune, so may well be more compassionate than his opponent.  But in terms of longevity Mugabe has Sun trine Saturn, and Tsvangirai has the shorter fuse of Sun trine Mars.  He does however have Jupiter trine Pluto, his best hope of power and integrity in the long run.  His natal Pluto sextiles the Zimbabwe Pluto, which is also a promising indication of power.  The astrology would suggest he shouldn’t give up.

Zimbabwe and the Jupiter-Pluto Opposition

Zimbabwe seems to be one place where the spirit of the  Arab Spring did not reach…The Jupiter-Pluto Opposition this week suggests crises on the world’s stage in relation to power sharing, and where power has fallen into the “wrong” hands there is a slight possibility that there may be a dramatic karmic reversal overturning what seems to be a lost cause, and that tyrants will receive a come-uppance after reaching the limit of their power.


A bright start to the week today with Sun trine Uranus mid-afternoon (U.K. time). Be bold and creative, try something new, network on or off the web.

At the same time, you need to bear in mind the karmic consequences of whatever you choose to occupy your day, as later the Nodal Axis squares the Sun. If you are in a group situation, the karmic conditions of the group needs to be considered, allowing as far as possible the potential and individual viewpoint of each member.

On Tuesday (6th) there’s a New Moon in mid-Leo (14th) in the evening. Again the emphasis is on creativity, individuality and self-expression, so this is certainly the theme early in the week. It’s important to explore individual forms of power, because of the main aspect coming up this week.

The next evening (Wednesday 7th) you may need to take that personal expression of power and engage with the collective in a healthy and constructive way. Wednesday’s aspect of Jupiter opposite Pluto is a major one and would deserve blog on its own had I but world enough and time. This aspect is about power, power-mongering and power struggles, on a global, social and personal basis. Thus on a world scale you might see attempts at coups or the take-over of power. Maybe locally you have a company or even an individual trying to take a share of power, people may need to stand up for their rights. Any preparation you can do in terms of thinking about the fairness of the balance of power, and where the power should lie would ,at least be helpful in making a decision under pressure.  In your personal life, you may witness an extraordinary tussle for power, or even experience it within your own psyche.

In March 2012 I wrote:

“Since I started this blog in January 2007, I have covered the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, the sextile between them, and the square, prior to this endeavour [Jupiter trine Pluto].  And in August 2013 God(dess) willing, I would like to blog the next Jupiter-Pluto contact, which is the opposition.”

Well I have blogged Jupiter opposite Pluto, though not to the extent I would have liked!  Better luck with the trine in October 2015.

Finally , on Thursday (8th) Mercury enters Leo, and your thoughts may become clearer and brighter, less emotional and full of the joys of summer. It’s an attitude of “let’s just get on with life”, in contrast with Mercury’s previous position in Cancer (“Let’s take into account the emotional impact”) and the next sign Mercury in Virgo which will be “Let’s analyse every little detail.”  Assuming there is still some sunshine around, let’s get on with enjoying the summer.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – scintillating; join with others constructvely
  • Tuesday – a creative new beginning
  • Wednesday – questions of power
  • Thursday – looking at implementing personal power

Aspects for the week beginning 28 July 2013

Justin Welby

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby narrowly missed out on having his own blog when he was enthroned because new Pope Francis was being elected at the same time.

They are both controversial new brooms, and I think will team up well, being an expression of the Uranus in Aries revolutionary energy.


Justin Welby has a very strong and determined chart, with Sun in Capricorn and 8 out of his 10 planets in Fixed signs (very rare!).

Coming from a background working in oil, he has interesting aspects to his Neptune (oil).  His Neptune squares exactly his Mercury, his Uranus squares exactly his Neptune, but his Jupiter (expansion and luck) sextiles his Neptune exactly.

He has some quirky ways of thinking.  Firstly he has Mercury square the Moon, which is a conflict between the rational mind and the imagination.  Secondly he has Mercury conjunct Chiron, which can produce mental stress but if handled well can be good at problem-solving.

Jupiter squares Saturn in his chart which again is not easy, especially when coming to judgements or conclusions, he could be torn.  Though he does claim he learned to be decisive when working in the oil industry. With Jupiter conjunct Pluto, he likes power, especially of a religious nature.  He would probably feel he had a hotline to God.  Mercury opposes Uranus, controversy in speech.  He certainly has the Rebel Archetype.

Uranus closely trines Saturn his natal planet so he is able to temper his rebelliousness with caution and responsible conduct.  Uranus squares exactly Neptune, giving him a complex understanding of social problems.  Saturn squares Pluto, and he is able to confront difficult problems.

One of his best aspects is Jupiter (Religion) exactly sextile Neptune (Spirituality) – an aspect I would pick if I was choosing a chart for an Archbishop!  Harmony of understanding between the religious and spiritual parts of his psyche.  He has explored Benedictine spirituality.

He was selected as Archbishop on 9 November 2012, when Neptune was exactly trine his Neptune (a state of spiritual centredness and grace) but with Neptune opposing his Jupiter (spiritual testing of his religion).

Although we have no birth time, we also know that he has an exact sextile between his Venus and his North Node in Sagittarius and his Venus in Aquarius, signifying a karmic mission of a religious path allied with impersonal Love.

Andrew White was quoted in the Guardian as saying about Justin Welby: “Most people cannot make things happen, but Justin was someone who could bring about change” referring to an aspect of his life before becoming Archbishop.

Rebel with a Cause

Of course this rebel isn’t without a cause, and he hasn’t wasted much time before trying a solution to the misery caused by pay day loans.  With a financial background and banking experience, he is confident in this arena.  He proposes to go into competition with the Wonga company, a major culprit in this field, and set up credit unions in the church.  His initiatives have been well received by some politicians and journalists.

It is a radical move and perhaps a bolder approach than previous Archbishops would have taken, but very consistent with his chart.  He made the announcement on Thursday, and by Friday was having to answer embarrassing questions regarding past investments in Wonga by the Church.

In interview he answered with fairness and without defensiveness.  I like his style, and believe that he and Pope Francis will get some changes on the way.  I see his current challenge as part of the approach of a square from Uranus to his natal Sun, which peaks in May next year, the honing of his “Inner Rebel”.


Sunday morning starts with Sun square Saturn in the early hours.  It is the morning after syndrome, picking up the pieces from last night’s revelries or dramas.  Perhaps the demo you were on was the wrong one (should have gone to Specsavers…) or you saw too much action.  There is a great deal to think about and digest.  Provided your hangover only lasts until lunchtime, you can look forward to a lovely convivial Sunday lunch hour in the company of a sextile between Venus and Jupiter.  It’s a welcome balm after recent stress.  It’s also good for socializing, catching up with a dear friend, or even taking in a celebration.

There is news of a Grand Sextile on the internet for Monday, formed with a Black Lilith Moon and Pallas Athene (an asteroid).  I was asked about this on Facebook, and this was my reply after much deliberation:

“If you work with Black Moon Lilith and Pallas Athena you will probably have more of a handle on this construct and feel it energetically.

Without this experience, the energies may be hard to manage, including as they do Mars opposite Pluto, Moon opposite Saturn and Venus opposite Neptune.

The Grand Trine is not exact, and we are at that time in the middle of at least one T-square.  The Grand sextile is not exact either, except for the moment that the Moon triggers it by opposing Saturn, I believe.

Jupiter also opposes Pluto which is power-mongering.  The impression I get is that power could fall into the wrong hands.

In summary I would say those who seek power should be aware of their motives.

I like sextiles and a Grand Sextile looks beautiful, but there may be trouble ahead…you can face the music and dance, or keep a low profile.  It depends how much you choose to take on”.

I would add that there is no other exact aspect on Monday apart from the Moon opposite Saturn and the Grand Sextile configuration, so you may be able to evaluate it clearly.

On Tuesday (30th) the valuable social or financial progress continues the work of Sunday’s sextile between Venus and Jupiter, expressing the principles at a deeper level in a trine between Venus and Pluto..  For example, you may recognize a good social connection on Sunday, but on Tuesday you may understand why it’s a good connection on Sunday (perhaps a past-life flashback or insight).  By Tuesday you may understand more about why it’s a good connection and can explore the experience.  The positive Venus aspects may give the Grand Sextile a safe passage.

Thursday (1st August) brings back the shock factors: Mars has moved on from its opposition to Pluto to complete the T-square with Uranus.  This component is not quite as harsh as the Mars opposite Pluto of Saturday evening, but can set you on the back foot.  Check electrical wiring and appliances for instance.  It could be an incident-packed day, or certainly morning.

Later in the day Mars trines Chiron and energies begin to smooth out again, e.g. cars have been serviced and are more reliable.

Friday (2nd) unsettles feelings which may have been stable earlier in the week, with Venus opposing Chiron. Healing may be required, especially around the neck area.  Beware if you are sitting outside a restaurant with a trusted long-term partner who may be interested in massaging your neck.  Not making light of Nigella’s experience, but maybe it is the trauma of something which happened a while back that needs to be released.

Luckily things may turn out well relationship-wise for in the evening Mars sextiles Venus, which is harmonious for male and female interaction, romance (or bromance), neck massages and cars. It could be an evening of rebalancing.

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – Sadness, then an opportunity for cheer
  • Monday – Look out for complex interactions
  • Tuesday – Money and relationships can prosper
  • Thursday – incident-prone, then ironing out the wrinkles
  • Friday – unsettled feelings, then personal warmth

Prince George

A boy, born 4.24 pm 22nd June 2013

The main three points on the new Royal baby’s charts are all cuspal: the Sun is at 29 degrees 59 minutes of Cancer (1 minute away from Leo), the Ascendant is at 27 minutes Scorpio (3 minutes away from Sagittarius) and the Moon is at 28 degrees Capricorn (2 minutes away from Aquarius) and all on the same side of the cusp.  This baby planned his birth chart with precision!  I remember thinking when Kate was forced to reveal her pregnancy early on that this baby might have a forceful nature.  Certainly it is an energetic chart, and has the fine Grand Water Trine which peaked last week.

I tried to make the Sun in Leo the regal sign, but it wouldn’t quite stretch.  Instead, the baby has his Sun right at the end of Cancer, a Sun Sign inherited from his father and his father’s mother, Lady Diana.   The sense of family, and a caring, sympathetic nature is therefore carried through.  The Cancerian qualities and the high emotion are emphasized with the birth occurring exactly at the Full Moon, which adds a sense of drama to the personality too. The Ascendant in Scorpio comes from the paternal side, with Prince Charles the grandfather having Sun in Scorpio.  This reinforces the emotional nature and the personal guardedness of in the character.  The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, and as mother Kate Middleton has Sun in Capricorn that is very fitting, the Moon representing and symbolizing the mother in the chart.  His chart has 6 water planets (emotion) and 0 air signs (mental approach) so he will mainly sense his world and his life through instinct and emotion.

Mars is exactly  conjunct Jupiter, providing a fount of energy and enthusiasm.  This is linked in with the Grand Water Trine which is completed by Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.  There will be a certain thread of luck running through life, starting with that silver spoon.  This luck may be karmic, for there is also a Grand Trine between the North Node (karma), Chiron (the Inner Healer) and Mercury (communication and health), so there is a great deal of protection for this child.  He will be interested in health and healing (and probably Homeopathy, like his grandfather).  Karmically, his trine between the North Node and Mercury is exact, so his Soul lineage is as a teacher.  The trine between Mercury and Chiron is also exact, emphasizing the connection between teaching and healing.  Could he forgo the world of air combat of his father, uncle and great uncle before him for a more sensitive role (before becoming enmeshed in the possibility of succession)?  With Sun in Cancer and Midheaven in Virgo, he may not relish the idea of the  top job.

The family, heredity and synastry links are very interesting:

Kate Middleton

Kate’s Moon conjuncts the baby’s Mercury exactly, so she will have an instinct for what interests him and can help to nurture those pathways.  The baby’s Pluto squares her Mars, so she will feel acutely that she needs to protect him, and that her protection is also his protection.

Prince William

There are more exact links with Prince William’s chart, so there is a great deal of personal closeness shown for his relationship with his father.  The baby’s Venus sextiles exactly Prince William’s Sun (heartwarming love).  The baby’s Saturn and Neptune trine exactly Prince William’s Moon (loyalty, respect and sensitivity for William’s emotions and William’s maternal line).  Prince William’s Mercury is exactly opposite the baby’s Ascendant, so many a night he will cradle him with a monologue of his thoughts – communication is key in their relationship.  Prince William’s Mars is also squared by the baby’s Pluto, so he will also be a very protective parent and mindful of the times we are living in, the baby having been born in the second year of this chaotic Uranus-Pluto square.  Prince William’s Jupiter squares exactly the baby’s Sun, so he will be keen to share the joys and advantages of being royal with the baby, such as the silver spoon collection.  And last but not least, the baby’s Venus receives a beaming sextile from his father’s Jupiter.  This baby is received by his Cancerian father with great love, joy and pride.

Lady Diana

The baby’s Pluto opposes exactly Lady Diana’s Sun, a bittersweet reminder that her relationship with her grandson is across the veils.  However, he will have known her in the spirit world before he entered incarnation.  His Saturn conjuncts her Moon and squares her Jupiter, again making it difficult for him to know her on a practical basis.  His Mars/Jupiter sextiles her Pluto, so there is a deep emotional knowing, a current which locks into the more universal experience of the Grand Water Trine and knowing her through culture and history as well as personal ancestry.

Prince Charles

The baby has four exact aspects to Prince Charles’ Saturn, so fitting Prince Charles’ new role as Elder.  He will try to inculcate his firm views and tradition in his relationship with his new grandson.  There will be lively banter between them too, with the baby’s Mars exactly trine Prince Charles’ Mercury.

Carole Middleton

Carole will undoubtedly have an important role in bringing up the baby, but we do not have a birth date let alone time for her.  If one subsequently emerges, I will fill in the gap.

Queen Elizabeth

Great Granny is pleased that the baby has arrived in time, before her holiday in Balmoral.  There may be some clash of personality, with their Suns exactly in square to each other (the Queen having her Sun in early Taurus, and the baby having his Sun in late Cancer).  However the baby will also charm the socks off the lady, who seems to be thawing that icy reputation these days, as the baby’s Venus is exactly trine her Sun.  The baby’s Uranus also exactly trines her Moon, so he will be stretching her further into the modern world and stimulating her imagination.  His Mercury trines her Venus, which is very personally companionable. But her Pluto also conjuncts his Mercury, so her authority will be stamped on him – she may have the last word on certain features of his life.  This would be a role he willingly takes on (being under the royal thumb) for his North Node (karma) is exactly trine her Pluto.

Prince Philip

Last and intriguingly, the key to his relationship with Prince Philip is that their Mercuries are exactly conjunct (Mercury being Prince Philip’s ruling planet)!  Prince Phillip’s Mercury is his most prominent feature, the tongue that gets him into trouble, and he has handed it down directly.  Look out for the same wit (but hopefully not the blunders) in the great grandson.  Prince Phillip’s mental quirkiness comes from Mercury squaring Chiron in his chart, and his great grandson has Mercury square Uranus (controversial in speech).  Not only that but he has many close astrological links with the baby, including four warm and exact planetary links to his Venus.  He may not have many years to interact, but they know each other well as Souls and their relationship will continue telepathically afterwards.

Aspects for the week beginning 21 July 2013

Mel Smith

Comedian Mel Smith died on Friday morning, it was announced last night.  He was born under the comedy sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius.  Readers of a certain age may not remember mirth filled evenings watching Not the Nine O’Clock News, Alas Smith and Jones, and Colin’s Sandwich.  We do not have his birth time.

Mel had a distinctive face, sometimes likened to that of Les Dawson (whose available birth dates are too varied to research) but he does look Cancerian, and with Moon in Cancer he might well have made it a double with Ascendant on his Moon.  Mars squares Jupiter in his chart, magnifying the humour quotient in his chart.

His Jupiter (planet of mirth) squares his Nodal Axis, and with North Node in Aquarius he certainly would have liked to think of his humour as avant garde (as the satirical Not the Nine O’Clock  News undoubtedly was).  So he certainly achieved a karmic mission of high mirth.

He had a hugely successful comedy partnership with Griff Rhys Jones, whose birth time we do have.  Mel had the Part of Fortune (Joy) in his own 7th House of Partnerships.  The pair are reported not to have had a cross word in the years they had known each other.  With their Marses (or Mars’) in exact trine they would have been good mates or lads together from the start.  Rhys Jones’ Chiron sparked off an opposition with Mel’s Uranus.  Rhys Jones has said of their 35 year friendship that he had lost “a gentleman and a scholar, a gambler and a wit”.  I don’t know what he means by the gambler allusion, but the Gambler Archetype belongs to Sagittarius.

In such a humour-dominated chart, he could play serious roles too such as his recent appearance in Dancing on the Edge.  Pathos was also part of his repertoire, with Venus squaring his Saturn/Neptune.  The hapless eponymous figure of Colin’s Sandwich used to have me in stitches in the late 1980’s.  It was  a time when we were getting our heads round home computers, and as an aspiring writer  “Colin” once accidentally deleted a novel he had written, which hit a raw nerve in my funnybone.  I have never forgotten it, as it played into a deep fear of mine!

The last astrological word belongs to Chiron, for his Chiron was (by one degree) trine his Jupiter, which is healing through comedy.


Tomorrow is eventful enough to warrant a timetable (U.K. time):

7.35 a.m. Mars conjunct Jupiter at 5 deg Cancer:  Time to spring out of bed and implement all the ideas which came to you during the Grand Ttine last week. You have 5 hours to do this creatively and artistically while Venus is still in Leo. Don’t miss Monday morning’s once in 2 year’s burst of energy + enthusiasm.

12.41 p.m.: Venus enters Virgo and you have to knuckle down to the detail and paperwork, which takes the edge off the creativity and maybe also some of the enthusiasm , unless you ‘re a Virgo in which case your studies and presentations will start to accumulate elegance. So it’s action in the morning, then recording your work at lunchtime (no time for a lunch break today).

15.56 Hrs Sun enters Leo. So Leo just lost Venus but gains its own planet or star, the Sun 3 hours later. That may result in a short cloudy interlude in an otherwise halcyon summer’s day… If you have knuckled down to the chores in that time, you’ll feel no guilt basking in the sunshine again from mid afternoon. Time for a little hedonism. Do what you enjoy. This is for two and a half hours only, and though you may not feel guilt you may feel some upcoming tension from the upcoming full moon in Aquarius. Develop your individuality in preparation.

18.16 Hrs:  The Full Moon in Aquarius will remind you of your group participation and roles. Any leonine preparation you have done will help you stand firm in your individuality.

On now to Friday (26th) and Venus opposes Neptune which confuses relationships, dissipates money and messes with our artistic sensibilities and projects. The offending issue may be illusion.

This is followed by a sextile to Venus from Saturn which may save or salvage the situation wholly or partly and bring a dose of realism to compare with the illusion. If your toddler grandson has defaced your latest masterpiece you may stand back and conclude that the Jackson Pollock effect has some merit…in relationships you may see that loyalty can win out over romanticism.

On Saturday (27th) a palpable physical tension may build up through the day and culminate in a sticky situation in the evening with Mars opposing Pluto. It’s not a good day for instance to take part in a demo, an Occupy or an Arab spring, or the evening may bring attendance at a crowded accident and emergency department run by a stressed and sleep deprived hospital short staff (and I don’t mean under 5 foot). It’s a bit of a cliff hanger at the end of the week, and not alleviated by a sun square Saturn in the early hours of Sunday morning which indicates the consequences of Saturday night/ Sunday morning could be quite serious, so don’t take risks.

Heat is another hazard of Pluto/Mars, and if the U.K. heatwave is still around we may have more of the warnings we had this week.  Among the warnings issued this week were drowning, dehydration, spontaneous forest fires, sunburn, barbecues and even a warning to be careful if you are handling Scotch bonnet chillies, “or you could land up in A & E” from T.V. chef Gino di Campo.

The Week in Bullet Points:

  • Monday – complex and hectic
  • Friday – deception then stabilization in relationships
  • Saturday – apply caution


Aspects for the week beginning 14 July 2013

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai was again in the news this week as it was her 16th birthday and a week which saw her address the U.N, and in which she received two awards: one for International Development for her work for female rights, and an Ethical award for campaigning.  She has been nominated for the Children’s Nobel Peace Prize.


Malala is a Cancerian, and though many Cancerians shun the limelight, others become ambassadors for women’s rights, deliberately or unwittingly.

She has the Part of Fortune in 3rd House of communication (a passion for Education), and wrote a blog for the BBC under a pseudonym, about female life under the Taliban with a focus on education for females (3rd House), from age 11.

We do not have a birth time, but it is likely that she has Moon conjunct Mars, warriorship for the female cause, in Libra the sign of Peace.  Mars also trines Uranus, showing immense bravery, in shocking circumstances.

The Sun sextiles the North Node in her chart, giving a karmic mission of the theme of Leadership.  Mercury trines Pluto, making her a deep thinker who looks the truth in the face. Mercury also opposes Uranus exactly, which is controversy in communication, not being afraid to tell the truth no matter what it costs.  With these two aspects to Mercury, she is very strong-minded indeed.  Pluto sextiles Uranus, giving a strong matrix for working in the world.  Jupiter also sextiles Saturn exactly – good balanced judgement: the combination of optimism and realism.

The Sun squares Saturn exactly – which can produce martyrs or victims for a cause.  But strength also comes through – the greater the obstacle, the greater the achievement with this aspect.  She has turned this square into its most positive manifestation.

The Moon sextiles Venus – underneath it all, a very loving and gentle person.  At heart, she is working for Peace.  She has been recognized within her own country as holder of the first Youth Peace Prize.  By the time of her attack, she already was a high profile activist for her cause.


On 9th October 2012 she was shot in head and neck by the Taliban, sustaining life-threatening injuries, and transported to hospital in Birmingham.  The North Node sextile her Neptune at the end of Capricorn at the time, highlighting the refined political idealism in her chart.

She holds a crucial role for the transformation of her native Pakistan.  Mars in the Pakistan chart squares her natal Moon (highlighting violence against women).  Pakistan’s Saturn conjuncts her Pluto, symbolizing the repression she has worked to reveal.  Pakistan’s Uranus opposes her Neptune, stimulating her spirituality through the necessity for change.  Its Neptune squares her Neptune, a condition of being spiritually uneasy within its society.  Her Pluto trines its Sun for its transformation.

Gordon Brown has been a special supporter, together with his wife Sarah (whose Venus sextiles Malala’s North Node).  This karmic connection and involvement is shown by the Synastry between Gordon Brown and Malala having a Nodal reversal, i.e. Her North Node is at his South Node and vice versa.  His Mars is also conjunct her South Node (past life warriors together).

She told the U.N. that the attack had only made her more resolute. “Strength, power and courage was born” she says of the attack by the Taliban.  Having come through such a trauma, the world will continue to be watching this remarkable young woman and her quest for justice (Mars, Moon and Chiron in Libra).


A week of trines – isn’t that what you dream of? Let’s see how that works out in reality…there are 5 trines in all and 2 changes of direction from planets associated with our mental functioning. Prepare early this week to ride the surf of this rare Grand Water Trine from mid-week.

On Wednesday (17th) in the afternoon you could be forgiven for wondering if in fact this is a week of trines. Uranus turns retrograde and everything may seem as though it has all gone tipsy turvy. You may experience dizziness in relation to a turnaround in your higher mental functioning. Or you may experience revisions in relation to earlier phases of mental functioning. The planet of the unexpected is particularly unpredictable now.

Once you have re-established your equilibrium, you are free to enjoy and bask in the unalloyed trines of the week or go surfing if that’s more your style. The first trine occurs only 11 minutes after Uranus’ revolution, at 17.31 hrs. If you are adept at Uranus revolutions you can take them both on at the same time. Otherwise meditate during those 11 minutes to steady yourself, then enjoy Jupiter trine Saturn, a major component of the grand trine, and an excellent aspect with which to begin the rebalancing or new order. Jupiter represents optimism, Saturn represents realism, Jupiter propels forward, while Saturn stands steadfast. You might at this time see clearly the relation between your movement and progress, blocks that have held you back, their timing, their dance and their purpose.

By the early hours of Thursday (18th) Jupiter trines Neptune (the second component of the grand trine) which is perfect for higher vision and dreams, so whether still awake at 00.41 a.m. Or dreaming, you’ll feel the richness, perfection and vision of this trine and its role in the complete Grand Trine/divine plan. Jupiter and Neptune are about inspiration and idealism. They make up the dream and enable living the dream. There’ll be a sense of euphoria, part of you feeling you’ve already achieved the dream on some level, but there is further work to do to fit the piece in the jigsaw.

This is Friday’s (19th) objective, with Saturn trine Neptune completing the triangle, balancing the material and the spiritual.

Further progress is made on Saturday (20th) with Mercury turning direct (party on). You might start to feel the words are coming out of your mouth in perfect sequence, your message getting across as intended.

As a final push in the new birth, on Saturday Mars makes a more minor grand trine with Saturn and Neptune. Early evening Mars trines Neptune (sensitive action can be performed) while mid evening mars trines Saturn (laying plans) making it swift and easy to implement new ideas, inspirations and plans.

Make use of these rare alignments, but if you feel life is too stressful at the moment to enjoy these astrological bounties, then try to find time for yourself to relax or meditate and connect in some way with this healing vibe.  I suspect I shall have at least one ding dong at the customer service desk pointing out that life is not all roses this rosiest of astrological times.

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – The element of the unexpected; revolution and rebalancing
  • Thursday – Religion and Spirituality harmonize
  • Friday – Practicality and Spirituality harmonize; communications unclog; Action and spirituality harmonize; Action and practicality harmonize

Aspects for the week beginning 7 July 2013

Saatchi vs Lawson

We were forced into the prurient act of seeing what seemed like a public near-strangling by Charles Saatchi, when pictures of Charles Saatchi at the throat of his wife Nigella Lawson outside a London restaurant  were displayed all over the media last month.  This morning it was announced that he is to divorce her, citing the damage to his reputation as one of the problems.  She has since been taken up, unwittingly and possibly reluctantly, as a poster girl for domestic violence.


Nigella was born into a political family: indeed her father Nigel Lawson is graphically portrayed in her chart as Sun in Capricorn (politician father) conjunct Saturn (accentuating the politics).  She did not have a good relationship with her mother, who did not treat her well.  She describes her as depressed, but as she is depicted in Nigella’s chart she comes over as fiery and volatile (Sun in Aries trine Mars and Jupiter).

She was first married to a high profile journalist John Diamond, who wrote about his experience of having cancer (he had a difficult close natal square between the Sun and Pluto), and died while their children were quite young.  His Pluto was conjunct her Uranus, and his Uranus was opposite her Sun, and they were separated by death.  She was praised at the time for her caring approach to her husband’s illness, and her steadfastness.

Though her father and husband were gifted, she forged a name for herself in a different field, as self-styled Domestic Goddess.  She has a highly entrepreneurial exact trine between Jupiter and Uranus.  I am not a fan of her quantities of sugar and butter (natal Venus square Pluto tendency to excess), which may be hypocritical as I have a sweet tooth, but I do like the girl, and she does have a popular following.

Quite apart from the central issue of possible violence (Saatchi asserts that it was playfulness) it will have been destructive to her desire to keep an image of domestic bliss through her TV chef career.  However, her popularity is such that I think she could successful rebrand herself without the marriage.

She and Charles Saatchi married in September 2003.

Charles Saatchi

Charles Saatchi first made his name as an advertising executive teamed up with his brother Maurice.   Theirs is a twinlike relationship, as they are both Geminis (the sign of advertising) and will have made natural business partners.

Charles and Nigella both have the Sun conjunct Saturn, which represents a desire to keep control of their image.  We do not have birth times for them, so cannot see in which astrological Houses these are played out.

Further along his career, Charles became a patron of the Arts, collecting modern and Brit Art and establishing a gallery.  Charles has Venus (Arts) in Leo conjunct Pluto and trine Mars.  He would be passionate and intense about Art and its promotion and display (Leo).  Mars trine Pluto can harbor violence, though more usually intense energy, and is not as violent as the square between these two planets.  Violence, presumably, is the inability to manage one’s energies and emotions so that they may become directed outwards, and we know that many women too are capable of domestic violence.

Pluto was opposing Saatchi’s Sun when he married Nigella, so there may have been known issues regarding the explosiveness of his feelings even at that time.

In early 2012 he published a book expounding a controversial philosophical outlook entitled “Be the Worst you can Be”.  In a statement he made today, he says the couple have been experiencing a deterioration in their relationship for about a year.  Could it be that her trust was eroded from that time?  Pluto was square to his Mars at the time, so his feelings may have been destructive then.

Synastry and Transits

They have some difficult interaspects (including his Mars square her Saturn, and his Uranus opposite her Venus) but also clearly have had a deep bond.  His Mercury is trine exactly her North Node, a karmic connection.  Another karmic connection is his Neptune conjunct exactly her North Node (confused karma).  His Pluto also trines her Venus, a deep love originally.  At the time of the public strangling Neptune was exactly squaring Nigella’s Venus, bringing confusion and illusion to her emotional life.  Saturn was exactly squaring Saatchi’s natal Pluto, divorcing him from his feelings to an extent.  She left the family home shortly afterwards.  Nigella continues to stay silent about the event, and currently Pluto is transitting her Saturn, not encouraging her to speak out on her suffering.

Past Lives

Most of us do not have famous past lives, and some of us have perhaps one famous past life in order to taste the experience or hone a talent to the hilt.  Some groups of souls who travel together over millennia do seek public office in order to achieve certain outcomes.  For instance, the Kennedy clan have been likened to the  Medicis.  I have sometimes wondered whether Nigella and Charles were bit players in a group who may have been the Medicis.  Nigella lived for some time in Florence, and named her daughter Cosima.  Saatchi has been a patron of the Arts.  Saatchi and Nigella may also have lived in ancient Mesopotamia, the site of the Saatchi brothers’ Iraqi origins, where Nigella may have been cooking up a storm in one of the latest clay pots!


Tomorrow Venus trines Uranus making it a good day to set up social meetings, which can be most helpful, convivial, constructive, visionary and exciting. If you don’t plan such a meeting, you could happen on one spontaneously, such as a chance encounter on a train, or even a brief encounter in a railway station…

On the same day, Saturn turns direct, and you might feel that you are not having to push uphill quite so much. Plans could right themselves after a period of stagnation.

Finally, the same day brings a New Moon at 16 degrees Cancer: a day for new beginnings and consolidation of home and family affairs. If you know where this House falls in your natal chart, you’ll know more precisely where in your life this may apply. For example, it falls in my 3rd house of blogging and trips within the British Isles, and I will be visiting my grandson, so could find myself writing about family.

It can be a day of progress, altogether.

On Tuesday (9th) the Sun conjuncts Mercury at 17 degrees Cancer, close to the point of the New Moon, so if that was significant for you, the focus may be carried on the mental plane i.e. you may follow through a line of thought you started the day before. Imaginative writing thrives under Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer.

We are well into the Cancerian season this week, as on Saturday (13th) Mars enters Cancer and you’ll pursue the Cancerian themes of home and family more energetically, and feel protective of young ones.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – sparkling society, progress and new family initiatives
  • Tuesday – intense focus of the mind on emotional themes
  • Saturday – new energy injected into home and family

Wimbledon 2013 – The Finals

In this most unpredictable Wimbledon, here is my last throw of the dice…

Men’s Semi Finals

Novak Djokovic,No. 1 Men’s Seed

Djokovic, continues to  look unbeatable.  Nothing we have seen has challenged that notion.

I have been looking further into his chart, and spotted a 1 degree conjunction between Mercury and the Part of Fortune in Gemini in his 10th House.  Could that be the secret of his intense mental focus channeled into his career?  He has Mercury by 1 degree sextile his Jupiter, and that combination with the Part of Fortune would make him very upbeat mentally by nature. He is born a week apart from Andy Murray and has similar transits.   He is still most likely to meet up with Murray in the final.  Today he has Venus exactly trine his North Node, which is a minor transit, but may ensure the crowd are with him.

In the semi-final today, he plays:

Juan Martin Del Potro, No. 8 Men’s Seed

We do not have a birth time for Del Potro, but he has some wonderful exact aspects in his natal chart,such as Mars exactly sextile Jupiter (boundless energy, and a recurring combination in the athletic world of tennis), Mercury sextile Saturn (realism) and Mercury sextile Uranus by 1 degree (mental acuity and the ability to link his left brain and right brain).   The transit I was worried would block him was Mars opposing his Saturn, which was graphically illustrated in the last match where he took a fall (Saturn) on his knee (Saturn) which was already injured (Mars).  This peaks in the next few days, so playing on it could be very injurious.  By the end of the tournament Mars opposes his Uranus, compounding the need for treatment.  It did not stop him from winning the last match, so there is a chance he can carry on, but even though there is a lot they can do with sports injuries, I don’t know if it would be wise.  He has the transitting North Node exactly trine his natal North Node today, so whatever is possible karmically will be so.

Del Potro and Djokovic would make good friends outside the court, according to their synastry (astrological compatibility).  Their Suns, for instance, are exactly trine with each other in Air.

Andy Murray, No. 2 Men’s Seed

I still feel there is little in it between Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic, born a week apart, though I may be swayed, as much of the nation want him to win but hide behind a cushion when he is playing.

My recurring reverie:

The final has gone to 5 sets, they are 10 games all in the final set…

Then I can’t see what happens next, but I know that Djokovic has won.

My only consolation is that astrologically at this time Andy Murray has a slight edge with a Mars Return.

Andy plays Jerzy Janowicz today in the semi-finals:

Jerzy Janowicz, No 24 Men’s Seed

New star Janowicz has Mars sextile his natal Jupiter, like Del Potro. At the end of Wimbledon Uranus exactly squares his natal Neptune, which is challenging his ability to take in experiences. Uranus still trines his Jupiter which is a transit I think which supported his success in the tournament, but this aspect is on the wane.  Maybe he has done all he can for this tournament, but it is certain that he will be filling our screens again next year.  His synastry with Andy Murray shows an exact opposition between their Mercuries – so a good mental battle is on the cards.

Ladies Finals

Sabine Lisicki

Looking further into Lizicki’s chart I counted no less than 14 squares!  The aspect pattern is almost one of a triple T-square, a rarity.  She has not had an easy ride in life, and injured her ankle badly in 2010, could not walk on it for a long time, but has come back to enjoy Wimbledon as the commentators say with a perpetual smile on her face.  With the squares, it may be a smile burnished from adversity.

At this point in time Pluto is still on Lizicki’s Neptune, and Jupiter squares her Mars (which may galvanize her), but as we have seen she thrives on adversity, and may even beat the planets.  It is time for plumping, and I am going to plump for Sabine.  Her comeback from the match with Radwanska shows that she is currently in the flow of problem-solving.

She plays:

Marion Bartoli

Marion Bartoli, who won easily yesterday, has Mars exactly conjunct her Neptune, and combines her physicality and her spirituality well.   This exact conjunction is taken to another level by Jupiter close by.  Marion laughed as she explained in the after match interview that she had had a 20 minute naps literally just before the match, in order to renew herself.  With Sun exactly sextile Uranus and  conjunct Mercury she is intelligent, and rumoured to have an I.Q. of Mensa level.

Marion and Sabine could also be close off the court from their Synastry, with some personal connections.  Though they could confuse each other with a double whammy of their Neptunes exactly square the other’s Sun.

Well I may be back Wimbledon blogging next year, depending on the results of these efforts!