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Aspects for the week beginning 16 December 2012

Last week we were thinking about 2 children who had lost their mother; this week we find ourselves thinking about parents who have lost their children – in the worst school massacre in U.S. history.

From my Postbag

Q: “I wonder if the fact of Friday’s aspect is what caused the spark (snap/crack) in the mind of Adam Lanza and triggered yesterday’s shooting rampage. The added flashes from the universe were perhaps too much for him to process, cut off as he seems to have been from his emotions.”

(from Dia, Southern California, 15/12/12)

Short Reply

A: “Transiting Uranus (the spark) is now conjunct Adam Lanza’s Mercury (mind) and would have intensified this process.”

Longer Reply

Adam Lanza was said to be autistic, and this may show in the karmic feature of his chart which is Mercury (his mind) square to his Nodal Axis (his karma).  Uranus transitting his Mercury and overloading his mind will have set off the square to his North Node conjunct the Moon in Capricorn, and the square to his South Node in Cancer, creating a T-square.  This would be a complex interaction between his karma (Nodal Axis), his mind (Mercury) and his relationship with the public (Moon).

Connecticut Shootings

The first thing that struck me when looking at the chart of the shootings was that the Midheaven (the meaning of the event in the world) was at 21 degrees Scorpio (a sign associated with the cycle of death and rebirth).  Though I am not well-versed in the astrology of eclipses, it was not lost on me that this was the degree which took place on the eclipse in the middle of November.

In this chart, Mars (planet of shooting) is exactly sextile the Midheaven, increasing the possibility of violence, or activity.  What could we do with such information?  Even knowing that, we could not be vigilant on the moment of every day that the Midheaven is at 21 degrees of Scorpio during the aftermath of an eclipse (the influence of which can last up to 6 months).

The Moon too in this chart is within one degree of Pluto, a destructive aspect emotionally, but one which occurs once a month.  Should we be more vigilant on this day every month?  I do not work with the Moon’s aspects in this blog, though there are some astrobloggers that do (notably Auntie Moon in the U.S., whose link is on my Contact page).  I only point out the New Moon and the Full Moon each month, but may in the future be more vigilant about pointing out vigilance for that aspect.  For those who would like to alert their diary, it will next take place around 10th/11th January 2013.

Gun Laws

Much has been made of the fact that this horrific event may be a turning point for gun laws in the U.S., as was the Dunblane massacre in the U.K.  At the time of Dunblane, there was not a conjunction of the Moon and Pluto (though the Moon was square to Pluto, fuelling destructive emotions).  Pluto however was square to the U.K. Mercury (with the Moon transitting that point) necessitating a change of mind-set.  At this time, the U.S. does not have Pluto squaring its Mercury.  It has Jupiter conjunct its Uranus (which is a new hope from a new Presidency) but more pertinently Mars is trine its Neptune, so that may be related to more sensitivity to gun crime, and a more spiritual approach to this problem.  The prominence of Mercury in these events may be due to the fact that they took place in Schools, establishments ruled by Mercury.  The ongoing backdrop of the square between Uranus and Pluto of course bears much responsibility for current violence and destructiveness.


The Hindu term “Ahimsa” meaning harmlessness may be fundamental to the concept of gun laws.  There was a discussion on the Andrew Marr show this morning which involved the fact that the Sandy Hook School, in which Friday’s massacre took place, was not armed.  Then it was mentioned that someone had suggested arming everyone (which would be the opposite of dis-arming everyone through gun laws).  For me, the fundamental question is, if you had a gun would you be prepared to kill someone else with all the karmic implication that entailed, let alone the mental anguish?

My late friend and working partner Sandy Colyer used to point out the absurdity of the gentle meditative art of Tai Chi being founded on a martial art, and the implication that in practising peace you would contemplate war and be coming from a warlike practice.  I hope I am not misrepresenting her thoughts.

Let us hope that this truly will be a turning point for humanity in our attitude to carrying arms, and mental health, and all the other issues that this tragic event has raised.


Today Venus enters Sagittarius, where it can express itself with a lighter touch than in the previous sign of Scorpio.  It may be a time to examine your relation to faith (Sagittarius) in order to move on from those things which have happened that we cannot now do much about.  That brings to mind the prayer of Reinhold Niebuhr, used by Alcoholics Anonymous:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.”

Venus very soon, also today, hits a square with Neptune, bringing confusion and paranoia in relationships and leaving us wondering what are the things we can change, whether we have the courage to change them, and where is the wisdom to know the difference.  This will be a period of evaluation.

Tomorrow Mercury opposes Jupiter, providing too much information to take in, but some of it positive.

Wednesday (19th) has a trine between Venus and Uranus, and looks like the best day of the week.  It is a much better day for relationships and meetings, and can provide a spark between people (hopefully not too much of a spark).

Friday (21st) is the end of the Mayan calendar and the Winter Solstice signifying the entry of the Sun into Capricorn.  It is ironic that as we go from the lighter sign of Sagittarius every year at that point into the darker or more serious side and sign of Capricorn, the daylight starts to increase again.  So you may notice some change in your inner and outer light and darkness, but may be confused which way it is going.  This year’s experience of course is complicated by the apocalyptic sense produced by what I called the “Ascension cliff” a couple of weeks ago.  I reprise my take on this, which remains essentially the same:

“I spoke to the founder of my Earth Healing group this week about the significance of the 2012 energies which had been feared by some, now that we are nearly through (and the Olympics turned out exceedingly well).  Her conclusion was that change is occurring, but she feels that the biggest lesson has been learning to live with chaos.  I do not feel that the western astrology supports any extraordinary precipice taking place on that particular day.  We are still in the midst of the Uranus-Pluto square and will be through to 2015, but the two exact aspects which take place on 21st December are Venus squaring Chiron, which is uncomfortable, but not rare, and the Sun sextile Neptune, which is a harmonious spiritual attunement.  It would be good to make a wish or two for that date, perhaps a personal one and a global one, for the Sun sextile Neptune supports your dreams, and you need to keep them alive.”

It may say more to you as we are now nearer the event.  My only modification is that the Sun-Neptune sextile actually peaks on Saturday (22nd) at 6.48 a.m. in the U.K., so the spiritual experience may be the dream you wake up with the morning after 21st, which is interesting…

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – love in your heart, and adjustments with others
  • Tomorrow – travel hopefully
  • Wednesday – brighter hope in relationships
  • Friday – the Solstice is what we make of it
  • Saturday – what dreams are left

Aspects for the week beginning 9 December 2012

Deconstructing last week:  The Sun-Jupiter Opposition

Last week’s Sun-Jupiter opposition could have been dubbed The Prankster.  From feedback, some were able to negotiate its challenge of working with polarity, some achieved miracles, and some suffered greatly (I had one complainant to my Customer Service Desk).

Royal Story of the Week

On Monday, the day of the Sun-Jupiter opposition, Kate Middleton was admitted to hospital.  It was a bittersweet story: the pregnancy was still early (about 2 months) and they were not ready to announce it.  It was, however, a source of delight once in the public domain, a good news story.  Except for the fact that Kate had a severe form of morning sickness, and experts were wheeled onto our screens to declare it was unusual, and other facts we didn’t know about it.  Could the baby be on course to be a Cancerian, like its father and grandmother?

Current mixed transits for Kate Middleton include Saturn squaring her Venus (this could be the severe morning sickness), Saturn on her Jupiter (some restriction on her exuberance), Jupiter trine her Mars (joy at the same time). We do not have her birthtime, so we do not know the exact position of her Moon (motherhood)

Current transits for Prince William include Neptune trine his Sun (a spiritual shift), Uranus square his Moon indicating surprise events connected with parenthood, South Node on his Venus (a karmic relationship event), Pluto squaring his Mars (extreme stress) and Neptune trine Jupiter completing a Grand Trine with his Sun (he will be privately over the Moon about the prospect of parenthood).

The condition was treatable, and under control, so far so good.

On Tuesday Australian DJs phoned the hospital, and impersonated the Queen and Prince Charles.  With Mars on Prince William’s South Node, there may have been an unconscious element of warriorship towards the royals in the prank.  The public generally were horrified at the intrusion of privacy which the prank achieved.  This prank would have come under the Sun-Jupiter opposition category of inappropriate laughter, for sure.


It is debatable whether pranks are an acceptable form of humour, or where a line can be drawn.  I myself remember perpetrating a prank or two in my teenage years, I have to hold up my hands in that regard.  Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand generally “got away with” their prank on Andrew Sachs.  A little remembered feature of that prank is that one of them joked about a possible suicide occurring.  If Andrew Sachs had been made of frailer stuff, who knows what might have happened.  Pranks themselves now are under threat.

On Thursday Prince Charles expressed his happy anticipation of grandfatherhood, his delight that Kate was getting better, and even managed a good-natured quip about the prank, asking reporters “How do you know I am not a radio station?”  The dust seemed to be settling on the story.

On Friday, the story took a tragic turn, with the suicide of the nurse who took the call, Jacintha Saldanha, possibly through public humiliation.  According to the hospital, she was not reprimanded, so it must have been the public element which loomed large in her mind.  Nurses are not trained in PR, and having come from India she was probably not even aware of the nuances of regional or class accents.  This was a truly horrific twist in the tale.  The effects on her family, William and Kate and the Australian DJs will be lasting, and live long in the memory and the collective psyche.  It was subsequently revealed that the prank call was pre-recorded and Okd by the radio station before being broadcast.

By that time, Mars was squaring Prince William’s natal Saturn (a harsh event beyond his control), and another element of Kate’s Saturn square her natal Venus emerged (a personal sadness).


On Tuesday (11th) Mercury enters Sagittarius, and there is scope for more mental positivity.  It is a good day to choose an affirmation, and stick to it.  You can make up one, based on your current circumstances, or pick one from a book on affirmations.  Louise L. Hay’s “Heal Your Body” is often by my side, and I think I have quoted the affirmation for flu at least once in my blog, so I will quote one for ageing: “I love and accept myself at every age.  Each moment of life is perfect”.

The focus of applying one’s mind in this way will be crucial on Tuesday, because later we face a square between Mercury and Neptune, and we could become absent-minded, or confused.  We need to remember who we are and what we are doing, before the square messes with that awareness.  Be vigilant, try to focus, and above all keep saying the affirmation.

On Wednesday (12th) Venus will be conjunct the North Node, and we could see some interesting interpersonal karma that day.  We might be catching up, or having reunions, with people we haven’t seen in a while, or since our last incarnation even.  Broadly, this is likely to be an affectionate encounter, though individual karmic or astrological factors could make things more complicated.  Hopefully, though, this aspect will bring the astrological barometer on the up, and help to clear some of our confusion, particularly where it is karmic.

The rest of the week should bring happier experiences.  Thursday (13th) has a New Moon in Sagittarius, happily uncomplicated without an eclipse.  There may be joyful news, and international relations may improve.

The same day Uranus is stationary, prior to turning direct, and you may look forward to the element of the unexpected working with you rather than opposing you.  I still wouldn’t advise in favour of pranks, though.

On Friday (14th) Mercury is trine Uranus, and I did prepare a whole blog earlier on the subject (under Aspects).  But to save you trawling through my back catalogue, here is a passage from that blog:

“It’s a good week to cultivate mental acuity, and telepathic transmission, and to keep your higher antennae out for messages from the Universe.  If you have this aspect natally, you have an intuitional mind, which can sometimes by-pass logic, and cut through it to the real truth.  So we can all have flashes of intuition under this aspect, and it’s a good week to hone the connection between the lower mind and the higher self.“

I would broadly agree with that.

Related Post:


The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – Mentally lifted, then suspended
  • Wednesday – A whole lot of love
  • Thursday – Bright new ventures, more confidence
  • Friday – mental briliance

Aspect for the week beginning 2 December 2012 – Sun opposite Jupiter

Sun opposite Jupiter: Monday 3rd December 2012 1.45 a.m.

We have less drama this week, and a chance to accentuate the positive, with only one aspect, and that aspect being a Jupiterian one.  This aspect comes at the beginning of the week, and occurs just after midnight tonight, at 1.45 a.m. tomorrow morning in the U.K.  So it will set the tone for the week.

Current Themes

The Leveson Report has turned out to be a minefield in terms of understanding and deciding what should now be done about press freedom.  Shami Chakrabarti of Liberty, like Cameron, would tend not to legislate.  Hugh Grant, the McCanns and J.K. Rowling have come out in favour of implementing Lord Leveson’s suggestions and acting to make a difference.  This tug of interests reflects the themes of the Sun opposing Jupiter and especially the signs they fall in, which are Sagittarius and Gemini.

Can I just have another pop at the inappropriateness of Michael Gove’s educational initiatives.  When he was appointed Education minister, and Jupiter went into Gemini (education) I mentioned there would be educational changes.  Unfortunately, these have turned out to be retrogressive, coloured by Michael Gove’s own childhood experiences.  Jupiter in Gemini so far then has been disappointing in this respect.   I hope that the outworkings of this transit prove more useful by the time Jupiter goes into the next sign, Cancer, next June.

Themes for Sun opposite Jupiter

The main themes for Sun opposite Jupiter are: pushing boundaries, going for goals, and taking risks.  Because the opposition is an antagonistic aspect, the energy and fire of action will be there, but may often miss the mark, e.g. as in the arrow of the Sagittarian not quite hitting the target.  However, this is an opportunity, and you may regret not having a go at whatever is in your sights, e.g. it is better to have tried and lost than never to have tried at all.  It is an experimental energy in many ways, and certainly is adventurous.

Inappropriate Laughter

Sun opposite Jupiter is humorous, but the humour may be too alternative or go over the edge of acceptability.  We all have our individual tastes in humour, and our dislikes.  I currently enjoy Jupiter-ruled Miranda Hart, but also the U.S. comedy series about lovable geeks, “The Big Bang Theory”, and am not a great fan of stand-up comedy, or racist jokes such as those which poke fun at the Irish. It is a time when you may generate humour, e.g. in writing a last-minute panto, but hopefully will experience some natural highs.  Unplanned and spontaneous laughter is the best!  I don’t tend to laugh if I have seen an episode of a sitcom before, but hubby can watch the same episode of “Only Fools and Horses” 10 times and still laugh as though he had never seen it before.


Because this aspect is very expansive, even to a fault, the heart may be very open under its influence.  It is not quite the compassionate heart of Pisces, but it is very warm hearted and inclusive in its affections.  Therefore, there may be a tendency to give to others more than one’s material resources would justify, e.g. it is a good time for those Christmas charity collection boxes outside the supermarket to tug at the heartstrings.  If you are a charity worker, capitalize on this!

Hope against adversity

I knew a baby born at the end of 1977 when Jupiter was also in Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius.  Her given name meant “hope”, and she was born two months’ prematurely.  As is often the case with such births, there were several medical emergencies before her parents brought her home, and now she is a very capable mother of two young children.  Her own mother was very positive at the time, and this aspect is about remaining positive under crisis.

The “Gambler” Archetype

This opposition represents the gambler who doesn’t know when to stop.  Poker player, journalist and TV presenter Victoria Coren has the perfect chart for a gambler: Sun in Leo (speculation) trine Jupiter in Sagittarius (luck).  But the opposition between these two planets may eventually cause a player to topple on the side of excess.  Caroline Myss says of the shadow side of this archetype: “Relying on luck rather than hard work…a compulsion to look for the lucky breaks even in relationships, rather than working hard to make them succeed.”  She advises: “Look for the ability to follow your intuition in risky situations.”

Polarity and Beyond

An opposition always brings up a polarity, i.e. two opposite signs.  In the case of Gemini and Sagittarius, the principle is communication.  Gemini is ruled by Mercury and represents for instance magazines or short articles such as blogs.  Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and represents deeper study and the publishing of the weightier tome, i.e. books.  Polarities can complement each other and blend, because they have a common thread (in this case communication). If you master each genre or sign, when you unite the opposites, you can have access to the hologram.  To continue the analogy, you would have access to any type of suitable communication vehicle for your own publication need.

Fiscal and Ascension Cliffs

Jupiter opposes the Sun only once a year, and it doesn’t crop up much in the charts I work with for some reason.  However, astrological financial expert Raymond Merriman tells us this aspect is very significant for finance.  He says “This is one of the most significant of all trading signatures used in Financial Astrology for timing stock market turns”.  The fiscal cliff of January 2013, long-hailed as a time of decision-making for the U.S. after the Presidential election, he feels will be brought forward in time in effect to before the Christmas holiday, to December 21st (the same date as the Mayan Calendar experts and Ascension movement set as a time for shifts in consciousness).  Furthermore, he feels that the European debt crisis will have great significance during 2013.  To read his current blog, click on the link to his website on my Contact page.

I spoke to the founder of my Earth Healing group this week about the significance of the 2012 energies which had been feared by some, now that we are nearly through (and the Olympics turned out exceedingly well).  Her conclusion was that change is occurring, but she feels that the biggest lesson has been learning to live with chaos.  I do not feel that the western astrology supports any extraordinary precipice taking place on that particular day.  We are still in the midst of the Uranus-Pluto square and will be through to 2015, but the two exact aspects which take place on 21st December are Venus squaring Chiron, which is uncomfortable, but not rare, and the Sun sextile Neptune, which is a harmonious spiritual attunement.  It would be good to make a wish or two for that date, perhaps a personal one and a global one, for the Sun sextile Neptune supports your dreams, and you need to keep them alive.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow (Monday) – take a chance on life

Aspects for the week beginning 25 November 2012

We are this weekend in the middle of the activation of the Uranus-Pluto square by Mars, a lively period.  The first part occurred last Thursday, with Mars square Uranus.  The second part occurs next Tuesday, with Mars conjunct Pluto.

Mars triggering the Uranus-Pluto Square – Part 1

The forces of peace did manage just in time last week to achieve a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, so the tension coming up to the square was greater than at its peak.  As Gershon Baskin put it in the Observer this morning: “A bad ceasefire is better than a good war”.  Newly elected President Morsi of Egypt found himself to be a peace broker for this ceasefire, then found himself on the day of the Mars-Uranus square to be the centre of a new uprising in Egypt  (albeit triggered by his own actions).  Certainly the transits for the actual time of the square produced 8 aspects to the Mars in Egypt’s chart.  Not that we were having a quiet time in Europe: David Cameron chose to make a stand that day to EU budget plans.  The weather too was vigorous in the UK, bringing heavy rain, flooding and winds.  Here in Norfolk, the wind blew the remaining vestiges of  autumn leaves from the silver birches, and it’s beginning to look a lot like winter.  In your own life, you may have found yourself having to stand up to another, or stand up for what you believe in.  My story is under “Shopping Safety”, towards the end of this blog.


Today Venus trines Chiron, a chance to assess the healing potential of the crises of the last few days.  There is also a creative opportunity within this, and in the expression of feelings which have arisen.

Tomorrow is a busy day aspectwise, so you can keep your diary free to deal with them, or go with the flow.   The Sun trines Uranus, so brilliant new initiatives may emerge. You may see a way to do things differently.

Mercury goes direct tomorrow, too, which will help those who have felt their documentation pinned back during its retrograde motion.  I have got stuck in the middle of installing Pay Pal to my website, and am hoping that Mercury turning direct will at least help me make the next step.

Lastly, the Sun squares Chiron, and a healing crisis may keep you occupied, or confine you to enforced rest on the couch.  It’s a chicken soup situation at supper time if you are the carer or the caterer, and if vegetarian try the new butternut squash soup recipe from Nigel Slater sprinkled with paprika and served with butternut squash peeling crisps.

Tuesday (27th) is laid low by a conjunction between Venus and Saturn and romantic woes, then cranking up the tension towards the Mars-Pluto conjunction in the evening.

Mars triggering the Uranus-Pluto Square – Part 2

If you successfully negotiated the Mars-Uranus threat to safety last Friday, the chances are that you will know how to handle and grasp the energy of Mars-Pluto which detonates on Tuesday evening.

If you found Mars-Uranus difficult, then it is best to stand back and allow others who are more well-versed in handling conflict and clashes to deal with the situation, or observe nature taking its course.

The two events (Parts 1 and 2) may, or may not be, linked.  In other words, it is possible that events next Tuesday are linked to, or follow on from them, as a Part 2 or Act 2 of a drama play (not a panto).

If there is any gift to be found in the situation, it will be in the energy that is released from the meeting of these two forces (Mars and Pluto).

Aspects contd.

Late lunchtime on Wednesday (28th) another eclipse occurs (the twin eclipse to that of 13th November).  This time it is a Full Moon in Gemini, and may help to turn your thinking around.  Again it may be a very tense time, and you may want to schedule rest time in your diary from 2 pm to 4 pm, just for processing, and more couch time.

At precisely 4 pm, arise from the couch, for Venus will be sextile Pluto at 2 minutes past (in the UK), and at last you might find the right energy to cope.  Relationships will be understood at a deeper level, and there may be the green light for all those other activities too, with Mercury now fully turned back and back in his stride too.

You’re still on the up on Thursday (29th), with a sextile in the evening between Venus and Mars, lovey dovey for partners, sensual for artists, graceful for action types.  In a week of uppers and downers, we end on the up.

Shopping Safety

With the Mars trigger transitting my Mercury, I faced a potentially threatening incident during the Part 1 phase, but Mars on my Mercury also helped keep me vigilant.

I was walking through my local Boots, on an errand for hubby…A woman pointed to a £10 note on the floor and enquired whether it was mine.  “Check your purse!” she urged, and I opened it a millimetre before concluding it wasn’t.

I felt the encounter to be strange, to say the least, and after having made my purchase, I gingerly stepped outside Boots, to the inward tune of the Pink Panther, and looked around to check she wasn’t lying in wait.

I was half way on my walk home, when I felt someone touch my handbag.  I looked round in an instant and saw the same lady behind me.  As I expressed my indignation, she scuttled away.  I clutched my handbag to me in the style of Les Dawson, with a matching expression.

In talking to a policewoman later, it seems this is a typical scam at this Christmas shopping season.  Keep your handbag with the zip in front, she cautioned, and spread the word.  So if you know any little old ladies, like me, let them know what is going on.

3 More Junglers

My predictive faculties have been quite sprightly this year, but fallen flat in the case of analyzing the prospects of the Jungle contestants.  In the spirit of enquiry (or egg-on-the face), I am going to have a look at three of the remaining junglers:

Ashley Robertsis an American, ex-Pussycat Doll, doing well currently in the jungle, but not as spectacularly as her fellow Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger on X-Factor.

Ashley is a perfectionistic Virgo, with 4 planets in elegant Libra.  Like Brian Conley (sadly out of the Jungle) and Charlie Brooks (still in) she has the push me-pull you conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.  She comes across as quite level-headed, so has it well balanced.  I think the contrast of her US identity gives her an advantage, as she is able to be more detached from some of the British concerns and personalities, and makes her more able to make light of the experience (“Another day in Paradise” she observed wryly.)  She has a spiritual side, yoga and meditation being part of her daily ritual, and these will help sustain her for at least a few more days.

She will have bounced into the Jungle, on a trine from Jupiter to her natal Jupiter, seeing it as a big adventure.  The aspects for the end of the Jungle experience are not notable, so she may not see it through to the end, but Jupiter will be trine her Saturn so she will see it overall as a positive life experience and learning.

Rosemary Shrageris a TV chef and the trainer of Ladettes to Ladies.   She has Sun, Venus, Chiron and Moon in Aquarius, her Sun being square to a conjunction of Jupiter/Neptune/North Node.  She entered the Jungle late, with Limahl, but seems to have fitted in, or survived, better.  Aquarians are good in groups, and Limahl on the day he was evicted was complaining of loneliness (Sun conjunct Saturn).

A rough ride in camp would be expected from Pluto currently on her Mercury, and Saturn on her Neptune. She strikes me as someone who has great vision and enthusiasm, but may also have some naivety.  If she survives the next few days, she may be quite excited at the finish, with Jupiter sextile her natal Uranus and Neptune trine her Jupiter (spiritual epiphany).  It is possible that in some way she may endear herself to the public or gain a sympathy vote, which keeps her in the game.

Hugo Tayloris a character from “Made in Chelsea” and has drawn comments from fellow contestant Eric Bristow about his elevated social status.

Very different from Ashley’s outlook, as a Sun in Capricorn he is unashamedly serious about this competition.  He has conquered his fear of spiders, and emerged triumphant in the bush tucker trials.

His chart shows a mentally sensitive side, in Mercury conjunct his Neptune.  He is capable of learning rapidly from his life experiences, his experiences in the Jungle, and his own mistakes.

Some challenging aspects accompanied his entry into the Jungle, and I think he might have felt initially hesitant, but at the end the North Node conjuncts his Venus, so again the public may warm to him, and it will be a personal best for him in terms of relations with his fellow humans.

The week  in bullet points:

  • Today – on the up:  healing relationships
  • Tomorrow – brilliant start, communications improving, then healing crisis
  • Tuesday – a tough day
  • Wednesday – tension, followed by resolution
  • Thursday – on the up again

Aspects for the week beginning 18 November 2012


Yesterday Mars went into Capricorn, preparing to come into confrontation with the Uranus-Pluto square.  When this destructive square is triggered by Mars, we tend to see violence or social unrest in some form.  It is not difficult to imagine the escalation of bombardment between Gaza and Israel resulting in a peak of violence, and this may well coincide with Mars first squaring Uranus (on Friday this week) then forming a conjunction with Pluto on Tuesday of next week (27th).  Mars squaring Uranus is explosive, and Mars conjunct Pluto sparks violence.  It is difficult to imagine what both sides think will be achieved by violence.  I am a pacifist and would like everyone to lay down their arms, thank you very much.  Can thoughts of peace by peacelovers all over the world overcome the desire for war in a specific region of the world?  There must be peacelovers among the ordinary citizens in that region, and maybe our thoughts can connect with their longing for peace, and overcome the desire of governments and military men who lack the imagination to think outside the box of war.

As we continue our journey mindfully with Mars, which features strongly in aspects towards the end of the week, we encounter some mixed aspects along the way, some of which are helpful to the cause of peace.  The Sun enters Sagittarius on Wednesday 21st.  Sagittarius is the sign of Good will to all men and women, which is part of the equation that we are seeking.  If you would like to re-acquaint yourself with the positive energy of Sagittarius, you can read or re-read “The Sagittarian Guide to Optimism” by Marion Kobylinski:


The Sagittarian bonhomie may kick in automatically for you on Wednesday, but just in case it doesn’t, this contribution to the Zodiac Masterclass Series may refresh that part of you.

Venus enters Scorpio on Thursday 22nd, and Venus represents the Peacemaker.  She can get swamped by the passion and intensity of Scorpio, but needs to hold her own if her mission of peace is to succeed.  Shore up your Libran qualities of peace and harmony in the lead up to Thursday, so that those qualities can make a significant contribution while Venus is in Scorpio (up to 16th December).  For peace to succeed, Venus needs to be able to express herself in Scorpio.  Your own Venus principle also needs to combine positively with the Scorpio powers (getting things done, galvanizing people out of apathy, facing difficult issues, psychological honesty).  Meditate on peace every day so that it becomes a significant force in your life and on the planet.  Many people see peace as an ineffectual or even uninteresting issue: it needs to become a significant force for good.  When you bring it forth in your meditations, it is a palpable force, not just a flat idea.

There is a fly in the ointment operating that day, in terms of the Sun squaring Neptune.  This may throw confusion into the mix, or indecision.  Remain true to yourself and your convictions, while being open to the sensitivity and spirituality of the positive rays of Neptune, which will be there somewhere in the mix even when it is transmitting more negatively as with the square to the Sun.  Be clear in your own mind what is right for you.

Another aspect that day is more helpful: Venus trine Neptune.  This brings together all the peace and harmony of Venus and the positive spiritual perspective of Neptune.  This can in a real way help peace initiatives, in this period just before Mars triggers the Uranus-Pluto square.  Again, be clear, and don’t let the glamours, illusions and false ideals of the Sun square Neptune occurring on the same day, blind you.  You can use the Venus-Neptune trine to make practical headway in your cause.  Venus can be a practical force, through its connection with Taurus.

On Friday (23rd) the Mars aspects start to kick in, beginning with its square with Uranus.  Those dedicated to aggression may throw a tantrum and display explosiveness.  You may need your Venus peace spray, or meditational vibes, to apply to the disturbed area.  Maybe your local health shop or crystal shop has something of that nature in stock, such as a space clearing spray.  Peace loving crystals include blue lace agate for peaceful communication, and chrysocholla for world peace.  Amethyst can steady people and raise their vibration, deflecting lower energies.

If there is a problem in the workplace, seek safety in numbers by joining forces in your Union.  If it is a more personal matter, as I said last week the Human Resources department is the place to hang out and air your views.  And the Health and Safety rep is a must stop when Mars issues are about.  Mars sextiles Chiron that day, so Chiron will help those who help themselves.

On Saturday (24th) although Mars is still on its trajectory to Pluto, it does form a sextile with Saturn, which will help to steady your energies and support your cause.  If you have made headway in your mission (such as promoting peace), then you may start to think about how foundations may be laid to support a future you can believe in, or sow some seeds.  You may feel as though you are on a battlefield still, but there is work that can be done.  Remember to rest or meditate and recuperate, if there is the opportunity.  You need to know you are acting from the best place.

And there we leave it at the weekend, in the middle of a Mars-strewn path.  Peace may be hanging by a thread, but you can always find it, if you look.

The Jungle

If you are still following the celebrities in the jungle, here is an update on a few more contestants, continuing from last week:

Helen Flanaganis a Sagittarian, a “natural comedian” as Brian Conley described her early in the week.  Now, he and his fellow contestants may not be so sure about that.  In being up for the bush tucker trial every day virtually, and failing at every one, the hungry pack is beginning to lose patience.  It was revealed this week that she does have one Sagittarian trait, a dislike of housework, and I don’t think she has contributed much to tidying and cleaning in the jungle.  With Mercury conjunct Uranus, conversations with her take a surprise turn, which entertained initially but it is proving irritating to the campers now.  Uranus is currently square her Uranus, and if she is still in the camp on Friday, the Mars square may find the other contestants rebelling.

Eric Bristow  – is known in the Darts world.  He is a Conservative but doesn’t seem a fan of Nadine’s politics.  He has endeared himself to the other contestants by being skilled in mental arithmetic, which was useful on at least one occasion.  He has Mercury on his South Node in Taurus natally, which means that in a former life he may have been a teacher figure.  Some of those numerically-challenged, such as Linda Robson, do look up to him in this way.  His North Node in Scorpio may reflect his karmic mission as a darts player, but he may be one of those losing his temper on Friday.  He also has no phobias, which may be a fearless North Node in Scorpio trait – I haven’t done enough research on it.

Limahl  –  another Sagittarian, has wasted no time in continually mentioning the fact that he sang the theme song for Never Ending Story.  Boastfulness can be a Sagittarian trait, but this song which was an inspiration to many (including it seems fellow contestant Ashley Roberts) reflects his exact natal sextile between Venus and Neptune.  With Moon in Aries and Sun in Sagittarius, his truth-talking has already (he was a late entrant) caught the public attention and admiration.  He describes himself as obsessive compulsive, which may be down to his exact natal conjunction between the Sun and Saturn, but he also has a fear of confined spaces, which is a classic Sagittarian phobia.  He could do well in the competition, with Saturn sextile his Pluto when he entered the jungle, and Saturn sextile his Venus towards the end of the series.

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – Good will possible
  • Thursday – Pre-empt with Peace
  • Friday – Some elements determined on aggression
  • Saturday – A deliberate forward step can be taken

Aspects for the week beginning 11 November 2012

Nadine Dorries

Speaking earlier this year: “I think that not only are Cameron and Osborne two posh boys who don’t know the price of milk, but they are two arrogant posh boys who show no remorse, no contrition, and no passion to want to understand the lives of others – and that is their real crime”

Nadine Dorries MP, who has travelled to the Australian jungle to get our attention, has the Part of Fortune at the top of her natal chart, cusping her 9th House (representing the Jungle at the other end of the globe) and 10th House (Politics).  Having no birthtime for her, we cannot be sure which side the Part of Fortune falls.

Her Moon is cusping Aquarius and Pisces, and squaring her Sun (a dilemma of whether to follow her conscious or subconscious impulses, which are often at odds), but given her delight in publicity, Aquarius seems more likely, and therefore she may also be more at home in the Jungle (the 9th House).  That would also put Pluto opposite her Moon, causing her to constantly push her own emotional boundaries.

This is reinforced by the North Node’s position in Scorpio, meaning that in her karmic mission she does not seek the easy way, she enjoys a challenge, and challenging environments.  The Nodal Axis is squared by Chiron, and she thrives on crisis and embodies this in her group life (having everyone on the edge of their seats, whether parliamentary or jungle).

The greatest asset in her Mercury-ruled chart (she is born at the beginning of Gemini) is Mercury exactly sextile Mars, so she has a sharp mind and wit and does not hesitate to use it.

Currently,  Neptune is squaring her Sun, so in some respects she is lost and looking for herself, or escaping.  But conversely, Neptune trines her Neptune, so she may be finding herself too, in a spiritual sense.  These influences last for the duration of the programme, so as T.S. Eliot put it:

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”

Those she left behind

David Cameron – She has mixed aspects in her relationship with David Cameron, but notably one of conflict: her Pluto conjunct his Mars.  But he may be pre-occupied at the moment, learning the lessons of the U.S. Presidential election.  Saturn is currently conjunct his Sun, limiting his self-expression (he was unable to comment freely in his interview with Philip Schofield this week) and Pluto square his Venus (ruling planet) meaning that he will be recognizing at this time a need for transformation in his personal relations and wider applications.  His transits at the moment are saying “Whoa!  I need to take stock here”.

Boris Johnson – Dorries is an admirer of fellow-Geminian Boris, and this is undoubtedly linked to her criticism of David Cameron.  Indeed Boris has been quoted as saying: “She’s got all the skills necessary to survive in the jungle”.  He also supports the outcome of her jaunt: “As I understand it, she’s got to come back and explain her action and I’m sure she’ll be able to come back and give a very full and exciting account”.  Dorries and Boris’ Moons are in trine, but they have a challenging square between her Saturn and his Pluto should they be in a situation in the future of working together more closely.

Eric Pickles – I am relying heavily on Observer quotes, for which I apologize, but irresistibly Eric is quoted as saying:

“I’ll obviously miss her and I’m going to have to struggle on bravely without her.  But I, like a loyal friend, will be voting to keep her in as long as possible.  I shall be ringing in religiously every week to keep her there”

Eric has got some good astrological connections with Nadine, but his Pluto does square her Nodal Axis, so he may find karmic relief in her temporary absence.

Her Constituents – Louise Mensch ex-MP, who recently abandoned her constituents in Corby to go and live in New York, has written an article condemning Nadine Dorries for abandoning her constituents.  Neptune is one of the planets associated with abandonment, and while Nadine’s Neptune is currently trine her Neptune (though squaring her Sun), Louise’s Neptune has been squaring her Neptune since she left Corby.  Nadine’s situation has obviously been a trigger for looking at Louise’s own abandoning issues.

Some of her current companions

Brian Conleyhas an ambivalent Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, which is part of his comic charm, having you on the edge of laughter with his quivering nasal hesitant voice.  His current aspects are strong, and he should do well in the initial stages of the competition.  However, he may find the physical challenges very gruelling by the end stages, according to his transits.

Charlie Brooks – has several personal oppositions in her chart currently, so may feel very out of sorts at the beginning of the competition.  She also has Jupiter conjunct Saturn in her natal chart, and may also be an indecisive character with the conjunction being in Libra.  Her journey does not appear to strengthen her, as her final aspects are no easier, though as an ex-soap star she should have a solid following.

Linda Robson –  may as a Piscean, roll with the punches of the challenging programme, and though she may go through the mill, she does emerge with a new outlook on life and spirituality, with Neptune trine her Jupiter at the end, although it simultaneously opposes her Pluto.  This may earn her the public respect to make her a real contender.


Neptune goes Stationary prior to turning direct this morning.  If like Obama you have been drifting lately, you can begin to move forward spiritually.  You can refresh your spiritual button.  A meditation could be formative in this.  On this day,  Remembrance Sunday, our remembrance can be idealized, spiritual and positive with Neptune’s forward movement.

On Tuesday 13th there is an eclipsed New Moon at 21 deg Scorpio in the evening. If it’s your birthday there may be changes and decisions in your life over the next six months.  These may be issues you already know about and may be preparing for.  For example, if someone your have been reliant on is temporarily leaving your life you may have to change your psychological dynamic and lifestyle.  There may be career crossroads too, to consider.  It signals a deeper way of being with yourself.

On Wednesday 14th Mercury squares Neptune, so take care when making decisions.  It might be better to put them off until you feel clearer.  You may be dreamy and absent-minded at this time.  If you feel drained, consider it a signal to rest up, as the consequences of your actions may be less than satisfactory if you are performing below par.

Mercury then retrogrades back from Sagittarius to Scorpio, and mental tasks and decision-making may feel heavier than of late.  There seems to be more resting on them, and responsibility starts to play an increasing role.

On Saturday 17th Mars goes into Capricorn – again bringing heaviness and responsibility, but this time in connection with energy and action.  Train your Inner Warrior carefully in Peace skills, for Mars is about to come into confrontation with the Uranus-Pluto square, which will be very tricky.  At work, consult your Health and Safety rep for tips in negotiating next week’s challenges, then visit Human Resources for advice on the human angle and to avoid clashes (e.g. over the holiday timetable).

In the meantime, step one in the training is a handy gift from Neptune, a sextile to Mars, which appraises you of the spiritual perspective of the tasks ahead.  It is a good time to meditate on the spirituality of peace and war, and your own take on it.  Do you believe, for instance, that life can be lived without any conflict?  It is important to know where you stand.

Finally, on Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Scorpio: crystallizing thought on Scorpionic issues, such as the cycle of birth-death-rebirth.  Saturday is good preparation for next week, and if you address all these issues, you should feel good about yourself.

Eco Report

A new voice has been called forth to the blog!  That of the hitherto silent Hubby.  His message is one of encouragement if you have been contemplating fitting solar panels to your roof:

“Almost exactly a year ago, Lan and I invested in solar panels (of the photovoltaic variety).  It was a reasonably large investment for people of our means but my impulsive Moon in Aries enabled me to go ahead with it and we were both pulled in by the positive environmental aspects in regard to reducing our carbon footprints.  For about two months we marvelled (well I did, anyway) as the wheel on the meter revolved backwards showing that our electricity was flowing into the National Grid.  E.ON, our energy company, soon cottoned onto this, and changed the meter.  However, even considering the dreadful summer we have had, the output of our cells was almost exactly as promised and predicted, and it also made us some money.  I don’t know what astrological aspects predicted or influenced this heliocentric investment but we are pleased with the outcome.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – spiritual renewal
  • Tuesday – being prepared for change
  • Wednesday – be on the ball, or rest.  Questions may be put to you.
  • Saturday – change of emphasis, spiritual help, and deep insight

Aspect for the week beginning 4 November 2012 – Venus trine Jupiter

Thus spake Hurricane Sandy. Cassandra in ancient Greek mythology carried a message of warning. She was certainly reminding us of climate change, but her timing was such that she might have wanted to intervene in the stalemate  of the U.S. election too. Who is she voting for?

I was going to archive some of my past blog statements about the U.S. Presidential election, but have had technical difficulties this weekend, so I will just reiterate that my impression is that Barack Obama will be re-elected.  You can search on this blog, my journey on the subject.  If you need detailed observations and chart wisdom on the subject, click on Nancy’s blog on my Contact page and you will find everything you need.

In my astrological style I tend to stick to the basics of the natal chart, and avoid overly technical departures from that, and I can come over as simplistic.

Conversely, there are astrologers who rely heavily on their psychic powers, and some can read a chart entirely by placing their hands on a chart or seeing the aspect lines.

I have never regarded myself as a psychic astrologer, but have always said I am intuitive. However, when it comes to chart interpretation I almost entirely rely on the logic of the planetary principles. This keeps me grounded as an astrologer and ensures I can always explain my working.

So, curiously, my most compelling factor in predicting a victory for Obama is a dream I had months ago. In the dream, I was looking after my grandson, and the victory flashed on the television screen. I only look after my grandson once in a fortnight, and I subsequently found that I am in fact due to be there when the results are due.

Mercury retrograde may not be as important a factor as some astrologers would convey in the presidential result, but undeniably it does take central stage on election day, at 23.03 Hrs on Tuesday 6th November in the U.K.

From my postbag

Number one query in my postbag is always:

“Is Mercury retrograde? Aargh! My communications have gone haywire!!!”

Very often when I am asked this, Mercury is not retrograde. Yet this phrase is in common usage, and has almost made the Oxford and Webster’s dictionaries.  A little clarity may be offered by the following:


[Note: Mercury retrograde is not an aspect]

Mercury was the Roman god of communication, preceded by the Greek Hermes who was preceded by the Egyptian Thoth. They have the reputation of being tricksters but I would love to try and rehabilitate or upgrade their reputation. Mercury, through Gemini, represents the duality of life, where it is stepped down from the Oneness of the Source.  It sees the positive, and it sees its shadow.

Retrograde Mercury or planets squaring Mercury represent a more human and pre- technology communication problem.    It is easier to own your  part in mis-hearing or not speaking clearly. It represents older forms of communication such as snail mail or rail travel. In combination with Mars people can be irritable, and in combination with Neptune they can be vague, absent-minded, or deliberately deceptive.


Uranus represents the higher mind, but also the bolt from the blue, against which it is difficult to legislate.  It represents electrical  goods, and technology, such as computers. When people write in and ask “What is going on? Is Mercury retrograde?” the most common problem is that their email is failing or their computer has gone wrong. This phenomena is especially heightened when Uranus squares Mercury.  But  the current background of Uranus square Pluto provides a climate of such mishaps. The route to dealing with Uranian challenges is to develop your higher intuition (not the same as the gut instinct of the solar plexus, though the gut instinct can work with the intuition). This faculty can pick up, intercept or even pre-empt the disruptiveness of Uranus.  If, like me though, your intuition doesn’t extend to computers, you have to call the I.T. expert.

Venus trine Jupiter

On Friday 9th November at 7.26 a.m. Venus trines Jupiter, our only Aspect of the Week.

I associate Venus trine Jupiter with romance, partying, celebrations, engagements and weddings. It is a bountiful aspect.

Since weddings and civil partnerships are rare events, we may need to create an excuse to celebrate on Friday.  Maybe we can celebrate an aspect of life itself.

Venus trine Jupiter in the birth chart

What qualities show up in the birth chart when Venus trines Jupiter and what does it tell us about the potential of this aspect?

Melody and song flourish under Venus trine Jupiter, and two singers who have this natally are Debbie Harry (from Blondie) and Donovan, two mellifluous singers.

The quality of beauty comes under this aspect.  Model Christie Brinkley has this aspect natally, and was the muse for Billy Joel’s song “Up Town Girl”.

Still on that theme, noted beauty Elizabeth Taylor had a heightened double trine of Venus/Uranus trine Jupiter/ Part of Fortune.

Create something beautiful, perhaps, on Friday.

Conducter Daniel Barenboim has Venus trine Jupiter and has been able to unite (an exalted quality of Venus) Israelis and Palestinians in his East West Divan orchestra. Successful diplomacy comes under this aspect.

Perhaps you can persuade Gareth Malone to set up a choir near you, under this aspect.

From the world of art Dante Gabriel Rossetti, painter and poet and founder of the Pre-Raphaelites, possessed this aspect. Hopefully he will be the subject of my third blog on the Pre-Raphaelites.

Where the Jupiter side of the equation is emphasized a person can become a philosophical beacon, such as psychological explorer Christine Hartley an early proponent of past life therapy, or Esther Hicks who is a popular and prolific modern exponent of positive thought in the vehicle of the Law of Attraction.  She was also able to balance a successful partnership and collaboration with her husband the late Jerry Hicks.  Renaissance rebel Giordano Bruno also carried this aspect, which can bring the revelation of truth.

This aspect therefore provides  a suitable time and opportunity to augment and sharpen your philosophy of life counter to the current trend of cynicism. You may be able to put together a workshop or gathering at short notice of like minded people or Lightworkers.

Above all, it is a day of hope.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – Mercury Retrograde  =  return of the President

Minding your communications

  • Friday – Venus trine Jupiter = Celebrating the election outcome

Appreciating life

Aspects for the week beginning 28 October 2012

Halloween Edition

Colour Healing

We certainly need the glow of pumpkins at this week, with Halloween and the American Presidential Election looming, plus fears around the trajectory of Hurricane Sandy.  The clocks went back this morning, and the nights are going to be darker.

The Sacral Chakra just below the navel is linked with Scorpio and Pluto, and pumpkin is a healing colour associated with that chakra.  We certainly need it in Britain right now, with tackling the vast scale of the Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal and all that it has uncovered.  Pumpkin orange is a cleansing colour.

Colours of the chakras run opposite to the colours of the zodiac, so they balance and neutralize each other, rolling into white light.  Aries rules the head and the colour red, and Libran blue is an antidote for Aries headache.  The Crown Chakra has Violet as its traditional colour, and Pisces which rules the feet has that colour as one of its main associations.  In the chakra system, the feet are part of the red area of the spectrum.  In the rainbow, and the chakra system, green is the central and most neutralizing colour, and I associate that with Virgo, the sixth zodiac sign.  In the chakra system, green is associated with the heart and yellow with the solar plexus chakra.  However, in astrology the Sun and Leo, the sign prior to Virgo, represent the heart.  One system which enables you to graphically and tangibly work with the various opposites is the Cosmokrator designed and patented by Asia Haleem.

National treasure Vince Cable comes from the pumpkin-coloured party, the Lib Dems, and Sun sign Taurus, to which I assign pink for the regular colour, and peach for the spiritual colour.  He has proven his prescience on finance (sacral chakra) but is not a natural leader, he is a supporter.  He knows about feminine leadership, and would be leading from behind George Osborne, except that George Osborne is determined not to listen. He knows his own worth, but doesn’t often allow his ego to get out of hand (no politician is a saint).  There is not much opportunity for him to make a difference at the moment, with his hands tied in the coalition knot position, but I still feel he could surprise us and has potential.  There is a splendid transit of Uranus sextile his Mercury now, and a trine of Uranus to his Pluto (next becoming exact 12th November) around now, so something of his brilliance may be emerging somehow.  I detect a glow from his aura, which might be pumpkin coloured…I don’t think it’s fake tan.

Using Pumpkin Orange

Pumpkin orange can be used to heal issues around the sacral area.  According to LaUna Huffines, orange can also be used to heal disorders of the adrenal glands, vitality, alcoholism and allergies.

According to Laeh Maggie Garfield the colour pumpkin has the following properties: “Pumpkin Orange – (and all clear golden oranges) – One of the three universal healing colours.  Denotes joy, vitality, abundance, and especially the ability to shape matter with your mind to draw material goods and congenial people into your life.”

If you are adept at visualizing colour, you can do so in meditation, and transmit the colour where it is needed.  For example, sending it to someone who has agreed to receive it for healing.

Crystals which also hold the healing energy for this colour and the sacral chakra are carnelian and orange chalcedony.  You may also like to try amber.

The pink over gold bottle B76 in the Aura Soma colour healing system seems to be helpful in this usage, too.  In the Aura Soma system, orange has traditionally been used as a shock absorber, but the pink over gold bottle is especially soothing.  Mike Booth writes that this bottle: “Can relate to someone who finds it difficult to remember the past, possibly because it is too painful”.

The Aspects

Today Mars opposes Jupiter at lunchtime in the U.K., which conjures up a picture of a clown juggling on a trapeze.  You could be jumping up and down with excitement about something today.  It’s a high energy aspect, and may see you going overboard about a person or an idea.  Mars and Jupiter produce a fire, among which pumpkin flames dance.

Before lunchtime is out, Venus enters Libra, and Libran David Cameron might inadvertently say “Calm down, dear!” despite the fact he has been trying to live down the phrase.  We might have reason to tell ourselves to calm down, as we cannot cope with the fire of creative ideas induced by Mars opposite Jupiter.  As the aspects occur so close together, the best strategy is to combine the two. Expression through the throat chakra may be a good way to do this, perhaps sing a mash up of two contrasting songs, as they are prone to do on the X-Factor these days.

Tomorrow Mercury prances into Sagittarius, and the mind can turn to more festive thoughts than of late.  Mercury the traveller arrives at a fresh new port of call, relaying new positive messages and hopeful ideas.  One such idea may capture your attention and announce itself as your new mantra.  It would be good to establish that early in the day, lunchtime or early afternoon, for late afternoon we have a complication, in the form of Mercury square Neptune, and suddenly all is not as it seems.  The newly arrived traveller may not be making sense, or you cannot grasp his language.  You may shy away from your initial enthusiasm, even doubt your new mantra, until you can fathom the mystery that he now brings.  Examine documentation before you sign on the dotted line.  If you are dining out, ask to know the exact source of the shellfish, then continue to be careful.

Emotions may also become fraught, for a Full Moon in Taurus ensues, before the evening meal is out.  A Full Moon in Taurus opposes the Sun in Scorpio, so there may be a slight contretemps over the coffee (though if you had listened to Michael McIntyre, you wouldn’t be having a coffee before going home to sleep).

On Tuesday (30th) the Sun sextiles Pluto late morning, which is a nice recovery position after the previous evening.  If you are examining psychological issues (which may have come up last night) then the Universe supports you.  If you are evading them, then the Universe will remind you!

Happy Halloween

An Old Family Recipe

The mouthwatering pumpkin recipe I have inherited may have come from the Middle East (I will have to check with my mother.  Some of her recipes she invented later).

It involves cooking pumpkin with garlic, mint, lemon juice and sugar.  The traditional recipe calls for lamb and a light stock to be combined with these ingredients.

However, since I have been vegetarian going on 30 years, I substitute vegetables instead of the meat, such as red peppers and red kidney beans, and add vegetable stock.

Remember to wear pumpkin orange.  It’s very rare that I can get hubby to co-ordinate (it happened only once this year, and funnily enough it was pumpkin orange, when we went to Tate Britain).

On Thursday November 1st, we enter into choppier waters, starting a T-square: first Venus opposes Uranus on Thursday itself.  This puts relationships under the pressure of the Uranus Pluto cosh.  It will be difficult to come to agreements, and you may need to keep silent if your words will further inflame a situation or alienate someone important to you.  The truth may be more important to you, but there are small truths and big truths, battles seen against the overall war.

Switch your colour healing palette now to a contrasting one from pumpkin, the continued use of which may make you manic.  I have my favourite wardrobe colours, but make sure I rotate them so as not to become unbalanced (!)  Suggested wardrobe colour is indigo, and for crystals lapis lazuli or sodalite.  These colours will also put you in touch with the soul realms which you may be seeking on All Saint’s Day, and All Soul’s Day on Friday 2nd.

Our final aspect, on Saturday Nov 3rd is Venus square Pluto, the other half of the T-square equation.  More relationships under the pressure of the Uranus-Pluto cosh, and possibly more disruptive.  The other party or parties may not make an effort to understand, but all you can do is to make that effort to understand at least your own motives and psychology.  You cannot legislate for the others.  Put out your tender for advance forgiveness, and let karma take its course.  Eventually, there will be a return…

Tooth Healing and More

Many thanks for the good wishes for my tooth extraction, which worked wonders.  I was not in any pain either before, during or after the extraction.  I also did not take any pain killers (apart from the injections for the actual extraction) or anti-biotics at any stage, and the dentist did not even offer them to me.  The extraction itself took 1 second (the new Chinese dentist declared it might have been two seconds).  Mars transiting my 8th House was conjunct my Chiron at the tooth extraction (plus Saturn square my Jupiter in 10th House).  I am stunned, and very grateful!  Let me assure you, dear readers, that my tooth landscape does not yet resemble that of a Halloween pumpkin.

More significant healing took place for friend and commenter Flick, who declared “I have been able to move forward and today the glorious news that I am all clear of the cancer I had this very week last year.”


Laeh Maggie Garfield:  “Companions in Spirit”

LaUna Huffines: “Healing Yourself with Light”

Mike Booth:  “Aura-Soma Handbook”


The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Enthusiasm, then the calm after the storm
  • Tomorrow – Enthusiasm, confusion, then possible emotional storm
  • Tuesday – stabilization and insight
  • Wednesday – Happy Halloween!
  • Thursday – Steering relationships through choppy waters
  • Saturday – Surrendering relationships to higher wisdom

Aspects for the week beginning 21 October 2012

Fixed Star of the Week – Izar

The fixed star of the week, which aligns with our Sun today, is Izar, the Epsilon star in the constellation of Bootes.

It is therefore a helpful influence in setting a tone for the coming week.

According to “Starlight Elixirs” by Fred Rubenfeld and Michael Smulkis, its consciousness is connected with how we utilize energy from other realms and bring it into our practical reality and physical body.  The effectiveness of this process is akin to a yogi living on prana, in that minerals can be balanced and metabolized (the specific example given being potassium and sodium) regardless of or in spite of foods being taken in (e.g. bananas and salt) or not taken in.

Here is a quotation from”Living on Light” by Michael Werner and Thomas Stockli:

“When you receive your nourishment from light, an energy or a force, or whatever you like to call it, flows into you; it is simply present when you need it. How much comes in depends on how much you use; this is like a law of nature.”

There may be certain personalities we know who make us think “Where do they get their energy from?”  if they do not eat the quantities we deem healthy.  Or “How do they manage, physically?” if they do not eat what we would consider the right foods.

In her book “The Only Diet there Is” rebirther Sondra Ray states that it is not the food we eat, it is what we believe about the food we eat, which is the crux of the matter.

Much of our energy is derived from non-physical sources, such as the inspiration we draw from the words or actions of others, religious and spiritual sources, or cosmic sources in meditation.  So it is a good time to consider our own processes in that respect, and make the most of all our energy sources, including good food.

Here are the concluding comments about Izar from my fixed star bible mentioned earlier:

“Some of these issues of balance itself, understanding give and take, water and its ability to transfer vibration, these things are naturally a part of this balancing process with potassium and sodium.  There is a direct influence on such secondary effects as uptake of oxygen and utilization of prana, and the uptake of water in the utilization of vibration.  A deeper nurturing can take place with a deeper attunement to God-like forces which are inherently balancing. It is as if the physical aspects attune one to these higher aspects rather than the reverse.”


The Sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday (23rd) in the U.K., just after midnight.  This means lunchtime in Australia, and tea-time on 22nd in the U.S.  We shall be laying down our Diplomat Archetype hats, and donning our Inner Warrior helmets at that time, or alternatively preparing Halloween costumes.  We shall be wondering what to do with the pumpkins, and photographing our colourful acers or Virginia creepers.  The deadline for the annual self-assessment tax return looms, and teachers crawl towards half-term, hoping they arrive intact.  Poets strive to emulate the classic Keats line “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”, and (a personal marker for this time of year) it is time to go through all the catalogues which have recently come through the door for possible Christmas presents. A friend has a personal marker for this time of year to prepare to re-balance herself for the imminent change of the clock.

Whether you are a fan of the season, or not, these are the kinds of things which come to mind with the Sun entering Scorpio.  If, like me, you have clung onto a vestige of summer (still occasionally wearing summer skirts), it is a time to let go and surrender to the fact that summer is not coming back, and to gird one’s loins and bravely face all that the Scorpio season has to offer. Scorpio does not go in for soft options, it takes up challenges.  There is a definite line drawn and new mind set for this time of year.  Looming up for me, is a tooth extraction.

The same day that the Sun enters Scorpio, Neptune greets the Sun with a trine, which helps us to see the spiritual component of any stark choices or prospects.  It can help lift the perspective, and connect with the energy of the heart, and the inner guidance.  The effect of this trine coming immediately after the ingress of the Sun to Scorpio can present a re-birth.

Thursday (25th) brings us back to realities, with the Sun reaching Saturn in Scorpio.  There may be blocks you just can’t get past by your usual methods.  There may be news items you just can’t get your head around with your usual thinking.  You may expand your consciousness as far as possible, but material or practical concerns may still be challenging.  It is an important time to observe your process, and examine your beliefs.  Take the  obstacle into account, and go for the best option.

Mercury also conjuncts the North Node on Thursday.  This may help you to align mentally with the best option from a collective perspective.  For example, the tipping point for your decision may come from a scientific evaluation of what is best, or an ethical social ideal.  If this blends with your own personal preference or feeling, then that is the best option.  If not, then negotiate for your own need, as self-sacrifice and martyrdom may not be in your best interest.

Later the same day, Mercury sextiles Venus again.  We had this aspect last week, on Tuesday, and you may recall how that day was for you.  It has recurred because Mercury surged forward then dropped back to the pace of Venus.  It is a good day for writing and discussion.  Catch up with your journal: there may be detailed stories from the last few days which will be missed if they are not set down for future reference.  If you have some spare time, and know an elderly person whose stories need to be set down, take a notebook and have them recount their life stories, and write them down.

Saturday (27th) brings a welcome trine between the Sun and Chiron.  If you found the trine between the Sun and Neptune spiritually uplifting on Tuesday, then you will be able to make use of Saturday’s healing vibrations.  It is a good aspect for resolution, problem-solving and mental and physical healing to round up the week.  The trine being in the water element means that the vehicle for healing will come through emotional release, so tears (whether those of sadness and nostalgia, or joy and laughter) can bring rainbows.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – utilizing energy sources
  • Tuesday – getting to grips with the season; lift your viewpoint
  • Thursday – back to reality; aligning karma with rational thought; communicate
  • Saturday – healing

Aspects for the week beginning 14 October 2012

Moral Goodness

In a week where former heroes were revealed to be something they were not, I have been wondering how you can see a person’s moral worth, and whether it is revealed in the birth chart.

Barack Obama

When I was reading Barack Obama’s books on the train commute several years ago now, it took me a while to decide in my mind where he was coming from, and if he was for real.  Once I had decided, I have remained firm in my conviction that he is spiritually a man of stature.  Even so, it was not until he was elected, that I wrote a blog about him, from that place of conviction.  One of the comments on that blog (8th November 2008, if you want to follow it up) was from MLG of Australia:

“What about his Sun/Nep delusional Square??? ..his Moon/Plu Square and his tight, overconfident Merc/Jup opposition? What is wrong with telling the whole story?”

The truth is that I could not write about his chart until I had felt comfortable with that mystery, as described above.  To some extent, it depends upon a person’s point of evolution, whether they can hold a square like that between the Sun and Neptune and turn it to positive account.  And now in hindsight from his first term of government, it can be seen as forces in his life sapping his will and his ability to express his Soul’s purpose (i.e. the constant force of opposition to any of his policies politically, regardless of their value).

I did mention in the piece:

“At the same time physically, he is not superhuman (Chiron [in the first House] is the “wounded healer”) and needs to address or be aware of his own frailties, and not to allow the strains of office to get out of hand (Chiron squaring his Moon)”

That is interesting in the light of his debate with Mitt Romney, and also in the light that he is still in the throes of his Chiron Return.

Let us hope that he can overcome the fog of his natal Neptune square to the Sun, in order to achieve what he is really capable of.

Mitt Romney

Opponents of Mitt Romney continually point to the catalogue of lies which he has been seen to promote.

Lies in Astrology are a function of the negative side of Neptune, which as we have seen is not well-aspected in Barack Obama’s chart.  Neptune, is well-aspected in Mitt Romney’s chart, and it is his ruling planet from his Sun sign.

He has three personal planets in Neptune-ruled Pisces.  That Neptunian field would not be enough to give him such a reputation as a liar.

I think the duplicitous public perception may partly come from his Ascendant/North Node/Uranus in Gemini.  Neptunian duplicity is a deeper measure of truth, but Gemini can certainly seem two-faced at times (with deep apologies to all decent Geminis and Pisceans).  This is the quicksilver Mercurial desire to leave the options open and not put all the eggs in one basket, to keep two arrows for the bow.

The jury has to be out until lies are proven, even though the heart is suspicious…

Jimmy Saville

In a national jaw-dropping scandal, the late DJ Jimmy Saville’s allegations of sexual abuse are this morning said to involve 60 cases in 6 decades.  That is 1 per year, but the numbers are rising.  We cannot ignore this story, as it has dominated the papers in the U.K. for two weeks.  The abuse lay unchallenged for all that time, and occurred within institutions such as the BBC, the Prison service, and the NHS.  We do not have a birth time or Ascendant for him (the “Duchess” took that with her to the grave) but his Sun sign was Scorpio (again deep apologies to all decent Scorpios) and with the abuses taking place in Institutions, some of them cloistered in nature, there is a case for his having a Sagittarian Ascendant (apologies to Sagittarian Ascendants) with the abuse being carried out through the three planets he has in the sign of Scorpio in the 12th House of sequestered Institutions.  This news story has been like a bomb shell to our society, though most women I have spoken to have said they always felt him to be “creepy”.  How it was suppressed for so long, the scale of it, and the reasons for it, are torture to think about.  Here is someone who does have a sinister Neptune: in his chart it is exactly square to Saturn.  It is very interesting that his activities have come to light since the North Node (karmic revelation) entered Scorpio (the sign of sexuality).

Lance Armstrong

In a second jaw-dropping example of widespread suppression of possible wrongdoing, this week it was revealed that cycling champion Lance Armstrong was exposed to have masterminded a sports drug ring which also stopped people speaking out.  Now 11 of his fellow sportspersons have testified against him, and also his ex-girlfriend Sheryl Crow.  We do not have a birth time for Lance Armstrong and cannot determine his Ascendant, but can note that he is strongly Mercury ruled through Virgo, and Mercury is associated with bikes (more usually through Gemini).  He has a warrior North Node/Mars conjunction which is exact in Aquarius, which gives him lightning speed with or without the drugs.  But interestingly he has what looks like a good Neptune (an exact conjunction to Jupiter), though it is always up to the individual what they do with a good feature.  Many Astrologers would argue that it is not necessarily a good conjunction, because Jupiter would blow up the deceitfulness of the Neptune to limitless proportions.  This conjunction though would give an enormous faith in the self, and Neptune also represents drugs, so that would have given him “luck” through drugs, in this case the ability to keep the deceit going for a long time.  Another who is innocent until proven guilty.

To go back to my original question: “How can you see a person’s moral worth?” First of all, we try to be non-judgemental.  In the afterlife, it is only question of self-judgement and in relation to what we contracted to do before we came to earth in this incarnation.  But in the case of who are we going to vote for, and do we speak out if we know there is crime or injustice, life may force us to move from the fence.  In the case of the birthchart, as in the use of one’s instincts, I don’t think it is possible to tell what someone will make of their given characteristics at birth.  It is the Soul’s choice, which direction to move towards.  And sometimes some souls do decide to veer away from evolution.  In these cases, it can take lifetimes to get back to the point where they made that decision.


It is not a bad week coming up, though we start with a square and end with a square.  Today Mars squares Chiron, which may force us to look at painful issues.  It is the type of aspect which medically would be lancing a boil. You could also take that metaphorically.  It is certainly a time for speaking out about issues that concern you, and not leaving them to fester.

Tomorrow, Mars trines Uranus, which favours engineering, electrical goods, and new, bold and progressive ideas.  It may be a good time to look at male issues in terms of how the 21st Century male can upgrade his image, after Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has turned the spotlight on misogyny.

There is also a New Moon at 22 degrees Libra tomorrow, so relationships and culture can be receptive to new initiatives.  Tomorrow is a chance to begin healing on some male-female issues which have recently been brought out into the open.

On Tuesday (16th), Mercury sextiles Venus, an aspect which favours diplomacy, culture, writing and art, and all those in combination.  I have a blog devoted to this aspect under the category “Aspects” if you would like to explore the idea further, but all you need to do is listen to your own guidance and connect with your own vein of creativity.

The same day, just before midnight in the U.K., Venus squares Jupiter, so creative ideas may proliferate rather fervently, and you may need to calm down.  Also social and romantic ideas may get a little out of hand, and you may need to urge others to calm down.

That’s it for this week, so keep calm and carry on.  May peace and creativity be with you for the duration of the week.


The second of my Pre-Raphaelite series is now posted, if this group of painters is of interest to you:



The week in bullet points:

  • Today – allow the wound to emerge and release
  • Tomorrow – excitement; new prospects in relationships
  • Tuesday – café culture; love and art go wild