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Aspects for the week beginning 25 March 2007

Some of you may have felt today’s Mars conjunct Neptune stealing its way into our lives in recent days. This aspect could take your breath away, so be aware, be very aware. What else is in store this week? Nothing until Saturday in terms of major aspects, so you could have the luxury of dealing with the repercussions of this aspect the whole week long – remember less is more. It is going to make you more aware of sensitive issues, well as much as you can take on. Fast forward to next Saturday 31st, and Venus sextiles Uranus which could engineer weird and whacky meetings and reunions for us. Don’t ask the Universe how it happens, just enjoy it. At the same time, Pluto goes stationary, preparing us to re-visit old haunts, literally and symbolically.

Excerpt from “The Quiet Office” No. 5

Sharon was perplexed about the strange case of Angelica’s fiance’s stubbed toe. He had stubbed it exactly one week before, and then exactly one week after the date predicted by Rosemary on her website. Sharon counted herself as a 6 out of 10 when it came to Astrology, and her own sleuthing was leading her to Angelica’s Vulcan roots. John himself had his Sun exactly conjunct Vulcan, which was being squared by his ruler Jupiter at the time of the first incident. Spookily, Rosemary had written: “Watch those Sagittarians…” Anyway, Rosemary wasn’t answering the comment Sharon had posted on her blog, preferring these days to shelter behind those mandala screens…little did Sharon know that Rosemary herself was scratching her head over the matter. Despite all the hi-tech astro-programmes, all she could come up with was that with his North Node exactly conjunct his Neptune, he was training to be able to project consciousness from his feet as his future karmic mission. There had to be a better explanation…

Aspects for the week beginning 18 March 2007

Still on the edge of our seats in an intense week of aspects, some of us may have acute aspect-indigestion or even be aspect-hungover. As I write this on Sunday morning, Mercury is entering Pisces and it’s a good time to focus on the nature of the sign. We have a New Moon tomorrow morning in that sign, and it’s the second eclipse of the month. We need to re-evaluate our fear of eclipses (often from past lives) and any negative Piscean habits from the past, to see how we contribute to collective fear and paranoia. Some fears are realistic, and some can be released now. We can therefore make a fresh start psychologically. Whatever choices we make will be immediately tested out on Monday evening’s Sun square Pluto: are we building a constructive future and letting go of negativity, or are we looking helplessly at the state of the world and unable to see any freedom of choice? I have blogged, but can I now walk my own talk? At the same time, Uranus conjuncts the North Node, offering the opportunity for those with intent, intuition and imagination to create surprise outcomes. On to the Spring Equinox early on Wednesday 21st: this beginning of the Astrological Year comes round every year, and hopefully springs eternal. Thursday evening (22nd) Mars opposes Saturn, so action needs to be tempered by wisdom, and apathy needs to be tempered by good will. The outcome of this can be manifested on Friday afternoon (23rd) with the best aspect of the week Mars sextile Jupiter bringing Light Relief.

Quotation from “Eye of the Centaur” by Barbara Hand Clow

“The last barrier to be broken through is fear, the key issue seen in the Centaur’s Eye. The only barrier keeping you from total awareness is in the place where the optical fibres connect with the brain. Fear lurks there and blocks your sight.”

Here’s a link to make you think – Older People

Time Differences

For website visitors outside the UK this weekend’s aspects will apply at different times: if you’re in the West, for Friday night read Friday afternoon if appropriate and for Saturday morning read Friday night, but if you’re in the East it may be Saturday morning for Friday night and Saturday afternoon or evening for Saturday morning! Or just let it flow~~~

Aspects for the week beginning 11 March 2007

As with last week, all the main aspects are bunched up at the end of the week. In the run up, why not pave the way for these aspects by clearing mental clutter, releasing fears, meditating and practising your cosmic ordering? Some of you will be starting new regimes by next weekend and you need to start well. The main one to work with for Friday 16th is the trine between Jupiter and Saturn which doesn’t come round often, but offers the chance to balance something in your life. In fact, over Friday night and Saturday morning looks quite intense, because there follow in quick succession a sextile between Mercury and Pluto (intense discussion late Friday night) and in the early hours of Saturday Venus trine Pluto (a realignment of relationships) and Mercury sextile Venus (more talking about it). If you sleep through it, just trust that your Higher Self will work with it all! Through the weekend Mars is conjunct Chiron which provides the ouch factor (you stub your toe, then discover a new way of dealing with stubbed toes) and promotes changes in group dynamics. On Saturday evening (17th) Venus enters Taurus and a slightly calmer mood may descend, though the pressure is still on to get things right. That’s because early next week is still a crucial time for re-shaping areas of your life. Part 2 next week.

Book Reccy 2

Just discovered that Barbara Hand Clow has published her Mind Chronicles trilogy in one handy volume in 2007. Not since Joan Grant has anyone detailed so much of their past lives with such visual and psychological precision, and Barbara is an Astrologer too so there are astrological themes woven into the trilogy. Eye-watering stuff, though!

Aspects for the week beginning 4 March 2007

Venus provides a boost for love, music and art this week which may prove a soothing antidote to recent events. Tomorrow will be perfect if you want to surprise someone, or a whole lot of people, with the Sun conjunct Uranus. The rest of the week aspects to Venus dominate: Venus trines Jupiter on Thursday 8th which favours social celebrations. It’s also the day that Mercury stands still again before moving forward again, so wait until this latter part of the week to press ahead with important communications. On Friday 9th Venus trines Saturn, so commitments and personal contracts could bring progress in relationships. The Sun squares Jupiter that day too, so watch those over-zealous Sagittarians – they are well meaning, but…a bit over the top. Venus sextiles Neptune on Saturday 10th, which is an exquisite aspect for music, art and the expression of compassion. Hope this Venusian week provides a therapeutic lift in collective morale.

Book Reccy

Have just read “Emissary of Love” by the Emissary for Peace James Twyman. I was amazed at the depth of love and intuition displayed by this writer and speaker who has a remarkable track record in the field of peacemaking. His next project is to Hug Jerusalem in May. May the force be with him.