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Aspects for the week beginning 15 May 2011

I ought to be reporting back from the Eurovision song contest,  if you are reading this on Sunday.  By that time I will be touring Cologne,  perhaps even visiting the chocolate factory. So my account of any escapades of the phobic four won’t appear until next week or not at all, unless particularly newsworthy…But if it’s the aspects for the week ahead you are primarily interested in look no further. On Sunday evening in the U.K. Venus and Mercury leave the rootin’ tootin’ battlefield of Aries where they have had to argue every point, and enter the rose gardens of Taurus, where they can enjoy a mini-renaissance, a festival of art and literature.  It would be the ideal circumstances to begin writing a book with illustrations on every page; combinations of words and pictures will work well together.  Mercury, Venus and Mars are performing a concerto in the early degrees of Taurus this week, with aspects to  Chiron in early Pisces, and Pluto in early Capricorn.  On Monday (16th) Venus and Mercury dance cheek to cheek, and it may be one of those days where you see everything coming together especially when you are engaged in discussion – you can come to an agreement.  It could be a successful  week, potentially, but it will take work on your part.  Venus with Mercury will be good for dialogue and sweet talk, including diplomatic initiatives, e.g. for dictators to start talking to rebels without shouting.  Mercury/Venus sextiles Neptune on the same day, so there is a spiritual uplift to this creativity.  Savour the day.  The Full Moon in Scorpio dominates on Tuesday (17th) and you’ll need to deal with strops or tantrums from someone in your circle, if it’s not you.  Someone is fed up with the status quo.  But this week generally has a lot going for it, and this may be the only fly in the ointment.  The new series (number 7) of The Apprentice continues on Wednesday evening (18th), Sir Alan Sugar currently having Uranus (enterprising candidates) on his Sun in Aries (gruff persona), trine his shrewd Saturn in Leo (entertainment).  This series looks to be a stunner as befits his transit, so watch if you need to fill in time between all the planetary action, and if you enjoy the caricatures, the wild boasting, and the business ploys.  Melody, the successful Project Manager in the first show, has elevated credentials: “I was trained by Al Gore…I was personally taught by Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama.”  I hope there’s an App, for that.  Mars/Mercury sextiles Chiron on Thursday (19th), ensuring your words will be heard loud and clear (wild boasting included), and more seriously also have the desired effect, which might be to heal a symptom, or a situation.  There may be a slight health and safety issue, so don’t ignore the basics, such as looking at fine print and checking your tyres.  By the Friday (20th) Venus too joins the sextile with Chiron: three chances for healing.  If you are a healer, join with others and role play Venus, Mercury, Mars and Chiron in a healing circle or psychodrama.  It’s a powerful line-up for healing, well-being, personal fitness and lifestyle choices.  If your path is not involved with healing, it may be a very active and productive day for you with healing side effects or by-products, especially in earth or ecological related activities.  On top of that, Mars trines Pluto, so an enormous amount can be achieved energetically.  For best results, do the communing/healing or the practical work first, and you can release a huge amount of potential energy, for constructive purposes.  If you’re in a war zone, there will be a lot going on, and though the two war planets Mars and Pluto are  working together, in a dangerous situation violence can still get out of hand.  Be aware.  Mercury, three hours later, trines Pluto – a chance to execute the perfec t post-mortem on the day’s events.  Saturday (21st) brings Mercury and Mars together in a conjunction.  The truth is, all three planets have been huddling together all week, and have hardly left each others’ side.  There is definitely a group effort going on.  The Sun, leading, now leaves the sign of Taurus, scene of most of the week’s  action, and enters Gemini, the sign of fresh air and variety.  The tone of cosiness is partially overtaken by a nimbler mental atmosphere beginning to emerge.  We may still be ploughing furrows, with Venus/Mercury/Mars still in Taurus, but we are also engaging on the mental plane, and receiving ideas for future applications (or Apps) of current practical activities.  The week ends with a heartwarming trine between Venus and Pluto, ideal conditions for expressing or unburdening feelings.  As with Mars trine Pluto, there is still scope for feelings to get out of hand, but by and large it’s favourable for exploring art, music, relationships or even financial issues.  There’s something for everyone this week.

Aspects for the week beginning 8 May 2011

This week on “Question Time” they could have debated the issue ad infinitum: whether or not Osama bin Laden should have been killed.  Watching this it seemed to me that even those who said he should not have been killed were probably not pacifists, and would not go as far as to call for every person on the planet to lay down their arms under any circumstances.  Here is my potted astrological history: George Bush Senior (warrior in past lives, with Mars on the South Node) waged the 1st Gulf War against Saddam Hussain. [You are probably thinking: “does she really have to go back that far?”  I feel I do].  This is one of the events where U.S. interference in the Middle East fuelled resentment in Arab minds and hearts.  Osama bin Laden (warrior in past lives, with Mars on the South Node – not a common aspect, found in approximately 1 in 90 charts) founded Al-Queda dedicated to avenge this interference. Fast forward to 11th September 2001, and up to 3000 Americans were killed under this inspiration in New York.  In the meantime George W. Bush had become President of the United States, fuelled by a spirit of revenge desiring to finish his family mission; and Tony Blair (Mars conjunct the Ascendant, indicating warriorship as a basic character trait of this lifetime personality) had been the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since 1997.  From there, began involvement in Afghanistan for both countries, costing many lives.  2003 brought the Iraq war, finally disposing of Saddam Hussain, but again an entanglement which resulted in many lives lost for the Iraqi people, and U.S. and U.K. forces.  George W. Bush talked constantly of capturing Osama bin Laden, and Barack Obama inherited this baton, which became a focus for justice and possible closure for some Americans.  Finally on 1st May 2011, this was achieved, under Obama’s orders, with Uranus currently squaring the U.S. Venus.  George W. Bush got closure at this point, with the transiting North Node (universal karmic mission) trine his Midheaven (Career and place in history).  From this account, Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush and Tony Blair were prepared to kill many people (despite their religious convictions), and Barack Obama set out to kill just the one.  Some are warriors, some are not warriors but did end up killing, and none of them are professed pacifists or would follow Gandhi or Martin Luther King’s philosophy.  For me, that is the issue.  Moving swiftly on, we have a good few aspects to get through this week, and a few good aspects.  Tomorrow, Mercury is conjunct Venus at 22 degrees Aries, and there will be a flowering of communication generally, and for you personally in the area in which the conjunction falls in your birth chart.  The Arts and the Media should benefit from this influence.  On Wednesday (11th) Mars enters Taurus, finally leaving its Headquarters in Aries, having settled the battle if not the war, and entering the more peaceful gardens of Taurus.  Even a warrior needs to rest sometimes.  You are invited to a garden party as Venus conjuncts Jupiter at 24 degrees Aries.  Perhaps a celebration of Justice, or Closure.  At this party Mercury will be conjunct Jupiter, so there will be some good news, sparkling conversation, and perhaps also some happy journeying, or joyful skyping from one party to another.   On Thursday (12th) Mars sextiles Neptune, so idealistic ruminations may take place about old battles:  more refinement of the arguments about who was justified;  but also a spotlight on the new freedom fighters of the Middle East and their struggles, idealism and blogging, taking place under the fresh impetus experienced through the energies of Jupiter and Uranus in Aries.   Mars sextile Neptune enables you to approach action in a way which also incorporates your sensitivities, and your spirituality.  It’s a useful day, for instance, to effect a rapprochement in a difficult relationship.  On Saturday (14th) Venus and Mercury are travelling companions at the end of their tour of Aries, more scope for putting the finishing touches to an artistic project, or even your war diaries, or catching up with your book reading, before the travelling companions arrive together in the new land of Taurus early next week.  I shall be doing a spot of travelling of my own next weekend, and will therefore post my blog early.  In a fit of frivolity, I am off to the Eurovision Song Contest in Duesseldorf.  Yes, I have been following this silliness since I was a girl in the 1950s, and I will be travelling in a party of four.  Among those performing are Blue, and if they qualify, Jedward and Dana International.  In our party, one of us has a fear of flying, another has a fear of dying, another a fear of Germany, and the fourth has a fear of water.  So we will also be a kind of phobic self-help group as we go.  As the Troubadours come together to show us their wares and parade their eye-catching costumes, we hope to find that Europe’s Got Talent, but will enjoy the time-honoured format even if we don’t.

Aspects for the week beginning 1 May 2011

For those who followed the occasion, it was the perfect Royal Wedding.  I watched it through the lens of the Royal Wedding of 1981, a fairytale commoner marrying her Prince: beautiful princess, fairytale dress, huge public support…in the intervening years the dream would turn sour, illusions shattered, and Diana, mother-of-two dying tragically in Paris.  As I watched the happiness of William riding in the open carriage after the ceremony,  I was moved to think that he was attempting to neutralize all the Royal karma and his own heartaches, in this match.  His relationship with Kate was not an unknown fairytale pipe dream, it had been tried and tested over 8 years.  She is a decorous and realistic Capricorn, and they tried both to honour the best of their family traditions but also not to replicate any of the mistakes or loopholes of the past.  Well done to them.  My highlights were:  the delicately laced dress, the tree-lined Abbey, the beauty of the Abbey itself (aerial photography has come a long way), the spine-tingling hymn “Jerusalem”, and the spiritual clarity of the sermon by the Bishop of London.  The Sun did come out, at strategic points, just as it had during the funeral of Princess Diana.  Meanwhile and in contrast, in the United States, President Obama was visiting the sites of the worst tornadoes in many years.  How can you have such contrasts when a day might have the same aspects?  Often it is the application of aspects to natal charts, which takes precedence.  And I have noticed that when there is a run of days without major aspects, the unexpected comes in.  In this case, Uranus is squaring the U.S. Venus at this point in time, and that may be the cause or one factor.  Today we have two major aspects, very different in nature (so again but for different reasons, we may see contrasting happenings).  First, Venus opposes Saturn, a deflation in relation to affairs of the heart.  Perhaps with the flight of Kate and Wills in the helicopter, the euphoria subsides and the humdrum takes over.  I am sure they have given us all, even their detractors, something to think about.  The other aspect, in complete contrast,  is Mars conjunct Jupiter at 22 degrees Aries.  There could not be a more enthusiastic aspect, so maybe you have party plans of your own, a barbecue perhaps, where you can use up the paper cups and doilies left over from the street party.  If you have not planned a party, maybe you can throw an impromptu one.  Some area of your life is taking off now (the House covered by the sign of Aries) and today may be ignition day.  In my own chart, for instance, it occurs in the 12th House of the Unconscious, so my subconscious may be firing on all cylinders (but I am unconscious of that – LOL).  On Tuesday (3rd) there is an Earth New Moon at 12 degrees Taurus.  Time to plough forward with what really has value for you in your life.  Again it will be optimal to plough forward in the area of life covered by the House which occupies Taurus in your chart, if you know what that is.  For example, if it is your 4th House, then il faut cultiver votre jardin in the immortal words of Candide, and quite literally get out into the garden.  A lot of people I know are finding increasing solace out there, including hubby who after this hot spell is finding the earth very dry, and praying for rain.  A friend of mine declared the wedding day her weeding day, and she’ll be out there I am sure.  Whatever you do on Tuesday will serve as a springboard for the rest of the month.  On Thursday 5th May we have local elections in the U.K., but most importantly the Alternative Vote for a new electoral system.  My thoughts about the Alternative Vote have spilled over onto a separate blog.  Read it only if you are prepared to listen to a biased opinion!  And finally, I would like to mention Sathya Sai Baba, who we lost on Easter Sunday, I learned, after blogging that we had forgotten the art of miraculousness.  The Guardian wrote a scathing piece headlined “Guru Tosh”.  We live in a cynical age.  I would just like to put on record that (in my humble opinion) I believe him to be a genuine Avatar, have personally been the recipient of one of his miracle manifestations, and know others who have received his divine interventions in their lives.

The Alternative Vote – An Astrological and Karmic Perspective

The opportunity to vote for or against the Alternative Vote is coming up on Thursday, a consequence of the Coalition.  The Coalition itself was a consequence of the hung parliament which arose as a result of last year’s election. The hung parliament was an expression of the deadlock of the t-square between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, the aim of which was to dismantle social institutions which weren’t working, in this case the traditional voting system (the aim of the T-square was not to dismantle social institutions which were working, such as the NHS, as David Cameron seems to have interpreted it…!).  So the coalition was formed, from a tight  electoral result: Nick Clegg, leader of the Lib Dems, chose to ally with the Conservatives. Karmically, he and David Cameron had more in common and were born weeks apart, sharing the placement of the outer planets. There had been an option of allying with Labour, but there was no natural harmony with Gordon Brown, and Gordon Brown was clearly the last stand of the New Labour movement. The tight result of the election, and the resulting Coalition, was the fitting expression for the astrological aspects. I have not blogged about this since then, but believe now that David Cameron has not played fair, and indeed has taken advantage of Nick Clegg’s Capricornian Scapegoat Archetype.  The Coalition itself may be a pre-birth Contract between the two.  David Cameron, who has lately taken to flaunting his class, is not only a Libran, capable of balancing forces and people, but he’s a Super-Libran! He is not an easy-going Libran – he’s a powerful double Libra with the Sun in Libra rising with his ruler Venus in the first house of his birthchart. He is a therefore a power-wielding Libran, having the strength for his role as P.M.   He is given extra assistance by Jupiter on the cusp of his 11th House of Friendships and Groups, sextile his Ascendant, and the effect is a living example of “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.  His Saturn (entrenchment of Institution) opposes Nick Clegg’s natal Uranus (desire for reform). This vote regarding the alternative system is a historic opportunity.  Many people seem undecided about it, even cagey about their voting intentions.  I am going to vote in favour (this is not an impartial blog) as I am tired of election after election voting for either Lib Dem or Green Party, and having nothing to show for it, always living in the heartland of one or other of the two main parties.  I’m with Eddie Izzard (said to be the youth vote) on this! A Yes vote may help balance the karma of this Coalition as the referendum is the one concession the Conservatives have granted the Lib Dems.

Aspects for the week beginning 24 April 2011

Happy Easter Sunday to all my readers!  Did you feel a minor tide turn yesterday, after Mercury stopped in its tracks preparing to turn Direct?  I felt the need to rest as it turned Stationary, but then as I began to hear reports of movement, I became re-energised.  I hope it does make some lives easier.  We have today a sextile between the Sun and Chiron.  This may put healing back on the map for you.  Self-healing, if not actual resurrection, is an issue which can be worked on.   Through the course of history, we gradually lost that sense of miraculousness prevalent in biblical times, and may in some areas be harking back to it now.  I have just read a book called “The Healing Code” by Alexander Loyd and Ben Johnson, promoting an all-encompassing method of healing.  I enjoyed reading it, and have got to the stage of trying to practise it.  You will probably have your own favourite alternative healing modalities to try today if you want to work with the Sun/Chiron sextile.  One of my favourites is working with the Fixed Stars, and the star aligned with our Sun today is Mesarthim (the Gamma star in Aries), a double star. ‘Tis written in “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld in relation to this star: “…a clearing away must occur before building can take place.  In finding the correct balance between these [two stars and balancing] many individuals will have deeper insight into their own personal karma and what they have come here to learn.  Thus, an enlightened karmic perspective is enhanced by the use of Mesarthim.” With an emphasis on Chiron and Pluto in the aspects this week, it’s all about digging deep and finding the insights which will provide the healing for you.  “The Healing Code” claims on its cover “6 minutes to Heal the Source of any Health, Success or Relationship Issue”.  It is the Relationship Issue which will come under the healing spotlight on Wednesday (27th), for Pluto squares Venus.  This aspect will expose the cracks within a relationship, give insight into their nature, and show where Unity is needed.  So whether the relationship is a personal one, or the relationship between a dictator and his rebels, or a coalition government preparing for a test of the voters’ allegiance, or two families coming together preparing for a wedding, there will be some sort of last minute panic – will the relationships hold?  Can they ever come together in Unity?  Fortunately, on Thursday (28th), at the last minute before the proposed Union (at least for the U.K., in the shape of the Royal Wedding) the Sun trines Pluto, a sign that extremes can find Unity if they search themselves long and hard enough.  If you want your big preparations, e.g. for a street party, to come together, Thursday’s your day!  From what I have been hearing, on the streets, and in the trains, there is a big split.  I don’t like to fuel stereotypes but most of the women I have spoken to intend to watch a little of the Royal Wedding on the T.V., while most of the men intend to make it an excuse to do something else…So the Big Day is Friday 29th, and here in the U.K. we have been granted a National Holiday.  I did post a blog around the time of the royal engagement (20th November 2010: under the category “From my Postbag”) about the wedding day.  I added comments as the date, and then the time, were announced.  So, again, I can put my feet up as I report.  On 23rd November I wrote: ” I will write again when they give the schedule and there is a time of marriage, but looking at the chart for Noon, the Sun is on the Midheaven so there is a bright Royal event with possibly the Sun shining which will be nice for the national holiday and the photos. If the wedding takes place around Noon the Ascendant will be Sun-ruled and Regal Leo.”  I added on 9th January: “The Ascendant (previously calculated for Noon) is still Leo, and therefore Sun-ruled adding to the regal flavour, pomp and circumstance – no holds barred on this.”  The weather according to this morning’s “Observer” states: “The unseasonably warm Mediterranean weather is expected to begin to retreat next week, with temperatures cooling in the runup to the royal wedding….The really warm weather will give way by Tuesday and temperatures will be down on what they have been, although still above the average…London is expected to be clear and dry for the royal wedding.”  One of the stated aims of the royal wedding was to provide a distraction for the populace from the economic woes…well the word on the street and the train is certainly that we are all welcoming an extra National holiday, not sure whether it distracts or highlights the economic woes, though.  But I do sincerely wish the royal couple, William and Kate, and indeed all young couples starting out, all the very best in their effort to balance out their relationships.  My husband and I are ourselves celebrating our 38th wedding anniversary on Thursday.  I haven’t googled 38 yet, but he tells me it’s Velcro.

To read my original blog on the royal wedding:


Aspects for the week beginning 17 April 2011

I’ve been avoiding writing about Libyan defector Moussa Koussa for weeks because I have seen 3 different phonetic interpretations of the spelling of his name and I didn’t want to have to choose. But he does seem to have become a bridge or symbol of past and future karma between Britain and Libya. Moussa Koussa’s Pluto is trine the U.K. chart Sun/Mercury so he is and has been capable of having a powerful impact on our country. His natal North Node ( karmic mission) is sextile the U.K. Mars (conflict) and his Uranus (capacity to surprise) is trine our Mars.  He is a Mars-conjunct-Sun warrior with a socialite Jupiter trine Venus ( a similar mix of qualities to Gaddaffi’s son Saif). At this point in time the North Node is trine his North Node: the bridge is activated. The karmic entanglements are complex, and even the U.S. has karmic history with Libya, such as in the Lockerbie event when U.S. citizens died along with our U.K. citizens. The Lockerbie disaster is said to have been masterminded by Moussa Koussa/ Musa Kusa/ Mousa Kousa. Mondays Full Moon has been covered in advance last week (opportunity to put my feet up): ” The best work you can do is to harmonize the polarity of Aries and Libra within yourself, which is your own needs (Sun in Aries) balanced with those of close partners (Moon in Libra). So that might entail more meditation to connect with what is necessary for you, and more discussion and communication with partners to understand how the assertion of your own needs affects them, and how far you can support them in their own quest.” Synchronistically the Sun/Moon opposition which comprises the Full Moon set-up runs exactly across Moussa Koussa’s karmic nodes (North to South respectively, and as I said the Moussa Koussa/ U.K./U.S. karma is so complex that at this point they may all be forced to work together. Also on Monday (18th) Mars opposes Saturn, an aspect involving immovable obstacles (such as Gaddafi?).  How you handle this depends upon where you are with this process whether you identify with the mover and shaker (Mars) the immovable obstacle (Saturn) or the intermediary (the transcended Aries-Libra polarity just described, as this opposition also falls across those two signs).  It might  help to simply work out your role, and to know who you are working with, or dealing with (even if it is only yourself).  Next up, on Tuesday (19th) Mars conjuncts Mercury, which represents the inner critic (John Ruskin the art critic had this in his natal chart, and I am still working on a blog for him). There will be an awful lot of critiquing going on, but of course some of us could manifest or project or conjure an outer critic to work with (“how dare they say that?”). The Sun enters Taurus on Wednesday (20th) when our thoughts could turn to the herbs we need to heal ourselves. Best to plant them, because on 1st May a European Union Directive (“The Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive”) may affect our right to buy our favourite supplements from health food shops. It’s a pity we can’t plant our own seaweed as there’s evidence of pollution of this valuable healing plant from the Japanese disaster. I have been taking such a supplement, Spirulina, for 20 years.  Also on Wednesday the Sun sextiles Neptune in the evening in the U.K., so it is a good day to say the Japanese water prayer.   If you are planting by the Moon, note that the Moon will be in Sagittarius (favouring wide open spaces) but also squaring Neptune (maybe not a good idea to plant by the sea).  Consult a planting by the Moon book I’d say, as I am not a gardener, nor an expert on Moon planting.  On Thursday (21st) Venus enters Aries, which is good for learning self-esteem, or as Sarah Ferguson did recently, learning to love your body: “I’ve got a really good waist and a great pair of bosoms.  Plus the pins aren’t bad” she recently revealed in an interview.   According to a snippet of day-time television I happened to see while passing, a young girl of 6 was writing in her diary about weight issues.  The mother Angela Epstein snooped at the diary (don’t try this at home), then realized she might have impressed her own issues on the daughter.  This has been spotted and labeled as a trend…  So this is an issue which can be healed or worked on under Venus in Aries.  Friday (22nd) is the sort of day which is sparkling for love (self-, and other kinds) and for bumping into strangers or old friends, with Venus conjunct Uranus.  It ‘s a day when you could latch onto an ideology, philosophy or new idea which can heal issues of self-esteem or issues surrounding body image or dysmorphia.  Look out for such ideas in the media, or interesting encounters while out shopping.  And, for those desperate to regain some control over their communications – Whoohoo!  Mercury goes direct again on Saturday (23rd) and just watch your emails gliding smoothly, your trains running in perfect timing, and your computers running without crisis…My Customer Service Desk is taking a week’s holiday.

Global Prayer for Water by Masaru Emoto

Please say the following phrase:

“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”
Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put your hands together in a prayer position.
Please offer your sincere prayer.
Thank you very much from my heart.
With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Messenger of Water
(originally intended for noon on 31 March 2011, but there is a continuing need ~ Lana)

Aspects for the week beginning 10 April 2011

You may feel that you were losing the plot last week, or that events in the world were going round in circles.  Has there been any progress in Libya, you might have wondered?  And what is going on in Japan?  In the UK, the government announced that they would not immediately be implementing their new NHS policies, to give time to “pause, listen, reflect and improve” them, playing for more time in order to “explain to the public”.  At the same time, UK nuclear plans were delayed, by at least three months, because of the lessons thrown up by the Japanese situation.  In the U.S. a federal government shutdown was narrowly averted.  In a week where the main astrological features were Neptune entering Pisces and Pluto going retrograde, the nature of events was hidden or appearing to tread water.  The conglomeration of planets in fire sign Aries did have an effect on UK weather.  We had a heatwave (the previous hottest April being in 1949 when there was also a satellitium in Aries – coincidence?) and on the irresistible TV programme “Lambing Live” the lambs came out to play and basked in the sunshine.  That was the week that was: I originally planned a separate blog on this, but I lost the plot and went round in circles with it.

All the action this week comes in a 7-hour time frame, which in the UK is 20.41 Hrs Monday (11th) to 3.59 a.m. Tuesday (12th).  The nature of the events will be similar around the world, but different times of day may give rise to different scenarios.

Coming up to the Mars-Uranus conjunction a week ago, we had a wave of action: in the Ivory Coast (now in stalemate), the Middle East (now in stalemate), Afghanistan protest against Koran burning in the U.S. and a peaceful PC killed in Northern Ireland.  For Monday night’s square between Mars and Pluto I would give similar advice: “If you are skilled at handling explosive energy, e.g. if you have been trained to dismantle the results, then you can let off the sparklers, but otherwise handle with caution.”

The Tuesday morning aspect is kinder and promises upbeat communication (Mercury conjunct Jupiter, at 17 degrees Aries), and if it can be dealt with separately from the earlier aspect, better results will ensue.  But by their proximity, the two events may merge into one.  So bearing in mind that you need to be fully present in order to create the optimum experience in that 7 hour period, here is a round the world tour:

UK Monday night, Tuesday morning:  You arrive home from work exhausted, and a bit touchy.  You force yourself to have a meditation, knowing that the peaceful vibes may be able to dispel any conflict or confrontation over who has the upper hand with the TV remote control.  You congratulate yourself that a major incident has been averted. Then you retire to try and sleep, but your mind is very active (Mercury conjunct Jupiter) and you find the best way to move through this situation is to read a volume of Encyclopaedia Britannica on your Kindle.  If you should fall asleep, a vision of Utopia may be presented in your dreams.

US Monday afternoon/tea-time (U.S. readers I am sure you don’t call it tea-time, please correct me):  At the office, there is a major conflict of interest, and two sides may polarize, over which brand of water to use in the water-cooler.  Whether it is better to use the more ecological brand, or the cheaper brand bearing in mind the economic stringencies of our times.  Of course the U.S. version of The Office is not the same as the original Ricky Gervais version, but is just as true to life.  For those staying a little late in the Office to smooth things over, you will find that useful discussions can take place during the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, and deeper layers of understanding about the earlier Mars-Pluto skirmish can be understood and debated.

Australia Monday morning/lunchtime: You wake with a burst of energy, but realize that unfocussed or if not properly channeled, the energy may clash with others who are also bursting to express their raw energy.  A barbie on the beach may be one way to focus the energy, but there may be better, cooler ways.  You could find yourself defending the underdog, or protecting the environment, or just taking a cool dip in non-crocodile-infested waters.  Spiritually, you can practice forgiveness, towards ignorant foreign bloggers promoting stereotypes.  Surviving the Mars-Pluto square, you can then focus your mind constructively on the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction and your brilliant piece of writing for your local newspaper,  reporting what you observed in your neighbourhood earlier in the morning, or your insights as you performed the Salute to the Sun in your early morning yoga routine.

Libya On Monday evening the Moon conjuncts Gaddafi’s Mars, stimulating his emotions (over and above the Mars-Pluto square) and the Nodal Axis squares his natal Neptune, producing a sense of isolation and confusion in his bunker for that time.  For his P.R. son Saif, Venus will be square his Moon, and his personal life may feel uneasy, but Saturn will be trine his Saturn and he may be feeling more in control than usual.

Japan on Monday morning will still be feeling a sense of being uninformed (Moon squaring natal Neptune, confused emotion) but Pluto (planet of long-term and deep change) is trine the Ascendant of the Japan natal chart, and trine the Sun which enables them to carry on nobly bearing their environmental and emotional trials.  Pluto in favourable aspect by transit in this way mitigates to some extent the harsher aspects of the Mars-Pluto square and enables them to apply some of their philosophy in a constructive way.  Trust is not quite the right word, in the post-traumatic state they find themselves in, and acceptance may be a better word,  but at least there may be a deeper understanding for some.  Later in the morning or early afternoon, Mercury conjunct Jupiter may reveal some information which had been withheld, and which is useful, and may be better than they expected.

And the rest of the week

There are no major aspects for the rest of the week, and you may profitably spend the rest of the week digesting the Monday night/Tuesday morning scenarios.  If you find you have caught up, you can do some advance homework, working on the upcoming Full Moon of next Monday (18th April) at 27 degrees Libra.  The best work you can do is to harmonize the polarity of Aries and Libra within yourself, which is your own needs (Sun in Aries) balanced with those of close partners (Moon in Libra).  So that might entail more meditation to connect with what is necessary for you, and more discussion and communication with partners to understand how the assertion of your own needs affects them, and how far you can support them in their own quest.

P.S. I have created a new category: Mayan Calendar.  As well as the recent guest blog by Asia Haleem about the Babylonians, the Mayan Calendar and the Transit of Venus, O’Douce has now delivered a film of herself giving readings on the Mayan Calendar at a Festival – see the Interview “Swimming with Dolphins”


Babylonians, Mexicans and the Total Count


Interview Series No. 8 – O’Douce swimming with Dolphins


Aspects for the week beginning 3 April 2011

Happy Mother’s Day!  I am late to blog today, as I have just got back from visiting my new grandson.  It’s the New Moon today, and of all the New Moons, New Moon in Aries is the newest.  It’s time to celebrate yourself, and life in general.  Feel the earth energy rising up from your garden wellies and the rays of heaven pouring down through your Crown Chakra… (showing my hippie roots here -) “You are a child of the Universe no less than the treasured stars;  You have a right to be here.  And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should” (Max Erhmann, “Desiderata”).  What new project are you starting today?  I am hoping to start writing a new feature “That was the week that was”, examining what really did happen in the news and in personal lives.  So often we rush on in our lives (and fail to go placidly amid the noise and the haste) without examining what actually did happen and why.  We are on to the next experience with no time to analyse or learn from history.  I am going to try to make that time, and starting today.  Later today, some excitement bursts forth this evening (UK time) with Mars conjunct Uranus.  If you are skilled at handling explosive energy e.g if you have been trained to dismantle the results, then you can let off the sparklers, but otherwise handle with caution.  Those born with Mars-Uranus aspects or born during a thunderstorm (often the same thing) will know what I mean.  Still later, things could go flat, with Sun opposite Saturn.  What seemed like a good idea, those high jinks, could look very different.  Expectations may have been raised far above capabilities.  The cold light of day could set in just before midnight…Maybe a good night’s sleep will settle things, and there’s hopefully not too much damage done.  It’s an important night to re-align with the Soul, for we start a new 14-year era tomorrow, Monday 4th.  as Neptune in its own sign of Pisces signals the “Era of the Collective Unconscious”.  Chiron acted as Neptune’s herald, entering Pisces earlier this year, and you may have noticed you’ve been pushed to address some of your spiritual issues recently.  In the 14-year period while Neptune has been in Aquarius networking on the internet has expanded exponentially.  Some of its applications have had a callous quality of detachment.  But with Neptune in Pisces the involvement will be more emotional and demonstrate the Oneness of the human spirit.  Compassion will have to enter the picture.  Collectively we will laugh, and collectively we will cry.  Sales of Kleenex will rise.  The emotional web that connects us will be more keenly felt.  This means that we need to learn to define our personal boundaries more firmly.  But it does mean that those of hard heart may turn round and have compassion for their victims.  You may see this early on in Neptune’s reign of its own sign (for an event may symbolize this, and effects are most easily seen initially), but come back to this blog in 14 years’ time and you may see that the process of softening has happened gradually.  It is part of the plan for the Golden Age of Aquarius for hearts to open.  I do love it when a planet goes into its home territory.  There will be a moment of feeling a rightness about it, which some may notice.  On Wednesday (6th) the Sun conjuncts Jupiter at 16 degrees of Aries.  You may be jumping up and down with enthusiasm about something, possibly about a project you started on the New Moon.  Saturday (9th) may see a reversal or pulling back psychologically or practically, with Pluto going stationary prior to turning retrograde.  Have no fear, for a planet’s got to do what a planet’s got to do.  It is part of its motion from time to time, a taking stock.  But it would be helpful to notice what is going on for you psychologically, and see how it may be connected to this event.  For example, if you are in psychoanalysis, you may be literally covering old ground again.  There is a very helpful aspect later in the day, Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries, where thoughts crystallize and you may have a moment of true insight.  So you will start to feel it is worth re-hashing old ground again.  And the North Node is transiting the Galactic Centre this week and next.  From recent research, I have realized that in our lives important spiritual shifts occur when something is transiting the Galactic Centre.  And as the North Node relates to karmic mission, both personal and collectively, it can mean a karmic shift.  Meanwhile, I have re-posted a blog originally hosted elsewhere, about the Nodal Axis and more specifically the South Node.  Though it was posted on 1st April, it is not intended as an April Fool’s joke.

The Nodal Axis: The South Node and Where We Come From

Here is a blog I wrote recently, which first appeared in an illustrated version on U.S. Astrologer Joyce Mason’s website The Radical Virgo as a guest blog on 14 March 2011.  It is being reproduced here for my own readers, for new readers, and  as a resource and reference under my Karmic and Archive categories.

For 21 years, I have combined Past Life Therapy and Astrology. I realize there is more I don’t know about karma than I do!  But working in both mediums enables me to get past conjecture.  In some cases, too, I have the privilege of seeing karma working out or dissolving.

A word about Karma: It is time to view the subject with less terror than viewed in other centuries and cultures.  It is an automatic system of justice, and we all love justice.

We can work to mitigate it, first, by not incurring more, i.e. through non-violence and harmlessness, but also by being proactive, authentic and not allowing ourselves victimhood.

I picked up my first book on Astrology in 1970, before modern psychological astrology had taken hold and  before computerized research was possible. Many of the books at the time were still very fatalistic in their approach.  Back then, the interpretation of the North Node was where “the Lord giveth” and the fear-inducing South Node where “the Lord taketh away.”  I did not find this very appealing, and left the Nodes out of the equation until 20 years later when I came upon the Karmic Astrology of Martin Schulman, and the revelatory interpretations of regression therapist Judy Hall.  Here were approaches I could work with.  My view now is that the Nodal Axis is a continuum, and while some sources indicate abandoning the past-life habits of the South Node, I see the axis as a path to wholeness.

I am offering here 12 possible Archetypal South Node portraits or vignettes, built up from different sources and partly from the experiences of clients but told in such a way as to avoid revealing their intensely personal stories.  There is nothing subtle about the following vignettes. Indeed they are often one-dimensional, so you may or may not resonate with them, but at least may find them thought-provoking.  They may reconnect you with your South Node, if you are at the second stage of your journey, for many people cut off their South Node mode of being when they step towards their North Node karmic mission at a specific point in early adulthood. They may not be able to carry the South Node ways of being, and it is simpler to drop them.  Some consciously dismantle their South Node Archetype, or feel it would hold them back. Not everyone is destined in this lifetime to attempt the third stage, which is to combine the North and South Node in wholeness.  The journey starts with the South Node (Stage 1), and babies display the characteristics of the South Node more purely, before their karmic path has started. We can scoop up our past-life talents (Stage 1) and draw upon them as we venture forth to perfect the qualities of our North Node (Stage 2) and bring the two ends of the axis together (Stage 3).

Developing the North Node and planets located near the North Node are subjects for future writing.

How to Read the Portraits for Personal Application

  1. If you have a planet conjunct your South Node find that, e.g  Mars conjunct South Node under Aries.
  2. If you do not have a planet conjunct your South Node, read the sign of your South Node.
  3. If you have a planet square to your Nodal Axis, you will find a description under the sign ruled by that planet.
  4. If you do not know your South Node sign read your Sun sign, i.e. read South Node in Aries if you are Sun sign Aries.


South Node in Aries

Mars conjunct South Node

Archetype:  The Warrior

Place:  England

Time:  A.D. 61

I am Bodicea and it has fallen to me to stand up for my tribe.  I have to protect and defend my people and when the invaders are in the way I have to assert our rights and deal with them.  I live in the moment – it’s the only way to get things done!  None of this past-life nonsense for me.

The past life gift I bring with me is to be my authentic self.

Mars square to the Nodes: This signifies the need to integrate the warrior aspect harmoniously into life.

North Node in Libra: The karmic mission is to promote peace, to harmonize with another in close relationship, marriage or business partnership.

Integrated Nodal Axis of Aries and Libra: This entails knowing when to assert yourself, when to be peaceful, when to be selfish and when to yield.


South Node in Taurus

Venus conjunct South Node

Archetype:  The Artist

Place:  Lemuria

Time: 60,000 BC

I am Croar and I live close to the earth and nature and am inspired by its beauty.  I reflect that love by creating pots and tools, making them as fine as I can using the natural materials around me.  I love my family and our animals but my connection with the Earth is stronger than anything.  I’m a troglodyte, engraving  petroglyphs,  and dodging pterodactyls!

The gift I bring with me from my past life is an appreciation of the beauty in nature, and an ability to express this through art forms.

Venus square to the Nodes in Fixed or Mutable Signs: This creates a greater challenge to express relationship and Art in a wider way which takes into account the needs of a group.

North Node in Scorpio: My karmic mission is to face the transformative nature of life, including my own fears, and to search for the hero within.

Integrated Nodal Axis of Taurus and Scorpio: Balance between the material and non-material worlds and to understand when it is time for new beginnings, when forms in life are to be sustained and supported, and to know when the time is right for endings.


South Node in Gemini

Mercury conjunct South Node

Archetype:  The Teacher

Place:  America

Time: 1920s

I am a born teacher.  My name is Carina and I live in Chicago in 1920s.  I am stimulated by all the exchange of views going on here, and the inspiring architecture.  My friends discuss the evolutionary theory of Darwin and the new science of Psychology as developed by Sigmund Freud.  Very interesting in theory, but I wouldn’t actually want to go to see an Analyst! I love knowledge, and I love my subject, and that’s what motivates me.

The gift I bring with from this past life is the ability to focus the mind and the mental agility to communicate my knowledge to people.

Mercury square to the Nodes in Mutable Signs: The drive to communicate can sometimes be taken to extremes or be inappropriate, or result in losing sight of other more instinctual needs.

North Node in Sagittarius: My karmic mission is to widen my area of consciousness and to explore mentally, if not also physically.

Integrated Nodal Axis of Gemini and Sagittarius: To master the principle of communication and understand at what point in the continuum information needs to be placed.


South Node in Cancer

Moon conjunct the South Node

Archetype: The Parent

Country: Africa

Time:  1875 A.D.

My name is Ndola.  I live in a roundhouse, as part of a community and tribe.  I am an elder, right now devoted to my grandson, the newest member of our tribe!  I am happy as long as the milk is flowing for our babies.  Mother Earth sustains us, and we collectively honour her, in ritual and ceremony.  We also use her special plants and herbs for our healing.  Whenever I hear our drumbeats, I attune to her rhythms. Our tribe lives and moves as one, trance dancing to the patterns of the bright star Sirius.

The gift I bring with me from my past life is the ability to bring my tribe together.

Moon square to the Nodes: A need to build constructively the power of nurturing in your life.

North Node in Capricorn: To understand the need for structures in society, which can serve the needs and emotions of the people.

Integrated Nodal Axis of Cancer and Capricorn: To balance responsibility and nurturing in a supportive lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones.


South Node in Leo

Sun conjunct South Node

Archetype:  Royalty

Place: Egypt

Time: 44 BC

My name is Cleopatra and I am Queen of Egypt.  Don’t you believe me?  I know, you’ve heard it all before.  Everybody wants to be me or thinks they are me!  But I am really the Queen.  Can you not tell I have the taste, and the breeding?  I want to express myself and be creative and joyful, and in order to do that I need to be in control of my world and all the subjects in it.  My Soul Group is working on divine rights (or diva rights).  My leading man Mark Anthony and I, we’ve have had our ups and downs, but you’d expect a little drama in the life of a Queen.

The gift I can bring to my current life is a sense of self-worth (if I can allow it in), keeping the crown jewels of nobility, integrity and self-esteem.

Sun square to the Nodes: May bring the urge to challenge power in others or in society.  Need to foster positive models of power.

North Node in Aquarius: Working towards ways of being in groups without dominating but in an empowered way.

Integrated Nodal Axis of Leo and Aquarius: Ability to stand in own individuality and in a group and contribute in a positive way without overpowering others.


South Node in Virgo

Mercury conjunct South Node

Chiron conjunct South Node (Healing skills developed in past lives)

Archetype:  The Craftsperson

Place:  Switzerland

Time:  1850

My name is Hans and I am a specialist precision watchmaker in Zermatt. People don’t try to take the trouble to do a fine job anymore, but here I uphold that tradition and hope it continues in generations to come.  I do not presume to understand the world, but I know my place in it.  I start with a spotless environment–you won’t find any dust in my watches!

The gift I bring with me to this life is the ability to apply myself in my work and attend to detail.  My nervous system remembers the patterns of coordination I used in the past.
Mercury square the Nodal Axis – A need to be more sensitive and alive to varying demands in teaching roles.

Chiron square the Nodal Axis – Very individualistic. Can find unusual solutions to problems.

North Node in Pisces: Subtle ways of being, and of giving service.  Perfecting the spiritual path.

Integration of Nodal Axis of Virgo and Pisces: The ability to give service, in the community and in the world.


South Node in Libra

Venus conjunct South Node

Archetype: The Diplomat
Place: Ancient Greece
Time: 421 BC

My name is Demis. I live in Corinth and try to smooth relations between  Athens and Sparta. I can see both their qualities and greatness and feel that I can bring them together.  There are plenty of people practising the art of war, but not enough cultivating the art of peace.  I love justice, too, having been educated in philosophy and law and hope one day that all people will accept the balance it brings. I am proud, too, of the artistic achievements of my country, which I think are outstanding. For beauty is truth and truth beauty, as you can see on this urn that I have before me. Maybe one day a poet will capture that essence.

The gift I bring with me to this life is the ability to bring people together by emphasizing their similarities, and creating harmony.  Deep in my heart, I desire peace.
Venus square the Nodal Axis in Cardinal or Mutable signs The path of true love does not always run smoothly.  Dedicated to working out karmic relationships and to working problems out peacefully.

North Node in Aries: To develop individuality without fear or guilt.  To learn self-assertion.

Integrated Nodal Axis of Aries and Libra: This entails knowing when to assert yourself, when to be peaceful, when to be selfish and when to yield.


South Node in Scorpio

Pluto conjunct South Node

Archetype:   The Seafarer

Place: Scandinavia

Time: 1002 A.D.

My name is Erik and I am a Viking.  I have a lot of emotional drive and energy. Weaving through our local waters, I just have to look into the fjords to regenerate myself.  I couldn’t live my life cut off from that source like some lands we have visited.  I like a challenge and don’t necessarily do things the easy way.  The force of the Norse gods is with me!

The gift I bring with me from this past life is to be unafraid of deep water, whether in nature or in one’s own psyche.

Pluto square to the Nodes: To see the challenges of life and society and not to shy away from them.  A bit of a revolutionary.

North Node in Taurus: Working towards a more creative and constructive lifestyle or spiritual path.

Integrated Nodal Axis of Taurus and Scorpio: Balance between the material and non-material worlds and to understand when it is time for new beginnings, when forms in life are to be sustained and supported, and to know when the time is right for endings.


South Node in Sagittarius

Jupiter conjunct South Node

Archetype:  The Explorer

Place: South America

Time:  1836 A.D.

I am Rodriguez and I am an explorer. I have been everywhere, searching for…something.  Last year I came across an ancient temple, pyramid-like, resembling something from Babylon. Hidden away behind thickets it was. I’m a Christian but I’ve always been fascinated by the sacred, where man communes with God or the gods. Anyway, you’ll never believe it (why am I telling you this?) but I ran. I ran right away because I couldn’t handle the responsibility!  It’s the thrill of the chase, for me, with temples.

The gift I bring with me from this past life is open-mindedness, especially towards other religions.

Jupiter square to the Nodes: May have the Explorer Archetype in past lives, and may need to balance your restlessness in this lifetime.  There may also be residual religious guilt to release.

North Node in Gemini: The need to focus the mind and develop the Inner Teacher

Integrated Nodal Axis of Gemini and Sagittarius: To master the principle of communication and understand at what point in the continuum information needs to be placed.


South Node in Capricorn

Saturn conjunct South Node

Archetype:  The Politician

Place: Russia

Time: 1905

My name is Piotr, and I whisper in the corridors of power. But even the whispering has rules. You speak only when you are spoken to by someone above your rank. You only speak that which is necessary and the bare minimum and for a serious purpose.  Every word is weighed carefully.  And information is classified, on a need-to-know basis.  Sssh!  I cannot tell you anything at the moment.  Sometimes you’d think this was an old Trappist monastery.

The gift I bring with me from this past life is discipline, the ability to be measured and work quietly towards my goal.

Saturn square the Nodal Axis: Being so focused and goal-orientated, there’s a need to remember to keep the heart open.

North Node in Cancer: Family values and parenting nurtured and the strong sense of the tribe and its needs.

Integrated Nodal Axis for Cancer and Capricorn: To balance responsibility and nurturing in a supportive lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones.


South Node in Aquarius

Uranus conjunct South Node

Archetype:  The Technician

Place: Atlantis

Time: 50,000 B.C.

My name is Barbarella. I live in Poseidia, and I am androgynous, but that might change in the future.  I use lasers and crystals in my work, and my group is helping to develop a large crystal we call “the Collider”, which has great potential.  Tremendous intelligence is networked within the group, and I’m excited by all the new developments.  I certainly know the work we do is powerful… sometimes I do wonder about the consequences, but brush any such thoughts aside.  It’ll be fine. I’ll just press this button and….

The gift I have brought into my current life from Atlantis is future vision and a love of progress and technological advancement.  I have the capacity for dispassionate scientific thought.
Uranus square the Nodal Axis: Indicates the need to apply knowledge and inner knowing ethically and safely on behalf of groups and society.  There is a desire to shake up the existing order.

North Node in Leo: The need to develop a stronger relationship with one’s own power, the integration of the personality, and to strengthen self-esteem.

Integration of the Nodal Axis for Leo and Aquarius: Ability to stand in one’s own individuality and in a group and contribute in a positive way without overpowering others.


South Node in Pisces

Neptune conjunct the South Node

Archetype:  The Mystic

Place: Polynesian islands

Time: 1200 A.D.

My name is Enui, and I come from Rapa Nui (Easter Island).  Well part of me lives here, but I come from other places, too. We have a mystical consciousness, moving and shape-shifting in and out of different dimensions.  As a fishing race, sea creatures are sacred to us, especially the Turtle.  I have seven parallel lives, including one on the Pleiades.  I can see you find that hard to believe.  Why limit your consciousness?

The gift I have brought forward into my life is multidimensional consciousness, a way of being which is still in the memory banks for access.

Neptune square to the Nodes: Confusing to yourself and others, but at the same time challenging them to open their minds, confusion being part of the transition state.

North Node in Virgo: The karmic mission is to hone your skills, be aware of detail, moving away from scattered thinking and action.

Integration of Nodal Axis for Virgo and Pisces: The ability to give service, in the community and in the world.

© 2011 by Lana Wooster
All Rights Reserved

To see the original illustrated version on The Radical Virgo, click here:
