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Aspects for the week beginning 11 September 2011

Today the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the fall of the twin towers in New York, is marked astrologically by an opposition between Mercury and Chiron.  If you grappled with last week’s confusion in the shape of Mercury opposite Neptune, you may find that, with today’s similar aspect involving Chiron you reach the nub of the problem, which can then begin a new healing.  The healing may be worked on the mental level, as it involves Mercury.  A tenth anniversary is a real marker, and it could be that with the emotional plane being so insistent in the past (year or ten), you may experience an emotional coming to terms, and are now ready to start a new phase of mental understanding.  Certainly I feel there has been a great deal of subconscious angst recently coming up to this point.  On that day 10 years ago, I heard the news on my way home on the train, from my commuter buddy at the time.  Then barely an hour later, it was the time for my Fixed Star meditation group to turn up.  So we sent out healing, barely knowing what we were sending out healing to.  The event was unprecedented, and incomprehensible.  The event itself has come to be synonymous astrologically in my mind with the late summer/early autumn Fixed Stars, among them one name Alkaid in the Big Dipper, the actual tip of the handle of the Big Dipper,  eerily similar to the word Alkaida.  The star we were working with that night was Denebola, a star in the constellation of Leo, and one of the meditators wrote in our little silver hologrammed spiral notebook a message that there will one day be Unity.  That is still a very much needed commodity, ten years on.  Venus is sextile Mars today, which instills a co-operation between the sexes.  My husband Mike and I travelled to New York for the first time in October 2007, and stood at Ground Zero.  My prayers there produced a sense of Heaven and Earth uniting in co-operation, those who had lost loved ones being helped to understand by those who had passed into other dimensions.  A book I read just a few weeks ago seemed to bring this thought to life.  It was written by Bonny McEneaney, whose husband died in the disaster.  It’s entitled “Messages: Signs, Visits, and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11” and I expect it is much more well-known in the U.S. than here.  The copyright at the beginning of the book tells us we can only quote a few lines, and I would have loved to quote some of the poems, but will just quote from the introduction: “This is a book about men and women who lost loved ones and who have been fortunate enough to have spiritual experiences surrounding these losses.  This is not a book about death.  It is a book about hope and the deep and loving connections that go well beyond the boundaries that exist between life and death.”  Tomorrow, Mercury trines Pluto, so this is a timely aspect for learning deep lessons, and moving on to a new phase of life and living.  Maybe for instance you have evolved a new philosophy, and can start to live it.  On the same day we have a Full Moon in Pisces, and emotions may be full on, but balanced and encompassed by a wider and deeper mental outlook.  On Thursday (15th) Mercury trines Jupiter, and all ye entrepreneurs out there should have a good day practicing your art.  Also favoured are students, such as freshers, embarking on new studies, and philosophers living new philosophies.  Later  that day Venus moves into one of its own signs, Libra.  This will be a stimulus to the Arts, and to relationships in general.  Justice, fairness and harmony will be much sought after, and there may be new initiatives in human rights.  In your own close relationship, if you have been splitting hairs and being a bit picky about the behaviour of your other half, you may change to seeking a rapprochement and be more willing to compromise about the foibles of your loved one.  On Friday 16th Pluto is stationary prior to turning direct, and you may start to make more long term progress in the area of your chart currently occupied by Pluto and the sign Capricorn.  The end of the week, Saturday 17th, brings an opposition between Venus and Uranus.  If you are socializing, be prepared for some erratic behaviour.  If you are having a quiet night in, it might turn out a bit like Abigail’s Party (Mike Leigh’s play, circa 1977).  Returning to the Fixed Stars, if you are lucky enough to have a clear sky at night you may still be able to catch the Supernova PTF 11kly exploding in the Pinwheel Galaxy (not to be confused with the Pinwheel Galaxy in Triangulum) near the tip of the handle of the Big Dipper.  Our meditation group used to occasionally nip out and stargaze on my primitive telescope, and wish they had a proper Astronomer guiding them!

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – Deep thoughts and emotions
  • Thursday – Brisk sales, stimulating mental outlook, and smoother-sailing relationships
  • Friday – A sea-change towards progress
  • Saturday – Strange social outlook

Aspect for the week beginning 4 September 2011 – Mercury opposite Neptune

This week is about questions. The whereabouts of Gaddafi are still unknown. And the issues thrown up by the London riots (violence, poverty, social alienation, policing, parenting etc) are just beginning to be unravelled.  In order to arrive at solutions, the problems need to be fully understood. Rarely, we only have one aspect this week: Mercury opposite Neptune, which we met in late July and then early August during the English riots. Though the riots were caused by the violent and shocking T-square of Mars, Pluto and Uranus, the element of mental confusion was a factor present due to Mercury opposing Neptune (confusion of the rioters, the Police and the public) and it is this element of confusion that we revisit this week. Look at the questions and unsolved mysteries of your life currently. It may be that the more you investigate, the more the mystery, fog or illusion deepens.   The issue may, for instance, be health.  It has been reported that the investigation into the deaths of patients at Stockport’s Stepping Hill Hospital has become more complex since the release of a former suspect in the matter of contaminated saline.  Police will have to question 500 people, in an effort to understand what has been happening.  The need for enquiry in your life’s issues lasts at least until Mercury opposes Neptune on Thursday.  You may look back at your diary to see what questions were thrown up around 28/9 July and again 8 August and see how far you have come in thinking about and discussing them. One thing for sure you will have found that the issues and your understanding will have become more complex and more sensitive. I do feel however that our Prime minister David Cameron, in trying to deal with the problems, shows from the statements he puts out that his psychological understanding is no more sophisticated than Tony Blair’s was. I always felt that it was Tony Blair’s primitive psychological understanding that held back proper progress and solutions – he was always scratching at the surface in his policies. In an interview on Friday on the Today programme, according to the Spectator “The interviewer, Evan Davis, offered Cameron the chance to retreat from the firm, almost draconian line he took at the height of the riots. But Cameron refused, comfortable to risk appearing ‘morally certain’, or, even more daring,‘nasty’… Even his compassionate points were couched in slightly unflinching terms.”.  David Cameron may have struck lucky in Libya, but in his home policies he could take a leaf out of the book of psychotherapist Camilla Batmanghelidjh founder of Kid’s Company (she of the colourful headgear) or at least listen to what she has to say about the sensitive issues of disaffected youth, instead of drafting in soldiers to teach in schools. Going back to the aspect of the week, our progress up to Thursday lies in listening and surrendering to the need for ever-unfolding of the complexity of truth, though stressful. It is a week when draughts of camomile tea and aromatherapy massages can negotiate this passage. The actual aspect occurs at 15.25 Hrs on Thursday (8th) in the UK, so the effect is full on in the daytime.  In the USA it will occur around breakfast time, an appropriate time to report on and analyze any weird dreams.  In Australia it will be dreamtime, so strange convoluted dreams or possibly nightmares may be a feature of the psyche reporting to the conscious mind what it needs to convey.  After this point, there may then be some resolution, some ability to piece together the multiple jigsaws, to encompass the issues in your mind in a more coherent form. There follows on Friday (9th) the ingress of  Mercury into Virgo, and the possibility that you may start to get  answers, and factual information. Will we know the true whereabouts of  Colonel Gaddafi?  Will we see through the fog of the questions that surround us? We will certainly be getting on with life on a practical level. This astrological feature (not actually an aspect) occurs at 5.58 a.m. in the UK.   In the U.S. it occurs late at night on Thursday, so Americans may find they have a burst of efficient energy before bedtime.  In Australia it will be mid-afternoon, and ideal for working activity.  Friday’s astrological climate is where the real school term begins, the knuckling down to the new curriculum, the settling to a new regime, establishing new mental patterns and routines. Mercury ruler of Virgo is in its rightful place and there is a fresh new sense of organization. If you have not already read it, it may be timely to read my guest blogger Asia Haleem on decluttering.  It’s the first in an occasional series entitled Zodiac Masterclass which displays the expertise of each sign. Here is the link:


The week in bullet points:

  • Thursday – The peak of confusion and the beginning of Understanding
  • Friday – The opportunity to put into motion new plans of thought and action

Aspects for the week beginning 28 August 2011

We are poised at the moment, waiting to see what effect Hurricane Irene will have on New York; waiting for the Libyan rebels to find the whereabouts of Colonel Gaddafi.  We are being asked to encompass so much in our minds at the moment, so much that is new and shocking.  Either that or we are in recluse, shutting our eyes and ears to any form of media.  The U.S. chart is going through the challenges of its Saturn Return this year, and at the moment that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that the storm had arrived (3.30 a.m. GMT) Saturn was exactly conjunct the natal Saturn at 14 degrees 47 minutes.  The natal Saturn is 14 degrees 46 minutes!  Depending on the ground level, Bloomberg has asked residents of New York to evacuate (low ground) or stay indoors (high ground).  The possible effects are unknown as a storm of this kind is virtually unprecedented, and Irene herself may hopefully be running out of steam.  Libya too is in a moment of great uncertainty.  Though the rebels are elated to have taken Tripoli to all intents and purposes, they cannot progress until they have found Gaddafi and it is uncertain how the country will be constructed when they do.  At this time, Tripoli is facing a humanitarian crisis with many dead, and water and food in scarce supply.  The aspects for the original chart of Libya include a current powerful square of Pluto to its natal Jupiter in 7th House: undergoing a dramatic change to its belief system, and challenges in its international relations.  Curiously enough Libya is also undergoing its Saturn Return this year, with its natal Saturn in the same degree as that of the United States, at 14 degrees 6 minutes.  This important moment of time is astrologically at least in some ways an opportunity, for today the Sun is trine Pluto, and we have an opportunity to take stock in a real and deep sense, before building something new for tomorrow’s (29th) New Moon at 5 degrees of Virgo.  Today then is a day for searching the soul, and tomorrow a day for building on that wisdom – let us hope that New Yorkers and Libyans would be in a position to do that.  We may have a chance to do more than breath-holding later in the week, with the aspects dominated by the currents of Jupiter.  On Tuesday (30th) Venus trines Jupiter, and this is certainly of benefit in our private and personal lives, establishing relationships on a happier footing, and perhaps celebratory in mood.  Jupiter then stands still, prior to turning retrograde, so the celebration may linger or turn nostalgic.  The best man’s speech may be especially evocative, and the champagne may stay in the system longer than usual.  Like an Indian wedding, the good will may last even until Saturday (3rd September) when the Sun trines Jupiter and good wishes may prove to be more than just pipe dreams.  Despite the crises we are facing internationally, we can make headway this week at least personally, but hopefully the protective vibrations of Jupiter minimizing the damage feared in New York, and some diplomatic progress made in international relations elsewhere (Venus trine Jupiter), and preservation rather than destruction being the keynote as we go through the week. Uranus squaring Pluto continues to seek change where change is necessary, but where there is worth for you in your life Jupiter will encourage and support your efforts to cherish and save now.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today  – Soul Searching
  • Monday  –  New Building
  • Tuesday  – Celebration
  • Saturday  –  Luck

Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Virgoan Guide to Decluttering

Virgo New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry

Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens

available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html

This is the first of an occasional series written about the expertise of each Sun Sign. The articles will be found under the category “Zodiac Masterclass” so that eventually there will be 12 such articles, e.g. “The Libran Guide to Relationships”, “The Sagittarian Guide to Optimism”, “The Cancerian Guide to Parenting” etc. Each article will be written by someone who has the Sun Sign in question. With the season of going back to school, and starting further education courses, we all try to be focussed and organized in the month of Virgo.

Here Asia Haleem writes about clearing our clutter.

Asia started out as an Art Historian (London University) but when embarking on a doctorate to explore the roots of astronomical imagery in the ancient near east, got sidetracked into writing two books using the information she came across, about priestesses and goddess festivals in the ancient world.

For more information about her background, please refer to her guest post (Babylonians, Mexicans and the Total Count), and interview (No. 1 in the series).

The Virgo Guide To Decluttering and Cleaning
Asia Haleem

Having moved from a house to a flat, and then spent 20 years commuting and spending most of the day at work, for a long time I lived a life of keeping a semblance of order at home which involved carrier bags containing a month’s stuff at a time put under beds or behind rows of books -just as a temporary measure.

But a year ago when I finally stepped off the roundabout and found myself at home all the time I said to myself, I can now really tidy up (thinking it would take about a week). I was wrong: I’ve been at it a year now and there’s a long way to go – but I’m cool about it (Virgos can cope with phases of chaos if they are steps on the way to order). These are some of the strategies I have arrived at in order not to panic.


I would start out with rooting out the things you know you can get rid of straight away, in bagfuls, because this gives you a good initial feel of achievement. In the UK we have a lot of charity shops which sell second-hand stuff people have thrown out, and if they’re not nearby you can usually phone and ask them to collect. My main throw-out bulk categories are clothes (if you haven’t worn it for two years, chuck it) and books (do you need all those cookery books, and will you ever read those crime paperbacks a second time?). But also what about the carrier bags, jars, and other kitchen items that you virtuously kept to recycle, but are now gathering in dust (also the mouldy herbs)?

Getting rid of big amounts of obvious junk creates space for you to now begin the more detailed operation of shifting belongings around into better combinations – and you need the odd spare shelf or cupboard in which to park material that is ‘in transition’.


You say to yourself that you’ll spend a whole day decluttering, but here’s what I discovered: you need alternative strategies to follow to avoid getting tired, bored, or sheer overwhelmed.

  • It’s better to put aside one day a week to concentrate on radical tidying;
  • If that doesn’t work, one particular morning every week (like Sunday morning) can be put aside, so it becomes a habit;
  • Or, deal with one category of belongings at a time, like books, then clothes, then indoor plants, then windowsill ornaments or silver polishing – have a real binge on one kind of thing at a time.
  • Conversely, deal with one corner, window area or cupboard of each room only in one session. For instance a corner I cleared recently involved tidying the books on the shelves above, pulling out the filing cabinet and hoovering just that section of carpet underneath which usually I don’t get to, spraying with moth spray while it’s exposed, wiping the walls, dusting the ornaments on the filing cabinet and even polishing the cabinet with wood polish. You will never have to come back to it again for a year, or even two years in my case!

If in the process of doing a corner you find stuff which would be better placed elsewhere, I allow myself to park that in a temporary area until its new home in another corner is ready for it. You can even put them in storage boxes under the dining room table – you can get such pretty ones these days in hardware or stationery shops. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you need to allow yourself time to work out this vast three-dimensional Chinese Puzzle!


There are some things you have to put together over the year for annual events like your Tax Return or Christmas. In the hurly burly of everyday life, I have one drawer in a plan chest into which I chuck all invoices and statements, come the day I have to draw up my tax return. It depends how far you’ve reached in your decluttering journey, but I’ve now reached a level of refinement where I now have a concertina folder tabbed with labels such as Electricity, Phone, Office Supplies where if I stop for just ten seconds longer I can put the invoice into the right compartment and save myself a lot of work come Tax Return day, since they are ready sorted.

As the year goes on, and you have established some main blocks of order, you may even have time, for instance, to go through all your mortgage or credit card papers and see that all the leaflets and secondary correspondence about meetings now past can go in the bin. Needless to say, shred anything with your name and address on, and financial documents, or chits with your credit card details on. A strong double-cut shredder can be obtained these days for £30 and it will last for ever as long as you don’t stuff too much into the feeder. Shreddings makes good compost interwoven with vegetable matter!


I’ve gradually started to treat cluttering as a game which goes on for ever (a bit like Hermann Hesse’s Glass Bead Game of Life on the domestic level). I have started to enjoy the never-ending process in itself, rather than expecting to ever arrive at a perfectly ordered set of interiors and belongings in which I display myself, as if in a Museum cabinet! The thing is, if you don’t make some attempt at it you really do descend into chaos. Think more of establishing oases of order within it, dealing with the most important ones first. This will set your mind at rest and make you feel you can run the rest of your life knowing where a thing is when you need it (very important to Virgos, but I ’m sure also to all the other Signs)!

There’s also something calming about a freshly cleaned floor or pair of curtains because material surfaces can once more interface with the invisible divine world with the dirt taken off . It is absolutely true that cleanliness is next to Godliness, and that domestic order mirrors Cosmic Order. This is what the soul feeds on, so make some parts of your house or flat into a sanctuary for you and others. You will get a lot further by doing a little a lot of times, rather than trying to do it all in one go, which nearly always plough s into the sand.

Aspects for the week beginning 21 August 2011

As England started to pick up the pieces after the mars-Pluto-Uranus riots some of the issues in Society started to clarify, as if emerging from a centrifuge. Issue 1 Violence: a definite problem in the human race.  When Lars von Trier was told that his film Dogville had inspired the Norwegian massacre, he was shocked as he hadn’t yet put two and two together. He said he wouldn’t have made it if he had known. Aah, the underestimated power of media. Issue 2 Race: the historian David Starkey embarrassed himself by claiming that White people had turned into Black people. Meanwhile the words of Tariq Jahan, who lost a son to the riots, ring compellingly in the ears: “This has nothing to do with race”. Issue 3 Poverty: David Cameron continues in denial, asserting that events had nothing to do with cuts, while people on the breadline already feel they have nothing to lose, and Prince Charles with Camilla nodding sympathetically in the background declares “It’s a cry for help”.  Issue 4 Policing: The Tottenham riots were sparked by what may have been an accidental or careless shooting, that of Mark Duggan. Certainly it was not thought through, and the failure to communicate with his family is unexplained.  So during the riots the police are afraid to overstep the mark. and in doing so understep the mark. Sir Hugh Orde from experience in Ireland is up to the job, but David Cameron wants a Los Angeles cop to deal with the gangs. Issue 5 Parenting: More particularly, is there enough of it?  This coming week sensitivities will be revealed at the outset on Sunday (21st). At lunch in the U.K. people may stress about how they like their roast potatoes, with Venus opposite Neptune.  In the early hours of the morning in the U.S. dreams may be nostalgic and emotional.  In the evening in Australia there may be emotional wrangles.  In the evening in the UK Venus enters Virgo and matters of taste become more exacting.  The balance of carrot and coriander in the soup becomes an issue, or the colour of your nightwear (you may wear gold lame pyjamas earlier in the evening, then suddenly decide to switch to sage green).  There are a few oppositions this week, and the next one comes up on Monday (22nd).  It’s Sun opposite Neptune, and this one happens at suppertime in the U.K. prompting a power play as its polarity lies across the end of Leo and Aquarius.  Perhaps the balance of power in a relationship is out of kilter, with one person constantly calling the shots, and the other needing to reclaim their soul.  There may be a sense of “last chance” about it.  If the struggle is internal, two of your Archetypes may be at odds with each other and you may have to establish a dialogue to rebalance them.  On Tuesday (23rd) the Sun enters Virgo and we are starting to focus on our Autumn plans, emotionally and spiritually.  Mentally, we still have Mercury in Leo and some summer fun left, and are able to exchange some email banter about it.  Chiron opposes Venus on Wednesday (24th), and this could bring about a healing crisis of the heart, perhaps a need to come to terms with loss. Thursday 25th may bring confrontation but not on the scale of the T-square rioting. A force may meet an immovable object, and dialogue would be the best course of action. A certain amount of frustration arises from this aspect. At suppertime Venus trines Pluto, so there is a good chance that the earlier frustration can be resolved by getting to the root causes of the matter, caring and sharing. And there is hope on the way for those who have been experiencing communication delays under Mercury retrograde, for on Friday 26th Mercury is stationary prior to going direct, and although it’s just changeover day prepare to start being able to put your affairs in order again – what a feeling!  Don’t expect to make too much headway on Friday itself though, for in addition to Mercury being in a bit of a spin the Sun is opposed by Chiron. So there is another healing crisis – this time an opportunity to examine power issues. Could be one for the government and the police to sort out.  Last words from a Tottenham resident quoted In the Guardian. Victoria Norman’s home was close to the Carpetright store which was burned down but she is still able to say “I love my home, my neighbours – and the new neighbours I met because of this.  There is strength in numbers, we are stronger than we were before. We all care about where we live and are sick and tired of people putting Tottenham down.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – Absolute perfectionism
  • Monday – Illusion and Power
  • Tuesday – More perfectionism
  • Wednesday – Healing crisis in Relationship
  • Thursday – Frustration then Understanding
  • Friday – A slow turnaround then more Power struggling

Aspects for the week beginning 14 August 2011

All Astrologers were able to predict that last week held the potential for violence, and that it would be on a grand scale, with a T-square between Mars, Pluto and Uranus.  The surprise was that it happened in England, first on the streets of London, and then spreading to other cities.  This is the same fearless, freedom-loving energy of Uranus in Aries which arose in the Middle East the moment Uranus entered Aries earlier this year.  So it was this week that David Cameron was prey to criticism of hypocrisy from Middle Eastern dictatorships (Syria and Libya).  But there are differences: our Police, who do not carry guns, did not kill our rioters, but were seen by many to react too slowly to prevent widescale damage, too hamstrung by conflicting aims, and surprised in the face of new tactics and weapons (e.g. BlackBerries).  The elements of the events of last week were complex and will give food for thought for a long time to come.  With Pluto square Uranus for another couple of years yet, Mars will have more chances over that time to re-ignite the issues, but in the meantime we have a quieter week astrologically and time to digest and start to repair those things that can be repaired.  Mars ignited the Pluto-Uranus square, demonstrating the difficulties inherent in Pluto in Capricorn, and exposing differences between our Police (Pluto) and our Government (Capricorn).  The issue which has been raised is Society (Mars in Cancer) and various facets of this have been debated in newspapers, television, radio and on Twitter.  I have been conversing and overhearing conversations on the train, in the home, on the phone, and in coffee shops: there are so many opinions, but I did come across someone who didn’t have an opinion.  And I also came upon someone who accused me, on the grounds that I have been a bleedin’ heart liberal.  At the last meeting of Light Pod (See my Light Body page) which is a monthly meeting for channeling, meditation and healing Sarah Berry and I set as our next focus “Society” and the next meeting to come around is this Tuesday (3 pm) so if you would like to join us in thought and positive focus, please do.  In the meantime, my heroes of this week were the broom armies cleaning up after the chaos, and Tariq Jahan the father of one of the three muslims killed by a hit-and-run incident in Birmingham as a result of the riots.  His dignity and appeal for calm was inspirational. ‘Nuff said.  We do have a calm interlude this week in the shape of a harmonious triple conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Venus, who do by and large tend to get on well anyway, and meet regularly.  There is a family and familiar feeling about the joining of these three, and the first conjunction takes place on Tuesday (16th)  between the Sun and Venus, at 23 degrees Leo.  If your birthday is on or around that day, you will really benefit from these planetary meetings.  It is an excellent aspect to restore love and harmony, or if you are on holiday, to really bask in the Sun and unwind.  Focussing on love can bring about creative ideas to solve current problems, and the aspect will bring out the best in interaction and relationship. The chorus of the song from the musical Hair comes to mind for this time “Let the Sunshine In”.  All together now, “Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in…”.  Tuesday and Wednesday constitute a mini-festival with that theme song, for next on Tuesday comes a conjunction of Mercury and Venus, in the same degree of Leo.  This aspect promotes dialogue and communication, so discussion about problem-solving can be profitable on a light basis (the heavier analysis needs to come later, when morale has been restored).  Creativity can be articulated now.  In the early hours of Wednesday 17th (UK time) the Sun is conjunct with Mercury (again the same degree) and the three sides of the triangle are complete.  The focus for this aspect is crystallizing enlightened thoughtforms, inspiration coming straight from the soul, and adding it to the achievements of the other two conjunctions.  You may have something real and tangible to show for this mini-fest.  Your heart may be renewed and strengthened for future work, after the battering of last week.  You may be expecting another shock later in the week, but in fact our vitality and faith in life are increased by a sextile between Mars and Jupiter on Thursday (18th).  Like the amazing Malaysian student whose daylight robbery was witnessed all over the world on You Tube, you can emerge reaffirming life now.  For much needs to be done in repairing the effects of last week, and rooting out the causes and wisdom gained in order that structures may be put in place for a fairer society.  Mars sextile Jupiter is a very suitable aspect for starting out with good intentions, in good heart and faith.  If David Cameron is looking for guidance, Supernanny Jo Frost might be able to help.  I used to think she was a bit harsh, but her new series offering extreme parental guidance show that she is not just a one trick pony (The Naughty Step), for she has added techniques and sensitivity to her repertoire since she was last on our screens.  She is a Cancerian (parental expertise) with a  no-nonsense Moon in Aries.  But the words of parent-of-the-week Tariq Jahan will be used to close this blog: “Today we we stand here to plead with all the youth to remain calm, for our communities to stand united.  This is not a race issue.  The family has received messages of sympathy and support from all parts of society…calm down and go home – please.”

The week in bullet points:

Tuesday: The power of three, the magic of love and discussion

Wednesday: Higher quality thought

Thursday: Action united with Optimism, a workable force

Aspects for the week beginning 7 August 2011

When I asked hubby Mike what was the issue of the week, he replied “It’s the economy, stupid”.  He is right, I do not have a handle on the economy, but Astrologers Raymond Merriman and Marjorie Orr do write fluently on the subject on their websites, if you would like intelligent astrological assessment on this complex issue.  That frees me to look at some of the other stories that are crowding our minds at the minute.  In another conversation this week, a friend observed that many people are being hit in a particular area of their lives at the moment, and I replied that actually it’s a three-pronged multifaceted attack because the very volatile T-square of Pluto-Uranus-Mars is now upon us.  It has already started, with the natural world in the shape of a Polar Bear attacking Britons in Norway, and last night’s riots in Tottenham, London.  Vigilance is required all week, and in particular Tuesday to Thursday when Mars squares Uranus and opposes Pluto.  My advised mantra of the week is “There is always a peaceful way”!  If you should know any would-be rioters or aggressive animals, please chant accordingly.  I mentioned last week that the Pluto of Norway is currently conjunct with the transiting (and triggering) South Node, and would note also that it is natally also conjunct with the Fixed Star Mintaka, one of the three stars in Orion’s belt.  The following words from the Mintaka section of  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld would therefore appear relevant now: “The creation of aggressive animal forms on Earth peaked with the development of the polar bear some 70,000 years ago.  From that time forward the full understanding and enlightenment of this race has taken place.  On this star system…has come an understanding and appreciation of how aggressive energies could lead to awareness, peace and understanding…They also gave Earth people an example of ferocity, power and energy that would not serve a purpose that people would see as valuable and useful, but rather would create fear.  This was imbued into the polar bear.  To study this creature will teach you a great deal about aggressive tendencies as it seems distinct and different in this way of aggression from all other bears….Understanding of the purpose of aggressive tendencies and how they can lead to a new sense of an awareness of peace and understanding is still a possibility with Earth.”  Whether scientists can solve the problem of climate change, which has given rise to the desperation of the polar bear now is the question.  The young students who went on the polar bear expedition in Norway seem to be very special souls, and sadly one has died, but I hope for good recoveries for the rest.  If your birthday is around 12th June your totem animal may be the polar bear, and you may be having important karmic experiences at this time.  In “Find your Spirit Animals” by David Carson, Polar Bear is designated the meaning of healing the planet.  Last word on the subject from Carson: “There was a time, it is told, when polar bears were human.  During the day they would take off their great white coats and become people.  At night, they would come home, put on their coats, and change back into polar bears.” Preamble over, Venus sextiles Saturn tomorrow, which is a good aspect for taking a relaxing pause, urging restraint with those of a less peaceful disposition or those who are needing to rebel (such as the ongoing dissenters in the Middle East, or closer to home).  It is a good day to gently look at peaceful options.  There may be constraints in relationships, but they can be seen as holding structures, and there may be harmony to be had in your contacts at this time, of the mature reflective kind.  Retrograde Mercury also returns to Leo from its recent foray into Virgo tomorrow.  Now this is where you can take 24 Hrs on Thursday 28th July to Friday 29th July, and rewind them backwards.  From the intensity of paperwork of Mercury in Virgo (I am on the case of my tax return now) you can take a break and do a spot of sunbathing (or rainbathing – I am not specifying weather here).  Then Mercury opposes Neptune, complicating consciousness.  Make the sunbathing short enough that health is not affected, and if the complexities of life are overwhelming bring them all together in focus with a Vipassana meditation.  Detach, and stay away from television and computers and mobile phones if possible, for at least 10 minutes.  Mars trines Chiron on Tuesday (9th), and here is an opportunity to realign your energies with a flow of healing, if you have a healing pathway.  Some people are not able to utilize the healing paths of Chiron as well as others, so if you are not on a Chiron healing pathway yet, it is recommended now to begin to find routes to healing and connection with your Inner Healer.  Just google “Chiron” if you are starting out, or if you are already on such a pathway (such as acupuncture), you can be a little more vigorous than usual in your practice due to Mars (energy) and Chiron (healing) working harmoniously together on this day.  However, the exact squares between Mars and Uranus and Pluto are looming, so I would advise a morning healing session, followed by more Vipassana meditation or even a retreat, in preparation for the confrontational squares.  The first occurs at 16.33 Hrs UK time on Tuesday, and that is Mars squaring Uranus (precipitate action).  Events could capture your attention suddenly, and then you will need to put all your meditative preparations into action (relax, breathe deeply, and then action if necessary).  The second leg of the T-square occurs on Thursday (11th) and more confrontation, clashes and sparks occurring now between Mars and Pluto in opposition.  This could be a difficult day for Police, with perhaps even divided loyalties and sympathies – likewise in the world of the Arab Spring/Summer, with people divided who might in the past have been united, now divided by their causes.  Librans will find this period particularly painful, seeing both sides while sitting on the fence.  Again, meditation might help (after disentangling from the imbroglio) but not Vipassana this time.  A Oneness Meditation (Deeksha) would be helpful, visualizing the Aquarian brotherhood of man/woman.  The Oneness Meditation needs to be sustained for a couple of days, for some of the T-square stress may be ebbing away but there is tension building towards the Aquarian Full Moon of Saturday evening (13th).  For those working with Light Body, carry through holding the energy from Thursday, and for those doing the Aquarian Brother and Sisterhood meditation just keep going up to the Full Moon on Saturday at 18.57 Hrs UK time.  For those of a more religious persuasion, prayer will be your tool for this period.  Saturday evening may feel like a crescendo of realization that the only way forward is Aquarian connectedness.  Speaking of connections, I have added 2 new links on my Contact page this week.  Firstly, a new website for Dia Vickery, who I think of as our very own Alistair Cooke providing the Letter from America service in the Comments box.  The website is very neat in her Virgoan style, and she provides Acupuncture in Los Angeles as well as being a specialist in Shiloh Shepherd dogs.  Secondly, The Mountain Astrologer, my favourite Astrology magazine, whose blog is written by Mary Plumb, a regular contributor to the magazine for as long as I can remember (perhaps forever).  She has recommended reading my blog of 31st July regarding Amy Winehouse and the Norwegian Massacre.  If you would like to read a more in-depth commentary on the latter tragedy, please take a look at Laura Dane’s guest post of that title.

I am myself finding the Week’s Bullet Points useful in these hectic times.  Here they are (hope they are not too long-winded this week):

  • Monday – Peace, and a brief Respite before Complicating Consciousness
  • Tuesday – Healing Energy, followed by Meditation and a Call to Intervention (if necessary)
  • Thursday – Confrontation, followed by Oneness Meditation
  • Saturday – Societal Connection


Further Reading:

Acupuncture:   http://www.vickeryhealth.com/

Mountain Astrologer Magazine:  http://mountainastrologer.com/tma/some-timely-astrology-blogs

The Norwegian Massacre:  http://www.lanawooster.co.uk/blog/2011/08/the-norwegian-massacre/


The Norwegian Massacre

Guest Post by Laura M. Dane

I feel that the following piece by my guest blogger goes some way to assisting our understanding of the spiritual perspective behind the recent events in Norway.  If you would like to read a little of the background of the author, please find more information under my Interviews Category (Interview 3).  Over to you, Laura:

The following was provided by one of my guides on Saturday, 24 July 2011 in response to my attempts to grasp the esoteric aspects of this atrocity. The key to  understanding is to recognise that a nationality, like every individual, has a personality which is in the process of evolving to reveal its inner divinity.

“Such crises denote a point in the life of the nation, expressed through a particular group of individuals, where a conflict of ideology becomes a matter of life and death.  The attachment to an ideology convinces the holder that his life is dependent upon the continued life of the ideology in the life of humanity.  He will come to believe that the turning away by many others from his ideology threatens his life and that the only course left for him is to kill those who deny or oppose his ideology.  His character is such that he is unable to free himself from his ideology into a greater and expanded understanding of life.

In a sense, such fixed views are of the past – often an idealised past which never existed but which still attempts to be realised in the life of the nation.  The frustration in attempting to realise this ideology and consequent sense of loss and failure does not have its cause in those who oppose or turn away from this ideology but in the new energies of goodwill, synthesis, peace and equilibrium sweeping through humanity.  There are those who can respond positively to these new energies and move into a new form of humanity founded in brotherhood whilst others respond through resistance and rejection, occasionally taking the conflict down into the physical realm.

The build up of such tensions within a nation will be noted and observed by those on the inner planes whose role is to guide the destiny of nations. If it can not be released and resolved on the mental and emotional planes, then the best course of release is upon the physical plane.  The release onto the outer plane reveals to mankind the consequences of his “desires” in physical terms. The conflict has not been resolved by elevating it to the level of love. Such events are, in their own way, an expression of war by ideologies caught up in materially-orientated groups who find it impossible to respond adequately to the energies of love and goodwill. Such “explosions” have to be accepted as a temporary measure until mankind has learnt to express itself as a brotherhood in its fullest understanding.

The conflict of ideologies within a nation will find its outlet within individuals who represent the line of least resistance and who are frequently perceived in society as the most vulnerable and innocent.  However, there will be a conscious decision by certain aspirants and disciples, for whom there is karmic opportunity, to play their part through the giving of their lives, taking into account also the karmic opportunities of their group, family and their nation. In the giving of their lives in this manner, they contribute the power of their loving sacrifice to counter the evil of the ideology which seeks to destroy life.  Their contribution adds to the healing forces of their nation so that it can recover from the trauma.

Many survived the massacre because their karma allows them to while others, despite all efforts to save them, will take some action which will bring about their death.  The role of “luck” and “miracles” has much to do with karma. There will be others who are injured, the area of their body which suffered the injury pointing to a symbolic area of psychological release by the individual.  Those who chose to die are afforded an even greater release.  Those who were not injured but who experienced the psychological trauma have healing to do at the level.  Whatever their experience, help is given at all times from the inner realms to heal all participants through a process of awakening or realisation which will prevent such occurrences in the future.

There will be greater national “security” but the greatest protection will come from the unfolding of a greater heart response from the nation as a whole.  It will become more itself.

Because the nation remains relatively unaware, it is not conscious of how its thoughts, feelings and actions affect itself, its people and the world as a whole.  It learns, therefore, through painful consequences.  The force of their thoughts, feelings and actions are not well directed and focussed because they are unconscious in some measure and therefore unexpected consequences occur and  seemingly innocent people are affected.

Everyone is connected and group actions affect everyone to some degree or other but not all are equal in their ability to respond positively to them.  The innocent, that is, those who are not able to respond, are unwittingly involved in national or group crises from which they should be protected by those in a position to act and who take the right action at the right time.  The inability or unwillingness to take right responsibility for action can cause damage to the lives of the innocent. A section of the national body has been injured and that section’s capacity to act as a conduit for healing and restoration is greatly inhibited because its faith in the goodness of life has been broken.

A nation needs to see its youth as the “innocent” and, to an extent they are, but they do bring with them into incarnation the karma of past lives and can choose the manner in which that karma is overcome or used.  The action itself is understood to be “wrong” but the nation, as a whole, has much soul-searching ahead, to discover its true cause, to become more its true self and thereby to discover the great gift bequeathed to them by the willing sacrifice of so many of its idealistic youth.”

Further reading:




Aspects for the week beginning 31 July 2011

Getting behind on my reporting…!  Featuring this week are the Oslo Massacre and Amy Winehouse, but I keep feeling I should be investigating in advance, and not being caught on the hop.  For the day of the Norwegian tragedy I noted that the South Node conjunct Mars would bring an emphasis on past wars and old scores being settled.  Certainly both in the conscious and subconscious mind of Anders Breivik this was the case.  His Mercury squares exactly the Norway Mercury, so his ideology is at odds with his country.  His lawyer has reported that he sees himself as a warrior, and natally he has a powerful trine from Pluto to his warrior planet Mars, a significant force in his astropsychopathology.  His lawyer also thinks he is insane.  I feel that much of the emotional and spiritual fuel for his cause lies in unresolved emotions such as the unconscious desire for revenge from past lives in Medieval Europe during the Crusades and the history of the Knights Templars.  The symbols for these are still very potent for many people, and hold the warrior energies, especially if their past lives are unacknowledged,  when they have a more subsconscious sway.  This transiting conjunction of Mars and the South Node collided very unfortunately, but exactly, with the Pluto of Norway’s natal chart, symbol of the nation’s deepest collective psyche, and also representing its Police force.  Norway’s noble peace loving reputation comes from its natal Venus in Taurus exactly trine its North Node (karmic mission) and its government are determined that their national character will be unchanged by this horrifying challenge to its way of life.  Amy Winehouse is the Janis Joplin of her generation (at the age of 61, I have seen too many of these over the decades), dubbed a member of the “27 Club” of music greats being cut short at this age.  This is the age just before the Saturn Return marker, which is a challenge to the structure of one’s life.  She had not been able to find the right structure for her life, and in addition was facing a Nodal Reversal, which involved the Mars/South Node conjunction around that weekend (so there was a significant karmic element to the timing of her passing).  Let us hope for a breakthrough in the understanding of addiction, and the true role of Rehab for the next generation, so that such huge talents are not snuffed out before time.  No shortage of aspects for the coming week, so without further ado I report a trine between Venus and Uranus for Monday (1st August).  This is a favourable aspect for honeymooners being whisked off to exotic locations (such as Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall), but even if you don’t happen to be one, your social life could be quite exciting at this time!  Later on Monday the Sun squares Jupiter, so you could be inclined to go over the top about someone you’ve just met!  If you suspect this is the case, bury yourself in paperwork between Monday and Wednesday, before Mercury turns retrograde.  Then at least you will have something to show for your enthusiasm.  On Wednesday 3rd Mars enters Cancer, so not only are communications under pressure, but mental passion converts into emotional energy, and that too will detract from efficient communication.  People may stumble while conveying their words and Freudian slips may fall through the gaps between what they are trying to say and what they do say.  They will be sincere though, so you are likely to know their true feelings (and they yours).  Though embarrassing, it is all evolving in the right direction spiritually as Mars is applying to a trine with Neptune, which takes place later in the day.  So action and intention is allied successfully with spirituality.  Hopefully this will result in satisfaction (as in what the Rolling Stones didn’t get), but if you are working with symbols from your past lives, be very careful to let go of negative emotions and preferably use balanced symbology (such as the triangle) or symbols linked with eternity (such as the circle) and not symbols linked with medieval warfare.  Thursday (4th) brings a sextile between Mercury and Mars, and it is a good day to understand mentally the application of symbols.  The symbol for the day might be the Caduceus, which denotes healing.  The healing for the day is in relation to warriorship (Mars), so another gateway for understanding presents itself, not a huge aspect but one which can be well used and is timely for recent struggles.  Communication can convey directness, but will still be affected by the retrograde motion of Mercury, so caution is still needed.  On Friday (5th) retrograding Neptune returns to Aquarius from its short swim in Pisces.  It is dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on its sensitive work within groups over the last 13 years.  If you have been working with a particular group for that time, an aspect of its work may be completed.  Neptune entered Aquarius in January 1998, if you have access to your diaries for that time (mine are buried under mountains of journals, theoretically awaiting the time when I can type them up for computer files –a vague pipe dream!).  Two more aspects await us on Friday 5th: Venus squares Jupiter – aah this is the aspect of the social faux pas, be warned but also be confident that it cannot do too much harm.  And the final flourish is a sextile between the Sun in Leo and Saturn in Libra, so you may be able to construct something worthwhile out of the faux pas, e.g. you may spill your drink on a fellow dinner party guest, and then discover that you may have something in common (e.g. you are both Sagittarian and have a tendency to spill drinks) which leads to a new partnership being forged and plans to go drinking/spilling and merry-making at a later date.  Of course all this superficial socializing is taking place against the background of the Uranus-Pluto square which is bringing the shocking news events to our attention (and I am trying hard to keep within its fast flowing current) and challenges within our personal lives – however we need a balance of work and play, professional and private activities, sense and sensibility.  Make mine a sparkling mineral water!  On a sober note, Tuesday is the deadline for the American debt crisis, and I can do no better than to point you in the direction of Nancy’s Blog, a well-informed astrological opinion with on-the-ball commenters, and a good bias towards Barack Obama.  Here’s the link:  http://starlightnews.com/wordpress/

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – Social frisson, and over-egging the pudding
  • Tuesday – A prayer for the US debt situation, which affects us all
  • Wednesday – Piling on the emotion; Sweet satisfaction
  • Thursday – Good motor and sharp communication skills (toddlers take note)
  • Friday – Awkward but amiable; Handshake on a Plan

Aspects for the week beginning 24 July 2011

By the time you read this it will be old news, at the rate events are moving.  A standout event of the last few days was the appearance of father and son Murdoch in front of the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee last Tuesday. Their body language was captured by media Psychologist Peter Collett in the Guardian.  He analyzed Rupert Murdoch’s posture (intending to show he was fully involved), his pauses (showing a dominant individual) and his table-tapping “- a sure sign that he’s used to giving commands”.  Apparently James Murdoch was a “model of courtesy”, making sure by eye contact that all committee members felt included.  Peter Collett (author of “How to Read People’s Minds from their Actions”) concludes his article with a quip about the custard pie moment.  I was musing myself whether there might be a call for an Emergency Biscuit.*  Something else which is going on meanwhile in the world, and more difficult to identify astrologically, are babies (and adults) dying from famine, specifically highlighted in Somalia at this present time.  Somalia currently has Uranus transiting its Ascendant, and squaring its Sun/Venus on the cusp of its 4th House which conjunction is opposed by transiting Pluto on its 10th House cusp (forming a difficult T-square composed of transiting and natal elements).  The Somali Civil War, which began in 1991 and the consequences of which are being felt to this day, occurred with Saturn opposite Somalia’s Mercury in 4th House, and Neptune on its Saturn in 10th House.  Out of Somalia came one Rageh Omaar, born in 1967, the son of a wealthy businessman. He has the North Node in Taurus – the karmic mission to be an anchor or rock. We do not know his Ascendant, but Jupiter is currently trine Venus, the ruler of his North Node, and perhaps helping to expand his karmic mission. In his past lives he would have been accustomed to danger as a warrior with South Node in Scorpio conjunct Mars in Libra (perhaps as a go-between). His present karmic mission seems to be to translate Islam for us through the 3-part television series “Mohammed”, beautifully shown by transiting Neptune (spiritual aspect) trine his natal Mars and this year also to trine the South Node, and sextile the North Node. Transiting Saturn sextile his Jupiter (religion) give him the stability at this time but also the sense of responsibility (in a television interview he was aware of the difficulties of his role). Who can forget his steady, spellbinding and reassuring presence reporting day after day during the Iraq War in 2003?  He does have significant links with Iraq chartwise.  At the time of that war, Neptune (Spiritual Protection) was exactly sextile his natal Saturn (Responsibility), enabling him to endure this mission.  He says of his time there “We ran around, we did pieces on weapons inspectors, Saddam, the regime, and almost nothing about Iraqi people.” I always saw him as a hero, and I am sure many others did.  If you have missed the first two parts of his current programme, you can see the third and final part on Tuesday 26th July at 9 p.m. on BBC2.  We have another week now where the aspects begin in the middle of the week. Take note of how that was for you last week. Fixed star focus for the week is the Praesape Cluster (M44) in Cancer which has a short description in “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld, so I might as well quote the whole paragraph: “The primary energy here is in assisting individuals to fully accept loss, to release it, and to understand the great gifts of what one does not need any longer.  This is a way of surrender and trust in the God-force.  At a deeper level, most people will discover that a sense of what is needed created in them, as well as a sense of what is not needed.  Priorities can shift to spiritual levels, so the true God-nature of the priorities emerge.” On Wednesday (27th) after you have assessed your spiritual priorities the Sun in Leo trines Uranus in Aries, so this may give a boost to revolutionaries around the world, and any attempts you are making to revolutionize the areas in your life affected by this aspect.  If you know your birthchart, you can take a look at which houses the two planets are currently occupying to see which areas of your life can take a shift together.  On Thursday (28th) Venus enters Leo, boosting our Leo fire supply, and eagerness to party and to extract joy from our life’s experiences.  A little later on the same day, Mercury leaves Leo and enters Virgo.  There is a short, exactly 3-hour window, (in the UK it is between 2.59 pm and 5.59 p.m.) when Venus, the Sun and Mercury are all in Leo and you can make hay while the sun shines.  When Mercury enters Virgo, you might feel the call of your paperwork or other tasks which need attention.  Mentally, you would be more inclined to focus, and be more practical.  But an aspect the next day (Friday 29th) will make it difficult to keep distractions at bay – this is an opposition to Mercury from Neptune.  It could be a case that you have so much to do that life is complicated.  You may have an imminent wedding to plan, for instance, which requires your energies at all sorts of different levels.  You may have to call in the wedding planning Angels if so, to help you on the higher levels while you focus on the paperwork, such as paying the caterers.  You may be lucky, in that all will come together the next day (Saturday 30th) as it is a New Moon and blue moon at 7 degrees Leo, and therefore good for weddings or other large-scale functions and activities, such as film directing (did I tell you a lot of Film Directors are born under Leo?  I have?  Oh sorry, it is one of my fave astro-facts…).  Now, blogging about Astrology takes up a bit of my time, and although Past Life therapy is a good proportion of my work it rarely gets a look-in comparatively in my blog. Which is why I am grateful to fellow Astroblogger Joyce Mason, who has written a lip-smacking article on her Radical Virgo blog entitled “The Great Flow Charters in the Sky”.  It’s all about how she recognized the hand of reincarnation working throughout her life.  Here’s the link to a great read http://www.radicalvirgo.com/2011/07/great-flow-charters-in-sky.html if you are thirsty to know more about Past Lives.  Have a good week, and enjoy the wedding season, or home-entertainment-for-schoolkids-season, whichever applies!

*Soon to be patented, perhaps, by Apprentice winner Tom Pellereau

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – Spiritual priorities and Religious ruminations
  • Thursday – Spirited enthusiasm

[Fun window: 2.59 pm to 5.59 pm, UK time]

Knuckle down to paperwork

  • Friday – Mental confusion and complexity
  • Saturday – New ventures centred around enjoyment and leisure