Aspects for the week beginning 15 January 2012
It’s time to consider that there may be a contender pitted against Obama in the U.S. Presidential Election in November. After Sarah Palin bowed out, and Michelle Bachmann has left the scene, and a few others came and went, Mitt Romney emerges as a possibility after his triumph in Iowa and New Hampshire. I have to say that I still feel that Obama has the stature for the role of President – that he has not performed as well as hoped I feel is because he has not been allowed to by the opposition, in the same way that I feel that in British politics David Cameron has not played fair with Nick Clegg. Not that Nick Clegg is in the same league as Obama, but that he has been scapegoated and disempowered by a Prime Minister who has not played fair. If Politicians are continually fighting, nothing helpful ever gets done. They put the power play before health, education and peace, and rarely do you find a sense of co-operation even for important projects for the good of all. In the Guardian yesterday, Jonathan Freedland talked about the gridlock experienced by the current U.S. administration, calling it “an abuse of the system, a consequence specifically of the march rightward of the republican party“.
So…looking at Mitt Romney’s chart, I am not bowled over, but then, as I say, I am biased! He has no Earth planets, so could be said to be ungrounded. He has the past-life Warrior Archetype in the shape of the Nodal Axis square to his Mars, and may be part of a warrior group. On the plus side, he has the Moon exactly conjunct Jupiter, which is buoyant, and has been labeled “guilelessly optimistic” in the past. He also has a balanced Jupiter trine Saturn, but a dark Chiron square Pluto. On the date of the election, neither Romney nor Obama have easy aspects, but Pluto is trine Obama’s Pluto, and if he were to win it would mean he would be coming into his own power, and may have more of a chance to deliver on his original ideals. Jupiter will be trine the U.S. Saturn, and so there may be a sense of uplift in the mood of the continent.
Nancy’s Blog (see my Contact page for the link) said spookily accurately of Mitt Romney on 2nd January, before Iowa:
“Mitt Romney does well in Iowa but may share the winnings with Paul and Santorum. He has a very strong win in New Hampshire. South Carolina and Florida are disappointing, but he remains very aggressive throughout January and February and regains his strong momentum from mid-February onward, winning Super Tuesday (March 6) decisively. May is likely to be his official crowning as nominee.”
This morning Venus sextiles Jupiter, making it an excellent day for socializing, wining and dining. Tomorrow, Venus conjuncts Chiron and healing hopes could be raised, and in some cases realized. On Wednesday (18th) we have a recurrence of Jupiter semi-sextile Uranus, which last occurred on 13th December, if you can resurrect your old diary. At that time, I wrote:
“Jupiter from 0 degrees Taurus is semi-sextile Uranus at 0 degrees Aries [they have now reached 1 degree], very fundamental positions being tested against each other. Some Gandhi-like negotiations might be needed, in order to avoid the collapse of the whole. In your own life one area may look to be holding up, but faces a challenge from another area of your life which somehow you know could go either way. Expand your consciousness and see things from a larger perspective, where things are already unified and whole.”
In actual fact, I found it to be a buoyant, co-operative and productive day on a personal level and between people, so the contact between Jupiter and Uranus can work well, in such a mildly uneasy aspect.
On Thursday (19th), there is a square between the Sun and Saturn, and there may be a little nugget of inertia infiltrating your plans, so you may need a little nugget of persistence and optimism to overcome this. Unless the signals are prohibitive, you should be able to proceed. Friday (20th) brings a change of Sun Sign, from the sluggish Capricorn to the more dynamic Aquarius. Overnight, people may have slept on the difficulties of the previous day, and dreamt the solutions, and brought new energy to the table. For instance, if you baked a Mary Berry recipe the day before and felt disheartened, you might try it again with a new twist on the Friday, surprising everybody. Later the same day, our positive input will be rewarded by a supportive sextile between Venus and Pluto. While reviewing events of the day, there is a sense of deep fulfillment, especially when reviewing baking. People will understand more easily where others have been coming from.
A new series of Dancing on Ice has begun, and anticipating tonight’s show I thought I would look at a random batch of contestants’ charts – there are always a great number at the beginning, and that is twice as many if you look at the charts of the professional skaters too. The four I have chosen are all female, partly because I hardly know most of the men’s batch, but my interest usually warms up as the series goes on. Heidi Range was a co-founder of Atomic Kitten with Kerry Katona, many years ago. She always has a dazzling smile, and performed well with her then partner a few years ago on Mr and Mrs. In the first show of this series, Heidi was in the skate off, and so we could lose her in an early round. She currently has her Saturn Return, and in addition Neptune is trine her Saturn, so she feels tested but will find herself through the experience, though she may not stay long in the competition.
Charlene Tilton, who was Lucy Ewing in Dallas in the 1980s, impressed me with a gracefulness that Lucy never showed. She has a difficult and high energy Grand Cross in her natal chart, but the chart is balanced by some strong trines as well. She was off to a steady start somewhere in the middle of the leader board, with Mars trine her natal Mars in support, and the North Node conjunct her Venus.
Jorgie Porter from Hollyoaks was enormously popular. A Christmas Day baby, she has great character as shown by Sun/Mercury/Venus/Neptune in Capricorn, a line-up of great talent. She has balance (Jupiter trine Saturn), which is always a good quality on ice, inspiration (Neptune close to her personal planets) and a revolutionary spirit (Uranus exactly square her Nodal Axis). Jupiter is working up to a transit of her Sun, which happens on Sunday 5th February, so expect a spectacular performance around that time. There are positive links between her chart and that of her skating partner Matt Evers.
Chemmy Alcott, as expected, has high-energy features in her chart: Mars conjunct Pluto and square the Sun, but they are tempered by the involvement of Saturn. She impressed the judges last week, but they took into account her brave recovery from a leg injury sustained while ski-ing just over a year ago as a professional Skier. She has no up close and personal aspects to Chiron (the wounded healer) and so her courageous re-building is even more impressive from an astrological point of view. Her astrological transits are quite buoyant at the moment, including Uranus (surprise) trine her natal Uranus (risk). Her professional skating partner Sean Rice has a trine at the moment between transiting Jupiter and his natal Jupiter, which contributed to a good start. There is good co-operation between them as his Saturn trines Chemmy’s Saturn.
The Week in Bullet Points:
Today – Come Dine, or Party Party
Tomorrow – Healing initiatives
Wednesday – Seismic shifts and tectonic plates in the human experience; Possibly buoyant, co-operative and productive day on a personal level and between people
Thursday – slow and steady wins the race
Friday – the tide turns more briskly