Aspects for the week beginning 22 December 2013
In a week when Rob Cowan interviewed Russell Grant on Radio 3, it was revealed that Russell (whose life was changed by Strictly Come Dancing) never works without a birth time. To work with a birth time is an ideal situation, but blogs such as mine could not work as birth times are not available for many people in the public eye, but it is wonderful when they turn up after you have blogged, and more can be revealed.
Nigella Lawson Update
I first blogged about Nigella’s situation on 7/7/13 when all we knew was that Charles Saatchi looked as though he was strangling her in public. Since then the story has moved on, and more has been revealed.
I would like to look at what the transits in the meantime have revealed, or how they have supported new information.
First, a reprise from July:
“Though her father and husband were gifted, she forged a name for herself in a different field, as self-styled Domestic Goddess. She has a highly entrepreneurial exact trine between Jupiter and Uranus. I am not a fan of her quantities of sugar and butter (natal Venus square Pluto tendency to excess), which may be hypocritical as I have a sweet tooth, but I do like the girl, and she does have a popular following.”
The Divorce
Lawson and Charles Saatchi were divorced on 31 July 2013. Jupiter was then trine Nigella’s Neptune and Pluto was sextile her Neptune, increasing her inner freedom. Saturn was sextile her Pluto and Pluto was on her Saturn – a hard won battle over.
The effect of the transits for Charles Saatchi was quite a harsh scenario: Pluto squaring his natal Mars. Neptune was also squaring his natal Uranus, revealing a great number of complexities still ongoing. Saturn was squaring his Pluto, a difficult battle lost.
Grillo Trial
We do not have birth dates, let alone times, for the Grillo sisters. Their trial began on 27 November 2013, in which they were accused of spending freely on the Saatchi-Lawson family purse.
At the outset of the trial Mars was squaring Nigella’s Mars. This represented a challenge to her own personal will, for which she would need to steel herself. Neptune was sextile her Mercury, and though she had a difficult time ahead, she was able to express herself mentally and verbally in a soul-centred way. She was seen to cut a dignified entrance when she did appear as a witness, earning her the admiration of no lesser figure than PM David Cameron. The magnitude of her task was shown by Pluto transiting her natal Saturn.
Charles Saatchi had Uranus on his Mars, inflaming his anger, and showing that events may have taken him by surprise. Pluto was still squaring his Mars, activating a great deal of deeply sourced anger. He chose to make a declaration of love and regret, but at this time I cannot locate it in the chart, and it may be something which would be revealed by a birth time.
I had been pondering the true meaning of Neptune by transit squaring Nigella’s natal Venus at the time of the original story: there was a mystery which was enveloping the relationship.
What the trial revealed was an alleged culture of drug taking, and Nigella herself admitted to an occasional use of cocaine and cannabis, at odds with the Grillo sisters’ account of more extensive use. This is the Neptunian secret which was behind the transiting square of Neptune to Nigella’s Venus, where Neptune = secrets and drugs and Venus = relationships and money.
The Taste
During 2013 Nigella made two series of a U.S. television show, in January and May. At this point, Nigella needs to pick herself up and dust herself down, and her chance comes on 7 January 2014 at 9 pm (Channel 4) with the first screening of the British version of this show.
At this time Jupiter is on her South Node, giving her the chance to redeem past karma, taking a chance on this, and hopefully producing a more upbeat tone in her life.
The transits to Saatchi’s natal chart are not relevant here, and prior to the divorce he was opposed to outside ventures in her career.
The Aspects
On Tuesday 24th (Christmas Eve) Mercury goes into Capricorn: Mercury has been in the devil-may-care sign of Sagittarius and now enters the earnest sign of Capricorn. You may have been busy and driven but now realize the time for reckoning has come: either you’ve finished your Xmas shopping or you haven’t…you have to draw the line somewhere. The socks you have bought for auntie Mary will have to do. There may be some weightier concerns such as last minute documentation you may need to complete before Christmas, too. Not to mention a long drive to relatives.
In the afternoon, as we edge closer to Christmas Day itself, there may be a spiritual “moment”, under the inspiration of a sextile between the Sun and Neptune. You may need to touch base and phone an old friend to wish them a happy Christmas, and reconnect with a lost part of yourself.
Wednesday 25th (Christmas Day) and in the morning at 8.33 am Mars opposes Uranus. Be careful when you are putting the turkey in the oven: it may be an incident-prone morning. Rather than risking salmonella why not make a vegetarian nut roll with chestnuts, mushrooms and pastry? The meat eaters will love it. Sparks may fly throughout the day too in a pressure cooker family atmosphere. You all love each other really.
Thursday 26th (Boxing Day) is much more chilled. A sextile between Mercury and Neptune ensures inspiration and the true spirit of Christmas prevails. All is unconditionally forgiven from the dust up yesterday, and you may all relax on the sofa, feet up, Royle family style, soporific but serene.
Well I don’t make up the aspects…that’s how they are looking, so I wish you a safe and spiritual holiday season! Hope the Inner Child gets the stocking of its dreams.
Christmas Competition Update
What would your Inner Child like in its Christmas stocking? Entries and votes are still welcome until the closing date of Christmas Eve. The prize is a Year Ahead.
The entries to date are:
- Socks
- A lovingly made wooden toy
- A rainbow and a star
- World peace
- Strength to fulfil your life plan
The winning entry will be announced on Christmas Eve (24th December) under the comments column.
Zodiac Masterclass Update
The Capricorn Guide to Ambition was posted on the Winter Solstice yesterday. This last in the series of 12 would make a splendid completion of your folder, and is of interest especially to Capricorns and those who love them.
The week in bullet points:
- Christmas Eve – serious purposes and communications, then a “spiritual moment”
- Christmas Day – tension and sparks
- Boxing Day – serenity