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Aspects for the week beginning 5 January 2014

From my postbag:

You reviewed the year last week – I presume you will be doing a forecast for next year in your next blog”


Dates for your Diary:

January 31st : Jupiter opposite Pluto – power play

February 26th: Jupiter square Uranus – over-excitement

April 15th: Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon in Libra) – relationship wobble

20th: Jupiter square Uranus AND Jupiter opposite Pluto! – momentous change

21st: Uranus Square Pluto No. 5 – enactment of changes

29th: Solar Eclipse (New Moon in Taurus) – a turning point, especially for earth healing

May 24th: Jupiter trine Saturn – a good day for balancing

July 16th: Jupiter enters Leo – exuberance

September 25th: Jupiter trine Uranus – happy surprises

October 8th: Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon in Aries) – opposing interests

23rd: Solar Eclipse (New Moon in Scorpio) – turning point in the things that matter

December 15th: Uranus square Pluto No. 6 – penultimate tension spike in the series of 7

United Kingdom

January 31st/1st February – Uranus sextiles UK Ascendant on the csup of the 11th House – A breakthrough in relations.  Favourable changes.

February 9th: Pluto from Capricorn in 8th House squares natal Chiron in Aries in 11th House of the UK chart – Tough negotiations – possible difficulties regarding our membership of the E.U.

March 26th:  Chiron from Pisces in 10th House trines natal Sun in Sagittarius in 7th House of the UK chart – Healing relations – harmony in negotiations, which may refer to internal relationships such as Unions.

April 3rd/4th: Chiron from Pisces in 10th House trines natal Mercury in Sagittarius in7th House of the UK chart– treaties ratified.  There may be something helpful for the N.H.S. in this.

June 13th: Jupiter in Cancer in David Cameron’s 10th House transits his natal Part of Fortune = Some fortuitous twist for David Cameron which may raise his profile.

July 23rd: Jupiter Return for David Cameron in his 11th House – Social success for him, maybe reunion with an old club.

August 15/6th: Jupiter transits David Cameron’s Moon in Leo in 7th House – He would feel in epic mood.  Friends surround him.  Good family news.

September 18th: Scottish Referendum: A solid day for Alex Salmond, with a shock for David Cameron.  Favourable change in some ways for the UK with Uranus trine its natal Sun/Mercury, but also schism and trauma in that Pluto opposes its natal Pluto.

October 1st: Saturn transits David Cameron’s Neptune in Scorpio in his 2nd House.  Depressing financial news, which may be initially covered up.

November 25th: Saturn in Scorpio transits natal Venus in 6th House – Some sadness, such as the passing of a notable figure.  More stress over the N.H.S. and more cuts to the Arts.

The Price of Fish – a Domestic

Hubby has Moon in Aries, Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars square Uranus, so he does erupt from time to time. And erupt he did, right in the middle of the Grand Cross on New Year’s Eve.

“You are not even charging the minimum wage!” he accused.  “I am sorry, it is just not acceptable” he said crossly, but laughed as he tends to do when talking about something serious.  He is a Gemini.  It confuses my mother.

Further bad news: “I would rather you did the housework, for that rate.” (Note: this is the worst thing you can say to a Sagittarian).

“You can blame me if you like” (he winked).  So I am.

After a sleepless night, I decided the next morning I would put my prices up, for the first time in years.  All existing commissions will be honoured at the current rate, and the new prices don’t start until February 1st, if you want to get your orders in.  After February 1st, all prices for my services will go up by £10.  The quest for the true relationship between the material and the spiritual continues in my head.

Please note that my regression and future life progression prices are unchanged


If you saw the funny side of things on Friday with the opposition between Mercury and Jupiter, you’ll appreciate the joke even more deeply today with Sun opposite Jupiter.  The Sun opposite Jupiter can give rise to a new positive philosophy of life.  Someone I know who has the opposition in their natal chart is a supreme optimist, even in the face of hardship.

Tomorrow Mercury is sextile Saturn, and this fosters a constructive relationship with the mental and the practical, helping to build on the optimism of the previous day.

Mercury conjuncts Venus on Tuesday (7th), so that is a brilliant aspect for diplomacy, heart to hearts, writing and broadcasting with heart, or lounging in coffee bars trying out the new gingerbread cinnamon lattes with biscotti (if your teeth are not past them).  I do happen to have a Coffee Pod date in my diary then, but my teeth are not up to biscotti.

Mars squares Jupiter on Wednesday (8th), and energy and enthusiasm abound and magnify each other.  Spiritually, this aspect can propel you into other realms and dimensions of light.

Saturday (11th) is the busiest day aspectwise.   It merits a timetable (U.K. time):

10.44 am:  Venus sextiles Saturn – commitment is on the agenda in relationships.

12.24 pm: Sun conjuncts Venus – Lovey Dovey in relationships, and artistic and musical endeavours flourish.  Money matters also shine.  There may also be a prospect of lovely lunches.

13.39 Hrs:  Sun sextiles Saturn – Lovely desserts, or certainly just desserts.  After dinner coffee and mints provide the chance to establish sensible future plans.

21.35 Hrs: Mercury enters Aquarius –  A new vibe, new ideas, mental renewal and refreshment.

If you are out and about socializing in the evening, you might be trying out a new nightclub.  If you are staying  in, create a new Saturday night ritual now that the Strictly Come Dancing and X Factor season is over.  Try a new TV channel.

In the Forward  to Anne Jirsch’s new book (“Create Your Perfect Future”) Paul McKenna refers to the mind as your “genius biocomputer”.  Try substituting that term whenever you think of or talk about your mind (Mercury) for a week, and see if it makes a difference.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – think positive
  • Tomorrow –consolidate
  • Tuesday – literary
  • Wednesday – overflowing your normal boundaries
  • Saturday – busy day; commitment; love; planning; new thoughtforms

Aspects for the week beginning 29 December 2013

What did we learn from 2013?


13th: (from the blog)

Andrew Marr

Andrew Marr needs to be appreciated this morning for his services to this blog.  Andrew, who suffered a stroke last Tuesday, is the presenter of “the Andrew Marr show” which has been broadcast on Sunday mornings since September 2005.

…Andrew has a high wire nervous system (Mercury exactly conjunct Uranus in Leo) and high stress workaholism  (Mars conjunct Pluto in Virgo).

He has the Interviewer Archetype in the Mercury-Uranus conjunction, as distinct from the Critic Archetype, which is Mercury conjunct Mars.


At the time of his stroke Jupiter was exactly squaring his natal Mars, stoking up energy and activity in his system. However, in his favour Jupiter was sextile his Sun and trine his North Node. I am hoping this might mean that he will make a good recovery.

Hindsight from 18th May:

 The tension rose to such a degree that Andrew Marr had a stroke, and he recently divulged that it took place when he had been exercising too vigorously on the rowing machine.  He was overdoing things in his life physically and mentally.  This is something to be observant about during the course of this square.


10th: (from the blog)

Richard III

Now that we have stared into the reconstruction of Richard III’s face thanks to the finding of his skull, he has become a modern celebrity, and we feel that we know him.

Monday 4th February was the day of unveiling the DNA results produced from unearthing his bones, and also the matching TV programme.

.…The day he was unearthed last September was a good day in relation to the aspects in his natal chart:  He had Jupiter exactly trine his Mercury, Saturn exactly trine his Jupiter, and the North Node (karma) exactly trine his Uranus (surprise).

…The next question on the agenda was where he should be laid to rest.  I am sure that this event is the beginning of the restoration of his karma, but it has taken centuries to unravel, and could take a while longer.

Hindsight from 18th May:

Richard III managed to emerge after centuries under a car park in Leicester and initiate a continuation of the Wars of the Roses.  That is quite a feat.


High Court proceedings have been adjourned until the New Year.  York lays a claim for a re-burial from the current Leicester location of the skeleton, and descendants of the relatives of  Richard III (under the Plantagenet Alliance) have got involved as interested parties. Unburying him was the easy part.  The current tussle could run on and on.


17th: (from the blog)

Tony Blair

Many of my friends marched in London hoping to prevent the Iraq War, and I did write a letter to Tony Blair which he ignored.  I never bought into the Weapons of Mass Destruction idea!  I have to document the 10th Anniversary which occurs on Wednesday 20th, because I believe the Iraq War was a collective wound and we are still suffering collective post-traumatic stress syndrome from it.

The Legacy

Iraq was destroyed, with no planning having been given to its reconstruction.  The way of life, both good and bad, for the Iraqi citizen was destroyed.  The fine antiquities of ancient Mesopotamia were also destroyed.  That is on top of all the lives lost…Tony Blair certainly continued his interests in the Middle East, having a special peace envoy role, and many have wondered what he has done with that.  It is also the second anniversary this week of the Syrian uprising (15th March), and the Middle East is still in turmoil, with the added threat of Iranian nuclear weapons and the lack of counterbalance to Iran which was formerly provided by Saddam Hussein.  Now of course we face the dilemmas over intervention in Syria, and further afield in Africa.

A Lesson not Learned

Involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan among other  causes, and the history of the involvement, seems to even recently be a cause for confusion in the mind of our PM David Cameron.

On 16 December he made a public statement saying that our troops in Afghanistan had accomplished their mission, assuring us that a “basic level of security” had been achieved.  Afghanistan seems as unstable as ever, and there are still frequent bombings in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.


14th: (from the blog)

Margaret Thatcher

She became the first female Prime Minister on 4th May 1979, which is still a remarkable achievement even seen from the hindsight of the 21st Century, though she was always surrounded with men in her cabinet.  This was a validation and expression of her karmic mission, as transiting Jupiter was exactly conjunct her North Node in Leo, fulfilling her destiny of Leadership.  She would re-define leadership, and Tony Blair styled his leadership after her model.  Other supporting aspects at the time were Jupiter trine her natal Venus and Sun ruler, and Neptune sextile her natal Sun.

…Unfortunately, our society is still debating what she did do.  She ignored the poorest strata of society, declaring there was no such thing as society, and encouraged self-serving.  But there were many changes whereby she wrought transformation, and some of those might be seen less negatively, or be more easily debated.

British Politics still in turmoil

With Tony Blair (New Labour) having emulated her, and David Cameron (Conservative) admiring her style, Nick Clegg (Lib Dems) having kowtowed his party almost to oblivion as scapegoat for the current government, and Ed Milliband (Old Labour) still not finding his feet, or the way ahead, British politics is as much in turmoil as ever.

More Disillusionment later in the year

From 10 November blog:

For the next blog can I request a focus on Russell Brand who in my opinion has articulated what many of us feel.”

Russell Brand is no stranger to controversy, and has recently upped his political profile by appearing on Question Time and then being interviewed by Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight.  Our querent refers to the interview with Jeremy Paxman in which he ranted about the population being completely disillusioned with politicians.  He does seem to have touched a nerve.

A few days later he [Jeremy Paxman] confessed that he didn’t vote in a recent election because he himself was a little disaffected.  By this time the transiting Neptune trine Uranus came more into focus, and allowed a response which overlapped with Russell’s views.  Neptune transiting would allow more sensitivity in relation to some of his entrenched (Uranian) views.

Paxman said:

“At the next election we shall have a choice between the people who’ve given us five years of austerity, the people who left us this mess, and the people who signed public pledges that they wouldn’t raise student fees, and then did so.”


9th: (from the blog)

The Turkish Spring

Turkey, a country which holds a crucial position in the world, in relation to the EU and in relation to the Middle East, is at a crossroads now.  It has had the same leader at the helm for 10 years, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, democratically elected, but now a rebellion is under way, triggered by the proposed building of a mall on park land in Istanbul.

What may mark out this Turkish Spring, starting as it does in the midst of the Uranus-Pluto square series, from the Syrian situation, may be Erdogan’s grasp of what is needed in the democratic process if he can turn round his thinking, as he has engaged with it already, and listen to his people.  He is in the unique position of being able to learn what not to do in the region, from previous examples.

…Celia Fenn, an Earth Healer has recently written about the situation in Turkey, saying: “It’s about a generation of Indigos standing up and saying “This doesn’t work for us!…This is the Indigo Revolution.  It is young people who have said ‘no…it is enough’ and who will stand calmly in the face of aggression because they are light warriors and systems busters.”

More Lessons Unlearned

Protests are still going on, amid calls for Erdogan’s resignation.  Only yesterday it was reported that he remained defiant, amid allegations of corruption which have resulted in three members of his government departing from office.  Erdogan does not seem to be able to think outside the box in relation to his own leadership, let alone learn from the lessons of other Arab spring revolts.


7th: (from the blog)

Nigella Lawson

We were forced into the prurient act of seeing what seemed like a public near-strangling by Charles Saatchi, when pictures of Charles Saatchi at the throat of his wife Nigella Lawson outside a London restaurant  were displayed all over the media last month.  This morning it was announced that he is to divorce her, citing the damage to his reputation as one of the problems.  She has since been taken up, unwittingly and possibly reluctantly, as a poster girl for domestic violence.

Hindisght from 22nd December:


I had been pondering the true meaning of Neptune by transit squaring Nigella’s natal Venus at the time of the original story: there was a mystery which was enveloping the relationship.

What the trial revealed was an alleged culture of drug taking, and Nigella herself admitted to an occasional use of cocaine and cannabis, at odds with the Grillo sisters’ account of more extensive use.  This is the Neptunian secret which was behind the transiting square of Neptune to Nigella’s Venus, where Neptune = secrets and drugs and Venus = relationships and money.

Can she make a fresh start in the New Year?

At this point, Nigella needs to pick herself up and dust herself down, and her chance comes on 7 January 2014 at 9 pm (Channel 4) with the first screening of the British version of this show.[The Taste]/


25th: (from the blog)

Martin Luther King

Yesterday Americans celebrated 50 years since the “I Have a Dream Speech” by Martin Luther King, which was actually spoken on 28th August 1963.

Oratory is shown in Martin Luther King’s natal chart by Ascendant in Gemini, Mercury its ruler on the Midheaven, and Mars (warriorship) in Gemini (through oratory).

North Node close to the Ascendant often indicates one who is a leader, bringing a group of people into incarnation for a specific work.  His karmic leadership role is also emphasized by a trine of the Sun to his North Node.

Continued theme on 8 Decembre 2013


Growing up, my icons were Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King (see my blog under the category Icons), the Dalai Lama, and later I became aware of Nelson Mandela (who passed away this week).  If all politicians carried on according to their example, the problems of the world would be greatly lessened.


Political icons are as rare as comets.


15th: (from the blog)

Obama and Putin

It is easy to be cynical about the current engagement of the U.S. and Russia over the Syrian dilemma, but I welcome it as a change of energy in the situation, a diplomatic effort rather than a military one.  So I thought I would just look at the current situation with regard to Obama, Putin and Syria to see if there is even the slightest hint that the current proposal to deal with Syria’s chemical weapons could be a helpful way through.  The deal, brokered in Geneva, is to give Syria one week to comply with conditions which would enable the accounting of its chemical weapons.  Bashar Al-Assad, allied to Russia,  has agreed to this plan.

29th: (from the blog)

Hassan Rouhani of Iran

Is President Rouhani sincere or just extra clever?  A focal point of his chart is an exact conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Libra, the sign of diplomacy and sweet words.  He certainly knows the truth of what he is saying, and has many years of experience in Iranian politics making him a shrewd realist. In another life, with that conjunction, he could have been an inspirting musician.


To trust or not to trust, that is the question.


20th: (from the blog)

On the Brink

U.S.A. Chart

This week’s U.S. crisis and deadline was averted in the nick of time.  Of course the crisis did not only belong to the U.S., it had implications for the world economy.  On Thursday, the day of the deadline and the day a temporary resolution was made Neptune from Pisces in 3rd House of the U.S. chart (communicated uncertainty) was trine the US chart Venus  (finance) in Cancer in 7th House, indicative of a place of rest in the situation.  It was the day before an eclipsed Full Moon in Aries (itself a threshold) positioned in the U.S. 5th House, squaring its natal Pluto (high finance) in the 2nd House and creating a T-square with its natal Mercury/Part of Fortune in 8th House. in Cancer (financial House connected with other parties).

Ongoing Financial Crises and the Uranus-Pluto square

From Raymond Merriman 23 December:

“Still, within the context of the greater Cardinal Climax (2008-2015), we are nearing its end. It is simply amazing, in my humble opinion, that Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve Board, along with other central banks of the world,  have been able to steer the economy away from a Great Depression through their clever engineering of monetary policy over the past six years. Yes, the middle class – savings class – has been devastated. But it would have been worse had they not “put the pedal to the metal” in terms of their dramatic monetary easing policies.”


17th: (from the blog)

Over the last week images of the devastation in Tacloban in the Philippines have dominated our screens.

Typhoon Haiyan

Some of the astrological signatures of this typhoon were Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn squaring Uranus (coming quite close to the exact square between Uranus and Pluto), and Sun conjunct Saturn.  Also of significance may be North Node conjunct Mercury (weather karma).

Climate Change

The aid effort has raised huge sums from the public and contribution from the  government in Britain, and it will of course take years for the area to recover.  Supplies are only just now getting through, over a week after the typhoon.  One of the questions raised is how much the phenomenon is due to climate change, and how responsible we are as a species if so.  I don’t think the general thrust of responsibility for the welfare of the planet is helped by climate change deniers such as Nigel Lawson, who waded into the argument again on Question Time this week, as Jupiter was plumping up his natal Pluto (power).  In his chart he has a loose conjunction between Mercury and the North Node, giving him a vested interest in the karma of weather.


1st: (from the blog)

Mary Berry

What is her enduring appeal?  She has the resilience and energy of Sun in Aries, and its directness and simplicity, a real English rose (she was brought up in the quintessentially English city of Bath).  Aries is not traditionally associated with baking, but we do not have her birth time and Ascendant, which could sway her towards baking (a Taurus or Cancerian Ascendant would suit the profession).

…When the Great British Bake Off was launched on 17 August 2010, Mary was ripe for the opportunity, with Jupiter exactly transiting her Sun.  Her partnership with Paul Hollywood has been described by The Guardian as the best ever TV judging partnership.  A nice lady…

Moral of this Tale

Blogs on more light hearted topics do better.


There is no astrological event so baleful that creativity, intelligence, and honest self-appraisal cannot turn it to constructive uses – and there is no configuration so glorious that laziness cannot sour it” ~ Steven Forrest

At the moment, in the heavens, we have a Grand Cross.  The Mars-Uranus opposition of Christmas Day was our first intimation of it, and by and large the coming week is dominated by it, apart from a couple of oases.  The Grand Cross consists of Uranus in Aries opposing Mars in Libra, and Jupiter in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn.  These points are activated by Mercury and the Sun in Capricorn this week.

With the Sun conjunct Mercury in the planning sign of Capricorn today, it is a good time to take a cool look at the past year, and where your life is headed.  This analysis will be useful when it comes to deciding on the final line up of your New Year’s Resolutions.  What worked for you in 2014, and what did not work?  How will your best interests be served in 2014?

The energy changes towards the evening when Mercury squares Uranus.  The Universe will be urging a change in mental direction.  Your earlier deliberations may have highlighted perhaps an attitude that needs changing.  There may be disruptions.

In my case, I began a blog, then had to change direction completely.  Halfway through, I needed to go and order a new washine machine (our old one just gave up, after 21 glorious years of service).  Then as you can see it proved to be a long blog!  So a disruptive Sunday…and hence the unprecedented lateness of my blog.

The theme of change continues tomorrow with the Sun squaring Uranus.  That may force changes past the planning stage and through to action, or creative originality at best, or unexpected change which is not usually so welcome.

Mercury also sextiles Chiron tomorrow, which favours healing insight,  seeing the metaphysical cause of a problem and constructing a suitable affirmation, or strategy to overcome this.

If at this time you are implementing changes, be aware that your Inner Rebel may be making them too radical, trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Do try and tone him or her down.  This could become a critical issue on Tuesday (31st) when we experience a square between Mars and Pluto.  It is the sort of aspect which may produce a political coup in an unstable regime, or even direct conflict or conflagration.  It is not an easy energy with which to enter the New Year.

Two young women asked me excitedly on Boxing Day: “Oooh what will the New Year be like?”  It was an unguarded moment, in which I could only gulp.  But difficult aspects at the New Year do not taint a whole year…We still have the Uranus-Pluto square to contend with through to 2015, but there will be other aspects we can work with more constructively.

Moving on swiftly, Mercury then conjuncts Pluto, entering the fray.  There is much information to be digested: news reporters may be kept busy and on the alert.

Mercury then goes on to square Mars, so more fractiousness and irritability into the mix.

Wednesday (1st)  may be a Happier New Year’s Day.  With a great deal of conflict coming up to the New Year, the day itself holds the possibility of a fresh start in the shape of a New Moon in Capricorn (at 10 degrees).  You may be able to see a new plan, a New Vision, though the time will not yet be right for forging ahead, as the next aspect upon us that day is Sun conjunct Pluto, and ramifications of the pre-New Year period may have to be dealt with, or new considerations may insist on solutions.  The Sun also sextiles Chiron, enabling some healing to take place and some solutions to be found.

The Sun then squares Mars on Friday (3rd), producing more subjects and incidents of contention, though maybe not as deep seated as the previous batch.

Finally, Mercury opposes Jupiter that same day, so there may be some light relief – it may all end in laughter, not tears.  The horizon brightens, and the following week looks much easier.  It reminds me of the lines of “Hello Muddah Hello Faddah” by Alan Sherman: “Wait a minute, it stopped hailing, guys are swimming, guys are sailing, playing baseball, gee that’s better…”


The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Concentration and then Disruption
  • Tomorrow – More Change and then Healing
  • Tuesday – Conflict, deep thought, and Irritability
  • Wednesday – Happy New Year and a New Beginning, but also Realism and some healing
  • Friday –  minor Skirmishes and Laughter

Aspects for the week beginning 22 December 2013

In a week when Rob Cowan interviewed Russell Grant on Radio 3, it was revealed that Russell (whose life was changed by Strictly Come Dancing) never works without a birth time.  To work with a birth time is an ideal situation, but blogs such as mine could not work as birth times are not available for many people in the public eye, but it is wonderful when they turn up after you have blogged, and more can be revealed.

Nigella Lawson Update

I first blogged about Nigella’s situation on 7/7/13 when all we knew was that Charles Saatchi looked as though he was strangling her in public.  Since then the story has moved on, and more has been revealed.

I would like to look at what the transits in the meantime have revealed, or how they have supported new information.

First, a reprise from July:

“Though her father and husband were gifted, she forged a name for herself in a different field, as self-styled Domestic Goddess.  She has a highly entrepreneurial exact trine between Jupiter and Uranus.  I am not a fan of her quantities of sugar and butter (natal Venus square Pluto tendency to excess), which may be hypocritical as I have a sweet tooth, but I do like the girl, and she does have a popular following.”

The Divorce

Lawson and Charles Saatchi were divorced on 31 July 2013.  Jupiter was then trine Nigella’s Neptune and Pluto was sextile her Neptune, increasing her inner freedom.  Saturn was sextile her Pluto and Pluto was on her Saturn – a hard won battle over.

The effect of the transits for Charles Saatchi was quite a harsh scenario: Pluto squaring his natal Mars.  Neptune was also squaring his natal Uranus, revealing a great number of complexities still ongoing.  Saturn was squaring his Pluto, a difficult battle lost.

Grillo Trial

We do not have birth dates, let alone times, for the Grillo sisters.  Their trial began on 27 November 2013, in which they were accused of spending freely on the Saatchi-Lawson family purse.

At the outset of the trial Mars was squaring Nigella’s Mars.  This represented a challenge to her own personal will, for which she would need to steel herself.  Neptune was sextile her Mercury, and though she had a difficult time ahead, she was able to express herself mentally and verbally in a soul-centred way.  She was seen to cut a dignified entrance when she did appear as a witness, earning her the admiration of no lesser figure than PM David Cameron.  The magnitude of her task was shown by Pluto transiting her natal Saturn.

Charles Saatchi had Uranus on his Mars, inflaming his anger, and showing that events may have taken him by surprise.  Pluto was still squaring his Mars, activating a great deal of deeply sourced anger.  He chose to make a declaration of love and regret, but at this time I cannot locate it in the chart, and it may be something which would be revealed by a birth time.


I had been pondering the true meaning of Neptune by transit squaring Nigella’s natal Venus at the time of the original story: there was a mystery which was enveloping the relationship.

What the trial revealed was an alleged culture of drug taking, and Nigella herself admitted to an occasional use of cocaine and cannabis, at odds with the Grillo sisters’ account of more extensive use.  This is the Neptunian secret which was behind the transiting square of Neptune to Nigella’s Venus, where Neptune = secrets and drugs and Venus = relationships and money.

The Taste

During 2013 Nigella made two series of a U.S. television show, in January and May.  At this point, Nigella needs to pick herself up and dust herself down, and her chance comes on 7 January 2014 at 9 pm (Channel 4) with the first screening of the British version of this show.

At this time Jupiter is on her South Node, giving her the chance to redeem past karma, taking a chance on this, and hopefully producing a more upbeat tone in her life.

The transits to Saatchi’s natal chart are not relevant here, and prior to the divorce he was opposed to outside ventures in her career.

The Aspects

On Tuesday 24th (Christmas Eve) Mercury goes into Capricorn: Mercury has been in the devil-may-care sign of Sagittarius and now enters the earnest sign of Capricorn. You may have been busy and driven but now realize the time for reckoning has come: either you’ve finished your Xmas shopping or you haven’t…you have to draw the line somewhere. The socks you have bought for auntie Mary will have to do. There may be some weightier concerns such as last minute documentation you may need to complete before Christmas, too.  Not to mention a long drive to relatives.

In the afternoon, as we edge closer to Christmas Day itself, there may be a spiritual “moment”, under the inspiration of a sextile between the Sun and Neptune. You may need to touch base and phone an old friend to wish them a happy Christmas, and reconnect with a lost part of yourself.

Wednesday 25th (Christmas Day) and in the morning at 8.33 am Mars opposes Uranus. Be careful when you are putting the turkey in the oven: it may be an incident-prone morning. Rather than risking salmonella why not make a vegetarian nut roll with chestnuts,  mushrooms and pastry?  The meat eaters will love it. Sparks may fly throughout the day too in a pressure cooker family atmosphere.  You all love each other really.

Thursday 26th (Boxing Day) is much more chilled. A sextile between Mercury and Neptune ensures inspiration and the true spirit of Christmas prevails. All is unconditionally forgiven from the dust up yesterday, and you may all relax on the sofa, feet up, Royle family style, soporific but serene.

Well I don’t make up the aspects…that’s how they are looking, so I wish you a safe and spiritual holiday season! Hope the Inner Child gets the stocking of its dreams.

Christmas Competition Update

What would your Inner Child like in its Christmas stocking? Entries and votes are still welcome until the closing date of Christmas Eve.  The prize is a Year Ahead.

The entries to date are:

  1.  Socks
  2. A lovingly made wooden toy
  3. A rainbow and a star
  4. World peace
  5. Strength to fulfil your life plan

The winning entry will be announced on Christmas Eve  (24th December) under the comments column.

Zodiac Masterclass Update

The Capricorn Guide to Ambition was posted on the Winter Solstice yesterday.  This last in the series of 12 would make a splendid completion of your folder, and is of interest especially to Capricorns and those who love them.


The week in bullet points:

  • Christmas Eve – serious purposes and communications, then a “spiritual moment”
  • Christmas Day – tension and sparks
  • Boxing Day – serenity

Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Capricorn Guide to Ambition

Capricorn New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry
Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens
available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html

This is the last piece of the Zodiac Masterclass jigsaw puzzle. For many months I searched for the person who could write the Capricorn guide to Ambition, and at long last in March of this year April wrote to me and said “I came across your site doing a Google search about pluto aspects. I am the Capricorn you have been looking for! I’m at home on my kindle currently. Tomorrow I will send you my resume and natal chart and you can let me know if it’s what you were looking for.”

Well I was blown away!  Not only did she recognize herself as the person I was searching for, but she came with a C.V.   I was impressed. This is the only Zodiac Masterclass which has been written by someone I didn’t already know.  So a big thank you to you, April.

A word about the mandala: The brown tones of the mandala fit Capricorn well, with a little orange to lift it from the completely mundane.



By April Jones, MSW, LCSW-A

Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more.
Oscar Wilde

“I’ve heard it said that the best things in life are free but that’s a total lie. There is no such thing as free sex, free love, a free ride, or free lunch. It all costs. If you aren’t paying for it please believe someone else is. The only thing free in life is Free Will given by God.
Everything else is paid for in Blood, Sweat, Tears, Prayers, Soft Heads, A Hard Ass, Hard Knocks, and the Almighty Dollar.”
—- An April Jones original

Merriam Webster defines ambition as an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power; desire to achieve a particular end; and a desire for activity or exertion. Interestingly enough ambition is classified as a noun meaning it can be categorized as a person, place, or thing. This Capricorn Sun woman(2nd house no less, Sagittarius Rising, & Gemini Moon for you astrology aficionados) who has experienced this exquisite phenomena of ambition is expertly qualified to tell you about it and how you too can begin to incorporate it’s attributes into your own life.

My interest in astrology began when I was in middle school and wanting to learn more about myself. I can recall poring over books in the public library, 2 and 3 at a time, greedily devouring anything I could get my hands on. When I would often read the description of Capricorns I would moan and say “that’s nothing like me at all!”. All of the books made Capricorns sound so boring and I was the antithesis of boring! After all I was creative, fun, shockingly outrageous, and so extroverted, there was no way they could be describing me. As I got older and learned more, I realize now that I was identifying with my Sagittarius Ascendant and Gemini Moon more. But the more I looked back over my life I can clearly see the Capricorn soul shining through.

For example, in high school I was Vice President and President of Dead Poet’s Society, a member of DECA(Distributive Education Clubs of America), a member of the debate team, and I participated in an outreach program at a local photography studio and had the collection of my work displayed at the gallery opening.  But that was just high school.

In September 2002, I found out that I was pregnant with my son and I had only been in college for one month. His father was not going to be heavily invested in making sure we were taken care of so I researched and found arrangements to stay in a maternity home with 7 other women while I finished my first year in school. After giving birth I was able to move into my own apartment, had applied for government assistance, and was able to finish out the remainder of my undergraduate degree all while raising my son on my own (my parents did provide me with support but lived 2 hours away). In September of 2006, I moved back to my hometown to be closer to my parents and their support and attend graduate school full time. I graduated in 2009 with a Master’s degree in Social Work and am currently working on pursuing my clinical licensure so that I can be a Therapist.

Ambition has been my constant companion throughout life.  The desire to be more and do more and to accomplish the impossible has been and will continue to be realized for me, through my educational pursuits. It is through this medium that I am able to express the more positive attributes of my Sun sign. The determination, the perseverance, the steady climb, and strategy that it takes to get the top are all emphasized in this area of my life. The ultimate goal is to use my education to assist in making the world a little better than it was before I came.

To tell you an uncomfortable truth, I used to hate admitting that I was a Capricorn! I often longed to be sexy and powerful like Scorpio, or regal and admired like Leo, or sweet and sensitive like Pisces. I often wished that my soul could have chosen another route instead this boring sounding, stuffy, duty bound, Saturnine Task Master as the Planet that ruled me. Why I wanted to be free! Free I say! I wanted to embody the “randy old goat” and have my way with as many men as I wanted, when I wanted. I wanted to stay up all night and not study for class while in college, and get drunk and pass out, and do stupid college girl things that everyone else did. I wanted to fall in love a few times and get heartbroken a few times, a cry on my girlfriend’s shoulder while eating a pint of ice cream.  But the reality of my situation was that as  a single parent, I could not afford to stay up all night after I drunken binge because I had to get my son up the next day to go to daycare. And dating who had time for that? A few passing infatuations but nothing more than that.  And eating a pint of ice cream over a break up, not happening especially when I had to walk and take city transportation after having my son as I did not have a vehicle. I couldn’t afford to carry those extra pounds.

In spite of all of that, it has not all been gloomy and dour. I’ve had and continue to be blessed with the most amazing friends and family that a girl could ask for. My son, now 10, is the absolute joy and light in my life. The sacrifices and struggles that I have made only made me stronger. It’s true that Capricorns do age in reverse as I find that the older I get the more I laugh at myself and others, I cry at commercials and children’s movies, eat ice cream for breakfast and cereal for dinner, and gaze in wonderment at the stars and ponder life existence and meaning with my 10 year old.  The Sea Goat is the actual glyph for Capricorn denoting a goat body with fish tail from the old Sea God EA. The glyph represents Capricorn’s mastery of the deep mysteries of the sea and his triumphant rise to the mountain top as an example to others of what they can become.

This Capricorn’s Guide to Ambition will conclude with three simple steps in your IDP*(Individual Development Plan):

  1. I-Identify your most ardent desire(ie be the best friend, spouse, tennis player, employee, boss, learn a instrument, change careers, find yourself, find a mate, etc. etc.)
  2. D– Develop & determine the steps needed to accomplish your most ardent desire
  3. P– Plan for delays, obstacles, and disappointments along the way & find strategize ways to work around them (you wouldn’t be exercising the true Capricorn nature if you didn’t take it into account)

*Check the house and sign placement of Capricorn in your natal chart for added power to assist you in accomplishing your desires.



Aspects for the week beginning 15 December 2013

The Potential Finalists of Strictly Come Dancing

Abbey Clancy, wife of footballer Peter Crouch, has the sort of chart which indicates she could turn her hand to anything..  She was born on a New Moon, can always make a fresh start.  She also has Mercury conjunct Neptune (dancing feet) trine her North Node (an ability to lead the dance, if not teach it)  She has a wide repertoire, from gentleness (Moon conjunct Venus) to extreme passion (Mars conjunct Pluto).  Her partner Aljaz Skorjanec does not have an available birthdate.  Her aspects for next weekend’s final are not promising, helpful or supportive, but she may overcome that with outstanding talent.

Natalie Gumede, who played a villain in Coronation Street, is another outstanding talent.  The strengths in her chart are energy (Moon conjunct Mars in Scorpio, and Sun in Aries) and a sensitive nervous system which can play out the subtlety of various roles (Mercury trine Uranus). Her partner Artem Chingvintsev has done well in past series of Strictly.  It’s another good pairing for him, with his Jupiter sextile her Neptune (inspiration and dancing) and conjunct her Pluto (power).  It could be a lucky pairing for both of them.  Pluto will be on Natalie’s Jupiter, which could be very powerful for her, though it may also indicate that she will have to soon address the health issues which have cropped up. Mars will be trine Artem’s Mercury, so he could get some satisfaction.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor, singer and daughter of Blue Peter presenter Janet Ellis, has an elfin face which could be from another planet (I can’t detect which one at present).  She is extremely elegant, and has the dancer’s signature of Sun trine Neptune.  She also has great energy and quickness: Sun and Mars in Aries, and Jupter trine Mercury/Mars (the ability to take on new tasks with enthusiasm).  Her partner Brendan Cole has not been so lucky or enthusiastic since the first series of Strictly, when he won the contest with Natasha Kaplinsky.  His “bad boy” image funnily enough comes from his conjunction of the Sun and Chiron, which wants to do things his way – in the past it got him into hot water with the judges.  There are some stormy interaspects between him and Sophie, but they may have risen above them and ploughed the energy into the dance. Saturn will be conjunct Sophie’s Uranus next weekend and Jupiter square to her Pluto, so she may be disappointed, though I think she has enjoyed the challenge and opportunity.  Whatever happens, Brendan will see it as a triumph as Jupiter will be on his Mars and the North Node on his Uranus.

Patrick Robinson who played a Consultant in Casualty, is the last man standing in the competition. He has evolved well through the process, and has Neptune (the planet of dance) conjunct his Sun/Mercury and trine his North Node.  He was born to boogie, but has had to grapple with  some anarchic energies first: Pluto conjunct Uranus and Mars exactly square Uranus).  He is incident prone, and injured his hand at some point in the competition, but has gone from strength to strength.  He is partnered by Anya Garnis, for whom there is no birth date available.  He could produce some powerful (Pluto square his Jupiter) and electric (Uranus trine his Mars) performances at the final.

Susanna Reid, the news broadcaster and television presenter (Mercury sextile Venus) has a lot of inner emotional discipline (Moon in Taurus conjunct Saturn) and has worked hard throughout the series.  She is a gung-ho Sagittarian, and has shown that over the top enthusiasm shared by fellow Sagittarian Bruno Tonioni, both irrepressible…Her partner Kevin Clifton who has made his debut on this series, has great natural elegance with several planets in Libra.  There is a deep tie between them, as his Pluto trines her North Node.  Susannah will be having a ball next weekend (Jupiter sextile her Moon) but things may not go to plan for her (Uranus square her natal Mercury).

One of them will be eliminated tonight!


If it’s your birthday today then like me you may be having a spiritual retreat unencumbered by aspects, followed by the annual visit from the in laws. If it is not your birthday then it’s freewheeling until Tuesday.

Tuesday (17th) brings a Full Moon in Gemini, highlighting the principle of communication. There may be a major dialogue going on in your life, depending in where this Moon falls in your chart. I have it in the second house of finance, and there is always a dialogue on this subject with the hubby at this time of year!

This Full Moon may be an agent of change, because Uranus soon after goes stationary prior to turning direct.

Saturday is the Winter Solstice when the Sun enters Capricorn, winter begins, but the nights begin to shorten. It is a completion for me, as the last in the series of the Zodiac Masterclass will materialise hopefully at the appointed time. Each article in the series has been accompanied by a mandala from Barry Stevens’ colouring book painted by Sarah Berry.  If you are stuck for a last minute Christmas gift,  is well worth printing them out, putting them in a folder, for someone who is a fan of Astrology.

In the evening Venus goes stationary prior to turning retrograde  so have your arts projects wrapped up by then, e.g the final rehearsals for your Christmas panto, the final stir of your pudding mix, the final firing of your ceramic craft gifts.

Christmas Competition

We now have four entries for the Christmas competition (what would your Inner Child like in its Christmas stocking?) which ends on Christmas Eve.  The prize is a Year Ahead guide.  If you would like to make an entry, or vote on the existing entries, be my guest!  The entries to date are:

  1.  Socks
  2. A lovingly made wooden toy
  3. A rainbow and a star
  4. World peace

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – heightened communication issues, then progressive change
  • Saturday – celebrating the winter solstice, then relationships re-examined


Aspects for the week beginning 8 December 2013


Growing up, my icons were Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King (see my blog under the category Icons), the Dalai Lama, and later I became aware of Nelson Mandela (who passed away this week).  If all politicians carried on according to their example, the problems of the world would be greatly lessened.

I have written and posted a long and separate blog about Nelson Mandela today, but would like to briefly compare the four Icons of my mind, before my usual analysis of the weekly aspects.

The first analogy that comes to mind astrologically is that Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama are both inextricably linked in their work and lives with their love of their own country.  They are both Cancerians, and have the common touch which the sign of Cancer often has (witness another kind of Icon, Lady Diana).  The Dalai Lama’s link with his homeland of Tibet is made more poignant of course by virtue of the fact that he left it while still a boy king.  Nelson Mandela had to leave his in a different way, through incarceration on an island, but lived to see his beloved South Africa again and triumph in its healing.

In this he also endured beyond Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, who were both assassinated.  He was inspired by their philosophy of non-violent resistance (which as a life long pacifist has inspired me) but at some point, as I describe in the astrobiography, he renounced the non-violence as a freedom fighter.  He of course survived and was able to fully live out his mission (North Node conjunct Ascendant).    Mahatma Gandhi had the classic assassination signature of Mars exactly opposite Pluto, but Martin Luther King did not.  What Martin Luther King did have was the power of oratory (Mercury exactly conjunct Midheaven) infused with religious and spiritual power, knowledge and sense (Jupiter exactly trine Neptune).

I hope to blog about Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama at some point, but other astrological highlights include Mahatma Gandhi’s karmic mission as a healer (North Node exactly trine his Chiron) and the Dalai Lama’s positive force (his Sun exactly trine Jupiter) but if I carry on I will have nothing else to write about.  I just wish to say that I hope world leaders are taking note, pausing and reflecting on their qualities.  What are the chances of David Cameron agreeing to meet the Dalai Lama again…?


Two big trines dominate this week.  The first occurs on Tuesday (10th), but is preceded by a minor aspect of the Sun semi-sextile Saturn in the early hours of the morning (UK time).  There is some tension or constriction first thing on Tuesday, as if in anticipation that something may be required of you in proving your brilliance, and not being sure what to expect or how to play the day. There may be a need to let go of something, in order to open up to the possibilities of mental information coming through, perhaps telepathically.

In the afternoon, Mercury trines Uranus, and you are likely to be stunned by the communication later that day.  It could be scintillating and electrifying, and you may surprise yourself with the innovation and originality of your work.

Mercury also squares Chiron that day, which produces extra mental tension, and some awkwardness such as trying to fit round cogs into square holes.  Extra logistical problems may be thrown up, but be confident that the two trines of the week can help to solve problems, and that there is a bigger structure which can be helpful.

On Wednesday (11th) in the late evening Mercury will be semi-sextile Pluto, another minor aspect, but some people are very sensitive to these.  Wednesday could bring mental challenges., and yesterday’s brilliant ideas will be tested.  But keep a firm intent to overcome any tests of this nature, as help will be at hand towards the end of the week.

The second trine of the week occurs on Friday (13th) and is a monumental one: Jupiter trine Saturn, again occurring early in the morning.  It will certainly be lucky for some, and stabilizing at the very least for others, as well as balancing for everyone.  Raymond Merriman, the financial astrological guru, hopes that resolutions in the financial sector may be made, and feels that it is an opportunity not to be missed.

The week ends on Saturday (14th) with another minor and slightly uncomfortable aspect, in the late morning. Mars quincunxes Neptune,  so there may be some bizarre phenomena. Make sure your flat mate hasn’t spiked your morning coffee with salt instead of sugar, or that your cat does not make a beeline in an appropriate way towards your dog…If you notice anything unusual, just expand your consciousness into the bigger perspective and draw on the energies of Jupiter trine Saturn which are still appealing to balance (between sugar and salt, dogs and cats, etc).  Resolutions are still just possible, but don’t miss the big opportunity of Friday.  The Dalai Lama has Jupiter trine Saturn natally, and he is one of the most sensible people on the Earth.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – initial restraint, then the show of brilliance
  • Wednesday – some unease, insight trying to come through
  • Friday – the Big Opportunity for balance and resolution
  • Saturday – bizarre details, but still some sense

Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013)

Today is a day of prayer and reflection, not just in his native South Africa, but around the world.  As a world citizen, he may be unparalleled.  His achievements were many, but all shot through with integrity and consistency.  The courage he bore in his long incarcerated years in Robben Island and the spiritual leadership in demonstrating reconciliation and forgiveness has set an example for world leaders (will they follow?) and an inspiration to all people.

He was born in the region of Umtata, in South Africa, in 1918 at the end of the first World War.  He was born into the Xhosa tribe and was a member of the Thembu royal family.  His birthchart reflects a sense of karmic responsibility, in the North Node conjunct his Ascendant.  He would be an agent of karmic change.

As a child and growing adult, he was impressed by the tribal method of settling disputes and airing injustices.  Travellers from all over Thembuland would gather:

“Everyone who wanted to speak did so. It was democracy in its purest form. There may have been a hierarchy of importance among the speakers, but everyone was heard:  chief and subject, warrior and medicine man, shopkeeper and farmer, landowner and labourer…”*

(*All quotes from Nelson Mandela’s autobiography unless otherwise stated)

He concluded that this was a wise way to conduct affairs:

“I have always endeavoured to listen to what each and every person in a discussion had to say before venturing my own opinion. Oftentimes my opinion will simply represent a consensus of what I heard in the discussion.”

His chart contains a close conjunction between Mercury and Saturn, which can produce adverse conditions in learning situations, but in his case produced an intensity of concentration, and I think also staying power.  I recently observed that it enables completion of long missions, and had he not lived long he would not have completed his mission.

He attended Fort Hare University, and Witwatersrand University, where he studied Law, a profession and application to which enabled him to help fellow freedom fighters and also on many occasions supported him in making his own case through various trials. It was a career path well chosen, and time and again proved fortuitous for him and his fellow men.  Sagittarius is traditionally associated with Law, and he had Sagittarius rising.  But Pluto was sextile his Midheaven (career), lending a serious purpose to his profession.

In the early days of his struggle against apartheid, he felt conflicts, such as loyalties towards his native tribe and wider interests, the tug between non-violent resistance and armed defence, and the conflict between family and his work in the world.

After his graduation from Fort Hare he reflected:

“But in my heart I knew I was moving towards a different commitment.  Through my friendship with Gaur and Walter, I was beginning to see that my duty was to my people as a whole, not just to a particular section or branch. I felt that all the currents in my life were taking me away from the Transkei and towards what seemed like the centre, a place where regional and ethnic loyalties gave way to a common purpose.”

His marriage to Winnie Mandela undoubtedly provided emotional stability and strength, and a sense of family important to his Cancerian Sun, including the experience of fatherhood.  She was to visit him in prison from time to time, and was a key figure in keeping his cause alive and understood by the outside world.  Her role of assistant in his activism is seen in their synastry as her Mercury (information) exactly conjunct his Mars (activism).  In their personal interaction, her Venus (supportive Love) was exactly trine his Uranus (attracted to his brilliance) which trined and bisected his conjunction of Venus and Jupiter (love of humanity).

His Cancerian nature gave him a love of his country and his people, but in a rare moments he was able to enjoy domestic life, he reported in his autobiography::

“I enjoyed domesticity, even though I had little time for it.  I delighted in playing with Thembi, bathing him and feeding him, and putting him to bed with a little story. In fact, I love playing with children and chatting with them; it has always been one of the things that make me feel most at peace. I enjoyed relaxing at home, reading quietly, taking in the sweet and savoury smells emanating from pots boiling in the kitchen.”

Though he was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s method of non-violent resistance, and then Martin Luther King’s emulation of Gandhi, he did at some point decide that armed resistance had to be taken up.  He would not go all the way ideologically, and it may have been a key in his survival.  It is important to read his own words on the subject:

“As I condemned the government for its ruthlessness and lawlessness, I overstepped the line: I said that the time for passive resistance had ended, that non-violence was a useless strategy and could never overturn a white minority regime bent on retaining its power at any cost.  At the end of the day, I said, violence was the only weapon that would destroy apartheid and we must be prepared, in the near future, to use that weapon.”  Rightly or wrongly, it cost him friends, who were equally determined to carry on non-violently, but with whom he was reunited later in life.

In his autobiography “Long Walk to Freedom” Nelson Mandela is very honest about his own conflict and inner debate along his journey.  During the Rivonia trial which led to his final imprisonment, he summed up his thoughts and conclusions and actions of the time at the Court:

“…I must deal immediately and at some length with the question of violence. Some of the things so far told the court are true and some are untrue. I do not, however, deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness or because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arising after many years of tyrant, exploitation and oppression of my people by whites.”

He was imprisoned (with Neptune, the planet of incarceration exactly square his Saturn, showing loss of liberty) at Robben Island in 1962, and the courage and fortitude of his endurance there is legendary.  He always worked at relations between the staff and authorities and the inmates, in such a way that he would often gain rights for the prisoners, but also win moral battles with authorities who came and went in that time.  All the time he worked with the ANC and other organizations who were trying to eradicate apartheid and bring the sense of injustice to the wider world, enlisting the help of other nations.  He describes in his autobiography how he was sustained by a vision that he would ultimately be freed, and that he is fundamentally an optimist.

He also read widely and educated himself in many subjects.  I was bowled over when he quoted Marianne Williamson in his inaugural speech, as she is a New Age writer on the Course in Miracles:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”

His spiritual side was above all played out in his actions when he was released (on a Jupiter Return), in his vision for his nation that he had evolved in his time in prison, and his willingness to work those spiritual principles of truth, larger perspective, the good of the whole, justice, mercy, compassion, reconciliation and forgiveness into the arena of political leadership and world statesmanship.

He died as Mercury was making an exact return to the Mercury in South Africa’s birth chart: at one in mind and spirit with his nation.  Though the path is uncertain, I feel this is a sign to say he will be watching over them.

Everyone recognizes his outstanding qualities, and may emulate them, but above all I would love world leaders to put these qualities above greed and revenge and some of the unspiritual traits often displayed.

“To make peace with the enemy, one must work with that enemy, and that enemy becomes your partner”

~  Nelson Mandela

Aspects for the week beginning 1 December 2013

Mary Berry

As you stir your Christmas pudding mix in preparation for the big day, you may be asking questions, such as:

Why did Mary Berry pop out of a cake last Sunday during Strictly Come Dancing?

Why is Lana blogging about her today?

A: I just thought I would write a lighter topic this week.  Also, Paul Hollywood’s birth date is not available.  Mary is popping up all over the place, having written her autobiography (Recipe for Life), and been featured yesterday in the Guardian questionnaire.

What is her enduring appeal?  She has the resilience and energy of Sun in Aries, and its directness and simplicity, a real English rose (she was brought up in the quintessentially English city of Bath).  Aries is not traditionally associated with baking, but we do not have her birth time and Ascendant, which could sway her towards baking (a Taurus or Cancerian Ascendant would suit the profession).

She has amiability (in her Moon/Jupiter conjunction) and diplomacy (Mars in Libra – see Saturday’s aspects).

The Sun in her chart sextiles Chiron, so she is a healing antidote to her more intense screen partner Paul Hollywood.  Chiron does exert pressure on her Mercury/Saturn however, so she would have experienced mental strain in her life.    Mercury conjunct Saturn can be associated with struggles at school.  Her questionnaire reveals:

To whom would you say sorry and why?

A:  A headmistress I really didn’t like.  I didn’t work at school, but if I went back, I’d be just the same.

What has been your biggest disappointment?

My exam results at school, but it was all my own fault.

Her baking talent, and the force of her personality, are likely to be due to a conjunction  of Venus at the beginning of Taurus (baking) and Uranus at the end of Aries (an out of the ordinary talent, plus social skills combined with Venus).  She has also been praised for her sartorial (Venusian) elegance.

When the Great British Bake Off was launched on 17 August 2010, Mary was ripe for the opportunity, with Jupiter exactly transiting her Sun.  Her partnership with Paul Hollywood has been described by The Guardian as the best ever TV judging partnership.  A nice lady…


Today Chiron squares the Sun, and the day may start with a healing crisis to be solved.  You may be oversensitive to something or someone, and may need to turn the volume down on that issue in order to look at it calmly.

Tomorrow the Sun semi-sextiles Pluto, a minor aspect, but one which a proportion of people could be sensitive to.  This aspect could help us focus on the deep emotional causes of problems. You may found out, for instance, that it is not you who is eating the cream cake, it is your undernourished Inner Child craving comfort.

You can make a new start on Tuesday (3rd), perhaps re-direct that Inner Child and instil a countercraving of satsumas by Christmas by which time the Inner Child will be happy for the stocking to be filled with satsumas, walnuts and figs.

The day is quietly upbeat: First a New Moon in Sagittarius.  Hope can spring eternal.  If you can hitch your own personal aims (e.g. decluttering) to a global issue (e.g. ethical recycling) the healing solutions will penetrate the different layers of your own psyche and satisfy Gaia.  The subheading of the Cygnus Review magazine says it all:

“heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet”

It’s a New Moon of big goals, promising much, and delivering some.

In the afternoon Mercury sextile Mars assists you in efforts to get things done, be it decluttering, or vigorous exercise and fitness regimes, or vigorous broadcasting.  Travel will also be zippy.

On Thursday (5th) Mercury enters Sagittarius early in the morning, and the prevailing mindset moves from an investigative and intense application, to a more buoyant, optimistic and anticipatory open-mindedness.  Maybe you are looking forward to Christmas, the New Year, an imminent birth, but whatever it is, you’ll find it easier to look forward.

Friday (6th) evening brings a square between Mercury and Neptune, and that future vision may have lost some of its shine, looking foggier.  You need to fine tune your senses, and separate illusion from reality on the mental plane.  On the way, you may be mesmerized by some of society’s conditioning or media persuasion.  “Not Moi”, you may confidently reply, as you rush out to John Lewis in search of a wonderland populated by sweet bunny rabbits…Travel may be complicated today, or communications confused.  Double check with the other party the bottom line, especially if a statement can be taken two ways.

On Saturday (7th) Mars enters Libra in the evening, and you’ll be treading a fine line between self-assertion and diplomacy.  The Peaceful Warrior is the perfect Archetype for Saturday, and indeed Mars is making a longstay in Libra until late July 2014, which may bode well for the Iranian nuclear deal.  This placement takes us through the season of peace and good will.  You will be willing to stand up for your rights, but will also want a win win solution all round.  Christmas shopping will be enhanced as you sincerely search for the right present on behalf of the right person.


Finally, I am re-thinking the Inner Child’s Christmas stocking: satsumas, walnuts and figs seem a bit of sugar and fat overload…Any offers for the best present for that Inner Child will be entered into a competition, which closes 24 December.  The winner will receive a Year Ahead for yourself or someone of your choice.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – attempts to heal
  • Tomorrow – getting to the root of the issue
  • Tuesday – new beginning for you and the planet, then a spurt of energy
  • Thursday – mentally upbeat
  • Friday – losing the plot a little
  • Saturday – the re-awakening of the Peaceful Warrior

Aspects for the week beginning 24 November 2013

My Father

On Friday 22nd November we said a fond farewell to my father, who was 90 years old last January.  He had died when the Uranus-Pluto square at 9 degrees of Aries-Capricorn was exactly transiting his natal Sun-Pluto opposition in Capricorn-Cancer.  He was the gentlest of Capricornians, and his Humanist send-off went beautifully.

John F. Kennedy

It was an interesting confluence this week to be celebrating 50 years of Dr. Who (23/11/63) at the same time as the 50 year anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a popular TV time and space show arising timewise from the ashes of one of the most devastating moments in U.S. History.

The most asked question after “Who shot JFK?” has always been “Where were you when you heard of his assassination?”  I remember seeing the shocking event on television as a13-year old.  At our family gathering on Friday, I was reminded of a story. about my uncle, my father’s brother.  He was once asked by a New York cabbie “Where were you when you heard that John F. Kennedy was shot?”  He quickly retorted “Why?   Am I a suspect?”

At the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Pluto (the assassination) was trine by transit to his North Node (karma), suggesting an unavoidable end.  Saturn (loss) was also trine his Venus (love), separating him from the family he loved and the nation who loved him.

The Chart of 22 November 1963

The shock of the event of 22nd November 1963 is shown in an exact T-square between Mercury (an event of worldwide media coverage), Uranus (shock) and Chiron (crisis and wounding).  In addition, Saturn (a sad event) was conjunct the Ascendant in Aquarius.  Venus was also conjunct Mars, depicting poignancy over a charismatic figure.  The Moon was positioned in early Aquarius, again emphasizing the element of the unexpected.

Dr Who

The birth of a new sci-fi programme, Dr Who, the next day has its Moon positioned in late Aquarius, and in this case we are seeing the excitement of a futuristic venture.  The conjunction of Venus and Mars brings intrigue and stimulation into the mix.  Saturn is not at the Ascendant, but at the Midheaven, possibly showing solid foundations for what was to be an enduring institution about a Time (Saturn) Lord.  The Mercury-Uranus-Chiron T-square finds a different role.  The shock factor is still there, in Mercury square Uranus.  Perhaps Chiron is fulfilled in a more healing role, that of satisfying a need in the human psyche to be terrified of daleks. Toy daleks were de rigueur in the 1960s household, and maybe Chiron opposite Uranus is their astrological calling card.


The Sun squares Neptune today and you could be forgiven for feeling a little lost on your path.  You may be at a crossroads, or be letting go of a 3-month phase of your life, and may not be sure of your next step or orientation.

On Tuesday (26th)  Mercury conjuncts Saturn and in contrast your mind will be focused, certainly on what you need to do now – you’ll have a plan.  There may be practical affairs to attend to, as distinct from the lackadaisical air on Sunday.  So it’s soft focus on Sunday and hard focus on Tuesday.

Moving on to Thursday (28th) overall it’s a good day, starting early.  Though Venus opposes Jupiter (the most harmless of oppositions), Mercury also sextiles Venus and trines Jupiter, so this can be seen as a sparkling line-up.

Mercury first of all sextiles Venus, so begin the day with creative writing (or just writing as in Julia Cameron’s morning pages and her book “The right to write”).  Diplomacy (persuading the cat to wait until you have eaten breakfast) and Café culture also work as a template for the day:

“In the dime stores and bus stations
People talk over situations
Read books, and repeat quotations
Draw conclusions on the wall”

~ Bob Dylan

Secondly, Mercury trines Jupiter, and sales, travel and study are favoured: wheeler-dealing combined  with charm will work today.

Finally, at Noon Venus will oppose Jupiter.  Someone may have seen through the surface charm, or you may have laid it on too thickly, but the two parties should be able to smile about it, and share a chuckle.

Saturday (30th) brings a trine between the Sun and Uranus.  More sparkle today, though of a different hue.  Do something out of the ordinary that day – it should be successful!  Telepathy, group work, Astrology, electrical engineering and time travelling are all supported by this trine.   With Sun and Uranus in Fire signs, a spot of firewalking would be good to try.  I signed up for a session 20 years ago, but my daughter wouldn’t let me, so I can’t actually speak from experience.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – soft focus
  • Tuesday – hard focus
  • Thursday – social sparkle
  • Saturday – electric

Aspects for the week beginning 17 November 2013

Over the last week images of the devastation in Tacloban in the Philippines have dominated our screens.

Typhoon Haiyan

Some of the astrological signatures of this typhoon were Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn squaring Uranus (coming quite close to the exact square between Uranus and Pluto), and Sun conjunct Saturn.  Also of significance may be North Node conjunct Mercury (weather karma).

Chart of the Philippines

The Chart of the Philippines shows a conjunction of Mercury and Pluto, which may signify that they are prone to difficult weather conditions.  There is also an exact conjunction between North Node and Uranus, a predisposition to change, but this aspect may point to a special karmic mission.

The timing of the typhoon shows the North Node (again a karmic flavour) squaring the Mercury (weather) of the Philippines chart.  In addition, Neptune opposes the Philippines Ascendant, flattening and paralysing the country.  For whatever reason, the government did not seem to be responding initially.

Marjorie Orr

Astrologer Marjorie Orr finds a link with the event and the recent eclipses.  She helpful provides the birth date for Tacloban, which enables us to home in on this event more precisely.


The chart of Tacloban has a victimlike T-square between Sun/Venus, Saturn and Chiron, which can be activated from time to time.  Sure enough, we find at the time of the typhoon, Uranus squares the natal Sun/Venus, opposes the natal Saturn and squares the natal Chiron, forming a Grand Cross.

President of the Phillipines

Benigno Aquino, who comes from a long line of Aquinos, may well have gone into shock  initially, with his Neptune at 9 degrees Scorpio  linking into the Uranus-Pluto square.  The full impact on him personally may be delayed until February 2014, when Pluto reaches his Venus (feelings) by transit.

Climate Change

The aid effort has raised huge sums from the public and contribution from the  government in Britain, and it will of course take years for the area to recover.  Supplies are only just now getting through, over a week after the typhoon.  One of the questions raised is how much the phenomenon is due to climate change, and how responsible we are as a species if so.  I don’t think the general thrust of responsibility for the welfare of the planet is helped by climate change deniers such as Nigel Lawson, who waded into the argument again on Question Time this week, as Jupiter was plumping up his natal Pluto (power).  In his chart he has a loose conjunction between Mercury and the North Node, giving him a vested interest in the karma of weather.


Today may feel a little intense, especially for Taureans, with a Full Moon in their sign at 25 degrees.  Though Taurus is a practical sign, there’s no ignoring the emotional issues surrounding you now.  You may somehow be co-ordinating  the emotions of a group.

Tomorrow Mercury conjuncts the North Node and karmic information may come your way.  If you are not into karma, then just information to be interpreted in your own way.  Weather karma may be involved, as this conjunction was around during the typhoon in the Philippines.

Tuesday (19th) is a helpful day: First Chiron turns direct, enabling healing pathways and connections to open up, or re-open.  The Mars sextiles Jupiter, so if you have spare energy there’s a huge opportunity to express it, such as sporting choices, training for the Olympics, or just as a cheering, ululating and whooping spectator.

On Wednesday (20th) Mercury trines Chiron which favours the combination of conventional and alternative healing.  Words may soothe and heal, and healing initiatives can take hold.

Thursday (21st) brings a sextile between Mercury and Pluto.  Healing motions and breakthroughs which have been set up this week can go deeper and address core issues.

Friday (22nd) is a stabilizing day, with the Sun entering Sagittarius providing a little buoyancy, and Venus sextile Saturn providing a quiet dignified tone in relationships.  This favours commitment and loyalty.  If you are co-ordinating a group of people, it is a good day for herding cattle both literally and figuratively.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – emotion peaking
  • Tomorrow – karmic information or weather
  • Tuesday – helping aspects
  • Wednesday – healing
  • Thursday – more help and healing
  • Friday – stabilizing