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Cambridge Buddhist Panto

What could be a more delightful prospect than re-visiting your inner child and your inner Buddhist at the same time? Cambridge Buddhist Centre are performing Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on Friday January 25th and Saturday January 26th at their Theatre. It promises to be both hilarious and spiritual, and stars our own Flick (well known to the readers of this website) who will be exercising her Wicked Queen and maybe other Archetypes – who knows? Entry to the panto is free, but donations would be welcomed. So it’s tickets on the door at 7.30 p.m. both days.

Aspects for the week beginning 13 January 2008

Bit of a hair-raising week last week, and I’m glad to have my usual font back. Today’s a good day to extract all the possibilities from the healing vibes of Venus sextile Chiron which are still available to us. If you are a practitioner, then it’s time to heal thyself. Tomorrow (Monday 14th) Pluto sextiles the North Node, and pay attention to the karmic signs strewn upon your path, which may help you understand the meaning and import of the forthcoming event of Pluto’s entry into Capricorn next week. There are huge changes coming, both personally and on the wider scale, and the Pluto-North Node connection will help you start to understand what these are about. A little light relief from navel-gazing comes on Wednesday (16th) with the interlude of Venus sextile Neptune: sublime art, romance, idealistic love. Put on a Chopin nocturne and get into the old world charm of this aspect. You might re-live one of your old lifetimes in the Age of Chivalry and courtly love. In fact, you could treat this whole week as an interlude, because next week is an important week astrologically and you’ll be busy. Keeping this brief, because I’ll be doing double time next week!

Aspects for the week beginning 6 January 2008

Sunday lunch is the focus of today (UK time) with two very different aspects jostling for expression. Perhaps you are catering for meat-eaters and rawfoodists at one meal, but the first aspect, Sun sextile Uranus, could bring the unexpected, such as a surprise birthday party. It introduces new elements, new ways of eating and new ways of expressing creativity. The lunchtime conversation could bring new ideas about how to prolong your resolutions, how to look further than what is in front of you, and how to inject more life into your lives. Perhaps you are dining with new friends or old friends with a new outlook. The other aspect, Venus square Saturn, could also bring some sad reflections to the table, nostalgia for instance about the past or people who have passed on to other dimensions. It’s not an aspect to entrust a fledgeling romance to, so make an excuse that you are washing your hair until there’s a more favourable vibe to nurture a blossoming relationship. Mercury enters Aquarius on Tuesday (8th) and if there’s been any sluggishness about your communications lately, they should perk up. Make that call and let him or her know that your hair is now washed and you are ready to make a new date, or at least discuss making a new date. For you still need to take things slowly, there’s another tricky aspect to negotiate coming up, and you need to stay centred. Tuesday however offers another opportunity for a fresh start with the New Moon in Capricorn, and for those who have made New Year’s resolutions, you can renew your vows. For those who haven’t you can re-affirm your right not to. The New Moon in Capricorn is about assessing your overall direction in life from one year to another. Perhaps you remember what your position was this time last year, and can review past, present and future in this moment. If your memory isn’t playing along, just ask yourself if this is where you want to be in your life direction, and whether you need to take a step or two in a different direction. On Thursday (10th) Venus sextiles Chiron, good for any therapies undertaken now, and you could see some healing possibilities in that new relationship but you still need to stay centred. For the tricky Venus square Uranus aspect on Saturday (12th) could throw a spanner in the works, relationship-wise. You may find out that there is a distance between you that can’t at the moment be bridged, and need to be glad that you’re still you. You can still make yourself laugh, you can still dream, and there’s always an alternative.

2008 – Year of the Goat

It’s Capricorn’s year, but to clear confusion straight away, under the Chinese system we are on the cusp of the Fire Pig and Earth Rat years. Back to confusion: It should be a good year for you Capricorns out there! Yes, you read that right. Jupiter is moving through your sign, and it is time for you to move forward. Last year was the Year of the Centaur, and famous Sagittarians who made good were Christopher Biggins and Marco Pierre White. To be fair, it has not been such a good year for Centauress Britney Spears, although she did receive some good reviews for her album…Anyway, back to my thesis for Capricorn. Dividing the sign into the three decanates, those born between 22 December and 1 January will have their moment or moments in January (Jupiter started to transit your sector over Christmas and New Year). Actor Jude Law’s birthday is 29 December, and his high spot is coming up soon on 22 January. Those born between 2 January and 12 January will have something to smile about in February/March, and July to November. This will include politician Nick Clegg, who celebrates his birthday next week on 7 January, and whose favoured times to win over the voters would be 6 March, 16 July and 11 October. And those born in the third decanate between 13 and 20 January will be enjoying the fruits of their good karma April to June, and then December. Supermodel Kate Moss celebrates her birthday on 16 January, and may be able to turn things round on 18/19 December. If Capricorn is your Ascendant, and you know the degree, you can work it out. Those born around 22 December will have the extra challenges of Pluto transiting their Sun, and I would recommend reading “Healing Pluto Problems” by Donna Cunningham. For those who are interested in the upcoming Chinese Year of the Rat, I recommend “Animals and the Afterlife” by Kim Sheridan who channels these much misunderstood creatures.

Aspects for the week beginning 30 December 2007

A team of Psychologists at the University of Hertfordshire have come to the conclusion that it may be best, especially for women, to make your New Year’s resolutions early. Certainly today’s aspects would be conducive to making an early start on re-setting your moral compass. Mercury is sextile Uranus, favouring the quirky or unusual, so if you’ve got any whacky New Year’s resolutions it’s a good day to affirm them. The Sun is trine with Saturn today, which favours laying down long-term (e.g. annual) plans. Additionally, Venus enters Sagittarius, which supports the emotion of hope, without which a New Year’s resolution cannot survive more than a day. Tomorrow (31 December) Mars enters Gemini, in retrograde motion from the sign of Cancer. Some of you have been reporting to me difficulties with Mars being retrograde lately – it’s like a rampant toddler you have to keep an eye on, or a loose cannon you need to keep track of. The best way of dealing with it is to consciously develop your inner and outer vision and grow eyes in the back of your head, so it does have its uses in helping us to sharpen our senses and faculties. Another aspect prevalent as we end this year, is Venus squaring the Nodal Axis. This asks us to examine the karma of our relationships, and see if there is anything we can do to bring about more peace and harmony in our individual and outer worlds, so be still and then ripple outwards…Ready with your checklist as we enter 2008? 1. New Year’s resolutions done. 2. Watch that toddler. 3. Achieve Inner Peace…Here’s to 2008, and it’s a Happy New Year from me, but there’s no actual aspect on New Year’s Day itself. There’ll be time to sleep it off then, consolidate your New Year’s resolutions, keep working on your vision issues, and wonder how world peace can be achieved. Actually, the latter would be a very apt focus, because the first aspect of the New Year, which occurs on the evening of Wednesday 2nd January (UK time), is Mars opposite Pluto. This is an aspect which builds tension to the max, and the peacemakers need to be on hand to de-fuse or diffuse the tensions. Of course, they will have been prepared, having read this blog. There is then a period of digestion and assimilation for the rest of the week. Those Psychologists from the University of Hertfordshire also said that New Year’s resolutions work better if you proclaim them to the world, so I hereby declare that I will live on salad in 2008. The dilemma is what to do with the chocolate mountain I seem to have accumulated over the Christmas holidays….

Aspects for the week beginning 23 December 2007

It’s a quiet Christmas on the aspect front, you may be pleased to know if you found last week a bit much. The North Node is still caught in the crack between Pisces and Aquarius, so the karmic sea-change described last week is still going on, and some of you may have sensed it as a different perception of life, less paranoia and more serene detachment or acceptance. I should have been ringing a bell just before dawn this morning, as the Sun is conjunct Jupiter: Jupiter’s parting shot of grace and hope before it gets fully down to its business in Capricorn of balancing reality and faith. It will require us to back up our dreams with practical actions and not only to rely on the Universe or our Guardian Angels to do all the work. They will anyway, but they can get more done with our co-operation. It’s Christmas week, and I can unembarrassedly mention Guardian Angels. It’s so difficult sometimes, trying to please the agnostic and humanistic readers as well as the totally New Age or the religious among us. So apologies in advance if I have toppled over the line for you personally. Make the most of today, because as you may be able to feel in your waters, there’s a Full Moon first thing tomorrow, and there may be some tension in the air generally tomorrow. The Full Moon consists of the Moon in early Cancer opposing the Sun in early Capricorn, and at this time there may be a dilemma concerning the pull between home and work. For instance, you may be the only commuter in your train carriage to work, as many will be starting their festivities already and will have left their working year behind. Hard on the heels of the Full Moon we have two oppositions tomorrow (Monday 24 December, also known as Christmas Eve). Mars opposes the Moon, then the Sun, so first we have an emotional tussle (should have taken a sickie), and then we have a more physical tussle (confrontations such as road rage, rail rage, telephone rage etc.) A good time to re-tune yourself to the higher possibilities of the North Node in Aquarius: Peace on Earth and Good Will to All Men and Women. Mercury trines Saturn on Christmas Day, which at least is a harmonious aspect, though not as romantic or glowing as we could have for that day. Happy Christmas to you anyway, and hope you have the Christmas you wish for. Remember to tune into Maitreya’s Christmas message at 3 p.m. which catches his blessing in the form of the Part of Fortune on the cusp of the eighth house. The Mercury-Saturn trine suits the practical approach on Christmas Day, so if you’ve given a practical present it should be a winner. If however you’ve got a whimsical approach to present-buying, you’ll get the reaction “What do I need one of those for?” There will be plain speaking, but not the wounding variety which sits in the memory until the next Christmas. Dinners might be a bit unimaginative: Turkey, brussels, roasties and pud…unless you’re having a vegetarian alternative which throws the format wide open. I think you’ve got the gist of that aspect now, no need to labour it. In contrast, Boxing Day (also known as December 26) will see us letting our hair down and whooping it up after all that restraint. If you bottled out of that Amy Winehouse impersonation (no pun intended), go for it on Boxing Day! It could be a while until you see these particular family members again, and if they’ve had a sherry or two they might even sing along. The rest of the week is yours to do with as you wish, because the planets are having a seasonal break from work. But they, and I, will be back on Sunday 30 to blog the New Year in.

Aspects for the week beginning 16 December 2007

I must confess to being a little daunted this morning on looking at my ephemeris. I had thought I’d quickly blog, then write some Christmas cards and wrap some presents for the rest of the day. But it looks as though I am going to be here all day, with SO many aspects to write about this week (and those who know me know I don’t use capitals lightly). In fact, I have counted no less than 4 sign changes this week, which alone would make a normal-sized blog. So get yourself a cup of tea, before you settle down to read. Today’s aspect is a square between Venus and Chiron, which can give rise to a mini-healing crisis, such as losing something, realizing how much it meant to you, then finding it and being more overjoyed than you would have thought. The Sun is conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius tomorrow (Monday 17th). If you are returning to the Office after a break, bearing perhaps cream cakes, your powers of perception and concentration will be top notch, despite having forgotten to take your ginkgo biloba and ginseng during the weekend’s celebrations. During your moments of clarity, you may sense that a sea-change is going on karmically. This is because over 17/18th the True North Node moves from Pisces to Aquarius (a mini-dawning of the Age of Aquarius) and on 19/20th the Mean North Node does the same. They are actually the same characters, just different calculations, but karmically it means a change of mode from old ways or victim-consciousness to new deals and brother/sisterhood, and it may be easier to shift things karmically. Certainly the middle of the week is a good time to see what needs to be done in that respect. Going back to Tuesday (18th) we have a dynamic day on our hands, with Venus trine Uranus and then Jupiter entering Capricorn. If it’s the Office Christmas meal or party, people may surprise you or you them, in a naughty but nice way. You may just pluck up the courage to say to the waiter, as you have been longing to do for the last 5 years: “Has anyone ever told you that you look like the actor Art Malik?” And it will prove the right time to ask him, as he has mellowed over those 5 years to be receptive to such bold comments. If you are not going to a Christmas party, then such encounters can happen anywhere else. Jupiter’s entrance into Capricorn of course has much more gravitas. In fact, it could stop those cheeky Sagittarians in their tracks. They’ve been on such a roll, and now suddenly, the mood has changed and they are out of synch. What has happened? Their ruling planet just got more aware of responsibility, commitment, the fact that life is not a bowl of cherries for everyone all the time. Conversely, what’s happening to Capricorns is that they might suddenly be full of Christmas cheer, and lighten up, and taste the cherries. For the rest of the Zodiac it’ll be a combination of those depending on whether your chart is more Jupiterian or Saturnian ~ an interesting moment. Ploughing on, Wednesday (19th) sees Saturn go stationary, prior to retrograding. It is well into the first decanate of Virgo now, and those born in early Virgo who thought they had got things under their belts in recent weeks, may have to do some revision. If you are at College studying, say, homeopathy, and you thought you’d done enough to get by, you may need to look over some of the finer detail of the course again, which should be fine because detail is your middle name. If you take noon Wednesday as the mid-point of the week we are half-way there now, and in the afternoon Mercury is conjunct with Pluto. This is a serious aspect for looking at fine detail, plus the meaning behind the fine detail. Everything in the Universe has a purpose, even the finest of details. Moving swiftly on to Thursday (20th) and remembering that we are still in this karmic sea-change (time to refresh your cuppa) we encounter another planet/sign change in the form of Mercury now entering Capricorn. One planet by one is moving from the fun-loving, joy-bringing sign of Sagittarius to the more purposeful and applied sign of Capricorn. They are paving the way for the big entry of Pluto to Capricorn in January, so these minor events are heralds and mood adjustments for us. More practicality, application and focus, then. We may be preparing for the festivities and celebrations of Christmas, but also preparing our year ahead on a higher level. In the evening Mercury catches up with Jupiter, and travel will be on many of our minds, whether it is re-locating for the Christmas period to be with elderly relatives, or flying out for ski holidays or seeking out hotspots in the globe. Some of you may be toying with holiday websites, and may just click the “add to cart” button for some far-flung destination. If you prefer to travel mentally or spiritually, then it’s a great time for a group meditation, or any other mind-broadening activity. The Sun conjuncts Pluto at midnight or the early hours of Friday (21st) U.K. time, so all that mental or physical travelling gets you to a meaningful place, e.g. those mental Mount Everests or more appropriately deep-sea diving in the ocean beds of the subconscious. Only one more day to go (serial tea-drinkers fill up again): Saturday 22nd starts at daybreak with the entry of the Sun into Capricorn (Happy Winter Solstice to you). Try to rise early and take a trip to the bottom of the garden, and give thanks for the returning of the light. Mid-morning Venus squares Neptune, and something arouses compassion, perhaps the contemplation of the nativity story, a Big Issue seller with fingerless gloves, or an elderly neighbour who needs some Christmas provisions. And late afternoon/early evening we have our final aspect of the week (bear in mind I don’t choose them) which is Mercury opposite Mars – very appropriate to last minute rushing round frazzled in the newly-refurbished centre of Cambridge buying that last-minute present for Aunty Dorothy. They’ve opened a new kitchenware shop, and there are some handy new can openers for arthritic hands. This has been a bit of a marathon, but hope there’s something in it for you. I’m on my fourth cup of tea, and third pair of glasses.

East-West Sanctuary

If you are looking for retreats and workshops in an unusual setting nestled in far away hills, the East-West Sanctuary could be what you need. The scope and teachings are wide-ranging, mainly Buddhist-based, but drawing on spiritual, philosophical and healing traditions that can be traced back to India, ancient Greece and medieval Europe. It has been evolved with mindfulness every step of the way by its founder Sinhagupta, according to Buddhist tradition but equally attending to the needs of the modern world. The website link appears on the Contact page.

Aspects for the week beginning 9 December 2007

The sign of Sagittarius is choc-a-block this morning with planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto. So one area of your life is going to be reeling with activities and possibilities for new activities, while others may have gone quiet. Whoever you are, whatever Sun sign you are, you’ll be sensing that there’s something important in the offing, with varying degrees of awareness. That is not to say that those who are more evolutionarily evolved will have the edge: it may simply be a question of what has been karmically revealed to you about the future. The Universe likes to surprise you, from time to time. I mean, take a look at last week’s aspects – who would have thought it would be a week of miracles? You may still be marvelling at one, as the Mercury sextile Chiron is still operational this morning. There’s time to get another miracle in before lunch. Also, while you were sleeping, Mars was sextile Saturn, so your unconscious at least was busy making plans. For it’s a New Moon day, and it’s time to breathe, and wish, and then breathe again. Wishes can be particularly global in a Sagittarian New Moon. And you have two more days to practise your Jupiter-Pluto meditations (see my “Jupiter-Pluto Extravaganza” blog). For Tuesday is the focus of the week, or even the month. And Tuesday (11th, for those who haven’t already noted it in their diaries) starts with a square between Mercury and Uranus, possibly even before you’ve retired on the Monday night. Unexpected news, controversial views, freak weather are all contenders for your attention and may even contribute to a sleepless night. Just when you wanted all your faculties about you to concentrate on the main astrological event you’ve prepared diligently for. The actual conjunction occurs in the evening, though it will colour the whole day. If you are doing something important that day, such as chairing a conference in Washington, or attending a funeral in King’s Lynn, then it could be a grand co-operation between the forces of Heaven and Earth if you keep your mind and heart fully open. If you’ve got nothing planned that day, going into inner space could be a phantasmagorical experience. If going into inner space is not your thing, then stay glued to the news and current affairs broadcasts, which could be fascinating that day. And before the end of the day, supporting Jupiter and Pluto in their attempt to add meaning to your life, Venus and Mars form a trine. This could be a big romance story for you or those celebs (watch the newspaper headlines the next morning). But it helps to ground the global energies of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction into something more personal to our lives. So we’ve reached the morning after…the morning after the Jupiter-Pluto big event, the morning after the romantic leanings of Venus trine Mars…and it’s now Wednesday 12th…time to get your bearings and assess and digest the impact of yesterday, and a good time to take the morning off work. You need to savour the afterglow, pick up the pieces, or finish the washing up. And you’ll be helped by two sextiles today: Sun sextile Neptune (dreams can come true – it’s Panto season, oh yes they can) and Venus sextile Saturn (can you really believe what you see is true? Maybe you can). Don’t be in denial about the importance of events this week. Friday (14th) follows with another sextile, between Mercury and Neptune, another chance to integrate any changed views of reality, and perhaps write or record in some way any experiences you had, spiritual or worldly. It seems heartening and stabilizing that those sextiles turned up when they did. Like the calm turning up after the storm.

Aspects for the week beginning 2 December 2007

As we bask in the significance to the world of Rentaghost veteran and Panto star Christopher Biggins being crowned King of the Jungle (as Jupiter transits his jovial Sun/Mercury in Sagittarius), and we continue to build our understanding of the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (don’t we?) we have two aspects to contemplate this Sunday. First the easy one: Venus is sextile Jupiter which favours reunions and parties and get-togethers. Then the more difficult: Mercury squaring the Moon’s Nodal Axis which encourages us to mentally explore the concepts and ramifications of karma, and possibly put something into words to express that understanding. Tomorrow (3rd) brings a welcome couple of sextiles: first Venus sextile Pluto, a deeper experience than Venus sextile Jupiter (“Now that we have connected on a superficial basis, what do we have to say to each other which will reveal our deeper true relationship?”). Secondly, Sun sextile Chiron which speaks of the potential for the healing of the Soul, so grab some for yourself while it is on special offer. Venus and the Moon create a double act on Wednesday (5th) and so there could be an emphasis on ancient goddesses or modern girl power. It’s a good day for deep massage, tenderly spoken thoughts and gentle gestures. Venus enters Scorpio at 13.29 Hrs (UK time) enabling us to “voice the bodymind” (see the work of esteemed Felicity Cook from my Contact page) or at least to think about voicing the bodymind. At 18.31 Hrs the Moon joins her (Venus, not Felicity) in Scorpio, piling on the emotion and edging us closer to this experience. And then at 19.04 Hrs the two combine in Scorpio, so that is the precise time to down tools and actually voice your bodymind. Any queries, over to Felicity. It would also be a good evening for a girl’s night out or any cultural activities celebrating female composers, authors, playwrights or artists. Thursday (6th) is a different kettle of fish, bringing Mercury square to Saturn. O.K. maybe you overdid it yesterday and now you are suffering for it physically, e.g. hangover, mild headache, stiffness in the joints or all three. Time to pay attention to the physical body in a more mechanistic way than yesterday’s emotional work. So that’s egg nog, paracetamol and glucosamine sulphate. I know, I know – you don’t really like to take such things, but it is a day to bring yourself back to equilibrium the best way you know how, even if it is lying in bed all day or meditating all day. Unless you want to prolong the suffering…or unless you can see that it will lead to greater insight if you do prolong the suffering. More disruption on Friday (7th) with Sun square Uranus, proving it’s really that disrupted time of year when your days are punctuated with Christmas do’s (apologies to Lynne Truss if I’ve got the apostrophe wrong) and Christmas shopping, all causing fraction in our normal routines, and making it more likely that we will lose our keys, mislay our deeper selves even. It can happen at this time of year. So keep an undercurrent of the knowledge of who you really are going at some level: meditate regularly, carry icons, write poetry at the crack of dawn…You’re doing well, you’ve got a handle on the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (haven’t you?), you’ve got a new wish ready for Sunday’s New Moon, and to grace the end of the week with a delicate flourish Mercury sextiles Chiron on Saturday (8th), some icing on the cake providing the means for balancing your health in this run-up to the Christmas period with all its excesses, and helping to keep you sane.