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Aspects for the week beginning 21 October 2012

Fixed Star of the Week – Izar

The fixed star of the week, which aligns with our Sun today, is Izar, the Epsilon star in the constellation of Bootes.

It is therefore a helpful influence in setting a tone for the coming week.

According to “Starlight Elixirs” by Fred Rubenfeld and Michael Smulkis, its consciousness is connected with how we utilize energy from other realms and bring it into our practical reality and physical body.  The effectiveness of this process is akin to a yogi living on prana, in that minerals can be balanced and metabolized (the specific example given being potassium and sodium) regardless of or in spite of foods being taken in (e.g. bananas and salt) or not taken in.

Here is a quotation from”Living on Light” by Michael Werner and Thomas Stockli:

“When you receive your nourishment from light, an energy or a force, or whatever you like to call it, flows into you; it is simply present when you need it. How much comes in depends on how much you use; this is like a law of nature.”

There may be certain personalities we know who make us think “Where do they get their energy from?”  if they do not eat the quantities we deem healthy.  Or “How do they manage, physically?” if they do not eat what we would consider the right foods.

In her book “The Only Diet there Is” rebirther Sondra Ray states that it is not the food we eat, it is what we believe about the food we eat, which is the crux of the matter.

Much of our energy is derived from non-physical sources, such as the inspiration we draw from the words or actions of others, religious and spiritual sources, or cosmic sources in meditation.  So it is a good time to consider our own processes in that respect, and make the most of all our energy sources, including good food.

Here are the concluding comments about Izar from my fixed star bible mentioned earlier:

“Some of these issues of balance itself, understanding give and take, water and its ability to transfer vibration, these things are naturally a part of this balancing process with potassium and sodium.  There is a direct influence on such secondary effects as uptake of oxygen and utilization of prana, and the uptake of water in the utilization of vibration.  A deeper nurturing can take place with a deeper attunement to God-like forces which are inherently balancing. It is as if the physical aspects attune one to these higher aspects rather than the reverse.”


The Sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday (23rd) in the U.K., just after midnight.  This means lunchtime in Australia, and tea-time on 22nd in the U.S.  We shall be laying down our Diplomat Archetype hats, and donning our Inner Warrior helmets at that time, or alternatively preparing Halloween costumes.  We shall be wondering what to do with the pumpkins, and photographing our colourful acers or Virginia creepers.  The deadline for the annual self-assessment tax return looms, and teachers crawl towards half-term, hoping they arrive intact.  Poets strive to emulate the classic Keats line “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”, and (a personal marker for this time of year) it is time to go through all the catalogues which have recently come through the door for possible Christmas presents. A friend has a personal marker for this time of year to prepare to re-balance herself for the imminent change of the clock.

Whether you are a fan of the season, or not, these are the kinds of things which come to mind with the Sun entering Scorpio.  If, like me, you have clung onto a vestige of summer (still occasionally wearing summer skirts), it is a time to let go and surrender to the fact that summer is not coming back, and to gird one’s loins and bravely face all that the Scorpio season has to offer. Scorpio does not go in for soft options, it takes up challenges.  There is a definite line drawn and new mind set for this time of year.  Looming up for me, is a tooth extraction.

The same day that the Sun enters Scorpio, Neptune greets the Sun with a trine, which helps us to see the spiritual component of any stark choices or prospects.  It can help lift the perspective, and connect with the energy of the heart, and the inner guidance.  The effect of this trine coming immediately after the ingress of the Sun to Scorpio can present a re-birth.

Thursday (25th) brings us back to realities, with the Sun reaching Saturn in Scorpio.  There may be blocks you just can’t get past by your usual methods.  There may be news items you just can’t get your head around with your usual thinking.  You may expand your consciousness as far as possible, but material or practical concerns may still be challenging.  It is an important time to observe your process, and examine your beliefs.  Take the  obstacle into account, and go for the best option.

Mercury also conjuncts the North Node on Thursday.  This may help you to align mentally with the best option from a collective perspective.  For example, the tipping point for your decision may come from a scientific evaluation of what is best, or an ethical social ideal.  If this blends with your own personal preference or feeling, then that is the best option.  If not, then negotiate for your own need, as self-sacrifice and martyrdom may not be in your best interest.

Later the same day, Mercury sextiles Venus again.  We had this aspect last week, on Tuesday, and you may recall how that day was for you.  It has recurred because Mercury surged forward then dropped back to the pace of Venus.  It is a good day for writing and discussion.  Catch up with your journal: there may be detailed stories from the last few days which will be missed if they are not set down for future reference.  If you have some spare time, and know an elderly person whose stories need to be set down, take a notebook and have them recount their life stories, and write them down.

Saturday (27th) brings a welcome trine between the Sun and Chiron.  If you found the trine between the Sun and Neptune spiritually uplifting on Tuesday, then you will be able to make use of Saturday’s healing vibrations.  It is a good aspect for resolution, problem-solving and mental and physical healing to round up the week.  The trine being in the water element means that the vehicle for healing will come through emotional release, so tears (whether those of sadness and nostalgia, or joy and laughter) can bring rainbows.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – utilizing energy sources
  • Tuesday – getting to grips with the season; lift your viewpoint
  • Thursday – back to reality; aligning karma with rational thought; communicate
  • Saturday – healing

Aspects for the week beginning 14 October 2012

Moral Goodness

In a week where former heroes were revealed to be something they were not, I have been wondering how you can see a person’s moral worth, and whether it is revealed in the birth chart.

Barack Obama

When I was reading Barack Obama’s books on the train commute several years ago now, it took me a while to decide in my mind where he was coming from, and if he was for real.  Once I had decided, I have remained firm in my conviction that he is spiritually a man of stature.  Even so, it was not until he was elected, that I wrote a blog about him, from that place of conviction.  One of the comments on that blog (8th November 2008, if you want to follow it up) was from MLG of Australia:

“What about his Sun/Nep delusional Square??? ..his Moon/Plu Square and his tight, overconfident Merc/Jup opposition? What is wrong with telling the whole story?”

The truth is that I could not write about his chart until I had felt comfortable with that mystery, as described above.  To some extent, it depends upon a person’s point of evolution, whether they can hold a square like that between the Sun and Neptune and turn it to positive account.  And now in hindsight from his first term of government, it can be seen as forces in his life sapping his will and his ability to express his Soul’s purpose (i.e. the constant force of opposition to any of his policies politically, regardless of their value).

I did mention in the piece:

“At the same time physically, he is not superhuman (Chiron [in the first House] is the “wounded healer”) and needs to address or be aware of his own frailties, and not to allow the strains of office to get out of hand (Chiron squaring his Moon)”

That is interesting in the light of his debate with Mitt Romney, and also in the light that he is still in the throes of his Chiron Return.

Let us hope that he can overcome the fog of his natal Neptune square to the Sun, in order to achieve what he is really capable of.

Mitt Romney

Opponents of Mitt Romney continually point to the catalogue of lies which he has been seen to promote.

Lies in Astrology are a function of the negative side of Neptune, which as we have seen is not well-aspected in Barack Obama’s chart.  Neptune, is well-aspected in Mitt Romney’s chart, and it is his ruling planet from his Sun sign.

He has three personal planets in Neptune-ruled Pisces.  That Neptunian field would not be enough to give him such a reputation as a liar.

I think the duplicitous public perception may partly come from his Ascendant/North Node/Uranus in Gemini.  Neptunian duplicity is a deeper measure of truth, but Gemini can certainly seem two-faced at times (with deep apologies to all decent Geminis and Pisceans).  This is the quicksilver Mercurial desire to leave the options open and not put all the eggs in one basket, to keep two arrows for the bow.

The jury has to be out until lies are proven, even though the heart is suspicious…

Jimmy Saville

In a national jaw-dropping scandal, the late DJ Jimmy Saville’s allegations of sexual abuse are this morning said to involve 60 cases in 6 decades.  That is 1 per year, but the numbers are rising.  We cannot ignore this story, as it has dominated the papers in the U.K. for two weeks.  The abuse lay unchallenged for all that time, and occurred within institutions such as the BBC, the Prison service, and the NHS.  We do not have a birth time or Ascendant for him (the “Duchess” took that with her to the grave) but his Sun sign was Scorpio (again deep apologies to all decent Scorpios) and with the abuses taking place in Institutions, some of them cloistered in nature, there is a case for his having a Sagittarian Ascendant (apologies to Sagittarian Ascendants) with the abuse being carried out through the three planets he has in the sign of Scorpio in the 12th House of sequestered Institutions.  This news story has been like a bomb shell to our society, though most women I have spoken to have said they always felt him to be “creepy”.  How it was suppressed for so long, the scale of it, and the reasons for it, are torture to think about.  Here is someone who does have a sinister Neptune: in his chart it is exactly square to Saturn.  It is very interesting that his activities have come to light since the North Node (karmic revelation) entered Scorpio (the sign of sexuality).

Lance Armstrong

In a second jaw-dropping example of widespread suppression of possible wrongdoing, this week it was revealed that cycling champion Lance Armstrong was exposed to have masterminded a sports drug ring which also stopped people speaking out.  Now 11 of his fellow sportspersons have testified against him, and also his ex-girlfriend Sheryl Crow.  We do not have a birth time for Lance Armstrong and cannot determine his Ascendant, but can note that he is strongly Mercury ruled through Virgo, and Mercury is associated with bikes (more usually through Gemini).  He has a warrior North Node/Mars conjunction which is exact in Aquarius, which gives him lightning speed with or without the drugs.  But interestingly he has what looks like a good Neptune (an exact conjunction to Jupiter), though it is always up to the individual what they do with a good feature.  Many Astrologers would argue that it is not necessarily a good conjunction, because Jupiter would blow up the deceitfulness of the Neptune to limitless proportions.  This conjunction though would give an enormous faith in the self, and Neptune also represents drugs, so that would have given him “luck” through drugs, in this case the ability to keep the deceit going for a long time.  Another who is innocent until proven guilty.

To go back to my original question: “How can you see a person’s moral worth?” First of all, we try to be non-judgemental.  In the afterlife, it is only question of self-judgement and in relation to what we contracted to do before we came to earth in this incarnation.  But in the case of who are we going to vote for, and do we speak out if we know there is crime or injustice, life may force us to move from the fence.  In the case of the birthchart, as in the use of one’s instincts, I don’t think it is possible to tell what someone will make of their given characteristics at birth.  It is the Soul’s choice, which direction to move towards.  And sometimes some souls do decide to veer away from evolution.  In these cases, it can take lifetimes to get back to the point where they made that decision.


It is not a bad week coming up, though we start with a square and end with a square.  Today Mars squares Chiron, which may force us to look at painful issues.  It is the type of aspect which medically would be lancing a boil. You could also take that metaphorically.  It is certainly a time for speaking out about issues that concern you, and not leaving them to fester.

Tomorrow, Mars trines Uranus, which favours engineering, electrical goods, and new, bold and progressive ideas.  It may be a good time to look at male issues in terms of how the 21st Century male can upgrade his image, after Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has turned the spotlight on misogyny.

There is also a New Moon at 22 degrees Libra tomorrow, so relationships and culture can be receptive to new initiatives.  Tomorrow is a chance to begin healing on some male-female issues which have recently been brought out into the open.

On Tuesday (16th), Mercury sextiles Venus, an aspect which favours diplomacy, culture, writing and art, and all those in combination.  I have a blog devoted to this aspect under the category “Aspects” if you would like to explore the idea further, but all you need to do is listen to your own guidance and connect with your own vein of creativity.

The same day, just before midnight in the U.K., Venus squares Jupiter, so creative ideas may proliferate rather fervently, and you may need to calm down.  Also social and romantic ideas may get a little out of hand, and you may need to urge others to calm down.

That’s it for this week, so keep calm and carry on.  May peace and creativity be with you for the duration of the week.


The second of my Pre-Raphaelite series is now posted, if this group of painters is of interest to you:



The week in bullet points:

  • Today – allow the wound to emerge and release
  • Tomorrow – excitement; new prospects in relationships
  • Tuesday – café culture; love and art go wild

The Pre-Raphaelites – John Ruskin

Pre-Raphaelite Exhibition at Tate Britain

12 September 2012 – 13 January 2013


I first became interested in the Pre-Raphaelites in 1980, when I read “The French Lieutentant’s Woman” by John Fowles.  So when in 2009 there was a television series entitled “Desperate Romantics” based on the book by Franny Moyle, my interest was re-ignited, and I wrote a blog entitled “The Pre-Raphaelites – A Soul Group”.  I intended to write about all the Pre-Raphaelites, and still do, but going to the Tate Britain Exhibition has at least enabled me to write this second blog on the subject.

Notes from an Exhibition

Oh!  The beauty hits you at the first picture. [“Astarte Syriaca” by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.]

“Mystery: lo! betwixt the sun and moon
Astarte of the Syrians: Venus Queen
Ere Aphrodite was” ~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The Exhibition feeds the mind with all sorts of interesting facts – a rich seam of knowledge, sights and experiences.  I especially felt warm and fuzzy in the William Morris room, replete with furnishings and objects in his distinctive style.
It feeds the heart, too: A lot of hugging goes on in their pictures, a heartwarming vibe, though some seem to be cradle the dying…

Of all the artists, on this occasion I particularly noticed the detail and sensitivity of Ford Madox Brown’s work: the wall notes endorsing his “sharp drawing and colours”.  My favourite picture in the exhibition turned out to be painting by Brown, and as it turned out husband Mike’s favourite picture too was painted by Brown, though a different masterpiece.

John Ruskin

I had intended to write about Dante Gabriel Rossetti first, but out of my mind’s eye stepped Ruskin.  Fittingly so, for his vision and patronage are like the drawstring that pulls the group all together.

Ruskin had Sun rising in Aquarius (very creative though inflexible).  He had several sets of conjunctions, which connect together, which may account for his high intelligence and wide-ranging consciousness.  Mercury/Mars/Jupiter sextile Saturn/Pluto/Chiron (a triple sextile) enabling him to make intricate connections in his mind.  However, the Saturn/Pluto/Chiron squares his Uranus/Neptune/Venus, creating a cacophony of clashing vibrations.  The Mercury/Mars/Jupiter combination opposes the Moon/Part of Fortune.

The Critic Archetype

John Ruskin was by trade an art critic, and he has the Critic Archetype in his birthchart, in the form of Mercury conjunct Mars. This faculty is complicated by the hypersensitivity of having an opposition from Moon in Cancer (to the Mars/Mercury).  Having Mercury conjunct Mars sets the nerves on edge, but the opposition is like the equivalent of a female permanently having pre-menstrual tension.  As you’ll see later, his psychopathology is deeper.

In the Thames and Hudson book on the Pre-Raphaelites, Tim Hilton writes of his intensely critical faculty:

“Claude, Poussin, the classical masters of the landscape tradition, the religious painters of the High Renaissance (especially ‘the clear and tasteless poison of the art of Raphael’), the genre painters of the Dutch school were all therefore to be execrated.  In “Modern Painters” [Ruskin’s early published work] they are criticized with some vehemence, not as a man might kick away the curs that snap at his heels, but exhaustively, at great length, with every rhetorical device and every instrument of castigation.  Hardly any of the schools of European painting between the Renaissance and the Romantic era escapes this devastating onslaught.”

North Node and Karmic Mission

Ruskin’s North Node, representing his karmic mission, is in his 3rd House trine exactly Uranus, indicating that he heads up a brilliant milieu.  In addition, Mercury exactly squares the Nodal Axis, and I find that where a planet squares the Nodes that person acts as a co-ordinator for a group, sometimes the Soul Group.  In this case, the planet being Mercury (which adds to his general nervous tension), enables Ruskin to act in the role of a teacher or mentor to the group.  In my 2009 blog I have written more about the karmic entanglements of the Moon’s Nodes within the group.


Michael Robinson writes in “The Pre-Raphaelites”: “Ruskin and Oxford were inseparable, even though their relationship was difficult at times.  As an undergraduate, although he had won prestigious prizes for his drawing and poetry, he was always an outsider and had to leave his studies on hold after suffering a mental breakdown when he was only 21.”

In that year, Ruskin will have had Saturn square to his Saturn, though it affects people differently and undoubtedly was instrumental in the stress at that time.

In the book “Touched with Fire” by Psychiatrist Kay Redfield Jamison, she notes that at one time Ruskin was considered to have schizophrenia but she diagnoses bi-polar syndrome:

“Bizarre behaviour, once thought to be much more characteristic of schizophrenia, is now recognized as a frequent component of mania as well.  Many artists and writers described by some earlier biographers as schizophrenic – for example Ruskin, Schumann, Strindberg, Woolf,  Pound, Poe, Artaud, Dadd, and Van Gogh – would not be classified as such today”.

This is borne out astrologically.  He has the mania (Jupiter conjunct Mars) plus the depression (Saturn conjunct Pluto and Chiron in Pisces).  In addition, he has a very highly-strung conjunction of Uranus and Neptune, which sensitizes his nervous system to an acute degree.  These individual features may be present singly in a chart, but to have all of these is high pressure for the holder of one birth chart to maintain balance.

The Loves of John Ruskin

In his birthchart, the closest partner to the planet of love Venus, is Neptune.  This liaison speaks of impossible idealism, a phrase which summed up his relationships.  His first emotional attachment was to Adele Clothilde Domecq, daughter of his father’s business partner.  This love was under-aged (about 15) and unrequited.

The second relationship, which led to marriage but non-consummation, was to Effie Gray.  Their marriage took place on 10/4/48, the date where Franny Moyle’s book takes up the story, in a time period embryonic to the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.  At this time, Pluto was square to Ruskin’s Mars, setting him a psychosexual challenge, which proved impossible for him to meet.

In the Summer of 1853 Effie and John Ruskin took a holiday in Scotland, accompanied by one of Ruskin’s artistic protégés, John Everett Millais.  Effie and John fell in love and were later to marry.

After 6 years of marriage, on 26/4/54 Effie served an annulment on Ruskin.  Uranus was trine her Mars (taking the advantage of a surprise action).  The transiting North Node trine her Uranus (surprise element in her favour).

John Ruskin’s third significant love, Rose La Touche, was 9 when he met her on her birthday, and the age gap always caused consternation in their circles. At this time, Neptune was conjunct the North Node suggesting the impossibility of the relationship, Pluto was conjunct Jupiter, transiting Jupiter was trine Ruskin’s Venus, and transiting Mars was square to his Moon.

Over the course of many years they met, fell in love, fell out, suffered many misunderstandings and dramas, and attempted interventions from friends and relatives.  This was the story of their relationship, Rose ever unattainable to Ruskin, and the emotions messing with his already delicate mind drove him to despair and mental instability.

In October 1863 – at 15 years old Rose herself suffered a nervous breakdown, for she too was delicate of mind.  According to Franny Moyle, she “sank into mental fragility”.

On 3/1/1866, Rose’s 18th birthday, there was a reunion of sorts, at a family dinner out.  On this occasion, the Sun was conjunct Jupiter, Venus was conjunct Mars (reunions) and  Mars was conjunct Mercury.  Mars was conjunct Ruskin’s Neptune, firing his imagination.

Meetings often revolved around Rose’s birthday.  In January 1866 Ruskin proposed to Rose and was told to ask again in 3 years when she was 21. This pattern went on, and much of the relationship was conducted in the imagination.  Eventually they both suffered greatly through illness.

Rose died in 1875 in a Dublin nursing home, and Ruskin never recovered, also taking to Spiritualism in an effort to contact her.

Ruskin’s Art

Ruskin himself was a fine painter, and I find his drawings exquisite.  They seem to come more from the refinement and sensibility of his Uranus-Neptune conjunction than from the technical skill of his Mercury conjunct Mars.
His doctrine of fidelity to nature (which in his art theory he called ‘ truth to nature’) inspired much of the work of the Pre-Raphaelites early in the movement. Later some of them changed course towards a cult of beauty, but others continued to adhere to the original ideals.

Giles Fraser (the ex-Canon Chancellor of St. Paul’s Cathedral) wrote an article in the Guardian yesterday, pointing out: “For Ruskin, art was about beauty, and beauty had a higher moral and social purpose”.

The free booklet at the Exhibition informs us: “Around 1860…Beauty came to be valued more highly than truth, as Pre-Raphaelitism slowly metamorphosed into the Aesthetic movement.”

A slight divergence from one of their heroes, the poet John Keats, who had written during the Romantic movement early in the same century in 1819:

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” – that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know”

In Modern Context

The last word goes to Giles Fraser: “Ruskin’s insistence that art might have some higher moral purpose no longer seems to trouble the wealthy aesthetes of the 21st century.”  Fast forward to the 21st Century and earlier this week the Guardian ran an article by Jonathan Jones about Damien Hirst’s latest sculpture, claiming about Hirst that he “made modern British art, and has destroyed it.”  How did we get from there, to here?

Further Reading

If you would like to read my earlier blog on the subject “The Pre-Raphaelites – A Soul Group”, here is the link:



Aspects for the week beginning 7 October 2012

Debates and Orations

Last week’s North Node conjunction with Mars (Warriorship) was expressed in the debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the race for the Presidency.  Jonathan Freedland writing in the Guardian, wrote that in the British political arena, as in the U.S. battle, the underdog won this week: “Ed Miliband, meanwhile, won near-universal raves for a conference performance that stunned both his audience and a press corps that had come to believe the Labour leader could not perform his way out of a paper bag.”  Although I had expressed hopes last week that Ed Miliband would make a good speech, I personally was a little disappointed with his slogan of “One Nation” which sounded to me a little hackneyed and empty, but I did sense that he is indeed finding himself more strongly, and hope that will consolidate.

David Cameron

It is David Cameron’s week, in terms of hosting a party Conference, and it is interesting that the Mayor of London Boris Johnson now has a popularity rating much higher than the Prime Minister.  What is also interesting is that Cameron’s governmental U-turns have now been counted to number as many as 30.  And the government policies are proving to be Conservative in the true sense of the word.  Or maybe Retro would be a better word, as Education Minister Gove puts forward examination procedures which hark back to his childhood, and Health Minister Jeremy Hunt has just re-iterated his penchant for putting back abortion rights, advocating the reduction of the time limit for abortions from 24 weeks to 12 weeks – a blow for women’s rights and choices.  The Mars/North Node conjunction when Ed Miliband was making his speech last week was actually working against David Cameron, in that it squared his own Mars.

All political scenarios can turn around, and though Mars means action and confrontation, it can be over quickly and its effects may not be lasting.

Presidential Contest

Jonathan Freedland observed: “Mitt Romney gave Barack Obama such a good hiding in their first TV debate, you half expected the referee to step in and end the bout on compassionate grounds.” That Mars/North Node conjunction during the U.S. Presidential debate was working for Mitt Romney, in that it was conjunct by transit his lucky natal Moon/Jupiter conjunction.  At the same time a square from the Moon to his ruling planet Uranus put Obama unexpectedly out of sorts.  However, I feel the transits for Obama at the time of the actual election next month are marginally more favourable than those for Mitt Romney.  So it is for that reason, and for the fact that I had a dream a few months ago that I was minding my grandchild and a victorious result for Obama came on the television, I remain consistent about predicting a win for Obama!

Last Word from Freedland

I enjoyed the Guardian article so much I will finish with some of Freedland’s closing words: “The president can turn things around with one good debate performance…For Cameron, it will not be so easy.”


So what’s in store for this week?  I am pleased to say it looks good to me.

Mars entered Sagittarius early today, so the combative energy of Scorpio gives way to a go-ahead and sporty energy with Mars in Sagittarius.  Energy may be channeled more constructively, in activities such as flying kites, horse-whispering, philosophical debate, and chasing moonbeams.  It reminds me I once regressed a double Sagittarian (Sun and Ascendant in Sagittarius) and her regression was of winning an Archery contest in ancient Rome.  Go for the bull’s eye today.

Tomorrow is far more complicated: Mars squares Neptune and Venus opposes Chiron (rarely do we have a completely straightforward week).  Emotions will be put through the wringer in both aspects.  For Mars squaring Neptune, energy will be sensitized, so that if you expect a clear run for your own desires, you will be forced to take into account another’s pain.  Only if you come from compassion, will the exchange work.  Healing is also possible with the second aspect, Venus opposing Chiron, but again not without seeing the wounding which needs to be expressed, recognized and acknowledged.  The Arts may be cathartic for you tomorrow.

Tuesday (9th) will reward us for the emoting of the day before, with no less than three trines!  Sun trine Jupiter is the first, and one of the best trines there is to work with.  A small flutter, such as buying a £1 lottery ticket, could result in a small win, such as £10, which is a lot for your outlay.  The second trine, Mercury trine Chiron, is mentally healing.  The mind healing could come through meditation, or counseling, or creative writing: these activities can help to set the mind straight.  Thirdly, Venus trines Pluto, and art can help heal psychologically under that trine, and music can heal the troubled soul.  This third trine is the healing of the feeling nature, which is linked with the emotions.  So the first trine is buoyancy for the Soul, the second is balm for the mind, and the third brings harmony at a deep level.

On Wednesday (10th) Mercury sextiles Pluto, and that is a consolidation of mental healing.  It is an encouragement to progress forward mentally from the healing of the previous day.  For instance, if you had a mental block about paperwork, Tuesday may identify or heal the block, and Wednesday will allow you to act upon the healing, i.e. start working where you left off when you hit the block.

But Thursday’s the day…There’s a simply marvelous heavy weight helpful Trine on Thursday (11th)!  The trine is between Saturn (the material struggle) and Neptune (the spiritual heights). If you are hoping to make headway on a major project, today can bring everything together.  If Saturn going into Scorpio has revealed a challenge, this is where you get the assistance you need (earthly or heavenly).  And the nature of this trine is to bring the earthly together harmoniously with the heavenly.  For example, if you feel you have set the spiritual energies right on a project, and need the material side to work with it, you may get them to click on Thursday.  The same applies if your situation is vice-versa.  If you have been wondering how to manage Saturn in Scorpio, the answer could come to you, and be sure to make a note of it.  It’s great to be able to give good news, sometimes, as an Astrologer!

That is the last aspect of the week, and a long lasting one, so that you can continue to work with that vibe profitably until the next set of aspects arrive.


We have settled our slippers comfortably into the sign of Libra now (although reminded of life’s realities by Saturn’s entry into the waters of Scorpio), and thanks to all those (including the milkman) who helped to deliver the Libran Guide to Relationships, posted earlier today.  If relationships are a current preoccupation for you, you may find some handy hints from a Libran well qualified to represent her sign, Sue Hudson.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Go Ahead!
  • Tomorrow – It’s complicated…
  • Tuesday  – The World’s your Oyster
  • Wednesday – Evidence of Healing
  • Thursday – Lasting Gains

Zodiac Masterclass Series – A Libran Guide to Relationships

Libra New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry
Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens
available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html

This is the tenth piece in an occasional series written about the expertise of each Sun Sign. I may still be looking for the Capricorn (I am not sure if I have one or not) who can write a guide to Ambition, but at long last I have found a Libran who has written the guide to Relationships. If you think you might be the Capricorn I am looking for, please get in touch.  Or alternatively if you should know the ideal person.  I have got my eye on someone, but haven’t got the courage to ask yet.  The articles will be found under the category “Zodiac Masterclass” so that eventually there will be 12 such articles, e.g. “The Libran Guide to Relationships”, “The Capricorn Guide to Ambition”,”The Pisces Guide to Compassion” etc. Each article will be written by someone who has the Sun Sign in question.

Please meet Sue Hudson. I have only got to know her recently. She first caught my attention about 15 years ago in a queue at a parents evening. We must have only exchanged a few words but I was arrested by her one-liners. She is a lovely Libran and she and her Leo husband make a vibrant couple. Fast forward to July this year and I had a Eureka lightbulb moment (more in the sense of how many astrologers does it take to change one, than Archimedes running dripping in the street from his bath). I had been looking for 9 months for a Libran to write the Masterclass for this sign and here was the perfect person! Not only was she classically Libran, but she had been with her Leo since they were young. Imagine my surprise when I asked her (still trembling from the aforementioned Eureka lightbulb moment) if she would do it and she told me she  actually teaches relationships!

A word about the mandala: I use the colour blue for the sign of Libra, coming as it does between the green of Virgo and the indigo of Scorpio, and fortuitously Sarah’s mandala is blue.


By Sue Hudson

We enter into the world of social relationships from birth; and in Psychology the primary debate argued would be: are we the product of our genes or our environment?  Psychologists would argue that it is this very early relationship with our primary carer which acts as a blueprint for all later social and romantic relationships.  Being a Libran and having been married for the past 29 years one wonders why this marriage has survived when according to statistics one in four fail to!  Without being complacent, this piece will give some insight into why I feel that it has.  Whilst accepting that relationships are important and necessary for social beings, it’s also accepted that at times they are not easy!  Therefore, it is considered impossible to offer anyone guidance in making a relationship work especially when, if as psychologists argue, the early attachment figure does indeed have an affect on all other future relationships.  Arguably Psychology has much to offer with regards to helping couples having difficulties in relationships, and the first observation into why relationships work or fail is that relationship therapists sometimes make a great deal of money out of arguing couples, not by advising them on how to make their relationship work, but by encouraging communication.  Therefore, being an individual who never has any trouble expressing their feelings, perhaps this relationship has survived 29 years because of that.

Having accomplished something that seems for many very difficult, this will give written testimony into how this Libran has managed to survive in what has been at best a very heartfelt and supportive relationship, whilst at worst it has been turbulent!  Astrologers write that Librans are lovers of beauty, harmony and balance, and it is without doubt that this is true in the case of this Libran.  However, beauty comes in many forms and being respected, listened to and being made to laugh have been the important variables within this relationship, not material things.  I do, however, wear my heart on my sleeve and have never had any concerns about communicating my feelings, both positive and negative, and at times with too much honesty!

Perhaps in our society today many expect too much, and couples have swallowed what some might perceive as the American Dream, that all that glitters is gold; therefore if something loses its sparkle then abandon it!  Perhaps couples have to struggle sometimes to really appreciate what they have got.  This relationship has survived struggling financially and emotionally, mainly because we were a married couple for such a short period of time before we had our first child.  During the 1980s I felt that marriage and having children were all I wanted, and this may have stemmed from the fact that at 11 years old I lost a parent, and for me ‘family’ was never really quite the same again.  It was because of this I feel that, at times of difficulty within our relationship, the children would always have been put first, and if things went wrong it was never as easy as just ending the relationship – mainly because what we both realized was that we had security and a happy family atmosphere for the children, and in hindsight this was obtained sometimes at detriment to our own feelings.

It could be argued that perhaps we both forgot for a time that we were a young couple too; we concentrated on looking after the children and in working to support the family, through a very difficult time financially in the 1980s.  Perhaps there were times when we both made no effort at tall to tell each other how special they were.  However, looking back, I think we both knew instinctively that we cared, and although hearts and flowers would have been nice, they’re not particularly important when finances are tight.  I often think about spending time in Cheshire with an uncle of mine when the children were small – it happened to be my husband’s birthday and I failed to give him a gift!  I remember my uncle saying that in all the times he was married to my aunt they never failed to give a gift to each other, no matter how small!  I remember feeling really mean, and in a way accepted that he was right: gifts don’t need to be large expensive gestures – it’s the thought that counts!  Whilst in Cheshire my husband and I took the children into the town, and I remember buying him a tool for his toolbox and he was more than happy with it; he wasn’t at all worried that he had to choose his gift, in fact considering our lack of finances it was the most sensible option.   However, neither of us has ever not bothered to get a gift again since!  On that holiday I can also remember laughing a lot, buying a blow up giraffe for my daughter and singing a very silly song on the way home in the car.  So in the early days of our relationship the focus was on being good parents and role models, and this is what kept the relationship going.

By the end of the 1990s the children were becoming settled and much more independent, and our roles as parents were changing; we wanted them to experience life and encouraged them to do the things we had never been given the chance to do.  I felt I lost my identity for a while, and felt I didn’t have a role any more.  So I decided to go back to education and enrolled on a degree course.  Through the three years of studying I was always supported and encouraged, variables which I feel further contributed to a lasting relationship.

Finally, where are we now nearly 30 years later?  Both working, too hard I sometimes feel, and with very different types of stresses to deal with.  We have things now which we couldn’t afford then, in fact things we didn’t even think about then.  We’re both still very family orientated and for us this will remain constant.  We will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary next year, and also the marriage of our eldest child.  We are also finding ourselves being a couple again, and enjoying doing things together as such.  In conclusion, then, it is felt that Librans are the thoughtful, balanced sign of the Zodiac who do appreciate beauty, adoration and honesty, but who also accept that these come in many different forms.  Librans also love harmony, but are also not frightened of conflict as long as this brings resolution, and with a lion on side, who could go wrong?

Aspects for the week beginning 30 September 2012

Ed Milliband

Just a short preamble this morning on this week’s leader of the political party Conference (I have used up some of my blogging juice on the challenge of writing about Saturn’s entry into Scorpio).  Having watched Ed Milliband (whose position in the polls is on the rise) this morning on the Andrew Marr show, he scrubbed up very well morale-wise in comparison to poor Nick Clegg last week on the Andrew Marr show prior to his Lib Dem conference.  Last week on the couch Nick Clegg’s forehead worry lines were in themselves very worrying.  The political pundits viewed his conference speeches as lack lustre.  In contrast, Ed Milliband suddenly seems to know who he is (we’ll find out more this week at the Labour Party Conference).  As someone (one of my blog commenters) texted me this morning “He’s got Andrew over a barrel in the debate”.  Ed Milliband’s closest transit at this time is Neptune (spirituality) trine his Jupiter (philosophy), so he is coming into his stride in terms of being sure of his ground philosophically.  I think when he first took over as leader of the Labour Party he had some successful but heavy duty and demanding transits (Pluto transiting his Sun, and transiting Uranus trine his Neptune).  He was wondering how he got from promising politician and beloved brother to the post of leader of the Opposition and flailing Labour Party.  Now he feels ready to lead the Labour Party, and I would watch the Conference with interest, but I will be travelling.  So I will look out for some interesting soundbites on my i Phone app.  Interestingly, a statement of intent he has made this weekend, a threat to break up and reform the banks if they do not mend their ways, is right in the spirit of the era of Saturn in Pluto, so that could be a visionary aim (stemming from the inspiration of transiting Neptune trine his Jupiter).



Mars dominates the beginning and the end of this week.  On Tuesday (2nd) Mars conjuncts the North Node – re-introducing the Inner Warrior who is in no mood for messin’, with this conjunction now taking place in Scorpio (remember we are now karmically evolving more courageously with the North Node newly placed in this sign).

Caroline Myss says of this Archetype:

“The spiritual Warrior pioneered by Dan Millman, Chogyam Trungpa, and others directs you to use the classic Warrior virtues of heroism, stoicism, and self-sacrifice for conquering the ego and gaining control of the inner realm.”

Wednesday (3rd)  may be a notable but perplexing day for Venusians (Taureans, Librans and those with Venus rising). It begins with Venus sextile Saturn. They are both in the 29th degree of their signs (Leo and Libra respectively) and as Libra’s ruler Venus may assist Saturn in leave a parting gift with you from his time in Libra: the gift may be in the realm of relationships, art or music, if you have been consciously working on such a related issue over the last two and a half years.  See my October 2009 blog Saturn in Libra – Karmic Dilemmas


which may help you to a clearer idea of what it might be. Globally there may be a diplomatic breakthrough, mid-week, for instance.  You may have resolution or closure in a relationship, on the personal front.

Venus then enters Virgo and changes her tune from magnanimous (Leo) to choosy (Virgo). This will happen literally overnight. Make sure you register for and claim the free gift before she does so, even if it in the form of a dream. If you work in the Arts sector it’s now time to get to work on the design or planning stage for the next season.

Venus linking with exacting Saturn and then changing signs may be all too much for some, and by the evening there may be confusion or meltdown. What may have seemed set earlier on will feel like an overwhelming state of flux by the evening, e.g. Opening your creative channels may have unleashed a torrent of ideas from which you can’t make sense or order . Welcome to the phantasmagorical world of Venus opposite Neptune.

Jupiter goes Stationary on Thursday (4th) prior to turning retrograde at 16 degrees Gemini. Sagittarians especially may be forced into U-turns. Whilst Margaret Thatcher wasn’t for turning, David Cameron has undertaken more U-turns than he has eaten West Cornish pasties. Educational changes are a feature of Jupiter’s current passage through Gemini, and Education Minister Michael Gove seems determined to make his mark by recreating the schooling of his childhood. The retrograde Jupiter in Gemini may help him achieve this retrograde step. I have been amazed the policy has got this far. That is not to say sense may not prevail when Jupiter next goes forwards next year – there is still a chance that it can.

On Friday (5th) Mercury conjuncts Saturn and there may be further depressing news, e.g. about education plans. If Education is not an interest or concern of yours, then it is a day to try to focus on work or studies, though that may not be easy. Try to lighten up occasionally by taking coffee breaks in unusual ways or locations, e.g.  If you work near a zoo, go and watch the monkeys. Otherwise, under leaden skies and the new yet-to-be named cloud formation (let us hope for no more floods this week), you may find it harder to locate yourself at the end of the working day.

Friday is as much Mercury’s day as Wednesday was Venusian. Therefore, Geminis and Virgos may go through as many quick changes as Venusians did then. The next change up is Mercury leaving calm and collected Libra and entering incisive and smouldering Scorpio. No longer content with surface niceties we will be impatient to get to the deeper truths. You may register the moment of this switch around 10.35 a.m. in the U.K…

Saturn in Scorpio

…But this will be nothing in comparison to the shift you might feel later in the day when Saturn himself moves into Scorpio (20.34 Hrs in the U.K.).  Pause to consider the gliding of Saturn through Libra since October 2009…then deepen that, for Saturn now enters more challenging waters. If you managed to produce balance in your relationships or art, you will now be challenged to bring in deeper truth, honesty and integrity. What was good enough for Libra won’t reach the benchmark for Scorpio.

As I say in this morning’s “Saturn in Scorpio” blog,


be ready for life to hand you a challenge (or project), perhaps as early as the time of Saturn’s ingress (entrance) into Scorpio.

Onwards and Upwards

At 22.06 hrs Mercury trines Neptune. This is a helpful aspect for us to balance the entry of Saturn into Scorpio. The lower mind will be able to accept, receive and process inspiration from higher realms.  Problems of sensory overload from Wednesday may now be more easily digested and organized mentally.


Mars ends the week on Saturday (6th) in the last degree of Scorpio, preparing to leave that battleground and to put its energy into higher aspiration, or sports such as Quidditch. On its last days in Scorpio review the state of your inner warrior and its evolution over the last 6 weeks or so while Mars has been in that sign. Has it evolved into the peaceful warrior of idealism? Have you taken the opportunities to stand up for yourself or state your boundaries? Is your Inner Warrior fit for purpose for its next stage…?

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – the Karmic Inner Warrior re-engages
  • Wednesday – A Parting but sensible Gift, a sign of progress, and a new work focus.

Later, confusion and overwhelmed feelings

  • Thursday – A U-Turn
  • Friday – a battle for the mind; issues shift into deeper psychological waters;

A new Challenge or Project; resolution of mental challenges incorporating the Spiritual perspective

  • Saturday – review the Inner Warrior and its imminent shift or new evolvement

Saturn in Scorpio – In the Deep

5 October 2012, 20.34 Hrs in the U.K.

“He who would valiant be ’gainst all disaster,
Let him in constancy follow the Master.
There’s no discouragement shall make him once relent
His first avowed intent to be a pilgrim.”

~ John Bunyan

My choice of quotation for Saturn in Scorpio may seem a bit stark, retro and religious for this day and age, but it sets the psychological tone and has persisted in my mind these last few days.  It is about not giving up, and standing firm in your integrity.

Review of Saturn in Libra

In October 2009, when Saturn went into Libra, I wrote a blog entitled “Saturn in Libra – Karmic Dilemmas” about what it might mean for us personally and globally.  This has proved a very popular and much-read blog, and you may want to review it at this point, to see if it has been relevant at all to your experience of the last three years.

Here’s the link:


On the subject of international affairs I wrote:

“Internationally, there is bullying going on, and peace will become a more insistent need for humanity as a whole during Saturn in Libra, possibly because of the existence of the nuclear capacity within nations who may have tenuous diplomatic links with leading “parental” nations.  But there may be other factors that emerge and make this even more of a necessity.  Such proceedings during Saturn in Libra need the utmost patience from diplomats, and the strength and resolve to keep going.”

This seems very relevant in the ensuing period, with the diplomatic efforts of Kofi Annan and Lakhdar Brahimi in Syria, and the perceived threat of Iran’s nuclear capability, both issues we are going to take with us into the Saturn in Scorpio era.

Psychological Blocks

“The purpose of Saturn is to highlight our blocks, so that we can work on liberating ourselves from them” I wrote in the blithe old days of 2009.

This process becomes a deepening one during the era of Saturn’s sojourn in Scorpio.  In Libra we may have dealt with these blocks on an intellectual or emotional basis, but we now experience them at a deeper psychological level, and at the cellular level which implicates the physical.

Past-life regression has a role to play when accessing and releasing cellular level material and memories, and noted U.S. Psychiatrist Brian Weiss (himself a Scorpio) has brought out a new book on the subject this year entitled “Miracles Happen”, and subtitled “The Transformational Healing Power of Past Life Memories”, co-written by his daughter Amy Weiss.

What Saturn signifies in our Charts

As well as its role in highlighting blocks, I think of the Saturn placement in our charts as indicating how we get through life, e.g. if it is in Sagittarius, that is through humour.  Some of my family have Saturn in Scorpio, but most notably my 86-year old mother-in-law, who displays the Saturn in Scorpio traits in Spades (as in the card suit, which is very Saturn in Scorpio).  Courage and emotional self-discipline are among the traits which have seen her successfully reach this ripe-old age.  Saturn in Scorpio, both in transit as now (a collective experience) and personally in our natal charts, requires us to dig deep, and results in character-building (whether we like it or not).


Be ready for life to hand you a challenge (or project), perhaps as early as the time of Saturn’s entrance into Scorpio.

My own philosophy towards challenge in life may be relevant for you.  I am a scaredy-cat, but Sun in Sagittarius gives me an enormous amount of faith.  So my philosophy of life has always been that if life hands me a challenge, providing it does not look impossible and providing my instincts do not say “No way, Jose”, I accept that challenge and assume that I can do whatever it is, and if it is difficult, that I will receive help, earthly or spiritual.

Financial Cuts

In 2009 when Saturn entered Libra, the credit crunch had happened the previous year, but we were still debating how serious it was.  Cuts were in the air, but not yet biting.  Now they are biting, and the jaws of the Scorpion will ensure that we have to deal with them.

The sign of Scorpio and its House (the Eighth) rule money, and in particular other people’s resources in traditional Astrology.  So money is extremely relevant, and becoming more so.  Rather than rising above money spiritually, we need to become immersed in understanding how we manifest, and our own individual relationship with money.  Many spiritual people won’t have anything to do with money (I put my hands up to doing so to some extent), and that is probably avoiding really important spiritual issues.  It is partly why we have such confusion in the world about money and in our personal lives, and why we haven’t yet found the answer to the role of money in society.

This requires us to develop the resourcefulness of  Saturn in Scorpio, developing recycling to an even finer art, for instance.  The whole issue of financial self-sustenance also relates to the unfolding of our talents or inner riches (the true province of Scorpio’s opposite sign Taurus and opposite House, the Second – connecting us with the balance and power of the polarity).

Casting around for examples of people with Saturn in Scorpio and their inner resources of character, Angela Merkel stands out.  Her Saturn in Scorpio is in the 11th House of large associations, in this case the European Union!  She is known for her strength, and I believe that is down to the qualities of her Saturn in Scorpio.

Bill Gates is another resourceful holder of Saturn in Scorpio, and one who has mastered the substance of money, and the power that it represents.  So if you are working on your money issues during the next two or three years (it first enters Sagittarius in December 2014) look at these examples, or people you know who have Saturn in Scorpio in order to realize the depth of resourcefulness and connection to money.  Of course it is entirely possible that during this period we may evolve a replacement for the monetary system, if the current system becomes untenable.


I am shortly to see the Pre-Raphaelite exhibition at Tate Britain in London, whose fluffy romanticism (I love it) is about as far away as you can get from Saturn in Scorpio.  Two artists who have Saturn in Scorpio, and therefore have something of its style in their work, are Caravaggio (master of the light and shade which is chiaroscuro), and New York painter Alex Grey (whose Scorpio X-Ray eyes paint the spiritual realities behind the form).

Final Word

May the force of Saturn in Scorpio be with you, whatever should unfold.

Aspects for the week beginning 23 September 2012

Uranus square Pluto – Phase 2 – Aftermath

It was a testing week for many, and hopefully you were one of those that passed the test.  Taking a casual survey, it seemed to me that for most people the crisis day was Wednesday, the day of the actual square between Uranus and Pluto, with reverberations on Thursday, and calmer waters on Friday.

The square is still with us until 2015, but the next exact square is not until next year, so there is time to calm down, take a deep breath and release fear.

For those of you who are ahead of the game, and wish to prepare for the next one, go over their lessons and make a plan, the next square will take place on 20th May 2013.

Muslim Video

By far and away the most important development globally around this square has been the Muslim riots about the American video.  As a commenter put it in relation to my research up to the event:

“The only thing you have left out is the continuing violence supposedly triggered by the American video.”

I realized this as soon as I had posted it, and it was almost a Freudian slip to omit it, because I found it so perplexing, and still do.

Our first awareness that there was a problem, was the killing of Chris Stevens the U.S. Ambassador for Libya, which happened on 11th September, a clear 8 days before the square, but in the period of rising tension caused by the square.

Chris Stevens was a diplomat and a lawyer, with a powerful  Jupiter exactly trine his Pluto in his natal chart.  He had been highly skilled and successful in his career.  As fate would have it, his death marked the beginning of this whole phenomenon.  We do not have his birth time, and he was born in Grass Valley, California, but there is a strong case for the accuracy of  the noon GMT chart.  In this chart, his Moon is conjunct the U.S. Pluto which is a dramatic link.  Transiting Saturn would have been squaring his natal Moon in 6th House of working quarters, and transiting Saturn was squaring the U.S. natal Pluto at the time of the event.  This chart would give him a Leo Ascendant, and Venus (diplomacy) at the Midheaven (his Careerpoint).

The chart for the time and place of his death in Benghazi and the eruption of the violence shows Mars quincunx the Ascendant on the 6th House cusp.  If this chart is active and the situation rumbles on, Mars will transit the North Node of the chart on 6th October, and the descendant of the chart on 24th/25th October, and the Pluto of the chart on 25/26th November, when there may be further flare ups or repercussions.  There is no way of knowing how long this crisis will last. The chart of the making of the film may show a Neptunian (manipulation) nature and timing, but that is at the moment an unknown quantity.  The initial video clips were uploaded to You Tube in July, the first being on 1st July, a week after the first Uranus-Pluto square!

An interesting feature which caught my attention is that it was reported that some of the protests around the world about this video were peaceful.  I feel that says something profound.  It has been reported this morning that in Benghazi itself the moderates have driven out the extremists, by peaceful means.  And I hope that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will be able to convince the protesters of their good will and lack of involvement in this film.

Personal Lives

I personally felt the tension of the square last Wednesday as a knot of tension in the stomach, and my digestive system protested that it would only eat Miso soup (I later found out that the Fixed Star aligned with the event, Cor Caroli, works well with miso soup in etheric cleansing and detoxification, from “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld).  Others found that events were taking them to the limits of their endurance.  Some reported this to me, without knowing about the Uranus-Pluto square (not everyone I know takes an interest in Astrology!).  We heard of the death of a friend, but we also heard in the news of the birth of a celebrity baby on the afternoon of the 18th: Robbie Williams and his wife Ayda Field brought into the world a baby girl Theodora.  I am not going to analyse her chart now, but just to welcome her into this world and a safe passage throughout her life.


The aspects for this week begin on Wednesday (26th), a day which should prove optimistic and mind-expanding due to a trine between Mercury and Jupiter.  This will be beneficial for education, information (without necessarily the technology), communication and sales and a tonic for those in recovery from the big square: it will give us something positive to focus on, e.g. there may be good news from the world of celebrity as well as in our own circle.

On Thursday (27th) Venus squares Mars, which may produce intrigue and social awkwardness, e.g. inappropriate pictures of celebrities may crop up again in elements of the media which think they are appropriate.  In your own life, someone might cross the red line, or invade a boundary you thought was understood.

Saturday (29th) has a T-square between the Sun, and you-know-who (Uranus and Pluto).  We are tested again, and need to hold our centre, be aware of who we are, and strengthen our individuality.  If necessary, we may need to speak our truth.  The earlier square in the day is the Sun with Uranus, so we may face a rebellion or we may be doing the rebelling.  Later the Sun squares Pluto, and we may face stark choices, or choices that involve a search deep into our Soul.

The undercurrents of this aspect are heightened by the Full Moon in Aries which takes place in the early hours of Sunday morning, so we will need to deal with personal emotional issues in addition to wider issues in society.  Saturday night is not a night to drown your sorrows, as you could be storing up further complications.  Deal with what is presented as honestly as you can, and you will move through any problems more quickly.  You may find that life has been trying to reward you, but that you have been blocking its attempts to do so.

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – the only way is up
  • Thursday – mild irritations or dubious pleasures
  • Saturday – an echo of the Uranus-Pluto square rumbling in the background

Excerpt from “The Quiet Office” No. 8

By the third week of going back to work, Sharon was becoming well and truly absorbed back into the rat race, in the nicest possible way.

She walked into the waiting room at the Station on the day of the T-square, and Marjorie (an 80 year old who every day swam, then commuted to London to do half a day’s work) said “Have you noticed how everybody is rushing?”

Sharon had known Marjorie for years before she retired, and always marveled at her regime.

“Yes I have” Sharon replied.

Marjorie elaborated: “I have been forcefully brushed past by commuters and nearly knocked over by schoolchildren in their rush to get to work and school”

Sharon sympathized “Mmm…hmm”

“Only I have noticed you don’t rush” Marjorie went on.

Sharon laughed, “I am the slowest person I know”.

“Really?!” said Marjorie

“Oh yes, people have been known to cross the road to avoid walking with me, and my hubby William always walks 10 paces ahead!”

It seems that in the real world everything needs to be done immediately, mused Sharon.  This anxiety had manifested for her as a knot in the stomach consisting of this collective angst.  With her Taurean Ascendant, it was even difficult for the Uranus-Pluto square to shift the immovable object, and she was looking forward to three days of returning to her own pace.

Aspects for the week beginning 16 September 2012

The Uranus-Pluto square

The tone of this week will be dominated by our efforts to get to grips with the second phase of the Uranus-Pluto square (which lasts until 2015).  This square re-occurs on Wednesday, having initially become exact on 24 June this year.  I have written a separate blog about this:




An event this week which bears examination as an example of a Uranus-Pluto type cataclysm, and which is now entering its own phase 2 with deeper complexity, is this week’s clearing of the Hillsborough victim karma.  As we approached Leicester in the car on the day of the report, there was another story of unearthing vying for attention on the radio: the unburying of Richard III (possibly) under a Leicester car park.  This story almost made a complete blog, but that is another story…

So we heard each victim of the Hillsborough disaster named in turn last Wednesday, each one with a story to tell, each one linked to other lives impacted by the event.  The chart of the human crush which took place on 15 April 1989 in the Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield contains the same aspect (Saturn conjunct Neptune) which depicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, in November of the same year, but with the negative side of the conjunction operating.

On Wednesday (12th September) last week the findings in the report of the Hillsborough Independent Panel were made known to the public, absolving the Liverpool fans who had been blamed for their behaviour, and re-directing the blame to “lack of police control”.  In revealing a huge cover-up by the police authorities, there might be a huge switch in public conscience, though I am sure public sympathy will have largely failed to buy the prevailing official story of the previous 23 years.

This event has paved the way for the public who suffered in this tragedy to seek compensation and full justice for the loss of their loved ones, and although the event took place under a Saturn-Neptune pairing, this next long-drawn phase is going to be under the aegis of the Uranus-Pluto square.  Pluto’s position at this moment of time is exactly trine the Mercury (information) of the chart of the Hillsborough disaster, so the uncovering of information is suitably honoured astrologically.  Uranus is also sextile the Jupiter of the original chart, bringing about a success of sorts.  Neptune now conjuncts the North Node (karma) of the original chart, releasing greater compassion, and complexity.



Without further ado let us zip through the 9 astrological features of this week, lest you lose the will to read, all against the backdrop of the midweek recurrence of the Uranus-Pluto square.  Kicking off the week we had early this morning a New Moon at 23 degrees Virgo, so a productive day can be expected in studies, practical crafts, and health issues.

At the other end of the day we have Mercury moving into Libra from Virgo, so the focus of our minds will change from study to relationships and intra-relationship communication.  There will probably be a huge viewing audience for the new series of Downton Abbey starting on our screens this evening, and with the additional star attraction of Shirley Maclaine (who has been on her third Saturn Return this year, redefining her life).  This programme will air while Mercury is still at 29 degrees Virgo and sextile exactly the North Node at 29 degrees Scorpio, so there will be a huge cathartic mass reaction in the emotional field of the viewers just afterwards.  Sense the mental shift if you can at 11.32 pm an hour after it finishes, when Mercury goes into Libra…ah, the furrowed brows will turn to romantic dreams.  However, in our house hubby will be watching sport, if he can find it.

On Tuesday (18th) Pluto stands still preparing to turn forwards again.  It will be easier to plough that furrow of your inner landscape, if you have felt difficulty in that respect while Pluto has been retrograde (since 11th April).  You may be able to look at your own psychology afresh.

Wednesday (19th) brings the second Uranus Pluto square, the first having occurred on 24th June.  Centre yourself, while being aware of the structure of events and where they need to be supported, or where something has to go.  It is an important time for individual responsibility, and to see each person’s role in the collective experience. (For further information go to the blog devoted to this).

On the evening of Thursday (20th) two aspects to Mercury are further destabilizing:  Mercury links into the Uranus Pluto square to create a T-square.  It is what Craig Revel Horwood of Strictly Come Dancing would call “a disaster, darling!”  The mind could be prone to all sorts of paranoia (usually a province of Neptune, but Uranus Pluto can produce its own brand).  It is likely that at rehearsals Jerry Hall will decide that she cannot possibly cope with Anton du Beke’s dance style.  Look at his record in terms of the celebrity ladies…she will feel that it is just not working…despite her own graceful attributes, she cannot overcome his history on the dance competition.  His usual charm will not win her over.  There will be a Dallas-style cliffhanger.

You will have to cut your losses at bedtime and wait until next Saturday’s episode.  Maybe everything will look different in the morning.

For lo and behold! The early hours of Friday (21st) brings a sextile between Venus and Jupiter.  That is not powerful enough to combat the midweek energies, but it could bring a smile or two, the beginnings of a pick-me-up.  The human spirit survives, and human relations in particular on Friday will be harmonizing and uplifting.

That brings us to Saturday (22nd), the end of an exhausting array of aspects, with the Autumn Equinox, which means that the Sun will enter Libra, and not only our thoughts (Mercury) but our hearts and souls (Sun) will turn to a renewal of our personal relationships and Soul Contracts.

Best day to relax: Monday

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – renewal of effort on your pet projects; mental shift to relationships
  • Tuesday – a shift in psychological experience
  • Wednesday – an expansion of consciousness
  • Thursday – incomprehensible
  • Friday – sweetness and light
  • Saturday – even more emphasis on relationships