Aspects for the week beginning 4 January 2009
In a week which sees the ingress of Jupiter to Aquarius (see accompanying blog), you may not necessarily see results straight away, but you may feel the wind beneath your wings. Jupiter and Sagittarians (such as myself) have a tendency to promise more than they deliver, but hope is not to be sniffed at these days. Today holds a profound opportunity to sense what is important and needed in your life, and what has value. This comes from a sextile between Venus and Pluto. If you are a practictioner of the Arts, you can approach this understanding though art, music, nature or even through the study of the relation between materiality and spirituality. By whatever route, your conclusions should be meaningful and worthwhile. It’s the time of year where your new diary can hold the promise of the new year, and you can get excited about your new diary. If you’re like me though, you’ll have several different new diaries, one for each aspect of your aspirations for the year: a psychologies diary and a philosophy diary, a vision diary and a sound diary, a diary for the earth and another diary for the sky. And if the new crop of New Age books emerging are to go by, I will need one for Orbs and one for Unicorns…then there is the need to transcribe your diaries on to computer files, so you need more than 24 hours a day and possibly a Life Coach to help you manage. But tomorrow (Monday 5th) is a good day for a new start, re-affirming your new year’s resolutions in your new diary. For Jupiter enters Aquarius and brings a new sense of hope, and indeed magic. As I say, don’t expect immediate results, but re-affirm your hopes, wishes, resolutions and affirmations daily (in your new diary/diaries) until they build into new certainties and confidence that you can negotiate the rigours of 2009 as presented in the media. Certainly keep up your daily practice until Friday, establishing the foundations of your new Jupiter in Aquarius reality and experience. Then Friday (9th) brings another opportunity for helpful Aquarian uplift. Uranus, ruling planet of Aquarius, sextiles the Sun, as if reinforcing the message that the positive qualities of Aquarius (humanitarianism, group effort, the cultivation of the individuality of Soul qualities, futuristic thought and vision, the greater good of all) are in the process of emerging and able to transform society. There has been much agonizing recently about the breaking down of society, and how it can be restored to civilized levels, and Friday is a good day to discuss how enlightened society can be acheived and to begin humane projects. In your own personal life, it is a good day to look at your life purpose and its relation to the grand scheme of things. So now I will end the look at the coming week, and risk being a caricature, by unapologetically grabbing an air microphone and singing (again): “When the Moon is in the 7th House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars – this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…” bearing in mind that Jupiter will conjunct Mars this year (next month). Spooky…