Neptune, North Node and Chiron conjunction: Intro
The conjunction between the North Node, Neptune and Chiron which is for the purpose of disentangling karma, is getting closer. They are only 5 degrees apart now, and for many they will be stirring up events in one particular area of your chart. For some, they will be spread over the cusps of two houses. For those born around 11 February you may feel yourself to be at the centre of this situation. Neptune conjuncts the North Node at the end of April, but Chiron turns retrograde in May and doesn’t make it to the conjunction but its presence needs to be accounted for in the mix of energies. If for instance, a situation concerns three people, it may be that two become closer at the end of April, while the third drops out of the situation and finds another healing path. Later in the year through retrograde motion the North Node and Neptune will separately conjunct Chiron. What are the energies involved in the conjunction? Well they are all intangible, and tantalizingly so for an Astrologer, yet some people may feel that nothing is going on at all! All three are in a sense linked with karma and spiritual evolution. If you are not comfortable with their energies, you may sense that you want to push the issues to one side. Indeed, they may not affect you strongly, but for some the issues will become intrigues and mysteries which deepen and manifest in a way they cannot be ignored, e.g. involvement with someone who is dependent on drugs. To describe the individual energies: Neptune represents spirituality on a higher level, mysticism and the dissolving of the ego. Emotionally, it can lead to dependency and addiction to substances such as alcohol or drugs. The North Node represents karma, and more specifically our karmic purpose – with it being a transit and not our own natal North Node, it represents the karma of the society or the planet, how it impinges on the disentangling of our own karma, and in its highest form is part of the outworking of the Divine Plan. The third component of this triple conjunction is the asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer, the emergence of the inner healer-teacher. Like the North Node, it connects us to past-life patterns, while Neptune connects us with our participation in the oceanic collective unconscious. Neptune also represents our boundaries,and the process of breaking down a karmic situation through sensitivity and compassion. So look out, from now, for a situation which has been stealing up on you for some time, which is complex and possibly urging you to dissolve past-life patterns. It may crystallize into a merging or union with the divine towards the end of April, but if handled negatively may perpetuate health problems. It is useful to work with this triple conjunction consciously, and also apply our understanding to those around us who may be part of our triple-conjunction experience or whose experiences augment our own knowledge and understanding. The first step is to identify it. Next Week: Triple conjunction in the houses.