Aspects for the week beginning 8 December 2013
Growing up, my icons were Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King (see my blog under the category Icons), the Dalai Lama, and later I became aware of Nelson Mandela (who passed away this week). If all politicians carried on according to their example, the problems of the world would be greatly lessened.
I have written and posted a long and separate blog about Nelson Mandela today, but would like to briefly compare the four Icons of my mind, before my usual analysis of the weekly aspects.
The first analogy that comes to mind astrologically is that Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama are both inextricably linked in their work and lives with their love of their own country. They are both Cancerians, and have the common touch which the sign of Cancer often has (witness another kind of Icon, Lady Diana). The Dalai Lama’s link with his homeland of Tibet is made more poignant of course by virtue of the fact that he left it while still a boy king. Nelson Mandela had to leave his in a different way, through incarceration on an island, but lived to see his beloved South Africa again and triumph in its healing.
In this he also endured beyond Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, who were both assassinated. He was inspired by their philosophy of non-violent resistance (which as a life long pacifist has inspired me) but at some point, as I describe in the astrobiography, he renounced the non-violence as a freedom fighter. He of course survived and was able to fully live out his mission (North Node conjunct Ascendant). Mahatma Gandhi had the classic assassination signature of Mars exactly opposite Pluto, but Martin Luther King did not. What Martin Luther King did have was the power of oratory (Mercury exactly conjunct Midheaven) infused with religious and spiritual power, knowledge and sense (Jupiter exactly trine Neptune).
I hope to blog about Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama at some point, but other astrological highlights include Mahatma Gandhi’s karmic mission as a healer (North Node exactly trine his Chiron) and the Dalai Lama’s positive force (his Sun exactly trine Jupiter) but if I carry on I will have nothing else to write about. I just wish to say that I hope world leaders are taking note, pausing and reflecting on their qualities. What are the chances of David Cameron agreeing to meet the Dalai Lama again…?
Two big trines dominate this week. The first occurs on Tuesday (10th), but is preceded by a minor aspect of the Sun semi-sextile Saturn in the early hours of the morning (UK time). There is some tension or constriction first thing on Tuesday, as if in anticipation that something may be required of you in proving your brilliance, and not being sure what to expect or how to play the day. There may be a need to let go of something, in order to open up to the possibilities of mental information coming through, perhaps telepathically.
In the afternoon, Mercury trines Uranus, and you are likely to be stunned by the communication later that day. It could be scintillating and electrifying, and you may surprise yourself with the innovation and originality of your work.
Mercury also squares Chiron that day, which produces extra mental tension, and some awkwardness such as trying to fit round cogs into square holes. Extra logistical problems may be thrown up, but be confident that the two trines of the week can help to solve problems, and that there is a bigger structure which can be helpful.
On Wednesday (11th) in the late evening Mercury will be semi-sextile Pluto, another minor aspect, but some people are very sensitive to these. Wednesday could bring mental challenges., and yesterday’s brilliant ideas will be tested. But keep a firm intent to overcome any tests of this nature, as help will be at hand towards the end of the week.
The second trine of the week occurs on Friday (13th) and is a monumental one: Jupiter trine Saturn, again occurring early in the morning. It will certainly be lucky for some, and stabilizing at the very least for others, as well as balancing for everyone. Raymond Merriman, the financial astrological guru, hopes that resolutions in the financial sector may be made, and feels that it is an opportunity not to be missed.
The week ends on Saturday (14th) with another minor and slightly uncomfortable aspect, in the late morning. Mars quincunxes Neptune, so there may be some bizarre phenomena. Make sure your flat mate hasn’t spiked your morning coffee with salt instead of sugar, or that your cat does not make a beeline in an appropriate way towards your dog…If you notice anything unusual, just expand your consciousness into the bigger perspective and draw on the energies of Jupiter trine Saturn which are still appealing to balance (between sugar and salt, dogs and cats, etc). Resolutions are still just possible, but don’t miss the big opportunity of Friday. The Dalai Lama has Jupiter trine Saturn natally, and he is one of the most sensible people on the Earth.
The week in bullet points:
- Tuesday – initial restraint, then the show of brilliance
- Wednesday – some unease, insight trying to come through
- Friday – the Big Opportunity for balance and resolution
- Saturday – bizarre details, but still some sense