Aspects for the week beginning 20 October 2013
On the Brink
U.S.A. Chart
This week’s U.S. crisis and deadline was averted in the nick of time. Of course the crisis did not only belong to the U.S., it had implications for the world economy. On Thursday, the day of the deadline and the day a temporary resolution was made Neptune from Pisces in 3rd House of the U.S. chart (communicated uncertainty) was trine the US chart Venus (finance) in Cancer in 7th House, indicative of a place of rest in the situation. It was the day before an eclipsed Full Moon in Aries (itself a threshold) positioned in the U.S. 5th House, squaring its natal Pluto (high finance) in the 2nd House and creating a T-square with its natal Mercury/Part of Fortune in 8th House. in Cancer (financial House connected with other parties).
Obama Chart
How the crisis showed up in President Obama’s chart was a transit of the North Node (karmic coercion) on his Neptune in Scorpio in 9th House (sensitivity to global awareness). Neptune has been active this year in Obama’s chart, so he has had many complex and subtle issues to deal with both personally and politically.
Boehner willing to gamble
Who is John Boehner, whose willingness to gamble the welfare of his party (Republicans), his State and the world in this way? Boehner is the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and he is quite complex emotionally, with Moon/Neptune at the South Node, so he may be harbouring and acting out emotions stemming from past lives, not necessarily appropriate to this one. His Jupiter is exactly conjunct the U.S. Pluto, so he would be zealous in his feeling that he was doing his best for the nation, touching both the vulnerability and the power of the nation and its finance.
Are there signs of a stand off in his synastry with Obama? His Sun squares Obama’s Uranus (his ruling planet) so Barack Obama would feel the strength of his conviction in a stand off. John Boehner’s Pluto exactly opposes Barack’s Obama, which is devastating in its challenge.
At the deadline, Saturn is bisecting his natal Mars-Venus trine forming two sextiles. Therefore he would feel confident in his challenge to the end.
[Please note this section has been revised due to a change in birth date – my apologies]
World Economy
How significant was this precipice to the world economy? I couldn’t look at all the possibilities this morning, so chose three countries:
U.K. Chart
We have other issues going on close to home, but our Chancellor George Osborne was visiting China close to this time for economic favours. The ongoing Uranus-Pluto square is currently active in our chart: Uranus squares the U.K. Pluto (the economy is not as buoyant as George Osborne would like to think it is), Uranus sextiles the U.K. Ascendant (time to look at other options, such as China), transiting Pluto sextile sthe UK Jupiter (this is a good solid indication of some growth taking place, and the probable cause of his optimism!). In addition, Pluto sextiles the UK Uranus (also very helpful, especially for new avenues of exploration) and the North Node conjuncts UK Jupiter (karmic connections can reap rewards).
Germany Chart
At the deadline Uranus opposed exactly the Germany Sun, a potential shock. Pluto squares exactly the Germany Sun (another country directly affected by the Uranus-Pluto square, whose 4th phase comes up in early November). The Nodal Axis squares its Jupiter (possibly forcing it to share wealth) and Saturn sextiles its natal Neptune, again helping to stave off the crisis, at least as it applies to Germany.
China Chart
Unsurprisingly, China looks to be in a buoyant phase at the moment, and during its visit from George Osborne. Jupiter opposes the China Sun, growth being visible. Even more helpfully, Saturn sextiles its Jupiter, stabilizing its growth.
The Kicked Can
Raymond Merriman, the Financial Astrologer, uses the phrase “the kicked can” (down the road) a lot when describing the ongoing financial crises of the Obama administration and the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square which he considers in the middle of its influence. This time he feels the crisis is being held over until January/February 2014. Here are the transits for the above parties at that time:
Saturn will be sextile the US Neptune (some stability and settlement).
Saturn will sextile Obama’s Mars (personal stability); Neptune will be square Obama’s Moon (a confusing aspect which has beleaguered him this year).
Boehner will have mixed aspects, some quite powerful (if he is still in the picture).. Difficult aspects include Pluto on his Venus and Saturn on his Mercury. But Pluto will trine his Mars so he may again try to assert his authority.
Mars will be square the U.K. Moon (perhaps some civil unrest, unrelated to the economy); Saturn will be trine U.K Moon (indicating the government may be able to handle this crisis satisfactorily). Uranus will be sextile exactly the UK Ascendant, as at the current deadline.
Jupiter will be opposite Germany’s Neptune, perhaps a crisis of faith, and not necessarily connected to the economy. Pluto will be conjunct Germany’s Neptune, so that will constitute a major crisis, perhaps in connection with the nation’s psychology. Uranus will be opposite Germany’s Sun, as now. There will be huge pressure on Germany. Finally, Uranus will be trine Germany’s Jupiter, bringing some help and surprising solutions in these conditions.
Jupiter will oppose China’s Jupiter, so more buoyancy, and some overconfidence. At the same time, Pluto will conjunct China’s Jupiter, so events will be on a grand scale.
Hopefully, I will be able to look at this scenario again in the New Year, and in relation to the shifting of the aspects.
Insomnia may have been the name of the game in the early hours of today (in the UK). You may have been trying to work out some tortuous situation in your mind, trying to make it straight but it is just too complicated. The male of the species may be hard to fathom, for instance. In the end you may have surrendered to sleep in the hope that your subconscious mind would work it out or provide some symbolic insight.
The solution may come in stages, through the week, arriving by Friday night. It is not likely to be revealed in one go, today, so if you woke with one step forward in your thinking, all is well, and you can work on that at least for today, and maybe test out a theory. For instance, if your theory is that the male of the species does the opposite of what you suggest, then test that out accordingly, in safe experiments.
By tomorrow morning, you may be engaged in other experiments, those involving communication, for Mercury is stationary prior to turning retrograde, and you know what that means….You may again need to be strategic in your thinking, but in more direct and rational ways than on Sunday which was more of an emotional challenge. Be explicit in what you say, say what you mean and mean what you say. Leave others in no doubt as to your thoughts and intentions. There may be postal, rail or computer glitches.
On Wednesday (23rd) the Sun enters Scorpio. Stop expecting people to be reasonable and rational, and expect them to be coming from deep intense emotional drives, and you will be ahead of the game. The pleasant Libran collective demeanor will give way to a more meaningful, if not more challenging set of behaviours. For example, teachers will be greeted with “Why should I?” rather than “OK teacher knows best about the subject”. If your pupils were already saying “Why should I?” then the response to your teaching will be one step further in its challenge, such as stony silence or an entrenched statement that black is white. Scorpio is not the easiest of months in the classroom, sandwiched between the initial energy or enthusiasm of conscientious Virgo and co-operative Libra, and the restlessness and fatigue that accompanies the end of term in Sagittarius and the run up to Christmas.
Friday (25th) brings some resolutions, relief and calm after the wrangles of the week. In the evening there is a trine between the Sun and Neptune. Illumination may flood through the issues of early week. They may be wisdoms you knew all along but couldn’t articulate. They may have come through in your dreams but you forgot the dreams or didn’t write them down, but now they seem as if déjà vu. Anyway they seem aligned with present reality and spiritual truth and may settle your mind, at least temporarily. They day is good for poetry and inspiration, and dance if you are interested in such pursuits. The Strictly Come Dancing performers should put on a good show on Saturday (even better than usual).
Savour this trine and the serenity of the atmosphere at the end of this week. For the next week we will need our spiritual muscles for the fourth Uranus-Pluto square in the sequence, and the following week we have another eclipse.
Tread lightly on your own dreams.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – difficult to get clear
- Tomorrow – communications topsy turvy again
- Wednesday – new challenges, some self-imposed
- Friday – sublime
N.B. My Customer Service desk will be closed on Friday