Entries Tagged as 'Astrology'
Aspects for the week beginning 2 May 2010
Greece is the word…In European affairs this week it has been Greece as the Plutonian influence which has upset the delicate balance of the Saturn-Uranus applecart. We are told that the whole European economy is threatened by this, and are pinning our hopes on the responsible Saturn structure of the German economy. Meanwhile the applecart […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 25 April 2010
One effect of the Mercury retrograde last week was the panic of the British newspaper presses (Mercury) after the surge in popularity of Nick Clegg. Having vested interests one way or the other (Conservative or Labour) it was unthinkable to them that the Lib Dems might be in the running, or that there might be […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 11 April 2010
So we have an election in the UK very shortly…It became clear 31 years ago I did not have a talent for correctly predicting the outcome of an election. I was writing a column for “Good Life” magazine (circa 1977-1980) and was invited to an Editorial luncheon at the Café Royal near Piccadilly (circa 1865-2008) […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 28 March 2010
As a card-carrying member of CND in an earlier incarnation, I was very pleased to hear that Barack Obama announced Friday that he and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev had agreed to nuclear cuts. The Sunday Observer this morning is full of praise for Obama, on this and other issues: “suddenly the rest of the enormous […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 21 March 2010
As a non-sporty Sagittarian (excuse: Taurus Ascendant) I took a glancing interest in sport this week. First came the upsetting news about David Beckham (he’s a double Taurean, so there’s my excuse gone). His injury (Mars) shows up as the red planet squaring his Achilles heel (Uranus in his 6th House of Health and Safety). […]
Aspects for the week beginning 14 March 2010
It’s Happy Mother’s Day here in the UK and if you are a mother in any sense of the word, your appreciation from the Universe may arrive a day or two later, until after the New Moon in Pisces tomorrow night…Meanwhile, it’s full steam ahead until Thursday with the aspects, starting with Sun conjunct Mercury […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 7 March 2010
Venusian types are chivvied along by the Martians twice today. At lunchtime, Venus enters the battleground of Aries, so she is not on her home ground, and forced to quicken her pace. The meandering pace of Pisces was more suited to her placid nature. And then in the evening (UK time) she engages with Mars […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 28 February 2010
The high energies of Jupiter conjunct the Sun are stirring up the waters in Pisces and opposing the Full Moon in Virgo (Mother Earth). Climate change deniers may have to start admitting there is something unusual going on, instead of exacerbating the problem by diverting time and resources from where it is really needed. Jonathon […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 21 February 2010
Just freshly back from a 100% riveting workshop on Soul Contracts by Judy Hall, I have to report that there have been 2 dings on the Customer Complaints Desk this week. One (just before I left for the workshop) took me to task over my over-optimistic Sagittarian approach (this is due to Sagittarius also being […]
Categories: Astrology
Aspects for the week beginning 14 February 2010
There’s a lot to do today on the spiritual and emotional planes. In no particular order, we have to reassure our loved ones of our unconditional love (St. Valentine’s Day), we have to honour the energy of the Chinese Year of the Tiger, and we need to make sure we have set our intentions for […]
Categories: Astrology