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Entries Tagged as 'Astrology'

Aspects for the week beginning 26 October 2008

After a couple of heavy weeks planetarywise, I will try to trip lightly through this coming week, as it does look less weighty. It starts on Sunday 26th with a trine between Mercury and Chiron, which is good for addressing diet and health regimes, and making the connection between mental beliefs and physical health. Tip […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 19 October 2008

Last night I found myself trying to navigate a driver who also did not know the route, in the pitch dark, with no lighting and signposts. It’s a Scorpionic sort of week coming up, and so that may be a metaphor: negotiating the darkness. We are truly on an unknown path, both with the economic […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 12 October 2008

Freshly energised by Tim Wheater’s cosmic gong, I bravely blog this morning amidst a background of worldwide economic meltdown. Is this, I wonder, the stage being set for the coming of Maitreya? And at this precarious time in the history of capitalism will the rich get poorer and the poor get richer? Again I say […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 5 October 2008

It gives me great pleasure to announce a fanfare for the opening of the week (Sunday 5th) to the tune of Venus sextile Jupiter. All you socialites out there, the lovely Librans and the vegetarian Sagittarians amongst you, will be in your element. It’s party time! Monday (6th) will be an interesting day, with a […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 28 September 2008

Diary at the ready – what were you doing the Saturday before last (20th) at 3.21 am (UK time)? Some of you may have been nurturing a talent for writing (especially poetry), with Mercury trine Neptune. I was preparing to go and see Marianne Williamson. Did you have a significant dream, perhaps? Anyway, whatever it […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 21 September 2008

…As I was saying last week, we are in the midst of three trines to Neptune providing support and upliftment. Last Wednesday you may have discovered artistic talents (Venus trine Neptune), yesterday literary talents (Mercury trine Neptune) and still to come are the unknown talents of the trine between Mars and Neptune. I dragged my […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 14 September 2008

To make the most of tomorrow’s aspects you will need to gather the following ingredients: a notebook, a cafe, and like-minded friends. It has all the atmosphere of writers, philosophers and poets meeting in cafes on west banks to thrash out their angst. Select your equipment and venue in anticipation…The conjunction of Mercury and Venus […]

Categories: Astrology

Saturn opposite Uranus – Intro

It is less than 2 months until the Saturn-Uranus opposition, on the day of the US Elections. This is being seen by Astrologers as a close contest between the New (as represented by Obama and Uranus) versus the Old (as represented by McCain and Saturn). I feel inadequate to see past the posturing, and do […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 7 September 2008

Here we are at the midpoint of Virgo and it’s still raining! It’s difficult to rustle up some cheer, but if you are a Virgoan who is interested in healthful dining and have a sense of humour, why not try the new website by Pete Vincent on Raw Humour? Very timely, very much needed at […]

Categories: Astrology

Jupiter trine Saturn – Finding Balance

Here’s an opportunity this week: finding balance. Jupiter at 12 degrees Capricorn trines Saturn at 12 degrees Virgo. These two in themselves represent optimism and realism respectively, and other such extremes. But this is no aspect for extremophiles: the harder you push towards one extreme the more there is a backlash from the other end. […]

Categories: Aspects · Astrology