Aspects for the week beginning 5 April 2009
Sunday opens with Mars opposite Saturn, a feature which may begin for some on Saturday night out. This could be a tussle between two, or within one. Either way it could make Sunday a bit of a slog, e.g. tiredness on waking, listlessness, not getting done all you’d planned. Plan the bare minimum, don’t expect too much of yourself, and don’t have too high expectations of another. Otherwise, you should get along fine. From that lacklustre start (did I mention your car might not start?) the week gets steadily better, unless you are a full-moon-phobe. By Tuesday (7th) things should be running more smoothly with Mercury sextile Neptune. You may see more flow in your affairs, but also could put together rational ideas with spiritual and imaginative ones, and sort through a few more illusions. Mercury is also sextile Chiron that day (which is currently conjunct Neptune did I forget to mention?). So you can put together conventional and unconventional modes of healing, harmoniously. This is a preparation for the triple conjunction at the end of May, which combines Jupiter with this duo, and will enable goals to be attained which involve spirituality and healing but also many other areas of life. For more information read the recipe I prepared earlier. Mercury enters Taurus on Thursday (9th), and minds complete rational tasks and move on to artistic and musical possibilities, as well as earth-centred projects. The Full Moon this month is also on Thursday, and graces the sign of Libra which does try to keep the peace, and though it opposes the Sun in Aries, it does so with grace and attempting to blend with the needs of the other person. It is one of the gentler Full Moons, and is applying to a trine with Neptune in the early hours of Friday morning, so what could be more accommodating? If you really feel that’s too nice, try reading Kelly Bryson’s book “Don’t be Nice be Real” for inspiration abut not being quite so nice, especially if you have Moon in Libra natally. Friday (10th) also brings a lovely sextile between the Sun and Jupiter. Could the Sun shine for Good Friday? It is tempting to think so. Take a chance that day, leave the umbrella at home. There is also a good chance that the car will start that day. Mercury trines Pluto on Saturday (11th), so that favours deep thought and conversation about things that matter. So Frivolous Friday, followed by Studious Saturday. Finally, Venus retrogrades back into Pisces, so love will turn from brash to sentimental some time over lunch (if you are in the U.K.). This will be early morning in the U.S., and in the evening in Australia. Bear this in mind if you are lunching or breakfasting with the object of your affections. If you have been having difficulties in your love life lately, it might just help to know that, if you’re into shapeshifting, he or she may turn suddenly from a ram into a fish.