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Aspects for the week beginning 5 April 2009

Sunday opens with Mars opposite Saturn, a feature which may begin for some on Saturday night out.  This could be a tussle between two, or within one.  Either way it could make Sunday a bit of a slog, e.g. tiredness on waking, listlessness, not getting done all you’d planned.  Plan the bare minimum, don’t expect too much of yourself, and don’t have too high expectations of another.  Otherwise, you should get along fine.  From that lacklustre start (did I mention your car might not start?) the week gets steadily better, unless you are a full-moon-phobe.  By Tuesday (7th) things should be running more smoothly with Mercury sextile Neptune.  You may see more flow in your affairs, but also could put together rational ideas with spiritual and imaginative ones, and sort through a few more illusions.  Mercury is also sextile Chiron that day (which is currently conjunct Neptune did I forget to mention?).  So you can put together conventional and unconventional modes of healing, harmoniously.  This is a preparation for the triple conjunction at the end of May, which combines Jupiter with this duo, and will enable goals to be attained which involve spirituality and healing but also many other areas of life.  For more information read the recipe I prepared earlier.  Mercury enters Taurus on Thursday (9th), and minds complete rational tasks and move on to artistic and musical possibilities, as well as earth-centred projects.  The Full Moon this month is also on Thursday, and graces the sign of Libra which does try to keep the peace, and though it opposes the Sun in Aries, it does so with grace and attempting to blend with the needs of the other person.  It is one of the gentler Full Moons, and is applying to a trine with Neptune in the early hours of Friday morning, so what could be more accommodating?  If you really feel that’s too nice, try reading Kelly Bryson’s book “Don’t be Nice be Real” for inspiration abut not being quite so nice, especially if you have Moon in Libra natally.  Friday (10th) also brings a lovely sextile between the Sun and Jupiter.  Could the Sun shine for Good Friday?  It is tempting to think so.  Take a chance that day, leave the umbrella at home.  There is also a good chance that the car will start that day.  Mercury trines Pluto on Saturday (11th), so that favours deep thought and conversation about things that matter.  So Frivolous Friday, followed by Studious Saturday.  Finally, Venus retrogrades back into Pisces, so love will turn from brash to sentimental some time over lunch (if you are in the U.K.).  This will be early morning in the U.S., and in the evening in Australia.  Bear this in mind if you are lunching or breakfasting with the object of your affections.  If you have been having difficulties in your love life lately, it might just help to know that, if you’re into shapeshifting, he or she may turn suddenly from a ram into a fish.

Aspects for the week beginning 29 March 2009

This morning’s conjunction of Mercury and Venus sets the tone of a communicative and congenial Sunday.  Whether you are on Twitter, hosting a dinner party or preparing to attend the G20 you will be gratified by the feedback you are getting.  The North Node is sextile Mercury, Venus and the Sun early this week, so the karmic compass could be re-set to favourable if it has slightly gone off course lately, especially in relation to group work.  Tuesday (31st) brings a conjunction of Sun and Mercury, much needed mental clarity for pondering the world’s economic problems or the problems within your own immediate circle.  You may suddenly be able to home in on what the problem is, and how it should be tackled, providing you have put in the homework in recent days of mulling over the scenario from every angle to familiarize your subconscious with what it needs to process.  Communication and debate will be lively on that day, and some words will be mightier than swords.  If you are a reporter, get that down.  There are no aspects for Wednesday April 1st, so I did think about making up a spoof aspect, but why not create your own?  You don’t need to be limited by the planets in our Solar System, there’s a whole Universe out there, and the unlimited imagination of the human consciousness.  Revel in the freedom from aspects, and the permission of April Fool’s Day.  The G20 Summit takes place on Thursday (2nd), and with the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron in his 11th House of group endeavour, Gordon Brown is trying to prove that the economic woes of his administration are indeed global in nature and putting into practice all he has learned from his bedtime reading of “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.  Any practical jokes which backfired on Wednesday need to be put right by Friday (3rd) when retrograde Venus (difficult enough on its own for some) squares Pluto.  As an aftermath of the G20 summit, it looks pretty intense, as Venus represents money as well as relationships.  Passions are likely to have been inflamed, or to be smouldering from the day before.  This is probably the most weighty aspect of the week, and in relationships if you have been twittering inappropriately, or practising dishonest negotiations, the time of reckoning has come.  You have to be absolutely sure of your integrity to the best of your self-knowledge.  Saturday (4th) brings some recovery from Friday’s wobble, with Mercury sextile Jupiter, i.e. some good news may come of the week’s proceedings.  Shortly afterwards though, Pluto, following Venus, goes stationary prior to retrograde and a cautionary note may be sounded.  Between them, they wish to leave no stone unturned where money and love are concerned and all the combinations in between.  Lawyers and mediators will be busy with financial settlements, and reporters will be busy recording allegations and revelations.  Turning to lighter matters, as you may have noticed I have thought about nothing other than the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron conjunction for weeks.  Hope that pet project is shaping up, and I hope to resume blogging about that next week.

Aspects for the week beginning 22 March 2009

Hopefully if you experienced a blip in your long-term plans last week, you are back on track now, having learned what you need to know in relation to the coming triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron at the end of May.  Though I have mentioned its pitfalls, from feedback this week, it seems I may not have stressed enough that it is an opportunity to move forward.  Anyway, do enough to keep things ticking over on the bigger plans this week, because the week holds its own challenges and distractions which may demand more attention.  This morning a sparky conjunction of Mercury and Uranus brings an unusual twist to communications, a different way of seeing things.  This will be welcome to some, too radical for others.  It’s a day when you may not be able to hold back your truth!  Verbal banter could proceed at a lightning pace, and then ascend into telepathy.  Whether you are taking part or merely viewing, it should be a fascinating process.  Just remember there is karma of thought, let alone speech, because you don’t need to carry over repercussions to Monday.  Monday (23rd) has its own drama of Sun square Pluto, and if you do manage to keep a calm hand over your own life, there is always the news to watch, listen to or read about – more than likely broadcasting the negative or sensational aspects of life.  I hear so many people say they have stopped buying newspapers or watching the news, yet they always know the current affairs.  It always reaches them somehow.  The question for Monday is: what drama in your life are you creating and why, and do you need it?  If you are a Drama Queen, is it time to change to a different Archetype?  Perhaps pick a new card from your deck of “Ask your Archetype Ascension Angel Healing Cards” which you purchased two years ago, opened at the time, then put away.  If after the radical aspects early in the week, you are still struggling for a new perspective, Wednesday’s (25th) holds the hope of a fresh outlook as Mercury moves into Aries.  The Sun’s entry into Aries last Friday certainly felt fresh and lovely here in the UK where we did have sunshine, though the temperature was quite brisk.  Mercury’s entry into Aries emphasizes that mentally we can make a new start, and perhaps leave behind some of the Piscean emotions that were colouring our mental outlook over the last fortnight or so of its short stay in Pisces.  If you were suffering from seasonal affective disorder, you may be able to throw it off now, and in the words of Will Young “Let it Go”.  In the ups and downs of this week (now beginning to resemble a snakes and ladders board) Thursday affords us an opportunity for another rise in optimism and another fresh start, with the New Moon in Aries.  New Moon in Aries is the New Moon of New Moons, the world-is-your-oyster of New Moons.  With the trio of Sun/Mercury/Venus all now in Aries as well as the Moon, it is an opportunity to really leave behind the concerns of the winter season.  Or is it?  Mars (ruler of Aries) is still hanging on in Pisces, so some angst may still be lingering in the smaller picture.  Don’t forget that the bigger picture is dominated by the triple conjunction…It’s still there, willing us to improve things.  Still on the bigger picture, we are still in the midst of dealing with Plutonian angst (which is bigger than Martian angst), and are reminded of that on Friday with Mercury square to Pluto – part of the up and down theme of the week.  By the way don’t forget to enjoy the highs, even though you know the lows are not so far behind (they may even be simultaneous).  Mercury’s square to Pluto is about recognizing on a mental level the realities which were pointed out to you on Monday by Pluto’s square to the Sun.  You may find yourself for instance dealing with paperwork you would rather be avoiding.  Deal with it, and you’ll be free to bask in the evening’s conjunction of Sun and Venus.  Pour yourself a nice sparkling mineral water for your efforts at equilibrium this week, and swing gently on your hammock.  I like a happy ending.

Aspects for the week beginning 15 March 2009

Mars entered Pisces in the early hours of this morning (for the UK, late the previous night for the US).  The high-spirited idealism of Mars in Aquarius gives way to the true service of Mars in Pisces.  The story which leaps out from the pages of the Sunday papers this morning is that of Mohamed Nasheed, the President of the Maldives, leaping ahead on climate change, announcing plans to achieve carbon neutrality for his country in a decade.  His words are: “Climate change is a global emergency.  The world is in danger of going into cardiac arrest, yet we behave as if we’ve caught a common cold.  Today, the Maldives has announced plans to become the world’s most eco-friendly country.  I can only hope other nations follow suit.”  Perhaps his role is indicated by his Sun and North Node (karmic mission) in the Earth sign of Taurus in his natal chart.  But he has a number of transits which possibly indicate his response to the urgency of climate change: Jupiter trines his natal Mars (a green light for action), Uranus trines his natal Neptune (mental illumination triggering his sensitivity) and transiting Saturn sitting on his Pluto (an urgent recognition of the seriousness of the issue, and a pressure to act carefully and responsibly).  Thursday (19th) brings the next major aspects of this week: first Mercury opposite Saturn.  If you are building up major plans for the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron triple conjunction of late May they may seem to hit the buffers around now.  Re-shaping may be needed because of the ballooning or mushrooming effect of the triple conjunction, so you may need to take action to prune things or keep things under control and make sure that big ideas become workable.  You may fear that you have taken too much on, or that your plan may have to be abandoned altogether, but this may not necessarily be so.  There can still be a happy ending, especially if you adhere to the recipe mentioned last week.  A more positive aspect on the same day (Mars sextile Pluto) hard on its heels, ensures the courage, strength and energy to go forward despite setbacks and fears.  Friday (20th) is the Spring Equinox, and here in England trees are happily budding away in anticipation of the event.  The climate is still following some semblance of the traditional order.  Let’s hope that President Nasheed’s is the first of many such declarations, of willingness to put the planet first.  The Sun’s entry into Aries represents pioneering action, and the scheme being announced for the Maldives is a step further than other schemes (such as the Norwegian) in its aim to totally decarbonize the local economy.  The energy of the Spring Equinox may inspire more proclamations of high intentions.  It’s a good year, and a good season, to make this effort, with the triple conjunction in Aquarius in May.  Anything which can be done, should be done now.

Aspects for the week beginning 8 March 2009

Last week I mentally filled several notebooks about the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron at the end of May, but in the end have distilled into one recipe (see accompanying blog).  I hope to add further blogs on the subject, but in the meantime let me know if you have any probs with the execution, such as finding the ingredients, etc.  Always happy to help, when I am not manning the complaints section of my Customer Service desk.  Can get a bit stressed then…which brings me neatly to today’s aspects.  You may indeed be feeling it’s all a bit too much today, with Mars being conjunct Neptune (more demands on your energy and sensitivity, some of it related to upcoming events and projects), Mercury entering Pisces (realizing the complexity of information coming through to you now) and Sun opposite Saturn (seeing the heartrending nature of some events taking place in the world, e.g. Morgan Tsvangirai losing his wife, with Saturn opposing his natal Sun).  Do you feel exhausted by all your efforts, and wonder whether they will come to fruition?  You may have a busy day, but try to build some relaxation into that, such as an afternoon siesta, to re-charge your batteries.  Tuesday (10th) looks to be a day when your efforts could fall into a more constructive and meaningful pattern or pace, and you begin to sense their worth, with Mercury sextile Pluto.  If you’ve had a hard day at work, then on the way home, about tea-time in the UK, you might breathe a sigh of hard-won satisfaction for your efforts, and see how your contribution fits into the bigger picture.  At the same time the tension may still be building to the Full Moon in Virgo which occurs in the early hours of the next (Wednesday 11th) morning, though for some people the tension reaches a peak just before a Full Moon.  The Full Moon in Virgo will help you to gather some of the ingredients for the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron conjunction: adaptability, service, true humility (none of that false rubbish) and precision for weighing up your ingredients to suit requirements.  Added to that an awareness of ecological needs, such as making sure you are using non-GM ingredients.  After the climax of the Full Moon, lunchtime on Wednesday (again UK timing) brings renewed hope and confidence from a sextile between Venus and Jupiter.  You may feel that, yes, you can do what is necessary and relax and even enjoy the prospect.  You may even want to invite a few friends round to taste the mini-souffles you have been practising with.  If so, pay attention to the feedback, and adjust your seasoning to taste.  But remember you are doing the cooking and it’s your life, so don’t make too many compromises.  Last aspect of the week, on Friday 13th, brings a conjunction between the Sun and Uranus.  It’s a good day to make innovations, change your routine, expect the unexpected, or on a more mundane level spring cleaning.  The cobwebs won’t know what hit them, especially if they have been gathering for a year.  I leave you with a power thought from Louise L. Hay: “Good now flows into my life from expected and unexpected channels”.

Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron Conjunction – Recipe

Description: A giant souffle, needing careful preparation

Serves: All humanity, but can be prepared for one, or any number

Time for preparation: until the end of May 2009

Oven temperature: yes it is warming up


An uncluttered kitchen or workspace

Hope (Jupiter)

Compassion (Neptune)

Openness to healing (Chiron)


Listening skills (to your own needs, to others and to the Universe)

A sense of responsibility (re-read Obama’s inauguration speech)

Vision (if you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true)

Ability to learn from past mistakes (yours, others, and history’s)

The desire to fulfil your potential



Begin from now, listening to your body and paying attention to your dreams,  and seeing what the world needs.

Consult your diary from last spring and summer (the Neptune, Chiron and North Node conjunction) and resolve to improve on that recipe.

Open your mind:  the Universe is sending messages all the time, some of them symbolic

Clear your mind of old information, to make way for the new

Open your heart

Keep a sense of humour and proportion (watch Comic Relief)

Make sure you know your Ascendant, or are aware of the area of your life this is being played out in

Keep tuned to Astrology blogs in the near future

Meditate regularly (listening to God) or pray if you prefer (talking to God)

Pay attention

Watch out for:

Overboiling or overcooking

Overstretching your resources on any level

Overestimating or underestimating quantities or seasoning

Arrogance (Jupiter)

Being too attached to old wounds (Chiron)

Illusion, delusion or even psychosis (Neptune)

Serving up:

Step up to the plate.  You may be required to serve up at any time.  This is where the adaptability comes in, keep a sachet handy at all times.  If you are working holographically, from your inner Whale, this will be easier to do.  Try to encapsulate and express what the moment requires, with all the knowledge you have gained up to that time.  You could surprise yourself.

Aspects for the week beginning 1 March 2009

Mercury is still holding the cards from the beginning of the week, aspecting in turn Mars, Chiron and Neptune.  There is information you need to listen to, and detail you need to attend to.  Some of this may concern plans for the summer, as these aspects may well be occurring in the same segment of your chart and involve psychological issues relevant to the Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction at 26 degrees Aquarius at the end of May.  Keep your eyes and ears open, catch snatches of conversation, as you don’t want to miss something vital which could make a difference and provide that special nuance.  Dreams and plans which are not shaped thoughtfully now, can mushroom out of hand, or dissolve and dissipate in the summer.  Therefore if you are planning to build a recycled home as on Grand Designs last night, or direct a film, pay attention to the detail now.  If your aims are more modest like paying off your student loan, the same rules apply and you still need to do the maths.  You are consciously or unconsciously shaping events in the future, and the impact of the summer’s triple conjunction could be greater than you imagine.  At best its potential can be an event which encapsulates goodwill (Jupiter), healing (Chiron) and inspiration (Neptune).  It is an opportunity too good to miss.  Back to the week in hand: Monday (2nd) brings a brisk opening to the week with Mercury conjunct Mars at 20 degrees Aquarius.  Focus and determination come in one package.  If your aim is to get to the gym and quicken your metabolism, you stand a good chance.  On Wednesday (4th) Mercury conjuncts Chiron at 22 degrees Aquarius, emphasizing alternative health and healing.  Listen to your inner messages, especially if there is some health crisis going on.  If you are involved in a personal or community project planned for the summer, the health and safety element is being shown to you now.  Thursday (5th) Mercury conjoins Neptune at 24 degrees Aquarius.  This is a spiritual aspect, bringing inspiration and conscious channelling.  As Keats said: “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter”.  Your impressions now may link with the collective consciousness, e.g. there may be a wave of worldwide sympathy or aspiration, and a sense of kinship wider than your locale.  Again Mercury may also provide information regarding summer activities, on a subtle level.   Mars is next to conjunct Chiron (and will conjoin Neptune next week) on Friday 6th, and while  Mercury provided the info earlier in the week, Mars carries through, transiting the same planets but providing energy, will and drive.  Mars conjunct Chiron focusses on healing, but more specifically on the healing energy.  It’s an aspect which could demonstrate your own strength, or highlight the wounds which brought you to your own ways of healing, either in this life or in past lives.  Finding your own strength now, this week, can show you what you could achieve in the future.  Finally on the same day, Venus is stationary prior to turning retrograde, at 15 degrees Aries, so you’re looking at unfinished business in relationships, and in the Arts unfinished symphonies and paintings.  It’s not yet time to put the icing on that special surprise cake you are planning, but it is time to seek out some of the delicious ingredients which will find their way into the mix.

Aspects for the week beginning 22 February 2009

Mercury is conjunct the North Node today, time to use your mind intelligently to ascertain your life purpose and also see how it fits into the bigger picture.  One of the themes to ponder this year is the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius in the summer months.  If you were following the process of last year’s conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and the North Node then it may well fall in the same house of your natal chart, and may also be a progression on those events.  It is a good time now to start tuning into what this new theme will mean for you, and shaping your dreams.  Astrologers will be writing more about this in the coming weeks, but if you work with both your mind and imagination together the potential nebulousness of Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron is less likely to get out of hand.  To give a simple example at this planning stage, if you are creating a grand design of any sort, think ahead about loopholes so that you don’t go over budget.  And work with your higher vision to see the clarity of the whole design.  Tuesday (24th) is a good day for honing your thought on a wide variety of issues: philosophy, communication and international relations.  There may be some positive upbeat news, though not necessarily of a profound or long-lasting nature.  But it is enough to keep up the spirits and keep us focussed on what people are positively trying to achieve.  In the early hours of Wednesday (25th) in the U.K. it’s the Piscean New Moon, a Moon of dreams and wishes, but try to cut down on the attachment and illusion and that will make for a more effective day with more realistic outcomes over the coming month.  While you are at it you could cut down on the cals and carbs for the day…a pure diet of raw fruit smoothies and raw cold soup such as gazpacho cold help: well, that’s my aim.  Take inspiration from Karen Knowler (raw food coach) or the Fresh Network websites.  Or if you can’t be bothered to prepare the items yourself you could visit Chad Sarno’s raw food restaurant in London’s East End or Quintessence in East Village if you are in New York.   Peace is another possible virtue of the Piscean New Moon, another vibe which needs nurturing.  The ipeace website is dedicated to dreams of peace and is bursting with people who have ideas of how to achieve it, many of them working in active and practical ways on behalf of peace.  If you are visiting my own website after a long break, be prepared to be underwhelmed by the tweaking it has recently undergone, and try to spot the difference.  On Thursday (26th), just past midnight in the U.K., Mercury sextiles Venus.  This is wonderful for communication, especially as Mercury has now come out of its shadow and caught up with its position when it originally went retrograde.  An unfettered Mercury is now able to express itself fully in art, love, music and diplomacy.  Venus in her turn welcomes a bit of honest communication, and may even be able to take a little constructive criticism.  By the end of February therefore, and to sum up, there’s a little more harmony and understanding (can’t get that Aquarius tune out of my head…).  As you can see, Mercury fares well this week, and I add my heartfelt good wishes to Mercury-ruled and brave (natal Mars trine Jupiter) Jade Goody on the occasion of her wedding today.

Aspects for the week beginning 15 February 2009

If Valentine’s day came and went without a declaration from the object of your affections, without wishing to raise your hopes unduly the card may still be in the post.  This is not due to any retrograde motion from Mercury, but the fact that Mars is still chasing Venus for a sextile and will get there in a few days, Jupiter also sextiles Venus this week, and the much-hailed conjunction of Mars and Jupiter is still to come this week.  As for the Moon in the 7th House, this happens once a day throughout the year, and this week is no exception.  And if like me, the card arrived but you are still waiting for the flowers, there is still hope that they will arrive.  You have another 3 days or so before you give up.  Today Mars is conjunct the North Node, and you could be feeling decisive today, and all fired up with enthusiasm for your karmic mission.  Others may have other plans though based on their own life purposes, so you may have to go boldy alone.  Venus sextiles Jupiter on Tuesday 17th in the U.K. and Australia (16th in the U.S.) which would be a great day to throw a party with Aquarius as its theme.  Mercury, Mars, North Node, Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune and the Sun are all in Aquarius, which means that we will all be feeling Aquarian, no matter what our Sun sign.  We will all be social idealists, passing the canapes of our homespun solutions for the problems of the world, bearing and dispensing jugs of our own brand of spiritual holy water.  But the atmosphere will be convivial, wherever you are, be it on the train, in the office or stuck on the line in-between due to the wrong kind of snow.  It is a day when universal or unconditional love and compassion can manifest, but you may need to wait a little longer for more personal connections.  Venus is surveying the field before choosing a suitor.  Meanwhile the two gentlemen (Mars and Jupiter) are vying for her attention or having a lad’s night out.  Yes, we have arrived at the famous line of the song: “and Jupiter aligns with Mars”, around mid-afternoon in the U.K.  What do we do with this special moment?  Sing, laugh, cry, observe, or raise a sceptical eyebrow?  Jupiter and Mars together can raise the roof energetically and (seriously now) we need to be conscious of how we express the high spirits.  After all, we don’t want to waste the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, do we? We want no more falsehoods or derisions, we want the energy to push the Aquarian Age into birth: an era of equality, freedom and enlightened politicians.  That Mars/Jupiter/Aquarius energy is certainly helpful for pushing social justice, and righting wrongs, especially with the North Node still close by.  For those still waiting for the romantic declaration or the bunch of flowers, your moment finally arrives on the morning of Wednesday 18th, with Venus finally engaging in the sextile with Mars (just a peck on the cheek, mind), and the Sun entering Pisces at around Noon in the UK adding a little more sentimentality to the occasion.  Hopefully, everyone will be kept happy this week, with every line of the song fulfilled.  Then what?  A good few days of reflection and integration: are you living the dream, did it live up to its promise, is it all an illusion…?  All these thoughts and more can occupy us and incubate a new sense of realism but with a more profound level of understanding which reaches us on Saturday (21st) with the Sun sextile Pluto.  The events of earlier in the week will be weighed up and seen in truth, conclusions will be drawn up, and life will proceed on a new basis which will take into account the more serious concerns of the world and personal responsibilities,  in a new balance between the light of what has been fulfilled and the darkness of what still needs to be done.

Aspects for the week beginning 8 February 2009

Mars is chasing Venus for a sextile all this week…fittingly in the run-up to St. Valentine’s Day: “What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?” to quote Keats.  That’s the sub-plot for this week.  There are two main plots: One is the penumbral lunar eclipse, and the other is the conjunction of the Sun and Neptune.  Are you reflecting today on the impact of last week’s opposition between Saturn and Uranus?  Some will have experienced a window of opportunity for change, and others will have had the way cleared for a breakthrough.  Some will have been shown the way to go, and others will have been shown clearly what was not the way forward.  Meanwhile, as you recover from any tensions of last week, you may be meeting the upcoming currents of the Full Moon tomorrow (Monday 9th) which is an eclipse of sorts and therefore slightly more potent than the usual Full Moon in Leo.  It’s the kind of day you could meet your destiny full-on.  The chart for this event is fascinating by virtue of the Sun conjoining Chiron and Neptune, and the North Node making an alliance with Jupiter.  These events around the eclipse add a flavour of mystery and wonder, magic and healing, and karmic prizes.  They are the sort of aspects which leave some wondering at what they might have noticed, and others insisting that nothing has happened at all.  That might be a good summary of the week, actually, because on Thursday 12th the Sun is exactly conjunct Neptune and there will be a good deal going on behind the scenes (such as Mars chasing Venus) and on the brink of being revealed, or divined by those who have see-through glasses.  The world of politics may throw up lack of integrity, but may also reveal spiritual leadership (a conjunction could have positive or negative effects).  Environmentally and weatherwise, there may be flooding or clearing up needed resulting from the excesses of the weather last week: snow in the U.K. and bushfires in Australia.  Saturday 14th (St. Valentine’s Day) is characterized by the entry of Mercury into Aquarius, not a traditionally romantic gesture from the heavens.  If there is a balcony scene, then the words which would have been uttered by Mercury leaving Capricorn would not be so original and inventive as the poem of Mercury in Aquarius will be.  Meanwhile, does the fair youth catch up with the maiden loth, as on John Keats’ Grecian Urn?  Not by St. Valentine’s Day…You’ll have to tune in next week to find out what happens in the mad pursuit.