Aspects for the week beginning 1 February 2009
Good news for those who haven’t enjoyed Mercury retrograde the last few weeks…It was such a short period of retrograde motion…surely it hasn’t caused that many problems, has it? – Sunday morning the week begins with Mercury stationary, prior to turning direct. You should get out of the right side of bed. Then you can do all your paperwork and form-filling, if you have been avoiding it. Tuesday (3rd) morning in the U.K. finds Venus changing signs, from Pisces to Aries. Relationships which have been treading softly, could burst into blossom. Relationships this week could generally be quite changeable or capricious, because on Wednesday (4th) Mars too changes signs: from Capricorn to Aquarius. This favours co-operation over personal ambition, friendliness over reserve. If you have meetings on these consecutive days with the same people, they could seem like different people. So all that seems quite mundane stuff, but it is no ordinary week because on Thursday (5th) Uranus makes its second opposition to Saturn. If you have been following the process, you will know that the first time was on the U.S. Presidential Election day (November 4th). If you haven’t, then try to get the gist. So just remember where you were and what you were doing on that day, and what issues were in your life (other than the Presidential Election). The same principles apply: “groundbreaking change” being a good summary. Whatever was going on at that time, will come up again for consideration and the next phase of change. For instance, if you were selling your house around then, you may be actually moving house now. This will be the first test for the changes which took place then, or the new ideology replacing the old. It may be a test point for Barack Obama, for instance. There may appear to be a step back in some way, but the general movement will be forward. So in my postbag today, I have the query: “There are a couple of things currently blocked in the pipeline we are hoping to find out about next week…?”. My answer is that if the enterprise is generally in line with the new order and is not operating with old energies, then it is likely to take a step forward (or two steps forward, and one step back). There will be a sign that you are on the right path. Don’t let things slide this week, either businesswise or relationshipwise. Try to clear issues either before Thursday’s opposition, or face them squarely on that day. On the morning of Friday (6th) Venus squares Pluto, and old alliances may be bruised at this time. It will not be easy to deal with your own feelings, let alone someone else’s, so go gently if you are trying to negotiate a new deal in relationships. It is a week for clearing both emotional and material debris, so keep focussed on the reasons for that: a better future – haven’t got a timing on that…