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Aspects for the week beginning 4 April 2021


The Police have been at the forefront of news lately; two policemen have been charged with crimes (one being a Met police officer for the murder of Sarah Everard).  The conduct of the Police has been called into question, in the context of their behaviour towards rioters. 

Astrologically, the Police are represented by the planet Pluto.  Capricorn represents public institutions, such as the police force.  Pluto is now nearing the end of its long stay in Capricorn, which highlights the tearing down of institutions, for the purposes of reform.  Our Police force have been accused of being institutionally racist, at least since the murder of Stephen Lawrence.  But this week the government issued a report (by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities) denying institutional racism in the U.K., even though the Black Lives Matter movement and the Windrush Scandal have exposed the issues and our inadequacies as a society in these matters.  It is clear that more black men and women are arrested or detained or “stopped and searched” than their white counterparts.  Astrologically, it looks like the death throes of Pluto in Capricorn, but we ought by now to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  When Pluto enters Aquarius in March 2023 (it moves very slowly – it entered Capricorn in January 2008) we should see a shift in these issues, and a totally different view.

The Met

The Metropolitan Police is one institution we can examine astrologically.  It was founded by Robert Peel on 29th September 1829.  The chart shows that deliberate and prompt action (Mercury conjunct Mars and sextile Saturn) is a strong feature, but curiously with Chiron exactly conjunct the North Node in Taurus, there is a healing function too.  The Sun in the chart is in Libra, emphasizing a peacekeeping role.  Of course, the “bobbies on the beat” of the time painted a very different picture from today’s outlook, and we have many different crimes these days.  The Met Police chart is shaken up at the moment, with Chiron on its Uranus, demanding change and healing, highlighted through crisis.

Robert Peel

Robert Peel himself was an Aquarian (reformer), with Pluto (the police planet) exactly conjunct his natal Sun, so founding the Met was an important part of his self-expression and life purpose.  It is worthwhile to note that Sir Keir Starmer, now Labour Leader, was the head of the C.P.S. as Director of Public Prosecutions from 2008 to 2013, and also has Sun exactly conjunct Pluto.  Robert Peel also had Jupiter exactly trine his Pluto, an asset in handling power correctly and fulfilling the Pluto principle well.  On the day he founded the Metropolitan Police, Jupiter was exactly trine his natal Sun/Pluto (a marked success in  instituting power).  He also had a Jupiter Return, enhancing the effect.

Cressida Dick

There have been calls lately for the current Commisioner of Police of the Metropolis Cressida Dick to resign over various perceived mismanagements, most recently the handling of the vigils over Sarah Everard’s death.  She is the first woman to hold the post.  In her chart, she has a close opposition between Mars and Saturn, so is capable of being tough in this post which would assume toughness!  Saturn trine Pluto in her chart is another sign of great strength, also a requirement.  Saturn exactly trine her natal North Node assumes a karmic mission of seriousness and discipline.  She took up the post on 17th April 2017, with transiting Mars squaring her Chiron (stressful, not healing), Saturn on her Jupiter (a limiting and disciplined event in her life), Saturn sextile her natal Chiron (requiring discipline for healing), Uranus trine her natal Uranus (a surprise), Neptune sextile her natal Saturn (complex discipline required), and Neptune on her South Node (a result of complex past karma).  In her position, she has had to contend with lack of funding by the government, who have refused to increase pay for the police, as with the NHS.  She claims that low recruitment can be laid at the door of the glamourization of violence and social media.  As a result, we see fewer and fewer policemen “on the beat”.

Priti Patel

As Home Secretary, Priti Patel has been embroiled in some of the controversies since her appointment by Boris Johnson in the summer of 2019.  She settled out of court on a bullying charge against her. I previously wrote about her (when she was forced to resign under Theresa May):

“Priti Patel is an individualistic, uncompromising Aries, who was the poster girl for the Brexit campaign.  With 6 Cardinal planets, she likes to lead, but with 0 Water planets she can be unemotional.  She is a gambler by nature (Sun square Jupiter…An interesting feature of her chart is Mercury exactly conjunct Chiron in Aries: a mind suited to problem-solving, but unusual in its processes…Her chart has many aspects, and her Mercury also has a square to Jupiter (likes to travel) and an opposition with Uranus (not afraid to be controversial).”

She has defended the actions of the police, notably during the vigil of Sarah Everard.  At one point, it looked like a George Floyd incident was narrowly averted.  Patel called for a report in the matter, but the findings were that the police “reacted appropriately and were not heavy handed” because Covid social distancing had to be observed.

Sadiq Khan

As London Mayor since 2016, Sadiq Khan has had some tough issues to face, and in his chart his Sun in Libra and natal Mars conjunct Pluto trine Saturn in Virgo have been helpful for dealing with them with restraint and fairness.  I think he has shown strong and humane leadership.

Roll on Pluto in Aquarius, for we need to be able to tackle the ills of society with fairness and firm restraint, and weed out police brutality where it may exist.  Other elements of society need to play their part, such as the tackling of violence in film which feeds and fuels the collective unconscious.  An alternative cultural diet needs to be found.


In the early hours of this morning Mercury entered Aries.  Plain speaking replaces the flowery language of Mercury in Pisces.  Mercury travels fast through Aries this month, so there is only a short window of this fast-track vibe: we have until 19th April (i.e. just over a fortnight), which is very unusual.  Mercury in Aries favours mental work which is unemotional and without frippery, such as accountancy and tax returns.  You will need to get to the point much more directly in your communications, and there is more sense of urgency about paperwork.

Venus will be sextile with Mars on Tuesday (6th), an aspect given over to pleasure and  indulgence, and maybe romance is also on the cards.  You could feel skittish like a newborn lamb or flirtatious as a Bridgerton script.  It is not quite time for socializing in hospitality venues, otherwise a cream cake and coffee in a cafe would be in order.  But some picnic delicacies in the park may suffice… In addition, art will have vigour, and movement will have artistry or elegance under this influence. 

Midweek is quiet, aspectwise, so hold that elegant movement or posture through till Friday (9th) when a new flurry of aspects begins.  Mercury conjunct Chiron at 9 degrees Aries is the first aspect to arrive that day, which can produce minor healing crises, but can also pave the way for problem-solving.   One area which is especially suited to this conjunction in Aries is finance and economy.  Chancellor Rishi Sunak may have an important announcement.

Towards evening, Mars squares Neptune and clumsiness or confusion may reign, so take extra time for activities and for thinking things through, for a smoother ride. Meditation and activities which combine meditation and movement, can be helpful for centring.

Late in the day, Saturn trines the North Node, and events may align more constructively with karma.  Negotiations and compromises may have been made, commitments and responsibilities recognized and honoured.

Saturday (10th) is the best day aspect-wise, with no less than three sextiles, so it could be a Super Saturday for socializing and getting out and about in parks in socially distanced sets of six people…The first sextile is Mercury sextile the North Node, setting up the productive element of the day: the karmic wind will be beneath your wings.  Communication will be highly significant and imbued with meaning, though subject to differing interpretations according to belief.

In the early afternoon, we have a constructive and practical sextile between Mercury and Saturn, which is ideal for planning.   This favours exacting mental work and documentation.

If that all sounds very dry, the Universe has saved the best till last: at tea time Venus sextiles Jupiter, one of the highlights in a year, conducive to socializing, celebrating partying, and romancing.  This sextile combines luck and love.  Enjoy!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – direct communications
  • Tuesday – pleasure and indulgence
  • Friday – problem solving; clumsiness; stabilization
  • Saturday – karmic uplift; deft planning; super socializing


Aspects for the week beginning 28 March 2021

Kate Garraway and Derek Draper

“I pray for him every night, in my prayers”

~ Sir Elton John

This week television schedules featured a documentary “Finding Derek” about Kate Garraway and her husband Derek Draper, who faced an induced coma this time last year from Covid-19, and is on a very long road to recovery.  Kate comes over as remarkably courageous, and their relationship remarkably strong.  Doctors have said he was the sickest survivor of Covid they had come across.  He did not open his eyes until July 2020, and his cognitive functions have been seriously impaired.

Kate Garraway

Kate’s birth chart shows 6 Earth planets (very grounded), 0 Air planets (instinctual), and 6 Fixed (very strong willed) planets.  With the Sun and Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto, she is a deep thinker.  Having Mercury conjunct Mars and trine Uranus makes her quick thinking, which is very useful in live broadcasting.  Mercury closely square Jupiter would have inclined her towards Journalism, which she trained in.  Venus trine Jupiter radiates a lovely sociable vibe.  She has energy allied with enthusiasm in the shape of Mars square Jupiter, in common with her husband Derek.  Then she has a raft of other aspects in common with him (they were born in consecutive years, but this is unusual):  Jupiter trine Saturn (balance), Jupiter square Neptune (some religious uncertainties), Uranus sextile Neptune (the ability to deal with complexity), Uranus conjunct Pluto (zaniness), and Uranus opposite Chiron (some tensions).  Kate in addition has Mars trine Pluto (a powerhouse of energy).

Kate has been a TV presenter since the early 2000s.  She took part in Strictly Come Dancing in 2009, coming 8th.   She also took part in I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here at the end of 2019, just before the pandemic: she was a popular contestant, and came 4th in that contest.  She married Derek Draper in 2005, and they have two children, Darcey and Billy.

Derek Draper

Like Kate, Derek is also high in Fixed signs (5) and has 0 Air signs, but whereas Kate is high in Earth, Derek is high in Fire (5 planets).  Derek has the Sun in Leo, loosely square his Mars (adding to his fieriness).  He has Sun exactly square Neptune in his natal chart, and his career has been surrounded by intrigue.  His Moon is involved in a difficult T-square with Chiron and Uranus/Pluto.  He can be a stern taskmaster, with Mercury square closely Mars (the Critic) and Mercury exactly trine Saturn (exacting).  His career in “spin” on behalf of Peter Mandelson and the Labour Party is seen by a mentally high spirited conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter.  His second career as a Psychologist (he took time out in America to train as a Psychotherapist), after he walked away from a couple of high profile scandals in the political arena, is shown by Venus conjunct Pluto in Virgo (psychoanalysis).


In their synastry, his Mars opposite her Sun (they bring warmth to each other’s lives), his Jupiter trines her North Node (a successful karmic partnership) and their Uranuses, Neptunes and Plutos are all conjunct (they are born in consecutive years).


Derek was admitted to hospital suffering Covid symptoms on 30th March 2020.  At the time, Saturn was square his Nodal Axis (harsh karma or fate) and Neptune was close to opposing his natal Pluto (a chaotic time).  By the time he was put into a coma on a ventilator on 5th April 2020 Saturn was still square his Nodal Axis, and Neptune opposed Pluto exact to the day (representing a slipping into oblivion).  Kate had some constructive transits keeping her strong, but she also had Saturn square her natal Venus (symbolic of loss in a relationship) and Neptune also opposing her natal Pluto (her life plunged into chaos).

The Documentary

Derek remains in hospital, over a year on.  He suffered multiple organ failure, and it is amazing that he lived. In the documentary, Kate is seen preparing the house, with the help of builders, for his return, entailing wheelchair ramps and a downstairs bedroom with a hospital bed.  She is shown interacting with the children, and wisely and bravely explaining to them the realities of their situation.  Above all, her love and commitment shine through.  If you haven’t watched it, I would recommend it, as it has implications for society’s recovery from this pandemic, how it can change lives, and touches on the extensive phenomenon of long covid, of which Derek’s is a very extreme case.  Kate will be releasing a new book “The Power of Hope” on 28th April 2021.

“Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds”

~ Gaby Hinsliff, quoting Shakespeare (Sonnet 116), in the Guardian 27th March 2021.


There’s a conjunction between Venus and Chiron today at 8 degrees Aries.  This can warm the cockles of the heart, while as the same acknowledging wounds.  So it is very poignant, and some of the greatest writers of love songs have it in their natal charts!  Notable examples are Adele, Christine McVie and Joan Armatrading.  So if you’re feeling it, write a poem or a song.  Forgiveness and healing are positive manifestations of this conjunction (“I wish nothing but the best for you… ♪♪” ~ Adele).

A Full Moon follows this evening, at 8 degrees Libra, so you may experience some emotional tension until it peaks.  The Libra Full Moon entails a balance between the needs of two people in partnership, and hopefully works towards harmony.  This is the most equable of the 12 Full Moons of the year.

On Tuesday (30th) we have another conjunction, that of Mercury and Neptune, at 21 degrees Pisces.  It’s not conducive to exacting and detailed mental work and documentation, but it can favour dreams, mystical states and spirituality.  They in turn can affect creativity, art and music in an inspired way.  If you are feeling below par, you may experience added confusion or brain fog, so it is best to plan your diary accordingly.  As it occurs in the early hours of the morning, it may literally affect your dream life and guidance.  Write your impressions as soon as you wake up.

The afternoon brings a sober but constructive sextile between Venus and Saturn.  If you were a bit foggy in the morning, the mist may clear a little and you may know where you are going, especially in terms of relationship, or art.  In the realm of human relations, it is about steadiness and loyalty: reaffirming commitment.

This trend is consolidated on Wednesday evening (31st) with this time the Sun sextile Saturn.  Practical initiatives and the laying of foundations thrive under this sextile.  Creativity is firmed up, and decision making may be easier.  If you made gains on Tuesday, you can back them up and invest them with more power on Wednesday.

And there is another sextile on Friday (2nd April): that of Mercury with Pluto.  Mercury in harmony with Pluto in this way can produce profound thought and communication,  honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.  This tone can be set early in the day.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – poignant but possibly also beautiful; emotional tension
  • Tuesday – dreams and spirituality; human loyalties
  • Wednesday – practical initiatives and plans
  • Friday – profound thought and communication


Aspects for the week beginning 21 March 2021

Roman Kemp

28-year old Roman Kemp has just made a documentary about mental health.  I usually try to vary my blogs, but it is looking like Mental Health month here now…first Meghan Markle, then Caroline Flack, and now Roman.  He was driven to make this programme “Our Silent Emergency”, which aired last week, by the death (by suicide) of his buddy Joe Lyons.  There is concern that particularly young males are vulnerable to suicidal thoughts and feelings, and of course a year’s worth of lockdowns has exacerbated all mental health issues.  Roman has himself suffered depression, and talks in the film about how he was able to talk to his mother Shirlie to some extent about his feelings, but wants to encourage young men to open up more.  In the documentary, he explored what can be done to help, and also the effect on those left behind when there is a suicide.

I will keep this blog short…firstly, there is not much to go on, because Joe’s birth date isn’t recorded online (though I have a possible date), and secondly because I wrote a blog about the Kemp family (Martin, Shirlie, Roman plus Gary) in 2019.

I wrote in 2019:

“Roman Kemp is the younger of their [Martin and Shirlie’s] two children, and is currently appearing in I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.  He normally works as a radio presenter.  So far in the Jungle he has revealed that it was his Nan’s suggestion that Gary bring Martin into the band Spandau Ballet, and that he has seen a UFO.  He describes his father as his best friend.   Martin’s Sun is conjunct Roman’s Jupiter, which suggests a shared sense of humour.  They have a karmic link, in Martin’s Ascendant sextile Roman’s North Node.  George Michael was Roman’s godfather.”

Of his recent claim to have suffered depression, one would look mainly at the planets Saturn, Pluto and Neptune in a birth chart.  He has Sun and Mercury trine Jupiter, plus Mars square Jupiter in his chart, which are quite upbeat.  He admits that their work together (Joe as a radio producer) was to produce laughter.  Where he might experience depression is in his conjunction of Mercury with Saturn, a propensity to overthink things perhaps or to look on the bleak side at times.  Neptune squares his natal Jupiter, meaning that he can get confused about existential beliefs regarding religion and spirituality.  And Saturn square Pluto is a difficult square when facing the realities of life.

The two working colleagues were very close, and Roman could not believe he did not spot how much Joe was hurting.  His death hit Roman very hard, and has resulted in galvanizing Roman into making this programme.  His shock at Joe’s death (the news of which came while Roman was on air) shows the following transits for Roman:

Mars sextile Roman’s Saturn (some harsh news); Mars square his natal Uranus (a sudden shock); Mars square his Neptune (great sensitivity); Mars trine his North Node (a karmic event involving a fellow warrior in life); Jupiter on his Uranus/Neptune (more surprise and sensitivity, though not of the right kind); and Uranus sextile his natal Mars (more surprise and shock).

Joe Lyons

Joe was a talented young radio producer, aged 31 when he departed.  Although his birth date is not recorded, I found a tweet for May 24th 2020 in which he mentions sharing a birthday on that day with someone.  So I have looked at that as a possible chart for his birth.

If accurate, Joe would have had Mercury square Saturn, which can sometimes result in depression,  Moon square Neptune, which is very imaginative, and Mars conjunct Chiron which can hold some wounding.  In his bond with Roman he would have had a brotherly sextile between his Mercury and Roman’s Mars, and a laughter filled opposition between his Jupiter and Roman’s Sun.  His pressures at the time he took his life would have included Pluto opposing his natal Chiron.  However, bear in mind that may not be his birthchart at all.

You probably know of a similar tragic case.  Back in the 1970s, I worked for two years in a Psychiatric Unit.  In the early ’80s, a Senior Charge Nurse from that Unit took his own life.  That event affected me deeply, and I began to feel that some young men were extremely vulnerable…perhaps they did not have the emotional resources, or the faith in life, or ability to reach out.  I took the decision to stop doing astrological readings for this group for a while, a few years in fact.  Eventually I reached a place where I felt it was more useful to do the charts than not.

Roman’s programme has been well-received.  Talking about his conclusions in an interview, Roman said that it was important not to take for granted that people were O.K.; people around them should always encourage them to talk about their feelings.




Venus enters Aries this afternoon, joining the Sun in the early degrees of that sign.  For many, that will be a signal to go forth boldly.  Venus types may feel that they are being pushed to a faster pace of life than they are comfortable with.  There is a warmer and more demonstrative feel about Venus while she is in Aries, but hugs are still not allowed in the present climate.  Venus stays in Aries until 14th April.

Late tonight, Mercury will be sextile with Uranus, giving rise to spectacular and unusual communications.  This encourages us to use all the new technology for our communications, and brings new ideas, heightening intuition and telepathy.   This aspect can amaze you and help you find that “wow” factor.  Occurring so close to bedtime in the U.K., the flashing forth of new ideas may keep you awake in the early hours!

Tomorrow (Monday 22nd) Mars trines Saturn, which favours practical action, and works that are deliberately planned and executed.  Hard work can pay off.  So far, so good!

A trickier aspect occurs on Wednesday (24th) when Mars squares Mercury.  If you’ve been sailing along on a bright new health and fitness regime, be careful not to overdo things as you may be slightly incident-prone, partly through carelessness or complacency.  Another possible hazard of this square is argumentativeness and verbal conflict.

Mercury squares the Nodal Axis on Thursday (25th): this brings in a karmic theme including karmic information, and the need to attend to detail in your work and communications.  A time of karmic recalibration, especially in relation to groups.  A phrase we are hearing a lot is “After this is all over…”  It is time to make a list!  And put into practice what we can do now.

Friday (26th) puts the spotlight on those twinned influences, Venus and Mars.  First up, a conjunction between the Sun and Venus at 6 degrees Aries.  If you are an artist or a musician, it is the day you can produce your best creative output or performance.  If neither, then love or money may be beneficiaries of this combination.

Then Mars conjoins the North Node at 13 degrees Gemini.  This brings to the fore warrior karma, e.g. standing up for your rights.  Street protests may be in the news, for instance.  With Mars conjunct the North Node, we see the karmic results of our actions straight away, giving us the wisdom of knowing, instant-karma style, whether or not we are doing things the right way.  With the Sun in Aries, directness and impulsiveness are currently in the air anyway, but it’s a good time to practise conscious interaction with integrity.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – warm feelings; intelligent ideas
  • Tomorrow – practical action
  • Wednesday – incident-prone
  • Thursday – karmic information
  • Friday – arty crafty; honing the inner warrior

Aspects for the week beginning 14 March 2021

Caroline Flack (1979 – 2020)

We started the week with a mental health issue (Meghan Markle) and at the end of the week we were reminded of the death by suicide a year ago of Caroline Flack, who was also hounded by the press.  On Wednesday evening there will be a screening of a television programme about her, a film made by her mother and sister, featuring friends and family and their recollections of her, among them Olly Murs and Dermot O’Leary.  I did not write an obituary for Caroline last year, so here is my tribute.

Birth Chart

Caroline was an intensely feeling Scorpio, with the Sun/Uranus, Venus/Mercury  and the I.C. in the 3rd House of Broadcasting and Presenting.  She was undoubtedly multi-talented in her field.  In her chart, her Sun was exactly trine her Moon, the conscious and subconscious mind in sync, so she knew what she wanted in life.  The Sun/Uranus conjunction indicated a real individual, but in opposing Chiron there was a wound to address, perhaps in how she saw herself.  The Moon in Cancer, another Water sign, would make her very emotional, and in addition the Moon was square Pluto, adding increased depth to that emotion, and re-emphasizing her Scorpio traits.

Mercury in Sagittarius gave a wide-ranging mind and restlessness, which was re-emphasized by a close square with Jupiter.  No wonder she found success on a geographically far-flung location, Love Island.  Mars square Uranus gave her energy an electric quality, but could make her impatient and explosive at times.  This was tempered by Mars trine Neptune, a gentler side to her energy.

There was also quite a strongly Virgoan side to her, with the North Node conjunct Jupiter in Virgo in the 12th House, Ascendant in Virgo, and Saturn in the 1st House in Virgo, so in some ways she was a perfectionist, and possibly also self-critical.

She was adept at counselling the lovelorn on Love Island, and there was a marked healing quality in her chart:  the healing asteroid Chiron was trine her North Node/Jupiter and Ascendant.  The Greek mythological centaur Chiron was able to heal others, but could not heal his own wound.

Life and Career

Caroline Flack was born in November 1979, and had two sisters (one a twin) and a brother.  The packed 3rd House, mentioned above, also represents siblings.  Caroline first starred in Bo’ Selecta in 2002, and went on to present many different television shows, such as the X-Factor and I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! NOW!  When presenting Big Brother’s Big Mouth, journalist Rob Leigh commented: “her sharp delivery makes her the best presenter they’ve had on this series”.

She won Strictly Come Dancing in 2014 (partnered with Pasha Kovalev), and her chart shows a clear talent for dance: Neptune (the planet of dance) trine Mars, sextile Pluto and conjunct the I.C.  While at school in Norfolk, she developed an interest in dance.  Later, she studied dance and musical theatre at the Bodywork company in Cambridge.

She began presenting Love Island in June 2015.  She had favourable Pluto transits when it was announced, and when the series started Uranus was trine her natal Neptune (an intriguing new venture) and Neptune was sextile her natal Chiron in Taurus in 8th House (a sensitive vehicle for her healing skills).  She commented: “I know what it’s like to be that victim online.  And that’s why I hate seeing it happen to them.”

In the same year, she published her autobiography Storm in a C Cup, with Jupiter (publishing) on her Ascendant.  In her natal chart, Mercury exactly conjoins Venus in the 3rd House represents writing talent.

Olly Murs

Caroline had a special friendship with the singer Olly Murs, and they presented The X Factor together.  They had a dynamic, sparky relationship, with her Mars square his Sun, and her I.C. conjunct his Uranus.  When she died, Pluto was transiting his Midheaven, showing that it was a huge shock to him.


Caroline was arrested in December 2019 for an alleged assault against her boyfriend Lewis Burton.  There was quite a lot going on in terms of transits at the time, including 3 triggers from Mars (one of which was an exact transit to her Sun), indicating a possible flare up of anger.  In addition, Saturn was square her Pluto (which may have given rise to depression) and Neptune exactly opposite her Ascendant (confusion).  She felt obliged to stand down as host for the next series of Love Island on 17th December, which compounded her sadness.  A judge ruled that she and her boyfriend were unable to see each other (even though he withdrew the complaint), which meant the loss of a relationship as well.

Her synastry with Lewis shows a deep connection: They had opposing Marses by 1 degree (some conflict), his Saturn was square her Sun (some disappointment), her Saturn on his Neptune (they could bring each other down) and their Plutos were sextile (a deep level of engagement).  Plus their Jupiters conjunct in Virgo suggested a shared sense of humour.  Uranus squared his Chiron at the time of her death, again showing a deep sense of shock.

She subsequently a great deal of trolling on social media, and her family and friends advised her not to look at it.  But it preyed on her mind, and the last straw was the announcement that the domestic assault case would be going ahead.  She died on 15th February 2020.

In looking at the other “mental health” red flag of the week, Meghan Markle reported that although she had Harry beside her at the time of her dark night of the soul, she needed more expert help at the time she felt suicidal.  Reportedly, when she reached out for some, it was not forthcoming.  Meghan’s friend reported this week that her circle of friends had been worried about her, but they were unable to do anything to help.  Caroline Flack had a loving mother and sister and many friends, but they were unable to help her.  It does seem that there needs to be more help more easily available, somehow, to reach souls in crisis in this way.  What this week may have highlighted is that people need to be more seriously alert to warning signs.

“Be Kind” was the motto adopted by the public to remember her, a year ago.


A congenial set of aspects this week, not a square or opposition among them!

Happy Mother’s Day!  Early this morning Venus was conjunct Neptune at 20 degrees Pisces.  You may have had sweet dreams in the night…During the day inspired artistic and musical expression is assisted.  Idealized and spiritual love may also be on the menu.  You may find inspired ways to show love.  This conjunction also depicts the sensitivity at this time towards men’s treatment of women, as highlighted by the murder of Sarah Everard, and the poignant vigils which have taken place on her behalf, and on behalf of change on this issue.

Tomorrow (Monday 15th) Mercury enters Pisces, so there is likely to be more mental focus and communication around compassionate issues, such as the vulnerable, those with mental health issues, and the state of institutions, such as prisons and the NHS.  In the period of its sojourn in this sign (up till 4th April) compassion will be more easily shown and charity given, and it will be easier to receive ideas of creativity and inspiration.

Some powerful help could arrive on Tuesday (16th) with a sextile between the Sun and Pluto.  If you dig deep, you can find the treasure you need.  It is a profound aspect which may help to show us the direction we need to solve our collective problems, and understanding the meaning behind our dilemmas.  This sextile can bring a profound air of quiet contemplation.

The mood is enriched and enhanced on Thursday (18th) by a sextile between Venus and Pluto.  If you began a creative venture on Tuesday, you can add extra artistry and harmony to it.  You can also experience profound connections between people, and it’s a good time for evaluating what people mean to you.  As with Sun sextile Pluto, you may have to dig deep for the treasure, but it is worth the quest.

The Sun enters Aries at the Spring Equinox on Saturday 20th, the first day of Spring.  It is something we have all been waiting for, representing a step closer perhaps to the easing of lockdown and being able to see loved ones.  It is the start of the Astrological New Year, the beginning of a generally more active, conscious, dynamic way of relating to the world (from the Sun’s more introspective time of its recent passage through Pisces).  For the population generally, if your energy has been a little low lately, you may feel revived.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – unconditional love
  • Tomorrow – compassion
  • Tuesday – deep psychological treasure
  • Thursday – artistic and musical depth
  • Saturday – new beginning

Aspects for the week beginning 7 March 2021

Oprah and the Interview with Harry and Meghan

You might be wishing this story would go away, but with Oprah’s impending interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, it is likely to intensify over the next day or so.  In the U.S. the interview will be taking place this evening.  In the U.K. it will be happening at 1 a.m. tomorrow morning, but airing on Monday evening on ITV.  The interview will be two hours long, but I will try and keep this blog brief.

Meghan Markle

I first wrote about the royal pairing on their engagement in December 2017.  Her birth chart emphasizes the royal sign Leo and its ruler the Sun: she has the Sun in Leo, and Leo’s ruler the Sun in the 1st House trine her Midheaven.  So she has a very strong Queen Archetype, but she was in someone else’s territory, under their rule.  She also has half her planets (5) in the Cardinal signs, showing that she is a leader. Meghan was a liberated woman before she came into the royal fold: once you have your wings, you will not want them taken away; you can’t put a genie back in a bottle.  It may have been naive of her to attempt it.

Prince Harry

Where there is a Leo, there is often a Virgo close by.  With being neighbouring signs often they can have planets close together.  Leos need to lead, and Virgos like to serve, so they make good companions.  Prince Harry has half his planets (5) in the Mutable signs, so he is more adaptable.

William and Harry, Kate and Meghan

William and Harry shared an iconic mother, and the tragedy of losing her (a shared trauma), and were very close until recent years.  But they do have strains in their relationship astrologically:  for example, their Moons are exactly square!  William’s Venus opposite Harry’s Uranus points to a possible estrangement.  And William’s Pluto square Harry’s Ascendant on Harry’s 10th House cusp has a dramatic effect.

Kate Middleton, a Capricorn, has much more natural affinity with the Queen than Meghan.  Kate and Meghan’s Mercuries are exactly opposite (mentally they are far apart),  and Kate’s Saturn conjoins Meghan’s Pluto exactly, which is a difficult dynamic.  But I would say that the brothers’ charts clash more than those of their wives, and it is possible that the media made more of the clash between Kate and Meghan than there actually was.  I do believe that the media stoked the problems, and that there was racism and bias involved in the treatment of Meghan.  I am neither a royalist nor a republican, but have an attitude of “live and let live” towards the royal family.  However, I do think that Meghan shows insensitivity towards the Queen in particular.

Meghan’s Discontent

The documentary made in 2019 of Meghan and Harry’s tour of Africa included an interview with Meghan in which she expressed the fact that their way of life at the time was not conducive to “thriving” for her.  Pluto was at the time approaching her Descendant (opposing her Ascendant), which is a major transit of transformation and often great difficulty for an individual.  It can bring problems within a marriage, but for this couple it resulted in a move across the pond.  This transit became exact for the first time on 11th March last year (they made the move to Canada shortly afterwards), and because Pluto is slow moving, it transited that point again in June 2020 and January this year.  It’s a long process, so there are two more passes to come: 8th September and 3rd November this year, 2021.  It is also a very psychological process, so very much internal for Meghan.  Though she is ready to talk to Oprah now, she is still in some ways in the middle of her journey.

At the time of the move to Canada (which preceded the move to California and their new celebrity lifestyle), Harry had Jupiter trine his natal Sun, indicating foreign travel and to some extent fulfilling his restless nature, but there was also difficulty in the shape of Saturn square his Pluto (a wrench) and karma (Saturn trine his North Node).

Material Fortunes

Their dream of financial independence took an upward turn with their Neflix deal last Autumn.  Though Meghan had largely helpful transits (for example Pluto trine her Chiron), the material benefit seems to show up even more strongly in Harry’s chart, with Uranus trine his Ascendant from his 5th House cusp (an opportunity for greater creativity) and Pluto exactly trine his natal Sun (a huge monetary deal, where Pluto can represent big money).

Meghan’s Triumph over the Daily Mail

Meghan won her long-running case over privacy against the Daily Mail in February.  This was important to them both, because Harry is haunted by the hounding of his mother by the press and the paparazzi.  Meghan’s transits were very favourable, including Jupiter exactly sextile her Midheaven (upholding of reputation) and Pluto sextile her natal Uranus (an important turning point of change).

Oprah Winfrey

The run up to Oprah’s interview has been a bumpy ride, especially with the trailers we have seen being quite provocative or contentious from the point of view of the royal family.  I wrote a blog about Oprah in 2018:

“The first thing that strikes me about the birth chart of this outstanding woman is that she has three exact conjunctions”.

Those conjunctions are:

Chiron exactly conjunct North Node in Capricorn in 1st House of Personality  (Karmic Mission as a Healer)

Sun exactly conjunct Venus in Aquarius in 2nd House of Finance (Inner and Outer Riches)

Neptune exactly conjunct the Part of Fortune in Libra in 10th House (A Mystical path)

Oprah is big business, and has a reputation for sensitive but tough and in-depth interviewing.  Obviously this interview will make a lot of people a lot of money, but if she is to maintain her own reputation she needs to handle this interview with the greatest of sensitivity.  Her loyalties lie with her friend Meghan, but how far will she also honour the elderly lady across the pond?  Meghan has complained that the royal family might have had a hand in perpetuating falsehoods about her, but will Oprah let Meghan get away with any unfair negativity towards the royal family?  Can Oprah be scrupulously fair?

Transmission of the Interview

The interview was filmed a few weeks ago, before the beginning of Prince Philip’s stay in hospital and subsequent heart operation (which shows up as Chiron square his natal Pluto, exact to the day); we don’t know if his condition was stress-related.

Here are the transits for its transmission, for the people involved:

For Meghan – Pluto sextile her natal Uranus , this changes everything!  There is no going back.

For Harry – Neptune sextile his natal Moon – uncertainty about family relations, and especially in relation to the women in his life.  But Jupiter trine his Venus, and Saturn sextile his natal Uranus show that there will be positive aspects to the experience for him.

For Baby Archie – Jupiter sextile his natal Venus, and Neptune sextile his natal Saturn – like his father, there will be positive aspects to the experience for him (he may even be blissfully unaware).

For the Queen – She is the greatest focus of concern, but Neptune sextiles her Ascendant in Taurus from the 11th House cusp, so she may be more serene than is currently perceived.  Perhaps she has some perspective on the matter we are unaware about.  She will also be focussing on her own speech for Commonwealth Day.

For Oprah – Oprah has a plethora of significant transits at this time – maybe she is the real winner.  She may even have consulted an astrologer for the date of transmission.  Here is a selection of her transits: Saturn on her Sun  in Aquarius in 2nd House of Money indicates a huge responsibility; Chiron sextiles her natal Sun (she may be trying to bring about healing, but will it be just for Meghan, or for the wider situation and family?); Saturn squares her natal Saturn in Scorpio in her 11th House of Friendships and Networks – she needs to be super wise and clear about her own boundaries and principles; Jupiter on her Mercury in Aquarius in 2nd House – extremely lucrative for the media outlets and networks. Pluto square her natal Neptune in Libra in 10th House (she will see this as a seminal moment for her, and it will be important to her how it comes across in terms of how her “brand” is seen).

Will you be watching?  Apparently the Queen will not be watching, but instead an Aide will be staying up all night and briefing her at breakfast time.  I have to admit I will be watching on Monday evening, for nuances of understanding, though I can perfectly understand those who will not!


The Nodal Axis squares Venus on Tuesday (9th).  This focuses on karmic relationships, particularly in relation to groups.  This may present itself especially in the search for harmony within groups of people, and that can include families.  Perhaps the revelations and repercussions from the Oprah interview will lead people to re-evaluate their own relationships.  You may be looking at balancing the needs of various people.

At the first minute of Thursday (11th) in the U.K.,  at 00.01 Hrs and at 20 degrees Pisces, the Sun will conjoin Neptune.  Neptune combined with the Sun so intensely can bring high spiritual experiences and inspiration, especially if you are channelling or working with your creativity, in art or music for instance.  But for some, for example if you have a difficult aspect to Neptune in your natal chart, it may bring confusion.  However the confusion could lead to clarity.

A New Moon at 23 degrees Pisces follows on Saturday (13th), which is the most sensitive New Moon of the year, and a time to set intentions, make affirmations, and creatively visualize along the lines of peace in your own environment, and the plight of war torn nations around the world.  Lessons we have recently learned can be put to good use.  If members of the royal family have been licking their wounds, it may be time to soothe them and move on.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – karmic relationships
  • Thursday – spiritual or confused
  • Saturday – new beginning

Aspects for the week beginning 28 February 2021

Sturgeon vs Salmond

I last reported on Sturgeon and Salmond in 2014, just before the Scottish Referendum.  Film footage at the time shows them as best mates…so when and how did that turn to enmity, to the extent that Alex Salmond now shows a desire to bring down the Scottish government, and even to jeopardize the future prospects for Scottish Independence?

Nicola Sturgeon

I wrote in 2014:

“Scottish Deputy Nicola Sturgeon … is a role model for the strong woman, and unflinching in her political aims….  She is comfortable with power, as her Sun is sextile Pluto… Nicola started young on her course: she was 16 when she entered politics”.

I would add now:

She has the Sun conjunct Mars, the Inner Warrior Archetype.  Her strength comes from the Sun closely trine Neptune and closely sextile Pluto, and in addition the problem-solving exact trine between Mercury and Chiron.

Alex Salmond

I wrote in 2014:

Alex is a Sun in Capricorn (ambition and politics) whose Sun is conjunct the North Node also in Capricorn (representing his karmic mission, which is also on side).  He has the fighting spirit of Moon conjunct Mars in Pisces, which sometimes obtains what is desired by subterfuge.  But his Ascendant is in Cancer, giving rise to the moon face and also the patriotism.  Rising within 6 degrees of his Ascendant is an exact conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus (the Inner and Outer Entrepreneur)  And we all know what his Enterprise is.”

I would add now:

He has a strong sensuality (Venus in Scorpio trine Mars) and a capacity for revenge (Venus square Pluto): traits I did not emphasize in my earlier account.

Their Synastry

I wrote in 2014:

The remarkable thing with respect to her alliance with Salmond, is that her natal Sun is exactly conjunct Alex Salmond’s Jupiter/Uranus exact conjunction, in other words she can directly help co-create his Enterprise.  Karmically, their North Nodes are exactly sextile, so a karmic contract will have been set up before birth for this aim.”

I would add now:

Her Chiron exactly square his Sun shows the possibility of a wound being exacted.  The Synastry seemed favourable looking at it in 2014, and it has not changed.  But perhaps their karma has gone through another turn of the screw, yet to be unravelled in the future, and possibly even in a future lifetime.  Her Pluto also opposes his Moon, which is another in-depth emotional wrangle.


Having left this story after the Scottish Referendum in 2014, there are some gaps to fill in.

2014:  Nicola’s transit picture for the Referendum  was described in my original blog:  “On the day of the Referendum, Neptune is conjunct her North Node, a day on which her dreams could also come true.”  The Scottish National Party lost the vote, and Alex Salmond resigned as First Minister of Scotland. Saturn was on his Venus at the time in his 5th House in Scorpio – personal sadness and loss.

At the time, Nicola said:

“The personal debt of gratitude I owe Alex is immeasurable. He has been my friend, mentor and colleague for more than 20 years. Quite simply, I would not have been able to do what I have in politics without his constant advice, guidance and support through all these years. […] I can think of no greater privilege than to seek to lead the party I joined when I was just 16. “

So there was not a trace of animosity in that speech, in that point in their relationship.  Resentment from Alex Salmond would come later.

Nicola’s transits at becoming First Minister for Scotland showed up Saturn sextile her natal Pluto in Virgo in 11th House (leading the party and country, a fulfilment of power) – with Saturn trine Pluto natally indicating this potential.

Her record of achievement as first minister has come into some criticism, particularly over her governments’s performance in Education.

2015: She was notably hailed for winning a 7-way TV debate in preparation for a general election.  In forceful combat, Mars was square her natal Mars at the time, showing that she had no fear of conflict.

2016:  In the Brexit Referendum, Scotland voted to stay in Europe, by 62% to 38%.  This of course contrasted with England, and the overall percentages for the U.K.  Nicola had a new fight on her hands, to uphold the interests of Scotland in the matter, and more ammunition for leaving the Union.

2018:  In August of that year, Alex Salmond was faced with charges of sexual misconduct, which he denied.  At that time, Pluto was sextile his natal Mars and Saturn  (at the midpoint of their trine) and opposed his Ascendant.  Pluto and Mars represent the area of sexuality.

2019:  In January of that year, Alex Salmond was arrested, with Uranus opposite his natal Neptune (a sudden even throwing him into confusion) and Uranus square his natal Chiron (a sudden event causing an emotional wound).

2020: A new challenge for Nicola Sturgeon: the pandemic. She is generally deemed to have handled this relatively efficiently, especially in comparison to the U.K. Prime Minister.  She showed up every day to speak to her countrymen in a briefing, for example.  Interestingly, she had had some prior experience, for in 2009 she had impressed with her handling of the flu epidemic, as Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing.

On 23rd March of that year, the same day that England went into its first lockdown, Alex Salmond was cleared of all charges.  He had many favourable transits at the time, including: Uranus trine his natal North Node in Capricorn in the 6th House; Neptune trine his Ascendant on 9th House cusp; Pluto sextile his natal Moon and sextile his natal Venus.  He had admitted at the trial, however, that he should have been “more careful with people’s personal space”

Marriage and Meetings

Nicola Sturgeon’s marriage comes into this story, as Alex Salmond has accused her husband Peter Murrell, the  Chief Executive Officer of the SNP, of conspiring to have him imprisoned.  They may well have personal karma, for Alex Salmond’s Moon squares Peter Murell’s Nodal Axis.

Alex Salmond alleges that he had a meeting with Nicola Sturgeon a few days before the meeting where she acknowledges they discussed his charges, in 2018.  Here he claims she has broken the ministerial code by lying, where she claims she forgot about the first meeting. The meetings are said to have taken place on 29th March and 2nd April 2018, and the charts for these two meeting are interesting.  The issue is further complicated because in giving evidence, Murrell has contradicted himself and Nicola Sturgeon over whether he was present at one of these meetings and how long for.

An aspect for the first meeting is very telling – Venus exactly conjunct Uranus (strange meetings).  Transits for the first meeting show:  for Alex Salmond, Saturn on his Sun in Capricorn in his 6th House, a time of great difficulty; Uranus square his natal Jupiter in Cancer in 1st House; Uranus opposite his natal Neptune in Libra in 4th House, and Uranus square his natal Chiron in Capricorn in his 7th House (Uranian transits taking someone by surprise).

For Nicola Sturgeon, Uranus square her natal Sun (taken by surprise), Saturn trine her Venus ( a question of loyalty in friendship), and Uranus opp her natal Jupiter (more shock).

For Peter Murrell:, Neptune opposite Peter Mars, Neptune opposite Peter Uranus and Neptune transiting Peter Chiron (Neptune transits possibly suggesting being implied in a scandal or deception).

Transits for the second meeting show: for Alex Salmond, Mars exactly on Alex Salmond’s Sun (a feeling of being endangered), Saturn still exactly on his natal Sun, Mars conjunct Saturn in Capricorn in his  6th House (pain or difficulty), and the other transits as a few days earlier, though Uranus was moving away from a trine with Pluto, possibly leaving him more exposed.

For Nicola Sturgeon,  Saturn was still trine with her Venus, and the other transits still applied, but Uranus moving away from squaring her natal Sun, which may imply that the earlier date was significant for her.

For Peter Murrell, as before, but with Neptune starting to move away from Chiron, again a possible implication that the earlier date had significance for him. For him and for Nicola, the earlier date may have had a completely different application in their lives, however, and it is not clear which meeting Peter Murrell was supposed to have attended.

Current Transits

On Friday at a Holyrood inquiry, Alex Salmond had his say about the allegations of the mishandling of the enquiry by Nicola Sturgeon’s government:

“This inquiry is not about me…The failures of leadership are many and obvious.  And yet, convener, not a single person has taken responsibility.” he claimed. Pluto is sextile his Venus –  an impassioned expression of his feelings, and Pluto is opposite his Jupiter/Uranus conjunction – a challenge of power, bearing in mind his conjunction is conjunct Nicola Sturgeon’s own Sun.  Pluto has homed in on the crucial feature of their synastry.

Nicola Sturgeon is due to testify tomorrow, and she is undeniably stressed: Mars is opposite her natal Neptune – her version of the truth under examination; Uranus square her natal Moon in Aquarius in 3rd House – emotionally, she feels uncertain. Uranus is opposite her Ascendant, quite a shock to her system.  And then comes Pluto, opposing her natal Sun – a severe test for her, but Pluto trine her Pluto, she has some form of self-empowerment.

For Scotland itself, the cause of Independence has grown during Nicola Sturgeon’s period of leadership, though a recent poll suggests some levelling off.  The chart of Scotland itself highlights conflict and transformation at this time, with a preponderance of Mars and Pluto transits: Mars sextiles the Scottish Sun, Pluto sextiles the Scottish Sun, and Mars sextiles the Scottish Pluto.  The nature of sextiles may show that the damage may be less severe than feared; some voters even hope that the Scottish National Party will be damaged.

The chart for the SNP shows Neptune (confusion) closely square its Sun (its identity),  Saturn on its Venus – a sense of loss, Uranus square its Venus – some disruption and disharmony.  Also Chiron sextile its Venus – an ultimate healing purpose, though that seems a long way off at the moment, and Neptune sextile its Mars, confusion and sensitivity over its leadership.

This would seem to be a distressing mess at the heart of Scottish government and leadership, and the meltdown of a relationship once united in a cause.  Nicola Sturgeon is trying to salvage her position, and Alex Salmond is calling for an overhaul of the Scottish government and her resignation. I would hope for a satisfactory outcome, but that does not look easily achievable at the moment.  Truth needs to be established, before they can move on.  Meanwhile, opposition parties are making the most of the crisis.


The notable aspects begin on Wednesday this week, with a sextile between Venus and Uranus on 3rd March.  It is good to see some Spring weather turning up these days, warming up the population and raising hopes, together with some prospects of some return to social interaction.  Though we are not quite there yet with the measures, Wednesday is a good day for socializing, as far as the rules and regulations permit.  Many of us are reliant on zoom, facetime and WhatsApp (what happened to Skype?) for contacting family and friends these days, but a chance meeting on a walk in the park is not out of the question.  As mentioned in the above blog, meetings are significant with the combination of Venus and Uranus, and sometimes they can be strange.  Venus sextile Uranus is on the pleasantly uplifting side of the equation, and can bring reunions.  There is also an impromptu or spontaneous element to such meetings.

On Thursday (4th) Mars enters Gemini, and we go from the more sluggish energy of Mars in Taurus to a brighter, more expressive energy.  It’s a high action placing, with a spike in mental and physical energy, and the urge to get things done.  Certain sports, such as running and cycling, are highlighted.

There’s a treat in store late in the week when Mercury conjoins with Jupiter on Friday (5th) at 17 degrees Aquarius (check whether that is an important degree in your chart).  This conjunction favours learning and education, communication and good news, sales and transport.  The enjoyment of mental expansion and philosophical awareness should bring about a major uplift.

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – special meetings
  • Thursday – physical and mental stimulus
  • Friday – mental expansion and philosophical awareness

Aspects for the week beginning 21 February 2021

Latifa Maktoum

Last week, I looked at one daughter who was being controlled by a father; this week I am looking at another daughter, who has been held captive by a father.  The plight of Princess Latifa Maktoum, daughter of  Sheikh Maktoum, the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, is now being taken seriously by the U.N. who have formally requested evidence that she is alive.

Birth Chart

There is a great deal of symbolism in Latifa’s birth chart which can describe the events of her life.  Sun  in Sagittarius indicates a restless soul, one that could not tolerate the restrictions of such a life she was born to in Dubai.  The Sun exactly sextile Jupiter emphasizes that freedom loving nature and adventurousness (she is an experienced skydiver).  The Sun conjunct Uranus gives her the Rebel Archetype, another sign that she could not give in to his regime.  The Sun opposite Chiron indicates a wound connected with the father.  Mercury conjunct Saturn may indicate the fact that she has been silenced.  Jupiter square Pluto shows a life characterized by power struggle.  Furthermore, Pluto conjunct closely South Node denotes painful past lives, possibly with similar themes and struggles (and very likely to be with the same father).

Escapes and Captures

Latifa has several siblings, but one of her sisters, Shamsa, also tried to flee the family nest before her, and was found in Cambridge in the year 2000.  She was taken back to Dubai, but has not been seen in public for 20 years.  The investigation into her disappearance lapsed, but is now being renewed.

Latifa’s first attempt was in 2002, aged 16.  She was caught at the border of the United Arab Emirates, and then jailed for over three years.  Her transits on that occasion included Uranus square her natal Mercury (attempt to escape).

In 2011 she got to know a Frenchman, Herve Jaubert, who helped plan her 2018 escape.  They have a significantly strong synastry: his Mercury sextile her Neptune (a means of escape), his Jupiter sextile her Mars (optimism) and Saturns conjunct (making plans).

They enlisted the help of a friend, Norwegian Tiina Jauhianen, who accompanied her on the boat in 2018.  They left on 24th February 2018, with a suitable set of transits: Mars conjunct Latifa’s natal Uranus in Sagittarius (a bid for freedom), Saturn sextile her natal Pluto (a deliberate act on behalf of change), Saturn trine the North Node in Taurus (a deliberate act connected with karma) and Neptune exactly square her natal Sun (confused and at sea).

The boat was intercepted on the orders of her father eight days later on 4th March 2018.  Two of the transits were still operational, showing different aspects of the process: Saturn trine her natal North Node in Taurus (a blocking in her karmic path) and Neptune square her natal Sun (her hopes for subterfuge uncovered).

On 11th March 2018 a video was released which she had prepared before her trip in the event that her life would be endangered.  It described family life (“I’m not allowed to drive, I’m not allowed to travel or leave Dubai at all”), her reasons for fleeing, including an accusation that her father had committed a murder.

After she had returned to Dubai, speculation arose about the conditions she was kept in.  On 15th December 2018 the former President of Ireland Mary Robinson was sent to Dubai to meet her, to establish that she was alive and “free”.  They had dinner together and photos were taken.  Later it was revealed that it was all a ruse.  Latifa’s stepmother Haya (daughter of King Hussein of Jordan) says she was told Latifa had mental health problems, and the visit would be a good idea.  She had invited Mary Robinson, and Mary Robinson has now said she is horrified that she didn’t realize the true reason she was there.

The transits for this “fake meeting” were, for Latifa: Neptune still square her natal Sun, still confusion and subterfuge surrounding her.  For Mary Robinson: Pluto trine her natal Venus (a deeply significant meeting), Uranus square her natal Mars (a hidden danger), the North Node on her natal Mars (a karmic meeting), Jupiter opposite her natal Uranus (an opportunity), Neptune sextile her natal Moon (deception connected with a female), Neptune square her natal Midheaven (a high profile deception) and Chiron trine her natal Mars (an attempt at healing).

Haya, in her role as go-between, had the North Node (karma) trine her natal Venus (charm and connections), Chiron exactly on her Venus (attempt to heal a female), and Jupiter on her natal Neptune (A charitable, naive or deceptive act).  When Haya found out the truth, it set off her own desire to escape, and she fled to the U.K. on 15th April 2019.  The transits for her bid for freedom included: Jupiter sextile her natal Uranus (a bid for freedom), Saturn square her Chiron (discomfort leading to action taken for healing), and Uranus sextile her Saturn (a bid to free oneself from ones chains).  The Jupiter sextile to natal Uranus prevailed, as Haya currently resides in a home in Kensington Palace Gardens, but there have been wranglings over the custory of her children with Sheikh Maktoum.  She has diplomatic immunity under the Geneva Convention.


In early 2019, Latifa established contact with some of her friends and supporters through a mobile phone smuggled into the villa in Dubai where she was held captive.  She made a series of videos detailing her conditions: “I’m doing this video from a bathroom, because this is the only room with a door I can lock. I’m a hostage. I am not free. I’m enslaved in this jail. My life is not in my hands.”  But one day the contact stopped, and, fearing for her fate, her friends have released the video recordings.  They have not given out the date the recordings stopped, but it appears likely to be in the second half of 2020.  A date would have been useful to track astrologically what was going on for her at the time.

The Father

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, to give him his full name, the Prime Minister of Dubai, has built modern Dubai into the business magnet and global city it is today.  He has six wives and 30 children.  He has enjoyed friendly relations with our own royal family too.  As a Cancerian, family comes first, and ironically his statements about Latifa’s whereabouts and condition always state that she is in the safety of her family.  However, it is difficult for us to understand in the West such a callous treatment of a child.  Latifa has gone further, in describing him as capable of murder.  So in not knowing her fate, we cannot assume that she is safe.  He has the chart of a Leader (half his planets in Cardinal signs; Mars closely sextile his natal North Node in Aries.

The synastry between father and daughter shows: Her Mars closely square his Sun (her Inner Warrior stands up to him), their Marses are trine in Air (an engagement of their Warriors), his Uranus opposes her Neptune (his will opposes her attempts at escape), his Neptune sextiles her Sun (he is the architect of her captivity, though there should have been a potential for spiritual closeness) and his Neptune trines her natal Jupiter (again, a connection between him as jailer and her sense of freedom, but there should have been the potential for spiritual understanding).  At the time of her capture, Jupiter was trine his natal Sun (he won) and Pluto was square his Nodal Axis (he exercized his will, possibly creating more karma in the future).

The Position this Week

The issue erupted again into our consciousness around this week’s Saturn-Uranus square, which will have struck each of the charts in question differently.  We only have a birth time for Mary Robinson, whose regret was broadcast this week.  In her chart,  Tellingly, the Uranus falls exactly on her  7 degree natal Mercury in Taurus in 3rd House of Broadcasting, making her newsworthy.  The Saturn falls in her 12th House of Secret Sorrows.

The transits for Latifa this week were: Jupiter sextile her natal Sun in Sagittarius and a Jupiter Return in Aquarius (her plight and need for freedom being recognized again), Saturn square her natal Pluto (revealing the extent of the peril she is in), Saturn square her Nodal Axis (a fateful time, karmically) and Uranus transiting her natal North Node exact to the day (a very karmic revelation of the  truth of her captivity).

The transits for Sheikh Maktoum this week were: The North Node sextile his natal Venus (the Universe is watching his human relations), and the North Node sextile his natal Pluto (his psychology is laid bare).

The latest statement (issued on Friday) says she is “being cared for at home , supported by her family and medical professionals.

She continues to improve and we are hopeful she will return to public life at the appropriate time.”

The U.N. cannot afford to ignore the treatment of women in the U.A.E. as a human rights issue, as well as the U.A.E.  involvement in Yemen.  A heartbreaking news report from Orla Guerin emerged this very week about the children in the Yemen. There is also the question of arms sales to the U.E.A. and Saudi Arabia: new U.S. President Joe Biden has now taken the lead in freezing further sales, and it is to be hoped that the U.K. will follow.  And our royal family may think again about their friendship with the Sheikh (I know they have had family troubles too this week, but even so).  Saturn square Uranus has dictated that it is crunch time to deal with such matters.  I do hope that Latifa is safe, but even if she is, years of solitary confinement and lack of sunlight won’t have helped her wellbeing.


Have you felt any difference this morning?  The difference that a Direct Mercury would make?  Is your I.T. working better?  Is your message getting across better?  Well, at any rate Mercury is now functioning fairly normally, you may be pleased to hear.  So if you have projects waiting to happen of a literary or technical nature, this may be a green light for you.  If you have been holding back on communication, you may feel the push to move forward again with it.

You don’t have an aspect for 3 days, and then three come along: So, on Thursday (25th), Mars trines Pluto, very early in the morning (you may feel its effect late Wednesday evening).  This aspect speaks of self-empowerment, but you have to remember that everyone also has this force!  This is a great aspect for tasks which need great energy.  If gyms were still open, it would be a  good day for the gym, so failing that you could make up your own gym at home.  Housework or decluttering could substitute for formal exercise, however.  A top scientist today is urging the government to lift the ban on outside sport.  We’ll find out the latest thinking tomorrow as Boris gives another briefing on his plans for easing lockdown.

At lunchtime on Thursday, Venus enters Pisces, so with the Sun already in that sign we are beginning to lose that evangelical focus on Aquarius, and beginning to appreciate a soft-focus approach which takes into account the emotion and feeling of every sentient creature.  Venus in Pisces is unashamedly emotional and easily prone to tears, so don’t be surprised to release the tears which have been stoically been held back coping with the long months of lockdown.  This placing will enable charities to be more easily heard, and the Arts to acquire inspiration.

In the evening, we have another constructive aspect: the Sun sextile Uranus.  Spontaneity and innovation characterize the evening’s proceedings.  Telepathy and higher consciousness, or liaising with a constructive group, are also favoured.

On Friday (26th), Jupiter trines the North Node, and this favours future vision, reaping karmic rewards,  and looking at life positively.  A good day to refresh your hopes, and to observe how everything is happening at the right time in divine right order.

Saturday (27th) brings a Full Moon at 8 degrees Virgo, which is likely to bring some emotional tension and a desire towards perfectionism and practicality, at the same time as honouring spiritual ideals represented by the opposing Sun in Pisces.  Work and service are also principles of this polarity of signs.  The Full Moon takes place at 8.17 a.m. in the U.K., so your dreams may help you work through the upcoming tensions, and early morning action may help to dissipate or fulfil the Full Moon by its peak.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – communications eased
  • Thursday – powerfully galvanizing; emotionally compassionate; mentally brilliant
  • Friday – karmically rewarding
  • Saturday – emotional high tide

Aspects for the week beginning 14 February 2021

Britney Spears

Britney Spears has been in the news this week: firstly for a documentary “Framing Britney”, which is yet to be shown in the U.K., and secondly, for winning a court case against her father.  “Framing Britney” was initially released in the U.S. on 5th February and documents through interviews and film her years of “captivity” in her father’s guardianship, and the recent  #FreeBritney movement.  On Thursday (11th) her father was denied conservatorship rights over Britney’s estate, which he has held for 13 years, since her breakdowns.

Birth Chart

Britney has half her planets (5) in the mutable signs.  Could that mean that she is malleable to others in her life?  Her Sun is conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius in the 3rd House, so primarily she is a communicator, but she does so through song and dance.  Her Moon is in Aquarius in the creative 5th House, so her emotion is on display in her performance.  Mercury is conjunct Uranus, so she is mentally independent and innovative; it seems that it is in relationship that she compromises, and that is where her singer-songwriter Libran Ascendant comes in.  Relationship is all-important to her, so she may sacrifice much of herself.  The sensuality of her Venus closely trine Mars is evident in her provocative performance.  Romantic disappointments and harsh experiences in her life may be seen in Venus square Saturn/Pluto in Libra in the 1st House.  With Venus exactly conjunct her South Node it is very likely that musical talent developed from past lives, and she showed talent from an early age: “I found out what I’m supposed to do at an early age”.  She has Mars in Virgo, and some of her problems may stem from perfectionism.  She has remarked that motherhood has helped her anxiety:  “My boys don’t care if everything isn’t perfect. They don’t judge me.”  Her Mars (ability to assert herself) is complex: it squares Neptune exactly, sextiles the North Node, and is involved in a Grand Trine in Earth with Venus.  She has a powerful conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, which is tempered by Saturn close by.  Jupiter closely trine closely her Midheaven in Cancer in the 10th House brought success at an early age.  Uranus in the 2nd House of Money has brought fluctuating financial fortunes, certainly in terms of who controls them.

Early Life

As a child star, no one can deny that some of her troubles may have stemmed from that period.  Accounts of her childhood tend to involve her mother’s influence and encouragement, e.g. starting dance lessons at the age of 3, and later being moved to New York to pursue performing opportunities.  Her mother Lynne has the Entrepreneur Archetype in her chart, Jupiter exactly conjunct Uranus.  Britney was aged 11 when she began to work on the Disney Mickey Mouse Club show, and obtained a recording contract with Jive Records at the age of 15, in 1997.

Justin Timberlake

She was already beginning to be known as an artist in her own right, through touring with the group ‘Nsync, and confirmed that she was dating the lead singer Justin Timberlake in 2000.  They were actually well matched in some ways astrologically, with their Venuses exactly conjunct, and his Mercury trine her Jupiter.  But his Venus was exactly square her Pluto, and the relationship lasted only three years.  He revealed they had slept together when she was asserting that she was saving herself, in accordance with her religious beliefs.  Timberlake subsequently released his hit “Cry Me a River” in December 2002.  And since viewing “Framing Britney”, he has apologized to her.


On 12th January 1999 Britney released her first album, “Baby One More Time”, and achieved the fame she had desired.  The album was a best-seller.  Pluto was transiting her Sun at the time: her life was changed, out of all recognition.  The spring of 2000 saw another iconic hit, her second record “Oops!…I did it again”.  Both songs were written by a Swedish songwriter called Max Martin.


Britney has had a string of relationships in her life, and an overnight marriage in January 2004 illustrates an aspect of the Sagittarian character.  She married a childhood friend Jason Allen Alexander on 3rd January and the marriage was annulled on 5th January.  She labelled it as a “joke that went too far.”  Jupiter and Sagittarius are known for taking a joke too far, and at the time Jupiter was trine her natal Chiron in Taurus in 8th House, Uranus was trine her natal Jupiter in Scorpio in 1st House (an Opportunity), Uranus was square her natal Uranus (the Trickster Transit) and Neptune was on her natal Moon in Aquarius in 5th House  (confused emotions).

Knee Injury

On 8th June 2004 she sustained a knee injury, and subsequently put her career on hold.  Her transits at the time included:  Saturn (knees, and delays) sextile her natal Midheaven, and Uranus (accidents) opposite natal Mars in Virgo in 12th House.

Kevin Federline

The next relationship in line was with Kevin Federline, a backing dancer.  They married on 18th September 2004, under mixed transits for Britney.  This relationship was karmic (her South Node was conjunct his natal Mars) and they were destined to bring two children into the world.  Apart from a trine between her Uranus and his Sun, there was quite a lot of tension in their synastry (astrological compatibility).


Britney gave birth to her first boy, Sean, on 14th September 2005, by Caesarean section; and their second boy, Jaden James Federline, was born a year later on 12th September 2006 (note that they were both Virgo, and she has Mars – boys – in Virgo).  Having two children so close together must have been a strain on Britney, and before long she was in meltdown, partly through post-natal depression.  When Britney and Kevin divorced on 30th July 2007, they came to an agreement to share joint custody of their children.


On 16th February 2007, she entered a beauty salon and asked to have her hair shorn.  Her transits at the time were not particularly alarming: Mars was trine her natal Mars, and Neptune was trine her natal Saturn.  A few days later, she booked herself into a rehabilitation centre for alcohol and drug dependency.  She had also recently lost a beloved aunt.

Custody Battles

She lost a custody battle with Kevin Federline in October 2007.  Neptune was square her natal Chiron at the time in Taurus in her 8th House.  The following year, she refused to relinquish custody of her sons on one occasion (while under the influence of a substance), and this was when the court placed her under a conservatorship led by her father.  And so, now, thirteen years later, she is trying to regain control over her life.

She more recently made a statement about that time in her life:  “I think I had to give myself more breaks through my career and take responsibility for my mental health. […] I wrote back then, that I was lost and didn’t know what to do with myself. I was trying to please everyone around me because that’s who I am deep inside. There are moments where I look back and think: ‘What the hell was I thinking?'”


Enter the father, Jamie Spears, in her story (apparently he was largely an absent father until this time)…

Her mother describes Britney’s relationship with her father as “Toxic” (coincidentally the title of one of her successful tracks).  She has Mars exactly square Neptune in her chart, which can sometimes lead her to be a prey to toxicity.  In her synastry with her father, his Neptune (toxins) sits on her Saturn (her control over her life).  He has an exact conjunction in his chart between his Sun and Uranus in the sign of Cancer, which may be read as control over a child.

The control over Britney became more complicated when a relationship with Jason Trawick deepened, and he became a co-conservator with her father, in April 2012.  You can see the Ascendant in Libra at work, and the Neptune square her Mars, in her inability to say “no” to the men in her life.

Fast-forward to 4th January 2019, when her father Jamie had a ruptured colon, and she announced another break in her career.  Mars was transiting her Descendant, the point in the birth chart which indicates close relationships.  She was stressed by this, and in March, she again booked into a psychiatric facility.  But her father was dictating that she should take her medication, and at this point, the #FreeBritney movement was born.  Celebrities have joined the movement (such as Cher and Miley Cyrus), as has the American Civil Liberties Union.

An evaluation of the conservatorship was under way, and in September 2019 Kevin Federline obtained a restraining order against her father after an altercation between Jamie and one of his grandsons.  Britney formally requested that her conservatorship be changed to”reflect her current lifestyle and her stated wishes.”

Sam Asghari

Britney’s current relationship with Sam Asghari stems from March 2017, and he seems supportive enough.  He is a personal trainer.

In April 2019, he made the following statement regarding another of her stints in a mental health clinic:

“It isn’t weakness, It’s a sign of absolute strength, people should only be inspired by this, at least I am”.

They have good astrological chemistry, e.g. Venuses in sextile, and her Mars trine his Neptune (which helps to heal her Mars-Neptune square).

Current Transits

Britney’s response to the film “Framing Britney” was:

“Remember, no matter what we think we know about a person’s life it is nothing compared to the actual person living behind the lens”.

Her transits this week are:

Mars on her Chiron (a wound exposed); Jupiter on her Moon (some emotional uplift), Neptune sextile her Mars (some sensitivity), Pluto on her Venus (relationship soul-searching), Pluto square her natal Pluto (huge changes) and Pluto on her South Node (a time of karmic change).

With other issues to be settled, the next hearing of her case has been scheduled for 17 March.  Let us hope for the best for her future.

“The same quality that made her famous – her  inability to mask her true self – was perhaps also the thing that devoured her.”

~ Leah McLaren, The Observer (today)


Happy Valentine’s Day!  The planets are indeed happy today.  Mars was sextile Neptune in the early hours of this morning.  This can be a soothing influence on Mars types (Ariens), or enlivening on Neptune types (Pisceans).  for the rest of us, it is conducive to refined and spiritual actions, meditations and exercises.  Yoga and Tai Chi are recommended under this influence.

In the evening, another congenial aspect occurs, this time a conjunction: Mars conjunct Jupiter at 13 degrees Aquarius.  This normally favours learning and education, communication and good news, sales and transport, though under present conditions some of these activities are a little subdued in their expression.  Aside from that, there should be plenty of enjoyment and philosophical awareness around.

Wednesday (17th) brings an important heavyweight aspect, Saturn square Uranus, at 7 degrees Aquarius and Taurus respectively.  If you have a planet in those positions or their opposite (7 degrees Leo or Scorpio), you may feel this more than most.  Saturn likes to preserve the age-old order (but is in a sign of progress) and Uranus likes to rock the boat (and is in a sign of entrenchment).  It may be difficult to come to an agreement over an important negotiation.  Climate-wise, it can bring earthquakes.  Whatever your current issues, try to look at the widest perspective you can muster, and if several people are involved, try to look at the issue from all angles.  Whatever the outcome, there is likely to be an element of progress.  The well-known phrase or saying “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs” comes to mind – to which I always reply “But you can try!”

The Sun enters Pisces on Thursday (18th) morning:  Although healing issues will look clearer, the general tone of life will become more soft focus.  We become more introspective and aware of our deeper emotions with the Sun in Pisces.  We also become more aware of the sentience and oneness of all life, especially the plight of the creatures of the ocean and the state of the waters.  This is the last stage of our winter introspection before the coming of the spring, and hopefully some easing of lockdown.

Friday (19th) is more lively, with a square between Venus and Mars, literally the battle of the sexes!  This square loosens the inhibitions, but may result in unwanted or inappropriate overtures.  Cue #MeToo and #FreeBritney.  If you are creative on an artistic or musical vibe, you may introduce a little cheekiness into your work.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – A Happy Valentine’s Day
  • Wednesday – Huge struggles
  • Thursday – Introspection and Emotion
  • Friday – lively and cheeky


Aspects for the week beginning 7 February 2021

Captain Sir Tom Moore (1920 – 2021)

“Tomorrow will be a good day”

“…the doctors and the nurses, they’re all on the front line, and all of us behind, we’ve got to supply them and keep them going with everything that they need, so that they can do their jobs even better than they’re doing now.”

~ Captain Sir Tom Moore

The pandemic which gave us Captain Tom, eventually was responsible for taking away the national treasure which he became.  Captain Sir Tom Moore died on Tuesday last week, 2nd February 2021.  He first came to our attention last April, in the middle of our first lockdown in the U.K.  Wanting to express his gratitude to the N.H.S. for his recent care after a fall, he set upon walking up and down his garden on his walking frame at the tender age of 99.  By the time of his birthday at the end of April, he had raised over £30 million.  It was an eventful year for him, and the nation took him to their hearts.  Many people (including a great number of children) were inspired to raise money through similar exploits, ensuring a positive dimension to our collective experience through this crisis.

Birth Chart

Sir Tom had half his planets (5) in Cardinal signs, which implies leadership.  His Sun sign was in Taurus, the sign of the indomitable spirit.  The Sun exactly squaring Jupiter and the Moon sextile Jupiter showed a character determined to look at life sunny side up.  But at the same time, Sun trine Saturn and sextile Pluto gave him a strong sense of responsibility, and awareness of the realities of life. Leadership may also have been a feature of his past lives, with the Sun on his South Node.  Inspirationally, Jupiter was exactly conjunct Neptune in Leo trine Chiron in Aries, about which I wrote last year:

“… a wonderful feature of his chart is Neptune conjunct exactly with Jupiter (extreme idealism) and together they trine Chiron (the healer and solution to problems).  Chiron exactly trines Neptune and closely trines Jupiter.  That is an amazing planetary line up!”

Mercury conjunct Venus meant that he was good with words – he was also uplifting in his delivery of those words.  Mercury trine Jupiter showed a well-travelled soul with wide interests.

You can see the career in the armed forces, with Chiron, Venus and Mercury in Aries, the sign of Army (through its ruler Mars).  His great hobby motorcycle racing also comes under the sign of Aries, as does the quality of courage.  Mars in Libra loosely trines Uranus, giving him the Engineer Archetype (early in life he took on an apprenticeship in civil engineering).  Great strength is shown by Saturn closely sextile Pluto, and the ability to deal with huge change by Uranus exactly trine Pluto.  He has 6 exact aspects in his chart, which make for a larger than life character.

Life and Career

Sir Tom was born in Keighley, West Yorkshire.  His father was a builder, and his mother a head teacher.  He served in the Burma campaign in the second World War, where he survived Dengue fever.  He became a Captain on 11 October 1944, with his transits at the time showing Saturn sextile his natal Sun (taking on more responsibility), Pluto squaring his natal Sun (deepening his role in the armed services),  the Nodal Axis squaring his Venus (engaging personally with his karma), and Pluto on his natal Jupiter in Leo (intensifying leadership and power).

The Walk

The walk last year started as a family joke.  Initially it was to be a few laps of the garden, the family offered him £1 per lap, then put it online for the NHS.  He had been challenged to do 100 laps by his birthday, but a lot happened in the intervening time.

At the time his walk began, I wrote about his transits:-

“Uranus was trine his natal Saturn; Uranus was sextile his natal Uranus (the power of surprise) and Uranus was sextile his natal Pluto – a big change in his life, suddenly bringing out his power.”  All these Uranian transits were exact.

He performed on a single released of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” with Michael Ball.  I wrote at the time:

“Michael Ball, who has made the most of the opportunity by making a record of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” with Tom taking part, also has the power of Uranus working for him at the moment, with Uranus exactly sextile his natal Sun.  Do they have a link, karmic or otherwise?  Yes, Tom’s Uranus trines Michael’s Sun exactly, Tom’s Mars sextiles Michael’s Uranus (they galvanize each other), and Tom’s Pluto is exactly conjunct Michael’s Sun (Tom makes a profound impact on Michael’s life and psyche).”

The single literally broke records!  It became the “biggest trending song”, and he became the oldest person to reach the number one slot in the U.K. music charts.  Uranus was sextile his natal Pluto at the time, making him a powerful force for change.  He also holds a Guinness record for the highest amount raised for an individual walk.

On his birthday he received 150,000 cards, the single was still number 1 in the charts, and the Queen arranged an RAF fly-past.  As well as the long transit of Uranus sextile natal Pluto, he had a Mercury Return on his birthday – the mental clarity to enjoy the proceedings!

Soon after, at the beginning of May, he received the coveted and rare honour of a gold Blue Peter badge!

But the highlight for him apparently was being knighted by the Queen on 17th July last year, at Windsor Castle.  It was the Queen’s first official engagement after lockdown (he was worth coming out for!), and he was the only person being knighted that day.  His lips were sealed as to the conversation that took place on the occasion.  The transits came out suitably for him: Jupiter squared his natal Venus in Aries (a social honour) and Uranus transiting his natal Sun in Taurus (a wonderful surprise in his life).  She has said she enjoyed meeting him.

Impact of his Fundraising

Other huge funds were raised through the inspiration he generated, including from children with cerebral palsy and spina bifida.  The money raised were spent among other things on well-being packs for N.H.S. staff, devices for patients in intensive care to communicate with loved ones (his daughter and family themselves had to use a video call with him in his last hours), and community after care for patients.


In all the interviews with Captain Tom, we got to see the warmth of his immediate family circle (as well as that famous and well worn garden path!).  His wife suffered from dementia, and she died in 2006.  Subsequently he has lived with one of his daughters, Hannah in Bedfordshire.  He has four grandchildren.

The family took a holiday in Barbados in December 2020, where it is thought he may have contracted covid.  He died of pneumonia, a condition which caused him to be ineligible for the vaccination.  In his autobiography he tells how a promise from his grandmother to look after him when he went to war made him think that she probably did so, and that gave him an open-minded sense of curiosity about what happens in the afterlife.  The transits at his transition showed Jupiter prominent (Jupiter square his natal Sun), as well as Uranus still sextile his natal Pluto; in the elderly this can often mean release and liberation, but I feel that for Tom,  it is the start of a new adventure.

There will never be anyone quite like Captain Sir Tom Moore, but he will continue to inspire wannabes.

“Even to give someone a little smile can brighten their day and the smile you get back will brighten yours.”

“Never give up.  Try to build resilience through optimism.”

~ from his Autobiography, 2020


A highly strung square between Venus and Uranus took place at 3.33 a.m. today, so your dreams may have been vivid and involved bizarre socializing.  Alternatively, you might have been socializing yesterday evening or early this morning!  It is not an easy day for meetings.  The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead.  Relationships can be disrupted.

Tomorrow (Monday 8th) is sparkling in terms of consciousness.  This week and this month are dominated by planets in Aquarius, in a line up not seen since February 1962.  Any babies born this month will have a very futuristic outlook. At lunchtime tomorrow the Sun conjoins Mercury at 20 degrees Aquarius.  As Mercury is currently retrograde, it is a replay of the aspect which occurred on 20th December 2020.  It is a good day to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  make important statements, and look to the future.

On Tuesday (9th) we have a useful stabilizing and healing aspect in the shape of Saturn sextile Chiron.  It is important to take stock right now, as we are in the midst of the winds of change brought to us by Aquarius and Uranus, so we need to evaluate what we need to keep, rather than throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  This aspect enables us to think in a balanced way about our needs and our healing, and our plans for the future.

Helpful karma arrives on Wednesday morning (10th) too, with Mercury trine the North Node.  This ensures that information and communication are accurate and karmically relevant.  If you have something important to say, do so as early in the day as possible.

The energy around communication may deteriorate just after Noon (in the U.K.) however, as Mars squares Mercury.  You may recall this replay from January, as it can bring irritations, wars of words, and minor cuts and bruises.  So, proceed with more caution in the afternoon.  If you are sufficiently centred, you may be quite productive, producing brisk work.

The brightest day of the week is Thursday (11th), for two reasons.  The first is one of the year’s highlights, Venus conjunct Jupiter, at 12 degrees Aquarius this year.  It is an aspect of celebration, social pleasure, and romance.  There may be announcements of engagements, for example.  Look out for some good news, and crack your best jokes.

This precedes a New Moon at 23 degrees Aquarius in the evening.  If you have natal planets in Aquarius, you may find they are stimulated at some point or points this month.  You may especially respond to this very special New Moon, when the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are promoting the Aquarian agenda, with the asteroid Pallas Athena also in Aquarius.  This is a significant push towards the values of the Age of Aquarius, the brother/sisterhood of man, an age working towards freedom and equality.  The New Moon is traditionally a time to focus on your wishes and intentions for a new beginning, and this one projects farther into the future than most.  Joe Biden may be setting out his stall on dealing with the pandemic, on poverty and climate change.  In the U.K. we may be presented with more hope for the elimination of the coronavirus.  It is time to imagine a better world, a time when we have overcome current obstacles and problems, the outlook having been so bleak in the last year.

Mercury conjoins Venus at 14 degrees Aquarius on Saturday (13th) which is a splendid literary and cultural aspect.  It is also a good day for negotiation (take note politicians and diplomats).  Your communications will have an artistic flair, so it’s a good time to get creative.   Captain Tom had Mercury conjunct Venus (good with words), so let us echo his catch phrase…”Tomorrow will be a good day!”

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – strange relationships and conversations
  • Tomorrow – sparkling consciousness
  • Tuesday – stabilizing and healing
  • Wednesday – helpful information karma; then irritation and incident-proneness
  • Thursday – a welcome brightness; warmth of heart and new beginnings; futurism
  • Saturday – good with words; companionable


Aspects for the week beginning 31st January 2021


“Of all the things to be
I choose the kindness
And if you gave some to me

I think we’d find ourselves here dancing in the street
Everyone we meet would smile a little daydream
It could be amazing
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everybody gave a little love?”

~ Celeste, from the John Lewis Christmas advert 2020

Another youngster this week:  Singer and songwriter Celeste issued her first album on Friday (29th January), entitled “Not your Muse”, on the Polydor label.  She won the Rising Star Award at the Brit Awards on 6th December 2019.  The first time I heard her voice, I thought: “Where does that come from?” I still wonder that.

Birth Chart

Sun conjunct Mercury in Taurus straightaway places her as a singer-songwriter.  One of her foremost musical influences was Taurean: Ella Fitzgerald, whose Sun was exactly conjunct Venus in Taurus.  Her Mercury trines Uranus/Neptune, giving her a bright mental awareness and receptivity to inspiration.  Mercury in Taurus is also on her South Node, suggesting past lives as a singer and communicator.  Her Moon is in poetic Pisces.  She has Venus exactly square Saturn, and another of her musical influences has this aspect: Aretha Franklin.  Venus square Saturn can give a touch of melancholy, but also may give an element of voice control.  She has the complex Uranus/Neptune of those born in her year (1994). All three of her outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) aspect her North Node (karmic mission), so she may be destined to enter the collective consciousness with her talent.

Life and Career

Celeste was born Celeste Epiphany Waite (what an uplifting middle name!) in California, to an English mother (a make-up artist) and Jamaican father.  Her parents separated, and by the age of three she had moved to England with her mother.  Her father died when she was 16, and she wrote a song (“Sirens”) in tribute to him.  At sixth form, she studied Music Technology.  In 2016 she released her first single “Daydreaming”, a song which really showcases her voice.  She moved to London in 2017, and was signed with Polydor in 2018.

As mentioned, Aretha Franklin and Ella Fitzgerald were early influences: “I’d almost be pitting myself against these singers from a different era to see if I could do some of the things they could do.”  Her voice has been compared to that of Amy Winehouse and Billie Holiday.

When it was announced that she had won the Rising Star award, her transits included a favourable trio of trines composed of Mars trine her Saturn in Pisces, Uranus trine her Chiron in Virgo and Pluto trine her natal Mercury in Taurus.  She was all set for a sparkling 2020, but the coronavirus pandemic put paid to her plans for touring Europe.  Saturn and Pluto were transiting her natal Neptune/Uranus conjunction in Capricorn, but also sextile her natal North Node/Pluto conjunction in Scorpio (the latter conjunction possibly signifying a karmic mission as Soul Singer).

Meanwhile, she was also making a name for herself in fashion and style, appearing on the front cover of the Sunday Times Style magazine as “fashion’s new front-row star”, another province of her ruling planet Taurus.

Collaboration with John Lewis

John Lewis had hitherto relied for its Christmas advert on established records and covers, but for its 2020 campaign Celeste was commissioned to write and sing the accompaniment to their advertisement.  Her voice was amazing on this song, and the words of “A Little Love” might have been twee for the regular audience, but were perfect for the Christmas spirit:

Nothing better in this world to get than happiness
If I give this gift to you
Wouldn’t everybody get a little love?”

This song was launched on 12th November 2020, with a transit of Jupiter to her natal Neptune (reminiscent of her middle name, Epiphany).


She is currently seeing poet Sonny Hall (how romantic).  He is four years younger than her, but himself an interesting young man. “Being with someone who’s an artist in their own right has led me further down a path of intrigue, towards the relationship between artist and muse”, she has said.  Sonny Hall issued his first volume of poetry in September 2019, and also models for Kate Moss’ agency.  He has Sun exactly conjunct Mercury in Gemini, which makes him the wordsmith type of poet (as distinct from the dreamy Piscean type of poet).  His synastry with Celeste includes a dynamic sextile between his Jupiter and her Uranus, which suggests they could be successful in collaborative work.


Celeste is an intriguing singer, a performer on her own terms, bound for a beautiful future.  There are some duets on YouTube well worth watching, between Celeste and other artists. One is a performance of  “You Do Something To Me”, with Paul Weller.

A must-watch is her performance on the New Year Hootenanny with Tom Jones, singing “Blue Moon”:

Here is a link:



Mars squares the Sun tomorrow (Monday 1st February).  This is a hot-headed aspect which can result in minor cuts and bruises through slapdash inattention.  Aggro, irritation and conflict are all possible under this aspect, so set out to have a peaceful day starting with a spot of your best meditational efforts.  Then radiate that calm to all who cross your path, while self-distancing.  You might find people sounding off, in anger, about things that are going on in the world.  If so, some advance preparation may assist in defusing agitation.  The energy, fire and enthusiasm which the Sun with Mars generates can be positively harnessed if you are especially mindful.

Venus enters Aquarius late lunchtime, which may help to cool the vibe.  You may experience a slightly friendlier mood at that time, a shift in energy.  Venus will be in Aquarius until 25th February, so for most of the month the general tone will be more affable.  You will feel more connected to people, but not in a clingy way, more in the mode of a higher evolutionary consciousness.

Fast forward to Saturday (6th) – Tuesday to Friday you are aspect-free and fancy – and the morning brings a conjunction of Venus and Saturn.  The day may start with a sobering reflection about relationship or money.  Feel your feelings (e.g. the nostalgia, or injustice), or deal with them philosophically, and let them go if you can.  The care of the elderly may be a particular preoccupation.  The optimum condition for this conjunction would be loyalty and commitment, and perhaps some songwriting incorporating a touch of melancholy.

Saturday also holds its treasures…The first is Venus sextile Chiron, which again would be suitable for healing through songwriting.  There’s a hint that relationships can be rescued, too.  It is a good day to combine the Arts with Healing, such as creativity which involves and brings about healing.

The second bonus is the North Node trine the Sun:  this can help your actions and creations to fall in line with, and be in sync with, your own karma and the collective karma.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – hot, then cool
  • Saturday – sadness, healing, then karmic reward