Aspects for the week beginning 16 September 2007
A sea of squares and oppositions this week for us, and a couple of positive aspects to keep us afloat. Take a deep breath (I’m talking to myself here) and assess the healing benefits of last week and how you came to them, presuming you were not too stung by the eclipse. Those healing benefits are still there, as some ephemerides will still show a sextile between Jupiter and Chiron. That vibe is still capable of acting as the wind beneath your wings today. The first square is tomorrow, though you may already be experiencing some hot-headedness in you or those around you as we come up to this skirmish of Sun square Mars. But hard on its heels is the soothing balm of a sextile between Mercury and Venus, the gentle parent looking on at the fighting toddlers exhorting that they kiss and make up. The assistance of Mercury-Venus will be one of the floats this week, so you may find that fine words can mend situations, and words carefully chosen can be mighter and ring longer in the memory than the arguments. Linger along to Wednesday (19th) and the other serendipitous aspect to get you through comes with Mercury’s trine to Neptune. Whatever flights of fancy your mind takes you on could be illusion, but then again they could be real – “how amazing would that be?” is a question you can ask yourself. Dream the impossible dream. That combo of Mercury-Venus-Neptune forming the core of the week can produce a poem, a symphony or a mandala, whose spiritual benefits are tangible. Back to reality very rapidly for the same day holds a square between the Sun and Pluto, and it is difficult but not impossible to hold the vision and see how to put it into practical action. It seems like things fall apart and the centre cannot hold, but actually if you just refold the origami – voila you have part of the original plan and you wonder why you couldn’t see it all along. Everything is flowing along the right lines, it just needed a little restructuring. And at the end of it you could be closer to your vision. On Friday (21st) however, you could feel torn apart by the old and the new order (but still hold fast to your cosmic vision) with two oppositions: the first to arrive is Mars opposite Pluto so keep your wits about you as you can come across a plague of undercurrents from the collective unconscious in the shape of awkward customers, angry drivers and stormy weather. Pack your umbrella and deal with the awkward customers as humanely as possible, then give yourself some tender loving care in the evening for Venus opposes Neptune and the vision may vapourise, leaving only its spirit or essence (be grateful for that). Friday night, really, is only suitable for cranio-sacral massage in the hands of your most trusted therapist, so book an appointment now. If you are taking part in or hosting one of those whacky New-Agey workshoppy event-type things, beware. Next week’s blog by the way is billed to come from the Mandala Workshop in sleepy Snailwell…