Aspects for the week beginning 15 July 2007
The week begins and ends with a Mars aspect, so it’s Mars week. Time to dust down your Inner Warrior costume if it doesn’t get out much, and see if it needs pressing, mending or embroidering. Monday’s square between Mars and Chiron recommends we do that, because if we are not conscious of how we are using our Mars energy we can cause havoc. So tomorrow (16th) could bring a healing crisis, triggering the need for such a review. Why not get in ahead, and start now. Sit on your deckchair on the beach (wearing your rainhat), reading “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman. I must confess I have never read it, but love the title and quote it often. Now you’ll need the Eco-Warrior within for Tuesday (17th), in order to join in the Fire the Grid attempt to heal the damage we have caused to the Earth. I am assuming you will do it, because why wouldn’t you? In case you have spent the last week on another planet, read Shelley Yates’ account on the web of her miraculous escape from drowning and her son’s miraculous revival, reasons enough. I will be on Parker’s Piece in Cambridge, wearing my carnation and waving my banner, and then healing for all I’m worth at 11:11 GMT, that’s 12:11 Cambridge-time. Mars is in Taurus right now, so that helps to channel energy into the earth. The Moon will be conjunct Venus at that time, so there may be a gentle shift to reverse the tide of thoughtlessness. Wednesday would be a good day to conduct a further re-evaluation of your Inner Warrior. How was Tuesday for you? What have you learned about your Mars energy so far this week, how can you refine it, and what might you need to change to get the best out of Friday’s (20th) Mars sextile Uranus? There’s an aura of excitement about this aspect, and an electrical energy in the air (thunderstorms often occur when Mars connects with Uranus). Things to do: Celebrate life; Plan a surprise for someone; Go out of your comfort zone; Conduct a telepathy experiment; Feel the fear and do it anyway (another book I haven’t read but like the title of). Friday night is not a night for couch potatoes.