Aspects for the week beginning 22 March 2009
Hopefully if you experienced a blip in your long-term plans last week, you are back on track now, having learned what you need to know in relation to the coming triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron at the end of May. Though I have mentioned its pitfalls, from feedback this week, it seems I may not have stressed enough that it is an opportunity to move forward. Anyway, do enough to keep things ticking over on the bigger plans this week, because the week holds its own challenges and distractions which may demand more attention. This morning a sparky conjunction of Mercury and Uranus brings an unusual twist to communications, a different way of seeing things. This will be welcome to some, too radical for others. It’s a day when you may not be able to hold back your truth! Verbal banter could proceed at a lightning pace, and then ascend into telepathy. Whether you are taking part or merely viewing, it should be a fascinating process. Just remember there is karma of thought, let alone speech, because you don’t need to carry over repercussions to Monday. Monday (23rd) has its own drama of Sun square Pluto, and if you do manage to keep a calm hand over your own life, there is always the news to watch, listen to or read about – more than likely broadcasting the negative or sensational aspects of life. I hear so many people say they have stopped buying newspapers or watching the news, yet they always know the current affairs. It always reaches them somehow. The question for Monday is: what drama in your life are you creating and why, and do you need it? If you are a Drama Queen, is it time to change to a different Archetype? Perhaps pick a new card from your deck of “Ask your Archetype Ascension Angel Healing Cards” which you purchased two years ago, opened at the time, then put away. If after the radical aspects early in the week, you are still struggling for a new perspective, Wednesday’s (25th) holds the hope of a fresh outlook as Mercury moves into Aries. The Sun’s entry into Aries last Friday certainly felt fresh and lovely here in the UK where we did have sunshine, though the temperature was quite brisk. Mercury’s entry into Aries emphasizes that mentally we can make a new start, and perhaps leave behind some of the Piscean emotions that were colouring our mental outlook over the last fortnight or so of its short stay in Pisces. If you were suffering from seasonal affective disorder, you may be able to throw it off now, and in the words of Will Young “Let it Go”. In the ups and downs of this week (now beginning to resemble a snakes and ladders board) Thursday affords us an opportunity for another rise in optimism and another fresh start, with the New Moon in Aries. New Moon in Aries is the New Moon of New Moons, the world-is-your-oyster of New Moons. With the trio of Sun/Mercury/Venus all now in Aries as well as the Moon, it is an opportunity to really leave behind the concerns of the winter season. Or is it? Mars (ruler of Aries) is still hanging on in Pisces, so some angst may still be lingering in the smaller picture. Don’t forget that the bigger picture is dominated by the triple conjunction…It’s still there, willing us to improve things. Still on the bigger picture, we are still in the midst of dealing with Plutonian angst (which is bigger than Martian angst), and are reminded of that on Friday with Mercury square to Pluto – part of the up and down theme of the week. By the way don’t forget to enjoy the highs, even though you know the lows are not so far behind (they may even be simultaneous). Mercury’s square to Pluto is about recognizing on a mental level the realities which were pointed out to you on Monday by Pluto’s square to the Sun. You may find yourself for instance dealing with paperwork you would rather be avoiding. Deal with it, and you’ll be free to bask in the evening’s conjunction of Sun and Venus. Pour yourself a nice sparkling mineral water for your efforts at equilibrium this week, and swing gently on your hammock. I like a happy ending.