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Barack Obama and Gordon Brown – An Astrological Hope

The approach that Barack Obama outlined to the world’s problems could be adopted by our own Gordon Brown, here in the U.K.  That could come about if Gordon were to raise his game in alignment with the principles expressed by the new U.S. President in his inauguration speech: “On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”

This inauguration and new era seems like the answer to prayers that a new breed of politicians could emerge who are responding to energies from the spiritual realms, and to the needs of humanity and the planet.

If other politicians were to align themselves and support Obama, it would not only be a new America, but a new world.

Can Gordon surrender to a higher way of working?  He is Piscean (a sign capable of surrender to spiritual influence), and his Moon (subconscious tendency) is exactly conjunct with Obama’s Sun (conscious use of power).  It is a conjunction that successful marriages are made of.  They have Mars exactly opposed to each other, which on a personality level would mean a clash of wills, but on a higher evolutionary path can transform to a blending of will to a higher purpose.

Will Gordon take this opportunity?  There are signs that he may be thinking along those lines.  The inauguration chart shows Sun and Mercury trine with his natal Saturn, which may be highlighting an opportunity to re-think some of his resistance to the new.  But more significantly, Uranus (architect of change, and Obama’s Ascendant ruler) was exactly conjunct Gordon Brown’s North Node (karmic mission, soul contract), making him ripe for change, and for the recognition that a new way of giving service is open to him.  Its position in his 12th House reinforces the karmic nature of this choice.

Let us hope that Gordon, and other world leaders, can help raise the level of political consciousness and practice.

Aspects for the week beginning 18 January 2009

Several aspects vie for attention this week, so I won’t dwell on the spectacular stories which are coming to me of breakthroughs currently happening to people with planets in early Aquarius, nor the dissatisfied Aquarians beating a path to my Customer Service Desk asking why they haven’t had their breakthrough yet.  Even non-Aquarians have been claiming a share of the cake, regardless of whether they have any planets in Aquarius at all, never mind the early degrees.  And they may well get a share, but I have noticed that those who have succeeded, have given up and released something which may not have been in their best interests, in order to create space and free up resources and psychic energy for something new to come in.  Jupiter in Aquarius is a lot about liberation.  Tonight’s conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter at 3 degrees Aquarius is a shining light of consciousness being beamed in one area of your life.  Take note that some helpful information may come to you today, either from an exterior or interior source.  Moving swiftly on, the Sun enters Aquarius tomorrow (Monday 19th): More light on Aquarius and Aquarians.  If you notice any Aquarians having spectacular breakthroughs at the moment, particularly those born between 20th and 24th January, try to work out the secrets of their success, or better still ask them outright what they did.  They are very quick at picking up messages from the Universe and acting on them.  But seize the moment, because they move at lightning speed and don’t hang around.  Listen intently too, for they may speak quickly, in alien tongues, or even expect you to decode their message telepathically.  On Tuesday (20th) the Sun conjoins Mercury, meeting up at 0 degrees Aquarius from opposite directions.   This is a good influence for clearing the mind of clutter, and streamlining your thinking.  Almost forgot to mention that Obama is getting inaugurated that day – Sun conjunct Mercury at the beginning of Aquarius favours a new focus, and fine words to match!  Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn on Wednesday (21st) and unfinished business comes under the microscope and can be researched.  This Mercury retrograde period encourages us to look at where our communication or thinking is foggy, and sometimes offers us another chance to revise earlier work and re-work old ground.  Thursday (22nd) brings a sextile between Mars and Uranus, a dynamic new broom sweeping clean, or rather a state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner.  Excitement and anticipation are in the air, and If you are re-vamping areas of your life hoping to cash in on the bounty of Jupiter in Aquarius, now is the time to do so.  Clear your clutter, as much as it takes to clear toxins and debris, but also be aware of where you are putting those toxins and debris in the environment – recycling rules as much as ever.  Remember, the underlying reality that Pluto is in Capricorn… By the early hours of Friday morning (23rd) in UK time Venus conjuncts Uranus at 20 degrees Pisces, so you will feel a sense of aesthetic satisfaction about your efforts the night before, and socially there could be some interesting interaction (partying through the night, or bleary-eyed over the breakfast table).  The bonanza day in terms of aspects is Saturday (24th), with no less than 4 aspects occurring early morning (or during the night in the U.S.).  First a conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter at 4 degrees Aquarius ~ everyone gets to taste a slice of the Jupiter in Aquarius cake, as promised.  Then Mars trines Saturn, offering the opportunity to put practical plans into action.  Venus then opposes Saturn, bringing nostalgia and even a hint of regret into the mix, and the finishing touch is a sparkly bubbly champagne of Venus sextile Mars.  A twinkle in the eye, bravely blinking back the tears of the Venus opposite Saturn aspect, but gratefully scooping up the awards of the other three aspects.  Question is: Are you going to rehearse your acceptance speech, or will you be spontaneous?

Aspects for the week beginning 11 January 2009

This week all the action is almost over before it begins, which will suit those who favour stillness…The Full Moon in Cancer happened in the early hours of this morning.  The Cancerian Full Moon is one of the most emotional and fullest of emotional experiences throughout the year, and the last few days have seen emotional tension on the rise.  Today you may be wondering “what was it all about?” but feeling relieved and released.  Much of the emotion may have been about family dynamics, or centred around the plight of children around the world, who are caught up in family rivalries or international tensions.  Re-winding the aspects to the beginning of last week, how was the start of Jupiter in Aquarius for you?  I noticed a pattern of focus on relationships which needed freeing, and children (perhaps Crystal children?) who were displaying astonishing powers of telepathy.  Back to today: Mercury goes retrograde this afternoon (in the UK) and it can spell communication mayhem between now and the beginning of February.  There is nothing you can do about large communication networks (except to send them light and healing) but you can get clear on your own personal communications, providing your mobile phone and email are working.  If you can’t see your own communication miasms clearly, then have a dispassionate look at the dynamics between other people which will show you what goes on.  You may then be able to apply the wisdom to your own dilemmas.  Mercury retrograde can cause havoc yes, but it can also give us a chance to look honestly and clearly at what we bring to our communications (e.g. assumptions, and jumping to conclusions).  Don’t abdicate responsibility for your communications under the mantra of “Mercury retrograde”.  At tea-time the winter Sun trines Saturn, which is a wry smile peeking through the clouds.  It is the Light saying “my rays are still here if you care to look”.  There is strength and support to be found in this aspect, but also realism.  It is a chance to take stock, and look at the balance and stability in your affairs.  And with these three astrological features today, you have the basis for the week: emotional release, communication awareness and reality check.  In the absence of other major aspects, there are a couple of semi-sextiles knocking around this week which otherwise might not have got a mention: Jupiter semi-sextiles Pluto, so power-struggles can be going on in one corner, and Chiron semi-sextiles Uranus in another corner bringing quirky health crises.  The first semi-sextile highlights the establishing of the tone for the New Order as Jupiter and Pluto have both recently changed signs and link up to co-ordinate their purposes and stake out their contrasts.  The second highlights the re-wiring of the nervous system for the changes which need to come in (especially under the Saturn-Uranus opposition which links in), adding to the complications of retrograde Mercury.  Toddlers may babble as they re-tune their language, and the elderly may also find it a strain to concentrate.  Calm spaces are needed for their re-adjustments, so meditators of the world unite!

Aspects for the week beginning 4 January 2009

In a week which sees the ingress of Jupiter to Aquarius (see accompanying blog), you may not necessarily see results straight away, but you may feel the wind beneath your wings.  Jupiter and Sagittarians (such as myself) have a tendency to promise more than they deliver, but hope is not to be sniffed at these days.  Today holds a profound opportunity to sense what is important and needed in your life, and what has value.  This comes from a sextile between Venus and Pluto.  If you are a practictioner of the Arts, you can approach this understanding though art, music, nature or even through the study of the relation between materiality and spirituality.  By whatever route, your conclusions should be meaningful and worthwhile.  It’s the time of year where your new diary can hold the promise of the new year, and you can get excited about your new diary.  If you’re like me though, you’ll have several different new diaries, one for each aspect of your aspirations for the year: a psychologies diary and a philosophy diary, a vision diary and a sound diary, a diary for the earth and another diary for the sky.  And if the new crop of New Age books emerging are to go by, I will need one for Orbs and one for Unicorns…then there is the need to transcribe your diaries on to computer files, so you need more than 24 hours a day and possibly a Life Coach to help you manage.  But tomorrow (Monday 5th) is a good day for a new start, re-affirming your new year’s resolutions in your new diary.  For Jupiter enters Aquarius and brings a new sense of hope, and indeed magic.  As I say, don’t expect immediate results, but re-affirm your hopes, wishes, resolutions and affirmations daily (in your new diary/diaries) until they build into new certainties and confidence that you can negotiate the rigours of 2009 as presented in the media.    Certainly keep up your daily practice until Friday, establishing the foundations of your new Jupiter in Aquarius reality and experience.  Then Friday (9th) brings another opportunity for helpful Aquarian uplift.  Uranus, ruling planet of Aquarius, sextiles the Sun, as if reinforcing the message that the positive qualities of Aquarius (humanitarianism, group effort, the cultivation of the individuality of Soul qualities, futuristic thought and vision, the greater good of all) are in the process of emerging and able to transform society.  There has been much agonizing recently about the breaking down of society, and how it can be restored to civilized levels, and Friday is a good day to discuss how enlightened society can be acheived and to begin humane projects.  In your own personal life, it is a good day to look at your life purpose and its relation to the grand scheme of things.  So now I will end the look at the coming week, and risk being a caricature, by unapologetically grabbing an air microphone and singing (again): “When the Moon is in the 7th House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars – this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…” bearing in mind that Jupiter will conjunct Mars this year (next month).  Spooky…

Jupiter in Aquarius – The Lighter Side of 2009

The heavy economic and social outlook predicted for the coming year is in line with the ongoing Saturn-Uranus opposition and Pluto’s recent entry and long-term stay in Capricorn.  We can all see where things are going on a material level.  But life is about the interplay of the material and the spiritual, and Jupiter’s entry into Aquarius on Monday will go some way to offsetting the material problems by bringing a resurgence of the human spirit and understanding.  Last year we saw the triple conjunction (Aquarius Convergence) of North Node, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius, and Jupiter struggled for expression in Capricorn.  This year we see the next phase of the Aquarius Convergence, with Jupiter travelling through the more liberating sign of Aquarius and touching the North Node (karmic reward), Chiron (miraculous healing) and Neptune (spiritual renaissance) as it does so.  How aspects play out depends on a personal level on factors like consciousness and experience.  On a collective level correspondingly, collective consciousness.  The undeniable challenge of Saturn opposite Uranus this year is to be open to changes that the dismantling of outworn structures will bring.  But what I am seeing is that more and more people are finding their intuition, higher selves and divine guidance and trusting that they will receive guidance as to how they can alleviate and deal with matters which should arise in the future, and what new structures to build with the new energies.  Jupiter in Aquarius brings about a counterforce of light, a wave of people waking up to who they truly are and assisting a rise in overall consciousness which hopefully might make a difference.  If you are planning your year ahead, it may be helpful to know that Jupiter conjoins the North Node in February, bringing results for people’s efforts at spiritual growth and planetary initiatives.  Then in May/June/July Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune are conjunct which could bring very unusual circumstances, both in personal and planetary life, a potent concoction of planets which can bring forth alchemical changes.  With planets retrograding and then re-meeting, more conjunctions occur in December between Chiron and Neptune, and Jupiter and Neptune, so more chances to reap the benefits of these combinations.  If you have planets in Aquarius in your natal chart, they will be lit up by Jupiter this year, but even if you haven’t everyone will receive a helping hand from the Universe in some area of their life depending on where Jupiter is travelling in the natal chart.  If you know your Ascendant, the following signatures may help you see where the support is for you this year: Ascendant in Aquarius – in your personal growth and humanitarian projects.  Ascendant in Pisces – in your understanding of the inner world you inhabit, and bringing forth the treasures of your higher or deeper levels of self.  Ascendant in Aries – in friendship, in understanding of the roles you play with others, and in group efforts and leadership.  Ascendant in Taurus – you can plan ahead confidently in your career for this coming year, and make joyful life choices.  Ascendant in Gemini – in your understanding of life, philosophy and acting as a bridge between religions.  Ascendant in Cancer – in resourcefulness of the spirit and in application to the material and practical.  Ascendant in Leo – a blossoming of your personal relations, and reaching out to the world from the heart.  Ascendant in Virgo – in health, healing and community projects, or in Buddhist terms the dharma and the sangha.  Ascendant in Libra – in allowing your creativity, joy and imagination to come forth and in expressing your life more vividly.  Ascendant in Scorpio – in fostering the home and hearth, perhaps establishing your home as a centre of light, and in honouring the legacy of the ancestors.  Ascendant in Sagittarius – in a renaissance of your verbal or written expression, a flowering of communication and in acting as a link between people through travel.  Ascendant in Capricorn – in your inner and outer richness and understanding of the relationship between materiality and spirituality.  In wishing you all a Happy New Year, I would say try to understand the need for changes that appear in your life, and be heartened by the spiritual support which is available.  And Aquarius, this is your year!

Aspects for the week beginning 28 December 2008

Pow!  Today’s aspect of Mars conjunct Pluto starts the week with impact.  You won’t forget this day, or this week in a hurry.  It’s a week of change, seeing migrations of planets, and the limelight leaving Capricorn and re-focussing on Aquarius, as a prelude to Jupiter’s entry into that sign next week and next year.  There can be a burst of energy today, best applied to your own needs, well-being, internal dynamics and projects.  When in interrelationship, this can become a collision course.  You may be standing back from a potentially explosive situation involving others.  Be in charge of your own anger and emotions, if so.  Yesterday’s New Moon may have been revelatory and released information and emotions which need to be dealt with or transformed in some way.  The Moon enters Aquarius tomorrow (Monday 29th) which gives a trailer of what is to come this week and this year in terms of an Aquarian harvest or clean-up.  It gets you into the Aquarian mood, and sets you thinking about the future in a more positive way, giving you a vision beyond the current reality.  New Year’s Eve (Wednesday 31st) has an upbeat conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter, while Saturn is taking a retrograde step.  You may take one step forward and one step back, leaving you entirely in the Now on your board game.  Mercury conjunct Jupiter may bring good news, widening visitas (such as a pile of travel brochures), philosophical insights, and help in understanding something you might have felt was beyond you (the right teacher may turn up at the right time).  On the other hand, Saturn Stationary and turning back, may force you to look back over the year to evaluate the reasons for the current state of play.  Don’t start your new diary until you have digested the lessons of the old, or at least started the digestive process.  Mercury the Messenger enters Aquairus on New Year’s Day (Thursday 1st January), with a new message and a new vocabulary, proclaiming the Year of Aquarius.  For Jupiter enters Aquarius on Sunday, which is just out of my brief for this week, but is definitely felt in the air this week.  It would be a good day for an upcoming politician to make a memorable speech, or on a more mundane level for you to catch up with letter-writing and contact those who might have fallen through the cracks of the seasonal communication grid, and to offer more than platitudes.  It would be a good day for a blogger to write a blog on, say, Jupiter entering Aquarius, if she (I) have time and am not doing too much travelling.  I will put a note in my diary to that effect.  Another change arrives on Saturday (3rd January) with Venus leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces.  Aquarians will miss the affection of Venus, but can look forward to receiving the bounty of Jupiter (fair exchange?).  Meanwhile, Piscean hearts are warmed and love takes an idealistic, courtly turn.  Put on the madrigal CD…

Aspects for the week beginning 21 December 2008

Happy Winter Solstice!  And good luck to those rehearsing Christmas Pantomimes.  The event of today is the Sun’s entry into Capricorn, which happens lunchtime in the UK, early morning in the US.  Many of us are feeling drained (I have lost count of how many people complained of tiredness this week at the Customer Service desk), sleep-deprived and light-deprived, and today marks the point of reorientation to Light.  Some of us may be disorientated by the reorientation initially, and others are ready for this reverse process.  Still others are ready or not ready for Christmas, and last minute re-scheduling, negotiations and present-swapping are still in process.  And it happens every year, but this is the first year the Sun has entered Capricorn since Pluto arrived in that sign, so there is a more serious, parsimonious and thoughtful note this year.  Which is why the scriptwriters and the chorus line of the Panto will have to work harder to ignite the winter cheer.  Make an effort to provide that lightheartedness and humour though, as it provides a space where healing and miracles can more easily flourish.  The Sun reaches Pluto tomorrow (Monday 22nd), and the full significance may begin to dawn on us of Pluto’s presence in Capricorn.  A tone will definitely be set.  I shall be handing out chocolate pigs on the train, in honour of the family of pigs whose life cycles we have followed this year.  You may want to mark it in a different way, but it is a good time to set your intention, and be aware of your true intentions.  Wednesday 24th (Christmas Eve already) brings a helpful sextile between Mercury and Uranus, making Christmas travel intuitive and snappy, and providing a vibrant start to the festivities.  Christmas day itself has no aspects, not even a teeny minor one, as the planets are having a day off from making aspects even with the Moon.  A quiet Christmas can be had by those who choose it, or find themselves in silent retreat.  They may access the spirit of Christmas even more readily than those playing charades and pulling Christmas crackers.  Some choose their Christmasses, and some are swept along by the tribe vibe, but remember intention and lightheartedness are useful whatever the situation.  Boxing Day (Friday 26th) brings a sober but constructive trine between Mercury and Saturn.  Any excess on Christmas Day will bring the desire to recycle the leftovers efficiently: everything can go into a risotto, followed by an Eton mess.  Unless you are having a raw vegan Christmas, in which case consult the website of the Fresh Network http://www.fresh-network.com for ideas.  It is also a good day for planning, so if you are ahead of the game you can plan next year.  Saturday (27th) is the most astrologically active day, and may coincide with the first performance of your Panto.  It will be a first in some way, as a New Moon in Capricorn takes place.  Early in the morning (UK time) Mars enters Capricorn, giving impetus to any planning that you have been doing since Christmas Day.  Just after Noon, the New Moon arrives.  Make a wish for the year ahead, and hope that Barack’s new initiatives on climate change will bring about real change.  And only 7 minutes later, Venus conjuncts Neptune, an aspect of inspiration.  In the Panto, the good fairy waves the magic wand: there is a moment of seeing the world as it could be.

Aspects for the week beginning 14 December 2008

I came out of a 3-day spiritual retreat last night to watch the final of X-Factor (UK) and listen to Alexandra Burke’s heartfelt and triumphant rendition of  “Hallelujah”…One of the extraordinary things about her story is that she was written off 3 years ago and embodies the “never give up” frame of mind, so I couldn’t resist a peek at her chart.  I think this twist in her life is down to her natal Saturn-Uranus conjunction common to all those born in her year (1988).  We have all collectively been through the Grand Cross of last Friday, and conducting a straw poll, about 8 out of 10 of us did find it heavy going, but Alexandra is one of those who came through able to manifest her potential.  In fact the Grand Cross directly connected with her Mercury in Virgo, and I think it is her intelligence and focus which (from an astrological point of view) has brought her to this success.  Before perusing the week ahead, take a pause to sense what you learned from last week, especially Friday’s planetary shenanigans.  Don’t worry if, like me after my retreat, you are completely blank about the lessons, it’s the willingness to learn that counts.  For many, it all seems a bit overwhelming and bewildering, and almost impossible to make sense of the complexity, and rummaging in my postbag descriptions range from “purifying” to “twinkly” so that is roughly the range of experience.  What can we do?  Sometimes if there is not a lot you can do physically, accessing your own inner peace is a start.  Because from there, you will ensure that any actions you take will come from the vibration of harmlessness, and any thoughts you direct will assist care and protection, whether towards babies in a vulnerable setting, homeless on the streets, or the suffering in the third world (remember to get the cheques out too to back up your kind thoughts).  This leads directly but ramblingly to tomorrow’s (Monday 15th) square of Mars to Saturn, which takes place in the evening in the UK, but in the afternoon in the US.  Mars and Saturn together can result in harsh action, and this may be reflected in the headlines of the day, but in oneself it is a call to harmonize thought and be aware of our actions.  It’s a reminder that every thought and action has a consequence, and is about creating right action ( to some extent through awareness of its opposite).  So kindness is its antidote.  Hopefully these lessons will be learned because there is a very kind sextile the next day (Tuesday 16th) in the shape of Mars sextile Neptune, this being a very direct compassionate “Crisis at Christmas” type of intervention.  Action and compassion are working together in this aspect, and thoughts and prayers may see results, too.  Time to focus on the innocent babe, the struggle of the homeless, the unspeakable suffering in the third world, but with a little muscle and less defeatism.  The sextile though speaks of balance, and subtlety, and small victories will speak volumes.  This aspect will have to carry the week, as there are no major aspects for the rest of the week, but it’s a fitting one for the run up to Christmas.  So there I have to leave you…right on the brink of next Sunday’s Winter Solstice…like any soap opera.

Aspects for the week beginning 7 December 2008

Early in the hours of this morning, while you were sleeping, Mercury was sextile Neptune.  Hopefully you were given dream guidance, but even if you were not, your higher mind would have been communing with other planes of reality and gathering information for you to bring into consciousness to help you today or throughout this week.  Something today may remind you of a snatch of a dream you might have forgotten, or suddenly connect you with the symbolic signficance of something which has been puzzling you.  Today is the last day that Venus is in Capricorn and traditional loyalties such as care of the elderly need attention.  But late tonight (in terms of UK timing) Venus enters Aquarius, and social forces become more dynamic, networking is stimulated, and the Christmas social round gets into gear: drinks and nibbles with the neighbours etc.  The calendar for December becomes choc full.  Wednesday 10th at midday brings up a square of the Sun to Uranus, part of ongoing patterns created by the planets currently applying to the Uranus-Saturn opposition.  All part of the continued dismantling and rebuilding on this construction site which is our current reality.  Sun square Uranus is a disruptive element, a spanner in the works.  If you are earnestly constructing something (e.g. a relationship), leave a whole day to deal with this loophole or process its implications.  It’s the sort of day you wait all day for the gas man and then two arrive.  Catch up with yourself on Thursday (11th), do what you intended to do on Wednesday.  Friday (12th) on the other hand, seems exciting enough if that is what you want, but could also be chaotic.  The building site could become like Picadilly Circus.  First of all Mars squares Uranus, and you may want to do something one way, but someone else will want to do it another way, and the Universe may override you both.  Then Mercury leaves “always look on the bright side” Sagittarius and enters Capricorn, so you could get a handle mentally on what is really going on, even if you are not mastering the energetics of the situation.  The afternoon brings a Full Moon in Gemini, which is opposing the Sun and squaring the Saturn-Uranus opposition, showing up a Grand Cross.  Not for faint hearts, I feel.  But many Astrologers are looking at it more brightly, and a positive outlook is to be encouraged and fostered.  It will be a long day, Friday, for in the evening Mercury conjuncts Pluto, and you could probably write a book about what you have learned that day.  Certainly, there’ll’ve’been much food for thought.  The early hours of Saturday (13th), having been kept up all night with insomnia, brings Saturn square the Sun (tiredness and sluggishness).  Don’t plan a full programme for Saturday unless you can guarantee you will have the stamina for it without artificial stimulants.  You may want to sleepalot.  The main benificent aspect of the day (Sun sextile Neptune) favours a midday meditation or you may even feel like going back to bed in the afternoon for a siesta.  If you are committed to a social engagement, it could have a dreamlike quality about it: for instance you may be meeting with kindred spirits and slip into a world of your own.  Something creative could emerge from this meeting of minds, e.g. a script for a new play or musical, or an advance idea for next year’s panto.  Otherwise, it’s a good moment to put the Star or Angel on top of the Christmas tree and make a wish.  Focus on your highest aspirations for the planet now, while Neptune at the end of the week, as at the start of the week, is wielding its magic.

Aspects for the week beginning 30 November 2008

Of course the dust has not begun to settle on Pluto’s entry into Capricorn, but the aspects of ordinary life must go on…Venus trines Saturn today, which gives us a chance to re-establish relations, take stock of loyalties and also to look at our material values.  The love that underlies our soul connections (we are one) is more real than the divisions that separate, and that is something we can feel under this trine.  A note on trines: every time one comes up, and I say something nice about it, my Customer Service desk gets at least one query.  Almost always, someone pipes up that they didn’t get their money’s worth from it.  We are looking into ways to ensure heightened customer satisfaction, but aspects which occur in relation to your own personal birthchart will always take precedence over the aspects which apply to the general population, and may even counteract a trine.  Moving slowly on…there are two conjunctions applying this week, which we are working our way towards.  The first occurs tomorrow (Monday 1st December), and it’s that goodwill ambassador Venus conjunct Jupiter, which takes place at 22 degrees Capricorn.  This is the aspect under which celebrations, marriages and mergers take place.  A modest social gathering can also benefit from this aspect, but if you are breakfasting alone (in the UK) you may experience a heartswell of love for all humanity.  If elsewhere in the globe, it may be lunch or evening meal when this happens.  The goodness ripples out from this aspect, and peace and humanitarian efforts may therefore benefit.  Mantra for tomorrow: “Good will to all beings”.  If you are on your way to work, commuters turn out in full force, not one sickie among them, and nobody complaining of Monday morning blues.  Hopefully, that will set the tone for the week and the month, but by Friday sticking points emerge.  The international diplomacy may encounter hard lines, the loyalties of the beginning of the week will start to show cracks.  Do all you can to move harmonic processes along early in the week, but be aware of any developing fault lines of resentment.  Remember the motto, and add “Love conquers all” and “Everything is occurring in accordance with Divine Will”.  Friday (5th) brings first of all a square between Mercury and Uranus: the first thing you need to do is to establish a common language, because otherwise misunderstandings will follow upon misunderstandings.  If you are working abroad for instance, then make sure you have the basics of the local lingo, and speak simply and clearly.  Travel could be disrupted, e.g. you may misread the time table or receive conflicting travel information – check them out.  The evening (UK time) could bring inflamed passions with Sun conjunct Mars (13 degrees Sagittarius).  After your morning journey, you would be advised to meditate before the evening’s exertions.  Someone may get overheated, and it may even affect their health, and hopefully it’s not you.  So you need to have an air of cool calm collectedness in order to assist the atmosphere and avert a crisis.  Remember you read this.  It’s no good coming to my Customer Service desk, and complaining, and then I will ask you if you meditated, if you didn’t.  Saturday (6th) could be under a bit of a cloud (possibly from the previous evening’s storm), and again if you are travelling there may be problems, but not so much disruption as delay, with Mercury square Saturn.  That aspect occurs in the evening in the UK, so if you are returning home after a jaunt of Christmas shopping in the City, allow plenty of time if you want to get back in time to see your favourite reality TV show, or to switch it off if you are one of those who avoid them.