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Entries Tagged as 'Astrology'

Aspects for the week beginning 16 January 2011

People come to this blog in all sorts of weathers and moods.  If it is raining and I am talking sunshine, that can grate.  If you are up and there’s a deflating aspect, you could resent reading it.  The weather forecasters have told us to expect rain, and it is a sunny morning…Predictions interact with […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 2 January 2011

“So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun” ~ John Lennon and Yoko Ono Some have a “to do” list for the New Year, but I am resolved to have a “what not to have to do” list and simplify my life and doings.  Last […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 19 December 2010

Once again Julian Assange headlines on this blog it seems.  But Astrologer Dharmaruci of Astrotabletalk in “Wikileaks and Uranus-Pluto: America’s New Public Enemy No. 1”  on December 10th http://astrotabletalk.blogspot.com/2010/12/wikileaks-and-uranus-pluto-americas-new.html has taken the thoughts directly from my head on the matter.  What I find interesting is that Julian Assange is manifesting or acting as an agent […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 12 December 2010

For Astrologers there is a sequel to last week’s story on Julian Assange in that a birth time has been obtained, though not definitive.  If true, it puts the Nodal Axis in square to the Ascendant/Descendant axis in his natal chart, which is karmically provocative – sounds true.  Watch this space for any further updates […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 5 December 2010

“Whatever is born or done at this particular moment of time has the quality of this moment of time” ~ Carl Jung With a New Moon in Sagittarius today, we may adopt a new philosophical outlook for the day, the week, the month or the year.  Where will we find the inspiration, is the question.  […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 28 November 2010

Mercury squares Uranus today and it’s a day for battling out mental ideas.  As many of the aspect dates this week are out of kilter with those in the U.S., I will try to provide both dates in today’s blog.  Accordingly, this aspect took place yesterday in the U.S.  Paul Harris in The Observer today […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 21 November 2010

We are in the throes of the Pleiadian Full Moon at the end of Taurus today, the Sun is also at the end of Scorpio, and it may seem like the end of a cycle.  You may be able to make sense of a cycle which started a month ago, or two weeks ago.  It […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspect for the week beginning 7 November 2010 – Mercury trine Uranus

The energies of this week are all set up by the planets at the beginning of the week and especially the opportunity for the expansion of consciousness brought about by today’s trine between Mercury and Uranus, so that we are then left to enjoy, or work with them.  As the beginning of next week (Monday […]

Categories: Aspects · Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 31 October 2010

Today’s aspect Venus sextile Pluto is well-matched for Halloween events.  If you found last Tuesday’s Sun sextile Pluto constructive and meaningful, today’s aspect is like a different tone of the same colour.  Whereas Sun sextile Pluto was balancing life and death, today’s aspect balances love and death.  Our dinner party conversation last night was about […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 10 October 2010

This week is a creative space, and could be anything you make of it…There are no major aspects (I considered having the week off) and you may fall into a natural rhythm.   Meditations this week may be very spacey, light-filled but non-specific in their messages.  Today is Sun Day, for the number 10 is the […]

Categories: Astrology